When to ferment cabbage in the year. When sauerkraut is fermented for the winter according to the lunar calendar

Sagittarius 9 zodiac sign. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. The sun enters zodiac sign sagittarius November 22. Date (s) of the beginning and end of the Sagittarius sign 22.11 - 22.12. A distinctive characteristic of people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the focus on the future. When a Sagittarius starts a business, then it is important for him to see the prospects for development, and if they are not there, then Sagittarius's enthusiasm will disappear.

Typical Sagittarius are usually dreamy people, they believe in the best and try not to dwell on their mistakes and failures. Having stumbled, the Sagittarius gets up and moves on to his distant dream. It is very important for a Sagittarius to have a goal, even if it is not completely realistic and difficult to achieve. Faith fuels Sagittarius' enthusiasm in any endeavor.

But the daydreaming and excessive optimism of Sagittarius sometimes let him down. All Sagittarius fantasies can remain at the level of plans, and Sagittarius himself will only dream of a distant wonderful future, that someday the right time will come and then he will make his dreams come true. But this time may never come if Sagittarius does not begin to act.

Sagittarius mutable sign of the zodiac, which means changeability and versatility. This characteristic gives people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius throwing from one target to another. Sagittarius often find it difficult to focus all their strength in just one direction. Well, if a Sagittarius can combine all his hobbies and skills in one business, then he will be able to achieve remarkable results over time.

It is very important for Sagittarius that his occupation does not contradict his beliefs and worldview. Otherwise, he will not succeed, tk. the inner attitude that he acts contrary to his conscience will not allow Sagittarius to move a step forward. Although this characteristic is inherent only in those Sagittarius who are at a high level of spiritual development.

Those Sagittarius who are ruled by low animal instincts in life can give others a lot of anxiety. Such Sagittarius will pass off the most delusional ideas as the ultimate truth, and convince everyone around that they are right. It is impossible to argue with these Sagittarius. "Low" Sagittarius do not hear what is contrary to their value system and condemn everything that goes beyond it. Sagittarius, who are at a low level of spiritual development, are capable of the most terrible things, but they always find an explanation and justification for this, referring to faith, religion, philosophy or some generally accepted moral principles.

Highly spiritual people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius strive for justice, and this applies not only to the people around them. Such a Sagittarius knows how to admit his mistakes and is always ready to ask for forgiveness if he was wrong. The main goal of the "high" Sagittarius is the knowledge of Divine truth and the desire in everyone to kindle a flame of faith and hope.

Mostly people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius good-natured, cheerful and simple, it is easy to negotiate with them and they are always ready to help. The only thing that pisses off this zodiac sign is any injustice. Although all typical Sagittarius have a love of truth, truth in our everyday life is often an abstract concept and everyone, as you know, has its own.

Sometimes, defending someone or their rights, a person of the zodiac sign Sagittarius can be rude and offend with his tactlessness. Sagittarius is open and speaks directly into the eyes, unpleasant things for the interlocutor. This is because Sagittarius rarely have cunning, do not know how to be hypocritical, and it is difficult for them to hide their true feelings. But seeing that he acted ugly, Sagittarius will immediately soften his tone and try to make amends. Therefore, it is impossible to take offense and be angry with Sagittarius for a long time.

But sometimes the excessive openness of Sagittarius harms him and those around him, turning into excessive frankness, and in some cases, obsession. Sagittarius can not spill other people's secrets out of malice, and here we can say about him “simplicity is worse than theft”.

In astrology sign Sagittarius symbolically rules the 9th house of the natal chart. The 9th house is responsible for spiritual development, education, training, worldview and travel. From here, the desire of Streltsov to expand their horizons becomes obvious. And here you can divide the people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius into two main groups.

The first group is Sagittarius, who expand their knowledge and skills, love to learn and read, learn everything new. These Sagittarius expand their horizons with the help of knowledge and spiritual searches, i.e. deep and up.

The second group of Sagittarius love travel, they are active, sociable, athletic and mobile, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. These Sagittarius expand their horizons in breadth, horizontally, i.e. with the help of new experiences, communication and travel.

The fire of Sagittarius is the weakest among the fire trigon in the zodiac. But still, we must not forget that the sign of Sagittarius is a representative of the fiery element. And this gives people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign certain ambitions, dedication, initiative and determination. Perhaps these characteristics are not as pronounced in Sagittarius as, for example, in Aries or in Leo, but they are still present in the character of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ready to promote his ideas and knows how to inspire others with his ventures. The fire element also gives Sagittarius a quick temper, but mental kindness and easygoingness allow him to quickly restore mutual understanding with others. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are rarely conflicted, they do not like to be in a state of enmity.

The difference between Sagittarius and Aries and Leo is that Sagittarius is not so tightly attached to his Ego, he knows how to look at himself as if from the outside and can also condemn himself, like any other person. And Aries and Leo are more selfish and do not perceive criticism at all. Sagittarius is a more flexible and compliant zodiac sign compared to Aries and Leo. If something does not work out for Sagittarius, he will not stubbornly insist on his own, Sagittarius will try to find other ways to solve the problem, he will not punch a wall with his forehead. Although there is a certain minus in this for Sagittarius - not wanting to make great efforts and striving to get everything the easy way, Sagittarius can let things go by themselves, which will negatively affect his life.

The will of Sagittarius cannot be called strong, but inexhaustible optimism, kindness and the ability to quickly get out of a state of stress help him out. A happy coincidence of circumstances is not such a rare thing in the life of Streltsov. Perhaps this was given to Sagittarius as a reward for their faith in the best, for their optimism, because as they say - "according to your faith, it will be given to you."

The ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius - Jupiter

Sagittarius owes its optimism, easy character, ability to forgive and not dwell on failures to its ruler - Jupiter. Jupiter symbolizes going beyond the personal "I" through the formation of their own system of values, learning, transfer of their knowledge and travel. Jupiter is also responsible for expansion and new opportunities, as a result of which Sagittarius maintain a clear mind and a desire to learn something new until old age.

The planet Jupiter in astrology is considered a great benefactor and Sagittarius is lucky in life. Jupiter as a Guardian Angel protects his charges even in the most difficult situations.

If Sagittarius is at a low level of spiritual development, then healthy optimism and an easy attitude to life will turn into recklessness, adventurism and into an unwise risk. Such a Sagittarius can simplify everything too much, it seems to him that what he wants can be obtained without difficulty, and he becomes a "burner" of life.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Professions most suitable for Sagittarius.

Typical Sagittarius rarely strive for leadership positions, because understand that power is a big responsibility. And the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius does not want to limit itself to the framework of the structure.

Sagittarius need to choose such professions that do not contradict their beliefs, give them the opportunity to develop and implement their ideas without strict control.

Sagittarius suits any job where there is an element of learning and freedom of action. Sagittarius's abilities can be in demand in science, philosophy, religion. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius can be found among employees of research institutes, university teachers and among people of creative professions.

Sagittarius work can include frequent travel, business trips, because Sagittarius has a restless nature. Typical Sagittarius do not tolerate routine, monotonous work can depress the Sagittarius and extinguish the spark of interest in the business. Sagittarius needs new experiences, communication and a change of scenery. And all this must be taken into account by a person of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, when choosing a profession.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius attitude to money.

Typical representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are not very practical and are rarely greedy. A Sagittarius can accumulate money if he has a specific goal. Sagittarius won't just save up for a rainy day.

For loved ones, Sagittarius spares no money and pleases his loved ones with generous gifts. In his environment, Sagittarius is also reputed to be a sympathetic person. He can not only lend, but also offer his help. Sagittarius' desire to help those in need unselfishly, without requiring payment for his services, makes him a real altruist. Sometimes the generosity of a Sagittarius can turn into extravagance.

A Sagittarius can become greedy only if someone is dishonest with him or cunningly tries to "extract" money from him. In this case, the Sagittarius from the principle will not want to help such a person anymore.

With low spiritual development, a person of the zodiac sign Sagittarius can take all the gifts that he receives for granted and does not feel the desire to make efforts to make money. With this approach to life, Sagittarius can squander even what does not belong to him.

What you need to learn about the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Sagittarius need to learn not to judge others, not to try to persuade everyone who meets them in life to their beliefs. You should not impose your worldview on all the people around you.

If a Sagittarius has understood something for himself, he, by all means, wants to transfer his knowledge, even if he is not asked about it. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius need to remember that "they are not dragged to heaven by force" and "advice is given only when asked."

Date of publication of the article " Characteristics of Sagittarius Zodiac Sign" 17.02.2013

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Compatibility horoscope: the period of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius for periods of birth from November 23 - December 21.

Zodiac signs.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

Lucky numbers: all numbers divisible by 3.

Sagittarius: time for success

Days of the week: Thursday.

Months: late March - early April, late July - early August, winter.

Years: 2015, 2022, 2029, 2036, 2043, 2050.

Sagittarius: unlucky periods

Days of the week: Wednesday, Saturday.

Months: end of February - beginning of March, end of May - beginning of June, month before birthday.

Years: 2012, 2019, 2026, 2033, 2040, 2047.

Sagittarius: significant years of life

24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 68, 80.

Sagittarius: talismans, power items

Metal horseshoe. Hang it on your front door or on your room door from the inside, ends up.

Lucky colors: blue, light blue, purple, crimson.

Flowers: lily, mallow, clover, rose, carnation, daffodil, cornflower.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius by period of birth.

Sagittarius is the second double sign. His duality is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, he is very developed, and on the other, he is primitive. The first type of Sagittarius is a type of scientist, politician, thinker, and the second is a sailor, soldier, adventurer, vagabond. But both of them are distinguished by great vitality, courage, mobility and love of adventure.

Sagittarius are very sociable and friendly, sincere in relationships with others. You cannot be angry or offended at them, as they are very good-natured, completely devoid of bad intentions. They may behave tactlessly, but this is due to bad manners, not malicious intent. In fact, they have a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of wit, intelligence and determination makes them winners.

Streltsov has a fantastic memory. They remember dates, names, various little things well, but they may well forget where they left their jacket. They are constantly losing things. Deception is alien to them, they are sincere and serious, like children.

Their irrepressible energy finds a way out in love for animals, sports, speed. Sagittarius is attracted to danger. They love physical and emotional risk.

As a sign of Fire, Sagittarius is chatty and extravagant. He is always happy and cheerful. By nature, Sagittarius is a fighter, he can perfectly defend himself, he never avoids a fight and does not call for help.

Sagittarius is an incorrigible optimist who always believes that tomorrow will be better than today.

The disadvantages of Sagittarius include their tendency to gluttony and alcoholism. But whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

Sagittarius zodiac sign by period of birth

Mercury had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are passionate, courageous, unaffected by other people's influence, independent individuals with an unshakable character. They are interested in hunting and love to play sports.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 36, 40.

The Moon had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They have developed creative thinking, adore wanderings and adventures, are a lot for inventions, are unstable, there is a frequent change of state of mind.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Saturn had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are tenacious, have an impressionable and sentimental nature, adore comfort and splendor, addicted to fine food, which they prefer to eat in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Zodiac signs.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

Meaning of the name: Centaur, symbolizes a combination of spirituality and conservatism

Happy Color: Purple, Red, Pink

Happy day: Thursday

Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 21, 30

Corresponding Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat

Ruled by the planet Jupiter, beneficial in every way, Sagittarius has a natural abundance of adventure in love and life, which probably makes them one of the most optimistic of all the signs of the zodiac. Like their astrological symbol - Sagittarius - people born during this period are known for focusing their gaze on everything that, in their opinion, is attractive or just a necessary attribute of life - a loved one, an interesting job, a luxurious vacation, beautiful real estate. - everything that Sagittarius needs sooner or later ends up in their hands.

Sagittarius believe that nothing is impossible for a person, you just need to make a little effort towards the desired goal, for the most part because of this belief, many of these people become real experts in the search for happiness, they know how to be born in a shirt and how to catch the bird of luck by the tail. Quite often, relatives and people around them, at times try to moderate the ardor of Sagittarius, try to explain that there are other values ​​in life besides adventure.

The results of such events, quite upset their loved ones, Sagittarius is a freedom-loving creature that cannot be trained, to curb it, it's like sticking fruit jelly to the wall with scotch tape. The freedom-loving, optimistic and honest Sagittarius, ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of abundance and knowledge, has an innate need to develop his own unique philosophy of life.

Of course, all ages are submissive to love, as are all representatives of the zodiacal circle. Once Sagittarius find a partner who approves of their need for travel, understands the need to maintain their own meaning in life, independence and individuality, Sagittarius can become the kindest, most generous and loving partner.

Sagittarius zodiac sign character

The main feature that determines the behavior of those born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius is their desire to know the world around them and find their place in it. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign strive for personal growth, learning new things. They are assertive, sociable and open to others. Since childhood, Sagittarius are excellent at establishing contacts, easily converging with people and learning from them with pleasure. Therefore, it is especially important that in childhood Sagittarius is surrounded by people who are able to set a positive example.

Usually Sagittarius is extremely charming, and this may not be related to appearance. Even with an unremarkable appearance, those born under the sign of Sagittarius can profitably present themselves and charm any person, which is often used for personal purposes.

Whatever happens in the life of a Sagittarius, he maintains an optimistic outlook on things. The ability to enjoy life helps not only themselves, but also those around them: Sagittarius are always ready to provide all possible help, even to casual acquaintances, thanks to which they easily achieve favor and win the glory of kind-hearted people.

Despite this, when needed, Sagittarius can be tough and persevere in pursuing their goals. In addition to personal qualities, luck helps them in this: Fortune loves the representatives of this sign and often turns to face them. Like arrows released, Sagittarius always strive forward to the intended goal, and as soon as they reach it, they strive to set a new one. Delay is unbearable for them, as well as inaction, even if forced.

Sagittarius are intolerant of traditions and foundations, especially if it interferes with the achievement of their goals. Because of this, they often come into conflict with conservative people. But Sagittarius will easily lead a team of like-minded people to victory thanks to the ability to inspire people and infect them with their ideas.

Strengths of Sagittarius

Personal qualities such as self-confidence, dedication and optimism help Sagittarius to achieve considerable success in life, especially if people gather around them who are able to support and share their ideas.

Also, the strengths of those born under the sign of Sagittarius are freedom of views, well-developed intuition and the ability to choose the most advantageous from several options. Sagittarius have strategic thinking, know how to plan and monitor the implementation of their plans.

Sagittarius weaknesses

Sometimes Sagittarius, striving to implement their projects, are ready to sacrifice everything. The goal for them justifies any means, sometimes they do not shun manipulation and hypocrisy. The ability to lead a team develops a heightened sense of self-importance in Sagittarius, and in this case they do not hesitate to walk over their heads.

Sagittarius need to feel needed and lead, so their relationships with competitors are tense. In the event of a conflict of interest, finding a compromise can be a waste of time: Sagittarians are principled, stubborn and intolerant.

Sagittarius Compatibility


Sagittarius zodiac sign. Sagittarius horoscopes

Zodiac sign Sagittarius - dates from November 21 to December 21

Sagittarius is generally a flash, a symbol of restlessness and impermanence, change and travel. The sign is sweeping, but superficial. All these features of its energy determine the manifestation of the energy of any planet passing through this sign.

  • Sagittarius symbol: arrow fired from a bow.
  • Sagittarius Release: Fire.
  • Sagittarius Temperament: choleric.
  • Season: autumn
  • Planet ruler Sagittarius: Jupiter, Neptune.
  • Exile: Mercury.
  • Exaltation: Chiron.
  • The fall: -.
  • Key values: philosophy, wisdom, search, travel, knowledge, expansion, scope.
  • Anatomical compliance: liver. Pelvic bones, pelvic organs. The circulatory system, blood composition, chemical reactions in the blood. Hips.
  • Sagittarius Traits: energy, activity, cheerfulness and vitality (vitality), generosity, scope, instability, inconstancy, lack of stability, lack of precision and concreteness.
  • Situations: travel, travel, education, teaching, risk-taking, adventurism, adventure, philosophizing, observing the starry sky, religious teachings and rituals, in general, all matters related to religion, up to religious fanaticism.
  • Food: lamb, pork, beef. Butter, cheese, milk. Pine nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds. Vegetables: carrots, beets, Jerusalem artichoke. Herbs: parsley, dill, basil.

Sagittarius is a restless and changeable fire sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius is an unstable and fickle sign, warm and dry. Any planet (as well as the Sun and the Moon) falling into the sign of Sagittarius shows the features and qualities of its nature superficially and in flashes (moments). Character traits corresponding to the nature of the planet, which is in the horoscope of birth in the sign of Sagittarius, are shallow and superficial. They will manifest themselves as periods of outbreaks, but on a grand scale. That is, at some point in life, a person may not feel the energy of a given planet at all, then (usually during the period of its transits or projection of natal or solar arcs with its participation, or with actual configurations), it begins to make itself felt with the desire to “catch up ”When a person begins to express her energy too actively.

But it must be borne in mind that this expression of energy will not last long: Sagittarius is a fickle sign. And when expressing energy, a person tends to miss important details - the energy of Sagittarius predetermines superficiality.

So, Mercury in Sagittarius (in exile) means for the born that "his tongue is his worst enemy!" Because of his talkativeness and thoughtlessness, boasting, vanity and superficiality, he will harm himself with enviable constancy: he will blab out information that will later be used against him by ill-wishers or competitors, and risks making enemies for himself.

Mars in Sagittarius signifies interest and desire for travel and travel. Great desire to see other countries. There is also an interest and desire to drive a vehicle. Usually Sagittarius even tend to choose a profession related to technique and movement.

Jupiter in Sagittarius gives good luck, and Saturn in Sagittarius directs a person to search for truth, spiritual development, wandering and vagrancy. The projections of the destructive directions of the planets from the sign of Sagittarius (that is, their quadrature and opposition to the cusps of houses) cause changes of the type “change of awl for soap”, that is, when initially in this area of ​​life not everything was smooth, but then under the influence of this direction the situation changed ... However, as it soon turns out, although it has changed, it is only the circumstances themselves, the participants that have changed - and the essence still remains the same.

For example, a change of place of work will bring new problems to replace the old ones: the original problem was solved, but new ones appeared. Or conflict and discord are ripe in family life; the projection of a destructive direction to the cusp of the 5th or 7th house at its very beginning of the projection allows you to get rid of a problematic relationship. It marks the beginning of a new love, a love relationship with an interesting beginning, but with a quick and unhappy end (by the time the projection ends or shortly thereafter). In fact, one unhappy marriage was replaced by another equally unsuccessful one, only with different problems. Here it is generally recommended to think about whether something needs to be changed?

Destructive direction of the planets from Sagittarius means "stepping on the same rake." The event caused by the projection of the harmonious direction of the planet from the sign of Sagittarius manifests itself as the possibility of choice in anything. This period will be marked by prospects, growth, expansion, increase in something.

Harmonious transits of planets from the sign or to the planets in the sign of Sagittarius is the time for successful decision-making. As well as the days of projections of natal and solar arcs of auspicious planets. Malicious planet arc projections warn of errors.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

Sagittarius (23.11-22.12) - SIGN OF THE ZODIAC


Sagittarians are very outgoing and friendly people who are very forthright in their dealings with others. There is no point in being angry or offended at them, because they have no anger, their shocking remarks are delivered with complete innocence, and the fact that they can offend a person does not reach them. Don't judge them harshly, they have no bad intentions. Under their tactless manners, there is a very clever head and lofty principles. Their unique combination of witty intelligence and determination brings them into the circle of winners.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people. They constantly say: "I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings." They do everything sincerely, falsehood and deception are alien to them. They are as sincere and serious as 6 year olds. They are very mobile, love animals, speed, sports.

The typical Sagittarius is attracted to danger, and they love physical and emotional risk. Few people can resist Sagittarius for a long time. there is no malice in his behavior. This is a sign of fire, which is why they are chatty and extravagant. At heart they are spenders. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. But their mood can change if they are surrounded by people who abuse their friendliness or become too familiar with them. They may also resent the exercise of power over themselves. They do not avoid fighting and do not call for help. All Sagittarius can defend themselves perfectly. They absolutely cannot stand it when they are accused of dishonesty. After the skirmish, they feel remorse and will try to mend their relationship. Sagittarians are avid travelers. There is always something childish in them, they do not want to see seriousness in life, although many of them can show a great sense of responsibility. But Sagittarius do not like to be responsible, they try to avoid it.

The most sensitive sites for disease are the lungs, liver, arms and legs. Their great love of sports can lead to injuries, but Sagittarius usually do not stay in the hospital for long. They hardly give up illness and recover quickly.

In general, life rarely conquers these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday. Every Sagittarius is a gambler. They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down, mainly when a woman uses the word marriage. They think over the decision to marry for a very long time and cannot make up their minds, it is difficult to "catch" them.

Among the most unpleasant traits of a Sagittarius is the tendency to drink and eat a lot, which can lead to alcoholism. Their mental brilliance can turn into sarcasm or eccentricity, as well as an inability to keep secrets. But a Sagittarius can easily get out of any situation. Many Sagittarius men can lend you money without even asking why you need it. And a Sagittarius woman can adopt an orphan or warm up a lost animal.

Sagittarius has a fantastic memory, they can remember dates well, various little things, but they may well forget where they left their coat. They are constantly losing their belongings.

Whatever the Sagittarius may be, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

If Sagittarius is aiming at something, then he shoots higher than other people can see, past the stars, to where all dreams are born.



I don't want to disappoint you, but Sagittarius can have a lot of oddities. It is he who can jump on a horse and rush through the city, defending some cause. Or he may suddenly have a desire to mingle with the clowns in the circus.

It can be won by certain efforts and manners. First of all, he must be forced to dismount from his horse and taken away from the circus crowd. All that he stands for leaves him little time for family life. Sagittarius' unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity are infectious. Sometimes he can overstep the boundaries in various of his affairs. You may feel thrown into the air and not caught back: he just forgot to do it. This person is almost always surrounded by a crowd.

And one more obstacle for you. You will always have to push them apart to get closer to him. But don't be pessimistic, because this person is a huge optimist. He is so optimistic that he may not take offense at insulting enemies. This kind of optimism can be dangerous because this word can be synonymous with blind faith. Blind faith is good, but he trusts with such naivety that very often he gets into a puddle. It is very easy to fall into a puddle when you are in a hurry and run all the time, looking at the sky in search of such a lofty goal, which should be aimed at by those who have the courage. But in the strict sense of the word, Sagittarius is not a dreamer. His dreams are always accompanied by logic and curiosity. In Sagittarius, they are perhaps somewhat impractical, somewhat unbridled. As soon as he feels that there is some opportunity to achieve the goal, he gives this goal all the bright colors that his imagination is only capable of. But there are always people who do not approve of progressive ideas and try to trample them down before they justify themselves.

His imagination can give him a lot of trouble, but fate always helps him in time. He is so lucky that it even seems unfair. And, naturally, with such luck, he quickly comes to his senses after the blows of fate, if they do happen. This also applies to love. He does not like dishonesty and that is why he is surrounded by many friends and well-wishers. He is always looking for true value in a person. This is not to say that he has no enemies at all, but there are much fewer of them than other signs. People who have listened to his comments may be offended, but as a rule, they quickly move away, because understand that his intentions are good-natured.

Sagittarius's sin is his tactlessness and inattention, but never deliberate cruelty. His speech is as direct as a symbolic arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if you are in love with him, he can pretend not to understand it. But you may be offended by the behavior of a Sagittarius when he sees you for the first time, looks at you frankly and says that you are the kind of woman who can be easily chosen as a mistress. And when you are ready to grapple with him, he has an innocent expression on his face and he explains to you what he means by saying this. He will say that in the Middle Ages they married a woman who was close in origin, while the wife could turn out to be ugly, so men always chose only very beautiful women as their mistresses. Hearing this, you will feel that this is a kind of compliment to your beauty and will not be offended. Sagittarius will impress you. What other man would take the time to study history?

You may decide that you will become the wife of an intellectual. But here you will make a mistake, you may be the lover of an intellectual, perhaps you will not immediately understand it. He is moving forward quickly, and you will become a fallen woman. Of course, not every woman will accept such an explanation, but they may well remain friends. All of this should give you an idea of ​​what danger you might be in with a Sagittarius. His naive grin makes him completely different from a wolf. Sagittarius has a very superficial love life, but at the same time he is very honest. After all, he did not tell you that you are suitable for his wife. He said "mistresses". He needs an easy relationship. Let's get back to his honesty. If you already know how often vows of love turn out to be false, then you may like the frankness of Sagittarius. You won't even mind his stories about former lovers. He will never marry, hiding true feelings from you. Sometimes, of course, it happens that he is forced to marry. But in such cases, the offer usually comes from the girl. In this case, he will do everything to avoid this marriage. If she manages to catch him in time, he may decide that by being suitable for him in something, she may be suitable for the rest. He's getting married. And thus, we can assume that another divorce will soon be brewing.

Women often misunderstand the attitude of the Sagittarius man towards them. They think their relationship is more serious than it really is. They hope that he needs strong connections, while he only wants an easy relationship, maybe even a platonic one. His luck usually helps him get out of predicaments. It cannot be denied that he loves to flirt, but he needs more than sex. He needs variety. If he sees that a woman begins to become attached to him, he can turn everything into a joke.

Most Sagittarius are accused of looking at any pretty woman. These accusations annoy Sagittarius, because he thinks that he is just being friendly to everyone. If your head isn't just meant to be worn with curlers, don't be jealous and suspicious. Give him freedom if you want to keep him near you. Do not ask him unnecessary questions, do not scare him that you will leave him. Imagine what a relief it will be for him. If you accept life as he does, then you can expect to become his wife. If you are honest with each other, then flying kite flying together is very interesting. And why think what will happen to them when they fall to the ground.

No, you have to give this man, whatever he wants, be who he wants you to be. Let him guide your energy, love sports, go hiking with him. Be generous, kind, do not make him scandals every night, but also let him know that he cannot completely dispose of you, that you are also a free spirit. Do not interfere with his implementation of his ideas. Do something else while he launches his arrows into invisible distances. And perhaps then he will tell you one evening that you have almost everything that he would like to see in a woman. And since he has come to this, tell him also frankly that he is also suitable for you and that it is time to decide something. Note at the same time that you love him so much that you consider it possible to marry him, provided that he does not prevent you from enjoying a certain freedom. And also tell me that you are very curious about what will happen when the children appear.

After you get married, you will see that you will not have any trouble with his relatives. Sagittarians are surprisingly indifferent to family relationships. And they don't accept the theory that you need to love your relatives, even if they don't deserve to be loved. Keep your suitcase ready at all times. you will have to travel a lot with it. Find yourself all sorts of things to do and give him the opportunity to be free. If you hold him down, he can break down the door. When he does something wrong, he will always tell you about it. Practice listening to his frankness and persuading yourself that he still loves you, instead of listening to rumors. Be as practical as he is to human emotions. And you will be surprised how strong love can be when it grows on honest soil.

Since he loves sports, it is possible that you will watch sports on television together. He can introduce you to society if you are charming enough and love people. He will be proud of your talents, so try to have them. Read on, be prepared to defend his cause. He can be somewhat extravagant. Sagittarians love to take risks. But that makes him generous about your spending. You can hear from him criticism, sometimes painful and tactless. You have to get used to it. He loves children more when they have grown up. He goes on hikes with them, goes in for sports with them. He is closer to boys, but gentle with girls. He is more of a friend to the children than a father.

Sagittarius thinks with both mind and heart. And that is not always why he will act wisely. He stumbles and falls, gets up and tries to start over. But you will forgive him almost everything, because he gave you a great gift - honest love.



The Sagittarius woman doesn't always say what you want to hear. More often than not, she will amaze you with her outspoken statements or embarrassing questions. Although from time to time she can say something wonderful, which makes you want to sing. A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually entangles your heart so only with her inherent charm that you will have nowhere to go. She is always somewhat straightforward, because the world sees as it is. And, it must be admitted, talent.

Few people know how to apply reasonable logic to any situation and still retain the happy ability to believe in the best. She will never lie to you. Sometimes you might even want her to lie. Be curious about how she spends her time when you are not dating. And you get an honest report on how many dates she put off on the phone, then she can tell you that she thought about your relationship and decided that between you only friendship, not love. You don't want to hear such confessions. But don't shout too loud, you will hurt her and she may explode. Perhaps she will live alone.

The Sagittarius woman is very independent. Both sexes of this sign have alienation from family ties. Maybe this is because she really loves to travel. She is in constant motion. Immediately you need to remember: when you want something from her, you can ask, but not demand. She believes that the techniques of the caveman are not suitable for her. She likes to be protected, but cannot stand being ordered. Even a mother cannot always get something from her, and even more so you. However, there is an oddity in her - although she does not like to be commanded, especially in public, you must always be firm in everything, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

If she gets too loose, offending you, treat her like Tarzan for a minute, just to put her in her place. Show yourself sternly when you pull it down. The Sagittarius woman is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved. But she is pleased to know that you treat her like a woman. Many of them confuse friendship with love. There is no obedience in her. This woman behaves quite frankly with men and does not play flirtatiousness. She speaks and acts exactly as she feels. Her overly frankness naturally causes the wrong opinion about her, not to mention the fact that it just hurts you. This is a very strong-willed woman. Her pride comes to the surface and helps her out of crisis situations, allowing her to treat her heart experiences as a joke. Inside, she may sob, parting with you. But she will put all her mind and strength, announcing to friends that her romance with you was just flirting. Few people would think how many tears she cried into the pillow, wondering what she could have done that led to the breakup.

All Sagittarians get angry when they question their honesty. Few men take her excessive honesty correctly. She flirts openly with no intention of making it into a romance. Because of this, she gains a reputation as a cold, heartless woman. In fact, she may even remain an old maid, but at the same time she will not be malicious and mischievous, she will play with life and have fun. She will have many interests to replace the man with. Of course, you are planning to make her your wife. She is somewhat prejudiced about losing her freedom. You will have to use a lot of baits to get it. She has no conventions in relationships with men, because she considers herself equal to a man, she can copy their manners, wear their sweaters, she loves sports just like men. Although by nature she is feminine.

Since she is very honest, she can be somewhat lighthearted about her reputation, as well as what society thinks of her. Usually she is surrounded by many men. She knows that her reputation is impeccable, and that is the only thing that matters to her. Naturally, she is wrong here. What other people think is very important to a woman's reputation. But try to understand it. If she laughs at a frivolous joke, it means that she did not understand the subtext. Subtext and double play are often not clear to Sagittarius.

The basic truth is that she is by nature a gullible child. And her views are so naive that they make her vulnerable to the seducer. Forget her cleverness and amazing consistency. It has nothing to do with her heart. She is very smart and can stand up for herself in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless, it often breaks. She's also a little awkward. You can watch her walk gracefully down the street until she stumbles over the sidewalk and starts clumsily grabbing at the kiosk to stay on her feet while flipping a couple of boxes. But her friendliness saves the day. She may sometimes remind you of a clumsy puppy. The typical Sagittarius has a great appetite. He loves good food, wine, clothing, first class travel. She usually wastes money. She is not interested in money for money's sake. Think carefully before lending her money.

The Sagittarius woman can perform in the show, because she likes the ramp lights. Don't expect her to give up her career for you. Never force her to choose between you and the audience. After a while, she will get tired of the audience's flattery and artificial light, and she will return home to feel something real, and it can be you. She needs a person who will say that honesty is beauty and deception is disgrace. If she gives up her career, this does not mean that her wings are denied to her, she has them from birth. The suitcase will always be with her. Take her on vacation or let her go, trust her. She loves you, not those with whom she spends time. Due to her somewhat indifferent attitude towards love and shyness before marriage, you may think that she lacks sensitivity.

You are mistaken, she may sob when she watches sad films, reads poetry, perhaps she kept your first note. As for her talent as a hostess, here take courage and patience. She is tired of the need to constantly dust off, put things in order, and make beds. She just hates it. But when she starts her house, maybe she will pull herself together. Although she prefers to have a rented house. a worker. If this is not possible, she will make efforts to keep the house in order. Her mother would have a hard time believing it. Pride makes a Sagittarius do the necessary things around the house. First, it must be surrounded by beauty and purity. And then, she realizes that if she doesn't, no one will do it for her. It's also hard to say anything about her cooking. If she cooks all week, you can hardly expect a sumptuous lunch on the weekend. You have to go to a restaurant. Most Sagittarius women have little desire to cook.

Her own bad mood can be dire, but fortunately, it is rare. When she is truly hurt, she becomes sarcastic, but may forget what she said before she finishes her sentence. And she does not understand why you were offended at the same time. She will not get along with the melancholic. She physically cannot stand gloom and pessimism. Children might adore her. She will receive guests well, no one can entertain as grandly as she, not even the Lioness. Her friendliness makes people feel welcomed, and she can easily resolve conflicts. As long as you lay claim to her soul, let her feel free, you will receive triple income from her: loyalty, trust, love. All three of these things are inseparable for her. Because by giving her love, she is giving away her friendship.

The Sagittarius woman is simply an incredible idealist. And here's a secret that she may never have revealed to you, she fell in love with you when she was still a little girl and made a wish on a shooting star so that she would have a person with an honest heart in her life. When you finally showed up, she immediately recognized you.

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The magic of numbers, not yet fully understood, enveloped human life in dense networks. So, everyone knows for himself which number is happy for him, which, on the contrary, brings trouble. Let's take a look at the lucky numbers for Sagittarius and what kind of energy they carry.

Sagittarius lucky numbers

In ancient times, great importance was attached to numbers. They were symbols, they were used in occult rituals and were taken into account when setting dates for important events. Each of the signs of the zodiac also has its own number, which is lucky for him.

At the same time, each person has their own favorite numbers, which are often lucky for them. Often these numbers are directly related to the sign under which a person was born.

It is generally accepted that the lucky numbers for Sagittarius are 3 (and all numbers that are divisible by 3), 4 and 9. Accordingly, the auspicious day of Sagittarius is the fourth day of the week, that is, Thursday, but Wednesday, for some reason, on the contrary, promises Sagittarius is in trouble.

By the way, some astrologers even allocate lucky numbers in the lottery for a particular zodiac sign. So, for Sagittarius it is 8, 13, 18 and their combinations. Why not try your luck? Zodiac sign Sagittarius, whose numbers promise only good luck.

Numbers play an important role in the life of every person, regardless of zodiac sign, skin color or religion. The main thing is not to anger fate and at the right time trust your intuition and signs - be it lottery numbers or a good day of the week.

Number 7

For example, most Sagittarius consider the number 7 to be their lucky number. This number is the personification of the mysterious forces of nature and manifests itself in various aspects of life - who does not know about the seven colors of the rainbow, seven days of the week, or the seven wonders of the world?

In astrology, the planet Neptune corresponds to the seven, which is the night ruler of Sagittarius. Hence, by the way, Streltsov's interests in everything mysterious. In addition, seven is the magic number of luck and luck.

Number 3

The second most popular number among Sagittarius is the number 3. Three is a symbol of the Divine Trinity, in addition, it embodies the unity of soul, spirit and body. In addition, the triple is often considered a symbol of the triune pagan goddess, who can take the form of a young girl, a mother woman, and an old woman.

In astrology, this number corresponds to the planet Sagittarius - Jupiter, therefore the three is a lucky number for everyone who was born under this sign. The number 3 is the personification of optimism, imagination, expression and creativity.

Another mystical number is nine. It symbolizes cyclicality. The nine contains more strength and energy. In astrology, this number corresponds to Mars, the planet of Aries - a brother of Sagittarius in the element of fire.

In addition, Sagittarius is the ninth constellation in the zodiacal cycle, which the Sun passes through, making its annual journey.

Number 4

Another lucky number for Sagittarius is the number 4. Four is the number of the earth and at the same time is the most stable number. Astrological tradition asserts that in the world materially the four is based on the primary elements of the elements - fire, water, air and earth. In addition, this number symbolizes the four seasons and the four cardinal points.

Important dates for Sagittarius

Modern astrologers have even developed a system of important dates that will definitely leave a mark on the life of a particular person. It is important for everyone to be vigilant at a certain point in their life, and then all troubles will pass by. So, let's talk about Sagittarius.

Sagittarius, who were born from November 23 to December 2, under the influence of Mercury, are brave, independent, sensual, with a strong character, are fond of sports, and reckless. The important years for these shooters are 36 and 40 years. You should pay special attention to them and try to make every effort so that these dates leave only positive emotions in your memories.

Centaurs born from December 3 to December 12, Sagittarius have imagination and fantasy, they love to travel to exotic countries, are windy. Important years for representatives of this "subgroup" of Streltsov: from 15, 30, 40, 45 and ending 60 years.

Born from December 13 to December 21, under the influence of Saturn, natures become sensitive, persistent, loving luxury, gourmets. For such exquisite Sagittarius important dates: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75 years. The main thing at this age is not to give up in front of difficulties and always be optimistic, because this is a guarantee of good luck and prosperity.

Sagittarius is the second double sign. His duality is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, he is very developed, and on the other, he is primitive. The first type of Sagittarius is a type of scientist, politician, thinker, and the second is a sailor, soldier, adventurer, vagabond. But both of them are distinguished by great vitality, courage, mobility and love of adventure.

Sagittarius are very sociable and friendly, sincere in relationships with others. You cannot be angry or offended at them, as they are very good-natured, completely devoid of bad intentions. They may behave tactlessly, but this is due to bad manners, not malicious intent. In fact, they have a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of wit, intelligence and determination makes them winners.

Streltsov has a fantastic memory. They remember dates, names, various little things well, but they may well forget where they left their jacket. They are constantly losing things. Deception is alien to them, they are sincere and serious, like children.
Their irrepressible energy finds a way out in love for animals, sports, speed. Sagittarius is attracted to danger. They love physical and emotional risk.
As a sign of Fire, Sagittarius is chatty and extravagant. He is always happy and cheerful. By nature, Sagittarius is a fighter, he can perfectly defend himself, he never avoids a fight and does not call for help.

Sagittarius is an incorrigible optimist who always believes that tomorrow will be better than today.
The disadvantages of Sagittarius include their tendency to gluttony and alcoholism. But whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius is the month of birth from November 23 - December 21.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, born from November 23 to December 2.
Mercury had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are passionate, courageous, unaffected by other people's influence, independent individuals with an unshakable character. They are interested in hunting and love to play sports.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 36, 40.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, born from December 3 to December 12.
The Moon had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They have developed creative thinking, adore wanderings and adventures, are a lot for inventions, are unstable, there is a frequent change of state of mind.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, born from December 13 to December 21.
Saturn had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are tenacious, have an impressionable and sentimental nature, adore comfort and splendor, addicted to fine food, which they prefer to eat in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.