Cauliflower salad in tomato. Cauliflower for the winter in tomato fill. Cauliflower for the winter in tomato

09.08.2019 Winter blanks

Do you know why cauliflower is called that? Not at all because it comes in different colors. The thing is that the head of cauliflower is a lot of inflorescences, and we are preparing nothing more than flowers, not leaves, as is the case with white cabbage. Interesting, right? Speaking of cooking.

Few people know that cauliflower can be closed for the winter - it makes excellent conservation. Such preparations (salads and snacks) of cauliflower are very beautiful and delicious. Want an example? You are welcome! I will gladly share with you the recipe for cauliflower in tomato - a bright, mouth-watering snack will become a real decoration of your table in the cold season.

As a side dish, this cauliflower goes well with beef or lamb. Cauliflower with tomatoes and olives. Preparation: Proper preparation of cauliflower is very easy - with a little water and a little salt. Pour about 2 cm of water into the pot, which is not much larger than the head itself, from which you previously cut out all the green and the end of the string. Bring the water to a boil, put your head in a pot, put your head together and put on the lid. After about 15 minutes, cauliflower should be cooked, but not too soft.


  • 2 kg of cauliflower;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 200 g of bell pepper;
  • 50 g of garlic;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 cup vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of 9% vinegar.

* The weight of prepared vegetables is indicated. About 5 liters of salad are obtained from this amount of ingredients.

It tastes best when he still has some bite. Peel the tomatoes: first cut the skin crosswise, then pour the boiling water over the tomatoes and let them spin for one minute, and then cool. Now it’s easy to remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes, drain them and cut into small cubes, dip in olives. Fry a finely chopped piece of onion with a little olive oil, then let the cubes of tomato in it heat and cook for about 5 minutes, adding salt, pepper and, possibly, seasoning with sugar.

Just let the olives with tomatoes warm for a while, and then add a little fresh olive oil. To serve, place the dried cauliflower on a plate, cut into quarters and pour hot tomato sauce on it to fill the space between the interfaces. It looks great and delicious.


My tomatoes, pour boiling water, soak for 1-2 minutes. Then remove the peel. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces (so that they go into the hole of the meat grinder). Twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder or grind with a blender.

Cauliflower casserole with orchetta. Preparation: Wash the cauliflower, cut the green and thick stalk, then cut the cauliflower into its flowers. Soak these flowers with very little salt water in a pot with a closed lid for 5 minutes, so it’s not very soft. Make a cheese sauce for baking. Boil in oil at low temperature in a pot, sprinkle in flour and mix until the fat is completely absorbed. Then add the hot milk in portions and always stir until milk is absorbed in each case, and then slowly create a smooth creamy sauce.

My bell peppers, cut the stalk and seeds, rinse. Cut the peppers into large slices - each half into 3-4 parts. We sort cabbage into inflorescences.

In a wide pan with a thick bottom, in which we will cook a salad, put tomatoes and peppers, salt and sugar, pour vegetable oil. Mix everything and put on fire. On medium heat, bring the mass to a boil, put the cauliflower.

Finally, pour the sauce over the pan, bake it in a preheated oven 180 degrees for 45 minutes. If the surface tans too quickly, cover the mold with aluminum foil. Preparation: Wash the cauliflower, peel it and disassemble into its flowers. Set aside three large flowers, cook another cauliflower in a little salt water, closing the lid for 20 minutes. Wash and peel the potatoes. The correct amount is weighed, two-thirds of the cooked cauliflower and one-third of the potatoes, both raw and peeled.

Cook the potatoes gently in salted water. Then pour soft cauliflower and potatoes into a large pot and clog with a pound until porridge, and salt a little, season the nutmeg and oil. Creamy with a vote in Schmand, mashed potatoes should not be too soft. Slice raw cauliflower as accurately as possible. Grind two of the raw cauliflower flora relatively finely with a large knife. Fry in a saucepan with clarified butter over a medium flame until it is slightly weathered.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil again. Then, covered with a lid, cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Slightly salt and apply on the stove over the mash, put the raw cauliflower between them. This is not seasonal. Only at the very end of the article is it briefly mentioned that the consumer smells seasonal, often fails if you present him with something other than a strawberry and asparagus cake. This cauliflower and apples have a relatively limited time in which they gather with us, much less.

Of course, the product is also impeccable in the supermarket for a year - and even in the market, because in the market people often buy fairly well-mixed fruits and vegetables. Because the buyer’s desire for regionalism and seasonality is so great in the face of the relatively unrestrained winter supply of cabbage and turnips, and then often not. If in doubt, you would like to go to the booth and buy cauliflower.

Add garlic and vinegar. mix. Cook another 5 minutes.

We immediately place the finished snack on sterilized jars and seal it tightly.

For several years we received bio-boxing. But you really have a difficult number. To say: almost all kinds of vegetables that come to mind from the very beginning are now in season. Even if cauliflower whispers “buy me!” All year round: if you are serious about the region and seasonality, it is better to eat it now. Because soon there are only very long months that come from Italian and Spanish greenhouses.

This recipe for cauliflower salad combines white vegetables that are seasonally correct with tomatoes and completely ethically correct with eggs from chickens whose brothers were not chopped immediately. In addition, I am very pleased that he gives it several times almost every summer.

Turn the cans upside down and wrap them with a blanket. Soak until completely cooled (about a day). We store such preservation in a cool dark place.

If you like vegetable stews and vegetable soups, then cauliflower for the winter will be very useful to you. For me, this is one of my favorite and universal blanks. In winter, I add cauliflower in tomato wherever I can - to stew with meat and chicken, to dishes from vegetables, to vegetable soups, to gravy and sauces. Even as a side dish to meat or to spaghetti is very tasty.

Cauliflower salad with tomato and egg. Cut leaves and brown spots, divide the cauliflower into bouquets that are suitable for the bark, peel and quitate the stem. Cook the cauliflower either in large quantities of boiling salt water, or in a steamer on low boiling water for 5 minutes, drain, season with cold water and skip well. To enrich mayonnaise, yogurt and both mustards, and prepare the mixture with a hood, salt and pepper until spicy. Cut the onions with scissors into small rings and mix. Mix the dressing with the salad and leave for 10 minutes before serving.

  • Cook the eggs in 8 minutes and chop.
  • Wash and peel the cherry tomatoes.
  • Place all prepared ingredients and capers in a bowl.
For tomato sauce, just skip the tomato in a saucepan and let it cook with other ingredients or bring to a boil and simmer with a lid half covered at the lowest level.

There are practically no special preparations and troubles in the preparation of cauliflower, delicious cauliflower for the winter is quick and easy to prepare. First you need to make a tomato sauce of tomato and pepper, and then add cauliflower to it. A little secret - before you put cabbage in the sauce, you need to boil it. Then the cabbage smell will disappear and cooking will be faster. I add a little sunflower oil and vinegar, hot peppers and peas or allspice to the tomato sauce. To taste, the filling will turn out to be sour-sweet-spicy, along with tender cauliflower it will be very tasty.

Then mix in milk. Bring to a boil while stirring. Reduce heat to the lowest level. Now add cheese, salt and pepper. Mix well and put aside the lid. In a large saucepan, bring the pasta water to a boil. Now it should go fast, because cauliflower should cook for about 8 minutes with pasta. Therefore, cut the cauliflower into smaller flowers and as soon as the pasta remains on the watch for 8 minutes, add the cauliflower. Half of the tomato sauce is included in the baking dish.

Once the noodles are ready, drain the water and mix the mixture of noodles and cauliflower in a saucepan with half a bechamel sauce. The noodle mixture is now included in the tomato sauce in the baking dish. Next is the rest of the tomato sauce on top, and then bechamel sauce.

  • Cauliflower - 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 700 g;
  • sweet pepper - 1 large fleshy;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc;
  • parsley or cilantro - 1 bunch (I did not add);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml (2 tbsp. l).

We'll start with a video recommendation.

Instead of Tikka Tandoori spice mix, you can also use paprika, chili flakes and some curries. Cauliflower and broccoli are two vegetables with a similar appearance, but with a completely different taste. I hope you like them, and they make you very happy. Sometimes it may cost us to eat this kind of vegetables, because when cooking their flavor, which they give, is not very pleasant. It turns out that they are great for your health, they even say that they prevent cancer. Cook the vegetables and then dip them in the oven with bechamel sauce and cheese.

Recipe for harvesting cauliflower for the winter photo recipe in steps

I sliced \u200b\u200bthe tomatoes into slices, removing the stalk and spoiled places. The recipe gives the weight of already prepared vegetables, cut into pieces. I add sweet pepper without seeds, bitter with seeds. I cut sweet pepper into slices. I cut cauliflower into large pieces, then separate small inflorescences. I like when the inflorescences in this blank remain intact, I do not divide them into very small ones.

Nothing can be bad if it is satisfied in this way. We are in front of a dish that can be eaten at any time of the banquet, either as a starter, or as a first course, or as a second. This is a very simple soup, healthy and not very high in calories, which makes it ideal for weight loss.

In case you are not on a diet, you can put a couple of handfuls of thin noodles. To make a delicious broccoli and cauliflower dish with cheese, the first thing to do is pour a lot of water with a pinch of salt in a saucepan. We put it at medium temperature, and when it starts to boil, we put cauliflower into pieces that are not too small and not too large.

I boil water in a large pan. I lower the inflorescences of cabbage, cook for about five minutes, until they sink to the bottom. I drain the water through a colander.

I roll tomatoes with peppers in a meat grinder. It turns out a very thick vegetable gruel. For this and other recipes of tomato sauce, I take only meaty tomatoes, with them less time is spent on harvesting. And juicy tomatoes are ideally suited.

Are you a lover of cauliflower? Do you want to eat this vegetable and don’t know how to cook it? Then it's time to try these great vegetarian and super-salvage recipes. If you are a true crucifer lover, these great recipes will make you really good. They are all vegetarians, they are all healthy, and you will find everything: soups, sautés, accompaniments and much more. What are you waiting for while enjoying this wonderful vegetable?

Why is cauliflower good?

Let cool and season the mixture of garlic, parsley, lemon juice, chopped boiled egg, salt and pepper. Knead potatoes, add oil or olive oil, mix with processed cauliflower and enjoy salt and pepper after seasoning. Pour the cauliflower. As simple as processing cauliflower with vegetable broth, so it's a delicious and creamy soup. A great alternative for these cold days. To do this, you just need to put raw cabbage, cut into pieces, in a glass of the mixer. Boiled Couscous. It is true that raw cauliflower can be somewhat difficult, especially for those who do not tolerate the crucifer well. You can also cook it in boiling, slightly whitening cabbage flowers in boiling water for about two minutes. Then cut them with a knife without going through the processor, because it will turn into mayonnaise or mashed potatoes, but not couscous. If you have a dehydrator on hand, be sure to use it to give the false couscous you made. The recipe will maintain its nutrients and get a consistency more similar to the original composition with wheat.

  • Boil the cabbage for several minutes until it is in your favorite place.
  • Boil potatoes, some cloves of garlic and cauliflower.
  • Treat the cabbage with garlic cloves and olive oil.
  • False artless couscous.
  • A great way to enjoy cauliflower is to make it in the form of couscous.
  • Treat it slowly until it is finely textured.
  • Season with salt and use in salads, side dishes, toppings or whatever you want.
Although many people will worry about this special aroma of cauliflower, this armchair will bring you a number of excellent nutrients, such as almost everything of its kind.

I cook tomato sauce, covering the dishes with a lid for about half an hour, until the pieces of vegetables are softened. After 20 minutes, the sauce will begin to change color to a darker one, it will become more uniform. If the tomatoes are juicy, then you need to cook the sauce without covering and take a wide dish so that the liquid evaporates faster. I pour vegetable oil into the boiling sauce, lay the boiled cauliflower. Salt and sugar to taste (the approximate amount in the recipe; you need to taste the sauce). I cook another 10 minutes, stirring cabbage and sauce two to three times. According to this recipe, cauliflower is prepared for the winter without sterilization, it must be boiled in the sauce until soft, but not digested. I did not add greens. After cooking, it becomes dark, loses taste and aroma. If you decide to add, then finely chop the leaves and pour into the tomato for about five minutes until tender.

I take small jars, 0.5 liters each. I wash it in a hot soda solution, rinse it with clean water and sterilize it in the oven or over steam. I boil the lids for at least three minutes. Before packing, I add apple cider vinegar to the sauce and try the tomato sauce to taste. I spread the cabbage along with the sauce, filling the cans under the lid, to the top. I twist the lids with thread or roll up the machine.

I wrap the cans in several layers of the newspaper and hide it under the covers. After a day, you can get and rearrange the cauliflower in a tomato for the winter for storage in a cabinet or pantry.