Sauerkraut in 3 liters. The necessary ingredients for harvesting sauerkraut for the winter in a barrel

22.04.2019 Snacks

We offer a recipe for sauerkraut for 3 liter jar- the same volume, which is quite enough for the family to heartily enjoy fresh vitamin dish and don't get tired of it. With cranberries and beets, in the Korean and Georgian ways, it's easy to cook every week and enjoy the variety. Let's discover the secrets of cooking delicious, spicy, crispy sauerkraut.

Classic sauerkraut in a 3 liter jar

Sauerkraut - original Russian dish. You will not meet her abroad, no matter how much you look in supermarkets. But in Russia it has been eaten for many centuries, and it was cabbage that remained the main source of vitamins in winter: when cooking and stewing, “cabbage” useful material are destroyed, and when fermented, on the contrary, they multiply rapidly. And yes, it keeps well.

For information: vitamin P (namely, it is considered the main defender of the human immune system) in sauerkraut becomes 20 times more than in raw cabbage. Let's move from words to deeds. We will learn how to ferment cabbage so that it does not get bitter and remains crisp for a long time.

Loose porous heads of cabbage are not suitable for fermentation; head of cabbage should be dense; it is preferable to choose late varieties: they have more sugar, which speeds up the fermentation process; cabbage should have dense glossy leaves without thick veins.

For sourdough (based on 2 liters), we will prepare:

  • forks of Slava cabbage, weighing 2-3 kg;
  • medium carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l;
  • a teaspoon of dill (cumin) seeds;
  • black pepper;
  • lavrushka (optional).

First, let's chop the cabbage. Our task is to make it as thin as possible: thick pieces will be salted much longer and the taste will come out worse. You can make your work easier if you divide the head of cabbage into four parts with a sharp knife, and cut each quarter separately. We rub the carrots on a grater. Add salt to cabbage. The calculation here is simple: for 1 kg of cabbage, it is important to put one tbsp. l salt without a slide.

Salt for sourdough needs to be bought simple; it is important that it be large: extra will not work.

Now it is important to wash the cabbage with salt so that it releases some juice. Add carrots to cabbage. Putting a lot of carrots is dangerous. It will not only add unnecessary sweetness, but also give the cabbage a bad “soapy” structure. Sprinkle vegetables with cumin seeds, add pepper and parsley, if you like them.

Thoroughly wash the glass jar, clean with soda, scald with boiling water. We fill a glass jar with cabbage, and ram it with force. The jar should be filled up to the shoulders, but there should be room for cabbage juice. Now we cover the jar with a lid (preferably nylon with holes), and keep it in the room for three days. The light bubbles that appear on the surface and light foam will tell us that the process has begun.

In case the variety turned out to be low-juicy, you can always add a little boiled salted water to the jar; it is important that the cabbage is completely immersed in the brine.

Every day we pierce it with a long stick (it is possible from land): this is how bubbles of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide will come out. Forget to pierce: the cabbage will turn out bitter. Two or three days and it needs to be put in the refrigerator or on the balcony. Snack is ready!

Such simple recipe considered classic. It has been used by mothers and grandmothers for centuries. He will never let you down, cabbage always turns out delicious. Best served with onions, fragrant sunflower oil and boiled potatoes. It's so tasty dish that no padding is required. And yes - do not forget to cook sour cabbage soup with cabbage. A fabulous dish for winter!

Recipe for cooking in brine for the winter

Cabbage in a 3-liter jar can be cooked in brine: the recipe helps out when there is no time to wait, but you really want cabbage. In this case, you do not need to press by hand, because the marinade will add moisture to the dish.

The ideal temperature for the sourdough process is 20-21 degrees; if the temperature in the room is lower, it will ferment longer, and in a too hot room, cabbage can become slimy.

We act in stages:

  1. We cut white cabbage and grate carrots.
  2. For one and a half liters of water, add a couple of tablespoons of salt, a little sugar or honey.
  3. We tamp the vegetables, fill them with marinade.
  4. If desired, put bay leaves, allspice or black peas between the layers of cabbage.
  5. We cover the jar with a lid.
  6. It is necessary to leave the jar warm for 2 days and a couple of times a day it is important to pierce it with a wooden stick, releasing carbon dioxide.

The last stage is to rearrange everything on the balcony and eat, pouring fragrant sunflower oil on it.

Crispy cabbage in a 3 liter jar

Fermenting crispy cabbage for the winter with a slight taste of horseradish is simply elementary!

We chop the vegetable in the same way as in the classic recipe, but with the difference that we will rub the cabbage and carrots with our hands at the same time until the juice is plentiful. Now we fill clean three-liter jar, tightly tamping vegetables with a fist. The jar must be filled to the "shoulders". We put a cabbage leaf on top of vegetables of such a size that it covers the entire surface.

Sprinkle everything generously with coarse rock salt. We fill boiled water so that the water covers the surface of the vegetables a little more than a finger thick. We put the jar on a plate: if the juice starts to run away during fermentation, the table will not get dirty. We leave it on the table for two days. After 48 hours, foam will begin to appear and it is important to remove it.

We will also pierce the cabbage several times with a stick to the very bottom of the jar, freeing it from excess carbon dioxide. Ready cabbage has pleasant sourness and how it crunches! We enjoy the dish as a salad or side dish for meat - it is just perfect for any meat dish with pork, remaining a gastronomic classic.

spicy variant

Spicy cabbage is a favorite snack for males. And few people know: in the East it is extremely popular. Egyptian supermarkets sell specific cabbage, pickled in pieces or whole (it all depends on the size) in company with other vegetables: beets, green beans, carrots, chili peppers.

We will prepare an option for hastily. To do this, add one red hot pepper, cut into slices, into a mixture of chopped cabbage and carrots. It is better to clean the seeds, otherwise the sharpness will literally “roll over the top” and the cabbage will turn into “pull out the eye”.

Pour a liter of boiled water into the jar, add a generous pinch of rock salt and leave it warm until the fermentation process begins. After that, we wait a couple more days and remove the container in the cold.

Georgian style with beets

Georgian cuisine is famous not only for khachapuri and kharcho. Georgians have national snack, which is known to the whole world, but it is easy to repeat. This is cabbage sauerkraut with beets, spices and herbs.

Let's prepare a medium-sized fork of cabbage, three beets, two carrots, hot chili, garlic (you can do a lot!), a bunch of cilantro or celery (or both), salt, sugar, vinegar and drinking water. Useful for spices Bay leaf, black and allspice peas, salt with sugar to taste.

We prepare a snack like this:

  1. We cut the cabbage in random order into pieces, in no case disassembling it into leaves. To do this, we divide the forks into quarters, and each of them into three more parts.
  2. We chop the beets into slices (or three per coarse grater), cut the carrots into thin rounds, and turn the garlic cloves into slices.
  3. In a bowl, put the cabbage kochetki, beets, carrots and garlic, you can lay everything in any order.
  4. Cut the hot pepper into slices and add to the vegetables.
  5. We chop the greens coarsely or put the whole bunch - it will still give its flavor to the cabbage.
  6. Pour everything with hot marinade from water, spices, sugar, salt and vinegar and leave it under oppression for exactly a day.

After a day, we transfer the snack to a jar and put it in the refrigerator. It will turn out a delicious, spicy dish, appropriate for any feast, especially if served with hot potatoes.

Pickled Cabbage with Vinegar

Pickled cabbage with vinegar comes out spicy and spicy, somewhat reminiscent of Korean version(read the recipe below). At the same time, it is really possible to significantly simplify the process if you add a little vinegar essence diluted in water.

To prepare pickled cabbage with vinegar, we fill the jar tightly, and then pour in one and a half liters of water with a teaspoon acetic acid. Leave to marinate for a day and take a sample. It is better to add a little sugar to such cabbage, then the taste will turn out to be harmonious and piquant.

Korean style in a 3 liter jar

Korean salads are a real hit on every table. They are eaten first, and are especially great when they are cooked on their own. Korean cabbage is easy to prepare from any type - white, cauliflower, Beijing and even red cabbage: every time the taste will be delicious. It is allowed to cut cabbage, as your heart desires, even in slices, even in strips, there is only one secret - in a special marinade.

Also for cooking we need a pod of red hot pepper, garlic, and, ideally, a special set of spices (it is sold in supermarkets and shops with goods from Asia).

We act in steps:

  1. We cut the cabbage into small pieces.
  2. On a long grater, three a couple of carrots.
  3. Hot pepper cut into rings.
  4. Warm up in a frying pan vegetable oil(100 ml).
  5. As soon as smoke appears, remove the oil from the fire and put spices in it.
  6. In a bowl, put cabbage and grated carrots in layers.
  7. Add garlic cloves and red pepper flakes.
  8. Pour in hot vegetable oil.
  9. Add a tablespoon of vinegar 9% (more if you like sourness).
  10. Cover everything with a small plate, put a load on top.
  11. Keep warm for 10 hours.
  12. Transfer to a glass container and refrigerate.

Korean appetizer, thanks to vinegar, does not deteriorate for a long time. If you cook it at the end of January, then the dish is suitable for treats on March 8.

How to ferment cabbage for the winter in your own juice?

Ferment cabbage in own juice it’s easy if you don’t add boiled water to the mixture of carrots and cabbage, but leave it to infuse and wait until the component itself releases a lot of juice. The recipe is very simple and completely repeats classic version, although in this case you will have to knead it harder with your hands. Mnem and repeat the sequence from the first recipe.

Cabbage juice from sauerkraut in its own juice - excellent remedy for skin whitening; and it also heals the gastric mucosa and can be safely drunk on an empty stomach.

Be careful: it is important to watch cabbage in its own juice carefully, not allowing it to ferment. As soon as the fermentation process began, you need to wait a day and clean it in the cold, otherwise it will peroxide.

For the right marinade keep the proportions:

  • salt and sugar - 2 tsp each without a slide;
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l. (a little more if you like spicy taste);
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • liter of water;
  • you can add any spices to taste.

Boil water on the stove, season with salt, sugar, add vinegar and vegetable oil. Pour in hot pickle in a jar of cabbage. We cover loosely nylon cover. We leave it on the kitchen table. After a few hours we take a sample - spicy and spicy cabbage you should like it.

Kvasim with cranberries

Crispy cabbage with cranberries used to be served all the time. This is real vitamin bomb: both cranberries and cabbage are simply record holders for the content of vitamin C. We need no more than 150 g of cranberries per 3-liter jar. By the way, it is quite possible to take not fresh, but frozen berries - cabbage will not lose from this.

An important ingredient in the recipe natural honey; it must be put 3 tbsp. l; you will hardly feel the sweetness, but the taste of sauerkraut will become much richer.

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, three carrots.
  2. Mnem cabbage and carrots cutting board(preferably wood).
  3. We put cabbage and cranberries in a jar in the following sequence: a layer of cabbage and carrots, a layer of berries, a layer of cabbage, a layer of berries, and so on until the end of the jar.
  4. The last layer is necessarily cabbage.
  5. In this case, it is impossible to crush cabbage with effort: the berries must remain intact.

It is not necessary to put bay leaves, peppercorns: cabbage will turn out amazingly tasty without that. It is eaten separately, as the appetizer turns out to be self-sufficient and does not need additions. Cabbage - perfect side dish to roast goose, duck and chicken.

Sauerkraut - budget dish and you can cook all year round. Some housewives are actively experimenting. There are fans of sauerkraut with sour apples(the Antonovka variety is ideal), there are those who ferment cabbage with black and red currants. We are sure that every hostess has signature recipe which she inherited from her grandmother. Experiment and you, indulge your loved ones with a tasty and healthy winter dish.

Quick salting of cabbage in a three-liter jar - this method is very good because it does not require much time for salting, and cabbage does not take up much space and is always ready to serve.

The beneficial properties of cabbage are probably known even to children, but few people know that during the fermentation process, the vitamin value of this vegetable increases by almost 20 times. It produces a large number of microorganisms (probiotics) useful to humans.

But often to prepare for the future such valuable product, How sauerkraut, does not work, then due to lack of storage space, then not enough time. Therefore, we offer you two wonderful, very simple prescription quick salting cabbage in a small volume, in a three-liter jar. The salting method is very simple and will not take much of your precious time and effort.

Delicious instant cabbage


  • White cabbage - one kilogram;
  • Medium-sized carrots - one piece;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves.

To prepare the marinade:

  • Pure water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Salt - two tablespoons;
  • Table vinegar - 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil - half a glass.


We wash the white cabbage, remove a few top leaves and cut into fairly large pieces.

We clean the carrots, wash them. We take a large grater and rub carrots on it. You can also cut the carrots into small cubes - this is up to you.

We do with garlic as in many recipes: peel and grind with a knife as finely as possible.

Put the cabbage in a container for salting, alternating it with carrots and garlic.

The vegetables are laid out, and it's time to start the marinade. In a suitable saucepan, mix 1 liter pure water with 2 tablespoons of salt and half a glass of sugar. Mix everything well, dissolve sugar and salt. Add vegetable oil and put the pan on the fire. Bring the marinade to a boil, remove from heat and immediately pour in 1 cup table vinegar, mix. Pour the hot marinade over the vegetables folded in the jar.

We leave the cabbage for one day at room temperature after which you can enjoy its taste. Cabbage prepared in this way should be stored in the refrigerator.

Quick pickling cabbage without vinegar


  • White cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Medium carrot - 1 piece;
  • Pepper - 10-15 peas;
  • Bay leaf - 4-5 pieces.

For the brine you will need:

  • One liter of clean drinking water;
  • One tablespoon of salt;
  • Half a tablespoon of sugar.


Prepare the cabbage, remove the spoiled leaves, wash and chop. You can use various kinds of shredders or just cut with a knife.

We also prepare carrots. We clean, wash well and then rub on a coarse grater. The amount of carrots can be adjusted according to your taste, if you like more, put more. With more of this vitamin vegetable the salad will take on a beautiful bright orange hue, but at the same time such a salad will not be stored for a long time. Because of a large number carrots, it will quickly peroxide, so it will need to be eaten faster.

IN suitable utensils mix shredded cabbage with carrots. Then we tightly put our vitamin salad in a jar, it is unforgettable to shift with bay leaves and pepper.

The jar is full, go to the brine. We dissolve one tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of sugar in 1 liter of pure water and our brine is ready.

Pour the cabbage with the prepared brine and leave to ferment for two days at room temperature. During fermentation, the amount of juice will increase, and it will spill over the edges of the jar, so you need to put the jar in a deep bowl so as not to make a "flood" in the kitchen.

After two days, the cabbage will be ready, close it with a lid and place it in the refrigerator.

Before serving, season the cabbage with vegetable oil and add finely chopped greens - at your discretion: onion, parsley, dill.

Bon appetit!

Nov 3, 2017 admin

Tell your friends about the recipe!):

Every housewife ferments cabbage for the winter. Crispy and healthy cabbage- it's just a lifesaver in winter. Sauerkraut can be served as a simple salad- put in a salad bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of canned green peas, thinly sliced ​​onions and fill everything with "odorous" unrefined vegetable oil. We offer you very tasty proven sauerkraut recipes for a 3 liter jar, which are easy to prepare and convenient to store.

To date, there are many recipes for sauerkraut. The most common is the traditional version, when shredded cabbage is mixed with carrots and salt, and then squeezed with a mortar or simply by hand until juice appears, as well as a variant with brine. In the second case, chopped cabbage with carrots is simply poured with a prepared solution of salt, sugar and seasonings and aged to the desired taste.

Two recipes for delicious sauerkraut for a 3-liter jar: choose to taste

The differences between these sourdough methods are not only in the method of preparation, but also in the taste of the resulting product. To conclude which one is better, let's try to cook both.

recipe number 1

To prepare sauerkraut in brine, based on a three-liter jar, you will need:

      • 2 kg of white cabbage;
      • 2 medium sized carrots;
      • black peppercorns (a few pieces);
      • 1.5 l. water;
      • 2 tablespoons of salt with a slide;
      • 1.5 spoons of sugar.

recipe number 2

To make sauerkraut according to the traditional recipe for a 3 liter jar, take:

      • 2 kg of cabbage;
      • 2 carrots;
      • 5 table. spoons of salt.

We will cook at the same time in order to experience all the differences in practice.

Carrots are peeled and rubbed on a medium grater

We shred the cabbage.

For the first recipe (with brine), mix cabbage with carrots

and transfer to a three-liter jar.

For the second recipe, we also mix the vegetables, add salt to them and begin to carefully crush with a mortar or with our hands

and when the juice appears, we also transfer it to a three-liter jar.

In the first version, the bank is completely filled, and in the second, only half is obtained.

I'm preparing the brine.

To do this, mix salt (2.5 tablespoons) and sugar (1.5 tablespoons), add peppercorns to them (if desired, you can add more parsley and other dried spices).

Add warm water and stir until completely dissolved.

Pour the brine into a jar with cabbage that has not been manually transferred.

We tie the neck of the cans with gauze folded in several layers. Cabbage ferments for about 2-3 days. During this time, each of the cans should be opened and mixed at least two or three times in order to allow the gases that form as a result of the leaven to escape. If this is not done, the cabbage may rot.

It's time to try sauerkraut. In the first, traditional version it turned out softer and sourer

in the second case, the cabbage crunches and has the aroma of added spices, but does not differ in special acid.

Of course, if you wait a couple more days, the cabbage will ferment more. Try both recipes. Only then can you decide which one you prefer. Bon appetit!

Delicious sauerkraut in 3 liter jars for the winter: a classic recipe

A preparation that is not only tasty, but also extremely useful due to the record content of vitamin C. In addition, sauerkraut destroys putrefactive processes in the stomach!


      • head of cabbage - large;
      • a tablespoon of sugar;
      • salt and spices to taste;
      • two carrots

Cooking technology:

  • prepare a large bowl;
  • chop thin straw cabbage;
  • put the prepared ingredients in a bowl;
  • add sugar;
  • rub the cabbage with your hands, gradually adding salt;
  • the taste of cabbage should be slightly salted;
  • grate carrots on a coarse grater;
  • put to cabbage;
  • add spices - cumin and dry dill;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • tamp cabbage in a jar;
  • close with a capron lid;
  • put the jar on a plate and put it in a warm place for three days;
  • with a thin wooden stick, pierce the cabbage to the very bottom several times a day to release the resulting gases;
  • after three days, put the jar of cabbage in a cool place - in the basement, cellar or on the balcony.

Sauerkraut in brine in jars: a simple recipe


      • a head of cabbage about two and a half kilograms;
      • two tablespoons of salt and sugar;
      • one carrot;
      • allspice - three peas;
      • bay leaf;
      • one and a half liters of water


  1. first we prepare the marinade: add salt, sugar, spices to hot, boiled water;
  2. put to cool;
  3. while the marinade is cooling, prepare the main ingredients: chop the cabbage finely and grate the carrots (you can use a grater to cook Korean carrots);
  4. mix vegetables in a large bowl;
  5. sort them into banks;
  6. tamping and crushing cabbage is not necessary;
  7. pour vegetables, cooled to room temperature, with brine;
  8. put the jars in a warm place (you can near the battery);
  9. put a small saucepan or deep plate under each jar;
  10. leave for three days;
  11. pierce cabbage several times a day to release gases with a fork;
  12. after three days, put jars of cabbage on the balcony;
  13. cabbage will be ready in five to seven days.

Sauerkraut with honey: recipes for a 3-liter jar

Very tasty sauerkraut can be cooked with honey, recipes are for a 3 liter jar. Such an appetizer will turn out not only tasty, but also very healthy. And the brine can be drunk even by those who suffer from gastritis, as it has a pleasant sweet-sour taste.

simple recipe

For cooking you will need the following products:

      • cabbage weighing two kilograms;
      • one carrot;
      • liter of water;
      • two and a half tablespoons of honey;
      • a tablespoon of salt;
      • two bay leaves;
      • allspice - three to four peas.


  1. chop the cabbage into strips;
  2. chop carrots on a Korean grater;
  3. mix cabbage and carrots;
  4. lightly wrinkle with your hands;
  5. tamp tightly into a jar;
  6. pour warm marinade (add honey and salt to hot water, mix and cool slightly);
  7. put the jar in a deep plate, since during fermentation the brine will pour out over the edges of the jar;
  8. leave in the kitchen for a few days;
  9. be sure to pierce the cabbage with a sharp knife so that the gas comes out;
  10. after a day, put in the refrigerator or take out to the balcony;
  11. can be served for dinner in the evening.

Sauerkraut with honey "Spicy"

We prepare in this way:

  1. at the beginning of cooking, prepare the marinade so that it cools slightly;
  2. per liter hot water add one and a half tablespoons of honey and the same amount of salt, add half a teaspoon of cumin, dill seeds, anise;
  3. a head of cabbage weighing two kilograms and one medium-sized carrot, cut into thin strips;
  4. mix the vegetables and lightly mash with your hands;
  5. put in a jar (not too tight);
  6. pour warm marinade;
  7. leave in the kitchen for 24 hours;
  8. in a day the cabbage is completely ready;
  9. it should be put in the refrigerator or put on the balcony.

On a note! You can add green apples, cranberries, grapes or mountain ash to this recipe.

Cabbage with honey "Rustic"

For cooking you will need:

  • cabbage weighing about three kilograms;
  • chilled water - 700 grams;
  • carrots - one medium size;
  • salt - to taste;
  • one and a half tablespoons of honey;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • three or four peas of allspice.

We prepare as follows:

  1. chop the cabbage into small strips;
  2. grate carrots on a Korean grater;
  3. put the vegetables in a large bowl or pan;
  4. salt vegetables;
  5. lightly wrinkle with your hands;
  6. add bay leaf and allspice;
  7. mix;
  8. put in a 3-liter jar;
  9. lightly tamp;
  10. pour cold water;
  11. put in a warm place;
  12. leave to wander for two days;
  13. drain all the brine;
  14. transfer the cabbage to a bowl;
  15. let drain and squeeze lightly;
  16. to the brine, which is a stack from cabbage, add honey;
  17. stir so that it dissolves completely;
  18. put the cabbage in a jar;
  19. pour honey-salty marinade;
  20. leave the jar of cabbage at room temperature for another day;
  21. put in the refrigerator or take out to the balcony;
  22. after three or four days it can be served on the table.


salt cabbage only on certain days: men can only pickle cabbage on the "male" days of the week - Monday or Thursday. Women - only in the "women's" - on Wednesday or Saturday. But the best day for pickles is Wednesday!

If you or someone in your family suffers from bloating after eating sauerkraut, then add dill seeds to the brine.

From sauerkraut you can cook delicious Russian cabbage soup, or cook Ukrainian borsch- taking in equal quantities, fresh and sauerkraut. And if you put it out with meat, mushrooms or sausage, you get independent dish for dinner or lunch.

Tricks of successful fermentation in 3 liter jars

Sauerkraut is a traditional Russian dish. It was prepared in a very large quantities and fermented, as a rule, in barrels, so that a large family would have enough until spring. Today, cabbage is also fermented, but not in such large quantities. For pickling vegetables, use 3-liter jars or medium-sized pots, i.e. a container that does not take up much space in the refrigerator.

In order to start sauerkraut, you need to prepare the following products and devices:

  • one head of cabbage weighing two and a half - three kilograms;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • spices - dill seeds, bitter peppercorns and allspice, cumin - optional.


  • a large saucepan;
  • jars 3 liter;
  • sharp knife;
  • oppression - you can use a jar of water

Choose cabbage white color, slightly flattened, without green leaves, Slava variety. It is very good if the head of cabbage at the stalk is a little cracked - this indicates that the cabbage is juicy and crispy.

Traditionally, cabbage is fermented in a bucket or barrel. But, in 3-liter jars it is much more convenient to do this. In order for the cabbage in the jar to turn out crispy and tasty, you need to know the little secrets:

  • cabbage in a jar must be pierced with a sharp wooden stick two to three times a day;
  • for sauerkraut, choose white cabbage, juicy without dry leaves;
  • as soon as foam stops forming in the jar, and the brine becomes transparent. The cabbage is ready;
  • leave jars of cabbage for three to four days in a warm place to start the fermentation process. And then transfer to the balcony or put in the cellar for seven to eight days;
  • metal objects cannot be used as oppression. The best thing fit bank with water or cobblestone;
  • you can ferment without oppression: for this, each layer of cabbage is tightly packed into a jar, use a wooden pusher;
  • cabbage should be completely covered in a jar with brine. Otherwise, upper layer the vegetable will begin to darken, and the taste of cabbage will be spoiled;
  • store the finished snack in a cold place. In the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Following these simple advice, you can cook delicious sauerkraut in ordinary 3 liter jars, both according to recipes for the winter, and quick snack ready in a few days.

But I can't stop and I hope that I still have time before the harvesting season is over. I believe that sauerkraut is just an indispensable attribute of autumn and winter. Juicy and crispy, with carrots, apples, cranberries or cumin, sauerkraut beckons us to the table. Moreover, sauerkraut is healthier than fresh due to lactic acid bacteria that are formed during the fermentation process.

In an apartment, it is most convenient to cook sauerkraut in glass jars. But if you are a happy owner of a cellar, and you have wooden barrel, then it would be just a crime not to fill it with cabbage and ferment it to the delight of the whole family. And so that the works are not in vain, you need to carefully read helpful tips when pickling cabbage.

  1. The main thing is to buy or grow cabbage for sauerkraut, you need only late varieties. summer cabbage completely unsuitable for this. At the cabbage summer varieties the leaves are thinner, greener and looser. Winter varieties of cabbage are distinguished by a dense head of cabbage and white color. When choosing cabbage, pay attention that it is not too "wiry", with hard veins.
  2. Cutting cabbage for sauerkraut should not be very small pieces. The thickness of each piece should be about 5 mm. If you shred the cabbage too much, it will become soft.
  3. For sauerkraut, use non-iodized coarse salt.
  4. Approach responsibly to the choice of container. For pickling, glass, wooden or enameled without chips, dishes are suitable. IN aluminum pan lactic acid, which is formed during fermentation, will react and ruin your whole business.
  5. Cabbage should be fermented at a temperature not higher than 24 and not lower than 20 degrees. Overheat - get jelly, and in a cold room, the cabbage simply does not turn sour.
  6. The fermentation process takes about 3 days. After that, cabbage can, of course, be eaten. But real taste classic sauerkraut will appear only after a week.
  7. Shredded cabbage for sourdough must be pressed with something heavy, for example, a plate with a 3-liter jar of cucumbers. My grandmother always kept oppression at hand - a wooden circle and pressed it with a clean heavy stone.
  8. So that the gases formed during sourdough do not accumulate in the cabbage, it must be pierced in several places with a wooden stick.
  9. For storage of sauerkraut, the ideal temperature is from 0 to +2 degrees. You can transfer the cabbage to 3-liter jars and then it will be convenient to store it in the refrigerator.
  10. Cabbage is perfectly preserved for 9 months. True, the longer it is stored, the more sour it becomes. Therefore, it is better to cook all the same in small portions.
  11. Cabbage retains its properties only when frozen once. You can divide the sauerkraut into bags and put in the freezer.
  12. To make delicious crispy sauerkraut, pay attention to the phase of the moon. It is best to ferment cabbage on the growing Moon, after the New Moon in 3-4 days.

To prepare delicious, crispy sauerkraut, I offer a few simple classic recipes.

Sauerkraut - a classic recipe with pickle for a 3 liter jar

In order to get a 3 - liter can of sauerkraut, we need forks of fresh cabbage weighing about 2.5 kg. The simplest classic and no-nonsense sauerkraut recipe.


  • cabbage - 1 head weighing 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 0.5 liters (approximately)
  1. We shred the cabbage in any of the ways. It is convenient to have a special grater for this, or you can simply cut into thin strips with a knife. Put the cabbage in a deep bowl.

2. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage.

3. With your hands, simply mix both of these ingredients. Moreover, the cabbage should not be squeezed, otherwise it may become soft.

4. We take a clean 3-liter jar and put cabbage and carrots into it, lightly tamping. We fill the whole bank. Add salt and sugar with a spoon on top of the cabbage.

5. Cabbage must be fermented in brine. Just fill the cabbage with cold unboiled water (but not chlorinated) to the very neck of the jar.

The brine must cover all the cabbage. If the amount of brine decreases, just add water

6. We pierce the cabbage in several places with a wooden stick so that the gases accumulated during fermentation go away. During fermentation, it is advisable to pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick at least once a day.

During fermentation, the amount of brine will increase and it will flow out of the jar, so be sure to place the jar of cabbage in a basin or any other container.

7. Cover the jar of cabbage with gauze and make sure that the brine covers all the cabbage. Cabbage at room temperature should stand for 2-3 days. After that, you can close it with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.

How to ferment cabbage at home in jars - a simple recipe

Also a classic recipe, only here we can do without adding water. The ingredients are the same - cabbage and carrots, and we will also salt in a 3-liter jar.


  • cabbage - 1 head of 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  1. Shred the cabbage and carrots and put them in a deep bowl.

2. In a glass, mix salt and sugar, we will add them gradually to the cabbage.

3. In this recipe, we will stir the cabbage and rub it with our hands as if we are kneading the dough. The cabbage should release juice.

4. Gradually tamp the cabbage into a 3-liter jar and pour each layer with salt and sugar. Fill the jar to the very top.

5. We close the jar with a plastic lid, put a saucer or bowl under the bottom. Cabbage ferment for 3 days at room temperature. Do not forget to pierce the cabbage with a wooden or plastic stick 1-2 times a day.

6. After that cooked cabbage store in the refrigerator.

In order for the brine to constantly cover the cabbage, you need a load from above. To do this, place inside the jar plastic cover, and put 0.5 on it liter bottle with water.

Delicious sauerkraut with apples and peppers - a recipe for the winter

This recipe is a little more complicated, with the addition various ingredients. Cabbage turns out just delicious, cook and see for yourself.


  • cabbage - 1 head of 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • apples (best antonovka) - 4-5 pcs.
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • parsley, dill
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • coriander - a pinch
  • black peppercorns
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 4 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  1. We chop the cabbage, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the bell pepper into strips, cut the apples into 4 parts and remove the seeds.

2. In a large container, such as a bucket, lay the ingredients in layers. A layer of cabbage will go to the bottom, sprinkle with sweet pepper on top and lay out a layer of apples.

3. Again lay out a layer of cabbage, carrots on top, then chopped parsley and dill. Next add the chopped garlic.

4. We repeat these layers again - cabbage, peppers, apples. Cabbage, carrots, herbs, garlic.

5. Cooking hot brine. The recipe is given for 1 liter of water, you may need more water. Bring the water to a boil and salt, add coriander and peppercorns to taste. Pour the cabbage with brine. We pierce the cabbage in several places with a wooden stick. We leave the cabbage for 3 days to ferment at room temperature.

After 3 days, we transfer the cabbage to clean jars and put them in the refrigerator. Delicious cabbage ready.

Sauerkraut - recipe with bell pepper and horseradish

Another recipe for sauerkraut, which uses not only traditional cabbage and carrots, but also bell peppers and even horseradish.

Sauerkraut with apples, cranberries and rowan

A unique recipe in which we will use a decoction of oak bark to get crispy cabbage. Well, there will be even more vitamins in cabbage when we add cranberries and mountain ash.


  • cabbage - 1 head of 3 kg
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • cranberries - 1/2 cup
  • rowan - 1/2 cup
  • black peppercorns
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • decoction of oak bark - 50 ml

  1. Shred the cabbage and carrots, sprinkle with salt and grind with your hands until the juice appears.

2. We choose apples of sweet and sour varieties such as Antonovka. Cut apples into thin slices.

3. For sourdough, we will use a large enamel pan. Put on the bottom of the pot cabbage leaves and sprinkle with peppercorns.

4. Lay layers of cabbage with carrots, then apples and generously sprinkle with cranberries and mountain ash. We repeat the layers in the same sequence and be sure to tamp with our hands.

To remove bitterness from mountain ash, pour boiling water over it

5. To make the cabbage crispy, prepare a decoction in advance oak bark. To do this, the washed bark must be boiled in boiling water for 10 minutes and cooled. Pour the cooled broth into a saucepan with cabbage.

6. When all the cabbage is laid out, place a plate of the appropriate diameter on top and a heavy oppression, for example, a jar of water.

7. To ensure the release of gases from the cabbage, stick wooden sticks into the cabbage.

8. Cabbage will ferment for 3 days, after which it will be possible to decompose it into jars and send it to storage in a cold place.

Delicious sauerkraut with apples and pears

You are convinced that there are many recipes for sauerkraut and I tried to introduce you to various recipes for every taste. Now is the time to harvest sauerkraut. As I already wrote, it is very good to sauerkraut after the New Moon, which in October 2017 will occur on the 19th. So stock up on cabbage, save recipes and wish you good luck in healthy and tasty preparations.

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about very healthy dish, which came to us from time immemorial - sauerkraut. And we will ferment it, of course, at home.

In the process of fermentation (fermentation), the sugar that is in the leaves of this vegetable is converted into lactic acid. And here are unique properties buys this dish: lactic acid bacteria, getting into the intestines along with cabbage, improve its functioning, suppress harmful microflora and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

Kvashenina has a positive effect on immune system, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves skin condition. It can be used to make salads, as well as filling for dumplings or pies. And you can stew with meat or mushrooms. But all beneficial bacteria during heat treatment, unfortunately, will die.

The liquid that is released during the ripening process is very useful. Never throw it away, eat cabbage with juice.

It is important to distinguish pickled vegetables from pickled vegetables. Pickled ones have a vinegar marinade, and the cabbage will turn out whiter in color and more crispy, but it does not have probiotic bacteria and so many useful properties.

Present to your attention the old fashioned way cooking delicious sauerkraut with Antonovka apples. Why this particular variety? These are very fragrant, dense and sour fruits, which will not only add a special flavor and smell to the dish, but will also become an appetizing addition to it.

  • cabbage - 2 kg.
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (medium)
  • Antonovka apples - 2 kg.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide (not iodized)
  • citric acid - to taste

1. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices and pour water with citric acid(water should be slightly sour).

2. Shred the cabbage with a shredder.

3. Mix the cabbage with carrots and salt, squeeze it well with your hands until the juice is released.

4. Fill a three-liter jar alternately with layers of cabbage and apples (it is very convenient to do this through a funnel), while tightly tamping everything with the help of a “crusher” or other improvised means.

5. In a jar filled to the narrowing of the neck, I place a nylon lid for cold products upside down as an oppression. She does not allow the cabbage to rise up by pressing it.

6. Place the jar in a deep bowl and leave for 3 days at room temperature, while piercing the contents with a wooden stick every day (otherwise the dish will be bitter). You need to store sauerkraut under a tightly closed nylon lid in the refrigerator or in a dark, cool place, such as a cellar. Bon appetit!

Instant sauerkraut recipe for 3 liter jar

If you want to cook healthy sauerkraut without sugar and vinegar in a three-liter jar, use this simple, traditional recipe.

To make the dish crispy and tasty - choose late varieties this vegetable.

For cooking we need:

  • cabbage - 2-2.5 kg.
  • carrots - 1 pc. (large)
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • allspice - 3-4 pcs.

1. Chop the cabbage with a shredder, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Mix the vegetables, while crushing them a little with your hands, salt.

It is necessary to knead the cabbage so that it starts up the juice and the fermentation process occurs faster.

3. Transfer the cabbage to a three-liter jar and place in a deep bowl.

4. Leave the jar in a warm place for 3 days, while piercing the contents every day with a wooden stick to release the gas that accumulates during the fermentation process.

After 3 days, put the finished sauerkraut in the refrigerator or other cool place. Eat it with the addition of vegetable oil. You can sprinkle with herbs, cumin seeds, add garlic or onions. Bon appetit!

The most delicious homemade sauerkraut - a very simple video recipe!

This recipe is really very simple! The cabbage will be crispy and delicious.

For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • cabbage - 2 kg,
  • carrots - 1 pc,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

The secrets of making crispy sauerkraut, see in detail in the video:

Bon appetit!

Quick crispy cabbage recipe in 3 hours

I often get asked for a quick, crispy sauerkraut recipe in 2-3 hours. So, the fermentation process takes more than 3 hours. But for the hurried, I can offer to cook it in 3-4 hours. Of course, it will be even tastier when it stands in the refrigerator for 7 hours.

But keep in mind that this is not sauerkraut, but pickled, because it is prepared with the addition of vinegar. This product will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

For cooking we need:

  • cabbage - 1 kg.
  • carrots - 1 pc. (250 gr.)
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml.
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.

1. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic or squeeze it through a press, mix everything, but you don’t need to knead the vegetables with your hands.

2. Pour salt into half a liter of water. When the water boils add vegetable oil. Turn off the heat, pour in the vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey (3-4 tablespoons of sugar can be used instead of honey).

3. Pour the cabbage with hot brine, cover with a plate on top and put oppression so that the brine covers the vegetables. This design should stand at room temperature for 3 hours.

After three hours, you can try our dish. What remains of the first sample - hide in the refrigerator and after 7 hours you will have a gorgeous, crispy, spicy snack.

Store cooked cabbage in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut in a day

This interesting recipe will allow you to cook traditional sauerkraut all in just a day. There is one very unusual feature here with warm brine and sugar.

For cooking we need:

  • cabbage - 2.5 kg.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • black, hot pepper - 3-4 pcs.
  • allspice - 3-4 pcs.

1. Wash and chop the cabbage in a way convenient for you. Fill the jar with it very tightly until the neck narrows, helping yourself, for example, with a “crusher”.

Depending on what container you have prepared, you can calculate how much cabbage you need to cut: a 3-liter jar will require 2.5 kg. vegetables.

2. Boil the brine from 1 liter of water, sugar and salt. At the end, add bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns. Cool the brine until it is slightly warm.

3. Pour the cabbage with warm brine. Put pepper, bay leaf on top. Place the jar in a deep bowl.

4. Leave the cabbage for 24 hours in a warm place. After 6 hours, pierce the contents of the jar in several places with a knife or wooden stick to release the accumulated gas.

To the finished sauerkraut, add grated carrots to taste, pour over with vegetable oil, add an onion. Bon appetit!

Crispy instant sauerkraut in brine

Another really crispy sauerkraut recipe. This time in brine. Try it and you will get a really tasty, moderately salty snack.

For cooking we need:

  • cabbage - 2 kg.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • water - 1 liter
  • rock salt - 2 tsp
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black, hot pepper - 3-4 pcs.
  • allspice - 3-4 pcs.

1. The ideal option for fermentation there will be not a round variety of cabbage, but flattened, as in the photo below.

1. Grate carrots fine grater, chop the cabbage and mix everything with salt.

In this recipe, we will not crush the vegetables with our hands in order for the appetizer to turn out to be truly crispy.

2. Transfer the chopped ingredients into a three-liter jar with bay leaves, allspice and black peppercorns. You can add red hot peppers but if you like spicy.

Vegetables in a jar do not need to be pressed down too hard, do not need to be tamped, it is enough just to lay them tightly.

For the marinade: drinking water dissolve at room temperature rock salt.

3. Fill the cabbage with brine and pierce the vegetable mass with a fork so that air comes out and the marinade completely fills the container. On three-liter bottle You need one and a half liters of water. If necessary, add a little more liquid, it should completely cover the vegetables.

4. Put the jar in a deep bowl and leave at room temperature for 3 days. Every day, morning and evening, pierce the mass with a fork so that gas comes out of it.

Quite a lot of brine will drain from cabbage in three days. Don't worry, that's how it should be.

Store the finished snack in the refrigerator or in a dark, cool place.

You can add onion and vegetable oil to the salad. Bon appetit!

1. In the preparation of sauerkraut, it is better to use late or winter varieties of this vegetable. Choose slightly flattened heads.

2. The method of shredding is not important, the main thing is that you feel comfortable.

3. When fermenting, you need to use only rock salt. From iodized vegetables will become loose.

4. The container for cooking must be chosen so that the cabbage is packed tightly in it, and it is possible to put oppression on top.

5. If you do not have juice in the jar on top during fermentation, be sure to add a little water. Vegetables should be covered with brine.

6. It is important to remember that every day you need to pierce the cabbage, releasing the gas that accumulates from below in the dishes. If this is not done, the snack will be bitter.

7. Vegetables are fermented at room temperature for about 3 days.

8. finished product should be stored in a refrigerator or in a dark room at a temperature of 0 to +5 gr.