The best glaze recipes for Easter cakes - prepare the glaze that does not stick, does not crumble. Necessary ingredients for protein glaze with gelatin for Easter cakes

27.07.2019 Salads

Good day. If you are a frequent visitor to my blog, you probably have already seen the most recipes, and most likely have already decided how you will make the dough for such Easter baking. And this is right, because what mood you get will depend on your mood and your holiday table.

But to learn how to cook one dough is not the whole task, because it is also important to be able to cook the icing for the butter cake beautifully and correctly. Therefore, today we will talk about it.

It is not enough to make an appealing consistency, it is important that it is also tasty, and most importantly it is not sprinkled when cutting the cake itself. How to make this fudge? You ask. Yes, easy and simple! Read the recipes below and choose to your taste, but for the quality I am responsible.

Secrets of cooking glaze for Easter cakes:

  1. Frosting should not be too thick and not too thin, resemble thick sour cream.
  2. If you get a liquid consistency, then add a teaspoon of powdered sugar, but on the contrary, thick - a teaspoon of hot water.
  3. Cook the sugar syrup over low heat, stirring the liquid continuously.
  4. Add lemon juice, it gives taste and smell. You can also replace it with citric acid.
  5. Beat always start at low speed, gradually increasing to maximum.
  6. Add food coloring, cocoa or chocolate to add color.
  7. Immediately before baking, remove all crumbs, if any.

In fact, my favorite pastry coating is protein sugar, which I described in detail.

Therefore, I decided not to repeat myself and not dwell on that recipe, but prepared new and interesting options for you. And the first kind is milk fudge, because it is very easy to prepare and does not cause any difficulties. And it does not settle, unlike protein cream.


  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Sugar powder - 2.5 st .;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, mix powdered sugar and milk, add lemon juice and beat the mixture until thick.

2. Wait for your kulich to cool completely and apply fudge to them.

Important! It is impossible to apply such glaze on hot pastry, otherwise it will be absorbed inside and will not remain on the surface.

3. Moreover, the mixture is better watered evenly on top, rather than smear with a spatula.

4. Then decorate the cakes by sprinkling and leave them until the milk cream is completely set.

If you want to get a color version, just add a drop of food coloring. You can also use cocoa and chocolate. Such an addition is possible in all the recipes described in this post.

  Glaze for Easter cakes with gelatin

The following type is popular among culinary specialists and differs in rather good hardening, plus it does not crumble when cutting, and the fact that such decoration can be applied to still warm products is also a positive quality.


  • Sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • Water - 6 tbsp. L .;
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp;
  • Vanillin - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Take instant gelatin and add 2 tbsp to it. cold water, mix. Leave on for 5-7 minutes so that it swells.

2. At this time, pour the sugar in an aluminum bowl or saucepan, pour the remaining water (4 tbsp) and add vanillin.

3. Put everything on a small fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil, and mix continuously, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. At the end, add lemon juice and mix.

4. In the hot syrup, you must add the prepared gelatin and mix well. In this case, gelatin must be completely dissolved.

5. Then our mixture should be whipped for 3-5 minutes with a mixer until the snow-white consistency.

6. Everything is ready. Immediately apply our mass on baking, as it quickly and well freezes.

If you have left the prepared icing and frozen, then you can always melt it in a water bath and lubricate the kulichiki again.

  How to make icing without eggs so that it does not crumble

Well, now I suggest you make a classic sugar fudge. I think you know this option, but there are also pitfalls in it. Therefore, properly maintain the ratio of water and sugar, and do not perederzhite sugar syrup on the stove, otherwise you can spoil the whole icing.


  • Sugar - 250 gr .;
  • Water - 75 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Take a saucepan and pour cold water into it. Add sugar and mix.

2. Put our billet on medium heat and begin to stir the mixture continuously until boiling so that the syrup does not burn and has a caramel tint.

3. After the sugar has completely dissolved and the water boils, add lemon juice.

In order to check the readiness of the syrup, you need a drop of this syrup, which needs to be cooled in cold water. If it is plastic and the ball rolls easily out of it, then the syrup is ready.

5. Pour the finished hot syrup into a clean bowl and place in a bowl of cold water. It is necessary that the syrup has cooled to 35-40 degrees.

6. When the syrup has cooled, whip it at medium speed with a mixer. If you did everything right, then your fudge will thicken and turn white.

  Cooking in a blender with egg and sugar

Here is another very simple recipe for icing sugar, but with protein. It is prepared simply, the taste and color is perfect, try, you will not regret.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. L .;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Put squirrels in clean dishes.

It is necessary to separate proteins extremely carefully, so as not to accidentally make a drop of yolk.

2. Add lemon juice and 1 tbsp to proteins. Sahara. Whisk the mixture with a whisk for half a minute. Put all the remaining sugar and start beating with a blender (you can with a mixer) at medium speed.

3. Beat about 3-4 minutes, until hard peaks appear.

4. Everything is ready. You need to spread your pastries with cream and decorate with sprinkles on top.

  Sweet for Easter cakes, which does not stick and freezes well

Another option on gelatin and without eggs. At this time, I propose to watch you a great video plot, everything is described in detail, and also shown.

  Glaze for Easter cakes from powdered sugar and protein

Many people prefer to make our cream without sugar and replace it with icing sugar, and rightly so. I also like this option. Since the consistency of fudge is very gentle and airy.


  • Egg white - 2 pcs .;
  • Sugar powder - 250 gr .;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Beat whites with a whisk by hand.

2. Gradually sprinkle icing sugar, but no longer beat, but mix well.

3. Add lemon juice and beat our icing at the lowest speed of the mixer.

This mass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, the main thing is to pack it tightly in a container or close it with a film so that it does not dry out.

  White Chocolate Recipe

Well, this is for lovers of something new and crazy tasty. It turns out a real cream that can be used not only for cakes, but also for cakes.


  • White chocolate - 100 g;
  • Icing sugar - 100 gr .;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • Butter - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Break a chocolate bar and place in a bowl in a steam bath.

2. As the chocolate starts to melt, add butter. Begin constantly stirring the mass until the chocolate and butter are completely dissolved.

You need to melt chocolate on the steam bath with sugar and butter, stirring the mass continuously.

4. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the steam bath and cool slightly. Add sour cream and whisk thoroughly. Your white frosting is ready.

  How to cook the icing for the cake at home?

If you are afraid that all the same you may not get the icing on the above recipes, then do not worry, the next option for you, it always turns out to be 100%.

You need to buy meringue powder and good luck in your pocket. And most importantly, this fudge will not crumble, so do the health and the envy of all.


  • Sugar powder - 500 gr .;
  • Warm water - 370 ml;
  • Powder meringue (meringue) -1 tbsp;
  • Liquid flavoring "Vanilla" - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. First, mix together the icing sugar and meringue powder.

2. Then heat the boiled water to 35 degrees.

3. To the dry mixture add a few drops of vanilla flavoring, mix.

4. Pour in the water and start mixing the ingredients with a mixer, starting at a low speed.

5. Continue to beat the texture, gradually increasing the speed.

6. It is necessary to beat the cream until a dense mass.

7. The end of whipping will indicate that the icing will hold well on the corolla.

9. And after 5 minutes, decorate the pastries as desired.

As you can see all the recipes are not complicated and everyone will be able to learn how to cook the icing. The main thing is to choose what you like and cook with love. And then your Easter cakes will delight you and your loved ones, both externally and internally. Well, I have everything for today. See you! Waiting for your comments.

After all, the icing not only visually adorns the treat to the Easter table, but also makes it even more delicious. There are several recipes for glaze, so that it is not sprinkled and continued to "lie" on the cake, giving it a solemn look.

Glaze free egg recipe

Often, those who bake cakes on their own, and prepare icing for it, are faced with the fact that, fudge never waits for the same hour, crumbling. You can make sugar and very tasty icing, with the guarantee that it will surely sit tight on the cake. The peculiarity of the recipe is that making such a tasty decoration will not require eggs.

  • 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 60 milliliters of warm water;
  • Two large spoons of lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. In warm water you need to add icing sugar and lemon juice.
  2. Stir the ingredients thoroughly with a whisk.
  3. Since the mixture turns thick and hardens quickly, immediately after cooking, it should be plentifully lubricated by Kulichik, using a special silicone brush for this to conveniently apply fondant.

Tip: You can add coconut, sesame or ground nuts to the glaze to add flavor. How to cook delicious.

Protein Based Glaze Recipe

The recipe for this glaze for Easter cake, so as not to sprinkle, it turns out to be airy, sweet and tasty. Kulichiki with such fudge look like caramel!

What is needed for cooking:

  • Two egg whites;
  • One hundred grams of sugar;
  • One hundred milliliters of water;
  • A few drops of lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. Mix water and sugar and boil a thick syrup;
  2. Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, put the whites in the freezer for 10 minutes to cool. Beat whites until thick white foam. To check whether the whites are sufficiently thickly whipped, you should turn the plate upside down: if the whipped whites do not fall out, the desired consistency is achieved.
  3. Beating, you need a thin stream, gradually, add sugar syrup in proteins. Continue to beat the mixture until the syrup has cooled.

Important! Syrup should be added smoothly and slowly, if you pour it directly into the whites, then the icing will not work.

  1. As soon as the whipped mixture with the syrup and proteins has cooled, you can begin to grease the Easter cakes.

Tip: In order to give the kulichik a more solemn look, you can pour different foodstuffs for baking on top of the protein glaze.

White Chocolate Icing Recipe

Unusual and very tasty fudge is obtained if you use white chocolate to make it. In appearance, such a glaze will look like the most ordinary, but its taste will pleasantly surprise, because it will be chocolate!

What is needed for cooking:

  • A bar of white chocolate without additives;
  • Milk.

How to cook:

  1. A white chocolate bar should be melted in a water bath. At the same time, it is important that the temperature during the kindling of chocolate does not exceed 40 degrees, therefore it is impossible to use a microwave oven.
  2. When the chocolate starts to melt, you should add one teaspoon of milk to it, stirring slowly.
  3. As soon as the chocolate becomes liquid, without lumps, they can spread butter cake.

This recipe for icing for the cake is not sprinkled, but it can stick a little. The glaze is not pure white, but beige, which undoubtedly will be a plus for the originality of the appearance, not to mention the unique taste of such fudge.

The icing, so as not to sprinkle, do not take more than 20 minutes, besides it is not only beautiful, but also tasty decorations for the King of the Easter basket!

Easter baking should be done only with a good mood. Easter is the most important dish. Without it, this is the greatest holiday of the year. But even if you have perfectly baked the Easter cake, you need a decent decoration for it - icing that does not crumble, does not stick to your hands and looks attractive. share the best recipes.

Colorful Easter Glaze Recipe

  • Sieve icing sugar through a sieve.
  • Pour it into a clean bowl or saucepan, add protein.
  • Stir until smooth. You will need 2 cups of powdered sugar and 2 proteins, rub them in to form a white foam.
  • Squeeze the juice of medium-sized lemon and rub again to a homogeneous fluffy white mass.
  • As soon as the glaze is ready, spread it on Easter with a wooden spoon or a special brush.
  • You can not give glaze to stagnate, otherwise it dries.

To make the icing different colors, divide it into several parts, for each, select your dishes.

  1. Dark brown colorwill be obtained by adding 2 teaspoons of cocoa and 1 teaspoon of water. Another option is 2 spoons of water for 2 spoons of ground coffee.
  2. Yellow  glaze will gain from adding saffron.
  3. Resistant orange shade  will give burnt sugar.
  4. A simpler option is to add food coloring to the glaze.

Little tricks cooking glaze

  • If you do not use the glaze immediately, cover it with cling film to keep it from drying out.
  • Smear the glaze evenly, otherwise there will be unevenness and uneven color on the pasca.
  • To make patterns from the glaze, use a pastry syringe or plastic bag with a cut off tip.
  • Easter frosting is done only in dry and clean dishes, otherwise the mass will not be lush.
  • Do not throw away the remains of the glaze: you can water it with gingerbread and holiday cakes.

Glaze free egg recipe

If you do not have time to buy eggs, they are over or someone from the family is allergic to them, prepare icing without eggs. The recipe is very simple and affordable. The taste is obtained with sourness, and the aroma of baking, mixed with the smell of lemon, is unique.

  • 150 - 200 grams of powdered sugar.
  • Juice 1 lemon.

No water and eggs! Powder mixed with lemon and whisk - get the icing. If the powder is homemade, that is, the white sugar ground on the coffee grinder, be sure to add a pinch of starch to it. So icing better freezes. In the factory powder (the one that is sold in bags) there is already a thickener. When using it, starch is not needed.

Glaze can pour Easter cake, or, conversely, dip the pastry in white sweet molasses. Both methods are equally good. The hardening time of such a glaze is 2-3 minutes, depending on the thickness.

Tsar's icing with white chocolate

The recipe for azure with white chocolate has been kept secret for a long time. He was invented by the royal cooks. Today we can cook a festive Easter cake at home with an incredibly delicious chocolate icing. It does not crumble, it has a pleasant aroma and a rather thick consistency.

  • Melt a white chocolate bar in a water bath. You can take porous.
  • Melt the chocolate with boiling water on a slow rather than a fast fire, otherwise it will thicken too much and lose its taste properties.
  • Add boiled milk to melted chocolate mass.
  • Pour milk over one teaspoon, so as not to make the icing too thin. Adjust the thickness as you need.

Note that the tip of the cake will stick a little, but the guests will not confuse the luxurious tones of taste with anything.

Apr 2, 2017 admin

Hi everyone!

Did you miss the new recipes? I precisely and immediately rolled the whole note with delicious proven recipes of fudge for Easter baking. Oh, well, without her, and the cake is not a cake. Do you agree? The icing, all so tender, airy and sweet beautifully covers the very top of Easter products.

You can, of course, be not particularly believers. But who has forgotten, I remind you that we are very preparing for the great Light Holiday. Already stocked up. And also they filled up their culinary piggy bank with amazing

Therefore, today about her - frosting. Looking ahead, I will say that 3-4 ingredients are required for its production, and 3-4 of these products are always at home. Time, too, on the process itself also takes a little bit - 15-20 minutes. True, it can dry for a long time. But even that is not for all recipes. There are such options that you need not to yawn, but immediately spread on baked products.

Well, the very fudge is used not only for pasok, but you can also cover the gingerbread. For this we glaze from special pastry bags.

  How to make a glaze for the cake, so that it does not crumble

Such a glaze with gelatin and lemon juice will never crumble on your baking. And when cutting it remains even without any cracks. For these qualities, and even for the pleasant sourish-sweet taste of it, and many chefs love it.

It is important to know that our ideal fudge dries very quickly and will not wait for you to bake the products. Therefore, before proceeding to its preparation, the paschka should be baked and cooled.

I also advise you to buy fresh gelatin, and not to use last year’s one. Then he behaves as we need.

We need:

  • Water - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 200 grams;
  • Lemon juice - 7-8 drops.


1. Gelatin pour 2 tablespoons of cool water and set aside to swell to the side.

2. While it is swelling there, we pour all the sugar into a small stewpan and pour the remaining water. Stir the mass until all the sugar gets wet. You may want to add more water, but it is better not to do this - this amount is enough.

3. Put the saucepan on a slow fire and cook, stirring continuously. We need to boil sugar syrup. When it is all dissolved, syrup is ready.

4. Let it cool for no more than 5-6 minutes and immediately add the swollen gelatin. Quickly interfere, until the mass becomes viscous.

5. Take out the mixer and start beating the syrup at the highest speed. He should turn white in just three minutes.

6. Now drip 7-8 drops of lemon juice, continuing to beat the mass. If you want to leave, pour more. And also, if you wish, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and then the frosting will turn out chocolate.

7. In 20 minutes, the lipstick can completely harden. Therefore, do not hesitate, proceed to the coating. To do this, kulichiki directly dipped into the skillet with the tip and rotated in a circle. Do everything carefully, trying not to flood all the pastries.

Well, after 15-20 minutes, Easter baking can be served at the table.

Kulichiki came out just a sight for her under the airy snow-white hat. We eat with pleasure!

  The recipe for Easter sweets made from protein and sugar

I think this is the most popular and classic frosting we know. But sometimes it just keeps forgetting how many ingredients to put and therefore we are immediately looking for a recipe. Another reason is not always squirrels want to whip into a very thick foam. And without a thick froth there will be no beautiful snow-white hats at the Easter cakes.

But it is good that there are recipes that take into account all the nuances. Therefore, if everything is done according to technology, then the result is always joyful and satisfies any hostess. We look detailed recipe.

Necessary products:

  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar powder - 200 grams;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.


1. Neatly separate the whites from the yolks in a glass bowl. We do everything very carefully, because an extra drop of yolk in proteins can spoil everything. Immediately prepare another lemon juice and sugar powder.

2. Clean the bowl in the fridge for 30 minutes. Well cooled proteins are whipped better.

3. We get proteins after time and begin to beat with a mixer until light foam. Continuing to work as a mixer, pour in lemon juice. Beat and pour small amounts of icing sugar.

4. Beat the whole mass at medium speed until a strong peak appears. This fudge does not drip from the mixer beaters. She can already cover poppy cakes.

Such a frosting is stored for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. And on the product can freeze for several hours. Therefore, do not cover the pastry with a towel until it dries completely.

5. We brush the snow-white lush foam on top of the pastries and decorate with various confectionery decorations. It can be multi-colored topping, grated chocolate, wafer colorful leaves.

You can show imagination and paint already hardened caps pastry pencils.

In general, the whole thing is only your fiction and good mood!

And then we serve paschka to tea. Enjoy your meal!

  An interesting way to prepare the glaze on milk

I also liked very tasty with milk. Time for cooking takes no more than 5 minutes and the mixer is not needed at all. And the sweet itself turns white-transparent, shiny and pleasantly milky. Stirs too with a bang! We watch a visual video.

  A simple version of glazing cakes on gelatin

Here we consider the simplest version of fudge of all three ingredients. And in order to succeed, it is important to strictly follow the recipe. And then it turns out just perfect! It does not crumble and does not spread, which is so pleasant for all hostesses.

We need:

  • Gelatin - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar or icing sugar - 100 grams;
  • The water is clean - 3 tbsp. spoons.


1. Stir half a teaspoon of gelatin with 1 tablespoon of hot water, but not boiling water. We interfere, interfere to dissolve, to transparency.

2. In a saucepan, combine 100 grams of sugar with the rest of the water and cook on the fire until completely dissolved. At the same time all the time stir vigorously with a spoon.

Many hostesses use powdered sugar instead of sugar. It dissolves faster and leaves no grains in fudge.

3. Pour the gelatinous mass in a thin stream and knead until smooth.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat. We need to cool it. When it cools and becomes warm, beat with a mixer into a thick, viscous mass.

6. Therefore we cover with a thin layer and immediately use the confectionery color sprinkling.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the process. Sometimes the frosting may fail, but it happens in very rare cases and depends on the quality of the sugar or gelatin. Therefore, experiment in advance to please family and friends with gorgeous glazed pastries.

  Kick-Ass Chocolate Cocoa Fudge

Why not cover the candy cakes with a chocolate snack? We all love chocolate, so apply it here. Moreover, the recipe is simple, everyone copes. And then the result will delight with its deep chocolate taste and smooth surface.

Necessary products:

  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Cocoa powder - 50 grams.


1. We take a stewpan with a thick bottom. Add sugar, cocoa powder and 50 grams of water. We put on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.

2. Dissolve butter in chocolate mass and remove from heat.

3. Cool slightly and glaze paschka, pouring on top. Decorate to your taste. We give brown lipstick harden and treat you can eat with family and friends.

Good appetite!

  Recipe color beauty to cover Easter cakes

I was inspired last Easter and I created neither give nor take just masterpieces! Well, in my opinion it is, but you can argue and criticize. I will not be upset. And if you like, follow the simple recipe.

We take protein glaze as a basis. I described the method of preparation at the beginning of the note and therefore prepare it first. We also need food dry dyes. At that time I had green, red and blue colors.

Cocoa will also give a beautiful and tasty shade. You can put in a fudge about 0.5-1 teaspoon of the product.

We lay out our fudge in different bowls in order to paint them each in a different color. We fill the dye literally at the tip of a teaspoon and immediately mix with a mixer.

Here I painted in a delicate pink color, adding a bit of red paint.

Here I got a soft blue, like the color of the sky. I liked this shade the most and I put it on big cakes.

Then I decorated part of the baking with colored dressing, part with sesame, part with poppy seeds and even waffle flowers.

Bottom line: you can use different food colors, just try not to overdo it. Let the best colors be delicate and not very bright. Fondant freezes in time just as it is not colored. That is, until complete solidification may take 10-12 hours.

Today I have everything. Any questions? Feel free to ask them below in the comments. And also share useful tips in social networks with friends.

Very soon, we will delight households and friends with their magnificent Easter cakes. You can see the recipes for making special holiday dough or

But what unites all this festive baking? Of course, the beautiful white glaze, which covered our sweet sweet culinary creations.

But luck, some types of this sweet coating initially look just amazing, but after a few hours they begin to crumble, break, or crumble badly when cutting “beads” into pieces.

But it does not matter! After all, you can always cook a magnificent, snow-white, uniform and smooth glaze according to special recipes that will not allow the "snow-white cap" to crumble and upset us.

The secret of non-falling glaze is that it must be thick, viscous and at the same time homogeneous in structure. She looks like thick sour cream.

Very often experienced housewives to better fix the "white watering" and give it maximum elasticity send the covered pastries in addition to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes.

Only here it is very important to capture the moment so that because of the heat, the delicate and fragile coating does not become dark and dry out. Otherwise, these manipulations with the oven will lead to the opposite result and everything will crack and crumble even more.

But the biggest trick experienced cooks is the use of gelatin as one of the main ingredients! It is he who gives the plastering elasticity, does not allow it to spread during application to the surface. And also does not allow to crumble when the knife passes the blade through the dried up sweet white beauty on baking.

We will need:

  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Water - ½ cup + 2 tbsp. l
  • Edible gelatin - 1 tsp.


1. Pour the gelatin into a mug or a small deep plate and pour over it with two tablespoons of warm water. Stir it well and let it brew for about 30 minutes so that it has time to dissolve and well swell.

2. In order not to waste time, five minutes before the gelatin is ready, pour sugar and half a cup of water into a clean saucepan. Put on a small fire and with constant stirring to achieve complete dissolution of sugar, to get a sweet transparent syrup, something like a very thin honey.

As soon as it happened - remove the pan from the heat and allow it to cool down to at least 50-60 degrees.

3. Carefully, in order not to burn yourself, introduce the swollen gelatin into the sugar substance, and then, using a mixer, beat for 3-5 minutes at medium speed so that the mixture is well mixed and start to whiten and thicken right before your eyes.

As soon as a beautiful smooth creamy mixture is obtained, the beating can be stopped.

If you want to add color, you can add any food coloring during whipping. The same can be said about the favorite flavor.

4. To prevent the icing from spreading on the cake, it is necessary to cool it slightly and only then dip the pastries into it, or use cooking brushes or spatulas.

How to make icing with icing sugar

Many people do not eat eggs because of their beliefs, being vegetarians. Many have an allergic reaction to them. And someone just does not use raw product, fearing to get sick with salmonellosis.

Therefore, they always have the opportunity to prepare a traditional decoration on the basis of only 2 commonly available components. And then you can turn on your imagination and use taste preferences, adding at least chemical culinary dyes and flavors, even though natural spices in the form of vanilla, ground cinnamon or citrus peel.

This recipe is without eggs, and therefore it can be safely adopted by all those who do not eat them due to certain circumstances.

We will need:

  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup.
  • Water - ½ cup.


1. To give the product maximum uniformity and airiness, it is necessary that the powdered sugar gets oxygen. To do this, it is desirable to sift it immediately through a sieve into a bowl, in which it is further planned to prepare the desired white consistency for coating.

2. Water must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees so that when it is combined with powder no lumps form and the sweetness dissolves quickly and evenly.

3. A thin stream pour warm water into the bowl with powder with constant stirring.

Instead of water, you can use milk, juice, fruit drink or dissolved cocoa drink.

4. To make the mass thicker a little, it is best to whisk it with an additional whisk for a couple of minutes.

5. Now baking can be dipped in the resulting snow-white mixture and let dry.

The thicker the coating is, the longer it will dry.

Recipe for decorating cakes with gelatin and without eggs, like marshmallows

I recently found a recipe for glaze, which is almost like a sweet thin marshmallow.

Having a little experimented with a decrease in the rate of crystallization of sugar by adding citric acid, I managed to achieve a bit of a crumbly crystallized sugar coating of cakes.

We will need:

  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l + 4 tbsp. l + 0.5 tsp.
  • Edible gelatin - 1 tsp.
  • Citric acid - 1/4 tsp.
  • Vanillin, food color, flavors - to taste.


1. In a deep cup or glass, soak the gelatin crystals in 2 tbsp. l warm water. Let it swell for about 15-30 minutes (depending on the quality and recommendations of the manufacturer).

2. Mix ½ tsp of hot water with ¼ tsp. citric acid so that the crystals are completely dissolved and cool to room temperature.

The resulting lemon mixture will help control the rate of hardening of the glaze.

In this case, the finished coating will be quite elastic and gentle for only half an hour, and then it will harden, so it will be necessary to act very quickly when daubing. The more lemon mixture, the more time to work with the finished product you have in stock.

3. In a skillet pour sugar and pour it 4 tbsp. l warm water and mix well.

4. Put the saucepan with the contents on a slow fire and bring the sugar crystals to complete dissolution with constant stirring. Depending on the quality of sugar, it may be necessary to simply heat to 50-70 degrees, or bring the syrup to a boil.

Remember that syrup should not boil, because it quickly crystallizes into one solid candy.

If you add more water to 1-2 tablespoons, you can get a marshmallow glaze.

5. Add lemon mixture to sugar syrup and mix well.

6. In the hot transparent lemon-sugar mixture enter swollen gelatin and immediately beat everything up with a mixer until creamy state with steep, steady peaks. Cool to 40-50 degrees, otherwise the mixture may leak a little.

7. During whipping, add a little vanilla or any other flavoring and coloring additive at your discretion.

8. In a ready-made airy mixture mix the baking or put it on the cakes with a cooking spatula. It is advisable to immediately sprinkle colored dusting. Then the coating will dry out and the dressing will not stick.

9. Set the ready culinary masterpiece aside and let it cool so that the glaze crystallizes and stabilizes into a beautiful “cap”.

Glaze with gelatin, which does not crumble and does not crumble

We will need:

  • Gelatin - ½ tsp.
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l
  • Granulated sugar - 100 gr.


1. Heat the water to 70 degrees and dilute with one tablespoon of gelatin in a cup. It is necessary to stir it intensively so that the gelatinous crystals dissolve and become a homogeneous transparent gel-like mass.

2. Pour sugar into a small saucepan or iron bowl and pour the remaining 2 tbsp. Into it. l water. Mix well and put on a slow fire in order to dissolve the sugar and get a sugar syrup.

3. Once the sugar has dissolved, immediately mix it with steamed gelatin jelly, remove from heat and allow to cool slightly with constant stirring.

4. Using a mixer or a special nozzle in the form of a whisk on a blender, beat the sweet mass to a state of beautiful white airy foam.

5. Immediately apply this beautiful foam to the cakes, make a colored sprinkle on top and allow the coating to cool completely. It will take less than ten minutes to fully solidify the thin layer “cap”.

If the glaze is applied with a thick “fat” layer to a pair of large Easter buns, then it may take up to an hour and a half. But after that, this coating will not only not stick to his hands, but will not crumble when cutting.

Video on cooking glaze with gelatin without eggs

And I would like to show you a bonus in a video recipe that was specially made for an article, how you can make very tasty glaze for Easter cakes, which was mentioned above. You can see that it is not difficult to cook it. Everything is fast, simple and tasty!

The coating turns white and dries quickly.

She really does not crumble, even after a few days - checked with her own hands just a few days ago !!! It also keeps well and does not crumble when cut.

A special recipe for decorating Easter cakes from proteins

Perhaps the most classic is the protein glaze. Usually they don’t bother much with her - they all poured into one cup, whipped and smeared. But with this approach, after a few hours it will begin to crumble, crack and crumble.

If you carefully carry out the sequence of actions and add a little salt, you get excellent coating, which does not yield to gelatinous properties.

We will need:

  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Salt is a small pinch.


1. Egg gently break and separate the white from the yolk. We do not need the yolk - it can be used at your discretion in other dishes. We need only protein.

A small secret of high-quality glaze is that it is necessary to use an egg not at room temperature, but cooled immediately from the refrigerator.

2. Add a pinch of salt to the cup of the squirrel and beat for a few minutes until thick foam appears. Such an egg air mass, when turning the cup on its side, should not crawl out of it, but remain firmly inside.

This salt allows you to make protein foam very elastic.

3. Sugar powder needs to be sifted through a sieve so that the mixture is more homogeneous and smooth.

4. Pour sweet powder in small portions into whipped protein with constant stirring.

5. As soon as the powder is combined with the protein and will not whip up “dust” over the cup, start beating the mixture with a mixer. During the beating, pour in a few droplets of lemon juice.

It is lemon juice that gives glaze elasticity and density. But not only lemon can be used for these purposes - freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is well suited, which will simultaneously color the resulting mixture. A good substitute for lemon can be an orange, and pineapple, and even kiwi.

6. As soon as our mixture turns into a muscular consistency, it can be immediately coated with pastries.

Let it dry and enjoy the taste.

These are our recipes today. I think that everyone can find a recipe for themselves. It's so great when the recipe is not one, and there is a choice. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, and therefore there should be a lot of recipes. And when you can find it suitable for yourself, you can leave it for a long time in your family collection of recipes.

Bon appetit and beautiful snow-white not crumbling glaze on your Easter cakes!