Ratatouille: a classic cooking recipe in the oven and pan. Ratatouille recipes with photos, how to cook classic ratatouille.

13.03.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Ratatouille is one of the most famous French dishes. Tasty and easy to prepare, it deserved great popularity all over the world. About Vkus.ru offers ways to make real French ratatouille at home.

Ratatouille is a vegetable dish, which, according to the original recipe, consists of baked zucchini, tomato, onion and sweet pepper. They invented this dish in Nice, and it was originally popular among the poor peasants who ate ratatouille throughout the harvest season of vegetables, feeding it to the main dishes - meat, fish, poultry or rice. Today, ratatouille is served in many European restaurants around the world, and every self-respecting cook should learn how to cook it.

Ratatouille is both simple and sophisticated - this reflects the main feature of the famous Provence cuisine.

Today, the correct ratatouille is unthinkable without aromatic Provencal herbs and olive oil, and also garlic and eggplant are firmly included in its composition. In general, there are a lot of recipes for ratatoua today, it is even cooked with chicken, rice and many other additional ingredients.

Seasoning "Provencal herbs" today you can buy in any supermarket, it consists of rosemary, thyme, basil, peppermint, oregano, savory, marjoram and sage.

Cooking ratatouille: features, subtleties and secrets

If you want to cook ratatouille according to the original recipe, only tomato, zucchini, bell pepper, onions, garlic, Provencal herbs and salt are needed, and eggplants are also allowed, but this will be a more modern classic version of the dish.

Vegetables should be cut into circles or pieces of approximately the same size, the large size of the pieces is another feature of this ratatouille. Tomatoes should be used strong, not soft, otherwise they will not be able to cut into thin circles, removing the skin. Ratatouille should be prepared only from fresh vegetables - frozen mixtures are not suitable for it.

Do not cook this dish in advance - you can do it a maximum a day before serving, but in this case, you can add tomatoes only before serving, otherwise the other vegetables will lose their bright color and the characteristic sweetish taste will disappear.

So, let's see how ratatouille was prepared in France from the very beginning.

You will need: 6 tomatoes, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 1 bell pepper, 1 large zucchini / zucchini, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l seasonings "Provencal herbs", olive oil, dill, pepper, parsley, salt.

How to cook classic ratatouille

For the sauce, cut 2 tomatoes, sweet peppers and onion into small cubes, put them in a frying pan with hot oil, fry and then 10 minutes under the lid, add salt and pepper, put the resulting sauce into ratatouille on the bottom. Cooked sauce, if desired, can be crushed in a blender.

The rest of the tomatoes and zucchini cut into thin circles, put in shape on the sauce, alternating and stacking the circles on each other, as if "overlapped." For dressing, chop greens with garlic, combine with herbs and olive oil, pepper and salt to taste, pour in the vegetables in the form, cover with foil. Put the ratatouille in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, bake for 1 hour or less - to taste.

The ratatouille roasting time is at your discretion, if you stick to the classic recipe completely, the vegetables will soften greatly, so if you like them to be more dense, shorten the roasting time.

Classic ratatouille is not at all difficult to prepare, which is very logical, because the peasants who invented it did not even realize that in a few centuries their ordinary dish would become so popular and would belong to haute cuisine. Accordingly, all the sophisticated ratatouille recipes are the delights of chefs who work in expensive restaurants and try to invent their own unique variations on the theme of a popular dish.

As we said, ratatouille recipes today sea. For example, you can make delicious ratatouille and recipe from the book "European cuisine" I. I. Lazerson.

You will need: 2-3 tomatoes / tomato paste, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 sweet red peppers, 1-2 zucchini / zucchini, 1 large eggplant, 1 stalk of leeks, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 hot pepper stalk, pepper, salt.

How to cook delicious ratatouille

Dice the onions, the white part of the leek - into cubes, put them in a frying pan with vegetable oil, stew. The rest of the vegetables cut into cubes of 1 cm, pre-scalded tomatoes with boiling water and removing them from the skin. Add all the vegetables to the onions 6 minutes after the beginning of their stewing, pepper and salt, simmer still 20 minutes. Parsley, garlic and hot pepper grind, add salt and add this mixture 10 minutes before the end of cooking, mix.

Lazerson advises: ratatouille can be cooked in advance and just warm up before serving, make spicy by adding chili sauce or tabasco. Some variations are even contrary to the canons of cooking ratatouille.

Another recipe of the dish, which we will cite, is from the very cartoon "Ratatouille", which, by complexity and result, can be easily attributed to high cuisine. Nevertheless, do not refuse to prepare such a ratatouat immediately by reading the words "sophisticated" and "high cuisine". Having time, even an inexperienced cook can cook such a dish.

Recipe dishes from the cartoon "Ratatouille"

You will need: 130-140 g of green zucchini / zucchini, eggplant, yellow zucchini / zucchini, 4 tomatoes, 1 pinch of ground thyme, 2 tsp. ½ tsp olive oil minced garlic, freshly ground black pepper, salt.

Sauce: 3 ripe tomatoes, ½ orange, yellow and red bell peppers, ½ cup chopped finely onions, ½ bay leaf, a sprig of uncooked parsley and thyme, 2 tbsp. l olive oil, 1 tsp. garlic finely chopped, sea salt.

Refueling: 1 tbsp. l a mixture of "Provencal herbs" and olive oil, 1 tsp. Balsamic vinegar, black pepper and salt.

How to cook ratatouille recipe from the cartoon

For the sauce, preheat the oven to 230 degrees, cover the baking sheet with foil, put the peppers down in slices, bake them for 15 minutes, remove, allow to cool, peel and chop finely. Heat the pan with olive oil, put onion and garlic, boil for 8 minutes on low heat until soft without discoloration, put tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped, thyme, parsley, laurel, stew for 10 minutes - the liquid should completely evaporate, and vegetables at the same time - do not fry. Put the Bulgarian pepper in the sauce, stew a little more until it is soft, salt it, get the laurel, thyme and parsley sprigs, throw them away. 1 tbsp. l the sauce is set aside, the rest is put on the bottom of the mold or in a frying pan about 20 cm in diameter. Heat the oven to 140 degrees. Cut vegetables into thin slices for vegetables, lay out tomato, eggplant and zucchini circles, alternating and overlapping (leaving each circle open only 0.5 cm) on the sauce in the form. For dressing, mix minced garlic, herbs and olive oil, pepper and salt, pour over the vegetables, tightly cover them with foil, bake for 2 hours, remove the foil, bake the vegetables for another 30 minutes (if the vegetables begin to stick, cover them again with foil). If too much moisture is released from the vegetables, they should be placed directly in the form on the stove and evaporated over medium heat.

Of course, it will take a lot of time to repeat the culinary masterpiece from the cartoon, but the result is definitely worth it! Try it!

You can eat ratatouille both cold and hot, serving it as an independent vegetarian dish or in addition to the main meat, fish dishes, poultry dishes, etc. The cleverest housewives come up with very interesting options for serving it, for example, As a filling for pancakes, fry vegetables before baking and come up with other ways to diversify the dish and make it even tastier and brighter.

Prepare ratatouille for everyday and festive table, invent original ways to serve it and enjoy the wonderful taste and benefits of this wonderful, tasty and very healthy dish!

Want to know how to cook ratatouille? We are sure that you will be delighted with the taste of this masterpiece dish. We will share with you the best recipes for cooking ratatouille.

The recipe for ratatouille was invented in Nice, and then this dish was considered a dish for poor peasants who could not afford meat. As you might guess, ratatouille is a hot vegetable dish. According to the classic recipe, its ingredients should include fresh tomatoes, onions, zucchini and bell peppers. All these vegetables were ground, stacked in shape and baked. The result was a tasty and fairly hearty dish, which the poor could eat during the whole harvest season.

Today in the world of cooking there are a huge number of recipes for cooking ratatouille. Most of them are very different from the original recipe. In addition to the above vegetables, eggplants, pumpkin, mushrooms and potatoes are also added to ratatouille. Recipes of ratatouille with meat and seafood are very popular. You can make ratatouille with rice or pasta. And you can bake vegetables in a sauce or under an appetizing cheese crust. In a word, there may be a lot of options, in the process of making ratatouille you can experiment endlessly, each time trying new combinations. All these recipes are united by one huge virtue - ratatouille is prepared very simply and quickly. That is why housewives around the world with pleasure take up the preparation of this vegetable dish.
  At its core, ratatouille is a vegetable stew, but still it would not be entirely right to put these two dishes on the same level. If you had the opportunity to try ratatouille from a French chef, you would be convinced that this is a real masterpiece, and not just a vegetable mix baked in the oven. Like any other dish, ratatouille has its own subtleties and cooking secrets, knowing that you can reproduce this dish as accurately as possible at home.
  First, as already mentioned above, classic ratatouille is made from tomatoes, zucchini, onions, bell peppers and garlic. In addition, Provencal herbs and olive oil must be used. All vegetables for ratatouille should be cut into large pieces or circles.
Secondly, ratatouille can be cooked only from fresh vegetables. A very important feature is that the skin is peeled from the tomatoes, and only then they are cut. Therefore, tomatoes must be strong. Of course, these are just tips and recommendations, and then you decide how you will prepare ratatouille. And we, in turn, will share with you the best recipes for its preparation.
Ratatouille - the best cooking recipes

Recipe number 1. Classic ratatouille

First of all, we will tell you in detail about how to cook ratatouille, according to the classic recipe. Having learned to cook such ratatouille, then you can experiment by adding certain ingredients to your taste.
To make classic ratatouille, you need the following ingredients:
  1. Zucchini - 2 pieces of medium size.
  2. Fresh tomatoes - 5 pieces.
  3. Onions - 2 medium sized heads.
  5. Garlic - 2 slices.
  6. A mixture of Provencal herbs - to taste.
  7. Olive oil.
  8. Fresh green basil - a bunch.
  9. Salt - to taste.

How to cook classic ratatouille:
  1. Wash squash, tomatoes and paprika under running water, dry. Zucchini is best to use young, so as not to cut the seeds and cut the peel. So, squash cut into pieces of medium size. In Bulgarian pepper, cut off the stem, clean the grains, cut into strips or slices. Remove the skin from tomatoes, cut into small pieces. Onions and garlic peeled clean, rinse and finely chop.
  2. Heat olive oil in a pan, lay out chopped onion and garlic, fry until golden brown. Then we send the sliced ​​zucchini and Bulgarian pepper into the pan, reduce the heat and simmer under the lid until the vegetables are soft. After that add tomatoes, Provencal herbs and salt, mix, bring to readiness.
  Ready ratatouille laid out on plates and serve as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat.
  Classic ratatouille is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 2. Ratatouille with chicken and orange

Vegetable ratatouille with the addition of tender chicken meat will be an excellent option for a quiet family dinner. And the orange will make the dish unusual and give it a delicate citrus aroma.
To make ratatouille with chicken and orange, you need the following ingredients:
  1. Chicken breast fillet - 350 grams.
  2. Zucchini - 1 piece of medium size.
  3. Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces.
  4. Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces.
5. Orange - 1 piece.

6. Orange juice - 100 ml.
  7. Olive oil - 3 tablespoons.
  8. Garlic - 3 slices.
  10. Onions - 1 head medium size.
How to cook ratatouille with chicken and orange:
  1. Wash zucchini, paprika and tomatoes under running water and dry. Zucchini and tomatoes cut into small pieces. In Bulgarian pepper, cut the stalk, scrub the seeds and cut into pieces or strips. Peel the orange, remove the white veins and bones, cut the flesh into pieces. Onions and garlic are peeled, rinsed and finely chopped.
  2. Pre-thaw the chicken breast fillets, then rinse under running water, dry and cut into medium sized pieces. Heat olive oil in a pan, fry onion and garlic until golden brown. Add the chopped meat and spices, mix and fry all together for five minutes.
  3. Then send all the other vegetables and an orange into the pan, stir, pour in orange juice, reduce the heat and simmer the dish under the lid until the vegetables are soft.
  Ratatouille with chicken and orange is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 3. Ratatouille with potatoes and mushrooms

Ratatouille with potatoes and mushrooms is not only tasty, but also very nourishing. Serve as a side dish for meat or as a separate dish.
To make ratatouille with potatoes and mushrooms, you need the following ingredients:
  1. Potatoes - 3 medium sized tubers.
  2. Squash - 1 piece.
  3. Onions - 1 head.
  4. Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece.
  5. Fresh champignons - 300 grams.
  6. Olive oil.
  7. Salt, spices and seasonings to taste.
  8. Tomatoes - 2 pieces.
How to cook ratatouille with potatoes and mushrooms:
  1. Peel potatoes, rinse and cut into small pieces. Zucchini, Bulgarian pepper and fresh tomatoes are washed under running water, dried and cut. Onions cleaned from the husk, rinsed and cut into half rings.
  2. Fresh champignons, rinsed, dried, cut into plates or pieces. All prepared ingredients combine, salt, add spices and seasonings. Sprinkle with olive oil and mix.
3. Take a deep baking dish, transfer the mixture to it. Pour some warm water into the form, cover with the top with foil and send it to the oven preheated to two hundred degrees for one hour. After the specified time, we take out the form, remove the foil, check the readiness of the vegetables. If the vegetables are not soft enough, then send the dish to the oven for another fifteen minutes.
  Ratatouille with potatoes and mushrooms is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 4. Ratatouille with sauce and eggplants

Another interesting variation on ratatouille with tomato sauce and eggplants.
To make ratatouille with sauce and eggplants, you need the following ingredients:
  1. Eggplant - 1 piece.
  2. Squash - 1 piece.
  3. Fresh tomatoes - 4 pieces.
  4. Onions - 1 head medium size.
  5. Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece.
  6. Fresh dill or parsley - a bunch.
  7. Garlic - 3 slices.
  8. Olive oil.
  9. Salt, spices and seasonings to taste.
  10. Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp.
How to cook ratatouille with sauce:
  1. First of all, let's do the cooking of tomato sauce. To do this, take two tomatoes, rinse, pour boiling water, remove the skin and chop. We wash the Bulgarian pepper under running water, cut off the stalk, clean the seeds, cut into small pieces. Onions cleaned from the husk, rinsed and finely chopped. Heat olive oil in a pan, fry onion until golden brown. Then we send tomatoes and pepper to the pan, add salt, add spices and seasonings, mix. Turn down the heat and simmer the vegetables under the lid for fifteen minutes. Then the steamed vegetables are put into the bowl of the blender, grind to a state of homogeneous mass. The sauce is ready.
  2. Squash, eggplant and the remaining two tomatoes are washed under running water, dried and cut into slices. We take a baking dish with high sides, pour sauce on the bottom. Put the sliced ​​vegetables on top of the sauce in random order.
  3. Rinse fresh dill or parsley under running water, dry and chop finely. Peel the garlic, rinse and pass through the garlic press. In a bowl, combine six tablespoons of olive oil, chopped herbs, garlic and balsamic vinegar. Add Provence herbs, salt and black pepper, mix thoroughly until smooth. The resulting dressing we pour our vegetables on top.
4. Cover the form with vegetables with a lid or foil, send it to the oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for forty minutes. After the specified time, we take out the form, remove the foil and put in the oven for another fifteen minutes.
  Put the prepared ratatouille on a la carte plates, pour the sauce over the top and serve to the table hot with a piece of fresh baguette.
  Ratatouille with sauce is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 4. Ratatouille with beef and carrots

Ratatouille with veal may well become not only everyday, but also a festive dish. The refined combination of the most delicate meat with vegetables under a cheese crust will be able to satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmet.
To make ratatouille with beef and carrots, you need the following ingredients:
  1. Fresh veal tenderloin - 300 grams.
  2. Squash - 1 piece.
  3. Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece.
  4. Carrots - 1 piece.
  5. Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces.
  6. Garlic - 2 slices.
  7. Olive oil.
  8. Salt, spices and seasonings to taste.
  9. Hard cheese - 100 grams.
How to cook ratatouille with veal and carrots:
  1. Rinse the veal with cool water, dry it and cut into small pieces. Peel the garlic, cut into thin slices. Heat olive oil in a pan, fry the meat with garlic and spices until golden brown.

2. Clean all vegetables, rinse under running water and cut into medium sized pieces. Send the vegetables to the skillet with veal, stir, pour warm water, reduce the heat and simmer for twenty minutes. Then we transfer the contents of the pan to the baking dish. Cheese rubbed on a coarse grater. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and send to an oven heated to one hundred eighty degrees for twenty minutes.
  Ratatouille with beef and carrots ready! Enjoy your meal!
  How to make ratatouille, Ekaterina Novoselova told

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Cooking Ratatouya will take a couple of hours, so be patient. To begin, turn on the oven at 240 degrees to warm up, wash all the vegetables, take the Bulgarian pepper for the sauce, cut into large plates and clean the seed box. How to do this almost instantly and make life easier for me forever, I told in the manual. Put it on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 15 minutes, then remove and reduce the degrees to 160.

Let's make tomatoes for the sauce. Vegetable Ratatouille is a very tomato dish! There are several options for their preparation: buy ready-cut tomatoes in their own juice in a can; peel the tomatoes off using boiling water according to the manual, and then cut them; grate tomatoes with skin on a large grater - all skin will remain on the surface, and the desired pulp and juice will grind. We choose the most convenient way for ourselves and proceed. I chose the float option that my mother-in-law once taught me 🙂

We put a frying pan on medium heat, pour olive oil into it, peel the garlic and cut it into large pieces (read more), take basil leaves and thyme, finely chop the stalks and throw everything into the frying pan. Fry, stirring for about 3 minutes, until the leaves are soft.

Frayed or chopped tomatoes without skin, pour into the pan, add water, add salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Reduce the heat after boiling and leave for 15 minutes. The sauce for Ratatuy should not be thick or liquid. Stir periodically. While preparing the sauce, cut the vegetables into 3-4 mm thick circles each. Only Bulgarian pepper is cut into plates.

We take out a blender, put baked peppers in it — you can peel it off, or you can leave it, it doesn't matter. Pour the tomato mixture with the leaves and garlic and carefully grind all the ingredients. The sauce for ratatouille should be uniform.

We take a deep baking dish and distribute the tomato sauce on the bottom in an even layer. In the preparation of "Ratatouille" the recipe with a photo is a great helper, so you can visually see how the processes should go in order not to err in any way.

Put the sliced ​​eggplants, zucchini, Bulgarian pepper in a bowl, carefully salt, pepper, sprinkle with Provencal herbs, add very finely chopped or squeezed garlic, pour over olive oil and mix, spreading the ingredients evenly. In general, the recipe of a dish Ratatouille can occur without peppers or without onions. But I like it when all the summer vegetables are present.

It begins the saddest process for me - laying out vegetables. Vegetable Ratatouille is easy to cook, but spreading vegetables is a bit tedious. However, beauty requires sacrifice! 🙂 We start to lay out all the vegetables in circles in turns, overlapping each other very tightly.

Do not forget about the onions and tomatoes, which remained outside the bowl, so as not to flow and crumble. We spread one row, then - the second, third, until the form is finished. You can, by the way, use a round shape, then lay it out not in rows, but in a circle. Now you know exactly how to make Ratatouille beautiful!

When Rotatui is designed, sprinkle all the vegetables with balsamic vinegar to add sweetness and savor.

Cut the parchment paper. We cover the dish Ratatouille, the recipe of which is almost finished (in any case, its active part). We put in the oven for 30 minutes, then remove the baking paper, raise the temperature to 220 degrees and cook another 30 minutes.

We take out vegetable Ratutuy from the oven! The vegetarian dish looks awesome! Finely chop the parsley and sprinkle on top.

Now you know how to cook ratatouille!

Spoon gently on plates and serve. Do not forget about tomato sauce for Ratatouille!

Quickly summarize.

  Short recipe: Vegetable Ratatouille

  1. Turn on the oven at 240 degrees.
  2. Wash vegetables, clean and cut large plates of Bulgarian pepper for sauce.
  3. Put it on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 15 minutes, then remove, and reduce the degrees to 160.
  4. We open a can of tomatoes in our own juice or use fresh sliced ​​ones, peeled from the skin or rubbed on a large grater.
  5. We put on a medium heat pan with olive oil.
  6. Peel the garlic, cut into large pieces, tear off the leaves of basil and thyme, finely cut the stems, put everything in a frying pan and fry, stirring, for 3 minutes.
  7. Pour the tomatoes into the pan, add water, carefully salt, pepper, stir, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  8. Put baked peppers and tomato mixture in a blender, grind until smooth.
  9. Pour the ratatouille sauce into a deep baking dish, spreading it evenly.
  10. Cut into 3-4 mm circles zucchini, eggplants, peeled onions, tomatoes, plates - Bulgarian pepper, and garlic - very finely.
  11. We put zucchini, eggplants, garlic and pepper in a bowl, carefully salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs, pour olive oil and mix thoroughly, distributing spices and oil over all vegetables.
  12. We lay out all the chopped vegetables one by one in the form, alternating them with each other in several rows or in a circle (depending on the shape).
  13. Sprinkle balsamic vinegar on top and cover with a sheet of parchment paper.
  14. Put the Ratatouille dish in the oven for 30 minutes, then remove a piece of paper, increase the degrees to 220 and bake another 30 minutes.
  15. Finely chop the parsley.
  16. We take out vegetable Ratatouille from the oven, sprinkle with herbs and lay out on plates.
  17. Now you know how to cook Ratatouille!

Vegetable Ratatouille is a dish whose recipe may differ in every French family with its own characteristics, like ours! I took the recipe from the French channel on YouTube, so it seemed to me the most authentic If you have any other options, be sure to share them in the comments! By the way, last time I talked about how to cook, if you have not tried it yet, I highly recommend it!

Very soon, as always, I will tell you many other delicious recipes! So stay with me not to miss, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of full-fledged recipes from 20 dishes, prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! There is a quick and tasty - this is real, as well as implement the recipe of Ratatouille.

With you was Vika Leping! Cook vegetable Ratatouille, tell your friends, put likes, leave comments, appreciate, tell what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your meal! Love you, be happy!

Ratatouille is suitable for both vegetarianism and low-carb diets, perfectly fit into proper nutrition and always attracts attention with its exquisite appearance.

What do you learn from our story?

The classic recipe with photo steps. What products can be tasty to expand the composition of the dish. How to use for weight loss (Yes, yes! Handsome ratatouy low-calorie!)

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How to cook ratatouille at home

Step-by-step recipe with a photo will not leave doubts in the ease of the idea! But first, we define the selection of vegetables.

For tradition is important!

Approximately equal amount of ingredients. Cutting in circles or rings to put vegetables in a spectacular colorful spiral.

What ingredients do we need

For 4-5 servings:

  • Zucchini (ordinary or zucchini) - 1 pc. 20-25 cm long
  • Eggplant - 1 pc. (about the same as zucchini) or 2 smaller things
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs. average diameter comparable to zucchini
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc. (if thick-walled and large)

Or 2 smaller pepper is better than red color (it has more sweetness)

  • Onions - 1 onion medium size
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

An important secret of the classics - spices:

  • Rosemary and thyme - 5 twigs (fresh) - the favorite summer couple in Provence.

Or replace with 3-4 pinches of dry herbs. Ready seasoning "Provencal herbs" - the most obvious option.

You can find dry spices separately: rosemary and thyme - necessarily. To taste add sage, oregano, marjoram, mint.

How we cook classic ratatouille


  • Wash and cut into thin circles. We put in a large bowl, pouring salt. Leave the cut for 10 minutes to remove bitterness from the fruit. Launched the eggplants are washed in cold water - in a colander under the faucet. Give the drain water.
  • My, if the skin is very thick, you can clean. Cut into thin slices, like eggplant.


  • Mine 3 pieces cut circles - again as thin as eggplants.
  • 2 tomatoes, we will make the basis of the sauce. To do this, we need to clean them from the skin. Make cross-shaped incisions on the basis of the fruit (see photo below) and scald with boiling water. The skin will disappear instantly - you can chop the tomatoes into small cubes.

  • My, remove the core and white streaks with seeds from the walls inside. Cut into small cubes.
  • We clean, wash and cut into small cube.
  • Clean, wash and finely chop.

All ingredients are prepared. Now you can do differently.

We like to do sauce for pouring vegetables in the form.

  • Option number 1 - fast: raw vegetable cubes (tomatoes, peppers, onions) and butter interrupt in a blender in a uniform mashed potatoes.
  • Option number 2 - favorite, with stewing vegetables. In a deep frying pan combine the cubes of tomatoes, peppers and onions - 1-2 tablespoons of oil. Garlic do not put! We cook vegetables until softened on moderate heat - about 5 minutes. Slightly pritrushivaem chopped herbs and remove from heat. Mix to a uniform texture with a dip blender.

Bingo! How quickly we got to the main step - form a vegetable spiral.

  • When we use the sauce, we pour it into the mold and put thick rows of alternating vegetable circles. Zucchini - eggplant - tomato. So - before filling out the form. Sprinkle with chopped garlic and Provencal herbs. You can smear the vegetables with a drop of oil using a silicone brush.

Ultra-fast ratatouille without hassle with sauce.

Make a "pillow" of those vegetables that we cut into a small cube. Spread olive oil on the bottom of a baking dish, pour onions and garlic. Top - cubes of tomatoes and sweet peppers.

We put the spiral vegetable circles "zucchini - eggplant - tomato." Sprinkle with chopped herbs, or in several places shift the circles with fresh leaves.

The last chord - roasting in the oven.

Cover the form with foil and bake the vegetables at 180 degrees until soft - 45-60 minutes. Remove the foil and bring ratatouille to ruddy readiness without coating - another 15-20 minutes.

Get ready for a teasing scent that, alas, does not convey a photo. Classic ratatouille - a recipe for appetizing anticipation!

Serve ratatouille hot or cold, solo or as a side dish to meat. It is always delicious.

Good news!

In a multicooker on the "Baking" mode, cooking ratatouille is unlikely to take more than 1 hour.

How to use ratatouille for weight loss

For its intended purpose - to eat with pleasure.

100 grams of baked stew no more than 60 kilocalories.

1 large portion - a maximum of 200 kcal.

If you have become accustomed to the role of a categorical fighter with calories from fat, you can get by with even less oil.

In ratatouille, it is also convenient that it is an acceptable dish in the moderate phases of popular protein diets - according to Ducan, Montignac, Atkins.

The composition of ratatouille does not compare with the wealth of raw vegetables, heat treatment destroys many vitamins. But the useful properties of the dish are also interesting:

  •   and sweet pepper, which is not destroyed by heat treatment;
  • Lots of dietary fiber;
  • Nourishing slow carbohydrates for stable metabolism without jumps in blood glucose.

How to diversify the recipe

We are not ashamed of admiration: our hero is grandiose for creative variations.

Without a strict regard for calories, the first thing that asks is additives to the sauce, for example, sour cream. Another approach is to try the sauce before pouring and balance the sourness with sweetness to taste (1-3 pinches of sugar).

If you do not have the task to lose weight, you can put in it:

  • Potato or mozzarella cheese. Successful step-by-step recipes in the video below describe how to make such ratatouille at home.
  • Spicy option - pour sunflower seeds into the sauce (1-2 large zhmenite).

If ratatouille attracted you as a convenient recipe for a diet for weight loss, then add the following tasty.

  1. Half a recipe onion  do not chop, but cut into thin circles for laying in the main helix.
  2. Broccoli and Cauliflower. We cut the average cube, laid on the bottom. Or we divide it into florets, cut off only the curly part and cut it into plates, in order to shift it after the zucchini in a series of vegetable circles.
  3. White cabbage. We cut them in thin layers across, cut them up in the form of circles and include them with the fourth ingredient in the vegetable helix. Or shred cabbage for laying on the bottom.
  4. Chicken Breast or Veal. We twist it in minced meat with onions and garlic, we sprinkle it with herbs and put it in the first layer in a slightly oiled form.
  5. Mushrooms, especially champignons: they are easy to cut into the role of the 4th participant of the spiral arrangement.

We hope our description will inspire you to classic ratatouille. The recipe from the photo is unlikely to leave room for questions, but if they are - wait for you in the comments!

What kind of vegetables do you like to bake? Do you agree that, of all types of processing, baking is best for diets? Is it possible to do with a small amount of oil? Bon appetit and see you in a useful dialogue!

Ratatouille is a guest from far Provence. The name of the dish sounds very mysterious, but it translates simply - “interfere with the food.” Indeed, the recipe includes several different vegetables, well known to all the inhabitants of the planet, which must be mixed and fried. The basis of ratatouille - zucchini, eggplant, pepper and other vegetables. Below is detailed information about what options the world cuisine offers.

Ratatouille - a classic recipe

Classic ratatui genre is pepper, zucchini, tomato and eggplant. But only at first glance the dish is simple and unpretentious, each recipe has its own secret, its own subtleties and nuances. And even in the classic version is not so simple.


  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-4 pcs. (depending on size).
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Zucchini young, small - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-4 cloves.
  • Onion.
  • Greenery.
  • Provencal herbs.
  • Salt.
  • Oil for frying.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. In the first stage, prepare the vegetables, first wash, then proceed to cutting. Eggplant and zucchini traditionally cut into large cubes. Eggplant must be salted, for a while left, the bitter juice released must be drained so as not to spoil the taste of the whole dish.
  2. Bulgarian pepper cleaned from stalks and seeds, cut into sticks. Tomatoes according to the classic recipe, you need to make tomato puree, that is, scald with boiling water so that the skin is cracked. It remains to carefully remove it. Onions and garlic peel, wash, chop finely.
  3. Next begins the process of roasting. Heat the pan, add vegetable oil (in the spirit of Provence - olive). Be the first to send onions and garlic (leave a little garlic) on the pan.
  4. Then, in order - eggplants (roasting for 3-4 minutes), peppers (3 minutes), zucchini (3 minutes if young, less), tomatoes.
  5. Now you can salt the dish, add "Provencal herbs" (or favorite spices). Cover with a lid, leave to extinguish the vegetables for 20 minutes. Add the remaining garlic, sprinkle with herbs.

Delicious homemade ratatouille - step by step recipe with photos

After the release of the well-known cartoon that is ratatouille, no one needs to explain. Simply put - this is a vegetable stew. The original way of cutting vegetables - zest, also taken from the Disney Ribbon.

Our dish is interesting because it does not need to be subjected to excessive heat treatment. Vegetables will remain whole, they will not lose their “individuality”. Ratatouille is one of those dishes that a person who can observe the principles of healthy eating can afford.


  • 2 young white zucchini;
  • 2 eggplants;
  • 4-5 medium-sized strong tomatoes;
  • 1 clove garlic;
  • 1 pinch of rosemary, thyme, pepper (can be replaced with a mixture of Italian herbs);
  • olive oil 50 g;
  • salt.

Cooking process:

1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly. Cut them into rings about 0.7 cm thick. In order not to damage and mash the tomatoes, take a sharp knife.

2. Put the rings of vegetables in turn in a row. For example: first zucchini, eggplant, then tomato. If you have a round or oval baking dish - lay out around. If the dishes are square, the dish will look better laid out in rows.

3. Mix spices, garlic, salt and olive oil.

4. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, then evenly pour the mixture of prepared vegetables.

5. After that, send the dish to the preheated oven for an average of 25 minutes. The exact time is determined by the characteristics of your plate.

6. Ratatouille is ready when the vegetables have settled and become soft. Do not allow burning. You can eat both hot and cold vegetable dish.

How to cook ratatouille in the oven


  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Squashes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch.
  • Olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • Pepper (a mixture of peppers), salt.

For the sauce:

  • Tomatoes are very ripe - 4-5 pcs.
  • Pepper (Bulgarian) –1 pc.
  • Onion turnips - 2 pcs.
  • Seasoning, salt, oil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare the tomato sauce, wash the vegetables for it, chop the onion finely, dice the peppers, mash the tomatoes. In the same order to send to the pan, at the end of salt and seasonings.
  2. Eggplants, zucchini and the second part of the tomatoes, rinse with water, cut the stem, cut into rings.
  3. Take a beautiful form for baking, so as not to shift the dish when serving on the table. Lay in it in the form of a multicolored spiral vegetables, alternating them.
  4. Sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with herbs, garlic and spices.
  5. Cover with baking paper, soak in the oven for 1 hour. Serve with the remaining tomato sauce.

Recipe for the pan

Ratatouille can be cooked on the stove and in the oven. Many housewives experiment, until they find their own version, which like home. Just below is one of the recipes for cooking in a conventional deep frying pan.


  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Eggplant - 0.5 kg.
  • Zucchini or zucchini - 0.5 kg.
  • Pepper sweet (multi-colored) - 3 pcs.
  • Parsley, basil, thyme.
  • Onion garlic.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First - the preparation of vegetables: wash, peel, remove the stem. Cut - pepper - strips, eggplants and zucchini - in circles, tomatoes - into 4 parts, after removing the skin, onion and garlic - as small as possible, chop the parsley.
  2. Next, send the prepared vegetables to the pan successively: first, eggplants in company with zucchini, after browning, add onion and garlic for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Now turn the peppers and tomatoes, stew until the pepper is soft. At the end of the process - salt and pepper, greens already in the finished dish, standing in the center of the table.

Ratatouille, cooked in a pan, saves vitamins and nutrients, cooks quickly, looks beautiful.

How to cook ratatouille in a slow cooker

A quicker recipe than ratatouille, which is prepared in a slow cooker, is not to be found. The longest process for the hostess is the preparation of vegetables, while cooking the dish itself does not require the presence of a cook.


  • Zucchini, sweet pepper, eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 4-6 pcs.
  • Red onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. l
  • Red wine - 150 ml (dry).
  • Olive oil, pepper (or "Herbs of Provence") and salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The longest is the preparation of vegetables. They should be washed, cleaned, remove the seeds and skin (if they do not like pets), chopped.
  2. For cooking in a slow cooker, it’s not so important how the vegetables are cut, it will still be delicious. Traditionally, zucchini and eggplant cut into circles, then again in half, pepper - bars, mash tomatoes, removing the stem and peel.
  3. Stage two - put all the vegetables in a slow cooker, sprinkle with olive oil, add salt, tomato paste and seasonings, add red wine.
  4. The cooking temperature is 160 degrees, the Multipovar mode, the time is 25 minutes.

It seems that the family will not have to call, the aroma that spreads throughout the apartment, has long given them a signal that their mother is preparing another culinary masterpiece.

Delicious ratatouille with cheese

This ratatouille is cooked according to the classic recipe, but hard cheese gives spice to the dish and a beautiful baked crust.


  • Eggplant and zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - from 4 to 6 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Red sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - a couple of zubkov.
  • Seasonings (paprika), salt, sugar, butter.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. In the above recipe, you first need to prepare a tomato sauce, fry onion in butter, chopped, diced pepper, some peeled tomatoes, seasoning, salt, paprika, sugar.
  2. Stage two - cooking ratatouille itself. In a heat-resistant container, put tomato sauce on the bottom, then washed, chopped zucchini, tomatoes and eggplants.
  3. Slice a piece of cheese and put it between vegetables, bake for 40 minutes, you can cover the dish with baking paper.
  4. Grate the rest of the cheese, sprinkle at the end of cooking, leave in the oven for another five minutes.

Ratatouille with cheese after the first tasting, as a rule, becomes a traditional dish for a family dinner.

Unusual, hearty ratatouille with meat

This ratatouille is somewhat different from the classics of the genre, but it will be definitely appreciated by the male part of the family. After all, it has the most desirable ingredient for them - meat.


  • Eggplant - 1-2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 4-7 pcs. (depends on the size).
  • Chicken fillet - 300 gr.
  • Creamy hard cheese - 200 r.
  • Butter - 30 gr.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Chicken fillet must be minced, salt it and seasoned with spices.
  2. According to the recipe, only eggplants are used, but if desired, you can add zucchini, zucchini, and pepper. Eggplant wash, remove the tail, cut into circles. Salt, leave, juice, drain, fry.
  3. Put a little stuffing on each eggplant circle, put these “sandwiches” into a container prepared for baking, alternating with tomatoes (and zucchini, zucchini, pepper, if any).
  4. Top cheese, grated on a fine grater. Roasting time - 35 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Serve in the same container in which the ratatouille is baked. The finished dish for beauty and mouthwatering can be sprinkled with herbs.

Ratatouille recipe with potatoes

The inhabitants of Provence, of course, do not add potatoes to ratatouille, but why not conduct a creative experiment. In addition, the dish will be more satisfying.


  • Eggplant and zucchini (small) - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes and new potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato sauce - 4 tbsp. l
  • Salt, greens (for an amateur).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash vegetables very carefully (so the skin can not be removed), cut into rings.
  2. Smear the baking dish with olive oil and tomato paste, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic for flavor.
  3. Take turns to put in the form of vegetables. Add a little salt and lots of seasoning.
  4. Bake for 30-35 minutes, you can cover the top with paper, so as not to burn.
  5. Before serving, cooks recommend sprinkling with greens.

Ratatouille is a unique dish. On the one hand, it is quite simple in preparation, on the other - it provides an opportunity for creativity.

  1. The secret of a delicious dish is to squeeze out the bitter juice from the eggplant, so it will not affect the final taste.
  2. Peeling tomatoes will be easier if you pour boiling water over it.
  3. If homemade love stewed vegetables, then you need to add more sauce, there are options with dry red wine or egg-cheese filling.