Abkhazian salted cucumbers (Anashartsvy).

03.08.2019 Buffet table

According to scientifically substantiated nutrition rules, each of us must contain, to a certain extent, various types of vegetables in raw and boiled, heat-treated and salted forms. According to some researchers, this segment of food can reach a third or even half of the total diet. It is annoying that rarely in the modern world adheres to such attitudes. Unless people seriously engaged in their health or sitting on strict vegetable diets. How to find a way out of the existing situation and shift your diet towards the consumption of vegetables?

Easy peasy

And just refers to such dishes, due to the preparation and consumption of which you can quickly catch up. It prepares simply and quickly. It can be used as a daily dish. And also, which is characteristic, it has a lot of variations on the topic. So, each attentive housewife will be able to express her own imagination and build her own signature salad of beets and pickles to please both herself and the guests who came. Moreover, this dish is also dietary, and recommended for use during fasting (in strict - without oil). So in many ways you will be right if you start to cook it almost daily until you get bored. And bother, believe me, not soon (see the variations on the theme of the dish described below).

A bit about the benefits of ingredients

The salad has two main components: beets and cucumber. And if cucumbers are mostly used pickled or pickled (but not pickled, without the addition of vinegar), then beets can be cooked, and baked, and raw. The taste of the final product of your culinary fantasies, respectively, will also differ in this dependence. You can try this way and that - how it will be tastier and more convenient for you this time.


But as for beets, no one doubts its benefit. True, some doctors are diligently trying sometimes to spoil the reputation: they say that crude is harmful to people suffering from gastric diseases. But boiled or baked - this is certainly beyond any suspicion. Of the features of the product, it should be noted that beets contain useful elements that do not lose their properties during heat treatment. It also has a unique composition of trace elements and vitamins. Calorie content - 40 kcal / 100 grams. Ingredients: proteins - 1.5 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 8.8 g. A lot of fiber is contained, a kind of brush cleansing the body from the inside. There is a whole sea of \u200b\u200bbeneficial amino acids in beets. And the magnesium contained therein has a healing effect on blood vessels and the heart. But you have to be careful with the portions. It should be remembered that beets also have a mild diuretic and laxative effect.


Pickled cucumbers with beets, the correct proportions introduced into the dish, enhance the antibacterial and vitaminized effect. Everyone knows that cucumbers (especially home, cask salting) are extremely useful to use, especially in winter. The use of such fermentation products, according to some scientists, contributes to the "acidification" of the body and resists the formation of malignant cancer cells.

Seeds and nuts, vegetable oil

All these additional ingredients introduced into the base salad are designed to improve the taste and enhance the nutritional value of the dish. It is important to remember the rules for product compatibility. In a salad of beets and pickles, peeled and chopped walnuts and pumpkins usually go well. You can add almost any fried or raw nuts in small quantities. All this stuff is seasoned with lean sunflower or (some use other types, for example, corn). Immediately make a reservation that when it is forbidden to use oil, a drop of lemon juice can be squeezed into a salad or a drop of pickle from cucumbers is added (but then salt should be less).

Boiled beets with pickles for salad

Well, everything is clear with cucumbers. It is necessary to take not sour, without vinegar, not pickled, barrel. Yes, and to crunch lightly - then the most relish! Cucumbers need to be cut into cubes (some prefer to rub on a coarse grater, but then be prepared for the fact that your salad turns into slurry). But as for the root crop, the most common option in a salad of beets and pickles is cooked. It is best to cook beets in a separate pot. It is necessary to wash, but many do not recommend cleaning: this is how the beneficial substances found in the root crop are better preserved and less digested. Even the tails are not cut. Cook over low heat until cooked (should easily fit on a fork). Then we drain the water and cool to room temperature. Next, peel and cut or three on a large grater - as you like.

Salad "Beets with pickled cucumber." Final stage

The finale of preparing a simple and affordable dish is short and concise. Introduce cucumbers into beets. Mix. Add nuts or seeds as desired. Fill with vegetable oil (or do not fill, but then you need to drip lemon juice or pickle). Let us brew at the bottom of the refrigerator. We eat with pleasure. Yes, as far as the proportions of the ingredients, experienced housewives prefer to act by eye. But just in case: several medium root vegetables, several medium-sized pickled cucumbers, half a glass of peeled walnuts and a spoonful of vegetable oil.

In a fragrant marinade with many fragrant spices - it is not only tasty, but also very beautiful. Unusual scarlet color vegetables acquire due to one ingredient - beets. Her pieces, preserved with cucumbers, give such a rich and unusual shade. At the same time, beets can be used as a snack. It turns out hard, sweet and juicy. Well, the notes of dill, bay leaf and a small amount of cloves create a whole bunch of smells and thanks to them the cucumbers will crackle. Pickled cucumbers with beets for the winter - the recipe of the day.

  To spin with a capacity of 1 liter you will need:

- 1 small beetroot
- 50 ml of vinegar 9%,
- 1 tbsp Sahara,
- 1.5 tbsp salt
- 3 clove buds,
- 2-3 bay leaves,
- 3 peas of allspice,
- 3 peas of black pepper,
- 2 umbrellas or sprigs of dill,
- as many cucumbers as fit in a jar.

Choose the pickles that we will pickle. They must be sturdy. It is advisable to select these vegetables of the same size so that they are evenly placed in a jar. The container itself for preservation can be sterilized, but it will be enough to simply pour over boiling water, after washing it.
  Spice on the bottom of each jar. We put dill greens, a bay leaf, two types of peppercorns and clove buds there. Wash and peel the beets. Cut it into thin slices of small size. And put a few pieces to the bottom.

Now we put in the jar washed and cut from two sides cucumbers. We fill the jar mixed with beets.

Boil the water in a teapot or pan. Fill it with preservation, but do not twist. Just leave for twenty minutes.

And after this time, we drain the already slightly reddened water back into the cookware for boiling. Stir in it salt and sugar. Add nine percent vinegar. We heat to a hundred degrees and fill the banks with fragrant boiling water.

We roll it up, wrap it up well, and after cooling we take it to a permanent storage place.

Spins can be kept on the balcony or on a shelf in the pantry.
  Tips: to make the cucumbers crispy in winter and not bitter, they must first be soaked. To do this, leave the vegetables in cold water. And they keep it like that for several hours. The most delicious cucumbers are obtained when they are still elastic, and spiky pimples are visible on the skin. In addition to these ingredients, you can also add onion rings or a couple of garlic cloves for poignancy.
  Tasty and pleasant preparations for you!
  Old Les

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Cucumbers: pickled, for the winter, crispy, in jars of 1 liter

Crispy cucumbers have always been appreciated as a great snack on any feast, and in salads we use them often. Basically, for the winter we preserve whole fruits, with aromatic spices. Today I propose to prepare fragrant, pickled cucumbers, a winter recipe, crunchy with the addition of a wonderful vegetable - beets. She will give cucumbers a beautiful color and a pleasant aroma. The preparation is preparing quickly, and you do not even have time to remember how the cucumbers with beets will be on your shelf. The main thing is to buy or pick fresh vegetables and beets to find sweet and young, so that it is juicy.

Cooking time - 40 minutes, product yield - 1 liter.


Medium Cucumbers - Kilogram

Young beets - 1 piece

Young dill - 5 branches

Cherry leaf - 1 piece

Blackcurrant leaf - 1 leaf

Bay leaf - 1 piece

Garlic - 1 clove

Allspice - 3 peas

Carnation - 1 bud

Coarse salt - 1 tablespoon

Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon

Purified water.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter, crispy, in 1 liter jars, recipe with photo:

For this preparation, it is better to use cucumbers of the Gherkin variety, small, so that it is convenient to eat. I did not find them, so I just chose the smallest from my harvest. Beets need to be taken young so that it gives a lot of juice for harvesting.

Cut ponytails from cucumbers, you can slightly pierce the fruit with a toothpick, so that they are juicy. If your cucumbers have withered, fill it with ice water for an hour, they will leave.

The can for preservation must be sterile. Steam it in any way you like. First, pour all the spices in the jar - cherry and blackcurrant leaves, green dill, bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves and garlic. I cut the garlic into slices.

Peel and cut beets into thin slices. We put cucumbers with beets in a jar, try to stack all the vegetables as tightly as possible.

Put the kettle on the stove. When it boils, pour water over the cucumbers with beets, let it stand for 5 minutes. Drain the water. Cooking brine. Add salt and sugar to the water, let the water boil, then you need to pour the vinegar.

Pour cucumbers with beets ready brine. Immediately roll up tightly with a lid. The workpiece can be put on the floor, in a secluded place, so that it cools down, twist the jar so that the water is mixed with spices. In the morning, rearrange the pickled crisps in the basement and enjoy the summer!

Pickled cucumbers are the best snack not only in winter, but also at any time of the year. Cucumbers are especially popular in winter - when fresh ones are not tasty, and in the store, cucumbers are mostly fresh or there is a lot of vinegar in them. At home, summer you can prepare excellent sharp cucumbers for the winter, and even with beets, it will give the cucumbers a pleasant pink color and sweetness. You can add fresh chili peppers or dry hot paprika for pungency. Beets should be juicy and young, cucumbers too. So, let's see how pickled cucumbers (winter recipe) are prepared - crispy and savory.

For the preparation of pickled cucumbers with beets for the winter we will need - 35 minutes, the product yield is a liter.

- small cucumbers - 500 grams;

- juicy beets - 1 piece;

- a leaf of horseradish young - 1 piece;

- garlic - 2 cloves;

- fresh dill - 1 sprig;

- dry chili pepper - to taste;

- small salt - 2 teaspoons;

- ordinary vinegar - 2 tablespoons.

A step-by-step recipe for making crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter:

It is better to find small cucumbers so that they are quickly and well marinated with beets and herbs. Prepare all vegetables, spices, garlic at once, so that it is convenient to preserve. For sharpness, you can use dry or fresh hot peppers. Tarragon must be found, it gives cucumbers a special taste and crunch. There is another way that the cucumbers were tight - pour them with ice water for 10 minutes, the cucumbers will immediately become hard, and after pickling they will crackle. Beets should not be large, but young and juicy, so that the cucumbers quickly stained. Pink cucumbers look very original and appetizing.

Wash and trim the cucumbers, put the cucumbers in a bowl and pour very cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then you can drain the water and pour cold again.

The jar needs to be washed well with a special detergent with a brush, it is not necessary to steam it. The lid must also be washed well. Peel and cut the beets into small cubes. A leaf of horseradish, dill, also wash and put on the bottom of the jar. Peel the garlic there too. Pour the beets.

By the way, we suggest you look at another one, they turn out as store ones, even tastier.

We put cold, tight cucumbers tightly one to one in a jar, so that it fits more.

Pour hot pepper and salt into a jar. Meanwhile, we put the kettle on the stove, and it has already begun to boil.

We immediately fill the cucumbers with boiling water and pour the vinegar, you can add more vinegar, but it’s not worth it, the cucumbers are marinated and will stand in a jar until winter.

We twist the jar with a lid. We lay the jar on its side and let it lie in the kitchen for 1 hour. Then take it to any place where your pickles are stored.

Spicy cucumbers with beets are ready!

You can make such a preparation without hot pepper, if you do not like, you can just add Bulgarian or dry paprika.

Cucumbers are frequent guests in various salads. They always give an additional flavor to the pickled cucumbers, they allow achieving harmony and perfection. These vegetables are especially distinguished. The usual root crop, acquires an amazing hue of taste, becomes even more saturated and attractive. Such dishes may include meat, fish, many vegetables, fruits and cereals, but they always turn out to be self-sufficient, multifaceted and mouth-watering. And all thanks to the fact that there are cucumbers in the appetizers, giving freshness and lightness.

Simple in this case is the main advantage. It is thanks to this that every note is felt. Products do not muffle each other, but rather emphasize the impeccability of adjacent components. Potatoes are not added in vain here, it makes the dish hearty, but at the same time does not allow the snack to lose freshness.

Necessary components:

  • 500 gr. potatoes;
  • 200 gr. pickled cucumbers;
  • 20 gr. vegetable oil;
  • 15 gr mustard;
  • 500 gr. beets.

Beetroot salad with pickled cucumbers:

  1. The potatoes and beets are washed with a brush, laid out in separate pots, poured with water and boiled. After cooking, cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Pickled cucumbers are also cut in the same way, but they also squeeze a little from the marinade.
  3. Oil is mixed with mustard.
  4. The products are mixed.
  5. Lettuce is placed briefly in the refrigerator to soak and cool.

Beetroot and Cucumber Salad

Fresh cucumbers combined with tender cheese and sweet beets create an amazing harmony. It turns out incredibly easy, but satisfying. The appetizer looks flawless, and the taste is a delight. Moreover, you can achieve a completely different flavor, depending on which cheese will be chosen.

Necessary components:

  • 300 gr beets;
  • 200 gr. cucumbers
  • 50 gr cheese;
  • 30 gr sour cream;
  • 30 gr mayonnaise.

Cooking in stages:

  1. The beets are washed with a brush and set to boil. The finished root crop is cooled and cleaned, tinder on the largest grater.
  2. Cucumbers are washed and wiped, peeled off their skin and cut into strips.
  3. To grind cheese, take a finer grater and rub on it.
  4. All products are poured into a salad bowl.
  5. A mayonnaise in a bowl is mixed with sour cream.
  6. The resulting mixture is poured over all products, mixed with a spoon among themselves.

Tip: beets baked in foil will be more useful and tastier, not boiled. With this preparation, the root crop retains a maximum of useful substances, including vitamin C.

Beetroot and Pickle Salad

Many canned salads are prepared from canned fish, including beetroot. The pleasant taste of mackerel makes a simple salad of beets and pickles more rich and refined, surprisingly fragrant. Cooking this is incredibly simple. The result is a real gastronomic masterpiece that deserves attention and praise.

Necessary components:

  • 200 gr. beets;
  • 200 gr. pickled cucumbers;
  • 2 garlic prongs;
  • 80 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 3 eggs:
  • 300 gr canned mackerel oil;
  • 30 gr dill.

Beetroot salad with pickles:

  1. The beets are washed with a brush and placed in a saucepan with water, boil and immediately cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. In a small saucepan lay the testicles and cook, then cool. Then cleaned and crushed into cubes.
  3. Cucumbers are washed, squeezed from the marinade and cut to size with beets. If desired, the peel can be peeled, for example, if it is too rough or bitter.
  4. The garlic is freed from the husk and crushed by the garlic.
  5. Mayonnaise is mixed with garlic.
  6. A jar of sardine is opened, the liquid must be drained, and the fish itself is crushed into pieces.
  7. Combine all components, season with sauce and mix.
  8. On top of the dish you can decorate with washed greens.

Tip: if desired, pickled cucumbers can be replaced with fresh ones.

Beetroot Salad with Pickle

The tenderness of chicken meat can make a salad of beets and pickled cucumbers perfect. Thanks to the fillet, beetroot salad with pickled cucumber is very satisfying, multifaceted, but absolutely not burdensome. In a mysterious way, the lightness does not leave the beetroot salad with pickles, but on the contrary, it is emphasized, it is felt in full.

Necessary components:

  • 300 gr beets;
  • 300 gr chicken breast;
  • 2 beam heads;
  • 150 gr. pickles;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 5 gr. coriander;
  • 4 gr. pepper;
  • 30 gr 9% vinegar;
  • 4 gr. salts;
  • 4 gr. Sahara.

Boiled beet salad with pickles:

  1. First of all, they peel onions and chop.
  2. Pour the mass into a bowl, add, sprinkle with sugar and pour vinegar, add some water and marinate for about ten minutes. After their expiration, the liquid is drained, and the onion itself is squeezed out by hand.
  3. The chicken breast is washed and boiled in salted water. Then, without getting out of the broth, cool and cut into cubes.
  4. The beets are cleaned with a brush and boiled in a saucepan, cooled and peeled, cut into thin strips on the board.
  5. Cucumbers spread on a board and cut into cubes.
  6. All products are combined in a salad bowl, poured with mayonnaise, add coriander, pepper and add.
  7. The salad is well stirred and slightly cooled.

Tip: to make the salad from boiled beets and pickles even more nutritious and rich, chicken can not be primitively boiled, but fried in a pan with spices and chopped garlic. Smoked chicken, which can also be used in the cooking process, gives an amazing aroma to the dish.

Beetroot and Pickle Salad

In its composition, this recipe reminds everyone of the well-known salad of beets, peas, cucumber, but still has its own characteristics, differences. It turns out a snack more intense than its famous counterpart, even more flavorful. A huge amount of vegetables is combined in the dish, due to which the salad has a lot of useful properties.

Necessary components:

  • 300 gr beets;
  • 200 gr. carrots;
  • 300 gr potatoes;
  • 80 gr. olives
  • 1 onion head;
  • 200 gr. pickles;
  • 4 gr. pepper;
  • 10 gr. apple cider vinegar;
  • 10 gr. Sahara;
  • 4 gr. salts;
  • 40 gr oils;
  • 30 gr green onions.

Beetroot salad, pickles:

  1. The beets, carrots and potatoes with a brush are washed, spread in three different saucepans and cooked in them, cooled under a stream of cold water and peeled.
  2. All root crops are cut in small squares on the board with a knife.
  3. The onions are freed from the husks and washed, laid out on a board and chopped. After the mass is sprinkled with vinegar, sprinkled with sugar and added, marinate for 15 minutes, wring out by hand.
  4. Cucumbers cut into cubes.
  5. The olives are thrown into a colander, decanted the whole marinade and chopped into thin rings.
  6. All products are poured into one bowl, pepper, add and add oil to them, put in portioned glasses.
  7. Green onions are washed and dried, finely chopped, sprinkled with each individual portion.

Important! Beetroot salad, pickled cucumber will not be stored for a long time, it must be served immediately after cooking. In the refrigerator, beetroot salad, pickled cucumber can be kept for a maximum of twelve hours, after which the dish is no longer suitable for eating.

Beetroot salads have an amazing taste and an incredible amount of nutrients. The appetizers combine excellent taste and incredibly rich aroma. If cucumbers are also present in the recipe, then it is possible to achieve true harmony and perfection. Salads with beets and pickles can add variety to the daily diet, and in a festive atmosphere they are always appropriate. It would seem that a simple, ordinary dish, but it is simply impossible to do without it.