How to remove coffee stains on white. Coffee stains

03.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Often by negligence coffee is spilled in the most inconvenient places for cleaning. Especially unpleasant when coffee stain  appears on a favorite or completely new thing - a carpet or furniture with rag or leather upholstery .. Coffee and tea contain tannins that are difficult to remove, especially if the stain is old. There is no need to panic, and immediately blot the stain with a napkin, sponge or towel, but in no case rubbing the rest of the coffee into the surface, thereby increasing the penetration of coffee stains into the treated surface.

How to remove stains of coffee from carpets, furniture with your own hands.

  So - the fresher spot- the easier it is to remove it from the surface! They collected the spilled on a napkin, but even if the stain is fresh, a dark stain may remain, so further work remains to be done. It is necessary to dilute any liquid detergent with cold water - three parts of water into one part of the detergent. Using a sponge, apply the solution to the surface to be treated, but try not to increase the size of the stain by wetting the stain deeply with the solution. Then blot all the liquid with napkins.If necessary, do the manipulation several times. In conclusion, to completely remove stains from carpet products or furniture, use a sponge to treat the surface with an aqueous-vinegar solution. We prepare it this way: add the same amount of vinegar to a small amount of water - the solution is ready. If the stain is old, you will have to clean it with vinegar several times. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water and, if desired, blow dry with a hairdryer.

We clean the sofa, chairs, carpet, chairs from coffee stains at home.

In the fight against coffee stains  simple baking soda can be used.  Pour soda onto the surface and gently rub it wet with a cloth, let the stain dry, and collect the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner. For removing coffee stains from carpet products and furniture with fabric upholstery has long been used and at the same time it is considered a very affective way using ammonia. We prepare the solution: mix one tablespoon of ammonia with two glasses of cool water. Using a sponge or soft cloth, apply the solution to the stain and leave it for 5-10 minutes, then remove the ammonia solution with a damp cloth and dry the treatment site. If your furniture is upholstered with a strong, lint-free cloth, try to wipe the stain thoroughly with a soapy solution and then rub it with a stiff brush. After that, wipe the place with a clean damp cloth or towel. Often this simple remedy is best for removing stains from furniture.

If you, when stain removal  if you want to use chemicals, you must remember the prerequisite - first try the product in a slightly observable place. To remove coffee stains from leather furniture, you can use a simple soap or mild soap solution. Spotwipe lightly and quickly from the edges to the middle and use a soft cloth. Then remove the soap solution with a clean, damp cloth. It must be remembered: in order to avoid further struggle with coffee stains, the coffee ceremony must be carried out in compliance with generally accepted rules. For a cup you need a saucer, and for all this, a table, well, etc. .

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Spots can be different ... So the words from one old, but very popular song beg for it. Coffee stains  can be called the most insidious. What are the problems? In that coffee stains  black ones are saturated and bright, in fact, like the drink itself. Most often they are old-fashioned - there is no time to do laundry in the morning rush. But fresh   coffee stains  much easier wipe off.

To wash coffee stains will help:

  • Salty water
  • Ammonia
  • Glycerol
  • Soda ash
  • Oxalic acid
  • Lemon acid
  • Vinegar
  • Brush
  • Hyposulphite

Ways to get rid of stains:

Method number 1 for natural fabrics

Linen and cotton fabrics absorb liquids best. Try to stash things as soon as possible. Lather the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination, slightly stretch. To consolidate the result, a thing should be boiled, but only if it is monophonic - colored fabric can shed.

Method number 2 for old spots

It’s difficult to wash dried coffee stains the first time. Soak the soiled item in salt water for a couple of hours before washing. Then wash clothes in hot or warm water (depending on the type of fabric, see label) with washing powder. Rinse better with plenty, at least two times in a large amount of water.

Method number 3 for silk or wool

Coffee stains on wool or silk clothes are first cleaned with a cloth dampened in a soap-ammonia solution. For its preparation you will need: soap or soap shavings, ammonia (for 1 liter of water - 3-5 teaspoons). After cleaning with a solution, wash the item in the usual way.

An old folk remedy will remove the coffee stain on silk fabric - a mixture of 20 parts of alcohol, 20 parts of water and 1 part of ammonia. Rub the stain and then dry the wet place with a clean cloth and rinse with water.

"Grandma's" method: rub the stain with dry soap, and then clean it with a brush, dampening it in a two percent solution of ammonia.

On a woolen cloth, rub the stain with a swab soaked in pure gasoline, and then wash this place with a mixture of ammonia and water taken equally.

Method number 4

Coffee stains are also removed with the help of slurry from table salt and glycerin. Apply the mixture to the stain and when the stains from the coffee completely dissolve, wash the item following the instructions on the label.

Method number 5 for hard-to-remove, resistant coffee stains

This method requires effort, but you can sweat for your favorite thing. First, the stain is cleaned with a brush moistened with warm water, then the whole thing is washed in a warm soapy solution with the addition of ½ teaspoon of soda ash per 1 liter of water, then rinsed 2 times in warm and 1 time in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar.

Method number 6 with glycerin

Lubricate the stain with glycerin (warmed up - for greater effectiveness) leave for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse in warm water.

Old spots are removed with another solution: 1 teaspoon of glycerin is mixed with 1 teaspoon of water and a few drops of ammonia. Wipe the stain with a tool until it, oh miracle!, Disappears. Then wash the item in warm, soapy water.

Method number 7 for light fabrics

Dilute half a teaspoon of oxalic acid in a glass of water - it is effective against coffee stains on a light cloth. Treat the stain, rinse thoroughly with warm water. In some sources, a spoon of citric acid is added to oxalic acid to prepare a cleaning solution.

Dilute 2 teaspoons of hyposulfite into 1 cup of water.

Treat the stain with one of the solutions, clean, then wash in soapy water with the addition of ammonia (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of soapy solution).

Method number 8 for a sofa or carpet

If it is impossible to wash a thing, such as a sofa or carpet, discolor the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure to check the effect of peroxide on a small area of \u200b\u200bfabric to begin with. Alternatively, ammonia can be added for a better effect.

Method number 9 for linen products

Pull the contaminated part over a bowl and pour hot water on the stain until it disappears.

So there are tons of options how to remove a coffee stain. The ingredients are almost the same, the dosage and combination of components are slightly different. Which method is more effective? Only your own experience or the majority opinion will help you decide. Take a look at the forums?

Proven ways forum users:

  • “Using Fairy Detergent, apply on the stain and wait an hour, then wash. Tested first hand. ”
  • “I just wash things. Persil Powder. Plain or gel. ”
  • “Stains from coffee and cocoa are removed with ammonia, half diluted with water. A particularly good effect is achieved by first wiping the stain with gasoline. ”
  • “Coffee or tea stains on synthetic fabrics are washed in a mixture of 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of alcohol, then rinsed with cold water.”
  • “Milk spots and stains from coffee or tea with milk: 1 part glycerol, 9 parts water and 1/2 part ammonia (ammonia) - for wool or 5 parts glycerin, 5 parts water and 1/2 part ammonia - for silk fabrics . Stains are moistened with this mixture and repeated several times after drying, then rubbed with a dry hard cloth, held over water vapor and ironed. “It is easier to remove milk stains from cotton fabrics, especially if these stains are fresh: they are soaked in cold water, washed in a warm soapy solution and rinsed well.”
  • “ANTIPYATIN soap helps me out of everything.”
  • “A fresh coffee stain can be removed with fine salt. Rub the place that you stained with salt until it becomes a wet slurry. Then shake it and wash the product in soap powder for hand washing. ”
  • “Coffee or cocoa: Sprinkle the stains with table salt (ideal option is to mix the salt with glycerin), hold for 5-7 minutes, then wash in the usual way.”
  • “I scraped off all the stains from the clothes of carpets and furniture with my auto chemicals.”
  • “The last time I'm saving Vanish (for carpets). Moreover, the ink was washed off on the carpet, on the husband’s jacket, stains were removed, and I did not forget about my coat. "I bought Vanish stain remover powder (89 rubles) yesterday, but I haven’t had time to test it yet.”
  • “Liquid vanish on the stain, after 30 minutes to the washer.”

  • “Fresh stains from natural coffee were managed by households. Soap for Babylove Baby Laundry - Cheap, Sold In Watson. Soap and leave for an hour and a half, then stretch, if necessary - repeat. He also removed fresh spots from strawberries. ”
  • “A stain of coffee or fruit is very easy to remove if you pour boiling water over it before washing (I once turned out so that the skirt lay more than a day with a stain of coffee - nothing left).”
  • “Thank you, I’ll try in the future, to be honest in’ Van’s ’, I’m disappointed.”
  • "Good day! Perfectly removes old coffee stains, as well as stains from tea, lipstick, etc. "from both carpet and hard surfaces — Axel 2 Coffee Remuver 0.2 kg (powder).”
  • “Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White.”
  • “Fairy smear and put let it lie down for a couple of hours, then soak in stain remover and then wash. I’m erasing now with an eared nanny, tearing away everything that is possible. ”
  • “Yes eared nannies thing agree)))”
  • “Try the stain remover - Antipot to help me remove the oil paint, but they say it removes fuel oil and rust and costs about 10 rubles in Moscow.”
  • “Amway is a great tool.”
  • “Oxygen bleach, indispensable in the home.”
  • “The last time I’ve been putting everything out with an Amway stain remover - super, everything displays so far.”
  • "To wash with an ordinary fairik, then wash as usual, everything leaves me like that."
  • “I so filled my beloved T-shirt with my domestos, I became snow-white.”
  • “Also in the summer, it removed stains from white pants after an unsuccessful washing, washed the pants with a light yellow T-shirt, they went on a yellow stain, the domestos removed everything, and nothing helped. But this despite the fact that the clothes are pure white. ”
  • “I wash tea and coffee stains very easily in my washing machine, with the usual Gala powder. I pre-soak stained clothes in a basin, then rub it a little with soap and then throw it into the washing machine. ”
  • “Any stain, if you soak it immediately, can be easily washed both manually and in the washing machine. If the spots are out of date, then try with ordinary bleach-based bleach, soak first for several hours, then wash in the machine. ”
  • “You can also try applying lemon juice to the spots, it also has a whitening effect.”
  • “Virgin, I tried the Udalix remedy here - it wipes everything perfectly, even the cherry juice from the peach-colored carpet. Without a trace. I mainly use a pencil, but there is also a detergent for washing carpets. ”
  • “And a greasy stain is perfectly washed off by any dishwashing detergent (such as the well-known Ferry). It is checked on itself. Prada spot was freshly spotted. I put a little money on a clean rag, rubbed the stain well (it was at work), then washed off the rest of the product from the rag and rinsed this rag several times, "soaked" the stain. It was not possible to simply change clothes. ”

The use of coffee, in addition to its positive aspects, has some consequences that hardly anyone would want to face. Namely, coffee stains, which are considered one of the most difficult to remove. To make the drink as pleasant as possible and not to spoil your mood due to inadvertently planted stains, you should know how to deal with coffee stains.
  It should be borne in mind that coffee stains should be tried to be removed fresh. Before you find the opportunity to remove the stain from coffee, it should not dry. Otherwise, dealing with it will be much more difficult. Over time, coffee stains turn into stubborn yellowish brown stains.
If such a nuisance happened to you and you put a coffee stain on your clothes, then you should not panic and puzzle over how to remove the coffee stain. First of all, think about whether you have hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet. This is not only a multifunctional remedy during illness, hydrogen peroxide also helps to discolor a coffee stain. Pour a little solution on the fabric and leave it until it is completely dissolved. Types of tissues are different, therefore, in order to avoid damage to matter, in advance try peroxide on a small piece of fabric. Keep in mind that the most troubles are the clothes of white color, on which even the smallest spots are noticeable. If removing stains from coffee on a white cloth is difficult, then try diluting the hydrogen peroxide with ammonia.
By the way, ammonia can help you in the fight against coffee stains on colored clothes. To do this, mix equal parts of ammonia, water and glycerin. Apply the resulting mixture on a coffee stain. After this, clothes should be left for a day, and then washed in soapy water. By the way, this recipe is also suitable for removing old coffee stains.
  Ammonia is an excellent remedy for removing coffee stains from silk and wool. It is better to clean such matter with a cloth dampened with ammonia. Then the thing can be washed without fear for the remaining traces of past misfortune.
  If you decide to use some other method to remove the coffee stain, then later, to avoid the risk of spoiling the thing, still wash clothes in water where ammonia is added.
Removing a stain of coffee with milk is quite difficult, because you have to clean the tissue not only from coffee, but also from the fat that is contained in milk. For such situations, experts advise to use, do not worry, gasoline - this is the substance that usually helps in the most advanced cases. To remove stains of coffee with milk, soak a cotton swab with gasoline and blot the stained area. Using gasoline will help degrease the stain on clothing. And then you need to work according to an already familiar scheme, when the stain is discolored with hydrogen peroxide. Also, get rid of yellowness on the fabric in the place where the coffee was spilled, the hydroperite sold in the pharmacy will help you, it is close in composition to hydrogen peroxide.
A stain on a woolen cloth should be removed as follows. Under the fabric, in the place where the stain is, you can put a napkin. Soap should be planed laundry soap. The resulting chips should rub the stain. Then pour a few drops of ammonia and rub the coffee stain with a soft bristle brush. The napkin should be monitored, it may have to be changed several times in the process. After the procedure, in a dirty place, the fabric should be washed and removed with a cloth. But this stage will not be the last. If the clothes still have a pale yellow coffee mark, then you will have to resort to the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide. However, it should be borne in mind that wool is a delicate material that requires increased attention to itself. So wet the stain with peroxide, then dry and wash your clothes.
  In the event that you are afraid for clothes that have been stained with coffee, you can contact a dry cleaning service where they will help you get rid of most types of pollution.

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Among all types of stains, coffee is one of the most insidious. Traces of an invigorating drink are bright, saturated and immediately striking, especially on light clothing.

Fresh coffee can be cleaned much better, but most of these contaminants appear in the morning, before work, when there is absolutely no time to wipe them. And old traces are much more difficult to display.

Dry cleaning is a simple but expensive way to restore your clothes to their former gloss. In addition, it is likely that the fabric will deteriorate. There is a solution: we are trying to deal with the stain with our own hands using one of the suitable means.

It is best to take action immediately. The process of removing different types of stains may vary slightly.

  1. To remove black coffee from the fabric, first of all, you need to substitute the stained place under a stream of hot water. This will help to quickly get rid of tannins. Then the track is washed with soap.
  2. A stain of coffee with milk will help to remove glycerin or ammonia.
  3. Fresh traces of the instant drink will go away after cleaning with ordinary household soap.

To wash each item, depending on the type of fabric, a careful approach is required.

How to wash instant coffee

Stubborn stains from an invigorating drink are much more difficult to remove. But if you follow simple tips, you can achieve an excellent result. To return clean clothes will help a few proven tools.


From the whole variety, it is better to choose an oxygen stain remover, because those containing chlorine or optical are suitable only for white fabric. Before buying, you need to read the instructions and consult with the seller in the store.

Boiling water - first aid in the fight against a fresh spot

You will need to stretch the clothes over a basin or large pan, and then pour boiling water directly on the stain for several seconds. Pollution will disappear immediately, but this method is not recommended for delicate material.

Soda or salt

Almost always available in kitchen cabinets and have good coffee output.

It should be diluted in 1 liter of warm water 60 g (2 tbsp. L.) Salt and the same amount of soda. Soak the fabric in the solution for 2 hours, and then wash it in any convenient way.


One of the winning options is to treat the stain with hot glycerin. The substance is heated in a water bath, the place of contamination is lubricated with a hot liquid. Then you should wait 20-30 minutes and wash the product in the machine. A solution of borax in glycerin is also suitable, but after its use a more thorough washing is required.


Perfectly cope with coffee traces. However, it is not suitable for any thing, but only for clothes made of thick fabric. Using it is simple - just moisten the stain with liquid and leave it for 5-10 minutes, and then wash the product.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is also a good remedy. They will need to soak a coffee blot for 20-30 minutes, and then wash it by hand.

Vinegar and salt

A solution of vinegar perfectly removes even old spots. The problem area is treated with a mixture of essence and water in a ratio of 1: 3 and left for 2-3 hours. Then the clothes are washed with powder.

Fresh traces of coffee are well absorbed by a thick layer of table salt.

We erase clothes

Each type of fabric has its own way.

White clothes

As a rule, the return of purity to white things is a particularly laborious process. But even such a nuisance as coffee stains can be completely removed by following a few steps:

  • spread the fabric on a flat surface, on the wrong side, place a cotton pad or a clean cloth under the stain;
  • apply ammonia to the problem area, then blot excess moisture with a napkin;
  • wash clothes in a convenient way.

Bright clothes

Bright clothes suffer no less, and during their processing the main thing is to prevent fading:

  • mix alcohol and turpentine in a small container in a ratio of 50/50;
  • moisten a piece of fleece in the solution and gently (without rubbing) apply the composition to the stain;
  • we wait an hour, then put it in the washing machine and wash it in a suitable mode.


It is necessary to remove the stain from jeans before washing, as it is much more difficult to remove coffee from wet trousers. We do this:

  • apply a little dishwashing detergent directly to the coffee trail (“Fairy”, “Sorti”);
  • give the liquid time to “work”;
  • lightly with three fingers, wash the jeans.


With synthetics, the stain can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. For this:

  • using a pipette, apply the product directly to the stain;
  • after one hour, rinse with water.


You can remove a coffee trace from a cotton item as follows:

  • in a basin we collect about 10 liters of warm water;
  • add 5-6 tablespoons of soda ash;
  • rub the stain thoroughly with laundry soap, put in a solution;
  • after half an hour we wash clothes with our hands.

If the stain is not completely removed, we again use soap. Rinse.

The video shows how a coffee stain is removed using hydrogen peroxide.

We derive a coffee stain from different surfaces

Unfortunately, a spilled drink can be anywhere but clothing. Especially in a family practicing eating not only in the kitchen.

Off the couch

To remove the stain from the sofa, pat the liquid with a towel or dry cloth. Then we take a clean, damp cloth (preferably white) and apply dishwashing detergent to it. Rub the composition into the upholstery of the sofa until a light foam is formed. With a clean damp towel, remove water and chemicals, wait for drying. Done.

Off the carpet

To clean the carpet, remove the coffee with a clean cloth as quickly as possible. Then spray ordinary water onto the stain. We make a solution: dilute 1 tsp. carpet powder or other mild detergent in a liter of water. Mix thoroughly.

We put a little mixture on the corner of the carpet - a place where possible color changes will not be noticeable.

If everything is in order, you can apply the solution to the stain with a clean cloth (it should just be put on the coffee trail and left for 15 minutes). Then we wash the composition off the carpet without using too much liquid. We dab it with a cloth (it is not recommended to rub the area).

From paper and documents

It is not as difficult to deal with fabric as with documents damaged by a drink or printed work. It would seem impossible to restore browned liquid paper. However, there is hope. We will prepare several items:

  • iron;
  • old toothbrush;
  • large capacity;
  • bleach, vinegar;
  • white clay powder;
  • wax paper.

In a cup, mix vinegar and water. We place the sheet in the solution so that the liquid saturates the stain. We take out the document, carefully blot with paper towels.

Alternatively, you can use a mixture of bleach and water in a ratio of 1: 3. The toothbrush is wetted in the solution, which is then treated with the desired area. Such manipulation should be done very carefully so as not to damage the paper and notes.

After the coffee trace has disappeared and the leaf has dried, it is ironed. The main thing is to set a gentle temperature regime.

How to clean an old coffee stain

In order not to resort to dry cleaning services and to remove the old stain at home, we do the following:

  • we take out the basin, soak the thing in a solution of soda ash, so that the dirt becomes more malleable;
  • put a pan on the fire, add 2 tbsp. l powder stain remover, bring to a boil;
  • we take out the tissue from the pelvis, place it in the bubbling liquid;
  • boil for half an hour, and then carefully remove using long tongs, rinse.

Coffee stains are not the most difficult dirt found on clothing. If you have patience and time, you can get rid of them without leaving even a hint of a former brownish print.

A disaster happened, did you knock over a cup of your favorite drink? There is no time to think about how to remove a stain from coffee - you need to act as soon as possible! Regardless of what exactly suffered: a white blouse, a woolen sweater or a carpet in general, in our selection you will surely find a way that will help to remove coffee stains in your situation.

Boiling water and hot water

Of course, ideally, you need to soak a thing immediately after the formation of a coffee stain, but this is far from always possible. But substituting under the stream of hot or warm water only the soiled area you will most likely succeed in: keep the stain under the stream until it is washed. If the stain has not completely disappeared, sprinkle it with salt and apply one of the methods listed below at home.

In order to easily remove already dried coffee, pour boiling water over it: slowly pour hot water from the kettle onto the stain, and then wash as usual.

Please note that boiling water can only be used on cotton or linen, as it can ruin wool, silk and synthetics.

Saline or soda ash

If the coffee stain has dried up, but is not yet old, you can soak the product in saline or soda solution for an hour or two, and then wash it with ordinary powder. This method can be applied to clothes of any color and from any fabric, but if the coffee is dry and stuck in fibers, then you will have to switch to heavier artillery.

Usually for a solution of 2 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l salt or soda, but it’s okay if you increase the concentration a little.

Mixtures with glycerin

In fact, even pure glycerin can help remove coffee stains, and in combination with other active ingredients, even the most complex coffee stain can do it.

  • Apply lightly warm glycerin to the stain and leave it on clothing for 20-30 minutes. After washing in a typewriter, there will be no trace of a stain!
  • Mix glycerin with salt and rub the resulting slurry into a coffee stain. The exposure time of the mixture is also about 30 minutes, after which the clothes are washed in the machine in normal mode.
  • Replace glycerin with a borax solution, which also effectively removes coffee.

Traces of glycerol may remain after use, but they will easily be cleaned with ordinary household soap.


Liquid ammonia is widely used in bleaching clothes and can help remove coffee stains. Do not use it in its pure form, since the tool is quite aggressive. Instead, use one of these mixtures to remove coffee.

  • Mix 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp ammonia and 1 tbsp. l water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and blot the dirt.
  • In a glass of water, dilute 1 tsp. ammonia and about 20 grams of soap chips. Wet the stain with a solution and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the item in the machine as usual.

Solutions with ammonia, despite the apparent aggressiveness, can be used on finicky silk and wool products without risking spoiling the thing.

Using ammonia, pay special attention to rinsing clothes, otherwise a pungent odor will remain on the dried product.


If the white thing has suffered and it was not possible to completely remove the stain from the coffee using the above methods, the stubborn coffee can simply be bleached. Any habitual remedy is suitable for this: “Whiteness”, peroxide or even boiling, if the item is made of cotton or linen.

Many housewives replace White with Domestos, which also has bleach, as they consider it a more effective remedy.


A mixture of equal parts of vinegar, water and laundry detergent applied to the stain can help wash even very heavily soiled items. Apply the solution to contamination, wait 5-10 minutes and rinse the product thoroughly. It is also convenient to handle a dirty sofa or carpet of any color with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1).

If the product (for example, a sofa or carpet) cannot be placed under running water, try to remove as much coffee from the pile or upholstery as possible with napkins. This will greatly facilitate further manipulations with the stain.

So do not rush to throw out the spoiled thing: even dried coffee can be removed from any product, if you know really proven means!