Tasty ear from pike perch recipe. Pike perch soup - recipes with photos

The first mention of the Slavic national dish with the unusual name “ear” appeared long ago, tentatively in the 15th century. Today, this dish is considered to be fish soup, and zander soup is very popular. Each mistress can choose his recipe in accordance with personal taste preferences. Let's expand the culinary horizons.

Ear from the head of zander: a recipe with a photo

If you believe the dictionaries and encyclopedias, the word "ear" can be translated as compote. It was from a fish fillet, head or tail of the carcass of the fish that a transparent rich broth was previously prepared, which was supplemented with roots and root crops.

Of course, fish soup is often boiled, but many housewives already cook such a soup at home.


  • 750 g of zander;
  • 5 pieces. potato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • parsley root;
  • 0.2 kg of rice cereal;
  • 1 onion;
  • seasonings and spices for fish dishes;
  • peppercorns and salt - to taste;
  • parsley and dill;
  • 60 g of butter.


We have already figured out how to make a pike perch soup according to the simplest recipe. Even a novice hostess will cope with such a culinary task. There are many variations in the preparation of this amazing dish with an unusual taste, for example, pike perch ear with millet. Its recipe can be considered universal. If millet is not at hand, replace it with rice grits.


  • pike perch fillet - 0.6 kg;
  • 3 l of filtered water;
  • millet groats - ½ tbsp .;
  • bulb;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 5-6 pcs. potato;
  • to taste allspice, ground pepper, salt and a blend of spices;
  • 2-3 pcs. laurel leaves;
  • greens - one bunch;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l refined sunflower oil;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l


  1. We’ll get the zander carcass from the freezer in advance.
  2. Defrost it, rinse with running water, cut it.
  3. It’s best to work hard and separate the fish fillet from the bone.
  4. Put the pikeperch head in the pan and fill it with filtered water.
  5. We put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. We boil the broth for several minutes, be sure to remove the foam.
  7. Now you need to remove the head from the broth and discard.
  8. To make the soup tastier, filter the broth through a fine sieve or gauze cut.
  9. Peel and chop the vegetables.
  10. The strained broth is again poured into the pan, put on the stove and brought to a boil.
  11. Put chopped vegetables in boiling liquid.
  12. Salt, pepper and season to taste.
  13. After 10 minutes, spread the pike perch fillet into the broth.
  14. Cook until the fish is ready.
  15. We rinse millet groats with running water and put it in a pan.
  16. When the cereals and potatoes are cooked, season the ear with tomato paste and refined sunflower oil.
  17. Boil a few more minutes and set aside from the fire.
  18. Finely chop the greens with a knife and add to the soup for flavor.

Unusual cooking soup

An ear of pike perch at home is cooked within an hour. To enjoy such a dish, it is not necessary to go to nature. But if you like fish soup with smoke, it is best to cook it in a casserole at the stake.

Some housewives have already surprised their household ear with an unusual addition. Try it and you.


  • pike perch fillet - 0.8 kg;
  • 7 pcs potato;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 pcs. laurel leaves;
  • filtered water - 2 l;
  • carrots - 0.1 kg;
  • seasonings, salt and a blend of spices.


  1. As described in previous recipes, prepare the pike perch carcass.
  2. Peel potato tubers, carrots and onions and chop.
  3. Pour filtered water into a thick-walled dish and bring to a boil.
  4. Spread potatoes, carrots and fish fillets in boiling water.
  5. Cook until half-ready vegetables and add onions.
  6. We break the eggs into the bowl.
  7. With a whisk or mixer, beat the eggs until a mass of uniform consistency is formed.
  8. Add salt and pepper to the ear, add laurel leaves.
  9. Simmer the soup until all the ingredients are cooked on low heat.
  10. The last thing we introduce is beaten egg mass.
  11. Constantly stir the ear so that the egg mixture does not curl.
  12. Cook the soup for a few more minutes.
  13. We wash the greens and chop finely with a knife.
  14. Season the chopped ear with herbs.

On a note! The soup will be truly royal if it is prepared from several varieties of fish fillet, for example, you can combine zander and salmon. So that the soup does not have a pronounced fishy smell, it is better to cook it in an open bowl and over minimal heat. Do not be afraid to experiment with taste, add spices and spices.

    Uha is a Slavic dish with a long history, which has long been one of the main culinary dishes during the holidays and sumptuous feasts.

    But the fish soup is also a universal dish that did not know the class differences: it was on the table, both among the reigning persons and among ordinary peasants.

    Ear, the recipe for which has not changed for hundreds of years, is very popular to this day.

    Ear - a recipe for cooking and varieties

    The fish soup is a liquid hot fish dish based on exclusively freshly caught fish. If the fish is salted or frozen, then, according to the culinary experts, this is no longer an ear at all, but an ordinary fish soup. The fish soup, the recipe for which can be both simple and more complex, should always be prepared from fresh fish, only then it turns out to be really tasty and aromatic.

    There is still a debate about how to cook a classic ear. There are several recipes for its preparation, each of which has its followers.

    Recipes for cooking fish soup:

    1.   Wuhu is made from only one variety of fish. Most often, salmon, trout, sterlet, perch, pike perch, salmon, silver carp, roach, bream and other popular types of fish, both sea and river, are used for its preparation.

    2.    According to the second technology for cooking fish soup, several varieties of fish should be taken, mixing them or cooking in several stages. For example, for starters, small fish is boiled, and only then in the resulting broth is prepared a more expensive and tasty fish.

    3.    There is the so-called triple ear, the recipe for which is based on the change of three portions of fish.

    4.    The king’s ear is prepared according to the principle of a triple fish soup, but it is cooked on mushroom or chicken broth. In the people it is often called the ear of a rooster. Also, a very delicious recipe on how to cook herring and pink salmon baked in the oven.

    White, black and red ear:

    According to the classic recipe, the Russian ear is cooked from such fish, which gives a rich transparent broth, characterized by stickiness, tenderness and some sweetness. Such fish include pike perch, perch, ruff, whitefish, and if they are used to make fish soup, the result will be the best, the so-called white ear . Often they add one third of such fish as catfish, burbot, ide or tench.

    In the second place in terms of taste is ear made from crucian carp, carp, asp, common carp, rudd, chub. Such an ear is called black.

    But, the ear, the recipe for which includes red fish - stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, salmon - is called amber or red.

    How to cook an ear at home

    For the preparation of a truly delicious fish soup, the quality of the water and the fish itself is of great importance. So, frozen or asleep fish significantly reduces the taste of the dish, and lake fish can convey to it the smell of stagnant water or mud. If the fish did not live in running water, then before cooking its fish soup, live, should be kept in clean water for some time.

    Just before cooking, the gills and bile should be removed from the fish, the liver and milk should also be boiled separately, because of them the broth will become cloudy.

    To begin with, you should boil the broth from smaller fish, allowing its complete digestion. The resulting first broth needs to be filtered and only then cook larger fish in it. Do not forget to filter the ear - the broth should be transparent, without turbidity.

    Ear - a recipe for cooking and little tricks

    If there is no way to cook fish soup with fresh fish, then you should first cook the vegetable broth, and only then cook the ear in it. When the vegetable broth begins to boil, add small fish to it for 10-20 minutes, then remove it, strain the broth and add large pieces of fish or fillet.

    The duration of cooking of large fish depends on its type: sea cooks for 8-12 minutes, and freshwater - a little longer, about 15-20 minutes. In no case should you digest marine fish, as its taste will only suffer from this, and the broth itself will be less aromatic and sweet.

    Seasonings and spices for fish soup:

    Traditionally, the minimum amount of vegetables is put in the ear: some potatoes (preferably not crumbly and sweet), onions and carrots. And you should definitely add as much greens and all kinds of spices as you wish: green onions, parsley, dill, bay leaves, black pepper, parsnips, if desired - ginger, saffron, nutmeg, anise. Varieties of spices depend primarily on the variety of fish - more fatty varieties require more spices.

    Cooking the ear should be on low or moderate heat and without a lid: in this case, the dish will turn out to be much tastier.

    How to check the readiness of fish soup:

    The fish soup, the recipe for which was prepared in accordance with all the rules, is distinguished by a transparent broth, bright whiteness of fish meat, which easily lags behind the bone, and also the almost complete absence of fish smell characteristic of fish soups, in which fish can be boiled.

    To make fish soup from zander, you will need 0.5 kg of fish, 2-3 liters of water, 5-6 medium potatoes, 1 head of onion, 50 g of butter. From spices, take a taste of bay leaf, parsley root, black pepper, salt, herbs, half a fresh lemon.

    Clean the fish and rinse it under running water. Cut the tail, head and fins, and divide the remaining carcass into two sirloin pieces. Sprinkle pike perch fillet with fresh lemon juice.

    To prepare a fragrant ear of zander, first cook the broth from the head, fins and tail. To do this, fill the pieces of fish with cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for about half an hour, periodically removing the foam. When the broth is ready, strain it.

    Slice the carrots and lightly fry them in butter. Peel potatoes and parsley root and cut into cubes, chop onions.

    In the prepared strained broth, add potatoes, onions, fried carrots, parsley root and cook vegetables over low heat. A little later, put bay leaf, pepper in the broth and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked, about 25 minutes.

    15 minutes before cooking, add the pikeperch fillet to the boiling broth, and after another 10 minutes, finely chopped greens, spices and butter. The result is an incredibly tasty and fragrant zander ear!

The ear cooked in nature from fresh fish at the stake, smells of smoke and can not be compared with what is cooked in the home kitchen. And it is cooked from what it was possible to catch.

Delicious pike perch fishing ear

To make the ear with a rich taste, first fish trifle is boiled.  And then the main large fish is already laid. For a fish soup there are several different tricks that are not always justified. Adding vodka gives nothing special. She does not sterilize, as they say, our ear, since everything has already been cooked. There is no special aroma either, since alcohol evaporates at a high temperature. Perhaps there is a slight piquant flavor. Another option is more justified, but not necessary: \u200b\u200ba burning firebrand, stuck in the ear, supposedly disinfects it, which is also little justified.

By that time, the ear is already at the stake, at least 40 minutes.  The fact that it acts as an adsorbent or to cleanse the broth is also a fishing ear, not a consom.   Put the log in your ear for the smell of smoke - the only excuse, but it does not stand up to criticism, since the ear on the fire has absorbed this smell. There is another rule that fish trifle for the broth does not need to be gutted, as if it gives a special rich taste. If the first two rules for fishermen are almost indestructible, then not all adhere to the third.


  •   pike perch - 1500 g,
  •   small fish - 800 g,
  •   onion - 2 pcs.,
  •   potatoes - 8-10 pcs.,
  •   pepper - 5 peas.,
  •   bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  •   salt.

Gut a trifle and remove the gills.  You do not need to remove the scales, it adds gelling properties to the broth. For gutting, you can choose a method when the abdomen remains intact, that is, the head is cut off, all the insides are taken out with it. A fish with a whole abdomen is less digested, which means it is less likely that small bones will fall into the ear. There is another way to prevent the bones from getting into the broth; when fishing, grab a piece of gauze or cotton cloth.

Fold small fish in it, knot it and dip in cold water.  And only now can the pot be suspended above the fire. So the fish broth will slowly turn into the broth. The longer the fish trifle is cooked, the more rich will be the ear (30-60 minutes). With this method, you do not need to catch the fish and bones from the pot or filter into other dishes, which may not be at hand.

Note: the water in the pot should not boil much when boiling fish soup.

Cleaned and gutted zander requires cutting off the fins, tail and head.  Cut the carcass into pieces 5 centimeters wide. Remove the fish knot from the pot and put the fish out of gauze. Put the head, tail, fins, liver, heart, pike perch bubble there. Tie again and lower to simmer for 15 minutes.

At the same time, drop whole unpeeled bulbs into the pot.  Peel the potatoes and cut them in half; if the tubers are medium in size, then you do not need to cut them. After the head with fins was taken out, you need to throw the potatoes in your ear. And cook for about 15 minutes, so that it remains a little undercooked. Dip the pieces of zander in the pot, put the spices. Cook for 5 minutes. Put a bay leaf. Remove the ear from the fire. Give her insist another ten minutes.

Some fishermen do not recognize potatoes in the ear, but with it the ear is more satisfying.  Often, fish from the broth is taken out in one plate, potatoes in another, and the yushka is poured into mugs or bowls and everyone is eaten separately.

Classical pike perch ear

Wuhu does not have to be cooked around the fire. You do not need to add seasonings to the pike perch ear, as the taste of the fish is delicate and you do not need to hammer it with other flavors.

  •   zander - 1200 g,
  •   potatoes - 600 g
  •   carrots - 200g,
  •   onions - 150g,
  •   butter - 60 g,
  •   dill - 1 bunch,
  •   bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  •   pepper - 5 peas.,
  •   salt.

Zander must be washed, clean the scales and gut.  Rinse the fish and remove the head, tail, fins. Tripe: fish bubble, heart, liver, dip milk into water, put on a stove. Foam needs to be removed, and fire reduced.

Wash the onion, but do not peel.  Cut the carrots lengthwise into four parts. Lower the vegetables in the ear.

Peel and wash the potatoes,  cut into large pieces.

After the head and entrails are boiled for half an hour,  the broth must be filtered, dip the potatoes into it and cook for 7 minutes. Pike perch cut into pieces of 4-5 cm and add to potatoes. Remove foam. Salt, put pepper, lower the greens connected by a bunch. If someone does not know how long it takes to cook pikeperch for fish soup, then it all depends on the size of the pieces. For every centimeter of a piece of fish, one minute is given. 5 cm thick pieces will weld in five minutes. Put a bay leaf and take out the greens.

Give the ear another five minutes,  add butter. Put chopped greens in a plate.

Step by step recipe for zander soup

In some recipes, a tomato is present among the components.  It gives a touch of sourness to the fish stock. It must be said that the calorie content of pike perch fish soup is low, as this fish is low-fat and can be used in diet food. 100 grams of fish soup with a piece of fish contains 104 kcal, even if it is seasoned with butter.
  The soup with tomatoes is called Rostov.


  •   pike perch - 1000 g,
  •   potatoes - 500 g,
  •   parsley - 1 root,
  •   onion - 250 g
  •   fresh tomatoes - 500 g,
  •   butter - 100g,
  •   pepper - 6 peas.,
  •   bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  •   dill –1 bunch
  •   salt.

Ingredients for a recipe for pike perch ear.

  • 1 kg. zander
  • 1 PC. onions.
  • 6 pcs potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bunch of greenery
  • Parsley root is optional.
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves.
  • Allspice black peas - 5 peas.
  • Salt, black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Cooking fish soup from zander.

Wash and gut the zander, peel, divide into pieces. From the bones, head, tail, and fins, boil a brisk broth for 20 minutes. Strain the broth, pour into a saucepan and put on fire. Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes, carrots into strips. Onions - in half rings. Finely chop the parsley root. Put the onion, potatoes, carrots and parsley root in a broth, cook for 10 minutes, put the pikeperch fillet and continue cooking for another 15 minutes, add peppercorns, bay leaf, salt to taste. Turn off the fire for 10 minutes. Serve the ear sprinkled with finely chopped greens.

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Pike perch soup recipe

The pike perch ear is very tasty. Pike perch along with a ruff, perch and burbot is considered the best fish for fish soup. It has few bones, the meat is rather tender. Real fishermen do not even wash away the mucus and do not clean the scales when they cook the ear, since in this case the soup has a special rich taste. It is important for the fish soup to take good water, better filtered, because the quality of the water affects the taste of fish soup.

Spices and herbs for fish soup are suitable as follows: bay leaf, parsley, dill, tarragon, green onions, all kinds of pepper. Lovers of fish soup are divided into two camps: some believe that you can not spoil the fish soup with potatoes, tomatoes and other excess ingredients that kill the fish taste, while others put in the ear and tomato, and vermicelli, and millet, and seafood, and sometimes cook the ear with chicken .

To make the pike perch ear very strong, rich, you can first cook the broth from the heads, fins and small fish, and then cook the ear in it with portioned fish pieces. In this case, the broth is filtered so that pieces of boiled fish do not swim in it. Egg white can be poured into the boiling broth to remove turbidity, and then discarded boiled protein along with all the mass remaining after filtering. You can also cook the broth with fish wrapped in cheesecloth - then you do not have to filter it.

Fish intended for serving is not cooked in the ear, otherwise it will lose its taste. 7 minutes of boiling is enough, so we put vegetables much earlier than fish.


  • pike perch, 1 kg
  • potato, 500 g
  • tomato, 300 g
  • onion, 1 pc.
  • bell pepper, 1 pc.
  • carrots, 1 pc.
  • water, 3 l
  • paprika, 2 tbsp. l
  • greens, a bunch
  • bay leaf, 2-3 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  • vermicelli, 1-2 handfuls

How to cook fish soup from zander

Add chopped tomatoes (you can enhance the taste with a tablespoon of tomato paste with a teaspoon of sugar), paprika.

After boiling, pour a couple of handfuls of vermicelli, then in a boiling ear we put portioned chopped pike perch. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before shutting down.

They made it. Look what happened


How to cook fish soup from pike perch at home: a recipe with a photo

If you want to surprise your household or treat them to a delicious and at the same time simple dish, prepare the soup from pike perch. This is truly one of the best first courses.

They say that it is impossible to cook a real ear at home. However, this opinion is most often found among fishermen who cook only one of the many varieties of this dish - fish soup.

Its peculiarity is that it consists of different types of fish and is often very rich, which also depends on the amount of catch. Cooked at the stake, may not contain any other ingredients. By tradition, a little vodka is added to the broth and at the end of cooking, a burning log is lowered into the cauldron for several seconds.

If you cook at home, and all the fishermen you know say that you don’t have an ear in the pan, but an ordinary fish soup, don’t believe it. It’s just that you’re not cooking fish soup. All the soup needs to get a proud title is a rich, rich broth.

Additional ingredients

Gastronomy experts say that a large number of components should not be involved in the preparation of zander soup. It is good when only potato slices are present in the broth.

However, some housewives, trying to "condense" the first dish, prepare the fish soup from pike perch with millet, semolina or even flour. Gourmets such a recipe is not welcome. But it is worth noting - these additives change the taste of the soup a little, but do not spoil them.

Carrots play an important role in the ear. Most often, it is completely put in a pan when the broth is cooked. Although it is not considered a mandatory component, the dish often dispenses with it.

But onions must certainly be part of the ingredients. The soup owes its unsurpassed taste in many respects to the onion, which is finely chopped into the water, and most often put whole, and then removed.

Fresh herbs often appear at the final stage of cooking. Finely chop it and sprinkle a portioned plate with prepared domestic ear. Served like this, the dish is excellent in the photo. If you are going to eat soup right away, then dill and onion greens can be added 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking. In the same case, if you are going to leave the soup overnight in the refrigerator, it is better not to put the greens in it, but serve it fresh in the plates.

Good broth

A rich broth is obtained when you prepare an ear from the head of a pike perch, the recipe of which is just described below. It is best to make the so-called double broth, when first they cook the head in water, then take it out, lay other necessary ingredients, including pieces of fish, and cook for some more time, until cooked.

After staying in the refrigerator, such a broth can even freeze like jelly, as it will be saturated. At the stage of preparing the broth, do not forget about the onion, which must be boiled whole in it. Whole carrots also often appear in water at this step. Be sure to lay the bay leaf. It is important to achieve broth transparency. To do this, you need to filter it.

Many people wonder how to cook zander in water to get a good broth. The answer is: to get a suitable broth, the fish is boiled for about half an hour. But after this procedure, she loses almost all her taste. Experienced cooks know how to cook fish so that it remains juicy. That is why all zander is not immediately laid in the water. First they cook the head - it takes 30 minutes. And the rest of the pike perch is boiled in the soup for only 10-15 minutes.


The network contains recipes for fish soup from the head of pike perch, when other parts of the fish are prepared and served separately, that is, they do not connect to the main dish. In this case, the pieces are fried in oil, pre-roll in the egg and flour.

There are recipes for making stupid stew with the addition of eggs directly into the water. Often an egg is simply beaten with a fork, and then stirring vigorously, it is poured into a soup boiling on a stove. However, it is more appropriate to add yolk to your ear, carefully mixed with vinegar and filled with a small amount of hot broth. It is important to prevent the yolk from folding.


Now, having familiarized yourself with the intricacies of the recipe, you will learn how to cook fish soup from zander, following the instructions where the process is described step by step.


  • pike perch carcass - 400-500 g;
  • potatoes - 5-6 small tubers;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • water - 1.5-2 liters.

Clean the zander carcass from the scales, remove the entrails, cut off the fins. Separate the head and tail. They will need to cook the broth. Pour water into the pan and dip the cut pieces of fish into it.

Peel the onion and completely lower it into water. Put the carrots in the diced broth. Add bay leaf, after boiling water, cook for half an hour over medium heat.

After the allotted time, the finished broth needs to be filtered. Peel and dice the potatoes, dip in a pan.

Carrots before straining can be removed and lowered into the soup again. And here is the bow. Zander's head and tail are no longer needed. If you do not want to import carrots, use half of the root crop in advance, and grate the second half at this stage on a fine grater and dip in soup.

Cut the remaining parts of the fish into portions and put them in the pan too.

Salt and pepper the ear to taste. Cook over medium heat until the potatoes are soft. On average, it is 10-15 minutes after boiling, depending on the type of vegetable. Sudak will boil very quickly.

You can sprinkle the prepared fish soup with fresh greens of dill and green onions.

How and where to buy the main ingredient

You came across a good recipe for fish soup from pike perch, and you decided to cook it for dinner. But just following the instructions will not be enough. You need to choose her a good fish.

Sudak is a valuable river fish, so its freshness is easier to track. The best way is to buy it from fishermen. On the markets, there are sometimes shops where river fish are imported. You can search there too.

In supermarkets, zander is also found in frozen form. Its freshness can be determined by appearance. The carcass should not be windward. The presence of snow and ice in the packaging is evidence of repeated defrosting. It is better not to take such a product. Fresh carcass will be neat in appearance, without chips and faded areas. From this you can safely cook the ear.

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Pike perch fillet ear

  • Pike perch fillet - 450 grams
  • Potato - 3-5 potatoes
  • Black pepper peas - 10 pieces
  • Bay leaf - 2 leaves
  • Salt - a teaspoon
  • Rice - 100 grams
  • Dried carrots - a tablespoon
  • Onions - 1-2 heads
  • Water - 1.5 liters

The zander soup prepared according to the following recipe turns out to be very tasty, but it has the peculiarity that it turns out something in between the soup and the liquid pilaf. It’s too thick for soup, but too thin for pilaf, but very tasty.

In general, zander is a river fish found in central Russia in which there are fewer bones than other freshwater fish.

To cook fish soup at home, you need 400–500 grams of pike perch fillet. To prepare this recipe, frozen pike perch fillet was used. Fillet should be cut into small pieces about 2 cm wide. You can of course take the whole fish and cut it into pieces, but then there will be bones in the finished ear.

01. Frozen perch fillet 450 grams

When the pieces are chopped, they must be put in a saucepan, pour 1.5 liters of water, salt and add spices, in this case, bay leaf and a little black pepper are best. The pan should be brought to a boil and then simmer for about 30 minutes. For this soup (soup), you do not need to remove the foam. Removing the foam makes the soup more transparent, but when cooking fish soup with pike perch with rice, this is completely unnecessary, the soup will be thick and whether the broth is transparent in it or not will simply not be noticeable.

02. Pike perch fillet cut into small pieces

03. Pieces of fish in a pan with water, salt, bay leaf on the stove

While the zander is cooked, there is time to peel and cut the potatoes and onions. In the preparation of this soup, dried carrots were used, but the exact same result would be if you take fresh and finely chopped.

After the pikeperch has boiled for about 30 minutes, pour 100 grams of rice into the pan, the best is simply the round-grain rice.

04. Potatoes and onions prepared for addition to the ear

After adding rice, let it boil for about 10 minutes and add onions, potatoes and carrots. Further, the readiness of the soup will be determined by the readiness of the potatoes in the ear. As soon as the potato is ready, the ear is also ready. Approximately time can be estimated at 20 minutes.

05. Add diced onions to your ear

06. Put dried or finely chopped fresh carrots

07. Add potatoes to your ear

You can check if the potato is ready using a knife, if you stick a knife into a piece of potato and try to lift this piece vertically up, the finished potato will fall back, and the raw one will remain on the knife and be removed from the soup.

As a result, the preparation time for fish soup with pike perch fillet with rice took about an hour. Before serving, you can decorate the soup with a sprig of any greens to taste (parsley, dill, celery, cilantro or onion), but you can not do this.

08. Fully cooked zander fillet ear

The resulting soup has a very specific taste, which is obtained thanks to boiled fish, potatoes and rice (a rather rare combination, but very tasty).

09. Plate of pike perch fish soup with rice


Recipe: Ear from pike perch “Royal” - cooked with love.

potatoes - 5 pcs. ;

onions - 1 pc. ;

parsley root - 1 pc. ;

butter - 50 gr. ;

parsley - 20 gr. ;

seasoning for fish soup - to taste;

peas peas - 10 pcs.

At first, it was synonymous with the phrase - a dietary and very tasty dish. Now zander is twice as expensive as pork, so you can add the expression - not a budget dish. But the fish was bought, all the ingredients are available, we will prepare the “Tsar’s” ear, in time it is about 40-45 minutes.

I clean the fish myself from scales, gills and entrails. The zander is good, because there are no black films and the ear is transparent. I do not cut fish in large pieces, the tail and head will also go to the ear. Pour pieces of fish with cold water and set aside.

We put a pot of water on the fire, I like to cook in a ceramic pan, it seems to me that even the taste of dishes is completely different than in a metal or enamel pan. While the water begins to boil, I peel and chop the potatoes, chop the onions as finely as possible.

Usually no one likes boiled onions, I also throw them out completely when I cook the broth, but in my ear it will not be noticeable.

I rub the parsley root, I have it is not large.

If the root is large, then you can take a half.

I cut the carrots for fish soup in half rings.

Chowder is an incredibly tasty and popular dish in many countries. The pike perch ear is especially tasty, because this fish has a delicate pulp, and is also useful. At home, you can cook this dish no worse than in nature.

Classic recipe

Ingredients number
zander - 1 kg
water - 2 l
potatoes - 600 grams
carrots - 200 grams
onions - 150 grams
butter - 20 grams
black pepper - 5-6 peas
ground pepper - pinch
bay leaf - 2-3 pieces
parsley - beam
salt - 10-15 grams
   Time for preparing: 60 minutes    Calories per 100 grams: 42 kcal

To clean the pike perch from the insides, carefully remove the gills and eyes. Then divide into small pieces and put in a pot for 2 liters of water. To add the head and fins there. After boiling, remove the resulting foam.

Add the onion and spices to the broth. Cook over low heat for 20 to 25 minutes. Cut carrots into small cubes. Wash and cut the potatoes in medium sized cubes. Remove the onion and bay leaf from the pan.

Strain the broth, get the fish. Add butter to the broth, light a fire. Send chopped vegetables to a saucepan, salt and pour a pinch of ground pepper. When the vegetables are completely ready, put the fish into the broth and cook for a few more minutes.

Add chopped parsley to the cooked soup, let the ear stand for a while. Then you can serve to the table.

A simple recipe for cooking fish soup with an egg


  • 800 grams of zander;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 6-7 pieces of potatoes;
  • 100 grams of carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1-2 grams of ground pepper;
  • 1-2 pieces of bay leaf;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.

Calorie content: 8 servings, 1 serving - 34 kcal.

The fish must be cleaned, get rid of the insides. Then cut into pieces. Dice potatoes and carrots, finely chop the onion. Add 2 liters of water to the dishes, after boiling, send fish, potatoes and carrots there. Cook until half cooked, then pour onion.

Break 2 eggs into a separate bowl and beat thoroughly with a whisk. Add spices and salt to the pan. Then pour in beaten egg mass. Boil.

Soup must be infused for several minutes. Finely chop the dill and parsley and sprinkle the finished dish. Pour over the plates, you can enjoy the house ear.

Tomato ear from zander head with millet


  • 600 grams of pike perch fillet;
  • 1 head of zander;
  • 3 l of water;
  • 0.5 cups millet flour;
  • 5-6 pieces of potatoes;
  • 130 grams of carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2-3 grams of ground pepper;
  • 2-3 pieces of bay leaf;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs;
  • a tablespoon of oil;
  • a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calories: 12 servings, 1 serving - 43 kcal.

Pour 3 liters of water into the pan. When the water begins to boil, put the fish head in the pan. Pike perch fillet cut into medium sized pieces and set aside. Soup made from fish heads will be less oily, dietary. When the heads are welded, it is necessary to remove the foam from the soup, strain it.

Cut potatoes and carrots into cubes, peel the onion from the husk. Put the broth on the fire and send the vegetables to boil, add salt to taste and spices. Add pike perch fillet, cut into pieces.

Pour in vegetable oil. Until the vegetables are ready, rinse millet and add to soup, put a spoonful of tomato paste. Boil.

When the soup is completely ready, you can add chopped herbs. Leave to brew for a while and serve.

Recipe for pike perch with salmon


  • 2 heads of zander;
  • 500 grams of salmon fillet;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 pieces of potatoes;
  • 250 grams of carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3-4 grams of ground pepper
  • 3-4 pieces of bay leaf;
  • 25 grams of salt;
  • a bunch of fresh parsley;
  • a bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking time: 45-50 minutes.

Calorie content: 12 servings, 1 serving - 62 kcal.

Pour 2 liters of water into the container, send to boil. Put boiling water in boiling water, 2 heads of zander. Cook to a boil, then remove the resulting foam. Get your heads, they’ll no longer be needed.

Put a pot of broth on the gas. Send boiled potatoes. Then finely chop the onion and grate the carrots, fall asleep to the potatoes. Add salt and spices. Cut the salmon fillet into small pieces and put in a pan.

Bring to readiness, then finely chop the parsley and dill, sprinkle on top. Soup from pike perch should stand for several minutes, then it can be consumed.

Culinary Tricks

  1. The ear will be tastier if cooked from a different type of fish;
  2. For a more complete taste of water, you need to pour less, and put more fish;
  3. If you add onion chopped in half, the aroma will be much nicer;
  4. So that the ear does not acquire a sharp smell of fish, you need to cook only in the open form, preferably over low heat;
  5. Any fish will retain its true taste much more, if you send it to cook, to the vegetable broth;
  6. During cooking, the broth should not boil strongly;
  7. To get a transparent broth, after cooking the fish, you must definitely remove the foam;
  8. You can’t mix the soup with a metal or wooden spoon, just shake it. So he will not turn into a mess;
  9. Sea salt is most suitable for zander soup. It should be added only after the entire cooking process so that the taste of the fish is not lost;
  10. If the fish was too bony, it is advisable to strain the broth several times;
  11. To improve the taste, add a little butter and fresh herbs to the broth;
  12. If you add the onion with the husk to the broth (rinse thoroughly beforehand), then the finished soup will acquire an unusual, golden color;
  13. To get rid of the unpleasant fishy smell, the fillet can be slightly sprayed with lemon juice;
  14. The head and fins of zander are not recommended to be thrown away, they give the finished soup a special, piquant taste;
  15. If the ear is prepared from frozen fish, then chopped into pieces, it is placed in water in this form;
  16. If you cook fish for fish soup for a long time, the meat will completely lose its taste and the fish will cease to be soft;
  17. When cooking sea fish, it is advisable to put more spices in the broth to remove a specific smell;
  18. If the ear is made from fresh fish, then in addition to onions and potatoes, you can put nothing else in the broth;
  19. If you do not remove the scales from pieces of fish, the broth will become sticky and fragrant;
  20. To lighten the fish broth, you can add a little vodka during cooking;
  21. During cooking, fish soup should not be added to the broth, otherwise the taste of the prepared soup will be irrevocably damaged;
  22. It is better to remove the bay leaf from the pan after cooking the soup, otherwise after standing for a while, it will ruin the taste;
  23. To make the soup light, before pouring water, it must be cleaned and cooled;
  24. Meat lagging behind bones is a sign of fish readiness;
  25. Ear from pike perch will turn out tastier if you cook it from large pieces of fish;
  26. For the classic soup, all the vegetables that are part are cut into large cubes;
  27. The egg-protein mixture, when added to the soup, significantly lightens the broth;
  28. It is not recommended to put a lot of vegetables in the ear, the main ingredient is fish.

Probably, there is no such person who would not try the ears. This seemingly simple soup is associated with many happy moments in nature. You can recreate this atmosphere at home, having prepared the fish soup from zander according to the most exquisite recipes. In addition, you can experiment, combine different recipes, add several varieties of fish.