Delicious soup with pasta and potatoes.

27.07.2019 Salads

Soup with pasta - a versatile first course that can be prepared for lunch every day. Preparing this soup is very simple from the most affordable products. The most common variant of the soup is the classic chicken broth, in which pasta and vegetable roast are boiled. You can cook the soup and beef, and pork, and vegetable broth. Soups with pasta from fresh forest mushrooms or champignons are very popular. The main principle of cooking soup with pasta is the consistency in laying out products. First put potatoes into boiling broth, then fried or raw vegetables and only at the very end - pasta.

In the soup with pasta, you can add a variety of vegetables and herbs: potatoes, carrots with onions, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro, dill with parsley, zucchini, spinach, etc. Very tasty is a dish with the addition of seafood (shrimp, mussels, etc.), beans, stews, melted cheese, green peas, ham, etc. Soup with pasta is a wide field for experiments with various ingredients and their proportions. Sometimes for taste, tomato paste or some flour for thickness is added to the soup or vegetable roasting, while there should not be too much pasta. To make the broth aromatic, you can add parsley or celery root, bay leaf, pea pepper and other seasonings. Salt dish should be at the very end. Soup with pasta is served with grated cheese, boiled egg, sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, garlic cloves or finely chopped greens.

Pasta Soup - Preparing Food and Dishes

To make pasta soup, you will need a pan, a frying pan, a skimmer, a grater, a knife, vegetable peelers and vegetable cutters, a cutting board, and other kitchen utensils. The dish is usually served in deep serving plates.

Preparation of products consists in washing and cleaning vegetables and their subsequent grinding. You can add vegetables, both raw and passaged. If mushrooms are used, they are washed, cleaned of debris and cut. You can pre-fry them or immediately put in the soup. Meat or vegetable broth is boiled in advance or directly in the process of cooking soup. Meat for broth is washed, cleaned of films and cut into pieces. You can boil the whole meat and only then cut into portions. Greens are usually finely chopped and thrown into a plate with a ready dish. If it is added to a common pot, you need to boil the soup a little.

Recipes for pasta soup:

Recipe 1: Pasta Soup

The most common soup with pasta, which is so fond of cooking the mistress of our country. The recipe still remains one of the most relevant, since you do not need to spend a lot of time and money to make such a soup. The dish is great for everyday meals.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 chicken breast;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • A small bunch of parsley;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs .;
  • 7 small potatoes;
  • Black Pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash the chicken, remove the skin, cut the meat into slices and cook broth out of it at low heat. Add bay leaf and pea pepper. After the first boiling, it is recommended to drain the water, pour the meat over the new one and put on the boil again. From the finished broth we take out the meat and put it on the plate. Clean potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. Garlic and onion finely shred, carrot rub on a coarse grater, cut potatoes into small cubes. Put potatoes into boiling broth, add some salt. First, fry onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, then lay carrots and garlic on it and pass it all together. If the potatoes are boiled, you can put the roast in the pan. After 5 minutes, add the pasta to the soup, taste the soup, if necessary, pepper it and add some salt. Cook the soup until done. Serving pasta soup with finely chopped greens and a piece of meat.

Recipe 2: Soup with pasta and wild mushrooms

Soup with pasta can be cooked not only in meat, but also in mushroom broth. Try to prepare a dish of fresh forest mushrooms - the soup will turn out very fragrant and incredibly tasty.

Ingredients Required:

  • Any fresh mushrooms (white, boletus, boletus, etc.) - 12 mushrooms;
  • 1 carrot and onion;
  • Pasta - to taste;
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

We sort out mushrooms, we clear of forest garbage and we wash. Slicing mushrooms is not too small, but not large. Put the sliced ​​mushrooms in a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce the fire and remove the foam formed with a slotted spoon. Cook mushroom broth on a slow fire for about half an hour. Onions and carrots cut into small cubes, fry in a pan with vegetable oil. Put the roast in the soup, add a little salt and bring to a boil. Then add the pasta and cook the soup until done. Served with mushroom soup with pasta with chopped greens and sour cream.

Recipe 3: Pasta and Shrimp Soup

This soup with pasta and shrimp is very rich, tasty and nutritious. The dish can be served for the usual dinner or dinner party. Also includes zucchini, sweet Bulgarian pepper, onions and greens.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 carrots;
  • Squash - 150 g;
  • 1 red sweet pepper;
  • Shallots - 2 pcs .;
  • Garlic clove;
  • Olive oil - 30 ml;
  • Pasta - 100-120 g;
  • Peeled shrimps - 200 g;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • 1 st. l chopped parsley and dill;
  • Water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

Shrimp thawed. We clean and wash the carrots, remove the seeds from the pepper, and clean the zucchini. Cut all the vegetables into thin strips. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil until golden brown. Put the sliced ​​vegetables in the pan and fry all together for 3-4 minutes. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, bring to a boil and lay out the stewed vegetables. Then add the pasta, and after 10 minutes lay out the peeled shrimp. Cook the soup for 2-3 minutes and turn off the fire. Season the soup to taste with salt and pepper, add chopped greens. Let the soup stand for 20 minutes. Soup with pasta and shrimps ready!

Recipe 4: Pasta and Sausage Soup

Very simple, but delicious soup with pasta and sausage. The dish is very easy to prepare from the most affordable products and is suitable for every day.

Ingredients Required:

  • Boiled sausage - 300 g;
  • 100 g of pasta;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion head;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

We clean the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Putting potatoes in boiling water. Cut the sausage into cubes and spread to the potatoes. Scald the tomato with boiling water and peel, chop the flesh into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, rub the carrot on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in butter and spread in the soup. Then add the pasta and cook the soup until done. 2-3 minutes before readiness add chopped greens and let the soup boil.

Recipe 5: Soup with pasta and stew

Great soup in haste, which can be prepared when there is no time, but you want a delicious first course. This pasta soup is made from stew, pasta and vegetables.

Ingredients Required:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • Bank stew;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 grams of pasta;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Greenery;
  • 1 bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Peel potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Put the potatoes in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Clean onions and carrots, chop onions, and rub carrots on a coarse grater. Preheat the vegetable oil in the pan and put onion first, then carrot. Fry vegetables until golden and pleasant aroma. Put the vegetable roast in the pan. Then add the pasta and cook the soup for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper soup to taste. Put the stew with the juice in the pan. Grind greens and put in a pan. Give the dish brew for 10 minutes.

In the process of cooking soup with pasta, you need to take into account one thing: any pasta tends to increase greatly in volume during heat treatment. Therefore, you need to be very careful in choosing proportions, otherwise the soup will turn into a nourishing main dish - porridge. For the preparation of dishes suitable pasta of any shape, but it is better to choose products from durum wheat. Such pasta does not boil soft and much more useful than ordinary. Pasta should be spread only at the very end of cooking - 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Pasta from durum varieties cooked a little longer than usual. Some add to the soup pre-fried pasta in butter. Before serving, the dish must be brewed for 10-15 minutes. You can cook soup with pasta and in a slow cooker - the dish will turn out very useful and not less tasty, and the pasta will not boil down and retain its shape. In addition, cooking soup in this way is very quick and easy.

Day after day we load our bodies with heavy and not always healthy food. The familiar fast food has long become a traditional product for us, and this is unacceptable. Hence, all sorts of disorders, bloating and other problems. Therefore, to pamper your stomach with some light soup is always pleasant and useful.

Salads, appetizers, sandwiches - all this, of course, is incredibly tasty, but at least occasionally it is necessary to give the body a rest, arranging a unloading soup day once a week.

Cooking light soup in broth does not require any special skills. Products for him are also quite accessible to everyone. Therefore, do not poison yourself with instant soups, which are also full of preservatives, because you can cook it yourself.


  • Beef - 300-400 gr .;
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs .;
  • Onion - 2 pcs .;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Pasta - 100 gr .;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Parsley greens.


For cooking this soup with pasta, potatoes and meat, we need a 2-liter saucepan. In it, we pour water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Meat washed out and cut into small pieces.

When the water boils, put the meat in the pan and boil the broth for an hour on a very slow fire under a covered lid. 5 minutes before the end of boiling broth we add it.

During this time we prepare other ingredients for the cooking process.

Wash potatoes, peel, cut into cubes.

Onions and carrots are cleaned, washed out of dirt and grind.

In a pan, heat 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil and fry in it first onions (3-4 minutes will be quite enough), and then along with onions and carrots, another 4 minutes, stirring constantly.

We chop the greens, we need it at the very last moment.

When the broth is ready, remove the lid and place the potatoes in the pan. Cook all together for another 15 minutes. Then dosalivaem to taste, send the soup pasta, cook another 5-7 minutes. Next in the soup with pasta sent zazharka. Give the soup with all the ingredients for 5 minutes, then add the chopped greens, bay leaf and ground black pepper to taste. All the stir bring to a boil and turn off the fire.

Give the soup with pasta and potatoes brewed under the lid for 20-30 minutes.

Meat soup with pasta and potatoes ready to eat.

Enjoy your meal!


No matter how many new interesting dishes appear, it is not so easy for them to oust ordinary soup from our diet. He firmly entrenched in our culinary culture, and after a period of holidays filled with feasts, the soul itself asks for it - the simplest, most ordinary.

To save time, meat broth for soups can be cooked for free and frozen, because it takes 1.5-3 hours to boil the meat (unless it is a chicken from the store). Or you can cook the broth in the evening, and the soup - just before serving, because potato soups after cooling, lose their taste. Soup with pasta will taste better if they are slightly undercooked - afterwards they will still soften enough, but they will not spill over and the soup will remain transparent.


  • 2 medium onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 7-8 medium sized potatoes;
  • 400 gr. meat on the bone (lamb or beef);
  • 150 gr. pasta.
  • Cooking

    1. Prepare the necessary ingredients. Peel the onions, carrots and potatoes. Defrost the meat and place in a suitable saucepan, pour water, about 2 liters. As boils, remove the foam and reduce the fire.

    2. Finely chop the onion and carrot and send it to the saucepan with the broth.

    3. Cut potatoes into cubes.

    4. After 2 hours of cooking over low heat, send potatoes to the pan after the rest of the vegetables.

    5. After 30 minutes, measure the required amount of pasta and send it to the pan, stirring slightly. Cook the soup for about 15 minutes.

    A light soup with pasta and slices of new potatoes is an ideal first course dish on a hot summer day both in terms of cooking and in terms of use. Cooking does not take more than half an hour. Using different varieties of pasta, each time it can be made in a new way attractive and interesting for children.

    A short roast of vegetables will preserve most of the vitamins and give the dish a delicate golden hue. After adding finely chopped greens in the finals, the soup should be covered with a lid so as not to lose the desired aromas that stimulate the appetite.


    • water 3-4 l
    • macaroni 250 g
    • onion 1 pc.
    • carrots 1 pc.
    • 8-9 potatoes
    • sunflower oil 50 g
    • ground black pepper
    • 1-2 bay leaves
    • greenery


    1. The number of ingredients used is calculated on the volume of the pan 4 liters. The first dish can be cooked not only in water, but also in meat, mushroom or vegetable broth. In this recipe, lean soup, without meat. Peel potatoes, rinse. Cut into small cubes and drop into the pan. Pour about three liters of water. Place the container on the stove and set a strong fire. After boiling, reduce the flame and cook for 15-20 minutes to make the diced potatoes softer.

      2. Peel and rinse the large onion. Cut into small pieces and send to a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry over high heat, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

      3. Rinse and peel carrots. Grate on a medium grater. The finer grated carrots, the more saturated get ready soup. Add carrots to fried onions. Make the fire smaller and fry for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula.

      4. When the potatoes in the soup are soft, almost ready, add the pasta. Once the contents of the pan boil, cook for 5-8 minutes until the pasta is ready.

      5. Add fried onions with carrots. Stir and boil.

    Step-by-step recipes of delicious chicken soups with pasta and potatoes in a classic style, options with all sorts of additions: dumplings, mushrooms, melted cheese, tomatoes and cream

    2018-10-23 Marina Danko





    100 grams of ready meals

    8 gr.

    9 gr.


       9 gr.

    156 kcal.

    Option 1: Chicken soup with pasta and potatoes - a classic recipe

    Today we will cook, in my opinion, the most delicious chicken soup with pasta and potatoes. It is simple to cook soup, it is chicken soup that best of all comes out with small fine noodles, everyone loves this soup - both children and adults. For the recipe it is best to use homemade chicken, it is most well suited, the broth comes out fragrant, rich.

    Noodles for the recipe is better to use durum wheat, it does not boil soft, it will remain whole. Be sure to add carrots and onions, potatoes, some greens. Chicken soup - the perfect meal for lunchtime meals, the whole family will be happy with such a hearty and tasty meal.


    • Homemade Chicken - 300 g
    • Water - 1.5-1.7 liters
    • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Carrots - 1 pc.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Vermicelli - 60 g
    • Salt, pepper - to taste
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
    • Dill - 5 sprigs

    Cooking process

    Prepare all products on the list. Take a saucepan that fits in volume, fill the saucepan with water, then put on the fire, bring to a boil. Chicken pieces can be used any, pre-rinse them and dry. Put the chicken pieces into the boiling water, then cook the chicken for 30 minutes.

    After a specified time, you need to clean and wash the potato tubers, after they wash and dry. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized blocks and send them to the pan - boil the potatoes in broth for 15 minutes.

    Peel the onions, rinse and dry. Chop the onion into small cubes.

    Peel and wash carrots, grate carrots after a medium grater.

    Heat a spoonful of butter in a pan, then put carrots and onions, fry vegetables for 5-6 minutes, stir occasionally.

    When the potatoes are ready, take out the chicken, disassemble it into pieces and return it to the pan.

    Pour roast and noodles into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt and pepper, turn off the heat.

    If desired, throw in the pan the chopped dill. Cover the pot with a lid and infuse the soup for 5-7 minutes

    After layering and serving.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Option 2: A quick recipe for chicken soup with pasta and potatoes

    To cook chicken soup as quickly as possible, it is preferable to choose a fillet for broth. Meat pieces are cooked much faster than bony ones. Vermicelli should also be properly selected. The best option for a quick recipe would be a thin “cobweb”. We will not sauté vegetables, we will get a light soup, quite suitable for dietary nutrition.


    • a pound of fresh chicken fillet;
    • 100 grams of vermicelli web;
    • small onion;
    • half middle carrot;
    • three medium sized potatoes.

    How to quickly cook a simple chicken soup with pasta and potatoes

    We wash the fillets well, cut them, put them in a saucepan with 2 liters of water.

    Put the whole, but cleaned onion into the water with the meat, put the pot on the intense heat. Before boiling compulsorily collect and throw foam. Despite the fact that it will be significantly less than from bony pieces, it is still undesirable to leave.

    While the broth begins to boil, we clean the carrots and rub it finely. Add crushed carrot to the pan only after all the foam is removed.

    Cook the chicken fillet over medium heat under a lid for a quarter of an hour, then lay it on a plate. Be sure to cover the pot so that the pieces of chicken do not bleach.

    In boiling broth we drop small sliced ​​potatoes. Do not cut into slices, they will cook longer. At this stage, the broth should be slightly salted.

    Boil the potatoes until soft, add the meat and pasta. We bring the soup to a boil and immediately remove it from the stove - the cobweb is not required to be cooked. Letting stand a little, pour the chicken soup into plates and serve.

    Option 3: Italian chicken soup with pasta and potatoes (with cream)

    In Italian cuisine, many dishes are cooked with cream, and the first courses are no exception. Chicken and cream broth is the perfect combination. Soup goes moderately thick, due to the addition of starch. Do not try to replace the corn product, the potato equivalent, the proper taste is not obtained.


    • thin vermicelli - 120 g .;
    • 450 gr. chicken fillet;
    • half a cup of canned corn;
    • two potatoes;
    • spoon of corn starch, dry starch;
    • three spoons of milk;
    • two thirds cup of heavy cream.

    How to cook

    To start boil the broth. It can be cooked from only one fillet, or you can add one chicken back to the diet meat - the soup will be richer and more satisfying. Fill the washed chicken with five cups of cool water, according to the rules we cook transparent broth. Breast preferably immediately cut into pieces. If only fillets are used, cook for no longer than 20 minutes, and if you put the back, double the time.

    We take out all the meat from chicken broth. Back, if added, remove, it is not useful, and fold the fillets in a plate and cover.

    Add boiled potatoes to the boiling broth and boil until tender.

    Simultaneously with the potatoes, in a separate saucepan, according to the instructions on the package, prepare the noodles. We throw the finished products in a colander, rinse with hot water and dry well.

    When the potatoes are cooked, continuously stirring the contents of the pan, pour cream in a thin stream. We put boiled fillet into the soup and, without boiling, boil for about ten minutes.

    Pour the milk into a small bowl and carefully stir the starch in it. Pour the mixture into the saucepan with the soup and immediately mix it well.

    Season with pepper, add some salt, add corn and well dried vermicelli. Boil the soup with a slight boil for a couple of minutes, and serve immediately.

    Option 4: Delicate chicken soup with pasta and potatoes, mushrooms and melted cheese

    Another chicken soup with a delicate creamy flavor. At this time, in the first dish we will introduce not cream, but add it with melted cheese. A high-quality product is a guarantee of excellent taste; one should not take cheese with herbal additives. For flavor, add chicken soup with mushrooms.


    • three small potatoes;
    • 70 gr. small noodles;
    • fresh champignons - 150 gr .;
    • 100 grams of processed cheese;
    • any parts of the chicken carcass steam - 300 gr.;
    • bulb, bulb;
    • 35 ml of vegetable oil, highly purified;
    • bay leaf;
    • one and a half liters of water.

    Step-by-step recipe

    The first thing to start is to make a clear broth. To make the soup rich, preferably the bony parts of the bird, and for faster cooking, you can use the breast. Washing the chicken and pouring two liters of water, set to heat. After removing the foam and boiling, lightly add some broth. Adding lavrushka, cook under the lid with a slight boil: breast 25 minutes, bony pieces twice as long.

    While the soup is being cooked, prepare the mushrooms and vegetables. Wash the champignons, cut into plates. Large mushrooms is better to cut into wide strips. Shred onions, potatoes, cut into thin sticks. Do not forget to fill the potatoes with water, so as not to darken.

    In a frying pan, in a small amount of butter, pass the onion, add the mushrooms and heat until all visible moisture is evaporated.

    We get meat from chicken broth. Cool slightly, cut into pieces, if there were bones, remove them.

    Put potatoes and meat in a pot of boiling broth, boil for about eight minutes. Add the mushrooms stewed with onions and cook a little longer.

    We drop vermicelli into the soup. Carefully stir, continue to cook until cooked pasta. The noodles should be soft outside, but remain harsh from the inside.

    Add the small cubes of melted cheese and warm up, stirring until they disperse. Boil soup for another minute, turn off.

    For such a soup, you can take the cream cheese in the trays, it will disperse faster. Champignons can be replaced with oyster mushrooms or any lamellar forest mushrooms, such as chanterelles or honey mushrooms.

    Option 5: Quick chicken soup with pasta and potatoes (with meatballs)

    Another quick chicken soup. No time spent cooking broth. Small meatballs are formed from poultry meat twisted into mince, which give the soup a rich fat.


    • fresh chicken fillet, weighing up to 400 grams;
    • small carrot and five medium potatoes;
    • bulb;
    • 80 gr. pasta (vermicelli);
    • two spoons of butter;
    • small leaf of laurel.

    How to cook

    Wash fillet, dry. Cut into pieces, twist in a meat grinder. You can take the purchased semi-finished product - the stuffing should be dense and homogeneous.

    Sprinkle chicken mince with pepper, add some salt, then mix well and beat. Moistened hands, sculpt small size meatballs. For juiciness, onions can be added to the beef. It is necessary to twist after the meat or grate on a medium grater.

    We bring to a boil two and a half liters of drinking water. Dip the meatballs in the boiling liquid, and after boiling again, cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

    While the meatballs are boiling, we save the onions and carrots in butter. Finished dressing should not go dry or overly fried. Stir vegetables often, if necessary, you can pour a little water from the pan (2-3 spoons).

    Put the diced potatoes in a saucepan with cooked meatballs. After removing the foam, boil a quarter of an hour.

    Put vegetable soup in the soup, pour vermicelli into the soup. Adding laurel, bring to taste with salt and boil for about five minutes, until the pasta is ready.

    Option 6: Light chicken soup with pasta and potatoes on the wings (with eggs)


    • four large chicken wings;
    • big potato;
    • two eggs;
    • carrot - one small root vegetable;
    • sprigs of dill;
    • two spoons of fine vermicelli;
    • small onion;
    • two peppercorns;
    • garlic.

    Step-by-step recipe

    Cutting the wings over the joints, wash and drop into a saucepan with one and a half liters of clean water. After boiling, removing the foam, add the onion without husk, peppercorns, two garlic cloves and lavrushka. Cooking broth quarter of an hour.

    Remove all spices, garlic and onions from the finished broth. They are not needed, all flavors have already been obtained broth.

    Peel carrots and potatoes. Carrot three medium grater, potato tubers cut into small cubes, dip the vegetables in the broth and continue to cook until the potatoes soften.

    Cook eggs separately. To the shell was well removed, be sure to add a spoonful of salt to the water. Cooked hard-boiled eggs, cool in a bowl of cold water, then peel and cut into slices.

    In the pot with the finished potatoes fall asleep vermicelli. Well stirred, bring the soup to a boil, then boil over low heat for about three minutes. At the end add finely chopped dill and eggs.

    Option 7: Summer chicken soup with pasta and potatoes

    A simple recipe for chicken soup with tomatoes. Tomatoes will give the soup not only light sourness, but also a pleasant color. In the absence of fresh tomatoes can be replaced canned or frozen.


    • steam chicken - 600 gr .;
    • 300 grams of potatoes and fresh ripe tomatoes;
    • small onion head;
    • 60 gr. noodles;
    • garlic;
    • 100 grams of fresh or frozen peas;
    • corn oil - 30 g .;
    • dill or young parsley - to taste.

    How to cook

    On one and a half liters of water we prepare broth. The time depends on which part of the bird was taken. Breast should be cooked no more than half an hour, poultry with stones, forty minutes. It is advisable to chop the meat immediately, so that you do not have to take it out of the broth and disassemble it.

    Put the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes into the boiling broth. Bringing to a boil, remove the foam and leave on low heat.

    We wash the tomatoes. Scald with boiling water, remove the peel from the tomatoes and cut into slices. Add slices of tomatoes in the soup with green peas, after 15 minutes. after potatoes.

    We clean two garlic cloves and an onion. Melenko cut the one and the other. Fry onion with garlic in oil until onion slices lose matte.

    Put the contents of the pan in a saucepan with the soup and cook for another quarter of an hour.

    Pouring vermicelli soup, bring to a boil. After boiling over low heat for 7 minutes, turn it off and let it stand for the same amount.

    When serving each portion of chicken soup sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

    Option 8: Hearty Chicken Soup with Noodles and Potato Dumplings

    Potatoes can be put into the soup not only in slices. The first dish will have an original look, if you make dumplings from potatoes. The recipe, like the previous ones, is simple, despite the originality.


    • potatoes - five small tubers;
    • three and a half liters of chicken broth;
    • small carrot;
    • medium onion;
    • large egg;
    • three spoons of vegetable and one butter;
    • garlic head;
    • half a cup of fine vermicelli;
    • two spoons of flour.

    Step-by-step recipe

    Broth is prepared in advance or cooked directly in the process of cooking soup. To get three and a half liters of rich chicken broth, you need to take 700 grams of bony parts of poultry for 3.5 liters of water. When cooking the broth is filled with lavrushka and peppercorns, it is good to put vegetables too. Onions and carrots dipped entirely, pre-cleaned and rinsed well with water.

    In a separate saucepan, boil peeled potatoes to readiness. Strain the water, mash the potatoes in mashed potatoes and slightly cool it.

    Pour the flour into mashed potato flour, pepper it a little. After breaking the egg, lightly add salt and mix thoroughly. Potato dough should easily slide off the spoon.

    Finely chopped onions and carrots rubbed into medium chips are passeed in a mixture of both oils.

    Ready broth is placed on a fast fire. As soon as it starts to boil, we dip two teaspoons in it. After holding for about 15 seconds, with One we hook a little potato dough, with the other we help to form a neat dumpling out of it, and lower it into boiling broth. Having released all the potato dough in this way, we are waiting for boiling.

    Fill the soup with vegetable zazharkoy, add some salt and put vermicelli in it. Boil until soft, add chopped garlic, you can put a little chopped dill.

    Option 9: Fragrant chicken soup with pasta and potatoes (with smoke)

    With a special, rich aroma, soups are obtained on natural smoked products. Such dishes tempt with a pleasant taste and light aroma of smoke. Chicken soup with vermicelli and smoked-winged potatoes should be included in the menu and for the sake of variety.


    • five smoked wings;
    • 600 gr. potatoes;
    • a small carrot and the same onion head;
    • three tablespoons of finely broken spaghetti;
    • lemon slice;
    • four black peas;
    • refined oil;
    • finely chopped parsley - one and a half spoons.

    How to cook

    Smoked wings cut into two parts of the joint. Putting in a saucepan, fill three-liter volume with water and place on the stove. Bringing to boil, set the heat so loud, boil the broth for a quarter of an hour.

    Peeled potatoes well washed with running water, cut into small cubes.

    Dip potatoes in boiling broth, lay lavrushki and peppercorns. Lidded, continue to cook the soup over low heat.

    While the potatoes are boiled softly, on the fast butter until soft, we pass the finely chopped onion with grated carrots.

    We spread roast in the broth to the finished potato. Mix, pour vermicelli and bring the soup to readiness. At the end add chopped greens, remove from heat. In the finished soup put a slice of lemon and let you stand for fifteen minutes.

    Option 10: Traditional chicken soup with pasta and potatoes

    It so happened that "the most chicken soup", of course - noodles. And noodles, mixed with homemade eggs, will not bypass any pasta competitor. Prepare such unpretentious soups in the village and capital, seasoned with tomato or adjika, leave white and even cooked from smoked wings. We are now offering to cook the simplest, classic soup of the available products.


    • half a pair of chicken carcass, about 700 grams;
    • three potatoes;
    • small onion and mid-sized carrot;
    • 100 grams of fine vermicelli or spaghetti;
    • two small leaves of lavrushka;
    • two spoons of pure vegetable oil.

    Step-by-step recipe for chicken soup with pasta and potatoes

    The taste of the soup depends on the quality of the broth, the chicken should be thoroughly rinsed with cool water, examining the skin for the presence of feathers. If stumps are left, they should be removed and the easiest way to do this is with tweezers.

    Put the chicken in the pan, not chopping into pieces, pour 2 liters. cool water. Try to use only filtered water, the quality of the broth depends on it.

    We place the pan on the "fastest" fire, bring the contents to a boil. It is important during this period of time to carefully collect the foam, mixing with boiling broth, it will spoil it, making it cloudy.

    After boiling, lower the heat to medium, add lavrushka and cover with a lid. On average, chicken broth takes up to 45 minutes, poultry meat should be soft and well separated from the bones.

    While the broth is being prepared, in order to save time a bit, you can prepare a browning. We clean the carrots and onions, rub the root crop with a medium grater, and cut the onion into small pieces. Fry vegetables in oil until golden brown.

    Thinly clean the potatoes, dissolve the tubers in thin cubes or cubes. It is this kind of slicing that is preferable for chicken soup, but you can cut it to your liking - more coarsely. Fill the potatoes with water so as not to darken until the right moment.

    Chicken broth is ready, now you need to get a chicken out of it and strain it. The filtered broth is poured into a saucepan and set again on a fast fire. Picked up the meat from the bones, cut into small slices, or disassemble the fibers.

    In a rapidly boiling broth, dip the potatoes. Boil until soft, add skillet and pieces of meat, add some salt. Bringing to a boil, omit the vermicelli in the soup and stir well. Boil over low heat for about seven minutes and remove from heat. It is important not to digest vermicelli, otherwise it will limp and turn into a mess.

    Ready-made soup with noodles definitely need to stand for a while. Soak it at least a quarter of an hour, the noodles will swell a little more and will be filled with the aromas of soup.