Characteristics of raw materials. New Gold: How the Chocolate Market Works

08.05.2019 Egg dishes

Cocoa, a drink loved by many since childhood, is nutritious, tasty, and healthy. But, besides general information, what do we know about him? Let's get to know him better.
cocoa calories
If you like cocoa, then you probably know that the choice of this drink is now huge. If earlier
"cocoa" could only be purchased in powder form, but now it is produced both in granules and in disposable bags with sugar and milk.
The calorie content of the cocoa powder itself is 290 kcal per 100 grams, in other words, 1 tsp of the powder contains 9 kcal, in the dining room - 25 kcal. But who drinks this drink without sugar and milk? There is no such! Since childhood, we have received a "installation" that cocoa should be sweet and "milky".

Due to these products, the calorie content increases.
So in 200 ml of cocoa with milk there are already 134.2 kcal (without sugar), and a mug of a drink with milk and sugar (2 tsp) already has 204 kcal.
The history of cocoa has more than one millennium. At all times he was valued, fought for him.
Appreciated for its amazing effect on the human body. After drinking a little of this drink, a person could stay awake for many hours in a row, go without food, his mood improved, and his working capacity increased. Such an unusual action is due to the substances (300 elements) that make up cocoa beans. These are vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, E, C, trace elements, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium and copper ...
Cocoa also contains a small amount of caffeine, as well as fatty acids. polyunsaturated acids and flavonoids.
Cocoa contains biologically active substances, which stimulate the mental activity of a person, increase efficiency and improve memory.
This is a wonderful natural antidepressant that promotes the production of endorphins (the hormone of joy), it is recommended to take it under stressful conditions.
It contains theobromine, which has invigorating properties that are milder than caffeine. Therefore, cocoa can be drunk for people who are contraindicated in coffee. Theobromine does not affect nervous system but exciting respiratory system and cardiovascular, so cocoa powder is useful for bronchial asthma.
Cocoa protects teeth from the effects of sugar, quickly satisfies hunger, but does not lead to obesity, improves mood, helps to cope with depression and melancholy, improves blood counts, stabilizes blood pressure, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Who can't have cocoa

Despite all the benefits, doctors do not recommend the drink for children under 3 years of age and adults suffering from constipation, kidney disease, gout (the tannins that make up the product can cause diseases).
The benefits of cocoa are obvious, but it's no secret that manufacturers in the pursuit of profit often replace natural cocoa powder with cheaper ingredients. Therefore, if you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a healthy and tasty drink, take the choice of cocoa responsibly.

How to choose cocoa

Variety of cocoa powders presented today on Russian market, impressive- different countries manufacturers, different tastes, different composition ...
The choice is so great that even experienced housewives sometimes they can get confused by such a variety.
Slightly deviating from the topic, it should be said that high-quality cocoa powders can be produced only at full-cycle enterprises, where cocoa mass is first obtained from cocoa beans, then cocoa butter and cocoa cake, while cocoa cake is immediately used for production cocoa powder. The human factor and the impact of negative external influences at such enterprises are minimized, so the output is high-quality cocoa powder. There are enterprises, and they are the majority, that buy up excess cocoa cake around the world and produce cocoa powder from it. In this case, the quality will depend on the quality of the purchased raw materials, on the conditions of its storage and transportation ... In this case, the risk of contamination of the product with various microorganisms also increases, which enterprises try to reduce by additional sterilization and alkalization, and this entails a decrease in the organoleptic characteristics of the finished cocoa powder.
Production quality cocoa powder for sale in the territory of the Russian Federation is unprofitable. Unfortunately, not so much works with cocoa beans in Russia confectionery factories, and those who process them on their own use cocoa powder for own production confectionery.

Cocoa powder Red October "Golden label"

Natural cocoa powder "Royal" Premium
Cocoa powder "Omega spices"
Cocoa 3 in 1 "Funtik"
Instant granulated drink with cocoa flavor "Fixies"
Instant cocoa "White Bear" with vitamin C

Cocoa powder "Pripravych"
Instant cocoa drink "Aristocrat" Hot chocolate "light air"
Instant cocoa drink in granules Alvera "Squirrel and Strelka"
Instant cocoa drink with vitamins "365 days"
Natural cocoa powder Silver sails "Dobrik"
Cocoa powder "Russian"
Cocoa powder "Gifts of nature" Yamuna

What else do you need to know about cocoa powder? Have you ever wondered why even from the same manufacturer, in different batches, cocoa sometimes differs in color. The first thing that comes to mind is that cocoa powder was made from different varieties cocoa beans, "chocolate" trees grew in different geographical points, on soils of different composition, hence the different color of the "final" product. And to what extent you will be right. But the main reason for the "colorfulness" of the powder is the method of its production. In one case, cocoa powder is prepared by grinding cocoa cake, the product that remains after the cocoa beans are pressed. Such a product is much lighter. Natural cocoa powder must be boiled during preparation, it just does not dissolve in water. In the second case, alkalis are used in production to reduce the content of tannins. In this variant, alkalized cocoa powder is obtained (from the Arabic word "alkali" - alkali). Such a powder has a dark color, a richer taste and smell, and is easily soluble in water. All types of instant cocoa are made from alkalized powder.

And one more aspect, just for information. Cocoa powder differs in the method of extraction of cocoa beans:
Cocoa industrial production. This means that cocoa beans are grown on an industrial scale, with the addition of various fertilizers and minerals. This species makes up 99% of all cocoa powders.
Organic industrial cocoa. Beans are grown without the addition of fertilizers, which affects the taste of the powder.
Live cocoa. The beans are harvested from wild trees, by hand. This product has high palatability and no less expensive. It is almost impossible to find this species on the market.
But if you do not work at a "chocolate" factory and are not engaged in the purchase of cocoa beans in industrial volumes, then you are unlikely to know how and with what raw materials the enterprise works.
Therefore, when buying cocoa, we can and should pay attention
1. on the composition of the purchased powder. It should not include cocoa vella and carob.
Cacao vella is the husk of cocoa beans.
Carob is a substitute for chocolate, made by grinding roasted or raw tree pods. carob, an evergreen mediterranean plant,
2. give preference to natural non-alkalized, i.e., not treated with alkalis
powder. How to find out? Just look at the way the drink is made. Remember, such cocoa must be boiled, it will not dissolve in boiling water,
3. when choosing a product, give preference to large, proven confectionery factories,
4. pay attention to the packaging of cocoa powder. Preference should be given to the product, hermetically packed in foil, and then in a cardboard box, and not in a plastic jar.
Having brought the purchase home and opened the package, we can evaluate the quality of the product according to the following criteria: color, smell, taste, grinding.
1. The color of cocoa can be from dark brown to light brown, without impurities, inclusions.
2. The smell of low-quality cocoa is completely absent or has a foreign smell.
3. Quality cocoa is slightly bitter. There should be no aftertaste and the presence of foreign flavors is not allowed.
4. Grinding, the finer the better, the structure of the mass must be uniform and finely ground. The powder sifted through a special fine sieve should not remain in the sieve. If you rub the powder between your fingers, then individual grains should not be felt. When palpated, it should resemble flour.

Suppliers and importers of cocoa powder in Russia
Raw cocoa is supplied to Russia from countries where cocoa beans grow and from countries where cocoa beans are processed and cocoa products are produced.
If we talk about the import of cocoa beans, then almost all imports (98%) to Russia come from two African countries: Côte d'Ivoire (about 80%) and Ghana (about 20%).
Leading suppliers of cocoa powder:
1. Cargill, Barry Callebaut, ADM, Petra Food are international companies with factories in several countries - primarily in countries where cocoa beans grow.
2.Guan Chong, JB-Cocoa (Malaysia), Bumetangerang (Indonesia), Indkreza, Euromar (Germany).
Suppliers to Russia are Inforum-Kakao, Soyuzsnab, Grand Trade.
The main world producers of cocoa powder: ADM, Cargill, Delfi, Barry Callebaut, JB-Cocoa, BT-Cocoa, Euromar, Guan Chong.

Which types of cocoa beans make the best cocoa?
Variety Java, Trinidad - grow in America and Asia, have delicate taste and a pleasant subtle aroma with many shades.
Bahia variety. Cocoa is obtained from it, which has a bitter, tart, sour taste and strong aroma.
The New Guinea variety has a pronounced bitter and astringent taste, it is used to make dark chocolate.
Ecuador variety has received worldwide recognition due to its floral flavor.

Chocolate Tree Cacao

How cocoa beans grow or four features of cocoa.

The Cocoa tree has a scientific botanical name - Theobroma cacao (Theobroma cacao). It was given in 1753 by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus(1707 - 1778), which means in Latin "food of the gods."

Carl Linnaeus

By nature, its cocoa blossoms almost all year round andbranches and trunks of cocoa trees,literally strewn with dense, five-petalled flowers of delicate pink-reddish tones, and in any season on the branches of cocoa trees you can see both flowers and fruits at the same time. However,hardly a tenth of all cocoa flowers turn into fruits.

Flowers and leaves of the cacao tree

Trees can be up to 10-15 meters high, but in plantations they are usually cut down to a few meters to facilitate fruit picking.Each tree brings about 20-30 such fruits a year, and they, theyare formed not only on the branches, but also on the trunk of a tree. The hard fruits of the cocoa tree look like small melons or rugby balls. Their length is 15-30 centimeters, weight - 400-500 grams, color .... The color is difficult to determine because as the fruit ripens, it changes from green to yellow, red or orange.

Ripe fruit of the cocoa tree

Each fruit contains 20 to 30 seeds arranged in five rows - this is what was called "cocoa beans" 500 years ago. That is what they are called today.They have nothing to do with real beans and legumes.

Sectioned cocoa fruit

Cocoa seeds (aka beans)may be roundflat, convex, with a grayish, bluish or brownish tint. Ripe seeds roll inside the fruit with a dull thud. A good healthy tree givesup to 2 kilograms raw seeds (beans) per year.

Freshly harvested cocoa beans are unsuitable for use in chocolate production and are not suitable for any food purpose. However, it is one of the most "demanding" seeds in the world; since left to themselves, they lose their germination after a few days.

The cocoa tree grows relatively slowly: even on the most well-groomed and carefully prepared lands, they begin to bear fruit only 305 years after planting; trees need 10 years to reach maximum yield, but in general, the fruiting period can last up to 50 years.

First Feature cocoa. Interestingly, the question of the maximum lifespan of a tree Theobroma (cocoa) still remains open.Individual specimens are known that already live 200 years, but how manyyears of life ahead of them - is unknown. This uncertainty is understandable, since"cultural" old trees are cut down for no need, butwild, although they grow in the tropics, but, like "cultural" not form annual rings.

Usually the tree bears fruit for several months of the year and produces two crops.

The timing of fruiting depends on the variety and the country where the cocoa is located.Where the rainy seasons are pronounced, the main crop is harvested 5-6 months after the start of the rainy season, and then a second, smaller crop follows. The timing of cocoa ripening in differentregions are different. So, in the African country of Côte d'Ivoire, the first crop is harvested in October-March, and the second- May-August; in American Ecuador- respectivelyin March-June and December-January, and in Indonesia - in September-December and March-July.

Now the kind of tree Theobroma ( Theobroma) has 22 species (relatives).

The ancestors of today's Theobroma - wild cocoa trees for millions of years grew in the rainforests of Central South America east ofAndean mountains. This vast region is considered the birthplace of wild cocoa. Over the long millions of years, only two botanical subspecies of cocoa were formed: In Central America, the subspecies calledCriollo ( Criollo) , and in the South Forastero ( Forastero).

The natural habitat of cocoa trees is the lower tier of an evergreen tropical forest, and therefore climatic factors, especially temperature and humidity, are critical in the development of this capricious plant.

Cocoa trees feel best in constant heat and stuffiness - the maximum average annual temperature should be from +30 to +32 C, and the minimum average from +18 to +21 C. Good humidity for cocoa is 100% at night, at least 70% - afternoon.But most of all, cocoa reacts to the amount of precipitation. It is desirable that 1500 - 2000 millimeters of them fall out per year, and precipitation should be more or less evenly distributed over the months. Less than 100 millimeters of rain per month is a disaster for cocoa; the trees will not withstand even a couple of months of such lack of water and will die.

Second feature cocoa . It turns out that the cocoa tree, which does not ripen anywhere except in the suffocating tropical heat, nevertheless cannot stand direct sunlight!

This is the heritage of the wild ancestors of cocoa, which grew in the Amazonian jungle in the shade of other, more light-loving trees. Therefore, on plantations, cocoa trees have to be shaded. This is especially important for young seedlings, whose future fate for many years is determined by whether they received a life-giving shade in the first years of their life or not. Unshaded trees are more sick and less resistant to attacks by insects and other pests, and cocoa has enough of them.

Because the trees are shadersgrow next to cocoa, occupying a precious place on plantations, and at the same time they do not give anything but a shadow, then a person has long sought to use such plants as a shader that would benefit not only cocoa, but also a person personally.Bananas are often used for such shaders, but the shadow from bananas is not the most “correct”, and bananas live less cocoa. Another shader - coconut palm. Other shaders are also used.

Creation commercial product for quality chocolate.

Collecting cocoa fruits is the hardest work, almost not amenable to mechanization. Melon fruits are removed from trees and carefully cut lengthwise, taking out precious seeds (cocoa beans) from them, for which one could once buy a strong slave, after which ... ..

After most often these beans are dumped along with the leftovers.pulp into a pile and wait for the chemical process to begin in it, called the beautiful word "fermentation", or simply put, the rotting of the pulp of the fruit.

But fermentation is already a technology, and like any technology it has its own approaches - howput the precious seeds to rot.

On small farms,they just pile everything together in a heap and cover with banana leaves so that it rots better.In a pile there can be 25 and 2500 kilograms of a bean-pulp mixture. On average, this fermentation lasts about five days.In the middle of this periodmust be mixed together.

Some farmers use baskets lined and covered with leaves for fermentation, some farmers “throw everything in a pit” - also an element of fermentation technology.

On large cocoa plantations, the fermentation process is carried out in a more civilized manner - beans with pulp are poured into large wooden boxes with holes on the sides of 1-2 tons of mixture and covered with leaves or bags. civilizedfermentation takes a little longer - 6-7 days.

The third feature of cocoa. Fermentation is needed in order for the cocoa beans to get the REAL CHOCOLATE TASTE AND AROMA!

The fermentation process begins with the rapid growth of microorganisms, one of the main roles in which is played by yeast fungi, which first process the sugar contained in the pulp into ethanol, Furtheralcohol into vinegar and then into carbon dioxide and water.Other chemical processes take place, accompanied by heat release, so that the temperature in the boxes jumps up to +45. Acid environment and high temperatureleads to certain physical processes inside the seeds, as a result of which the inner pulp of the seeds is literally saturated with cocoa butter.

And then there are already more subtle and complex bioorganic processes associated with destruction proteins and educationamino acids that create unique chemical complexes that giveamazing taste and aroma of chocolate..

After fermentation, the cocoa beans are dried to reduce their moisture content from 60% to 7-8%. beans just laid on wooden or cement floors,where they slowly dry,with constant stirringin hot tropical climates.
During drying, cocoa seeds acquire the qualities of a valuable raw material for the confectionery industry.

cocoa beans.

As a raw material for the confectionery industry, cocoa beans are packed in jute bags and sent to world markets.

In these jute bags, cocoa beans travel around the world.

Amsterdam is the Mecca of the global cocoa bean trade. Here, as in other markets, cocoa beans are stored in bags in well-ventilated dry rooms. Now their main enemies are high humidity and mold.Therefore, cocoa must be stored carefully, and especially carefully to ensure that the level of its own moisturecocoa beans did not exceed the standard norm.

Cocoa bean tasting institute.

Like in the manufacture of other valuable products, in the production of cocoa there is an institute of tasting. Testing is usually carried out by a team of 5 to 10 qualified experts who blow through either the mashed cocoa beans or the chocolate already made from them.
Advantage of the firstmethod lies in the fact that it makes it possible to evaluate exactly the taste of the beans themselves, without impurities of cocoa butter, sugar and milk included in chocolate.

The parameters under which testing is carried out are well defined by the International Cocoa Organization and include, among others, the strength of the cocoa or chocolate aroma, residual acidity, bitterness, astringency, the presence of off-flavours, etc.

The fourth feature of cocoa . By the way, foreign smells are the scourge of the cocoa and chocolate industry. There are thousands of them - from the smell of mold that hit part of the beans to the smell of smoke absorbed by them during drying.And these smells remain in the final product after any, even the most thorough processing of the raw materials.

The sour taste of the beans may be due to the fact that they were not fermented correctly, the bitterness, which, in general, is inherent in cocoa beans, should also be in moderation; an excess of bitterness and astringency is evidence that the beans were harvested underripe or, again, poorly fermented. In addition, beans, like chocolate, tend to absorb all the odors coming from neighbors in storage and transportation (for example, the aromas of rubber and gasoline). So the preservation of cocoa beans in the "commodity condition" - This is a very, very difficult task.

Based on the book "Chocolate".
Evgeny Kruchina.
Publishing house "Zhigulskogo" M. 2002

Where does chocolate start? Even a child knows the answer to this question. Chocolate starts with cocoa. This product has the same name as the tree it grows on. Cocoa fruits are widely used in the production of sweets, and a delicious drink is also prepared from them.


The first mention of cocoa is found in writings dating back to 1500 BC. The Olmec people lived on the south coast. Its representatives used this product for food. Later, information about this fruit appears in historical writings and drawings of the ancient Mayan people. They considered the cocoa tree sacred and believed that it was presented to mankind by the gods. A drink made from these beans could only be drunk by chiefs and priests. Later, the Aztecs adopted the culture of growing cocoa and cooking divine drink. These fruits were so valuable that they could buy a slave.

Columbus was the first European to taste a drink made from cocoa. But the famous navigator did not appreciate it. Perhaps the reason for this was the unusual taste of the drink. And, perhaps, the reason lay in the fact that chocolatl (as the natives called it) was prepared with the addition of many ingredients, including pepper.

A little later, the Spaniard Cortes (the conqueror of Mexico) arrived in the same territories, who was also presented with local drink. And soon cocoa appears in Spain. In 1519, the history of cocoa and chocolate in Europe begins. More for a long time these products were available only to the nobility and monarchs, and for 100 years they were not exported from the territory of Spain. After some time, overseas fruits nevertheless began to spread throughout Europe, instantly gaining fans and connoisseurs.

All this time, cocoa has been used to make gourmet drink. And only when the beans reached Switzerland, the local confectioner made a hard chocolate bar. But for a long time, these delicacies were available only to the nobility and the rich.

general information

The cocoa tree is evergreen. Its botanical name is Theobromacacao. In height, it can reach 15 meters, but such specimens are extremely rare. Most often, the height of the trees does not exceed 8 meters. The leaves are large, shiny, have a dark green color. Cocoa flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, the petals have a yellow or red tint. They are located directly on the tree trunk itself on small petioles-peduncles. Fruits can weigh up to 0.5 kg and reach a length of 30 cm. They resemble a lemon in shape, in the middle of which you can see seeds about 3 cm long. Up to 50 seeds can be in the pulp of the fruit. If we translate this title this plant from Latin, it will turn out "food of the gods." The cocoa tree grows South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and West Africa.

Growing this plant is hard work, as it is very whimsical in care. For good and regular fruiting are necessary high temperatures and constant humidity. Such a climate is found only in the equatorial strip. It is also necessary to plant a cocoa tree in an area where direct sunlight will not fall on it. Trees should grow around, which will create a natural shade.

Composition of cocoa fruits

Analyzing the composition of cocoa, you can list the elements and substances that make up it for a long time. Recently, many have begun to pay great attention raw cocoa beans and classify them as so-called "superfoods". This opinion is being carefully studied, and no one has yet given final data on this.

Beneficial features

The composition of cocoa includes many different substances and trace elements that affect the human body. Some of them are beneficial, others can be harmful.

Microelements such as fats, carbohydrates, vegetable protein, starch, organic acids have a positive effect on human health. Vitamins B, A, E, minerals, folic acid - all this is also necessary for the proper functioning of our body. A drink made from cocoa powder perfectly tones and quickly saturates. It can be drunk even for those who are on a diet, but it should be limited to one glass a day.

Chocolate is also useful, which contains more than 70% cocoa. It not only has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, but is also excellent antioxidant(how green tea and apples).

People who are engaged in heavy physical work are advised to consume beans that have not passed temperature treatment. This product perfectly restores strength and muscles. It is also recommended to add it to food for athletes experiencing regular physical activity.


Cocoa is not recommended for women during pregnancy. The reason is that the substances found in the fruits of this tree interfere with the absorption of calcium. And this element is very important in the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is worth giving up products containing a large number of cocoa, or limit their use as much as possible.

It also contains 0.2% caffeine. This should be taken into account when introducing such a product into the diet of baby food.


Quality, taste and aroma this product depend not only on the variety, but also on the place where the cocoa tree grows. Temperature and humidity also affect it. environment, soil and rainfall.


This is the most popular view cocoa. In world production, it occupies 1st place and accounts for 80% of the total crop. This is due to the fact that it gives a regular high collection of cocoa beans. Produced from the fruits of this, it has a slightly sour taste along with a characteristic bitterness. It grows in Africa, as well as in Central and South America.


This species is native to Mexico and Central America. Trees give a large harvest, but are highly susceptible to disease and external influences. Up to 10% of this type of cocoa is represented on the market. Chocolate made from it has delicate fragrance and unique slightly bitter taste.


This is a bred variety obtained from crossing "Criollo" and "Forastero". The fruits have a persistent aroma, and the cocoa bean tree is less susceptible to various diseases, which reduces the risk of crop loss and does not require the use of various chemicals for treatment. Due to the fact that the variety was obtained by crossing two the best views, chocolate made from it has a pleasant bitterness and an exquisite aroma. This species is cultivated in Asia, Central and South America.


Cocoa beans of this species have a unique persistent aroma. However, such trees are quite difficult to grow. In addition, they are prone to disease. Therefore, it is extremely rare to find this type of cocoa on the shelves or as part of chocolate. The variety is grown in South America.

Cocoa in cosmetology

Cocoa butter due to its properties has found application in cosmetology. Of course, for use in this area, it must be of high quality and unrefined. natural oil cocoa has a yellowish-cream color and a slight characteristic smell of the fruit from which it is prepared. Such a product is rich in polysaccharides, vitamins, vegetable protein, iron and many other substances. It is also a strong antioxidant.

Very often, cocoa butter is used in masks, after which the skin becomes more resistant to sunlight and cold. The natural melting point of this product reaches 34 degrees, so it must be heated in a water bath before use. The skin easily absorbs the oil, after which it becomes well hydrated. Also, thanks to cocoa butter, irritation is removed, skin elasticity increases and the healing of small wounds is accelerated.


V modern world, perhaps, it is almost impossible to meet a person who would not know about chocolate and cocoa. Being used in confectionery, medicine and cosmetology, the products of this tree have firmly established themselves in the world market, and occupy a significant part of the turnover there. Therefore, cocoa production is profitable business, which brings year-round profit. This is due to the fact that it grows in places where the sun, heat and moisture are constantly present. Up to 3-4 crops are collected in one year.

After planting a young seedling, the first fruits appear already in the fourth year of the tree's life. Cocoa flowers bloom on the trunk and thick branches, beans are formed and ripen there. In different varieties, when ready, the fruits acquire a different color: brown, brown or maroon.

Harvesting and processing

Cocoa fruits are cut from the tree trunk with a sharp knife and immediately sent for processing. In the workshop, the fruit is cut, the beans are taken out, laid out on banana leaves and covered with them from above. The fermentation process begins, which can last from 1 to 5 days. During this period, cocoa beans receive discriminating taste and removes bitterness and acidity.

Further, the resulting fruits are dried for 1-1.5 weeks with regular stirring once a day. During this time, they should lose 7% moisture. After drying and sorting the beans, they can be packed in natural jute bags and stored for several years.

How cocoa powder and cocoa butter are made

For the production of oil, dried cocoa fruits are roasted and sent under. As a result, oil is obtained, which, after processing, is used in confectionery production for making chocolate. The cake is ground into powder and sifted through a sieve. This is how cocoa powder is obtained. Then it is packaged and sent for sale.

General information
Chocolate is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar. Milk, dairy products, roasted nut kernels, coffee, waffles, candied fruits, etc. can be added to chocolate as flavoring additives. Chocolate contains 55-60% carbohydrates, 30-38% fat, 5-8% protein, about 0.5% theobromine and caffeine, about 1% minerals. The energy value of chocolate is 2200-2300 kJ per 100 g of product.
Depending on the recipe and method of processing, chocolate is divided into the following types: ordinary chocolate without additives and with additives, dessert chocolate without additives and with additives, porous chocolate and chocolate with filling. Various candy masses are used as fillings for chocolate; nut, fruit, fondant, as well as their combinations, etc. The main difference between dessert chocolate and ordinary chocolate is a finer grinding of the mass and mandatory processing in special machines called conch machines. In addition, they produce chocolate for special purposes, for example, for diabetics without sugar using xylitol, sorbitol or saccharin; with the addition of vitamins, kola nuts, which have a tonic effect on the human body. In addition to chocolate produced for direct use, they produce a semi-finished product for the production of sweets (chocolate icing), which can be without additives or with milk additives. Glaze is produced in crushed form or in the form of blocks from 5 to 20 kg.
Cocoa powder is a product obtained from the partially defatted powdered mass of cocoa bean kernels.
Cocoa powder is divided depending on the processing into prepared (treated with alkalis) and unprepared. Cocoa powder is used to prepare a drink in the form of an aqueous or water-milk finely dispersed stable suspension.
The composition of cocoa powder includes 14-22% fat, 23-25% protein, 20-25% starch, about 6% ash (up to 9% in treated with carbonic alkalis).
Chocolates-cocoa powder are produced at each enterprise according to slightly different technological schemes, depending on the technology adopted, the availability of equipment, etc.
For chocolate without additives and prepared cocoa powder, the manufacturing process can be represented by the flow chart shown in fig. one.
The main raw materials (cocoa beans and sugar) are stored in warehouses in bags or in bulk in metal or reinforced concrete silos. Cocoa beans are cleaned from impurities and sorted by size, and then subjected to heat treatment. Roasted cocoa beans are crushed and cocoa nibs are obtained, while the husk of cocoa beans is separated - cocoa shell, which is a waste product. Cocoa nibs are crushed, and the resulting creamy mass (cocoa liquor) is stored at elevated temperature with stirring. Part of the cocoa nibs, intended for the production of cocoa powder, is pre-treated with a solution of potash and dried. Instead of cocoa nibs, intended for the production of cocoa powder, cocoa mass can be dissected. Cocoa butter is pressed from grated cocoa on special presses. The resulting cake is cooled, crushed into small pieces, crushed into powder, sieved or separated, packaged and packaged. This is how the prepared cocoa powder is obtained. Upon receipt of unprepared cocoa powder, the operation of alkali treatment is excluded.
Cocoa butter is mixed with grated cocoa and powdered sugar obtained by grinding granulated sugar. Such a three-component mixture is called chocolate mass. The chocolate mass is crushed on rollers, additional cocoa butter is added, processed in conch machines, tempered, molded and cooled. In this way, dessert chocolate bars are obtained. Chocolate bars are wrapped and packaged. The technology of all these processes is detailed below. When obtaining ordinary chocolate, the conching operation can be significantly reduced or eliminated. To obtain chocolate with filling, it is introduced during the molding process.

Rice. 1 . Technology system obtaining chocolate without the addition of chocolate icing and cocoa powder.
Sorting and cleaning cocoa beans
Cocoa beans entering processing are heterogeneous in size, shape and quality. Usually, the mass of cocoa beans contains a certain amount of broken, stuck together during fermentation, underdeveloped and other defective kernels, in addition, there may be small pieces of beans and husks formed during transportation. Cocoa beans always contain dust, sand, pebbles, burlap fibers, metal particles, etc. All these impurities are separated from benign beans. In addition, the beans are sorted by size. This is necessary for the correct conduct of the subsequent heat treatment. To get a product High Quality such processing is carried out in different modes for beans with different sizes.
Defective beans and dirt are cleaned and separated from impurities by sorting and cleaning machines. These machines combine the operations of cleaning beans from dust and dirt, separating broken, lean, underdeveloped beans and sorting them into two main fractions: large and ordinary. The machines are equipped with magnets for separating ferrous impurities.
Figure 2 shows a diagram of a cleaning and sorting machine. Cocoa beans are continuously fed into the hopper 1 and noria 2 applied to brushes 4, which clean the surface of cocoa beans from dust and dirt. The peeled cocoa beans are sent to the separation channel 3, in which the fan 11 creates an air flow regulated by a valve 6. Heavy impurities (stones, pieces of metal, glass) fall into the receiver 21. The air flow carries the cocoa beans into the expansion chamber. 7, where the air speed is decreasing. At the same time, large and normal cocoa beans and some of the broken ones fall on the upper tier of the sieve frame 9. Inferior cocoa beans and their large pieces are carried away into cone receivers 5, from where they are discharged by augers to the receivers 17 and 20. Smaller particles (dust, burlap fibers, pieces of cocoa shell) do not fall into the cone receivers and are carried away into the cyclone 12, where they are separated from the air and enter the collection 15. Upper tier of sieve frame 9 has sieves with opening sizes of 2 and 6 mm. On these sieves, pieces of cocoa beans crushed during transportation are separated in the form of shallow and scrap and separately through receivers. 8 and 10 are taken out of the car. On the lower tier of the sieve frame 14, equipped with wicker sieves with meshes from 11-16 mm,
get two different size fractions - cocoa beans (normal and large). These factions are gathering v receivers 16 and 19. Here, cocoa beans pass through magnets. 18, on which there are random impurities consisting of iron particles. Everything that does not pass through these sieves gets into v receiver 22. This includes mainly doubled cocoa beans and large light particles, such as pieces of wood, etc. Special brushes are mounted to clean the sieves. 13, which perform reciprocating motion. The productivity of the machine is 1000 kg/h.
Sorted by size and peeled cocoa beans are stored in separate bins. Different varieties of cocoa beans are stored separately. Usually the stock of such beans in the workshop is three to six days' output.
Sorting of cocoa beans, their separation from dust and impurities is carried out in separate rooms isolated from the main production. In order to improve the quality of produced chocolate from low-grade cocoa beans after cleaning and. sorting, they are washed with water room temperature. Washed beans are dried in special dryers at

Rice. 2. Scheme of a cleaning and sorting machine.

80-90°C for 35-40 minutes to a moisture content of 3-4%. From different batches of beans, depending on the contamination, they receive an unequal yield, which is on average 97%, while 2.7% are glued and broken beans used in production. They are accumulated and separately subjected to heat treatment, after which they are added to the total mass. For further processing, cocoa beans are fed into production either in separate varieties or in certain ratios.

Heat treatment of cocoa beans
Heat treatment of cocoa beans is the most important operation, the quality of the resulting chocolate and cocoa powder largely depends on the correct implementation of which. During heat treatment, a number of physical and chemical changes occur, as a result of which the composition and properties of cocoa beans change significantly. The dry matter content rises from 92-94 to 97-98%. The husk (cocoa shell), as a result of heat treatment, becomes brittle, easily separated from the core and removed during subsequent crushing. The core itself, after losing most of the water, also becomes more brittle and more easily crushed. During heat treatment under the influence of high temperature, cocoa beans are sterilized, the microflora located on cocoa beans is eliminated. top scores obtained by roasting cocoa beans to a solids content of 98 and even 98.5%. However, with deeper frying to a solids content above 99%, the quality of the fried product is significantly reduced. It should be borne in mind that roasted cocoa beans and especially cocoa nibs obtained from them are very hygroscopic and easily absorb moisture from the air. In this regard, roasted cocoa beans and cocoa nibs try not to accumulate in production. Taste and aromatic properties cocoa beans increase significantly during roasting. This is a consequence of chemical transformations primarily of tannins. As a result of roasting, due to condensation and other chemical changes, the content of soluble tannins is reduced, as a result of which the astringent taste characteristic of unroasted cocoa beans is reduced, and a bitter pleasant aftertaste inherent in chocolate products appears. Improving the palatability of cocoa beans during roasting is a consequence of the removal of part of the volatile acids, mainly acetic. The total acid content is reduced, the sour taste of raw cocoa beans is significantly reduced, which is objectively confirmed by a decrease in titratable acidity to 1.5 deg. When roasted, substances are formed that give cocoa beans a pleasant aroma. The appearance of such substances is obviously due to the reaction of amino acids with sugars. Carbohydrates undergo some change (starch is partially hydrolyzed, passing from an insoluble form to a soluble one), sugars (the content of sucrose decreases, and monosaccharides increases). When roasting, especially if it is done at elevated temperatures, some of the fat can pass from the core to the shell. To avoid such losses of cocoa butter, some factories do not roast cocoa beans, but cocoa nibs, previously separated from the shell.
The quality of the roast depends to a large extent on the size of the cocoa beans, so the thoroughness of the previous sorting operation is of great importance. For cocoa beans different sizes different modes of heat treatment are required.
For heat treatment, devices of various designs are used, which are divided into two types: batch and continuous.
The most common type of batch equipment is the ball fryer. On fig. 3 shows a diagram of such an apparatus. In a ball roaster, the processed cocoa beans are in direct contact with the combustion products. In this regard, there are increased requirements for the fuel used. The most commonly used fuels are coke, natural or producer gas. If they want to avoid contact of cocoa beans with combustion products, then hot air heated in heaters is passed through the apparatus.
Roasting takes place in a hollow steel spherical container 9, which rotates (speed 20-40 rpm) on a horizontal shaft 10 inside a metal spherical casing 6. The rotation of the shaft and the steel container is transmitted from the drive

Rice. 3. Scheme of a ball fryer.

through an asterisk 15. Mixing cocoa beans inside the drum is provided by special blades 8, which are fixed on the inner surface of the sphere. With the help of these blades, the cocoa beans rise up during the rotation of the apparatus, and then fall into the lower part of the individual grains so that their surface is in full contact with hot gases. Fuel (gas, coke) is burned in an external furnace 16. Combustion products with a temperature of 250-300 ° C are sucked through the apparatus using a fan 3. Small particles of the cocoa bean shell entrained in the gas flow settle in cyclone 1, and the combustion products and moisture released from the cocoa beans in the form of water vapor and other gaseous substances are removed through the upper cyclone tube. To prevent possible ignition of cocoa shell particles accumulating in the cyclone, water was supplied to it.
Cocoa beans to be roasted enter the machine in separate portions through a funnel 5. Slide dampers are installed to control the amount of gas-air mixture 11 and 13. Required amount air to create the optimum temperature during the roasting process is sucked through the nozzle 14. A thermometer is installed to control the temperature of the gases leaving the apparatus. 4. For unloading roasted cocoa beans in the walls of the sphere 9 there are holes that are closed during roasting by dampers 7. Through these holes, with the dampers open and the apparatus rotating, the roasted cocoa beans are poured into the conical part of the casing of the apparatus 2. There is a cooler under the machine 19, on a mesh under which they are lowered in separate portions through a damper 20 roasted hot cocoa beans. The temperature of the cocoa beans when leaving the machine must not exceed 125°C. Cooling is done by air, which is sucked through the cocoa beans by a fan. 17. Cooled cocoa beans are mixed with a special mixer with blades 18. Cooling is carried out to a temperature of 35-40°C. When unloading the apparatus, flue gases are passed through the flue 12, bypassing the working area of ​​the apparatus.
Apparatuses of the latest design are equipped with special program control devices, with the help of which it is possible to conduct the process according to a predetermined mode. The productivity of the apparatus with a single load of 160 kg of raw cocoa beans is 400-550 kg/h.
High temperature and short duration of its impact on cocoa beans lead to uneven roasting. The outer layers of cocoa beans are overcooked, while their inner part is not processed enough. In connection with this and other shortcomings of periodically operating devices for the heat treatment of cocoa beans, continuous dryers have become increasingly widely used. In these units, the heat treatment process occurs continuously, the duration of roasting increases, and the temperature decreases slightly. On fig. 4 is a schematic representation of a continuous shaft type dryer. Roasting of cocoa beans is carried out in a stream of hot air in a vertical shaft. In the lower part of the same shaft, the thermally processed cocoa beans are cooled in a stream of cold air.
Sorted cocoa beans are fed into the hopper 1, located above the dryer. From the bunker, the beans flow by gravity into the mine 3, the walls of which are made of mesh 4. This is where the cocoa beans are dried. Cocoa beans are removed from the dryer through a sluice 7, which regulates the length of their stay in the dryer. From the workshop room to the dryer with a fan 6 air is blown in, which washes, cooling, roasted cocoa beans, and heats up a little. Part of the air passing through the filter 8, removed from the dryer through the air duct 9, and most, also cleaned in the filter 5, through the duct system is sucked in by a fan 2, pre-mixed with air circulating in the dryer. The entire mass of this air is heated in a steam heater 11 up to 80-150°С. High-pressure steam is used to produce air at upper temperature limits. The air heated in the heater 11 washes the heat-treated
ke cocoa beans in mine 3 and being cleaned in the filter 5, goes back to heating. Part of the air containing water extracted from cocoa beans in the form of water
steam and other escaping substances are removed from the dryer through the air duct 10. Such an air recirculation system ensures the efficiency of the operation of the dryers. This is facilitated by good insulation of the walls of the dryers, in which there are interlayers of glass wool. Continuous shaft dryers provide more uniform roasting than intermittent dryers and minimize crushing of the cocoa beans during the drying process. Thanks to this design of dryers, mesh air channels, filters and heaters can be easily cleaned. Dryers can be used for cocoa nibs and nut kernels. When roasting cocoa beans in the apparatus described above, the transfer of heat from the coolant to cocoa beans is carried out mainly by convection. For roasting cocoa beans, the use of infrared radiation is promising. Infrared rays are able to penetrate cocoa beans, which improves the quality and reduces their roasting time. As a radiation generator, you can use quartz emitters and lamps with a power of 250 and 500 W, as well as other types of emitters, for example, ceramic or metal plates, plates or pipes heated to 800-1000 ° C.

Fig 4.Scheme of shaft type dryer

The use of the former is preferable, since they give radiation with a greater penetrating power inside the processed material (cocoa beans). Heat emitters of the second type can be electrical or by burning fuel, most often gas.
Promising is high-frequency heating when roasting cocoa beans. As a result of experiments on the use of high-frequency heating, the possibility of obtaining high-quality roasted beans with excellent taste and aroma was discovered. However, to date, this method has not found practical application due to the low efficiency of high-frequency energy generators, the complexity of installations and their maintenance.
crushing cocoa beans
Cooled to 25-35°C cocoa beans are subjected to crushing. The main task of this operation is to separate the shell (cocoa shell) from the core. The shell contains a significant amount of fiber and a small amount of fat. When it comes into contact with chocolate and cocoa powder, the shell impairs taste and nutritional value. Therefore, the shell is removed, and it is a waste product. In addition to the shell and core, cocoa beans contain a sprout. The sprout should also be separated from the kernel. In different varieties of cocoa beans, the ratio of the core, shell and sprout is not the same and varies depending on the variety and grain size. In table. 1 shows the data on the percentage of the core, shell and sprout for cocoa beans different varieties. Cocoa shell separation is carried out by crushing cocoa beans, as a result of which the kernel turns into cocoa nibs, and the cocoa shell is screened. The germ (sprout), which has a greater hardness, can be separated from the cocoa nibs on triremes. In different varieties of cocoa beans, the size of the embryo varies and on average is: length 4 mm, diameter 1 mm
Table 1

bean variety Weight of 100 beans, gr core shell Rostock
Arriba 148 88,4 11,6 0,8-0,9
Ceylon 138 90,9 9,1 0,8-0,9
Caracas 130 86,6 13,4 0,8-0,9
Grenada 107 87,0 13,0 0,8-0,9
acre 103 87,9 12,1 0,8-,09

The operation of crushing cocoa beans, in which the core turns into cocoa nibs with simultaneous winnowing of cocoa shells, is carried out on special crushing and sorting machines. In this case, the resulting cocoa nibs are divided into several fractions ranging in size from 8 to 0.75 mm. The shell is better separated in the event that when crushing large fractions of grains, more grains are obtained. Typically, the yield of cocoa nibs is 81 - 83% masses of raw cocoa beans. The smallest fraction of cocoa nibs is called cocoa mel, the content of which should not exceed 1.5%. Cacao meli contains the largest number shell, and the fat content in it is much lower than in large fractions, and is 10-30%.
Large fractions of grains are used to obtain bar chocolate and cocoa powder, and small fractions are used to make fillings and candy

Fig 5. The scheme of the crushing and screening machine.

masses and upon receipt of chocolate icing. Figure 5 shows a diagram of a crushing and screening machine. Chilled cocoa beans served by elevator 10 for crushing into a roller mechanism 1. The gap between the rollers is adjusted depending on the quality of the cocoa beans. The resulting cocoa nibs, together with the shell, fall on a two-tier sieve 2. The upper tier consists of punching sieves with cells with a diameter of 5.5; 6.5; 7.5; 8.5 mm. The lower tier, respectively, consists of punching sieves with holes of 1.5; 2.5; 2.75; 3.5; 4.5 mm. Divided by size on sieves into nine separate fractions, cocoa bean particles, respectively, fall into nine vertical separation channels 3. Through these channels, the air flow created by the fan 5, lighter cocoa shell particles are carried away into the channels of a special chamber and from there to the vibrating chute 8. Cocoa nibs enter the vibrating chute 6, located on the other side of the car. The embryos fall into the fourth and fifth numbers of grits and are separated using a trier 9. Large parts of cocoa beans and non-crushed cocoa beans that have not passed through the sieves are returned by screw 7 for re-crushing. Air speed control is carried out by throttle valves 4.
For crushing raw and lightly roasted beans, not a roller, but a crushing mechanism of an impact type is used. When crushing raw beans causes difficulties poor separation of the shell. In this case, the beans are dried somewhat beforehand. Grits from raw and lightly roasted beans are subjected to heat treatment.
When roasting cocoa beans instead of cocoa beans, all the processes accompanying heat treatment proceed more intensively. The grits warm up faster and more evenly, as a result of which the temperature difference between the heating of the inner and outer parts decreases, the overheating of the outer and insufficient processing of the inner layers, which are characteristic of the process of roasting cocoa beans, are reduced. There is a more intensive removal of volatile organic acids and the accumulation of aromatic substances characteristic of chocolate. The taste of roasted cocoa nibs improves. In addition to improving the quality of roasting grits, possible losses of cocoa butter are eliminated, which, when roasting whole beans, can turn into a shell and be lost. Like cocoa beans, after roasting cocoa nibs are cooled as quickly as possible.
Preparing cocoa liquor
Cocoa liquor, obtained by grinding cocoa nibs, is a thick creamy liquid (at a temperature above 40 ° C). This liquid is heterogeneous and is a suspension in which the liquid phase is cocoa butter, and the solid phase is particles of the cell walls of cocoa beans. During the grinding process, the cell walls are destroyed, and the cocoa butter contained in them is released. Since the temperature always rises during grinding, the cocoa butter melts, and the solid crushed particles are distributed in it.
The composition of cocoa liquor (in%) is given below.
Water 2.0-2.5 Pentazans about 1.5
Fat 54-56 Fiber 2.7-3.6
Nitrogenous substances 13-14 Tannins 5.5-8.5
Theobromine about 1.5 Acids 0.6-2.4
Sugar about 1.0 Ash 2.0-3.2
Starch about 6.5
The main characteristics of cocoa liquor are its viscosity and degree of grinding.
Viscosity is highly dependent on humidity. With increasing humidity, the viscosity increases significantly. For example, with an increase in humidity from 2.5 to 3.5%, the viscosity increases by 1.5 times. Cocoa liquor is a suspension, which consists of components having different densities. In this regard, cocoa liquor is capable of exfoliation. When stored in a liquid state, its upper layers are enriched with fat, and the lower layers are enriched with solid particles. This process proceeds with greater intensity in the mass containing larger particles. With an increase in the degree of grinding, the ability to delaminate decreases. To prevent delamination during storage, cocoa liquor is stored in containers equipped with mixers. Cocoa liquor from cocoa nibs is obtained on machines of various designs: impact-pin, eight-roll mills, three-roll combined mills, including a disintegrator, differential mills and ball mills.
Impact pin mills, or disintegrator units, have high productivity, they produce cocoa liquor of a high degree of grinding. The process involves blowing the resulting hot cocoa liquor with air. At the same time, the air carries away a certain amount of volatile acids from it, which favorably affects the taste. In addition, when blowing with air, cocoa liquor loses some of its moisture, which also favorably affects the quality of the resulting product, while the viscosity decreases.
Eight-roller, combined and differential mills are used not only for grinding cocoa liquor, but also for grinding nut kernels. The eight-roll mill has two corrugated and two smooth grinding rolls. Corrugated rolls are used for coarse additional grinding of cocoa nibs. Such grist, passing through six smooth rolls, arranged in two groups of three rolls, turns into cocoa liquor.

Fig 6.Scheme of a ball mill

Combined machines are a unit in which a disc grinder and a three-roll mill are mounted on one frame. Combination mills use two types: air-cooled and water-cooled disc grinder. The differential mill is equipped with two silicon carbide discs. In the radial direction, the working planes have a special corrugation that does not reach the outer edge of the disc. The discs rotate in the same direction, but at different speeds. As a result, the cocoa nibs falling between the planes are crushed, under the action of centrifugal force it moves from the center to the periphery and flows down in the form of a liquid mass.
In order to obtain a higher quality cocoa liquor is additionally crushed and homogenized. For this purpose, ball mills are used. Figure 6 shows a diagram of a ball mill type 292-B. Grinding takes place in a vertical cylinder 4, in which a mixing device rotates on a vertical axis 5. This device is driven by an electric motor 1. The working grinding body is steel balls 3 with a diameter of 4-6 mm. When the agitator rotates, the balls move inside the crushed product. The cocoa liquor to be ground is pumped by a gear pump. At the top of the cylinder 4 sieve separator installed 2, which separates the ground cocoa liquor from the grinding balls. The quality of the product (grinding intensity) depends on the rotational speed of the agitator, the product flow rate, the degree of filling of the working volume with grinding balls and their size.
When grinding cocoa, the liquor heats up. The process is carried out at a temperature of 75-80°C. To remove heat, the working cylinder and pipeline have a jacket in which water circulates. If necessary, cocoa liquor is passed through the mill again. In accordance with the standard, the following requirements are imposed on cocoa liquor: taste and aroma characteristic of this type of cocoa beans, water content not more than 3%, grinding degree not less than 90%.
Cocoa mass is the main semi-finished product of chocolate production. Recipes for chocolate and chocolate products it is not the consumption of raw cocoa beans that is normalized, but the consumption of cocoa liquor. The amount of cocoa liquor obtained from 1 ton of raw cocoa beans depends on their quality and processing conditions. In accordance with the recipes, the yield of cocoa liquor from raw cocoa beans should be 82-83.5%, i.e., 820-835 kg of cocoa liquor is obtained from 1 ton of cocoa beans. In production, cocoa liquor is stored in liquid form in large containers equipped stirrers and heating device.
Production of cocoa powder
Cocoa powder is made from cocoa cake by grinding it. Cocoa cake is obtained by partial extraction of cocoa butter from cocoa liquor.
Cocoa powder is a finely ground brown product. It is produced in two types: industrial and commercial. Industrial cocoa powder is used for the manufacture of fat glaze, some varieties of sweets, caramel, toffee, fillings and other types of confectionery. Commercial cocoa powder is used to make a cocoa drink. This drink is a suspension of cocoa powder in water or milk. The quality of the suspension and, accordingly, the cocoa powder used, is largely estimated by its stability, which depends on the size of the cocoa powder particles in suspension.
The stability of the suspension of cocoa powder increases if it is obtained from cocoa nibs or cocoa liquor, which have previously been subjected to a special alkaline treatment. The resulting various substances increase the stability of the suspension, slowing down the settling of cocoa particles. Under the influence of alkaline salts, the hydrolysis of fiber occurs, which facilitates the release of cocoa butter during pressing. Cocoa grits are treated with a solution of potash or a solution of bicarbonate of soda or simply water without the introduction of alkaline salts. The most effective is the method of treatment with a solution of potash. To do this, use large fractions of cocoa nibs.
Fig 7. Scheme of installation for the preparation of cocoa nibs
Cocoa nibs are processed at the installation, the scheme of which is shown in Fig. 7. Cocoa nibs from the supply bin 3, which is equipped with a pneumatic vibrator, are dosed in portions by auto-scales 7 and through a funnel 9 enters one of the reactors 11, made of stainless steel and equipped with a stirrer. Concentrated solution of potash and water pumps 4 from containers 5 and 3 fed into the mixer 6. The prepared reagent solution with a temperature of 80-85°C enters the reactor 11 through an automatic valve 10. The amount of the reagent is administered according to the mass of the introduced cocoa nibs (per 100 kg of nibs 1.5-2 kg of potash), dissolved in 25-30 liters of water. The processing time is about 60 minutes at 80-85 ° C. During this time, the cocoa nibs swell, absorbing almost all the liquid. Its humidity rises to 20-25%.

Three reactors ensure the continuity of the process. They are loaded alternately with an interval of 20 minutes. Prepared cocoa nibs enter the receiver 2, equipped with a water jacket, where cocoa nibs are aged for about 15 minutes, and auger 1 is fed for drying into a continuous belt dryer 12. In this dryer, the moisture content of cocoa nibs is reduced by 3-5%. Dried cocoa nibs are pneumatically fed into the cyclone 16, from which with a screw 15 goes for final drying in vertical shaft dryers 14. Drying is carried out with hot air at a temperature of about 120 ° C. The moisture content of cocoa nibs after drying is 1.5-2%. Dried cocoa nibs with auger 13 enters the feed funnel and is pneumatically fed into the cyclone 17, from where the auger 18 enters the storage tanks 19. From the storage tanks, the grits are fed for processing into cocoa liquor and then for pressing.
Cocoa liquor is treated with a solution of potash, a solution of bicarbonate of soda or water. The most effective treatment with a solution of potash. Potash solution
heated to 80 ° C and served in a vacuum conche, which is pre-loaded with cocoa tert

cocoa powder- the basis for the preparation of healthy, aromatic and delicious drinks. But not only drinks, depending on the characteristics, this substance is used by confectioners to create various products.

What is cocoa powder made from? From cocoa beans, and this process consists of several stages. Exists traditional ways cocoa processing, which are being replaced by more efficient modern technologies.

The first stage is the collection ripe fruits, followed by the extraction of grains with the removal of all unnecessary. In order for cocoa beans to acquire color, taste and smell, they are fried. The roasting parameters depend on the type of cocoa and on what the resulting products will be used for in the future.

Next are the most critical steps. technological process. Roasted beans are crushed into small pieces with the help of special machines, while the husk is released. Technologists call this husk cocoa shell. Sometimes it is added to cocoa powder, which significantly reduces the cost of the product, but also worsens its quality.

The grains obtained as a result of grinding are heated and passed through special millstones or vyalts. Grated cocoa is the product formed at this stage. From it, in fact, cocoa butter is extracted. The process of extracting fats from cocoa beans was developed in the early nineteenth century in Holland. Since then, it has been used, only on more modern equipment.

After the extraction of fats, cake remains. This is the raw material for the production of cocoa powder. It should be noted that the degree of oil extraction depends again on what characteristics are needed for the products obtained.

The cake is ground to a very fine powder, the particle size of which can be up to 16 nanometers. The smaller the particle size of the powder, the better it dissolves in water or milk.