Delicious cheesecake from cottage cheese. For the preparation we need

27.07.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Curd cheesecake is a dish of European and American cuisine, cooked on the basis of a raw product. In the classic recipe for cheesecake from cottage cheese, cream cheese “Philadelphia” is used, but it is often replaced with soft curd. Also in the composition of the dessert includes eggs, cream, sugar, fruit or berries. The mixture of these products is carefully whipped into a fluffy mass, spread on a basic basis, which consists of a layer of pounded cookies, combined with butter. Often spices, chocolate, nuts and dried fruits are added to the dish. Dessert baked in the oven or kept in the cold.

For cottage cheese cheesecake use cottage cheese with a fairly high percentage of fat. To exclude all grains, cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder, rubbed through a sieve, whipped in a blender. Sugar is better to replace the powder. Cookies use any, as long as it is crumbly. It is crushed into a crumb. For this, it is convenient to put the cookies in a bag and roll it several times with a rolling pin. Oil should be removed in advance from the refrigerator: it should be soft.

We offer several recipes with photos of this useful and extremely tasty cheesecake from cottage cheese.

This recipe makes a wonderful cheesecake with a delicate texture, a crispy base and a very balanced flavor. All lovers of cottage cheese and chocolate will surely appreciate this delicacy. Top of the cake can be decorated with almond petals.


  • Egg - 3 pcs .;
  • Cookies - 400 g (like "Yubileiny");
  • Butter - 80 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • Dark chocolate - 1 tile;
  • Sour cream - 150 ml;
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. L .;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Cookies grind to crumb. Melted butter, mix with cookies and eggs.
  2. We spread the mixture in a multi-cooked bowl (pre-oiled), distribute evenly along the bottom, make small sides. Place the bowl in the fridge (30 minutes).
  3. In a separate container, mix the cottage cheese, the remaining eggs, sugar (1 tbsp. Leave), vanillin. Beat with a mixer, add starch. Mix well.
  4. Melted chocolate bar with milk and sugar (1 tbsp.), Cool slightly.
  5. Mix ¼ of the curd mass with melted chocolate.
  6. The remaining white mass is poured into the multi-cooker bowl.
  7. Top pouring chocolate curd mass.
  8. Install the program "Baking". We will cook 80 minutes.
  9. After the end of the program, we leave the cheesecake in a slow cooker for 60 minutes.
  10. We remove the finished cheesecake from the multicooker, cool it in the refrigerator (it is better to leave it overnight).

Interesting from the network

Incredibly delicious and satisfying dessert. A great addition to breakfast: a piece of this delicacy will allow you to get a boost of energy for the whole day. The cake is prepared quickly, because there is no need to bake dessert. Cookies can choose any, for example, "Jubilee" or unsalted crackers. Decorate the cake with chocolate chips, coconut chips or sprinkle with chopped nuts. Consider the recipe for cheesecake with cottage cheese for cooking at home.


For the basics:

  • Cookies - 300 g;
  • Butter - 150 g

For filling:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g;
  • Cream - 200 ml (35%);
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Gelatin - 20 g

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin pour cold boiled water, leave for 60 minutes.
  2. Cookies chop into a crumb with a blender.
  3. Melted butter, combine with chopped cookies. Put the resulting mass into a mold with a diameter of about 25 cm, tamp well, put it in the fridge.
  4. We make the filling. Gelatin bring to a boil, but do not boil, cool.
  5. Cream, pre-cooled, whip with sugar, add mascarpone, mix well.
  6. Enter the gelatin into the creamy cheese mass, stir the mass and spread it on the biscuit base, flatten, leave in the refrigerator.
  7. Remove the finished cheesecake from the mold, transfer it to the dish and serve it with tea or coffee.

Sweet crumbly base in combination with a curd layer of air and cherry filling - it is difficult to break away from this cake. If there is no fresh cherry, use canned or frozen. Let's see how to make a cheesecake in the oven at home.


For the basics:

  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Salt is a pinch;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.

For the curd layer:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs .;
  • Protein - 1 pc .;
  • Sugar - 200 g

For the cherry layer:

  • Pitted Cherry - 400 g;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. L .;
  • Sugar - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the cherry, remove the bones, drain the released juice, fill it with starch and sugar.
  2. Combine the flour with sugar, butter, salt, grind everything to crumb, add the yolk, mix the dough well.
  3. We lubricate the form with butter, lay out the dough, make the sides, tamp well. We bake in the oven (180 0 С) for 10 minutes. Cool the prepared base.
  4. Cottage cheese mix with sour cream.
  5. Beat eggs with sugar, combine with curd mass.
  6. Beat the protein into stable foam, gently introduce it into the curd-egg mixture, mix.
  7. Lay out a layer of cherries on the base, put the cottage cheese mixture on top.
  8. The form is again sent to the oven (180 0 С). Cooking 50 minutes. Ready cake left for 15 minutes in the oven turned off.
  9. Cheesecake cool and serve.

Now you know how to make cheesecake recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Delicious and airy cheesecake is made in minutes. But to properly prepare the dessert you need to know some of the features and secrets of this dish. Experienced chefs will tell you how to make cottage cheese cheesecake at home:
  • In the curd filling you can add various ingredients that perfectly complement the taste of cheesecake: vanilla, zest, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, pieces of fruit.
  • To make the cheesecake airy and fluffy, the cottage cheese is preferably rubbed through a sieve or whipped in a blender.
  • The finished dessert can be poured with fruit syrup, jam, chocolate icing, and decorated with berries and nuts on top of the cake.
  • Instead of mascarpone cheese, you can take dietary cheese, beaten with fat sour cream. Also suitable sweet cream cheese like "Omichki" or "Fun."
  • To prevent cracked dessert, bake it in the oven to 180 ° C. Here it is important not to exceed the temperature. Leave the finished cheesecake in the oven to cool.
  • Cherry can be replaced with any berries or fruits - you get a cheesecake with a completely different taste.

Hello! I am the man who likes to cook delicious cheesecake with baked goods and not only! I also loved this recipe with my family, which came to us in the CIS countries from Europe. Usually, lazy people cook it without baking, however, just like I do, sometimes lazy or no time to cook, and I want to drink tea, well, I can quickly make a recipe and do not bake anything!

1) Cooking a recipe is quite simple, because we will prepare the cheesecake cheesecake from a photo, the most important and tasty stage in my opinion is cooking the dough, and the dough that we prepare without baking does not quite say so deliciously tasty, so if you make and bake the cake, then the cheesecake fully get tasty.

2) The second stage is cooking cheese curd on a cheesecake, it is usually cooked differently, but cheesecake without cottage cheese is not a cheesecake!)

3) The third stage of cooking pouring fruit, so that the recipe is very beautiful. In principle, this is not necessary, but if you want to surprise your guests, you can cut the fruit, put on the cheesecake and pour the gelatin.

Let's make our first recipe with a photo!

Recipe № 1. Curd cheesecake with pastries

If you had time to try cottage cheese cheesecake with or without pastries, then you definitely fell in love with this recipe from the first bite! The cooking process is very simple!

  1. First of all, prepare the dough, the base on the cheesecake. Cookies need to grind, it is desirable to do this through a mug of a blender, we need to make cookies turned into small chips.
  2. Now you need to heat the butter to a soft state in the microwave, put it in a cookie and mix it very carefully.
  3. We spread the mass in the baking dish, dub and make the rim. We remove the cheesecake in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Cooking cheese cream on cheesecake. To do this, pour cottage cheese into a bowl, add eggs, sour cream and sugar, beat well with a blender until smooth.
  5. We take out the form from the refrigerator, pour the curd mixture there and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Enjoy your meal! We study the following cottage cheese recipe with a photo!

Recipe No. 2. Strawberry Cheesecake with Baking

This dessert will be attended by berries and of course jelly! Cheesecake in my opinion is obtained in this way much tastier.

For cooking, let's buy the following set of products for the recipe:

300 g biscuits, 150 g plums. butter, 400 grams of mascarpone (it is always difficult to find it, so you can buy ordinary cottage cheese), half a glass of sugar, half a glass of cream (if not, then sour cream), 2 eggs, 2 tables. tablespoons of gelatin, not a full glass of sugar, two glasses of strawberries or other berries.

Begin to prepare the recipe:

  1. 1 Cookies also need to smash well in a glass from a blender into small chips, add soft butter and mix well. Put the dough in the form and make a base of it with the sides.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with a half glass of sugar, cream, beat eggs and beat well with a blender. Put the mass in the form and bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 160 degrees.
  3. Prepare jelly for cheesecake! Pour gelatin into a half glass of water, leave for 25 minutes to swell, then heat it up to a hot state so that everything dissolves and becomes liquid, but do not boil, because everything goes bad. Now in our berries we pour in a not full glass of sugar, and whip it with a blender, while adding gelatin.
  4. Remove the cooked cheesecake from the oven, let it cool completely and pour it with our pouring, it is advisable to start cooking it when the cheesecake has cooled, otherwise the gelatin will freeze.

We'll let the cake stand in the fridge for 2-3 hours and serve it to the table! It turned out a wonderful recipe with photos! Have a nice tea party!

Another recipe for cottage cheese cheesecake

In the following sections of my site I will give a recipe for a cold cheesecake, and now we will look at baked cheesecake.

For the preparation we need:

a little less than half a kilo of biscuits, 3/4 packs of butter, 4/5 kilograms of home-made cottage cheese, a glass of granulated sugar, half a cup of cream, 3 eggs, sour cream with vanilla and favorite berries to taste.

Start cooking:

  1. Blender crumble cookies in small chips.
  2. We heat up butter.
  3. We take the baking mold, cover it with baking paper and carefully oil it. The best is suitable detachable or silicone form - greatly simplify the process of pulling the cake.
  4. The oil should cool off by this time. Fill them with kroshevo cookies and mix.
  5. The resulting mass is put into the prepared form and smoothed with a spoon, so that the sides of one and a half centimeters are formed, and the main cake is half a centimeter less. Set aside in a cold place for 25-30 minutes.
  6. The oven is heated in advance.
  7. Filling: interrupt cottage cheese with a blender or mixer to the state of the cream, pour in the cream and interrupt again.
  8. We drive in the stuffing eggs, and add sugar with vanilla, and again interrupt.
  9. In a cold basis, pour the curd mixture.
  10. Baking is carried out in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C, for 3/4 hours.
  11. Cream: we interrupt sour cream with sugar to homogeneous mass.
  12. After 3/4 hours we take out the cake, pour cream and put it on for another 10 minutes in the oven for temperature - 200 ° C.
  13. Decoration: taking the cake out of the mold we fall asleep with its favorite berries.
  14. We determine the cheesecake in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Attention! Beating the stuffing, do not remove the blender, so that a lot of oxygen does not get into the curd. The baking paper covers the mold for easy pulling the cake out of the mold.

When baking, do not open the oven - the cheesecake will sit down and lose its flavor.

Bon appetit to you and your household! Thank you for reading my article to the end! Visit other sections of my site!

How to cook a cheesecake at home? Which cottage cheese or cheese is better to use? Do I need to bake it, or can I get away with a “cold” recipe? Learn all about the popular American dessert!

In fact, the birthplace of cheesecake is not at all America, but Eastern Europe. It was in some regions of Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus, where curd cheese was traditionally eaten, the first casseroles and cheese cakes appeared, which are considered the “progenitors” of the famous dessert. The Americans made some adjustments to it, replacing the curd with more fatty types of cream cheese, in particular, “Philadelphia”. But It is worth noting that the overseas version of cooking cheesecake allows you to get a more delicate dish. This dessert can be served to the festive table along with other delicacies: kebab of chicken hearts or pork liver pate.

Dish features

Behind the fashionable name is a pie with cheese or cottage cheese filling, which can be prepared in two ways.

  • Hot - the base is a grated biscuit cake, which serves not only as a bottom. But it also helps to remove excess moisture from the curd. When we cook cheesecake at home, it is important to remember that “hot recipes” require patience: the finished dish should be kept in the fridge for at least 8 hours so that it opens up all its tastes and is well cut during serving.
  • Cold - a cheesecake without baking is a mousse of cream cheese or cottage cheese. Gelatin or another gelling component helps to preserve its shape. Sometimes white chocolate plays this role. Especially attractive is the recipe for cheesecake without baking in the summer, in combination with fruit sauces or berries.

7 secrets of cooking

Cooking cheesecake at home will be subject to 7 rules.

  1. Remove the ingredients from the refrigerator beforehand. It is important that they are at room temperature.
  2. Do not beat the curd at high speed or for too long. When it is oversaturated with air, the surface of the dessert will crack.
  3. Bake in the oven in a water bath. Due to the "work" of steam, the process will be more uniform.
  4. Do not expose the heat to baking. It should be 165-170 °.
  5. Cool the cake slowly. To do this, after turning off the fire, slightly open the oven door, leave for 15 minutes, and only then reach for it. After another 10 minutes, separate the edges of the cake from the walls of the mold with a knife, but do not remove from it, but leave it to cool completely.
  6. Cheesecake cream cheese can be from Philadelphia, Bucco, Ricotta, Mascarpone. But no less tasty get a dessert from low-fat cottage cheese.
  7. Other ingredients can be added to the filling. for example, try cooking pumpkin cheesecake. But it is important to bear in mind that such a cake will be even more moist.

Tasty and simple recipes

Adopt any recipe for cheesecake at home. And make sure that this dish is not difficult to cook.

Classic recipe

To make a classic cheesecake, you will need:

  • sweet cracker (can be replaced with any crumbly cookies) - 300 g;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • oil - 100 g;
  • cream cheese - 900 g;
  • egg - 5 pcs .;
  • flour - 3.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon peel;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - a tablespoon;
  • salt - a pinch.
  1. Crush cookies, add 4 tablespoons of sugar, pour with melted butter and mix well. Knead your hands with a homogeneous mass.
  2. Place in a round detachable form, tightly tamp with a spoon or bottom of a glass.
  3. Bake in a preheated 180 ° oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Beat the cheese with sugar, lemon juice and zest, salt, vanilla.
  5. Add flour and continue to beat.
  6. Enter eggs one by one.
  7. In the form with the cooled cake pour the cheese mixture. Put in the oven for 1 hour. Place a smaller bowl filled with water under the bottom.
  8. Ready cheesecake ruddy on the sides, but retains a shaking, gelatinous middle.
  9. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate.

Cheesecake "New York"

The recipe for the New York cheesecake is also very simple. You will need:

  • shortbread - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • cream cheese or cottage cheese - 750 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • cream 35% fat - 180 ml;
  • lemon peel - a teaspoon.
  1. When preparing the sand base, chop the cookies in a blender, pour in the melted butter, stir, tamp tightly and bake for 10 minutes in an oven heated to 180 °.
  2. Take out the form, cool it, wrap it with a pair of foil layers.
  3. Peel the lemon peel, chop.
  4. Sugar sugar in the powder in a coffee grinder.
  5. Mix cheese with sugar, vanilla, whisk at minimum speed with a mixer. Add the zest, pour in the cream and whisk again.
  6. Pour the butter cream with the prepared base, level and place in a preheated oven in a water bath. Bake for about 80 minutes.
  7. Cool and serve.

Chocolate Cheesecake

This recipe for chocolate cheesecake at home is prepared without the inclusion of the oven.

  • shortbread - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • fat cream - 120 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cream cheese - 200 g
  1. Melt chocolate in a water bath, cool.
  2. Pound the cookies into a crumb, mix with one spoon of sugar and melted butter. Grind and tamp down the form. Put the workpiece in the fridge.
  3. Whip cream into a soft foam, add chocolate and cocoa, previously diluted with a small amount of heated water. Stir.
  4. Whip cheese with sugar, mix with chocolate mass.
  5. Put in the form and put in an hour in the freezer.
  6. Then move to the fridge for 30 minutes, serve.

Now, we hope you know exactly how to make a cheesecake at home. And you can cook it without any problems!

When it comes to making delicious desserts, the choice among recipes is simply huge. It is sometimes difficult to choose the one that suits you. But if you stop your eyes on the cottage cheese cheesecake, you will not regret it. It is incredibly tasty, healthy with a delicate aroma. Having tried once, its unforgettable taste will remain in your memory for a long time, and you will again and again prepare this exquisite dessert. Today we will learn how to make cottage cheese cheesecake at home, both classic and cheesecake with fruit, as well as the best additives and gravies to it. Also you can pay attention to chic.

How to cook cheesecake?

Cooking time: 80 minutes
  Servings Per Container: 12

Cheesecake can be cooked for all occasions. Suitable for any holiday baby, adult or just for guests.

Cheesecake Recipe


  • 400 g biscuits,
  • 150 grams of butter,
  • 800 g of cottage cheese (preferably 15% fat),
  • 120 g cream (20% fat),
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar
  • vanilla can be added to taste
  • sour cream (20% fat).
  • You can also add raspberries or other berries to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese cheesecake

1. These ingredients, intended for a small form with a diameter of 23 cm. Cheesecake cheesecake turns out high and beautiful.
  2. First we need to grind cookies with a blender. The result should be baby.
  3. Next, in a separate vessel, you need to melt the butter. This can be done on the stove or in the microwave. This process will take no more than 45 seconds. Leave the oil to cool slightly.
  4. Then take the form and carefully cover the bottom with parchment paper. Its edges should not be cut to the desired shape. So it will be easier to pull out the finished cheesecake. It is not necessary to touch the sides, as a rule, they never stick.
5. Go to melted butter. Pour it into a container with a cookie. Then mix well.
  6. After that, you need a uniform layer to lay out the mixture, filling in the form and its edges. The bottom should be no thicker than 1 cm, and the sides 5 - 6 mm.
  The oven should be turned on 170 degrees. And we put our base for the cake in the fridge so that it is slightly cooled.
  7. Getting down to a delicious cheese filling. It is recommended to take the cottage cheese is not granular. It is better to turn into the creamy mass we need. Must grind through a sieve or blender. Of course, with a blender, it will be much faster, about 4 minutes. It should be a homogeneous mass.
  8. When the mass of the desired consistency is obtained, you should add the cream and beat a little more with a blender. Appears delicate texture of cottage cheese.
  9. The next stage of preparation is the addition of 3 eggs, 200 g of sugar and vanillin for smell. All ingredients again mashed blender. It should be ensured that the curd does not get enough air. To do this, do not often remove the blender from the masses during its operation.
  10. We approach the final stages. We take out the frozen basis from the refrigerator and fill it with curd mass.
  11. Put in the oven 70 degrees for baking for 50 minutes. It is not recommended to open the oven during baking cheesecake, Since it can, it will not work.
  12. While our cake is baked, you can whip sour cream with sugar until smooth.
  13. After 50 minutes have passed, you need to remove the cheesecake from the oven and pour whipped sour cream and send it to be baked again for another 7 minutes increasing the temperature to 200 degrees.
  12. The last stage of cooking is to remove the cottage cheese cheesecake from the oven, sprinkle with raspberries or other berries and refrigerate overnight. In the morning our cake is ready!

Prepare fruit cottage cheese cheesecake from the following components:
  For the base take:

  • - 3 eggs;
  • - 2/3 cup of powdered sugar and flour;
  • - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and cocoa.

For the curd layer you need to take:

  • - 9% cottage cheese 500 g;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - Vanillin and liqueur (1 tablespoon) to taste.

For the fruit (apple) layer, prepare the following foods:

  • - apples 800 g;
  • - 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - 3 tablespoons of water;
  • - 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • - 1 tablespoon of gelatin.

Serves will turn out - 8, cooking cheesecake cheesecake - 80 minutes.

How to make cheesecake with apples:

  1. First of all we will prepare the base for the cheesecake. Beat eggs with powdered sugar until a bubble mass appears. Separately, mix the flour with cocoa and gradually add to the egg mixture. Stir well.
  2. The oven is heated to 180 degrees. Pour the resulting dough into the prepared dish and bake for about 15 minutes.
  3. Now make cooking curd layer. We beat cottage cheese with sugar, eggs and liqueur. Use a blender, then the mass will be more homogeneous.
  4. Remove the baked biscuit base from the oven and spread the curd mass on top. Again we set to bake for 40 minutes already at a temperature of 160 degrees.
  5. In apples, peel the skin and remove the seeds. Crush into small pieces. Sprinkle with cinnamon, cover with water and set on fire to soften the apples. At this time, gelatin must be diluted in half a glass of cool water and leave for half an hour.
  6. Soft apples smash into a puree and cool. Remove the sponge cake and let cool. It should have ruddy sides, and the middle is not yet baked.
  7. Gelatin is heated and added to the apple sauce, stir. Now cover the apple sauce with the curd layer and smooth it well. Put the cheesecake in the fridge to freeze.

Serve with any hot drinks, you can pour with liquid chocolate or fruit syrup.

Cheesecake is an exquisite dessert, loved not only by avid sweets because of its unusual taste and incredible tenderness. Cake, made on the basis of soft cheeses, appeared in ancient Greece.

Strange, but now many consider the cheesecake the invention of American cuisine, but it is not. In addition, this type of dessert is one of the most common - its recipes have become traditional not only for American cuisine, but also for many European ones.

Cheesecake came to Russia not so long ago, but instantly gained popularity. Because of the high cost of the cheeses that are used in the preparation of the traditional dessert, we began to use the "improvised" means - homemade cream cheeses and cottage cheese.

The last option is very simple, but at the same time attractive for a tasty and budget homemade dessert. The article provides simple recipes for delicious cheesecakes made on the basis of cottage cheese.

A simple recipe for a classic cottage cheese cheesecake

So, we will need:

  • Cookies (sugar) - 400 gr
  • Butter (or margarine) - 150 gr
  • Cottage cheese - 800 gr
  • Cream (20% fat) - 120 gr
  • Sugar - 230 gr
  • Chicken Egg - 3 pcs
  • Vanillin - 1 pack
  • Berry or any fruit (for decoration) - 400 gr
  • Sour cream (fat) - 250 gr

Which cottage cheese is better to choose? It is best to make a grainy cheesecake, since it is easier to bring it to such a consistency, so that it is as little as possible noticeable that it is cottage cheese. It is better not to use low-fat cottage cheese, it is rather dry. Home-made cottage cheese may also not be suitable because of its too pronounced cottage cheese taste.

Cheesecake from cottage cheese without baking - what do you need for cooking?

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes + brewed overnight. Calorie (per 100 grams): about 400 kcal.


  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr
  • Butter - 200 gr
  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1 pack
  • Chocolate - 200 gr
  • Oatmeal cookies - 100 gr
  • Jam - 50 gr

How to cook:

How to cook cottage cheese dessert with condensed milk?

Cooking time: one and a half hours. Calorie (per 100 grams): about 250 kcal.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr
  • 5 eggs
  • Condensed milk - 450 gr
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Jam - 50 gr

How to cook:

  • Cooking dough. Beat the eggs, add the cottage cheese to them and mix. Then pour in the condensed milk and beat the dough until smooth.
  • We bake. Lubricate the form with butter and pour the curd mass into it. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. We put in the form and bake cheesecake for half an hour. Then take out the cake, cover with foil and bake at the same temperature for another half hour. Already prepared dessert we take out of the oven and spread on a plate "upside down", then pour the jam.

Board. You can also decorate the cheesecake with melted chocolate, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, berries or pieces of fruit. These are the most popular and traditional design options for this dessert.

Video recipe for delicious cheesecake from cottage cheese

Cottage cheese cheesecake cooked in a slow cooker

Preparation time: 4-5 hours + night infuse. Calorie (per 100 grams): about 350 kcal.


  • Cottage cheese (very soft and fat, ground in advance) - 300 gr
  • Sugar - half a cup
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Vanillin - bag
  • Sour cream - half a cup
  • 3 eggs
  • Lemon peel (finely grated) - 2 tsp.
  • Water - glass
  • Sunflower or cream oil - for form lubrication
  • Fresh raspberries and mint leaves - for serving

How to cook:

How to prepare a dish with instant coffee and liqueur?

Preparation time: 3 hours 30 minutes. Calories (per 100 grams): about 300 kcal.

To make a delicious cheesecake with coffee, we need:

  • Sugar Cookies - 250 g
  • Butter - 200 gr
  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr
  • Sour cream - 250 gr
  • Cognac or classic liquor - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1 bag
  • Instant coffee - 2 teaspoons
  • Chocolate - 50 gr
  • Caster sugar (optional) - 1 tablespoon

How to cook:

Method of cooking traditional cottage cheese cheesecake

With what and how to serve cheesecake to the table?

Cheesecake is always served cold. This can be explained by the fact that it is warm, it will simply lose its shape.

Such a dessert is perfect for both the daily “tea” option and for a holiday. But on the table I want to submit something unusual, beautifully decorated. So, the following products will help to give a cheese cake a festive look and not to spoil its taste.

Chocolate. They can decorate almost any sweet dish, including cheesecake. There are such options: pour melted chocolate on the dessert, sprinkle with chocolate chips or more unusual - decorate with chocolate figures. Various chocolate decorations can be bought in specialized stores. In addition, you can use them to emphasize the theme of the celebration!

Fruits and berries. This is also a fairly traditional option. But he has his own variations.

You can decorate the cheesecake by simply putting berries and slices or slices of fresh fruit just before serving. And you can arrange them in advance, and so that they do not lose the “marketable” look, pour gelatin. Then the cake will look beautiful and after the holiday. If, of course, remains :)

Jams and preserves. This option is great for winter gatherings with a cup of tea, because jam and jam are always associated with us in winter.

Yogurt cream. This is a bold option for those who are not afraid of experiments. The fact is that too bright cream can drown out the exquisite taste of cheesecake.

Almond. Combine this product is only with chocolate, not exactly with fruits and berries or cream. This special taste is great for coffee cheesecakes.

Caramel. You can make the simplest sugar caramel at home and pour the cheesecake over it. That's just to do it very carefully, as too hot caramel can damage the structure of the cake. You can also use a more interesting option - caramelized fruit (for example, apples).

Cocoa, coconut chips and powdered sugar. These granules help us in decorating almost any cake and cheesecake is no exception! Only use from this list you need only one thing.

Mint Leaves   - A great addition to almost all the above options.