A recipe for a miracle in the water with potatoes. Miracle with meat and potatoes

03.08.2019 Snacks

A friend calls me the other day and almost shouts: "Ahhh, I urgently need a miracle with meat and potatoes, a recipe with a photo! Urgent!" In general, you understand, a good friend, and in general people need help - I had to do it. Urgently. I must say, before the friend’s call, I only knew that the miracle was such pies with very different fillings and that they were being prepared somewhere in the Caucasus region. She understood a little that they could be fried in a dry pan or baked in a hot oven. I had to figure it out - and you know, as it turned out, even the knowledge that was there was almost enough. Like many folk recipes, a miracle with meat and potatoes can be prepared in dozens of different options, one way or another, from this dough and the other, flat and thick, round and oval, large and small. In general, as you like - and still it will be a Dargin miracle that is being prepared in Dagestan. Well, in general, for my girlfriend and those who are suddenly interested -. I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, I simply affirm and prove with pictures and personal experience that everything can be so too. If you have your own version, we ask you to show your favor, show us, we will be glad to constructive comments.

Miracle - a national dish of the peoples of Dagestan (Dargins, Kumyks, Tat), is a tortilla with filling, it is prepared in a closed, still open version, filled with meat, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables, herbs.

So, a miracle with meat and potatoes: a recipe with a photo. Nothing complicated, just a desire and a little creativity. You will succeed, everything will be delicious and beautiful. The dough is, of course, the tedious stage (I’m usually too lazy to knead the yeast dough), but this is a useful and inevitable evil, especially as part of the context: if you want to organize a tasty dinner for your family, you will have to tinker a bit. However, not as serious as it might seem at first glance.

Ingredients for the dough:

2 cups of warm water;

2 tsp dry yeast;

1 tbsp. l Sahara;

1 tsp salts;

4 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

5.5-6 cups of flour.

Ingredients for the filling:

4-5 potatoes;

400 g of minced meat;

salt pepper to taste;

butter for lubrication.

Go? Pour water into a bowl, pour sugar and yeast.

When the yeast dissolves and begins to “play,” add salt, oil and flour. The latter - gradually, watching the consistency of the test.

It should not be dense, but in its general mass should not stick to the bowl. Round off. Cover with a towel.

Leave in a warm place until the increase is at least twice - about 1-1.5 hours.

Cooking minced meat. Not purchased, huh? Freshly Twisted. Add salt and pepper.

We cut potatoes into thin circles.

We crush the dough.

Divide into 4 parts (from this amount of products we get two large pies): two large, two smaller.

We roll out most of it or stretch it with our hands into a round layer. Big and not fat.

On top of the dough, distribute half the minced meat evenly with a non-thick layer.

Cover with potatoes. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

Thinly roll a smaller piece of dough.

Cover the bottom of the dough, pinch the edges. In the center we make a hole so that the steam comes out.

We bake a miracle at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Hot, immediately generously grease with butter.

And it’s very good if there is time and opportunity to wrap the miracle in a plastic bag - at least for half an hour: thanks to this, the cake will become soft.

By the way, thanks to the same trick the next morning, a miracle is much tastier than freshly baked!

Although, of course, and immediately after baking it is very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

P. S. Need I say that a miracle can be done with any other filling? Fantasy in pleasure!

Stuffed yeastless cakes.

  • 200 ml of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.)
  • 300 g flour (approx.)
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 500 g mashed potatoes
  • 200 g of feta cheese, Adyghe cheese (or cottage cheese in half with cheese)
  • butter for lubrication (50-100 g)
  • sour cream for serving

Miracle (Dagestan flat cakes) are thin, fresh cakes with filling. The filling can be varied, I cooked potato with cheese, you can cook a meat version (with fried minced meat, for example), as well as greens and cheese, and even pumpkin. All options will be good, depending on what you like more. By the way, many ethnic groups have this type of dish, for example, Khichin from Karachay-Balkarian cuisine, Moldavian pies, Bashkir kystyby, and Kutaby from Azerbaijani cuisine, and Turkish and Indian cuisine also have detailed dishes. The fact that different nationalities have similar dishes only proves that it is very tasty.
I especially like such cakes because they are fried in an absolutely dry pan. That is why I love much more than the classic pancakes, which are fried in oil.
I got 10 pieces.


Pour the fermented milk product into the container (this time I had fermented baked milk).
By the way, very often instead of a fermented milk product, just water is used, and soda is not added at all. On kefir and soda, prepared cakes turn out a little softer, but on water it also turns out perfectly.
Add most of the flour, soda and salt.

Knead well with a spoon.

Put on the surface sprinkled with flour, knead the dough well, it should stop sticking to your hands, but remain soft. You may need a little more or less flour, depending on its moisture absorption capacity.
Cover with a bag and leave to stand for 20-30 minutes, so the dough rolls better.

Add chopped cheese to mashed potatoes.
It is best obtained with feta cheese or Adyghe cheese (which must be additionally salt). But this time I didn’t have either one at hand, and I used the cottage cheese in half with ordinary cheese. It turns out delicious with any filling.

Mix the filling well, salt if necessary.

Divide the dough into 10-12 parts.
On a surface sprinkled with flour, roll out each part as thin as possible.

Put the stuffing in half.

Cover and press along the edge.
Trim the excess, I used a curly knife.

Put the billet in a preheated and completely dry pan and fry over medium heat until golden spots are seen below.

Miracle is a dish of Dagestan cuisine with a long history. It is a thin closed cake-cake filled with various fillings. There are other names depending on the region. For example, the Laks call it “swing”. The recipe for a miracle is quite simple and takes little time for both the cooking itself and the preparation of the products. Another plus - the pan is fried in a pan without adding oil!

How to cook a miracle with potatoes

Among the most commonly used fillings in any pies, a special place is occupied by potato or meat. We suggest combining them, as in the recipe for a miracle with meat and potatoes.

So, when preparing the dish, the following ingredients for the test will be required: flour in an amount of 0.3 kg, an egg and a little water. You also need to stock up on meat (0.3 kg) and three potatoes. Additionally, you should take 50 g of onions. Ground pepper, vinegar, salt and your favorite spices will help to balance the taste.

And now step by step explain how to cook a dish.

  1. An egg is driven into a suitable container, an incomplete glass of water and a little salt are poured. Shake everything thoroughly. Next, add flour and knead the dough. It should be cool. Roll into a ball, cover with a napkin and leave for half an hour.
  2. The meat is ground into minced meat, spices, pepper, salt, finely chopped onions are added to it and mixed until smooth.
  3. Right before cooking the cakes, peeled raw potatoes are triturated, and then quickly mixed with minced meat, vinegar is poured in an amount of 1 tsp. and mix intensively, trying to mix everything thoroughly. If you hesitate, the potatoes will darken.
  4. The dough is divided into balls and rolled into a very thin cake.
  5. Now they spread the filling, fasten it into a “bag”, and then roll it into a thin layer.
  6. It remains only to fry the miracle with potatoes and meat, put on a plate, greased, and serve.

Dagestan cuisine

There are a lot of recipes for the miracle in Dagestan. There is a traditional cooking technique. But the rest depends on the hostess. The first thing to do is to knead the dough. It can be anything: fresh, yeast
  We will consider a miracle on kefir.

For this, 0.2 liters of kefir will be required. This amount will go 2.5 tbsp. flour. Additionally, you need salt (0.5 tsp) and a little soda (just 1 tsp is enough).

To prepare a miracle, you need to take 0.25 kg of Adyghe cheese (if this is not, replace the available one). Potato tubers (5 pcs.), Fragrant greens (quantity at your discretion) and 3 tbsp as a dressing are also required. sour cream of any fat content. Lubricate the cakes with butter.

  1. The potatoes are thoroughly washed and boiled in their skins until cooked.
  2. Meanwhile, kefir is poured into the container, salt is added, flour, soda are added and thoroughly mixed into elastic dough. It is rolled into a ball, placed in a deep container and covered with a napkin so that it does not dry out.
  3. Now proceed to the filling. Boiled potatoes are peeled and mashed.
  4. Cheese is grated with small holes.
  5. Put cheese, sour cream, herbs and mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly until smooth. Do not forget to check for salt and adjust it to the ideal. The filling for the miracle with cheese is ready.
  6. Divide the dough into 8 parts and roll into balls.
  7. Now take one "ball" and roll into a thin cake.
  8. The filling is placed in the center, the edges are collected in a “bag” and plucked.
  9. Heat a pan with a thick bottom.
  10. Roll the resulting "bag" thinly into a cake and put in a pan and fry on one side, and then on the other.
  11. Ready miracles are laid out on a plate and immediately well greased with oil.

Scones are served with sour cream as a whole or cut into pieces. The principle of cooking other recipes is miraculously similar.

Miracle with greens

Another popular recipe for a miracle is with herbs. This dish is made with the advent of spring, when a lot of fresh greenery grows. Spices are used: parsley, cilantro, basil, dill, green onions, garlic feathers, etc. The original taste is the miracle of nettle. It is permissible to use one type of greenery or to make a "hodgepodge" of several varieties. Washed and chopped filling is mixed with grated cheese or cottage cheese. The taste is adjusted by spices. To make the filling juicy, it is recommended to pour a little sour cream or kefir into it. The technical side of cooking a miracle with cheese and herbs is similar to the above recipes.

In principle, you can add greens to any filling as an additional component. It will tarnish the taste of cakes.

Once you have prepared a miracle, this dish will become a frequent guest at your table.

Step by step recipes for making a miracle with potatoes and meat

2017-10-10 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

8 gr.

8 gr.


   28 g

221 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for a miracle with meat and potatoes

The recipe for a classic miracle with meat and potatoes uses dough on kefir, but it also works great on yogurt or sour milk. Pork is used for minced meat, but you can take beef, lamb or a mixture of them in an arbitrary proportion. Potatoes in the filling are used boiled.


  • 200 grams of kefir;
  • 370 grams of flour;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • salt;
  • 160 grams of potatoes;
  • 100 grams of onion;
  • 250 grams of minced meat;
  • 5 grams of vinegar;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 0.3 tsp pepper.

Step by step recipe for a miracle with meat and potatoes:

Combine kefir with soda, add a pinch of salt, stir. Add flour to the mass, knead the cool dough. To make it elastic, soft, easy to use, transfer to a bag, leave for 20-30 minutes.

While you can do the filling. Chop the onion finely, add table vinegar, shift to minced meat. Season with salt, pepper, stir.

Boil potatoes, cool, peel, grate coarsely, combine with minced meat. Stir again.

Divide the prepared dough into 5 parts. Dip each into flour, roll into a tortilla. Thickness no more than three millimeters.

Apply a thin layer of minced meat to half the tortillas. You need to evenly distribute the filling between all the miracles. Cover with free side, pinch the edges. You can trim the excess with a roller knife, giving the cheburek the right shape.

Put the miracle on a dry frying pan. It is advisable to fit 2 pieces. Cook over low heat under a lid. Once one side is baked, flip. It is important not to rush here, so that the minced meat inside is ready.

Lay the miracle on top of each other, spreading a piece of butter. Cover with a ceramic bowl on top, so that the cakes softened, steamed.

Kefir for the test you need to use warm or at least room temperature. If you plan to heat the product, then this is done very carefully, you do not need to overexpose, otherwise flakes of cottage cheese will appear and the serum will leave.

Option 2: Quick recipe for a miracle with meat and potatoes

In a quick recipe, a miracle with meat and potatoes will be prepared from puff pastry. Only it is very important not to take with yeast. Otherwise, the cakes will rise very quickly in the pan, the filling will not be baked.


  • 400 grams of dough;
  • 300 grams of meat;
  • 2 boiled potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • oil for lubrication.

How to quickly cook a miracle with meat and potatoes:

Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel, grate or cut. Chop the onion in small cubes, combine all this with minced meat, season with salt, pepper.

Puff pastry is usually frozen, so you need to get it in advance. We lay out on the table, roll it thinly. If it is inconvenient to work with one piece, then it can be divided into several parts.

Since the shape of the dough is initially square or rectangular, do not cut circles. Divide into squares or rectangles, the size of a little more than a saucer.

We put the dough on one part, but in a semicircle, grease the free edges with water, cover with the empty half of the dough, press. We trim the corners to give a more similar shape.

We bake a miracle in a heated, but dry frying pan until cooked.

Lubricate the hot dish with oil, let stand for a while, so that the dough softens. Serve warm.

If you bake such a miracle in the oven, you will get amazing meat pies. Just do not forget that puff pastry likes high temperatures, you do not need to dry it, set at 210 degrees and above.

Option 3: Miracle with meat and potatoes from dough on the water

The recipe for the simplest test for a miracle on the water. But this dish also features incredibly tasty meat filling with potatoes, fruit vinegar and broth. Do not forget about fragrant oriental spices, which can be added in any quantity.


  • 500 grams of minced meat;
  • 0.5 cups of broth;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • flour, salt;
  • 1 tsp Caucasian spices;
  • lubricating oil.

Mix water with half a teaspoon of salt, add the eggs beaten with a fork, add flour, knead the usual unleavened dough. Put in the bag for at least 30 minutes.

Twist the minced meat, add chopped garlic and Caucasian spices. You can take the seasoning of hops-suneli, it fits perfectly here. Pour the broth into a thin stream, add salt, and knead thoroughly. At the end, add fruit vinegar, here comes from apples. Stir the meat until it has absorbed all the moisture.

Cut or grate boiled potatoes, add to the meat filling.

Divide the dough into pieces, roll thin cakes, put the filling, dazzle the miracle in the form of semicircular pasties.

Bake in a skillet on both sides, be sure to cover.

Lubricate the hot products with butter, leave for 10 minutes, so that they absorb it, the crust has become softer.

To lubricate the finished miracle, you can use not only ordinary, but also ghee. If nothing like this was found at hand, after baking you can immediately cover the surface with a layer of greasy sour cream.

Option 4: The Miracle of Meat and Potato from Yeast Dough (Dargin)

To prepare a miracle, ordinary yeast dough is used, this option is a pie. It is baked in the oven, potatoes can be used raw, but you need to cut it very thinly. We take any meat or immediately get twisted minced meat.


  • 2 tsp yeast
  • 100 ml of butter in the dough;
  • 400 grams of meat;
  • 150 grams of onions;
  • 300 grams of potatoes;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 380 ml of water;
  • flour, lubricating oil, salt.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Heat prescription water to 45 degrees, add a teaspoon without a tubercle of salt, pour sugar with yeast, stir, leave for five minutes.

Add butter and then flour. Knead the usual dough, which does not stick to your hands, does not spread, but not too steep. Leave for a couple of hours.

Twist meat with onions through a meat grinder. Add spices. Peel potatoes, cut into thin slices, but do not mix with minced meat.

Get the approached dough, divide it into 3 parts for three thin pies. Then divide each piece again, but into pieces of different sizes. For the top, make a piece less.

Roll out one lump, transfer to a baking sheet, lay out the minced meat, then add slices of potato, add, cover with the second part of the dough, which is smaller. We poke a round hole in the center with our finger. We form all the pies.

We bake a miracle at 200 degrees until cooked, about 35-40 minutes.

Lubricate all the pies with butter while they are hot, spread on top of each other, cover with an inverted bowl.

If suddenly the meat is not very oily and dry, then you can immediately add water to the minced meat, safely pour 70-80 ml onto this amount. After this, the meat must be thoroughly mixed so that it absorbs the liquid.

Option 5: The Miracle of Meat and Raw Potatoes

Another recipe for a miracle baked in a pan with meat and potatoes, but you do not need to boil it in advance. The dough is made classic on sour milk with the addition of a small amount of soda.


  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • 220 ml of sour milk;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 2 raw potatoes;
  • 300 grams of minced meat;
  • egg;
  • 50 grams of oil;
  • 1 onion head;
  • spice;
  • 1.5 tsp vinegar.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Salt the egg, shake, add kefir and soda. Mix thoroughly, pour about three glasses of flour. Knead until you get a cool dough. Leave on the table, covering with a bowl.

Grind minced meat with onions, add vinegar to them, salt and mix thoroughly. Add pepper and other spices to taste.

Peel the potatoes, grate, add the raw vegetable to the minced meat, stir again.

By this moment the dough had already lain enough, the gluten was swollen, divide it into small pieces, sprinkle with flour and roll it thinly.

We spread the meat filling with raw potatoes, level the layer, connect the edges, forming a semicircular pie.

Transfer to a frying pan, make the fire below average, immediately cover. If you fry a miracle without a lid, the dough will turn out to be very dry. Cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Put the prepared miracle in a stack, smearing each cake with butter. You need to do this immediately, while the surface is hot, the fat easily melts and is absorbed.

If suddenly a miracle for some reason didn’t bake inside, slices of onion or raw potatoes crunch in the filling, you can put the dish in the microwave for a couple of minutes. To prevent the crust from drying out, you can put a special plastic cover with a hole on top.