Cooking buckwheat in cold water. In what dishes to cook buckwheat

13.05.2019 Grill menu

Buckwheat porridge belongs to dietary meals, that is why it is so appreciated by the girls who follow the figure. Not everyone knows that buckwheat is the only type of cereal that cannot be modified. The grains are grown without additional fertilizers, so the beneficial properties are fully preserved. Many housewives are wondering how to cook buckwheat so that it turns out to be crumbly. Cooking is not particularly difficult if you follow the practical advice.

Buckwheat: a classic of the genre

  • filtered water - 500 ml.
  • buckwheat - 260g.
  • butter- 65 gr.
  • food salt - 5 gr.
  1. Use a kitchen sieve, pour buckwheat into it, rinse under running water. Clean the cereal from excess debris.
  2. Pour filtered water into a small enamel container, put it on the burner, wait until the first bubbles appear. Pour the cereal into the hot liquid.
  3. After boiling the mixture, add butter and salt. Remove the pot from the hotplate, cover with a thick towel.
  4. After half an hour, the porridge will infuse without losing useful properties... Cooked by this recipe buckwheat will remain tasty and crumbly. This side dish will go well with any fish and meat dishes, salads.

Buckwheat with liver

  • washed buckwheat - 320 gr.
  • liver - 250 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • drinking water - 250 ml.
  1. Pour water into a small container, add buckwheat, salt. Bring porridge to a boil, then simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  2. Boil eggs, chop, fry the liver and onions. Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder. Put the minced meat in a thin layer on a baking sheet, spread the buckwheat over it, then cover again with the liver composition.
  3. Send the dish to the oven for half an hour, cook at 120 degrees. After the time has passed, remove the side dish, let it cool down.

Buckwheat with milk

  • filtered water - 250 ml.
  • whole milk - 265 ml.
  • buckwheat - 260 gr.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • table salt - 3 gr.
  • buckwheat honey - 10 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 12 gr.
  1. Rinse and remove excess particles in the cereal. Heat the buckwheat in a skillet within 10 minutes. Pour water into a heat-resistant container, send to fire. When the first bubbles appear, add the cereal to the saucepan.
  2. Cook buckwheat for about 8 minutes, adding sugar and salt to it. Heat a glass of milk at the same time in microwave oven... At the end of the cooking time, pour in the hot milk. Stir the ingredients.
  3. Send the butter to the total mass, simmer the composition for another 6 minutes. Add honey at the end of cooking. Remove the container from the burner, wrap the porridge with a towel and let cool.

  • buckwheat groats - 240 gr.
  • purified water - 450 ml.
  • salt to taste
  1. Treat buckwheat with liquid and clean it from foreign debris. Place the cereal in the bowl of the appliance. Pour in drinking water in a container, add salt.
  2. Top up required amount liquid in a separate compartment of the steamer. Set the appropriate mode on the household appliance, set the time to 35 minutes, close the lid.

Buckwheat in meat broth

  • beef tenderloin - 450 gr.
  • buckwheat - 320 gr.
  • table salt - 4 gr.
  • laurel leaf - 3 pcs.
  • black pepper (peas) - to taste
  1. Rinse buckwheat, remove excess particles, bake in the oven for 4 minutes. Cut the beef into small pieces, place in an enamel bowl with water. Wait for it to boil.
  2. Remove foam during cooking, add salt to the meat. Cover with a lid and wait about 50 minutes. Add the necessary seasonings to your taste. Check the amount of the remaining broth, add water if necessary so that the total volume of the liquid is more than half a liter.
  3. Wait until it boils, add buckwheat to the pan. Leave the porridge to simmer for about 25 minutes with the lid on. When the cereal is cooked, place it on a flat ceramic dish decorating with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker

  • carrots - 180 gr.
  • buckwheat - 370 gr.
  • filtered water - 700 ml.
  • tomatoes - 220 gr.
  • zucchini - 190 gr.
  • vegetable oil- 60 ml.
  • rock salt - to taste
  • ground pepper (mixture) - to taste
  1. Repeat all the above manipulations with buckwheat for its preparation. Peel the zucchini and chop into cubes. Wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and chop. Fill a multi-bowl with oil, send vegetables to it. Turn on the frying mode, wait 12 minutes.
  3. Upon completion of the operation, pour buckwheat into a multicooker, pour in water. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover the porridge with a lid and simmer in the pilaf mode for 40 minutes.

  • fresh mushrooms (any) - 320 gr.
  • washed buckwheat - 270 gr.
  • onions (medium) - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • filtered water - 600 ml.
  • table salt - to taste
  1. Chop mushrooms and onions finely. Send to the pan, put on medium fire and add oil. When frying, achieve a golden brown color for the vegetables.
  2. Then add buckwheat, salt and water. Simmer over low heat for about 25 minutes at closed lid... After the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove, let it brew for half an hour.

Buckwheat with walnuts

  • walnut - 150 gr.
  • purified water - 550 ml.
  • buckwheat - 260 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • butter - 50 gr.
  1. Rinse and clean the buckwheat from excess debris. Heat the cereals in a skillet with a little butter. Pour water into a small heat-resistant container, add salt.
  2. After the first bubbles appear, add buckwheat, put the burner on low heat, cook the porridge for about 25 minutes with the lid closed.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the buckwheat from the stove, add ground walnuts, add butter, mix the ingredients. Wrap the pan with a towel, let cool.

  • drinking water - 300 ml
  • buckwheat groats - 400 gr.
  • table salt - 15 gr.
  1. Pre-clean the buckwheat, add a heat-resistant container. Pour in water and add salt. Set the maximum power, run the oven for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Wait for the first bubbles to appear. Then switch the microwave to medium power setting. Wait about 20 minutes. Take out the porridge, the dish is ready.

Buckwheat with stew

  • table salt - 7 gr.
  • stew - 350 gr.
  • buckwheat - 300 gr.
  • filtered water - 700 ml.
  1. Peel and rinse buckwheat in a standard way... Pour water into a small enamel container, add salt and cereals. Turn the hotplate to medium power.
  2. After boiling, boil the porridge for at least 15 minutes. Add the stew, stir. Simmer for about 20 minutes on low heat. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove and wrap it with a towel. Letting the porridge brew for half an hour.

Before you start cooking buckwheat, be sure to rinse it and clean it of excess debris. For more delicious cooking try to always ignite cereals in a non-stick skillet. Consider buckwheat recipes with liver, milk, meat, mushrooms, walnut, stewed meat. There is also cooking in a multicooker, microwave oven, double boiler.

Video: how to cook buckwheat correctly and tasty

Buckwheat is a unique product that is simply irreplaceable in our diet. It is inexpensive and at the same time useful, and at least a small degree culinary excellence it is also very tasty, which is why buckwheat diets are so popular and fasting days on buckwheat. This cereal is perfect for those who monitor their weight and health in general.

Buckwheat contains a large number of nutrients, especially a lot of iron, phosphorus, calcium and iodine in it. Also, buckwheat contains a number of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, PP, R. Being a complex carbohydrate, buckwheat is digested for a long time by the body, thereby prolonging the feeling of satiety. In addition, buckwheat is very beneficial for digestion and helps cleanse the liver, as well as strengthens capillaries and helps fight mild depression.

To make buckwheat even tastier, you can use various side dishes. So, mushrooms, cutlets are perfectly combined with buckwheat porridge, stewed beet... You can simply add sugar to the finished buckwheat. Then you will get classic buckwheat porridge, but very tasty and incredibly healthy.

From this article, you will learn how to cook buckwheat correctly and observe the right proportions. We will tell you how to cook buckwheat in water and milk, and also describe simple and available ways cooking buckwheat in a microwave and double boiler.

Classic buckwheat recipe

Measure out the required amount of buckwheat, about a third of the glass per person. Go through the cereal and remove the debris from it. Then rinse it thoroughly.

Transfer the cereal to a saucepan, pour in the required amount of water and salt to taste. There should be twice as much water as cereals. After boiling, reduce the gas to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid. It is important that the required temperature is established inside.

After 10-15 minutes, check the buckwheat for readiness. The groats should be soft and crumbly, the water should completely evaporate. Buckwheat is usually cooked for about 20 minutes.

When the buckwheat is ready, put 50-60 grams of butter in the porridge and stir. Then the porridge will be soft and rich. Bon Appetit.

Buckwheat: calorie content and nutritional value

Boil buckwheat in milk in the same way as in water. The main thing is to make sure that the milk does not boil away during cooking. You can first boil the cereals in water, and at the end add milk and cook for another 5-7 minutes. You need to cook cereals until the milk is completely digested. Then the porridge will be rich, tasty and soft.

In what proportions to cook buckwheat?

Buckwheat is cooked on the basis of 1x2 proportions. So, a glass of cereal must be poured with two glasses of water or milk. To cook delicious buckwheat porridge, it must be remembered that the volume of the cereal doubles during cooking.

Therefore, carefully calculate how much buckwheat you need. So, one glass of dry buckwheat is enough for three servings, and half a glass is enough for two people.

To make buckwheat cook faster, you can, after washing the cereal, soak it for several hours. The cooking time is thus approximately halved. This method is very convenient for housewives. So you can soak the cereal overnight, and cook in the morning. The cooking process will then take very little time.

To boil buckwheat, be sure to use a saucepan with a thick bottom. This will allow the steam to build up and hold. But it is the steam, and not the water itself, that is most important for making delicious buckwheat.

It is important to measure the water with the same glass as the cereal. Then you can keep the proportions of water and cereals in the dish.

To make buckwheat more crumbly, you can pre-heat it in a cast iron. However, you need to carefully monitor that buckwheat does not start to "shoot" from too high a temperature.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

You should not put the oil on during cooking, as it will digest and form harmful enzymes. Porridge will be tastier if you add oil to ready-made crumbly buckwheat.

It is also more useful to cook buckwheat in water, and not in milk. It is better to add milk to already ready-made porridge, preheating, or in the last minutes of cooking porridge.

When cooking, buckwheat is not supposed to interfere. This reduces the level of steam inside the pot. And accordingly, it increases the cooking time of buckwheat.

To test the buckwheat for readiness, gently dip the spoon into the saucepan and slide it along the bottom. If the cereal begins to stick a little to its surface, then the porridge is ready.

Uzbek pilaf from buckwheat

When buckwheat is ready, it is better to combine it with oil, cover with a towel and let stand for 10-15 minutes. The groats will become soft and tender, and buckwheat will turn into a real culinary masterpiece.

Buckwheat recipe in the microwave

The groats must be placed in a saucepan with a volume of at least 2 liters for the microwave and pour boiling water. Salt to taste. Cover with a lid and put in the microwave, set the maximum temperature (until boiling). After boiling, mix the cereals and cook without a lid for another 4 minutes.

Then mix again and cook for another 4 minutes. After that, we take out the pan, the water should already evaporate. If all the water has not evaporated, then it can be drained, and if the cereal has not been cooked yet, then you can put it on for a few more minutes. V ready meal add butter, sugar to taste.

Buckwheat recipe in a double boiler

This method is most convenient if you want to cook delicious and healthy buckwheat, while spending a minimum of effort. The steamer will do everything for you, while you can do something else.

It is necessary to fill the cereal into the container for rice, which is attached to the double boiler, and fill it with water, exceeding the volume of water by 1.5 times! There will be enough steam inside, and the excess liquid will only complicate the cooking process.

Salt is better after buckwheat is ready, as it can be oversalted.

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Go over the cereals. Even if you buy an expensive product, there is a chance that it will contain plant debris. So do not be lazy to look at buckwheat and remove all foreign elements.

Step 2

Rinse the buckwheat. It is enough to do this a couple of times under running water until the liquid becomes transparent.

Step 3

Heat the cereal in a dry skillet, stirring constantly. This is necessary in order for buckwheat to be crumbly and more aromatic.

Set the fire to a small one and do not overdo it: as soon as you feel a pleasant buckwheat aroma, go to the next point. Typically 3-4 minutes is more than enough.

Step 4

Place the cereal in a pot of salted water. There should be twice as much water as buckwheat. In order not to be mistaken, use the same measuring cup for cereal and water.

The best option for cooking buckwheat is a dish with a thick bottom. It provides optimal amount the couple, who is responsible for cooking the porridge.

Step 5

Bring water to a boil and remove any foam with a slotted spoon. Then reduce heat to low and cover the pan with a lid. Cook buckwheat for 12–20 minutes. At this time, it is better not to open the pan and stir the porridge. Otherwise, the temperature regime can be violated.

Step 6

Check the readiness of buckwheat by running a spoon along the bottom. If there is no water there or the porridge is already sticking to it a little, then it can be removed from the stove.

Step 7

Add a slice of butter or ghee... Then cover the pan with a lid, wrap with towels and let it brew for 15–20 minutes. So the porridge will be even more tender.

Step 8


  1. To speed up the cooking process, soak the buckwheat a couple of hours before cooking. It will absorb water and cook much faster.
  2. You need to cook buckwheat porridge in milk for 10-15 minutes longer than in water. You can also boil buckwheat in water, and then add warmed milk to it and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  3. If you cook porridge in, follow the same sequence of steps as for the traditional way... The mode you need is "Buckwheat". If not, try using the Rice or Milk Porridge modes.

Do you know other secrets of making the perfect buckwheat porridge? Let us know in the comments.

Sort the buckwheat thoroughly, then rinse in several waters. Dry. Now the majority of buckwheat producers insist that their groats do not need to be sorted or washed. But we still advise you to do as our grandmothers and mothers did - spend a little more time and sort the cereals by hand, and then rinse them thoroughly.

Heat a dry frying pan and fry the buckwheat, stirring constantly, until golden brown, 4-5 minutes. Pre-frying the cereal makes it more flavorful and crumbly, and also reduces the cooking time.

Boil in large saucepan slightly salted water. The proportion of water and cereals is always the same: for 1 part of buckwheat, 2 parts of water. Pour in the fried buckwheat and bring to a boil over high heat.

Remove foam with a slotted spoon, add vegetable oil. Reduce heat and simmer for 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and let it brew for a few more minutes. Previously, porridge was infused in the oven. Nowadays, few people can afford such a luxury. But there is a great way to do something similar. Cook the cereals 1-1.5 hours before serving. Wrap the pot first in 2-3 layers of paper (newsprint is ideal), and then in a woolen blanket and leave in a warm place. Serve buckwheat with milk or melted butter.

Buckwheat is called "the queen of cereals", this name fully justifies itself. It contains whole complex necessary for the body substances, moreover, in an easily digestible form. For dietary and baby food this cereal fits perfectly. How to cook buckwheat correctly so that it does not lose its valuable properties?

What is buckwheat useful for?

Buckwheat surpasses all cereals in vitamin P content, it contains great amount magnesium (Mg), iron, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9). It contains vitamin E, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants, useful organic acids (oxalic, citric and some others). It contains polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3.

How to properly cook buckwheat in water

What if you made a mistake with the amount of water?

Sometimes it happens that the porridge is completely ready, but the liquid for some reason remains, gurgles in the pan and does not decrease, the cereal no longer absorbs it. Just drain it carefully, holding the lid with a towel, add the oil, cover the pan with the lid and let it sit for a couple of minutes.

If you forgot to turn down the fire in time, the water has boiled away, and the buckwheat is still undercooked, then you can add water. But first you need to try: if the porridge is almost ready, then do not rush to pour water. Better add butter, cover tightly, turn off heat and just let it stand quietly for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in milk

Buckwheat can also be boiled in milk: it will make an excellent buckwheat porridge for children. For 1 glass of buckwheat you need 4 glasses of milk, cook under a lid over low heat for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Milk porridge can be prepared in another way: boil buckwheat in water and pour hot milk over it. After that, season with butter and sugar and let stand for a while. In this case, a little milk is required, it is simply topped up to the required thickness of the porridge.

How to cook buckwheat very quickly?

Sometimes the hostess has no time to monitor the stove, you need to get the result quickly. Buckwheat can be cooked in 15 minutes if you soak it in cold water for a few hours. This is a convenient way if you do not know when you need to serve a ready-made dinner.

Buckwheat is washed 2-3 times in cold water, poured into a saucepan clean water for cooking and so leave. Buckwheat gradually swells, increasing in volume. V the right time put the pan on high heat, add salt and keep it until it boils. Then the fire is reduced, after 10 minutes the porridge may already be quite ready to eat.

Another one useful feature buckwheat is that it can be removed from the fire a little undercooked if you have to hurry somewhere, and leaving the stove on is dangerous. In this case, leave the pot of undercooked porridge in a warm place and cover with a towel on top to keep it hot longer. In the warmth, the porridge will "reach" and become completely ready for use.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Cooking buckwheat in a multicooker has some advantages in its simplicity and ease. You will not need to stand over the stove and wait for the porridge to cook. You just need to lay necessary ingredients into the saucepan of the multicooker, select the desired mode and wait.

So, the ingredients you need are:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • some butter.

Now the cooking sequence.