Cream of kefir cake. Kefir Cream

27.07.2019 Dishes for children

Soft, gentle curd cream cheese from frozen kefir is an excellent home-made product, healthy and low-calorie curd with a smooth and smooth consistency! Such a curd cream can be used differently, spread on bread or a bun instead of butter or fat sour cream, add to cream for cakes, cupcakes, muffins instead of mascarpone, prepare desserts based on it, snack pastes and spreads for sandwiches (both sweet and non-smoked). sweet). In any case, you will get tasty and not fatty dishes! As can be seen from the photo, the cottage cheese cream has a very pleasant consistency - it is uniform, soft, tender, easily takes the desired shape, for example, if you squeeze it out of the pastry bag, using any nozzle. In addition, homemade cream cheese keeps its shape for a long time, so it can be used to decorate culinary masterpieces! Curd cream from frozen kefir has a slight sourness, especially the taste depends on the fat content of the source material. Also at the end of cooking, along with curd cream cheese, we also get whey, which can be used to prepare dishes, such as pancakes. From 1.5 l of kefir 2.5% fat, about 700 ml of serum and 380 grams of cottage cheese are obtained!

    To prepare a delicate kefir curd we need kefir of any fat content. From kefir with less fat content, the curd cream will be more dietary, but the acidity in taste will be more pronounced, and vice versa, from kefir with a large percentage of fat content, the curd will be thicker, denser and fat. In this case, used kefir 2.5% fat.

    We also need gauze, colander, pan and bag with a sealed clasp (if the packets with kefir are open).

    So let's get started. If the packets with kefir are open for you or kefir is not soft bags, but, say, in paper packs, we will need a bag with a sealed clasp. We pour kefir into such a bag and fasten the zipper, maximally releasing the air from it. If kefir in closed soft bags, then skip this step, leave the kefir as it is, closed.

    Now we send a package of kefir to the freezer until the moment when the kefir completely freezes. It is best to do this from the evening — the kefir will ideally freeze overnight!

    When the kefir freezes, proceed to the next stage of homemade curd cream preparation. Colander line gauze and put on the pan.

    We put in the gauze colander frozen kefir "ice" and leave in the room to thaw.

    Depending on the ambient temperature, the melting time of kefir will fluctuate. After a certain time, whey will begin to drain from the frozen kefir, but the kefir mass will still be frozen inside.

    And when the serum is drained to the maximum, the kefir will turn into a soft curd.

    Squeeze the curd from the serum residues. As a result, out of 1.5 liters of kefir, we got 700 ml of serum and 380 grams of soft curd cream.

    Kefir curd cream is ready! It can be spread on bread, used to prepare all kinds of desserts, creams for cakes and cupcakes, and also be used in all dishes instead of sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

To make the cake tasty, you need not only to bake cakes, but also to think about how you will soak these cakes with cream. After all, not every cream is suitable for a particular cake. Any cream will suit the sponge cake: oil, protein, and custard. If the cake after baking becomes hard and needs to be soaked, then the cream for this cake is better to use sour cream. But it turns out that there is another cream that is very suitable for such a case. This is a cream on kefir. It is very easy to do, and the result will surpass all your expectations.

To prepare, take:

150 grams of powdered sugar;

1 liter of kefir (with any fat content, but NOT fat free).


The more fat the kefir you use will be, the greater will be the finished cream. Kefir right in the package, put in the freezer and leave there until it is completely frozen. By the time it takes about four hours. After complete curing, remove the kefir and remove the packaging from it.

Take a wide piece of gauze folded in two layers. Put on the gauze frozen kefir.

Tie gauze so that it can be hung. Hang the cheesecloth with frozen kefir over a bowl and leave it overnight.

During this time, the kefir will melt and all the whey will drain into the bowl. Put the thick mass remaining in the gauze into a deep dish, add sugar powder and beat with a mixer or a blender with a whisk nozzle until complete homogeneity.

Step-by-step recipe for making cream with a photo:








Cream of kefir just two ingredients ready!

Delicious and original baked cake is very easy to make at home. It is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients with a recipe and a little time. Your attention is presented to the classic custard cake Lady fingers and custard Honey cake.

Recipe number 1

Ladies Custard Cake

Cake Fingers from scoop of cookies turns out easy and gentle. The sweet dessert got its name due to the similarity of cakes with elegant female fingers.

how to cook a custard cake step by step photo recipe

  • 280 ml water,
  • flour in the amount of 290 g,
  • eggs in the amount of 5 pcs.,
  • margarine in the amount of 150 g

For cream:

  • sour cream in the amount of 350-400 g,
  • sugar in the amount of 200 g

It is necessary to pour water into the container. Put the saucepan on the stove. Margarine spread in the water.

We wait until the margarine is melted in water. The mass should be brought to a boil.

We begin to enter the sifted flour. In this case, the mass should be periodically mixed so that the flour does not burn to the pan.

We get a viscous mass. After folding the mass in one room, it must be removed from the stove and cooled.

Give the choux pastry a little bit to cool. Then we start one by one to beat the eggs and mix everything thoroughly.

Mass will first be divided into lumps. But in the end you should get a uniform yellow choux dough of dense consistency.

We proceed to the formation and baking custard cookies. To do this, grease the pan. The dough is laid in the package, cut off his corner. Squeeze out the mass of thin strips on a baking sheet. Choux pastry should be made up to a length of 5 cm.
Between the fingers do the distance. As a result of baking, the choux pastry increases in size.

Baking with the fingers sent in preheated oven. Bake for 30 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 180 ° C.

While the dough is baked, let's start making sour cream. First of all, pour the sugar into the cooled sour cream.

Whip creamy sugar mass. As a result, we get a thick sweet and sour cream.

After baking, the custard cookies take them out of the oven. Fingers get airy and tender.

Remove them from the pan.

Dip each choux pastry in cream made from sour cream.

Cream fingers spread on a dish in layers.

Scalded cake should be decorated with ground walnuts (grated chocolate or cocoa).

Delicate custard Lady fingers diversify any holiday table.

The recipe for custard cake will be loved and always in demand.

Cake brewed recipe with photos from Elena Vitalevny.

Recipe custard cake from Julia:

Brewed honey cake Maria

I want to offer you a simple recipe for custard cake. For him, preparing a choux pastry in a water bath, and light cream of kefir will pleasantly surprise you with its pleasant taste! Believe me, in our family, the striped honey cake Medovik became a favorite treat for tea. This dessert is familiar to many more called Maria.

Cooked choux dough in a water bath. To do this, mix butter, chicken eggs, honey, sugar and soda. Steamed in a water bath for 15 minutes.
Add 2 cups of flour and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add another 1 cup of flour.

In the resulting choux dough, we mix the remaining flour with our hands. With extreme caution, as the dough is still hot enough.

In order to make it easier to roll out cakes for custard cake, remove the dough in the freezer for 15 minutes, dividing into 6-8 parts. After that, roll out the cake layers half an inch thick. We bake.

I recommend cooking and baking 2 servings. Add cocoa to one of them. Then you will get a beautiful striped brewed cake!

Kefir cream - a dessert that can be prepared for 10-15 minutes, taking all the products in the refrigerator. Gentle sour-milk cream, airy, light, low-calorie, from healthy kefir is an excellent treat for children, and adults will like it.

It will take (for 4-6 servings):
  Kefir - 0.5 liters;
  Sour cream - 200 gr .;
  Gelatin - 10 g .;
  Sugar - a third or half cup;
  Vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
  For decoration and additives - grated chocolate, fresh berries.

A few words about gelatin. Now the stores have gelatin of different types and manufacturers, and you can choose. If there is an opportunity / saw on the counter, buy gelatin in plates - it is a bit more expensive than gelatin in the form of a crumb or powder, but it is well cleaned and almost without taste and smell. It is important for the preparation of desserts and dishes with a delicate, delicate flavor; In addition, it is very easy to control. A pack of 12 sheets (22 grams) is enough for a liter of fairly dense jelly. I also like gelatin Dr. Oetker, it is also of normal taste and does not require prolonged soaking.

At the beginning of cooking, soak the gelatin (10 gr., Or 6 sheets) in a small amount of cold water, for 5-10 minutes.

In a bowl, mix the kefir, sour cream, sugar and vanilla sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar.

Gelatin is already swollen, the leaves have increased in size and become soft, and powdered gelatin also becomes not firm, but elastic, soft, and will increase in volume. Drain off excess water from it and melt-dissolve in a water bath / in a microwave / over low-low heat. In the microwave you need 10-15 seconds, a little longer in the water bath.

Stir in the gelatin and make sure it is all dissolved. Pour a thin stream into the kefir mixture, stirring all the time so that the gelatin is evenly distributed in the mixture. Put it in the fridge for about 15-20 minutes, during which time the cream will thicken and begin to gel a little.

Remove the bowl and whip the cream with a mixer or whisk - the cream will become more gentle and airy, fluffy, slightly increase in volume.

You can pour into glasses-cups, if desired, add fresh fruit or grated chocolate to the cream.

If there is no possibility or desire to whip the cream, you can stir it well, immediately pour it into molds and cool it, it will be delicious too, but not so airy. For full hardening, cool the cream in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

The children liked the grated chocolate, but Danissimo's cottage cheese reminded me. Tasty, and you can sprinkle crumbled crumbly cookies - I think it will be a good mix of flavors. The sweet cherry turned out very fresh and juicy, I liked it - the combination of berries and dairy products is a win-win, after all a classic. I think to repeat again, with cherries and strawberries, and better - with wild strawberries, fragrant and sweet!

Enjoy your meal!

Very often you want a cake, but you do not want a fat cream. In this case, I advise you to make a honey cake with kefir cream.
The cake is moderately sweet with a pleasant aroma and taste of honey, with a light cream.

First you need to prepare the cream. For this kefir must freeze. I cleaned kefir for the night in the freezer.

Kefir is better to take fatter and not sour.
The next morning. got yogurt. Colander covered with gauze in three layers

I cut the packaging on kefir

and put kefir in a colander

Covered kefir with gauze and put the colander in the bowl

Actually nothing more is required of us. Kefir should melt at room temperature (it took me a day)
Now let's do the cake. I indicated the number of products on a large cake (my husband had DR) If necessary, you divide by 2.
Take margarine

One glass of sugar

We invest in a container that can be put on fire (I have a saucepan with a thick bottom) and add 4 tbsp. spoons of honey

Put the pot on the fire

Constantly stirring (over low heat) you need to melt everything. While the first mass is standing and drowned take eggs

Pour a glass of sugar

Pounding. I did it with a fork.

When the first mass is melted we remove from the fire

And constantly stirring, we connect both masses.

We put again on a slow fire and bring the mass to a boil.
Remove from fire

Give a little cool and add soda to the warm mass.

Mix and leave to stand for a while to soda well extinguished honey

First knead the dough with a spoon, and when it becomes difficult to do knead the dough on the table. The dough should be soft, elastic and not sticky to the hands.

Divide the dough first into two parts, and then each part for another 5.

Each ball of ra rolls into a thin layer

We bake cakes in a preheated oven. I baked at the maximum temperature. Cakes are baked very quickly. About 5 minutes
Remove cakes on a flat surface (neatly very tender and brittle!) So that they remain even after cooling

Still hot cakes are cut on a plate on which we will collect the cake. Cut edges leave. Then we shake them on a coarse grater and make a crumb for sprinkling the cake.
Since I do not have a special plate for the cake, and the usual plate has a small recess in the center. I cut one cake the size of this groove. In order that the cake in finished form did not have a failed middle.

Cakes are ready. It's time to go back to the cream.
Kefir is completely melted. What remains in gauze is laid out in a bowl.

There is still a serum.

From not I fry pancakes.
Take icing sugar

Add to the resulting mass. Do not add too much, the sweet will be to the cakes.
Thoroughly mix our cream. All is ready!

We start to collect the cake. Laying cakes and greasing them with cream.

Each top cake should be slightly pressed down to the bottom. Top and sides are also covered with cream.

The resulting amount was enough for me to 8 cream. Next time I will do more cream.
Sprinkle the cake with crumbs on top, which we made from cut edges.

Let it stand for several hours.
In the context of the cake looks like this

Bon Appetit everyone!
I specify the cooking time without taking into account the freezing and thawing of kefir.

Time for preparing: PT03H00M 3 h.

Estimated cost per serving: 250 rub.