Egorka is sitting in a red yarmulke. "I walked from mountain to mountain ..." Russian folk song

30.03.2019 Vegetable dishes

Berries are popularly revered as a special delicacy. They are delicious and healthy. Berries are a storehouse of natural vitamins and useful substances... Each berry is fragrant and good in its own way.

The quiz "Berries - gifts of nature" contains 12 questions. All questions are answered.

Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

1. What kind of berry do we call "northern grapes"?

Answer: gooseberry

2. Since time immemorial, this berry has been called a “swamp doctor”. What is this berry?
Answer: cranberry

3. If you eat this forest berrythen "the eye will be like an eagle." What kind of berry are we talking about?
Answer: about blueberries

4. A. Pushkin was a big lover of this berry, fresh and soaked. What kind of berry are we talking about?
Answer: about cloudberries

5. Guess the riddle:

Egorka stands
In a red yarmulke,
Whoever will pass -
Everyone will bend over.
Answer: strawberry

6. This berry is one of the main characters in the tale of H.H. Andersen. The tale was written in 1844. What kind of berry are we talking about?

An excerpt from a fairy tale:
- Well, you will drink your tea, and then, perhaps, you will hear a fairy tale! - said the mother.
- Well, if only I knew some new one! - answered the old man, affectionately nodding his head. - But where did our little boy get his feet wet?
- Yes, that's where? - said the mother. - Nobody can understand!
- Will there be a fairy tale? - asked the boy ... "

Answer: elderberry, fairy tale "Mother of Elder"

7. For what berry did Mitrasha and Nastya go in the fairy tale - were MM Prishvin "The Pantry of the Sun"?
Answer: for cranberries

8. Dove, darling, dove ... Which berry name sounds similar?
Answer: blueberry

9. In dried form, this berry is called raisins. What's its name when it's fresh?
Answer: grapes

10. What songs about raspberries do you know?
Let's go to the garden for raspberries,
Let's go to the garden, let's go to the garden,
We'll start a dance hall
Let's start, we'll start.
Words: T. Volgina
Music: A. Filippenko

“Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka!
There is a raspberry in the garden, my raspberry! "

11. This berry is a “princely family”. The berry is dark red with a bluish bloom. It looks like a raspberry. Has a pleasant sweet taste, very aromatic. Guess its name.
Answer: princess

12. In terms of usefulness, this berry occupies a leading position among other berries. It can be black, red, white. What kind of berry are we talking about?
Answer: about currants


But it's interesting. Are there people who like to pick strawberries? It is clear that almost everyone loves to eat it. Well, here is the mystery of human nature, to force yourself to do a not very pleasant thing (to pick a berry), in order to experience a momentary pleasure, in the form of a delicious berry. Finding the answer to this riddle is practically a philosophical occupation. We offer simpler riddles. Riddles for children with the answer strawberry, which will help to cheer up and spend a few pleasant minutes.

The berry is pleasant

Very aromatic.
Look under the bush,
It turns red there ... (Strawberries)

As soon as we pick up the sheet.

We will see a berry, a flower.
And that berry is not without a face.
Her name is all ... (Strawberry)

The girl has thin legs
Bright red clothes ... (Strawberries)

Strawberries do not grow in the forest!
This, children - ... (Strawberries)

I'm at my grandmother Masha's garden

I grow in the most beautiful garden.
I am juicy, tasty, sweet,
And so I am all fragrant.
You, Yegor, look at me,
What kind of berry am I ... (Strawberry)

Like on a stitch, on a track

I see scarlet earrings.
I bent down for one,
And I came across ten!
I was leaning - I was not lazy,
I collected a mug with a top ... (Strawberries)

I'm small in the forest,
Fragrant and scarlet.
But less than strawberries ...
So who am I ... (Strawberries)

What kind of berry is this
Very sweet forest
It's just not big
Guessed it ... (Strawberry Shortcake)

Healing berry,
Magic berry
Like a scarlet drop -
Her strength is considerable ...(Strawberry)

On the ground in the grass blushes
Making it sweeter, singing
Delicious, but small
Berry that ... (Strawberry)

Inconspicuously under the leaf,
Under a sprawling bush,
Sweetness grows for everyone's joy,
Whoever sees - will collect.
Everyone from young to old
They love ... (Strawberries)

Grows in the grass Alenka
In a nice shirt.
Whoever will pass
Everyone bows down,
And puts it in her mouth ... (Strawberry)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is glad to bow.
And the name was given to me by my native land ... (Strawberries)

The stumps have a lot of thin stalks in the heat,
Each thin stem holds a scarlet light
We rake the stems - collect the lights ... (Strawberries)

Today is not a rainy day
Quiet, sunny and clear
We will collect red berries,
Juicy, ripe and wonderful.
Our forest is not far away
It's easy for us to walk together
Nika, Tanechka and Vika,
We will collect ... (Strawberries)

Folk wisdom

Answers to pages 8 - 9

“I'm from the mountain to went uphill…»
Russian folk song

I walked from mountain to mountain,
I gray geese drove,
Oh-li, oh-li, oh-luli,
I drove the gray geese.
I drove, I drove, I drove,
Oh-li, oh-li, oh-luli,
- Get used to it, my geese,
To the cold water
To the cold water
To the silk to the grass
Oh-li, oh-li, oh-luli,
To the silk to the grass.

1 ∗. What words of the song characterize nature? Find these words in the song and write them down.

The mountains, cold water, silk grass.

2. Choose words close in meaning to the word "silk". Indicate ⇒

silk grass ⇒ soft

3. Write down the meaning of the word "yarmulka"

Ermolka is a small beanie.

4 ∗. Remember the mushroom riddle and write it down.

Egorka stands
In a red yarmulke.
Whoever passes -
Everyone will bow down.

The Russian people have a "living flower". Instead of petals, this flower has fairy tales, riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, proverbs, fables, epics.
This is oral folklore, or folklore.
Folk wisdom is reflected in the works of oral folk art.

Every nation has lullabies, round dance, wedding and other songs. They are sung at the cradle of a child, on holidays and in days of sorrow. These songs have lived among the people for many, many years.

The riddle is a piece of folklore. In the riddle, the object is not named, but in a figurative form its signs and features are given, according to which a solution can be found. Often the answer object is depicted through another, similar object. For example, "Yegorka in a red yarmulke" depicts a mushroom.

For a long time in Russia they loved to guess riddles. If a person guessed a riddle, then he was considered smart, quick-witted. Many mysteries about the family, about work, oh native nature, about animals, about the house and household things created by the people.