Potato roasting time in coals. Potato baked in foil on a fire

03.08.2019 Winter blanks

Summer ... it’s a wonderful time when you can go outdoors and enjoy the dishes prepared on the grill. After the most popular dish on the fire, meat kebabs, the second most popular is considered to be potatoes on a skewer. Let's cook it!
Recipe Content:

Summer, hot sunny days, looking forward to the weekend to go to the cottage, outing, nature and have a picnic. Of course, you must pay tribute and first of all, on the coals to cook the most popular dish - barbecue. But then, on skewers, you can bake not only meat, but also vegetables. For example, potatoes on skewers have a unique aroma and taste. Young potatoes with skewered bacon is a deliciously delicious dish that both adults and children enjoy eating. Prepare it yourself or as a wonderful addition to meat. In this review, we will consider all the secrets of its preparation and share the most popular recipes.

How to fry potatoes on skewers - the subtleties of cooking

It would seem that potato could be easier than cooking potatoes on skewers? But how to make it tasty so that the tubers do not break up, and at the same time do not carbonize? Of course, there are some small secrets here, which we will talk about below.
  • Different varieties of potatoes require different cooking times, so for uniform roasting, take potatoes of the same variety.
  • The most optimal potato variety is medium-boiling with a pinkish peel. It is moderately hard and keeps its shape well after heat treatment.
  • Too large tubers will increase baking time, so it is advisable to cut them into slices or slices. At the same time, the slices must be the same when sliced \u200b\u200bso that they are cooked at the same time.
  • To ensure that crisps are guaranteed to form on the tubers, excess starch should be removed from them. To do this, the processed potatoes are soaked in cold water for about an hour, then dried with a paper towel and baked.
  • Potatoes are fried on well-heated coals, but without flames of flame. It is impossible to allow open fire, firewood should only smolder. If the flame erupted into the open, it should be extinguished with spray marinade or plain water. However, the best option is to sprinkle with salt.
  • The bottom of the barbecue should have holes for air intake.
  • The distance between smoldering coals to the potato should be about 15 cm. This height will be ideal for cooking. Having placed the skewer below, the potatoes will burn, above - for a long time to cook.
  • Caucasian chefs use wood from fruit trees to fry kebabs on the grill. They add flavor to the food.
  • It is better to kindle logs with paper or specks, rather than a special liquid.
  • In bad weather or winter days, with no less success, you can cook potatoes on skewers in the oven.
  • It is better to salt the potatoes at the very end of cooking, as salt helps to break down the tubers and they can break into pieces.
  • The readiness of the dish can be checked by piercing the tuber with a toothpick. If it goes well, then the potato is ready. With a fork or knife, do not check the readiness, because potatoes may break.
  • If the potato is cooked with bacon, resulting in too greasy, it can be laid out on a thick layer of paper towels to absorb excess fat.

Autumn, spring, summer - a great time to go out in the countryside to cook potatoes on skewers. The recipe is quite simple, and you can cook it even after a working day, having gathered with friends in the woods or just in the yard and have a small celebration.
  • Calories per 100 g - 187 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 4
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Salo - 500 g
  • Garlic - 3 heads
  • Salt - 1 tsp

Step by step cooking:

  1. Wash and dry smooth potatoes.
  2. On each tuber, make indentations in the form of small holes on both sides.
  3. Cut the fat into small cubes.
  4. Peel the garlic.
  5. String potatoes onto the skewer, after lard, a clove of garlic and again the potatoes. Thus, lard with garlic will be in the potato holes.
  6. Push the potato tightly together.
  7. If desired, with a knife on the tubers, draw a pattern with rhombuses with a depth of not more than 2 mm.
  8. By this time, heat the coals and put the prepared skewers on the grill.
  9. Bake potatoes periodically turning. In 5-10 minutes, season it with salt and pepper.

When meat kebabs get bored, have a picnic and cook potatoes on skewers on the grill. This is a simple dish, however, they can surprise and pamper the most spoiled gourmets.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp
  • Fresh leaves of bay leaf - 10 pcs.
  • Salo - 250 g
Step by step cooking:
  1. Wash medium-sized, long, even-shaped tubers and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Inside each potato, use a skewer tip to drill a through longitudinal hole. Fill this hole with lard and salt.
  3. String the potatoes onto the skew across the holes made, and between them pass fresh bay leaves.
  4. In the brazier, heat the coals well and put the skewer. During the cooking process, constantly rotate the skewer so that the tubers from all sides bake evenly.

You can bake potatoes with bacon not only on skewers, but also on the grill. The dish is prepared much easier, but it turns out in the form of potato casseroles. The dish is consumed on its own or with a meat side dish.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Salo - 300 g
  • Garlic - 4 heads
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - a big pinch
Step by step cooking:
  1. Wash and dry the potatoes. You do not need to peel it, the baked peel turns out to be very tasty and it has many useful properties. Cut each tuber in half.
  2. Slice the fat into thin slices.
  3. Peel and chop the garlic into thin rings.
  4. Take the wire rack and lay the potato halves down with the semicircular side on it with a dense even layer.
  5. Season the potatoes with salt and ground pepper.
  6. Put a slice of garlic on each potato.
  7. After put the slices of fat.
  8. Put the garlic on top again, sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.
  9. Cover the food with the other half of the potato and grate the tubers.
  10. Light the fire and wait until the wood burns out and turns into coals.
  11. Put the grill on the grill. Bake potatoes by turning from side to side several times so that the tubers are evenly browned on all sides.

Fried aromatic and crispy skewers of potatoes on skewers is a quick and easy to prepare dish that many have loved since childhood. Of the huge ways of baking it, in recent years it has been very popular - potato chips.


  • Potato - 10 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Coriander - 1 tsp
  • Suneli hops - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Coriander - 1 tsp
Step by step cooking:
  1. Combine all the spices in a bowl and mix.
  2. Peel the garlic, pass through a press and add to the spices. Stir again.
  3. Brush the potatoes, wash and dry. Cut it into thin slices of 3-5 mm.
  4. Roll each slice in spices.
  5. String potato slices on a skewer, at a short distance from each other, about 2-3 mm. The main thing is that they do not touch each other.

Potatoes at the stake - a favorite treat in a hike. To prepare it, you do not need a cauldron or a grate. It may seem that you can bake it in one single way, but experienced tourists know more than one recipe for a dish with smoke. How to bake potatoes at the stake in different ways?

Simple recipe

Before baking potatoes, you need to let the fire burn for at least an hour to form enough coal and ash. When red coals are formed, and the flames become small, it is necessary to make a hole in the center of the fire, lay tubers in it, lay red coals on top and bake.

How many potatoes are baked? It depends on the size of the tubers, and on the heat of the coals. To check readiness, you need to pull one potato from the fire and pierce with a stick. If it breaks, then it’s ready.

Eating baked potatoes hot, with salt and green onions

In foil

Recipe 1

When going camping, it is easy to put foil in a backpack. It is useful for cooking potatoes at the stake.

Tear foil into pieces according to the number and size of tubers. Each piece can be greased, if desired, with oil, but you can not grease. Wash the potatoes and wrap each in foil. You can put garlic there. Wait until the fire burns out, the fire goes out and smoldering coals remain. Lay the wrapped tubers in a fire and sprinkle with charcoal and ash on top. Leave on for 40 minutes. Eat hot, sprinkle with salt and bite with onion feathers.

  Even an empty potato baked in a fire is delicious

There is always the opportunity to make it more piquant and rich. For example, cook potatoes with garlic and cheese. 10 tubers will need 0.2 kg of cheese, four cloves of garlic, ground pepper and coarse salt to taste. The tubers need to be washed and cut into two halves, crushed garlic. Put a slice of cheese and garlic on each half of the tuber, pepper and salt, wrap in foil, bury in coals and bake for half an hour.

Recipe 2

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 6 young small tubers;
  • 200 grams of fat;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • salt and other seasonings to taste.


  1. Rinse the potatoes, dry them properly, cut each tuber, not reaching the end of about 2 cm.
  2. Cut fat into very thin slices.
  3. Mix chopped garlic and spices (pepper, bay leaf, etc.) without adding salt.
  4. Grate the potatoes with the prepared mixture and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. In the cuts of tubers put lard, wrap each in two layers of foil.
  6. Make a deepening in the center of the fire, place potatoes there, cover with coals and ash and bake for 30 minutes.

  Salt the finished dish with meals

Tip: you don’t need to throw garbage into the bonfire, where the potatoes will be fried, especially plastic objects that can emit toxic substances when burned. For garbage it is recommended to light a fire separately.

Recipe 3

First, they put the potatoes in a warmed bonfire, and, while it is baked, they prepare the filling.

This will require:

  • grated cheese;
  • butter;
  • dill.

All this is taken by eye. Butter, grated cheese and chopped dill are kneaded with a fork, mixed and cleaned in a cool place. The finished potatoes are taken out of the fire, cut from above, not reaching the bottom, spread apart, crush the pulp, lay a portion of the filling and connect the halves. When all the tubers are filled, they put it back in the fire for a couple of minutes.

You can fry otherwise. Cut large potatoes into two halves, make a spoon or knife in each recess and fill with the filling. It can be minced meat, cheese with garlic, mushrooms, herbs and more. Fold the halves and tightly wrap in foil. Bake in the coals of a bonfire.

  For the filling, you can take other ingredients, for example, mushrooms, onions, lard, greens, garlic

Recipe 4

This dish is called accordion. In addition to potatoes, you will need any products: cheese, meat, chicken, lard, brisket, bacon, vegetables, herbs, onions, garlic, mayonnaise, spices, butter.

Prepare potatoes: wash, dry and make cuts along the entire length, but do not cut through. Insert the selected filling into the cuts: thin slices of brisket, cheese or a circle of vegetables. Top with oil or grease with sour cream, sprinkle with spices, chopped garlic, chopped herbs.

  Each filled tuber should be wrapped in foil and put in a bonfire

On skewers

Barbecue is prepared not only from meat. To cook potatoes on skewers at the stake, you will need cheese and boiled pork. Peel the tubers, rinse and cut into 2 cm thick mugs. String potatoes, slices of boiled pork and cheese alternately on skewers. Wrap the skewers in foil and set over the smoldering corners of the fire. As a support, you can use pieces of wood or stones found in the forest. If the potato is young, you can pre-boil it until half ready.

  If you want to get a golden brown crust, you need to fry kebabs without foil

If there is no bonfire

It is impossible to make a bonfire, but you want a potato with a haze and delicious peel. Then you need to cook it, as if on a fire, but in an ordinary stove. It is simple, but there are a few secrets.


  1. Rinse the unpeeled potatoes thoroughly; you can even brush each tuber. Do not wipe.
  2. Mix a small amount of flour with salt and roll each potato in this dry mixture.
  3. Put on a baking sheet and place in the oven for an hour at 180⁰C. If you need to quickly - under the grill.
  4. There is a ready-made potato with butter, herbs and garlic.

At a picnic there is nothing better than a potato baked in a bonfire. The simplest recipe familiar to every student can be successfully diversified, the main thing is not to be lazy and fantasize.

During picnics and field trips, charcoal-baked potatoes will be a great addition (or even alternative) to barbecue. You can prepare in advance by making blanks at home, or quickly navigate in the "field conditions".

Charcoal potatoes are prepared in two ways: in foil after kebabs by burying tubers in hot ash, or by roasting on a fire before setting kebabs. In the first case, you get baked potatoes with lard, in the second - fried with crisp.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • fat - 150-200 grams (optional);
  • vegetable oil - for frying (for cooking without foil);
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Charcoal potato recipe

1. Wash and dry tubers well.

2. For cooking in foil with lard: make an incision about 1 cm thick in the middle of each potato. Fill the cavity with a piece of lard. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and other spices. Wrap each tuber with 1-2 layers of food foil. The advantage of this method is that it is possible to make blanks even before going to nature.

For cooking at the stake: just before frying, cut the potatoes with the peel into circles about 2 centimeters thick. Grate each piece on both sides with salt. Put the circles on the grill or string on skewers at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Pour abundantly with vegetable oil, sprinkle with spices.

3. To make a fire. In the second method, fry potatoes on an open fire for 10-15 minutes on each side until a golden crust appears. The finished dish is easily pierced with a toothpick to the middle.

If the potatoes are baked in foil, you need to wait until the fire burns out. After that, put the potatoes on the coals, sprinkle on top with heat. After 15-20 minutes, you can check for readiness by piercing the tubers with a knife.

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing: 40 min

  You arrived with the company in the countryside and decided to have a picnic. Here, of course, meat is already pickled, a barbecue with coals is prepared.
  From childhood, for many, baked potato on charcoal is a delicious dish. Today I propose a variation on the theme of baked potatoes, which is great for a side dish to, or just as an independent dish.
  For such potatoes, you only need potatoes, lard and greens. Do not forget to take a roll of foil from the house; without it, you won’t get baked potatoes in foil at the stake.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.
  Baking time: 20 minutes

- potatoes
- fat or underscores,
- any spicy greens,
- salt
- butter 50 g,
- sour cream or mayonnaise for serving.

How to cook with a photo step by step

  To bake potatoes on a fire, take a piece (250-300 g) of bacon or topping. It can be fresh bacon or salted, or smoked. Cut lard into small plates.

  In a clean container, combine finely chopped spicy greens, softened butter, and salt. In my case, I used dill, cilantro, stalks of young garlic. Mash the mixture thoroughly in a container with a fork, add hot pepper to taste.

  Wash the potatoes with a sponge, and then make crosswise indentations on each tuber with a knife. Try to cut potatoes to a minimum, but as deep as possible. Because of this, herbal oil and melted fat were soaked well inside.
  The size of the potato is desirable to be the same, so the baking time for all will be the same.

  Lay out the aromatic mixture on each potato and add a piece of lard on top.

  Wrap stuffed potatoes in several layers of foil. Grizzled coals, without open fire, spread along the edges of the barbecue and place the bundles of potatoes there. Cover the potatoes with charcoal on top and note for 15 minutes.

  You can bake fish or meat on top of the potatoes at this time, if the heat is enough for this. Take out one potato and pierce with a fork to determine how soft it is. Take the finished potatoes into a container, do not unfold before serving.

  As a sauce, you can pour baked potatoes in foil on a bonfire with sour cream or mayonnaise.

  Regards Elby
  You can cook at home

Summer is a great time for vacations, summer holidays, picnics and hiking.

Bonfire and an indispensable attribute of a country vacation. But you can bake at the stake not only marinated meat, but also ordinary potatoes.

The taste of potatoes baked on a bonfire will radically differ from all the previously known cooking methods.

Forest potatoes are very tasty, with a unique aromatic smoke. It is impossible to achieve such a taste by baking potatoes in the oven.

Therefore, Homemade Preparations will tell you how to bake potatoes at the stake.

Potatoes at the stake: recipes

Potatoes in foil

A potato, about the same size, preferably medium, washed thoroughly with a brush. Wipe with a towel, prick in several places with a fork or knife and rub with salt.

You can grease each potato with sunflower oil.

Cut the foil into squares and wrap each potato tightly in foil.

Dismantle the coals and put the potatoes in there. He will be ready in half an hour. Readiness can be checked by piercing potatoes directly through the foil with a toothpick or knife. It should be soft. If the potatoes are harsh, leave them in the coals for a little more time.

Potato with lard on a fire

It will take lard, onions, potatoes and salt.

Wash and dry the potato. Make a few punctures with a sharp object and rub with salt.

Lard cut into plates.

Peel and chop onions in large rings.

Put a piece of bacon on the square of the foil. On lard - onion rings. Put potatoes on top.

Wrap tightly in foil and bake.

You can bake potatoes by immersing it in coals. And you can scrub the coals, put the prepared potatoes in a slide and close them with a pot or cauldron. Coals are heated on a pot so that they completely close it.

Depending on the size, the potato will be ready in half an hour or 40 minutes.

Potato - accordion at the stake

Stuffing potatoes will require products of your choice or a combination of them.

For example: cheese, lard, meat, herbs, dry spices, garlic, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, dry and cut into transverse slices, but not completely. This is most conveniently done by putting potatoes on a spoon. You can safely make cuts. A spoon will not allow you to cut more than necessary.

In each incision we put the filling. It can be a plate of bacon or meat. Pieces of hard cheese can also be inserted into cuts. Put a piece of oil on top or grease with mayonnaise, add chopped dill and garlic.

Wrap each stuffed potato tightly in foil and bake on coals. It turns out a very tasty and beautiful dish.

Stuffed Potatoes at the stake

Wash potatoes, cut in half and make in half halves. It remains only to connect the imagination to prepare the filling. It can be minced meat or fish, grated cheese with garlic and herbs or mushrooms, in general, everything you love.

Put the filling in the recesses and connect the halves.

Wrap tightly in foil and send to the coals.

Potatoes cooked at the stake are guaranteed to have excellent taste. Bon Appetit!

If you liked the above recipes, we offer another option for cooking potatoes: as in the famous fast food restaurant.