Boil lean sugar. Children's dessert - boiled sugar with milk

27.07.2019 Salads

Boiled milk sugar can be a great alternative to complex desserts, which are cooked for a long time and, as a rule, are quickly eaten. In addition, this kind of dish can be your assistant in thickening the dough for sweet pastries.

Even an amateur can prepare it - it does not require any special skills, abilities and talents in terms of cooking. All that is required of you is a standard set of products that are almost guaranteed to be found in any home, as well as a little care and diligence.

It is quite simple to boil sugar in milk, but this will require adherence to the basic technology, otherwise the dish may burn to the container. With the proper preparation of milk sugar, the caramel will turn out sweet and rich, and in no way yield to labor-intensive desserts.

Candy can be prepared at home at any time, especially since you almost guaranteed to find those products that are required for this. In the recipe, it is better to use plain white sugar, but some prefer brown. So, how to cook sugar at home?

A set of ingredients and inventory

The dessert recipe is extremely simple, and even a beginner who has not had much to do with the preparation of complex dishes can cope with its preparation. However, in order for the caramel to turn out tasty, and most importantly, it does not deteriorate during the cooking process, you need to use certain dishes and observe the proportions of the components in the composition.

Sugar is boiled exclusively in non-stick coated dishes. Otherwise, your caramel can burn, and all you end up with is burnt sugar. Therefore, make sure that the capacity in which you make dessert is of high quality and meets all requirements for active use. And even in this case, when the syrup thickens, you will need to carefully monitor it and stir it constantly.

How to cook sugar in milk, and what ingredients are needed for this?

Their set is banal:

  1. Three glasses of sugar (white refined);
  2. Tablespoon butter (high fat);
  3. A glass of medium-fat or full-fat milk.

Some also add raisins, nuts and pieces of dried fruits to the mix in order to diversify the taste of the dessert.

This set of ingredients is not final - you can vary and diversify it at your own discretion. Also, if you want to get more dessert at the exit (for example, when preparing for the arrival of guests or a family celebration), you can take a larger amount of each component. The main thing is to keep the proportion of milk and sugar, that is, one to three.

Instructions for making classic milk sugar

Now that you have collected all the components, you need to put them in a small container with a non-stick coating. At the same time, butter is placed last. Dried fruits and nuts, if you use them, it is better to put already in the finished dessert, when it will cool. That is, cooking them together with the mass is not at all necessary, and even undesirable.

How to make sugar candies at home:

  • Put all the components in a container and put it on medium heat;
  • Bring the composition to a boil, stirring constantly with a spoon;
  • As soon as the mass begins to boil, reduce the heat to the minimum, then continue to intensively stir your future dessert;
  • When the mass thickens, determine the readiness of the dish. To do this, put a little mass on an ordinary flat saucer. If the drop thickens and takes shape, then your dish is ready. If it is still very liquid, and spreads over the surface - continue to cook until done.

Prepare molds for dessert in advance. It is advisable to take silicone. From the inside, they should be smeared with slightly melted butter, so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom and sides. All manipulations with the distribution of milk sugar in the molds try to carry out as quickly as possible, because the mass hardens almost instantly. Then you just have to leave your dessert to set and harden. To do this, it is not necessary to use a refrigerator - the dish will fix itself after a few hours. Some prefer to cut the resulting dessert and make candy from it.

Additional ingredients, if any, need to be added immediately before spilling in the molds. It is ideal glaze, raisins, chocolate chips, crushed nuts, marzipan or dried fruit.

Cooking syrup on water

It is even easier to cook the syrup using only water. From such a mixture made the candy "cockerel", familiar to almost every one of us since childhood.

How to cook caramel from sugar and water? By the same principle, and by the same proportions, that is, 1: 3.

How to cook sugar and water syrup:

  1. Place sugar and water in a non-stick refractory container;
  2. Stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a boil;
  3. Make the minimum heat and continue to simmer the mixture, constantly stirring it with a spoon;
  4. Test readiness with a saucer check;
  5. When the drop on the saucer stops flowing, you can remove the resulting mass from the stove and pour it into forms.

This is not to say that this dessert turns out to be exquisite and very tasty, but if you are inclined to be nostalgic for the very “roosters” - you will like it.

It can also be used completely for other purposes - for example, for shugaring, or sugar epilation. If this is your goal in making sugar and water syrup, do not forget to add a little citric acid to the composition so that it does not thicken too quickly and melt in your hands if necessary.

Sugar fudge

One of the most delicious variations of sugar desserts is the one that is brewed with fermented milk products. Our grandmothers shared with us the recipe of how to cook sugar on sour cream, but if someone forgot the technology of making delicious fudge, you can familiarize yourself with it again.

In this recipe you can add cocoa to sour cream if you want to diversify the classics.

For making fudge you will need the following components:

  1. Granulated sugar - 400-500 grams;
  2. Sour cream fat - 150-200 grams;
  3. Butter - 50 g.

If you enter cocoa in dessert, you will need no more than one tablespoon of powder. We also recommend that you try to diversify fondant seeds - for example, pumpkin. If you like nuts, add them. Dried fruits in this case will not too harmoniously "sound" in the dish.

Step by step instructions for making fudge:

  • As usual, take a fireproof container with a non-stick coating. Some women prefer to cook sugar in cast iron bowls, and our ancestors did this with the help of enameled saucepans and bowls;
  • Sugar, sour cream and seeds or nuts (if you put any in dessert) are placed in heated dishes;
  • Keep on fire and stir until the mass begins to boil;
  • Then turn down the heat and languish on the weakest stove power for half an hour;
  • It is strongly not recommended to boil sugar for more than thirty minutes, otherwise it will be curtailed and become too hard;
  • When ready, your mass should acquire a beautiful caramel color and optimum thickness. Also, it should be homogeneous in consistency, it should not remain lumps and inclusions;
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly and add the specified amount of butter to it so that it melts in hot fudge.

It is necessary to pour caramel mass on the forms which are previously prepared and lubricated with melted butter. The mixture should cool in cold or cool, but not in the refrigerator. She has to grab without too much temperature extremes.

Put the saucepan with milk and sugar on medium heat and mix. Boil sugar 7 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. After 30 minutes, the milk will thicken and turn a pale brown color - a sure sign of readiness. In a plate, greased with butter, pour milk sugar and leave to freeze. After 15 minutes, remove the hardened sugar from the container. Break the sugar into small pieces by hand.

How to cook sugar

  Sugar - 300 grams (1.5 cups)
  Milk 1-3% - 100 milliliters (half a glass)
  Butter - 35 grams: 30 grams for cooking and 5 grams (1 tsp) for lubrication

Product Preparation
  1. Pour 300 grams of sugar and 100 milliliters of milk into a thick-walled pan, mix well.
  2. Lubricate the oil for lubrication and leave at room temperature to melt directly on a dish designed for sugar.

How to cook milk sugar
  1. Put the pan with milk and sugar on medium heat and stir.
  2. When milk sugar boils, continue to boil it for 7 minutes, constantly stirring it with a wooden spoon.
  3. While the composition is boiling, it can seethe and foam strongly - this is natural, but you need to constantly stir.
  4. After 25-30 minutes, the composition thickens and becomes pale brown in color - this is a sign of readiness.
  5. In a prepared plate, greased with butter, pour milk sugar, smooth and leave to solidify.
  6. After 15-20 minutes, the boiled sugar will harden, it must be removed from the container. To do this, you will need to cover the plate with a cutting board and gently turn it over. Since the walls of the plate were smeared with butter, hardened milk sugar will easily separate and remain on the board.
  7. Break the sugar into small pieces by hand.


- When cooking in sugar, you can add grated orange zest, chopped hazelnuts, seeds, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins). It is important that the additive was not too much, otherwise the boiled sugar will crumble. Ready sugar can be decorated with chopped nuts or grated chocolate.

It is convenient to use a wooden spatula when cooking: it is less noisy, will not leave marks, and it is easier for it to remove the layers of sugar from the bottom of the pan in order to prevent it from burning.

The pan should be deep and with a thick bottom so that the sugar does not burn during cooking.

Standard proportions for cooking sugar: 1 cup of sugar 1/5 cup of milk.

Instead of milk, you can use liquid sour cream or cream.

It is necessary to boil sugar over a very low heat and stir constantly, so that the sugar does not burn.

Sugar bowl should be greased with butter so that sugar can be easily separated from the plate.

Instead of a plate, you can use the form for ice or baking, bowls, trays, tea cups. Since sugar hardens very quickly and then it is problematic to break it, it is recommended to try spilling sugar in a thin layer.

If there is no butter, you can boil sugar without it, focusing on the same signs of readiness. The plate can be smeared with vegetable oil.

Today we describe how to make milk sugar - it is delicious and simple candy for tea. Its preparation does not take you much time - from 5 to 8 minutes. Using various molds, you can submit sweet candies to the festive table for any reason)
  Cow's milk 100 ml
  Sugar sand 300 gr

2. A set of products and silicone molds.

3. In a deep frying pan with a thick bottom pour 300 g of sugar, pour 100 ml of milk. Cook on medium heat. Constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. Mass boils and foams, but you need to continue to mix.

4. As soon as the mixture thickens and becomes pale brown in color, decreases in volume, becomes covered with a barely noticeable crust, and the first signs of brownish specks appear at the bottom, milk sugar is ready.

5. Deep dish smeared with butter, a very thin layer. Pour the mixture on the plate. Leave to cool 5-10min.

6. Turn on the board

7. Break open into small pieces.

8. or fill in silicone molds.

9. At will it is possible with nuts. Cool, release from the form.

10. If you like porous milk sugar - you need to take 100ml of milk + 300g of sugar. On the front side the candy will be even, and on the reverse side it will be convex. If you like dense, you need to take 100ml of milk + 200g of sugar. On both sides you get smooth and even milk sugar.


12. In the fault you can see the difference between sugar beads, porous and dense.



Boiled sugar is a tasty delicacy familiar to us from childhood. The young people spoiled by shop sweets do not know the amazing taste of boiled sugar. Remember how his grandmother cooked it and make homemade dessert for your children. Have you forgotten Grandma's recipe? Do not worry, we will tell you how to boil sugar and please the family with a tasty treat for tea.

  How to cook sugar - a classic recipe

From sugar boiled in water, delicious candies will come out. For 1 part of sugar, take 3 parts of water and make special molds. They are in the form of stars, flowers, various animals and the like. Cooking process:

  • pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar;
  • put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir all the time;
  • after boiling, screw the stove and cook the mass on the smallest fire until it thickens. Do not forget to stir;
  • check the cooked sugar. Spoon a little sugar into a saucer. If it spreads - cook further. If frozen, the dish is ready;
  • boiled sugar pour into molds. Lubricate them is not necessary.

Wait until the sugar mass thickens, and remove from the molds. If you add lemon or orange juice to the water with sugar at the beginning of the preparation, you will get sugar chewy sweets. But they stretch, and will not clearly keep the shape.

  How to boil sugar in milk


  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of full-fat milk;
  • pot with a thick bottom.

Pour half a glass of milk into a pot and add sugar. Bring to a small fire to boil. Stir periodically. The moisture will evaporate after the milk is absorbed by the sugar, and it turns into friable crystals. Do not forget to stir! They saw that the lower sugar layer melted in a pan and turned brown - add the remaining milk.

Make sure that the sugar mass melts on the fire evenly. After the milk has completely evaporated, remove the dish from the stove. Grease a wide plate or dish with vegetable oil and carefully put sweetness into it. Wait until it cools down and cut into pieces.

  How to cook sugar with orange peel

Take 1 kg of sugar, dried peel of one orange, a tablespoon of butter and 0.5 liters of full-fat milk. Cooking process:

  • cut the orange skin in small cubes or thin strips. You can grind in a mortar or coffee grinder, if the skin is very dry;
  • melt butter in a saucepan;
  • pour half a glass of milk into melted butter and add sugar;
  • immediately send orange peel to the same place and cook the mass until the final evaporation of the milk, stirring all the time;
  • add the remaining milk and cook with stirring the sugar mixture until smooth. Ready sugar gets light brown color;
  • remove the pot from the stove and put the hot dessert on a buttered plate;
  • after cooling down, cut the sweetness into pieces and treat the children.

  How to cook sugar - a recipe for tasty fudge


  • 300 ml of heavy cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2.5 Art. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l honey

After cooking, you will receive a milk-sugar fudge. It can be used to decorate the cake and other pastries, because the mass is viscous and perfectly smeared over the surface.

Cooking process:

  • pour cream into a saucepan;
  • add sugar to them and mix;
  • set the pot on the stove and mix again;
  • on low heat let the mass boil;
  • after boiling add honey to the sugar and cook for 20 minutes;
  • pour into a separate plate, oiled, the resulting mixture.

Leave the boiled sugar to cool, then cut into pieces and serve with coffee or tea.

Unpretentious and simple recipe for delicious sweetness will delight your children. Our recipes will be a good alternative to complex confectionery, which takes a long time to prepare. Children love to gnaw boiled sugar just like that or drink tea with it.

It is pleasant, quick and inexpensive to please the guests, having prepared for dessert a delicacy known for a long time, like sugar in milk, or fudge. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to cook sugar in milk. After all, the secret of this delicacy is in its simplicity and availability of ingredients, as well as in the speed of cooking! In addition, milk sugar is good not only as an independent dessert, but also as a wonderful decoration of home-made muffins, gingerbread, and Easter cakes. In reasonable aisles, the human body needs sugar. This carbohydrate supplies the main energy to our body, is easily converted into glucose and is easily digested. According to scientists, sugar stimulates blood circulation in the brain, prevents the occurrence of arthritis.

At the same time, excessive consumption contributes to an excessive accumulation of calories (the caloric content of sugar is 400 Kcal per 100g of product). Therefore, it is wiser to limit sugar intake to people prone to obesity. Sweet tooths can please themselves with another sweet delicacy - boiled sugar, or sugar with milk. In this article, attention should be paid to the "tasty" way of cooking sugar with milk. To do this, you will need completely inexpensive products for your wallet: sugar (300 grams), milk or homemade cream (100 ml), butter - 1 tablespoon. The number of ingredients can be increased, but it is necessary to maintain their proportion. If you use in the preparation of rustic milk with a high percentage of fat, then the resulting delicacy will be much more useful.

Diversifying the taste and color of sugar in milk during cooking will help to add additional ingredients to it if desired: orange peel, nuts (peanuts, walnut kernels, hazelnuts), cinnamon, raisins, vanilla, cocoa, seeds, dried fruits. Each time a delicacy cooked with a different filling will be surprisingly new and unique! For cooking sugar in milk, you must use the dishes - a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, a deep plate or silicone tins, a wooden spoon or spatula. And now in detail about how to cook sugar. Cooking To make it convenient to boil sugar with milk, you must use a deep frying pan with a thick bottom. In such dishes can avoid burning milk-sugar mixture.

Pour some butter on the bottom of the pan, add 300 grams of granulated sugar and add 100 ml of milk. Put the prepared mixture on medium heat and mix vigorously. It is advisable to use a wooden spoon or spatula. The approximate time for which the dessert is prepared, 5-8 minutes. As it boils, the milky sugar liquid will foam and simmer. After that add 1 tablespoon of butter. The color of the mixture in the process will change - from white will gradually become pale brown. In addition, the volume of milky sugar liquid will be reduced by about half (due to boiling milk). The resulting mass will boil not small, but larger bubbles.

To give a unique delicacy, you need to add to the boiling mixture a filler - nuts, orange zest, raisins or something else of your own. The combination of orange peel and cinnamon will give the dessert a delicious Oriental flavor, peanuts or hazelnuts will remind of sorbet, and dried fruits will not leave anyone indifferent! Gradually, as the milky cream mass thickens, a slightly noticeable crust will appear on top, and small lumps will form at the bottom - the first signs of ready-made sugar in milk! You can determine readiness as follows - drop a little on the plate and, if the drop is frozen, then it is ready.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a deep plate or silicone molds, grease them with butter in a small amount. Such forethought will allow easily and without damage to extract a treat after the milk-sugar mass hardens. Using various forms, you can get a variety of milk-sugar "candy" with a filling that will appeal to you and your guests. If the house does not have silicone utensils, you can think up and make any shape yourself, using a sheet of dense foil for this purpose. When the sugar finally melts and acquires a hard, caramel-colored consistency, transfer the hot mixture to the prepared dish. Lay out the milk-sugar mixture should be without delay, as it quickly thickens.

Until the final use of the product is enough to wait 10-15 minutes, then get out of shape and beautifully put in a vase. Useful tips on how to make sugar: If you don’t have milk at hand, you can also boil sugar in water, thereby making the dessert lean. The milk must be fresh, as during heat treatment the stale can coagulate, and the quality of the resulting dessert may suffer. To get a milky sugar icing, add more milk to the mix (200 grams of sugar per 200 grams of sugar). Food coloring can be used to give the desired color. While the liquid is viscous and viscous, lubricate the surface of the bread product (cupcake, gingerbread) and let it harden.

For the preparation of porous milk sugar, the ratio of products is as follows: milk 100ml and sugar 300g, and for obtaining dense milk sugar - per 100ml milk 200g sugar. In the first case, on the front side, the surface of milk sugar will be smooth, and on the reverse, convex, in the second case, on both sides, the product will be smooth and even.