How to make delicious croutons. Croutons - simple and tasty recipes of croutons with milk and egg in a pan and not only

04.03.2019 Buffet table

Along with scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs, oatmeal and other cereals, croutons are one of the most popular breakfast options. You can prepare them in many different ways, which will be discussed.

Croutons are called toasted pieces of bread. This name of toasted bread was derived from the verb “warm”, but there is another version of its origin. According to the second version, this word was derived from the French “grains”, which is translated as “crumbs”. The first version seems to be more logical and close to the point, but the second one is not far from the truth, since it is believed that croutons owe their appearance to crackers.

Crackers were harvested for the military as an option, having a longer shelf life than fresh bread, and transported in large bags, finely chopped, and often crumbled during transport.

Croutons are present in different cuisines of the world: in French they are called toasts, and in Spanish they are called torrihas. The word “toasts” is gradually getting accustomed to more and more in our country, but as toasted bread you can’t call it, it will still remain toasted bread. The most important thing is to make it tasty and appetizing!

You can cook croutons in different ways: from different types of bread, with all sorts of products. Conventionally, all their varieties are divided into two types: salty and sweet. It is the latter that is prepared for breakfast, and salty toast is more often used for soups, salads, as a snack for various drinks. We'll talk about sweet toasts.

How to cook croutons

You can fry bread in different ways: in a toaster, in a frying pan, in the oven, over an open fire - this option is usually cooked on picnics in nature. The most familiar and accessible way for everyone is to make toasts in a pan, which requires butter. But the oil can also be different - creamy, vegetable, sometimes croutons are fried on margarine.

What kind of butter to choose for toasts, everyone decides on the basis of their own taste preferences: on butter, croutons turn out to be very rosy and crispy, on vegetable - more solid, and margarine gives them a peculiar taste.

Both children and adults love sweet croutons, especially since you can cook them with a wide variety of products - cottage cheese, apples, honey, in an egg-milk crust, with jam, etc. Croutons in the egg-milk crust are familiar to many since childhood - mothers and grandmothers have spoiled many of this yummy from the very childhood.

The recipe for cooking croutons in an egg-milk crust

It will take: 200 grams of wheat bread, 1 egg, ½ cup of milk, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. Sahara.

How to cook egg toasts. Bread cut into thin slices. Connect a raw egg  with milk, add sugar, whisk until smooth with a whisk or fork. Dip the slices of bread in the egg mixture and immediately put it on the pan with hot butter, fry the croutons on both sides until browning.

Such classic toasts are familiar, probably, to everyone, and reminds of childhood. With the help of various simple manipulations, you can improve and diversify the taste of these toasts: by adding a little vanilla sugar, cinnamon or other suitable spices to the egg mixture, replacing milk with cream, etc.

You can also modify this dish a little: fry the croutons on one side in the pan and, turning it over, pour them with the remaining milk-egg mass - you can bring this dish to readiness under the lid in the pan or in the oven. In addition to the egg mass, various creams are suitable for pouring croutons - custard, cream, etc.

Cooked croutons in the classical way can be served with any berries and fruits, putting them on croutons, you can also sprinkle such sweet sandwiches with powdered sugar, or croutons can be smeared with chocolate paste - there are lots of options!

If the croutons prepared as described above have tried almost everything, then the taste of the toasts with apples and nuts is not familiar to everyone. And this omission should definitely be corrected if you have never tried such toast, especially since it is extremely simple to cook them.

Recipe for Egg Croutons with Apples and Nuts

It will take: 200 g of wheat bread, 2 eggs, 1 apple, ¾ cup of milk, 2 tbsp. butter, hazelnut kernels, sugar.

How to cook croutons with apples and nuts. Thinly slice the bread, dip it in a mixture of yolks, whipped with sugar and milk, put in a frying pan with hot oil and fry from both sides. Peel apples, remove seeds, finely chop and stew with sugar until soft. Chop the nuts and fry in a dry frying pan, mix with apple mass, spread the croutons on one side with this mixture, put them into a mold and cover them with whipped proteins at steady peaks, bake until the proteins harden in the oven.

The taste of these toasts is impossible to convey in words - they need to try!

As a spread for the toasts, you can use any jam, jam - and faster, and easier, but if you still have time to prepare the sweet mass, you can make it with any other fruit to your taste.

If not everybody tasted toast with apples and nuts, then the taste of the next toast is familiar to even fewer people.

Sweet Wine Croutons Recipe

It will take: 200 grams of wheat bread, 100 grams of vegetable oil for deep-frying, 2 egg whites, ½ cup red wine, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar, vanilla / cinnamon to taste.

How to cook wine croutons. Dissolve the powdered sugar in wine, adding vanillin or cinnamon to taste. Cut off with white bread  crust, cut it into thin slices, dip bread slices into wine, then immediately dip into whites, whipped into a fluffy foam and fry in deep fat or in a pan with a lot of oil. Served such croutons hot sprinkled with powdered sugar.

In addition to this method, you can find many more unusual and delicious recipes for cooking toasts. For example, the following recipe allows you to cook less calorie, but no less tasty croutons.

Sugar Croutons Recipe

It will take: 200 g of wheat bread, ¾ cup of water, 2 tbsp. sugar and butter.

How to cook sugar croutons. Dissolve sugar in water, dip bread, cut into thin slices and immediately fry in a pan with hot oil on both sides.

Incredibly fast and easy, and the result - light and tasty toasts with less calories than the classic ones!

It is also very easy to cook curd croutons: to do this, prepare curd mass, grease slices of bread, fried in butter on both sides, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Many products can be combined in toasts, for example, cheese and an apple.

Recipe for Apple Cheese Croutons

It will take: wheat bread, apple, butter, cheese.

How to cook cheese and apple croutons in the oven. Smear the sliced ​​bread with a thin layer of butter, lay an apple sliced ​​and peeled from above (no more than 0.5 cm thick), cover with thin plastic cheese, put croutons on a baking sheet and bake until the cheese is melted in the oven.

Recipe for double marmalade toasts

It will take: 200 g of wheat bread, 50 g of marmalade, 1 egg, ½ cup of milk, 2 tbsp. butter and breadcrumbs.

How to cook marmalade toast. Cut the bread into slices, brush half of the pieces with marmalade, cover with the remaining pieces of bread, dip in an egg beaten with milk or water, breaded in breadcrumbs, fry on both sides in butter until browning.

Instead of marmalade, you can use a variety of fruits, jams, jams, cottage cheese and other sweet foods to taste - in this way you can make a lot of varieties of toasts.

Indulge yourself in the morning with a delicious crispy breakfast, and your day, started with such a pleasant note, will surely turn out well!

For all, toasts are known as slices of loaf dipped in milk and egg and fried in a pan. But few people know that in addition to this classic recipe, there are many other ways to make toasts. Croutons can be made with anything: honey, fruits, berries, cheese, dried fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, poppy seeds, sausage, ham, sprats and other products. Depending on what ingredients are used, different ways of cooking.

Most often, “complex” croutons (where several products and fillers are used) are baked in the oven. Well, the usual principle of cooking classic croutons is as follows: the egg is beaten with milk, sugar and a small amount of salt. Then the bread slices are soaked in a mixture and fried until golden brown on both sides in a pan. Ready toast can be served with sour cream, butter, powdered sugar, honey or syrup.

Croutons - preparing food and dishes

To make delicious homemade croutons, you need to prepare a bowl for whipping the milk mass, a whisk and a frying pan. In some recipes, toasts are baked in the oven, so a baking sheet may be required.

If you use a whole loaf, it should be cut into neat even slices. They should not be too thick or thin. The pan needs to be preheated with butter, and if the toasts are baked in the oven, the oven should be properly heated.

Recipes toasts:

Recipe 1: Croutons

When it comes to croutons, the first thing I remember are the very slices of loaf, soaked in milk and roasted in a pan. This recipe describes exactly this way of cooking classic croutons.

Ingredients Required:

  • A few slices of loaf;
  • Milk - by eye (so that the mixture is enough for soaking);
  • Egg;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

We mix sugar in milk, then we hammer in there the egg and beat the mixture with a whisk. Optionally, a little salt can be added to the mixture. Soak the pieces of bread in the milk mixture. Melt the butter, fry in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 2: Cheese Croutons

Very tasty toast for breakfast. Any bread will be used, you can even use a not quite fresh loaf. The recipe also uses sausage, which can be replaced with other ingredients if desired.

Ingredients Required:

  • Baton (ready chopped);
  • Cream cheese;
  • Doctor sausage - 120-140 g;
  • Butter;
  • Milk.

Cooking method:

If the loaf is not cut, cut it into thin even pieces. Dip slices of bread on one side into milk. Processed cheese is pre-cooled in the refrigerator, then rub on a grater. Sausage is also grated. Mix cheese with sausage, throw a piece of butter. Put the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds so that the cheese and butter melted, and a homogeneous paste is obtained. Lubricate with a mass of pieces from the side that was dipped into milk. Put the croutons on a baking sheet and send in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Recipe 3: Honey Croutons

This recipe is very similar to the classic method of cooking toasts, but here there are several of its nuances. Here vanillin is used for aroma, and instead of sugar, ready-made croutons are smeared with honey. Also, before frying bread rolls in bread crumbs.

Ingredients Required:

  • Bread wheat - a few slices;
  • Milk;
  • One egg;
  • Spoon breadcrumbs;
  • Some honey;
  • Salt;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

Whip the milk with a whisk along with the egg, add a little salt to the mixture. Pieces of bread are wetted in milk and rolled in breading. Fry the croutons in a pan until golden brown. A little cool and lubricate liquid honey with vanilla. If desired, croutons can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

“Yesterday's” loaf is excellent for making toasts, as it is very well cut;

The most delicious croutons are obtained by frying them with melted butter, not vegetable oil;

Do not keep pieces of bread in the dairy mass for too long, otherwise the bread will soften and turn into a "porridge";

For flavor, vanillin can be added to the mixture; some replace it with sugar. But in this case, ready-made toast should be smeared with honey or sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar;

If the croutons are fried in butter, the cooking time increases slightly. The fire in this case must be done less;

Unsweetened croutons can be sprinkled with herbs and smeared with garlic and creamy sauce. Croutons for children can be served with jam or jam.

Croutons of bread - a delicious addition to tea, when there is nothing at hand. The recipe for milk toasts with egg and orange toasts is simple and affordable for everyone.

Croutons, as you know, are toasted bread in butter. Bread for toasts, you can take any bread. White, black, fresh, stale or even homemade bun. In our family, toasts are very fond. We can eat out for breakfast or for dinner. And just for a snack. Most classic recipe  bread croutons have long been known. Perhaps your family cooks such bread. Or maybe not. We are happy to tell you how to cook toast. We will cook delicious dairy Greeks and orange croutons.

Milk Croutons

If you worry about your figure, then you do it not in vain, because the bread is sufficiently calories. But you can afford one slice of toast. After all, absolutely no bread can not live. Now there is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of white and black bread. But we are sure that you can afford delicious croutons once a week. And you can also cook delicious pancakes with different fillings, if you didn’t have a slice at hand. To cook them we need quite a bit.

A set of products for the preparation of milk croutons:

  • white bread;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • vegetable oil;

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Milk toasts"

Bread need to be cut into pieces not too thick, and not too thin. In a bowl or a deep plate, beat the eggs, add the milk to them and beat the eggs again.

Dip each piece of bread in an egg-milk mixture.

Put the bread on a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry bread on both sides until golden brown.

Serve the croutons with sour cream or jam. For tea or coffee. Delicious breakfast or lunch is ready.

Orange croutons

If you want to try something new, then you should try the orange croutons. The recipe for toasts is simple and you can even say New Year's.

In the morning after New Year's Eve, you probably still have oranges and bread. So that they are not lost in vain, cook orange croutons. They will delight you with their fresh taste.

A set of products for the preparation of orange croutons

  • -bread;
  •   eggs;
  • -orange;
  •   sugar;
  •   vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction for the dish "Orange croutons"

Slice the bread. If you have a square loaf, it can be cut into triangles. There will be a beautiful feed.

With orange, remove the zest on a fine grater. Cut it in half and squeeze the juice from the two halves. Add sugar to oranges.

Add eggs to juice and zest. Well beat the eggs with a fork.

Dip the bread in the egg mixture on both sides.

Fry bread on vegetable oil  over medium heat until golden brown.

A tasty snack is ready. Bon appetit.

Garlic toasts

Today we will cook croutons with garlic and cheese. A great option for a family breakfast.

Remember how many times in the last weeks have you puzzled over what your family prepared for breakfast? Kashi they already tired of omelets and casseroles, they turn up the nose. At the same time, you cannot let your children go to school, and you cannot go to work with your husband hungry, like any other good mother and wife. Well, do not borscht with dumplings they serve in the morning?

A win-win solution in such a difficult situation will be - croutons, and not just croutons, but with cheese and garlic. For the preparation of garlic croutons you will need only: thinly sliced ​​loaves or white bread (2-3 pieces each), 3-4 cloves of garlic, 30-50 grams of hard cheese and one egg. The egg is better to use homemade - its bright yolk will give the toasts a special “sunny” color. The recipe for toasts with cheese will appeal to everyone with its simplicity. How to cook the croutons with cheese, you can read below.

A set of products for making croutons with cheese and garlic:

  • slices of loaf - 2-3 pieces per serving;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • hard cheese - 30-40 grams;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • sunflower oil - for roasting.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Croutons with cheese and garlic":

Hard cheese grate. It would be more correct to use a grater with large holes for this, then the curd after roasting will be more juicy.

Peel several cloves of garlic.

Note:  if you or someone from your family does not eat garlic for any reason, then you may not use it at all or replace it with an ordinary onion, chopped blender or meat grinder.

3. Crush the garlic with the help of a garlic press and add to the cheese along with the egg. If the cheese you use does not have a pronounced taste, then the cheese mass can be slightly salted.

4. Stir the mixture and gently, using a teaspoon, spread it on thin slices of bread.

5. Heat the sunflower oil in a pan and put the cheese croutons on it down. After a minute (by this time, the cheese is reddened and easily lagged behind the pan), turn the bread over so that its other side is fried.

Serving “Sunny” toasts for breakfast can be either scalding hot or slightly cooled. To their wonderful color attracted the eye, you can shade it with a rich green parsley.

Even the youngest housewife knows that the best use of a not quite fresh loaf of bread is the preparation of breading bread or croutons. In the recipes, then we will pay attention to the latter, preparing crispy and salads, interspersed with bread slices in the egg - the perfect "lazy" breakfast for lovers of toast.

How to make toasts with egg and milk?

Bread slices soaked in an egg with milk are known around the world as “French toasts” and are a classic version of the breakfast of the improvised ingredients that can be adapted for both sweet tooth and salty lovers. The option below is for the first ones.


  • bread - 7-8 slices;
  • eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • vanilla essence - 5 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 45 g


Beat the eggs in a bowl and mix them with milk. Add vanilla with cinnamon and a little sugar to the mixture, in case the bread itself is not sweet enough or you do not plan to use sweet toppings. Dip a slice of bread in the milk mixture and allow the excess to drain. Melt some butter in a thick-walled pan and put future French toast into it. Wait until the bread slices grab a light blush on both sides, then put them on the dish and try them hot.

How to make salted croutons from a loaf in an egg?


  • loaf of white bread;
  • ham - 145 g;
  • hard cheese - 115 g;
  • milk - 230 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • butter - 25 g


Before you make croutons, rub the cheese and chop the greens with ham. Combine the prepared ingredients together - they will become a kind of filling for toasts. Beat the milk and eggs together, seasoning the mixture with a pinch of salt. Slice a loaf of bread into slices and cover half of them with a cheese and ham filling. Cover the resulting sandwich with a second piece of bread, and then dip the sandwich in the egg mixture. Let the eggs and milk soak the crumb, then take out the bread and allow the liquid to drain. Fry croutons on both sides until a pronounced blush.

How to make garlic croutons in the oven?

A portion of fragrant garlic croutons will be a great company of first courses and cold snacks, as well as an independent snack, which is convenient to take with you and eat in the company of your favorite sauce.


  • loaf of white bread;
  •   - 55 ml;
  • dried garlic, parsley - 1 tsp.


Cut a loaf of white bread into cubes of any preferred size and transfer them to a baking sheet covered with parchment. Sprinkle the bread with olive oil, season with a generous pinch of salt and add a mixture of dried garlic and parsley. Place the baking sheet with croutons in the oven heated to 175 degrees and bake them for 15-20 minutes.

In the absence of an oven, croutons can be made and armed with only one frying pan. The latter is better to choose the best possible, thick-walled and well-retaining heat, otherwise croutons can burn.



Divide the bread into medium-sized cubes and transfer them to a deep bowl. Sprinkle the bread with olive oil, salt, add the grated cheese and parsley, then mix the ingredients and pour everything on the well warmed surface of the pan. Fry cubes of bread, turning regularly, about 5-7 minutes. In finished form, crackers can be stored up to 3 days, but, as a rule, they are eaten much earlier.

Crisp and butter flavor are always associated with crispy croutons and morning coffee. However, croutons are ideal for soup, light afternoon tea and vegetable salad. We offer you different options of toasts for every taste.

  How to make croutons with egg-milk impregnation

With this recipe you will cook the famous "French toast". They can be made for both sweet teeth, and for admirers of salty breakfasts. The main thing is to skillfully replace vanilla and cinnamon with a pinch of salt.


  • Bread - 4 slices.
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla essence - 2 drops.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - ½ tsp.
  • Milk - 50 ml.

How to cook:

  • In a deep container, dissolve the eggs in the milk.
  • Then add cinnamon, vanilla and sugar. If the croutons should be unsweetened, replace these ingredients with a pinch of salt.
  • Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom, send oil to it.
  • Dip the bread slice into the egg-milk mixture, hold it a little over the bowl, so that the excess liquid is drained, put it in the pan.
  • As soon as a ruddy crust appears, the toasts will be ready for serving.

  How to make toast with garlic in the oven

Garlic croutons from a loaf - an excellent snack on the road, a full breakfast and a delicious snack.


  • Baton (better in cutting) - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 40-50 ml.
  • A mixture of dry garlic and greens - 2 tsp.

How to cook:

  • Arrange slices of bread in a pan with parchment laid on it.
  • Sprinkle with a loaf of butter, lightly salt and sprinkle liberally with herbs and garlic.
  • Send a baking tray with croutons to the oven for 15 minutes. The temperature should be 170 ° C.

Tip! The loaf can be cut into cubes and dried in the oven on the same principle. It will be a great addition to the first dish or vegetable mix.

  How to make spicy croutons with cheese

For cheese toasts, take a long loaf and freshly ground nutmeg.


  • Baton - 6 slices.
  • Hard cheese - 65 g.
  • Sour cream - 4.5 tbsp. l
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Nutmeg - 1/6 tsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Cheese rub on a coarse grater, and beat the eggs, sour cream and spices.
  • Then add cheese to the eggs, mix everything.
  • Slices of loaf in turn, dip in egg-cheese mixture.
  • Fry croutons in any oil until golden brown, about 3 minutes on both sides.

  How to cook rye croutons with vegetables

For delicious breakfast  Take fresh rye bread, aromatic tomatoes and fresh herbs.


  • Rye Bread - 6 Pieces.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Eggplant - 250 g
  • Greens team (parsley, purple basil, dill, onion feathers) - a couple of twigs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Frying oil - 60 ml.

How to cook:

  • Place slices of bread on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Then pull them out, let cool slightly and rub with garlic.
  • Pierce eggplants in several places and bake in the oven. It will take 20 minutes.
  • Boil the tomatoes and peel, then cut into cubes.
  • Chop greens, mix with tomatoes.
  • Peel the baked eggplants, cut into cubes, salt a little, add to the tomatoes.
  • Vegetables, season with a little oil.
  • Now put the croutons on the dish, put vegetable mass on top of them and garnish with basil.

Tip! Vegetables and herbs can take any, so every time you will get a completely new snack.

Enjoy your meal!