Sweet cupcakes on kefir.

27.07.2019 Egg dishes

How to cook sweet muffins on kefir in silicone molds in the oven

1. Mix 2 eggs, half a cup of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Whip it all manually or with a mixer until sugar is completely dissolved. To facilitate and speed up the process, sugar powder can be used instead of sugar. In a glass of kefir quench 0.5 teaspoons of soda. 100 g of butter melt in a water bath. Instead of butter, you can safely use margarine - it does not spoil the taste of muffins at all.

2. Mix eggs, whipped with sugar, melted butter and kefir.

3. Add flour until the consistency of our billet looks like dough for pancakes. In total, you need about 1-1.5 cups of flour, depending on its stickiness.

4. Silicone molds for muffins are carefully lubricated with vegetable oil, after which we put dough in them for 2/3. It is not necessary to fill the molds to the top, because in the baking process their contents rise.

5. We expose the silicone molds with muffins on the baking sheet and place them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees Celsius, for 25-30 minutes.

Ready-made sweet muffins on kefir cool for 10 minutes and are easily removed from the molds. Additionally, they can be sprinkled on top with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

Have a nice tea party!

Many believe that kefir makes baking more lush, and also it stays fresh longer. Well, let's check? We suggest you try a few delicious recipes, each of which has kefir. These are big cupcakes and tiny muffins that look like muffins.

They can be eaten with tea, coffee, cocoa and just like that. If you keep them in an airtight container, they will be fresh on the third day. This means that it is practical to take them with you to work or to give your child to school. You can take a picnic or on the road.

General principles of cooking

In such baking, it is very important that all the components are well mixed, and the dough is ultimately as homogeneous as possible. That is, there should be no oil spots, balls of flour, baking powder or unmelted sugar on the surface. Such flaws can ruin your cupcake in two accounts.

As for flour, we highly recommend sifting it for each recipe. Make it better twice or even three times. And it is better to do directly when adding to the rest of the products. Then everything will be perfect: magnificent, airy and easy!

Kefir-based plain cupcake

Time for preparing

calorie per 100 grams

  Not only a beginner in cooking but also a schoolboy will cope with such a recipe. Available ingredients, fast preparation and amazing results.

How to cook:

Tip: To get a more pronounced vanilla flavor, use a fresh pod.

Magnificent cake on vegetable oil and kefir

If you prefer light and airy pastries, save yourself this recipe. You definitely will not regret when you try and even see this cupcake for the first time.

What time is 45 minutes.

What is calorie - 328 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The oven is preheated to 180 Celsius.
  2. Place a large sieve on top of a deep bowl.
  3. Pour into it flour, powdered sugar, vanillin and baking powder.
  4. Skip all together in a bowl, then mix with a spatula or a whisk.
  5. Egg break to other components, add salt, butter and kefir.
  6. Stir until smooth.
  7. Grease the form or cover with parchment, pour into it a lot.
  8. Distribute and put into the oven for thirty minutes.

Tip: as an oil, you can use any. For example, poppy, hemp, coconut, pumpkin, corn and so on.

Chocolate Kefir Cake with Icing

More suitable for a holiday or a Sunday family dinner. Not just a cupcake, but a chocolate one, all covered in drips of chocolate icing. For lovers of sweet will be perfect!

For cupcake

For the glaze:

What time is 1 hour and 15 minutes.

What is caloric - 308 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Mix flour with half of cocoa, sugar and baking powder.
  2. In this case, it is desirable to pre-flour through a sieve, to get really lush and airy cake.
  3. Break eggs into a nearby bowl, whisk them until they are homogeneous.
  4. Gradually add butter and kefir, mix again. Some oil should be left to form a lubricant.
  5. Gently mix both masses by adding dry to liquid.
  6. It is better to use the whisk, so as not to appear lumps of flour.
  7. Pour the smooth mass into the prepared, that is, slightly oiled form, distribute.
  8. Clean in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 40-45 minutes.
  9. While the cake is baked, make the icing. To do this, mix cocoa and sugar.
  10. Pour milk (can be warm) and mix.
  11. Remove to the stove and turn on the fire. As soon as it boils, add butter.
  12. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved.
  13. Get a cupcake, cool it and pour over the icing. If it is cold, just warm it up a little.

Tip: You can make a white chocolate glaze. To do this, you need to use not cocoa, but white chocolate or paint the glaze in the desired color using food coloring.

Recipe for baking

The recipe is good for a party or a cozy evening with friends and relatives. We are preparing a portion of muffins with raisins and rum on kefir.

What time is 50 minutes.

What is caloric - 348 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place the raisins in a bowl, pour the rum and let it swell for one hour (minimum).
  2. At this time, get and butter, so that it becomes soft.
  3. The oven will immediately warm to 170 degrees.
  4. Place the oil in a bowl, beat it with a mixer until fluffy.
  5. Introduce eggs with sugar and beat everything into a fluffy, light, smooth paste.
  6. Place a large sieve on top of the bowl, add flour to it.
  7. Skip parts to the rest of the components, kneading each time until smooth. Here again, you can use a mixer or whisk.
  8. When all the flour is added, enter the baking powder, do not forget to mix.
  9. Pour the milk, mix, adding and soaked raisins, the remnants of rum.
  10. Mix everything thoroughly to make the dough uniform.
  11. Place paper capsules in a cake pan, fill them with dough. This can be done with a tablespoon or pastry bag. In the second case, it is important to make a large hole so that the raisins also pass.
  12. Put in the oven for thirty minutes.

Tip: If you use a silicone form, paper capsules will not be needed.

Poppy dessert

For those who love special desserts. This time you try the muffins on kefir with the addition of poppy. It seems very simple, but at the same time very tasty.

What time is 55 minutes.

What is calorie - 205 calories.

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl pour kefir. It is desirable that it was at room temperature.
  2. Add the egg, immediately beat until smooth.
  3. Pour sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar and mix again.
  4. Pour poppy and flour. The second component is better to pass through a sieve to make the dough easy.
  5. Grease the mold as desired, but we did not use it.
  6. Fill two-thirds of the cell and remove the form in the oven for 35-40 minutes, traditionally heated to 180 degrees.
  7. When the cupcakes become rosy, get them, cool them and then remove them.

Tip: it is desirable that all ingredients are of the same temperature.

Special recipe with oatmeal

On the one hand, the recipe can be called dietary, because there is no flour in it. On the other - there is sugar, not honey. So try just delicious muffins on oatmeal kefir.

What time is 1 hour.

What is calorie - 156 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Oatmeal poured into a bowl and leave for a while.
  2. Heat milk a little, pour in oatmeal, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add salt, sugar, beat the egg and pour the oil, mix well again.
  4. Let stand for ten minutes.
  5. Raisin at this time, rinse and dry. After time, pour it over to the other ingredients.
  6. Pour and baking powder, stir and spread the mass into molds.
  7. It is important to fill them in only two thirds.
  8. Put in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes.

Tip: add nuts, with them even tastier!

Of course, in the cupcake, like any other pastry, you can add different ingredients that make the taste even more special. We only added raisins in one recipe. You can experiment with nuts, dried fruit and fresh fruit or berries. Of nuts can be pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews. From dried fruits - dried apricots, figs, prunes. You can also add citrus zest, spices.

We offer to try another experiment. This is a food dye. With the help of this additive you can color your cupcake in absolutely any color or shade. Orange, red and green will look especially original. Now imagine black! Best of all, such an experiment, of course, comes to a holiday.

Muffins on kefir long remain fresh, soft and moist inside. This is a big plus for those who like to eat a piece in the morning and as much in the evening. Prepare this baking and discover something new!

Any cupcakes on kefir always get airy, crumbly and unusually tasty. At will such baking can be made, for example, cottage cheese or chocolate. If it is beautiful to decorate the resulting delicacy, then it will become a worthy decoration even for a festive table.

Ingredients: 2-3 eggs, a glass of kefir and the same amount of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of refined oil, 2 full cups of high-grade flour, a pinch of vanillin, 1 tsp of unslaked soda, a pinch of salt. How to cook a cupcake on kefir in the oven according to this recipe is described below.

  1. Eggs fray with sand. All the liquid components are poured in to them and dry ones are filled in.
  2. The exact amount of flour needs to be adjusted by eye. The dough in the end should be like a thick cream.
  3. It is possible to bake a delicacy in one big or several molds from silicone. Its readiness is checked by a toothpick.

Baking muffins on kefir in silicone forms will be 15-17 minutes at an average temperature. It is important to fill them no more than 2/3 of the volume..

Ingredients: 2 large spoons of fatty kefir, 2 tsp. Of baking powder and granulated sugar, 1 big spoonful of vegetable oil, 1.5 big spoons of white flour, cinnamon to taste.

  1. In one bowl, the sifted flour and baking powder are combined, in the other - the other components.
  2. The dry mixture is gradually mixed into the base.
  3. The resulting dough is laid out in a cup.

In the microwave oven at full power, the dessert is cooked for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ingredients: on a faceted glass of high-grade flour and fatty kefir, half a pack of butter, 2 eggs, 160 g of granulated sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder, 12 g of vanilla sugar, 2 tsp of baking powder.

  1. First of all, the butter is cut into pieces and melted to softness in any convenient way. Sand is added to the slurry. Ingredients are first ground with a fork. Then raw eggs are poured into them, and the mixture is whipped with a mixer or a special nozzle of a blender.
  2. The basis for the test is not infused with cold kefir.
  3. Flour is sifted into a separate bowl from a high distance, and all other ingredients are added.
  4. The masses of the second and third steps are connected.
  5. The dough is poured into any suitable form, which is sent for approximately half an hour to a well-heated oven.

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The finished chocolate cake is removed from the oven, covered with a towel and left for 12-14 minutes. Then you can powder it or make out in any other way.

Gentle and lush delicacy in a slow cooker

Ingredients: a faceted glass of medium-sized kefir and the same amount of granulated sugar, 2 full glasses of high-grade flour, a pinch of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoon baking powder, 3 eggs, half a pack of unsalted butter.

  1. Raw eggs are poured into a deep container and whipped to a thick foam. Here also slightly warmed kefir is sent. Suitable and product at room temperature.   But the cold kefir can deprive the cupcake pomp.
  2. It remains to add to the mass of melted butter and all other components from the recipe. Sifted flour with baking powder is poured into the bowl last.
  3. The bowl of the “smart pot” is greased with grease and only after that the dough is poured into it. The mass is neatly leveled from above with a wide spatula.

Preparing the discussed cupcake in a slow cooker in a program designed for baking, 90 minutes.

With raisins

Ingredients: 130 ml of fatty kefir, a pinch of salt and vanilla, half a pack of unsalted butter, 2 eggs, 170 g of granulated sugar, 1.5 tablespoons. high-grade flour, ½ tbsp baking soda, 120 g of light raisins.

  1. The oil is softened, then pounded with sand. Eggs are added to the mixture one by one. Ingredients are well whipped.
  2. Not cold kefir with soda is added.
  3. Pre-steamed boiling water and dried raisins are poured, as well as flour with vanilla and salt.
  4. Thick dough is laid out in a rectangular shape.

Baked cake on kefir with raisins until dry skewers 50-55 minutes at 190 degrees.

Bread Maker Recipe

Ingredients: an egg, a whole glass of warm kefir and granulated sugar, 90 g cream margarine, 2 tbsp. high-grade flour, half a bag of baking powder.

  1. First, raw eggs with sand are whipped in the bowl.
  2. Then all the other components are gradually introduced to them. Last - pre-sifted flour with baking powder.
  3. A thick dough is kneaded, which is mixed into the bowl of the device, lightly oiled.
  4. In the program "Cupcake" delicacy is prepared before its completion.

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Decorated with a mixture of cocoa powder and powdered sugar.

With liquid filling

Ingredients: 220 g cream margarine, a glass of walnut kernels and semolina, 3-3.5 tbsp. high-grade flour, half a liter of fatty yogurt, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 chicken eggs, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and the same amount of vinegar, any version of the filling.

  1. At first the semolina is filled with warmed kefir. The mixture will swell until all the other ingredients are prepared.
  2. Margarine is melted on minimal heat. Straight sand is poured into the warm mass, raw eggs and soda vinegar quenched with table vinegar are introduced. The ingredients are kneaded to dissolve the sweet grains.
  3. The dairy product with semolina is poured into the basis for the test.
  4. It remains to add chopped walnuts and flour.
  5. Dessert is baked in a well heated oven for about half an hour.

Special device is removed middle of each cupcake. The resulting space is filled with any liquid filling to choose from: chocolate icing, condensed milk, jam, etc.

Curd friable cupcakes on kefir

Ingredients: a glass of not cold kefir and granulated sugar, 4 eggs, ½ tsp of soda, 220 g of cottage cheese, 2 full cups of high-grade flour.

  1. Raw eggs, cottage cheese and sand are immediately sent to a deep bowl. These ingredients in about a minute at low speed, the mixer turns into a homogeneous watery mixture.
  2. Then kefir is poured into the mass, and the beating continues.
  3. Under the same conditions, flour is poured into the basis for the test in small portions. At the end is added slaked lemon or vinegar soda.
  4. After another kneading the dough is poured into molds.

Cupcakes are baked on kefir for about half an hour at an average temperature.

Zebra Cupcake

Ingredients: 3 eggs, a full glass of medium-fat kefir, 4-5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder, 1 tsp of baking soda, a full glass of granulated sugar, 320 g of high-grade flour, vanilla to taste.

  1. Raw eggs are whipped with sand to dissolve the sweet grains. In the resulting mass pours kefir with soda.
  2. Added vanilla and flour.
  3. The dough is divided into two parts. Cocoa is poured into one of them.
  4. In the oiled form of dough of different colors laid out by 2 large spoons. You can draw a neat cobweb on it with a toothpick.

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A zebra cake is baked in a preheated oven for 35-45 minutes until dry.

Simple cupcakes are called simple because they are prepared very simply and quickly from the products that can be found in the fridge of any housewife. But in relation to this baking, simplicity does not mean monotony, since the variety of recipes for simple muffins allows you to enjoy homemade variety of this dessert every day.

Any culinary product, if raisins are added to the dough, immediately becomes tastier and more attractive. Cupcakes in this case are no exception. For such baking, sweet and sour grapes, rather than raisins, are better suited.

The time of soaking dried fruits in almost all recipes is a quarter of an hour, but in practice the principle is that the longer the better.

Therefore, you can leave the raisins overnight in water.

To prepare the dough in butter (cream) with raisins, from which you can bake simple muffins will be needed:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 220 ml of milk;
  • 5 g of soda quenched 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • 3 g of salt;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 120 grams of flour.

Baking will take about 40-45 minutes.

The caloric value of 100 g of finished products will average 294.4 kcal.

Dough kneading and baking algorithm:

Plain chocolate muffins on kefir in silicone tins

Chocolate baking has its own huge army of admirers, which is why there are so many recipes for chocolate cakes (biscuits, Napoleons, Honey cake), and chocolate muffins (muffins, cupcakes).

More sophisticated and complex varieties of chocolate muffins suggest the presence of a delicate liquid filling inside, but there are also simpler recipes - no filling.

For plain chocolate muffins made with kefir, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 150 g of cocoa powder;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 15 g of baking powder;
  • 3 g vanilla powder;
  • 200 g of flour.

Time to create this dessert will take a little, as in the previous recipe, no more than 45 minutes.

Working process:

The recipe for muffins with curd in molds (with filling)

Cottage cheese can be not only a component of the dough, but also a complete filling. For example, chocolate muffins with such a filling will be so fragrant and beautiful (especially in the cut) that not one of them will be seduced even by those who do not like this fermented milk product.

For this baking, the required list of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 200 g of yogurt without flavoring additives (or kefir);
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 12 g vanilla sugar;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 90 g of cocoa powder;
  • 6 g of baking powder;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar (or a little more, if the cheese is sour).

Since a curd surprise will have to be put inside each cupcake, the total cooking time lasts a little longer from 50 to 60 minutes.

Sequence of processes:

Lemon muffins on sour cream in tins

Lemon muffins on sour cream delight with their citrus freshness and creamy tenderness. For this recipe, only one lemon is enough to add zest and juice to the dough, and then to make icing sugar for decorating from lemon juice and crystalline sugar powder. These ingredients will need to be simply mixed together to obtain the mass of the desired consistency.

For lemon dough on sour cream you need to take:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 200 ml of sour cream;
  • 10 g of lemon peel;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 14 g of baking powder;
  • 10 ml of lemon juice;
  • 200 g of flour.

Cooking time standard for simple muffins 45 minutes.

Calorie pastries with lemon flavor - 282.3 kcal / 100 g

Baking Procedure:

  1. Put sour cream, a slice of soft butter, eggs and sugar in a deep bowl or bowl of a mixer. All thoroughly whip at medium speed;
  2. After that, enter the flour, baking powder, zest and last of all lemon juice. Stir the dough well with a silicone or wooden spatula;
  3. Spread the finished dough into the tins, filling them a little more than half and baking for 25-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

Cottage cheese muffins with cherries

Cupcakes based on cottage cheese dough turn out to be tender and crumbly, the cherry berries will add pleasant sourness and balance the sweetness of the finished baking. From the specified number of products in the recipe below, there are about 12 small cupcakes, which are enough for a family tea.

So, the ingredients must be taken in the following proportions:

  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of soft pasty curd;
  • 150 g of pitted fruit (fresh or frozen);
  • 70 g soft butter;
  • 5 g of baking powder;
  • 3 g of vanilla;
  • 150 grams of wheat flour.

The baking time for dessert is 30 minutes, and another 15 minutes will be needed for kneading dough.

Calorie baking with cherries made from cottage cheese dough - 262.1 kilocalories per 100 grams.

How to bake:

  1. Mix butter with a mixer with sugar, then continue to beat, whipping to introduce eggs first, and then soft cottage cheese. If there are doubts about the homogeneity of this fermented milk product, it can be crushed beforehand by rubbing through a sieve or with the help of an assistant — a blendar;
  2. Introduce thin-sifted flour with baking powder into the dough. The result is a fairly thick homogeneous consistency mass;
  3. Remove pits from cherries and drain the juice formed during defrosting. Put the berries in the dough;
  4. Spread the dough in molds. It is very convenient to use disposable paper capsules for this baking. Bake until tender at 180 degrees. Readiness, as always, can be identified with a wooden stick.

A simple recipe for banana muffins from dough in milk in the tins.

This baking has a mega banana flavor and aroma due to the fact that bananas are not the ingredient of the filling, but one of the components of the dough. The basis of the cupcakes is quite heavy, but do not be afraid that it will not fit in the oven. If the proportions of ingredients are maintained, everything will definitely work out.

For a banana dough in milk you will need:

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 200 g of bananas;
  • 15 g of baking powder;
  • 120 grams of flour.

The maximum duration of all pastry processes will not exceed 60 minutes.

The nutritional value of such a banana exotic - 275.0 kcal / 100 g

Method of preparation:

  1. Mix the dry ingredients crystal sugar, baking powder and flour. This should be done carefully enough so that the cupcakes are fluffy;
  2. Beat eggs with butter together, then add banana pulp, mashed with a fork, and beat again with a mixer;
  3. To a banana-egg liquid mixture, in portions fill up dry products and, using a mixer or a spatula, knead the bulk dough;
  4. Spread the dough into molds, filling it no less than ½, but no more than ¾. Furnace at 180 degrees Celsius for half an hour.

Cupcakes can not be put in a cold oven. It must be preheated. Bake them at an average level, with an average temperature. Since the technical characteristics of each oven is different, then the baking time may differ in one direction or another from that indicated in the recipe, but not by much (5-10 minutes).

Following the prescription time runs out, several cupcakes (in the center and along the edges) need to be pierced with a wooden skewer at their peak (the highest point). If the dough will remain on the tester stick, the baking must be returned to the oven again, but it is better to turn down the temperature.

If the cupcakes were baked in paper or silicone forms, then removing them will not be difficult. From the first they do not need to get them, and from the second they will easily come out.

It will be more difficult with metal molds, so that the muffins easily lag behind, you need to wait for them to cool completely.

If after that they stubbornly, they need to hold a little on a wet towel.

In the next video - another simple recipe for delicious cupcakes.

Very often, there simply isn’t enough time for some complicated recipes, which is why those that can be made in haste are so valued. This is especially important if there are young children at home. So, today I want to offer you to bake cupcakes on kefir in silicone tins, which are prepared very quickly and easily. I use the most common products, if you wish, you can slightly adjust them for yourself, as I will tell you below.

I will make the recipe for muffins on margarine with raisins, which, if desired, can be replaced with other dried fruits, and bake in small molds. The advantage of such forms is that they do not need to be lubricated at all, because nothing ever sticks to them. The cupcake recipe is very good, so I definitely advise you to try it.


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Kefir - 300 ml.
  • Margarine - 200 g
  • Flour - 2 glasses
  • Raisin - 50 g
  • Baking Powder - 1 tsp

Quantity: 35-40 pieces

Baking in the oven for 20 minutes

317 Kcal per 100 g

How to cook cupcakes

The dough for the cake on this recipe is very simple. I beat eggs into a bowl and add sugar, then beat them with a mixer for three minutes until frothy.

Margarine melt and leave to cool slightly. Also, if you want, you can always replace it with butter. Pour cold kefir, warm margarine, baking powder into the whipped mass and mix.

Then I pour in two glasses of flour, which I sifted through a sieve in advance. In one glass of 200 ml, remember this when measuring all the ingredients to get the same result.

I pour raisins or other dried fruits with hot water and leave them for 5 minutes, then rinse it under running water, and remove the remaining moisture with a paper towel.

As I have already said, I will bake cupcakes on kefir in silicone molds and there is no need to lubricate them beforehand. Spread the dough in the form of two teaspoons.

I bake cupcakes in an oven heated to 190 degrees for 20 minutes, until rosy. To make sure they are ready, one of them is enough to pierce with a wooden toothpick; if it is dry after that, I take them out of the oven.

Finished products are very easy to remove from the form; to do this, simply flip it over. I shift them to a dish and leave to cool. The recipe for this cupcake to treat the most simple to prepare, even a novice can handle it. Thanks to the liquid dough and precise proportions, you definitely will not have difficulties in the process.

You can sprinkle them with powdered sugar on top or pour over chocolate, but I decided to leave it like this. Delicious cupcakes on kefir in silicone tins are ready.

As you can see, they are prepared quickly and easily, and the taste will delight you. Enjoy your meal!