A simple cream with condensed milk. Recipe for condensed milk cream, sour cream and cottage cheese

27.07.2019 The drinks

The most popular and favorite cream of every housewife. 10 recipes of cream with condensed milk for cake - on our website.

Due to the oil-based, this cream is able to keep its shape for a long time, therefore it is suitable not only for the layer of cake layers and sponge cake, but also for decorating cakes and pastries.

  • butter - 300 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • vanilla sugar - on request.

Cut butter into slices and leave to soften at room temperature.

Using a whisk or a mixer, beat the butter until completely smooth and fluffy.

Add vanilla sugar and condensed milk to it.

Continue whipping until the ingredients are completely mixed, and the mass becomes homogeneous.

Recipe 2: cream with condensed milk for cake

The easiest cream, prepared very quickly. Butter with condensed milk will give a very delicate flavor.

  • a pack of butter (200g);
  • jar of condensed milk (not boiled).

Pour the condensed milk into a fairly deep container - so that when splashing up the sprays do not fly away - and cut the softened butter there too.

Note: I later found out that the cream was whipped better, if you first beat the butter until fluffy, and then, continuing to beat, pour a thin stream of condensed milk into it.

Mix with a mixer the condensed milk with butter on the biscuit principle: starting from a small speed and gradually increasing the speed.

First, the cream will be liquid, light yellow in color. Continue to beat for 2-3 minutes, and now you will notice that the cream suddenly began to thicken and brighten.

That's just when it becomes white, thick, and the mixer beaters will leave clear marks, the cream is ready.

If he stubbornly does not want to go up to the condition, it may be too hot. Put the bowl in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

It is also better to cool the finished cream before dressing cakes or filling cakes in the refrigerator. Then it will keep its shape well (you can decorate pastries with beautiful patterns from a pastry syringe), besides, it will be tastier!

Recipe 3: cake cream with condensed milk and sour cream (step by step photos)

Adding condensed milk to cream instead of sugar or powdered sugar makes it much softer. Also, sour cream adds a special tenderness and juiciness to the cream. Cream of condensed milk, sour cream and butter is particularly well suited for sandwiching biscuit and honey cakes.

  • butter - 400 gr
  • sour cream - 400 gr
  • condensed milk - 350 gr

Recipe 4: cream for sponge cake with condensed milk and brandy

  • Butter - 400 Grams
  • Condensed milk - 400 grams
  • Cognac - 50 Grams

Mix soft oil with a mixer.

Gradually add condensed milk.

Then add brandy, whisk everything.

The cream turns out dense, tasty and very easily fits on the cake.

You can use it not only for sponge cake, but also for other homemade flour products. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: butter cream with condensed milk and white chocolate (with photo)

The aroma of the cream is chocolate, and the taste is very sweet. The cream is suitable for cake with a neutral or sour taste.

  • 100 grams of milk or 20% cream
  • 200 g white chocolate
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 1 tsp instant coffee

Pour milk into a small saucepan, put broken chocolate and put the saucepan on a small fire.

If desired, you can pour instant coffee into the milk and stir until the coffee is completely dispersed.
  Pour in condensed milk.

Boil with a continuous stirring until the mass thickens.
  Put a piece of butter. After that, the mass will be a little thinner.

Boil the mass to the desired thickness.

On the cakes cream applied hot.

With this cream nuts are well combined. They can be mixed into a cream or sprinkled with cream on the nuts while applying the cream on the cake.

Recipe 6: sour cream with condensed milk for cake

The fatter the sour cream, the easier the cream will whip up. Sour cream with a low fat content (15-20%) is recommended to fold to gauze and squeeze out the serum, then the cream will be dense. With boiled condensed milk the cream will turn out more tasty, and the form will be denser.

  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Sour cream - 300 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 bag

Put the whole sour cream in a bowl, first throwing it over the gauze and getting a thicker consistency. Add half the condensed milk and vanilla sugar or vanilla. Why half? And to regulate the degree of sweetness of the cream. Beat the condensed milk with sour cream until smooth.

Try, and if there is little sweetness, add more condensed milk.

Well whipped cream has a fluffy and uniform structure.

The cream is ready!

Recipe 7: curd cream with condensed milk for cake

Curd cream is a great alternative to butter cream, it turns out lighter with a little sourness.

  • 400 gr. soft cottage cheese 9%
  • 100 ml. liquid cream 20%
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk
  • pinch of vanilla

For cream, it is better to cook condensed milk on your own, the store has a taste that is not so pleasant, and the composition of shop milk is not particularly good.
  Using a mixer, beat the curd with boiled condensed milk and vanilla.

Continuing to beat, gradually add the cream and beat for a few more minutes, until the cream is smooth.

You yourself can adjust the thickness of the cream - adding an additional cream.
  This cream is perfect for soft cakes, for example, biscuit, for filling custard cakes, sand baskets.

Recipe 8: Delicate biscuit cake cream, sour cream with condensed milk

Sour cream biscuit cake is very simple to prepare, but the finished dessert has a special taste, delicate texture and elegance.

  • Sour cream (fat. Not less than 20%) - 400 grams.
  • Sugar powder - 100 grams.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.
  • Gelatin - 20 grams.

Gelatin should be poured with cold milk for about 40-60 minutes so that it swells. Instead of milk, you can use boiled water, but then the finished cream will be less tender.

Put the swollen gelatin on a slow fire and completely dissolve it with constant stirring. Make sure the mass does not boil! Once the gelatin is dissolved, remove the container from the heat and leave it at room temperature.

Cool sour cream in advance, then add powdered sugar with vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer, gradually increasing the number of revolutions.

Pour the cooled gelatin into the cream sour cream, continuing to beat about 3 minutes at low speed of the mixer.

The resulting cream immediately miss the cake and put the cake in the fridge so that it stiffens (2-3 hours).

Recipe 9: cream cake "Napoleon" with condensed milk

With this cream, the cake is very tender, sweet, but not cloying.

  • Condensed milk - 2 banks
  • Oil - 1.5 packs
  • Cognac - 1 spoon

Pre-cream oil to get out of the fridge so that it is soft, but not melt.

In the mixer, send condensed milk, butter and whip the cream until it becomes air. You will understand by sight, the mass will become friable and light. Add there a tablespoon of brandy, is it necessary to say that only the best product goes into the cream! Beat a few more minutes and the cream is ready.
  Each cake is well coated with ready cream for Napoleon, the top layer is also smeared with cream.

Be sure to leave the cake soaked overnight in a cool place, but not in the fridge, otherwise the cream will freeze and the cakes may be dry.

Recipe 10: chocolate-nut cream with condensed milk for cake

The taste is sweet, with a nutty aftertaste. The aroma is chocolate. The consistency is finely grained. At room temperature - thick, stretching, in the fridge freezes to a state of sour cream.
  Can be used to coat cakes, as well as on a sandwich. Well satisfies hunger and is perfect for morning tea.

  • 1 cup (100g) of roasted nuts,
  • 50g cream is small,
  • 1 large bar of dark chocolate (100g),
  • 200g (0.5 cans) of condensed milk,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • if desired, 1 hour spoon of brandy or 3 ~ 5 drops of Essenti (vanilla, almond, brandy, etc.)

Nuts can take any to taste. You can also take a mixture of different nuts or add to the poppy nuts. Grind nuts in a coffee grinder as small as possible.

In a small saucepan put the butter and chopped chocolate in slices. Pour a small pinch of fine salt.

Put on fire a little below average. Stir continuously. When the butter and chocolate melt completely, pour in the condensed milk.

If desired, you can add flavors to your taste - brandy, rum, "Amaretto", various essences. With stirring, bring the mass to a boil. Cook for 2 to 5 minutes. The longer the mass is boiled, the thicker the cream will be.

Pour the nuts, stir, boil for 1 minute and remove the saucepan from the heat.

Put the cream in a jar, cool, close the lid and put in the fridge. Enjoy your meal!

Once, back in 1856, American Gail Borden figured out how to preserve the freshness of milk for a long time. By boiling the product with sugar, my beloved condensed milk appeared. Today it is actively used both as an independent dish and added to various recipes. Especially popular are creams for condensed milk cake, which are distinguished not only by their amazing taste, but also by their naturalness. Unless, of course, choose the right product.

Types of condensed milk:

Classic with sugar;

With additives (coffee, cocoa, chicory, vanilla);


For creams, the classic product is most often used, which is then mixed with other ingredients. It is important to buy real condensed milk, and not a mixture of palm fats, sugar and milk powder. To do this, you must carefully review the packaging and find the GOST icon on it. Or read the composition. In addition to milk and sugar, there should be no other ingredients in it. Only from such a product you get a really tasty and healthy cream for condensed milk cake.

Dairy products, butter, cocoa, chocolate, and nuts are commonly used to supplement the recipe. The quality of these ingredients also determines the taste of the final product.

Cream of condensed milk: the general principles of cooking

Preparation of cream for condensed milk cake is simple. Usually the recipe uses no more than 3-5 ingredients that need to be mixed or whipped. When preparing it is important that the products for mixing have the same temperature, this will prevent the separation of fats, the formation of lumps and the mass will be homogeneous.

If berries and fruits are used in addition, it is important that they are free from spoilage and rot. Otherwise, the cream will acquire an unpleasant taste. You also need to know that fruit cream cake from condensed milk is not subject to long-term storage and should be used immediately. To prolong the freshness, you can use heat-treated mashed potatoes.

If the cream does not need to be heated, then do not take aluminum containers for cooking. It is better to prefer plastic or enamelled cups. For whipping it is better to use a conventional mixer, the blender does not allow to get a fluffy mass.

Recipe 1: Classic condensed milk cream

Classic cream of condensed milk and butter is great for decorating cakes, pastries, layers of cakes. It is wonderfully combined with fruit, chocolate, caramel and honey. It can be spread on a piece of fresh bread or used as a filler for ice cream. It is difficult to find someone indifferent to the taste of vanilla cream from condensed milk and butter.

Ingredients Required:

Condensed milk 200 gr .;

Butter 200 gr .;

Egg yolk 2 pcs .;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

Cooking method

Butter must be removed from the refrigerator beforehand and kept at room temperature for 2 hours to make it soft. But if it melts, the cream of condensed milk and butter will not work. Therefore, under no circumstances should you melt the food on the stove or use a microwave oven.

Next, soft butter should be whipped with a mixer until a fluffy white mass. Gradually add one yolk to it. Continuing to whisk, in a thin stream pour condensed milk. At the end of whipping add vanilla. You can also add a little liqueur to flavor the condensed milk and butter cream.

If there are concerns about eating raw yolks, they can be eliminated and simplify the recipe of the classic cream of condensed milk and butter.

Recipe 2: Cream of condensed milk with sour cream.

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream has a pleasant, light taste with a slight sourness. It is great for biscuit, honey cakes. Also cream of condensed milk and sour cream can be used to fill the custard cakes. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. It can be safely used in baby food. And if you want to reduce caloric content, then instead of sour cream, you can use natural yogurt.

Ingredients Required:

Condensed milk 300 gr .;

Sour cream at least 20% fat 300 gr .;

Vanillin 1g.

Cognac 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method

Sour cream should be whipped with a mixer, but do it carefully, no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, it may take a grain of butter and buttermilk will depart. Then, without stopping whipping, add condensed milk in parts. At the end pour vanilla, add brandy. Mix everything thoroughly.

Sometimes cream from condensed milk and sour cream can turn out liquid. In this case, you can correct the situation with the help of butter. Beat 200 gr. product in a lush foam and gradually, in small portions add to it a liquid cream. The result is sour cream of condensed milk and butter, which can also be used in any desserts.

If there is no butter or no desire to increase the caloric content of the cream of condensed milk and sour cream, you can use gelatin. For this 10 gr. powder is poured 50 ml of water or milk, allowed to swell for 30 minutes. Then heated in a water bath and combine with cream of condensed milk and sour cream. The mass must be removed for half an hour in the fridge, it will become more dense.

Recipe 3: Cream of boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is a delicacy from childhood. But if earlier it was not always possible to buy it and often had to cook, today you can buy a ready-to-eat product in the store. From it is easy to make an incredibly delicious cream of boiled condensed milk, which will decorate the cake, pastries, various desserts, and even your favorite nut cookies.

Ingredients Required:

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr .;

Butter 300g;

Vanilla optional.

Cooking method

The softened butter should be whipped, gradually add condensed milk. When the cream of boiled condensed milk becomes homogeneous, you can add vanillin. It also goes well with nuts, which must be pre-fry and chopped. If the cream of boiled condensed milk turned out very thick, then the nut crumb will score it even more. Mass will be difficult to smear on the cake. In this case, it is better to sprinkle with the nuts already smeared with the cream of boiled condensed milk cakes.

If there is no boiled condensed milk at home, but there is an ordinary one, then you can cook it. But at the same time it is important that it was real and consisted of whole milk, without vegetable fats. The bank must be removed from the label, placed in a saucepan, add water and cook for 2 hours, turning down the heat after boiling.

Recipe 4: Cream of condensed milk with bananas

Air, banana cream of condensed milk and butter can be used in cakes and pastries, as well as as an independent dessert. And if you add the gelatin or agar-agar, you get a dessert that resembles a soufflé. He does not give way to bird's milk to taste. This is a great way to use the cream if you have surplus.

Ingredients Required:

Condensed milk 300 gr .;

Bananas 2 pcs .;

Butter 200 gr.

Cooking method

For cooking, remove the oil from the refrigerator beforehand so that it is soft. Beat until white and fluffy, then gradually add milk. All carefully smash and refrigerate. Bananas clean, put in a blender and smash into mashed potatoes. It is important that they are ripe, but without black patches. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and gradually add the banana puree.

To banana cream with condensed milk and butter turned out delicious and fragrant, you need to choose a good fruit. It is better to navigate not by appearance, but by smell. Good and sweet bananas are always fragrant, but if they do not smell, then it is better to pass by. Tasteless and soapy fruits only impair the quality of the cream.

Recipe 5: Cream of condensed milk chocolate

Condensed milk and chocolate are two products that no sweet tooth can resist. So why not combine them? Delicious chocolate cream made from condensed milk and butter is wonderfully combined with biscuit, puff, sandy and honey cakes. It can also be used for sweet sandwiches as a chocolate paste.

Ingredients Required

Chocolate bar not less than 72% cocoa 100 g;

Condensed milk 200 gr .;

Butter 200 gr.

Cooking method

Crumble the chocolate bar into pieces and put into the water bath to melt. At this time, beat the butter and put it in the fridge. Pour the condensed milk in a bowl and add melted chocolate in a thin stream while beating with a mixer. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, immerse the mixer and gradually add the chocolate-milk mixture. Beat until smooth.

Similarly, you can make cream with white chocolate. If you add to it a little coconut, then the taste will resemble a popular baunt bar. Both options go well with nuts. It is not necessary to weight the recipe with them, it is enough to add a small handful, ground in a coffee grinder. And the delicious flavor is guaranteed.

Recipe 6: Cream of condensed milk with cottage cheese

Can dessert be made both tasty and healthy? Of course! If you use curd cream with condensed milk and butter. Gentle, rich in calcium and protein product will love even those people who do not like cottage cheese. What is especially important in baby food.

Ingredients Required:

Cottage cheese 200 gr .;

Condensed milk 200 gr .;

Butter 50g;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

Cooking method

For the cream to turn out to be gentle, airy, without a tart taste, it is important to thoroughly chop the curd. You can do this by wiping through a sieve, but it is better to use a blender. If the mass is too thick, then you can add a few tablespoons of condensed milk. Separately mix the butter and condensed milk, carefully punch. Combine both masses, gradually adding milk into the curd, pour in vanillin and mix.

Based on the basic recipe for curd cream with condensed milk and butter, you can prepare different layers for desserts: nutty, chocolate, fruit and berry. But especially beautiful cakes can be obtained by alternating layers of cream with jelly layers or strips of marmalade. Also this recipe can be used for filling eclairs.

Recipe 7: Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream

Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream is light, airy. It is great not only for cakes, but also for filling eclairs. And, not least, the caloric content of this product is lower than that of condensed milk and butter cream.

Ingredients Required

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr .;

Cream no less than 30% fat.

Cooking method

Condensed milk should be put out of the jar in a cup, well punch with a mixer so that the mass becomes homogeneous. In another container, pour the cream and whisk in a lush foam. It is better if they are specifically designed for whipping, in which case it will take 2-3 minutes to work with a mixer.

Next, the mixer must be switched to the slowest mode and gradually, without stopping the beating, add condensed milk. If desired, you can add vanillin or any essence, but the flavor of the boiled dish itself is rich and resembles creme brulee.

If the consistency of cream for condensed milk cake turned out to be too lush, you can punch it for half a minute at high speed mixer. The foam will settle, and the mass will become more pliable in operation. And to fill the custard cakes better lush mass, so they are less cloying and light.

Recipe 9: Cream of condensed milk custard

This recipe for condensed milk custard and butter will be appreciated by lovers of sweet, rich and high-calorie desserts. It will fill any, even the most bland and primitive cake with taste. Boiled condensed milk gives a pleasant cream color and caramel flavor.

Ingredients Required:

Milk cow 400 grams;

Flour 3 tbsp. spoons;

Butter 200 gr .;

Boiled condensed milk 300 gr .;

Sugar 200g;

  Vanillin 1 gr.

Cooking method

From milk, sugar, flour, you need to cook a classic custard. To do this, you need to put the milk on the stove, sugar mixed with flour and pour into the milk. Gradually stirring to bring to a boil, as soon as the mass begins to float, turn off and cool.

While the custard mass cools, you need to whip the softened butter and condensed milk. Then gradually add the cooled custard mass. All kill and pour vanilla. Remove the cream for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Boiled condensed milk can be added more than the prescription. In this case, the taste will be sweeter and more saturated.

Recipe 10: Raffaello condensed milk cream

Popular sweets Rafaello leave no one indifferent. This taste is familiar to many, but few know that it is very easy to recreate it at home. This cream can be used in the preparation of desserts, but it is especially well combined with a fresh croissant or an air bun.

Ingredients Required:

Condensed milk 400 gr .;

Butter 200 gr .;

Coconut flakes 100 gr .;

White chocolate 100 gr.

Cooking method:

Coconut chips need to soak in advance 100 gr. boiled, but cooled water. Let it brew, stirring occasionally. Water at the bottom of the container should not remain.

Beat the butter, add half of the condensed milk to it and mix thoroughly. Melt chocolate in a water bath. It is important not to let the water boil. White glaze does not like high temperatures and may curl. For the same reason, do not use a microwave. Mix the melted chocolate with the remaining condensed milk and gradually add to the butter mixture. Beat everything up and add swollen coconut chips. Stir and cream can be used.

When adding bulk ingredients (sugar, coffee, cocoa), you need to sift them through a strainer or just knead the lumps. In the finished mass is difficult to do.

Vanillin, essences and fragrant spices should be added at the end of the cooking process. At the same time, turn on the mixer for the minimum speed.

Butter, sour cream, cream before mixing with condensed milk should be whipped separately. So the cream will be lighter, airier and less cloying.

A spoon of brandy, added to the finished cream, will give the flavor of walnut and make the taste more profound.

Cream of boiled condensed milk is distinguished by its density. It can be difficult to mix with other ingredients. Therefore, you can pre-punch the condensed milk with a mixer with a small addition of fresh milk, cream or boiled water. Mass will become more plastic.

These simple tips will help prepare the most delicious and healthy cream of condensed milk cake, which will appeal to both children and adults.

The taste of many home-made sweet treats is mostly determined by the cream that fills them. Especially popular cream, prepared on the basis. This product is perfectly combined with butter, sour cream and cream, creating the perfect filling texture for cakes, pastries and other sweet, loved by many desserts.

Cream of boiled condensed milk and butter


  • boiled condensed milk - 390 g;
  • butter fat content of 72% - 220 g


The easiest cream of boiled condensed milk can be prepared simply by mixing it with a certain amount of butter at a room temperature, and beat it well until smooth and smooth. The taste of such filling for cake and other desserts can be varied by changing the ratio of the components, as well as adding other ingredients to it. So, for example, having added cream with usual condensed milk, we will make its taste more gentle, and having added vanilla or, say, cognac - we will add to it a special aroma.

You can also put chopped nuts, dried fruits and even pieces of fresh fruits and berries into such a cream.

Cream for cake from boiled condensed milk and sour cream


  • condensed milk - 390 g;
  • country sour cream or fat content of at least 30% - 390 g.


As an option, you can make a cream of boiled condensed milk, adding to it with sour cream. For its preparation, we treat the well-cooled sour cream with a mixer until lightness and fluffiness, and then gradually add boiled condensed milk and continue the beating procedure until a smooth cream texture is obtained. As in the previous version, you can fill the cream with a wide variety of flavors, adding nuts, dried fruits and pieces of fresh and canned fruits and berries.

Custard with condensed milk


  • whole milk - 260 ml;
  • butter fat content of 72% - 120 g;
  • sugar sand - 65 g or to taste;
  • boiled condensed milk - 220 g;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g.


For lovers of custard cream, we recommend to prepare the cream for this recipe. To realize it, we warm up milk in a dipper or a small saucepan, dissolve granulated sugar in it, the amount of which is adjusted to your taste. Pour in flour, vanilla sugar and stir it directly in a saucepan with an intensive whisk or mixer, ensuring that all the flour lumps are completely dissolved. Now we place the pot into another vessel with hot water and hold the contents in a water bath, stirring until the mixture thickens, then remove the container from the heat and let the scald cool completely under room conditions.

At the final stage of preparation of the cream, we introduce boiled condensed milk and butter at room temperature into it and thoroughly process with a mixer until a uniform and airy texture.

Cream of boiled condensed milk with cream



Starting the preparation of the cream according to this recipe, we treat the heavy cream with a mixer to a dense airy texture and gradually add half the norm of boiled condensed milk in the process of whipping. In another container, whip some butter at room temperature and add the remaining boiled condensed milk. Now combine the two mixtures, add vanilla sugar, brandy or rum and whip one more time until the texture is smooth and smooth.

It is no secret to anyone that the taste of the dessert directly depends on the cream, which is used both as a layer and decoration, and as a filler. Recently, cream of boiled condensed milk has been particularly popular. Its texture is suitable for sandwiching biscuit cake, and for filling eclairs. The advantage of it is the quick preparation and the fact that the final product holds its shape well, and this allows it to be used for decorating pastries.

Little tricks

It should be noted that the preparation of this cream product is a simple matter, since its composition uses the minimum number of ingredients. They can be from three to five. They in turn are mixed and whipped. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the ingredients must be of the same temperature, thus avoiding the delamination of the cream substance.

In the preparation of any cream can be noted certain nuances.

Some of them should be noted by the hostess:

When making condensed milk cream and butter, you can add various essences, brandy or rum to taste, vanilla, walnuts and fruit pieces to it. It should be remembered that when adding them, it is necessary to slow down the speed of the mixer while beating;

In order to see the cream substance was a little lighter, you can use boiled cream instead of boiled condensed milk;

In order to avoid stratification, it makes sense to use butter at room temperature;

When heating the oil should pay attention, so that it in any case does not leak;

With the separation of the cream substance, it can be helped by heating it in a microwave or in a water bath. After which it will need to be mixed thoroughly;

If bulk ingredients (sugar, cocoa, flour) are added, it makes sense to sift them beforehand with a strainer to eliminate lumps;

Components such as butter, sour cream and cream before mixing with condensed milk must be whipped beforehand, which will give the creamy product more lightness;

It should be remembered cream product is quite thick and difficult to mix with other components. Therefore, you can pre-mix it with a mixer with a small amount of fresh milk or cream, which will give the mass plasticity.

1. Recipe for boiled condensed milk and butter cream

Cream of boiled condensed milk and butter is one of the easiest recipes. To do this, you need to mix 220 grams of butter 72% fat with 390 milliliters of condensed boiled milk. It should be remembered that the oil should be at the level of the room temperature. After the components have been mixed, we begin to mix everything up with a mixer until a homogeneous and smooth mass is obtained. And the product is ready.

This cream product can be used as a layer, and decorating biscuit, sand cakes.

In this recipe, the taste can be varied, simply by changing the proportion of the main components. You can give it a more delicate flavor by adding regular condensed milk to it. Also a good addition would be the taste of vanilla or brandy.

2. Recipe for condensed milk and sour cream

Recently, a recipe for a cream product made from boiled condensed milk and sour cream has become very popular. It is ideal for sandwiching and nutty cake sandwiches for biscuit cake.

For its manufacture, 390 milliliters of chilled sour cream is whipped with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed. To it is added 390 milliliters of boiled condensed milk. At the same time pour the last in small portions, constantly beating the mixture. The result should be a thick homogeneous cream product. You can diversify the taste with additives (essences, vanilla, cognac). For decoration, you can add nuts, dried fruits and berries.

3. Recipe for condensed milk cream, sour cream and butter

It is worth paying close attention to the recipe for preparing a cream product from condensed milk, sour cream and butter, which is no better suited for sandwiching the cake, as well as filling for eclairs, waffles and profiteroles.

For its manufacture, 200 grams of butter is whipped with a mixer until a lush air mass is obtained. To it is added 150 milliliters of sour cream. Then butter and sour cream are whipped first at low revs, gradually increasing them. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, 350 milliliters of boiled condensed milk are added to it in small portions. All components are whipped with a mixer. When receiving dense dense and uniform substance, it is possible to say that the product is ready.

4. Recipe for condensed milk and cream

To make a cream product from condensed milk and cream according to this recipe will not make any special work.

For this, 390 milliliters of cream of 33% fat content is whipped with a mixer until the formation of air peaks. After that, 195 milliliters of boiled condensed milk are added to them. Next is the beating of the mass in order to obtain a dense and dense substance.

In a separate container, 200 grams of butter, 72% fat, is whipped with a mixer and the remaining part of condensed milk (195 milliliters) is added to it.

After that, both masses are combined into one, 35 grams of vanilla, 45 milliliters of brandy or rum are added there and everything is whipped until a fluffy mass is formed. Cream product from condensed milk and cream is ready for use.

5. Recipe for condensed milk cream, sour cream and cottage cheese

Make a cream for this recipe is not difficult. It is ideal for making pancake cake.

In 200 milliliters of fat sour cream 50 grams of powdered sugar is added. Beat all this with a mixer until uniform.

Separately, 200 grams of cottage cheese is wiped with a sieve to eliminate lumps. After that, sour cream, cottage cheese and 0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk are combined, 1 bag of vanilla is added here and all this is thoroughly whipped until a dense and stable consistency is formed. The finished product can also be used for layer cake cakes.

6. Recipe for custard with condensed milk

In order to make condensed milk custard in a small saucepan, 260 milliliters of milk are heated with 65 grams of granulated sugar until the crystals of the latter are completely dissolved. They are added 70 grams of wheat flour, 10 grams of vanillin. All this is mixed using a whisk and whipped with a mixer. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath, stirring constantly until it thickens, and then cooled.

After it cools down, 120 grams of butter and 220 milliliters of boiled condensed milk are added to it. Everything is whipped with a mixer until the product has a dense uniform texture.

Classics of the genre - otherwise you will not name this culinary masterpiece. Tastes cooked with him rolls, cakes and desserts do not need advertising. The main thing - to buy not a doubtful "vegetable" fake, but a natural product. It is easy to prepare it yourself: boil a jar of ordinary condensed milk for 2 hours, then cool.

How to make cream of condensed milk

It is known that boiled condensed milk cream is prepared simply: it is necessary to mix it with butter, beat well. Taste can be varied by adding something else. For example, the addition in the form of uncooked condensed milk will make it more tender, and vanilla or rum will add flavor. "Caramel" and "creaminess" of the product is perfectly combined with cottage cheese, soft Mascarpone cheese, meringue, marshmallow, nuts. Get new recipes of original rolls, cakes, cakes, desserts that do not need advertising.

Cream with condensed milk on cream

Cooked with his own hands, creamy, not too high in calories, tasty - that's what it is, cream for cake with condensed milk. He is quickly knocked down by a mixer and an ordinary whisk, failure will not befall even the beginning hostess. To make the cake a success, choose the right cream, considering that the biscuit and shortbreads prefer 30% fat. 20% cream is quite suitable for puff pastry. A lot of recipes, each is good in its own way.


  • yolks - 2 pcs .;
  • cream - 500 ml;
  • boiled condensed milk - 320 g;
  • milk - 470 ml;
  • starch - 65 g;
  • icing sugar - 75 g.
  1. Beat starch with eggs and icing sugar.
  2. Heat the milk a little, pour a third into the egg mixture, mix.
  3. Combine ingredients, boil over low heat. The mass will thicken.
  4. Allow to cool, put boiled condensed milk, whip.
  5. The next step is cream: they should be, qualitatively whipped with a mixer, put into cream.

Cream on condensed milk with sour cream

It is known that cream for cake made from boiled condensed milk and sour cream is universal for biscuit, sandy, puff, honey cakes. The ingredients are mixed, whipped until smooth. Additives in the form of roasted ground walnuts, one or two tablespoons of brandy will make the cream for the cake with condensed milk more fragrant. The presence of half a lemon will have a good impact on the quality of the delicacy: juice and zest. This is a great filling for custard cakes and tubes. If you fill them with fruit salad, it will also be tasty and beautiful.


  • condensed milk - 300 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vanillin - 1 year

Step by step method of preparation:

  1. Sour cream beat 3 minutes, so as not divided into butter and buttermilk.
  2. Continuing to beat, gradually add the contents of the jar.
  3. Put vanilla, pour brandy, mix.
  4. If the mass becomes liquid, a well-whipped butter will help fix it. Add to it small portions of the liquid mass, mix.
  5. Benefit will bring gelatin. 10 grams of powder must be left to swell in 50 ml of water or milk for 30 minutes, then heat over low heat, put into cream, cool in the refrigerator.

Butter cream with condensed milk

Such a product will never fail, will not get bored, even if it is cooked often. It is good not only for a cake layer, but also for decoration. And how delicious are filled tubes, waffles and eclairs! Freshness and high quality products - the key to success. The oil should be fatty, condensed milk - natural. A huge plus is the ease of preparation. But there is also a minus, it consists in high caloric content of a product. Therefore, it is better if such culinary delicacy will delight the eaters only on holidays.


  • condensed milk - 220 g;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • butter - 250 g

Cooking method:

  • Soft butter combined with boiled condensed milk. The mixer should operate at low speed.
  • Inject sour cream in a spoon, continuing to beat.
  • At the end add vanilla or other fragrant perfume.
  • If the mixture, after some time, divided, became heterogeneous, do not despair, it is better to put a small part in a clean, dry dish, warm it up a little, for example, in a microwave, and mix everything again.

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