Is unrefined oil harmful? Sunflower unrefined oil

21.04.2019 Bakery products

Our compatriots heard about refined vegetable oil not so long ago.

The flagship in the expanses of the post-Soviet space was TM "Oleina" - its advertising appeared in the late 90s, and more precisely in 1997.

Until this time, there was no particular variety of oils, only ordinary unrefined.

It was used both for salads and for frying, though not everyone liked the taste and smell of such “goodies”, too bright relish gives unrefined oil to products that are fried on it.

And also, under the influence of high temperatures, it releases harmful substances that adversely affect the human body.

Having tried the refined (refined) oil, none of the housewives returned to unrefined, in any case, for frying.

Unrefined oil today is used only for fresh consumption, which, however, is correct.

Affordable cost, economical consumption, the complete absence of smell and taste of vegetable oil, as well as burning in the cooking process brought the refined product nationwide love and recognition.

At one time, it completely squeezed out unrefined from store shelves, in which advertising played an important role.

She focused the attention of potential consumers on the fact that products prepared with refined oil are dietary, low-calorie.

It is good that over time, these two varieties of oils divided the market, because, in fact, they are not competitors, they are both healthy in their own way, they each have their own field of application, their own advantages and their own disadvantages.

Refined and unrefined oil: what is the difference?

The key difference between unrefined and refined vegetable fat is the way they are produced.

If we omit the details of the manufacturing processes of vegetable oil, which dictate the rules of super profitable commerce, then ideally they should look like this.

To obtain the most useful unrefined oil, raw materials (for our latitudes, these are sunflower, corn, flax, pumpkin seeds, for warm countries, these are olives, sesame, almonds and other oilseeds) are subjected to powerful presses, that is, they are thereby obtained by cold pressing.

This will be first pressed oil obtained by cold pressing. But since in this way it is impossible to squeeze out all the oil from the raw materials, an extraction method was used to help him, which is used after pressing.

The essence of extraction is to heat the cake residues, treat them with organic (I would like to believe in this) solvents that increase the yield of oil, and then are removed from the final product.

Thus, they get re-pressed oil, it is no longer as valuable and useful as what is obtained in the first pressing by the press.

As for refined vegetable oil, the raw material for its production is an unrefined product. During forced refining, various impurities are removed from it:

  • aromatic and flavoring substances;
  • those that can precipitate and spoil the appearance of the finished product - phospholipids;
  • pigments (refined oil is almost colorless);
  • all waxy substances and wax itself that cause clouding of the oil;
  • unbound fatty acids and others.

This is a brief description of the oil technology. Today, unfortunately, the production of vegetable oils is primarily a big business, which provides for the use of far from harmless technologies.

They allow you to get a market product with minimal material and time costs.

In some varieties of refined vegetable oil, all components useful to the body may be completely absent, and very harmful ones may be present instead.

Therefore, any oil needs to be bought only from trusted manufacturers, and it is better to go directly to the oil mill, if possible.

Unrefined vegetable oil - benefits

Crude oil is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable components for the body. It is very tasty and fragrant, makes familiar dishes richer, richer.

But   it is impossible! fry to get the maximum benefit to use such oil you need only fresh.

1. Saturates the body with vitamins.

2. Essential fatty acids (which depends on the type of oil).

3. Supplier of antioxidants.

4. It is an excellent means of preventing thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

5. Stimulates the production of growth hormone in children and adolescents.

6. The regular use of such vegetable fat improves the condition of hair, nails, and skin integuments.

7. Beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

8. Used in cosmetology for the preparation of nutritional and anti-aging compounds.

9. Normalizes the functions of the reproductive system in men and women.

10. Increases the immune properties of the body.

11. Improves the permeability of nerve impulses through cell membranes.

12. An essential component of a healthy diet.

13. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

Despite the obvious benefits of cold-pressed oil, you need to use it in very limited quantities - a couple of tablespoons per day, but regularly.

Refined oil, of course, loses out to its unrefined benefits, since it contains significantly fewer natural biologically active components with which the crude product is saturated.

But it is ideal for cooking healthy wholesome foods - stewed, baked and even fried, if you don't eat a lot of it and it every day.

Many are skeptical about refined vegetable oils, but without them, one would have to completely switch to boiled food, or quite harmful fried on animal fats.

And so, refined, as the golden mean - it is universal, suitable for gas stations and for heat treatment of products.

In conclusion, we can say that two types of oil should be present on the table  - one for use in its pure form externally and inward, and the other so that the food gives the maximum benefit and pleasure to eaters. Be healthy.

Cold-pressed oil is an indispensable product in the daily diet of a healthy diet. Its benefit lies in the fact that at the time of manufacture it retains all the vitamins and minerals that are present in the raw material without the use of harmful impurities.


For cooking, there is a single technology of cold pressing, which in the end gives the most delicious and healthy product. The result is a superior quality ingredient that is used both for cosmetic purposes and in food. The oil perfectly retains a considerable amount of trace elements, phospholipids, vitamins and acids. This is all achieved due to the fact that the production does not violate the structure of biological substances.

The process of such extraction consists in pressing the necessary seed when heating the mass to 45 degrees. It should be noted that with this technology, a smaller amount of raw materials is obtained, when compared with other manufacturing options.

What is good for health?

To date, cold-pressed filled supermarket shelves, but not everyone knows about their usefulness, and they prefer the usual gas station to many.

In order to understand the need for raw materials, you need to understand the manufacturing process. Sunflower seeds, flax and other ingredients are sent to a special press, after which juices begin to be squeezed out of them under high pressure. In this regard, the temperature of the refueling mass rises.

It should be noted that even those who observe the regime of raw food diet can safely use this product for food.

Thanks to this manufacturing method, it retains all the complexes of vitamins inherent in a certain type of oil. It also contains amino acids and natural ones that participate in the formation of cell membranes, and they, in turn, are responsible for the normalization of metabolism.

How to choose

It must be remembered that the real product at the time of production should not succumb to chemical treatment, as well as the introduction of a variety of preservatives. The use of such supplements is very important for those who seek to improve their health and eat natural food. Based on the foregoing, the choice must be guided by the presence of a pleasantly expressed aroma, as well as a qualitative different taste.

For example, the first cold pressed, as well as products of the same manufacturing method, deteriorate quickly enough, this confirms their naturalness. They have sediment and good turbidity. Using such refills in your diet, you can improve your health. When buying, you need to be careful, especially raw foodists, as some manufacturers can increase the temperature of manufacture to 90 ° C. With this treatment, beneficial substances begin to disappear. A product that smells of burnt or burnt oil does not meet all production standards.


For manufacturing, you need a screw oil mill, which should include a press for cold-pressed oil. Such devices are of various types. The main difference is the amount of processed raw materials, as well as the power output. For small enterprises, machines that process 6-10 tons of seeds per day are perfect. For larger companies, you need to choose devices with higher performance.

What is the difference between cold and hot pressed

Today, a huge number of oil manufacturers have appeared on the market, as such products are becoming increasingly popular. Prices for such products vary widely. It turns out that the mark “unrefined” does not always say that the oil is made in compliance with all requirements and will bring maximum health benefits. The processes can be divided into hot and cold pressing. In the production of the first type, high temperature is used, which, in turn, speeds up the production of the product. With this treatment, much more oil comes out than with the second option. Using another type of manufacturing, you can get a much more useful final result. This technology allows you to get the highest quality product, which, in turn, is more expensive, because up to 30% of the oil remains in the oilcake.

Hot pressing reduces the amount of nutritional and beneficial properties. With perfect production, there should not be a sharp strong taste and aroma. Also, when swallowed, the oil pleasantly envelops the throat and leaves a light taste. In order to choose the right cold-pressed oil, you should pay attention to the inscription - Extra Virgin. The difference in quality and usefulness for the body is great, so the decision is left to each person.


Production begins immediately after the harvest, that is, the dates fall at the end of November - beginning of December. Berries need to be cleaned of twigs and leaves, and then thoroughly washed. Further, the fruits are ground on stone millstones, and the resulting paste is well mixed and heated to a temperature of no more than 27 degrees. Then a traditional press or centrifuge is used, so that the extra virgin olive oil is cold pressed.

Oil can be distinguished by the content of fatty acids. The smaller their number, the product is considered better and more expensive. The complexity of manufacturing is that these fruits, like many others, begin to oxidize in air, as well as when using very high temperature. Therefore, in order to reduce this percentage, manufacturing should occur as quickly as possible.

Cold pressed olive oil is considered very useful and is most often produced mechanically. In its composition, such an oil can formally contain up to 1% fatty acids, but such an indicator for serious companies is inappropriate. The most famous manufacturers tend to generally eliminate or reduce the presence of this component.

This factor is due to the fact that the reaction begins to occur immediately at the time of removal of the fruit. The closer the press is, the better the final product.


To obtain oil, you must use fresh seeds. Quality, first of all, will depend on the state of the source material. Seeds should be oilseeds with a moisture content of not more than 6%, otherwise the resulting product will be too watery. A significant role is played by the degree of maturation, as well as the heat and light received during the growing process.

Cold pressed is the most useful, it retains all the necessary trace elements for the body.

In its composition, it has the following vitamins:

  • A (improves vision well);
  • D (provides the exchange and assimilation of calcium);
  • E (helps to maintain youth, health, and is also considered a natural antioxidant);
  • K (ensures the correct operation of the system responsible for blood coagulation).

This product improves the liver and digestive system, fights early aging and strengthens the immune system. Its harm lies only in high calorie content, so it is not customary to consume oil in large quantities.


Cold-pressed linseed oil is recommended for use in food, as well as used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Its composition is simply unique and contains such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Before buying such a product, you should consult your doctor, as there are restrictions on health effects.

Beneficial features:

  • significantly lowers blood cholesterol;
  • cold pressed oil is an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis, therefore it makes our life longer, as it prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • in its composition has almost all the vitamins of group B, which positively affect the nervous system;
  • vitamin E contained in oil is an indispensable antioxidant;
  • the product forms and improves immunity;
  • helps to absorb calcium;
  • stabilizes the level of fat;
  • useful for children;
  • restores the strength of athletes after a hard workout;
  • recommended in the postoperative period;
  • heals cuts and wounds well;
  • stabilizes the endocrine system;
  • helps in losing weight;
  • used for diabetes, as it improves the absorption of insulin by the body.


Cold-pressed castor oil is extracted from the appearance. It has a light yellow tint that does not form a film and does not dry out. It has a number of valuable properties. It is often used in cosmetology, as it perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin, smoothes wrinkles and prevents premature aging. It has excellent whitening characteristics, helps in the fight against freckles. Cold-pressed oil also looks great for hair, gives it shine and strengthens. It stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, an indispensable remedy for dandruff.

Used for deep cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. It is considered the easiest assistant for weight loss, as well as to improve metabolism.


Cold pressed is characterized by significant antioxidant properties. The use of 1 tbsp. l This remedy covers the daily need for vitamin E. An extract is extracted from the seeds of the fetus. Since they contain a large amount of chlorophyll, the final product has a greenish tint. Due to the presence of this component in the composition, when used, damaged tissues and mucous membranes heal, as well as a bactericidal effect.

The oil is very light and pleasant to taste, practically odorless. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and has a beneficial effect on it, for which it is often used in cosmetology. It is also important for medical purposes for the prevention of female and male problems in the genital area and oncology. It improves immunity and improves overall health.

Is it possible to fry?

Many people wonder whether it is allowed to cook using cold-pressed butter. Such an action, of course, is permissible, but at this moment the ingredient loses its unique taste and aroma, as well as positive properties. It is too useful in its raw form for such a utilitarian use. Its bright taste is not combined with all products, for example, you should not cook fish on it at all. Good quality oils that have a neutral taste are perfect for frying. This product undergoes special processing and is suitable for such purposes, without losing all its beneficial properties.

In order not to be disappointed after acquiring the selected refueling, several factors must be taken into account. At the time of purchase, you need to pay attention not only to the expiration date, which is very small, but also to the packaging. Since the product is afraid of light and oxidizes quickly, it should be in a dark-colored glass container and be hermetically sealed. Another important point is his storage at home, subject to the same conditions. After the expiration date, it is better not to use it in food, because it can affect the state of health.

Cold-pressed oil is much more expensive than products that have undergone chemical cleaning and processing, and therefore you can be sure that manufacturers monitor the quality of their goods and control the presence of fakes.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle implies proper nutrition. A diet consisting of the optimal combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will provide you with good health and excellent mood for many years to come. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds contains about 23 grams of protein, 43 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fiber. Unrefined sunflower oil acts as an excellent source of fatty acids and certain vitamins (in fact, a considerable amount of them!). Thanks to this composition, oil can not only improve the body, but also cope with some diseases (subject to moderate consumption). So let's talk about what unrefined sunflower oil is valued for, what benefits for the human body and when its consumption can harm.

Purpose and uses:

1. As ingredients for cosmetic products.
2. For food purposes for salad dressing and frying.
3. Some pharmaceutical companies use sunflower oil to produce drugs.

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil for the human body

Produced from sunflower seeds, oil is used as a cure for constipation and to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, and for cosmetic purposes is applied to the skin for massage, treatment of psoriasis, peeling.
  One tablespoon of the product contains 8.9 g of linoleic acid, which belongs to the omega-6 acid class and is an integral part of the body’s cells. The daily human need for these acids is 11-14 g.
  Unrefined sunflower oil due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthen the immune system.
It contains an increased amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for the youth of cells.
  Sunflower oil successfully fights asthma and reduces the severity of arthritis.
  Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it protects the skin from viruses and bacteria.
  It has an antifungal effect, therefore, indispensable as an adjuvant for the treatment of childhood infectious diseases.
  Prevents the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
  Due to its vitamin A content, cataract formation is avoided.
  Unrefined vegetable oil is subjected to minimal heat treatment and therefore all beneficial properties are preserved unchanged.
  Extends body youth.
  Contains proteins that the body needs to repair damaged cells and reproduce enzymes.
  Strengthens the nervous system.

The harm of unrefined sunflower oil to the human body

This is a high-calorie food product: 900 kcal per 100 grams. A tablespoon contains about 17 grams of oil, respectively, the calorie content of a spoon of oil is about 153 kilocalories. It is rich in vitamins, but almost completely devoid of minerals, so you should not use it in excess quantities due to the risk of obesity.

You can not use sunflower oil for women who experience PMS or have breast diseases.

A diet high in sunflower oil raises blood insulin levels and can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis in people with type 2 diabetes.

Fat oil has a bad effect on the pancreas.

Precautions and when not to be used:

Pregnancy and lactation
  allergy to plants from the cruciferous family: chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, sunflowers
  pancreatic disease

Not all vegetable oils are useful, some, like partially hydrogenated sunflower oil, contain trans fats, which increase the risk of disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Method of cleansing from toxins and healing the body using unrefined sunflower oil

The taste of natural oil from sunflower seeds is not everyone likes, so its popularity is not so high. However, refined and deodorized vegetable oil, devoid of natural aroma, loses a large amount of useful substances during processing. For this reason, only unrefined oil is used for medicinal purposes.

The procedure must be performed every morning on an empty stomach. To do this, put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, but you do not need to swallow it. Roll butter in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. Since the salivary glands will be involved in the process, toxins from the circulatory system will be removed from the body with the help of them. After you spit out the oil, rinse your mouth thoroughly, brush your teeth and toothbrush after use.

The primary effect of this treatment is to cleanse the body of toxins, and the secondary effect is to strengthen tooth enamel and eliminate gum problems. This treatment is carried out for several days, until you see a positive effect: lack of fatigue in the morning, a surge of strength and vitality during the day, and improved memory.

Although the fatty acids in this oil are necessary in the diet to maintain a balance of nutrients, do not abuse. Excess omega-6 leads to an imbalance in the body. Remember that as long as you control your diet and listen to the reactions of the body, sunflower oil can be a very useful addition to your diet.

Sunflower oil - a popular product that is daily present in the diet, is used for cooking, is a universal skin care product and even helps in the treatment of certain diseases. Basically, people prefer it to him - this is budgetary, and already familiar to many.

Few people think about the quality of the product, choosing solely on the external characteristics and label. Is it really good to have perfectly clear oil in the original bottle and what is hidden behind “100% naturalness”, we will tell in this article.

The chemical composition and nutritional value of sunflower oil

Natural, raw product has the following composition (average values):

Nutrient / Metric Amount of 100 gr. product
Calorie oil 899 kcal
Water 0.1 gr
Fats 99.9 g
Vitamin E 44 mg
Phosphorus 2 mg
Sterols (Beta Sitosterol) 200 mg
Saturated fatty acids, of which: 11.3 gr
  • Palmitic
6.2 gr
  • Stearin
4.1 gr
  • Begenova
0.7 gr
  • Peanut
0.3 gr
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (Oleic) 23.8 gr

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids


59.8 gr
Oil density, p 930 kg / m 3

Also in the composition in a small amount are vitamins D, K, carotenes, vegetable carbohydrates, protein substances, mucus, waxes, tannins, inulin.

The composition of sunflower oil varies depending on the terrain and growing conditions of sunflower, and not always for the better. Plants can be treated with insecticides and pesticides, which also get into the seeds. The composition of the oil, including the residual content of chemically aggressive substances, is regulated by GOST.

Product Benefits

The beneficial properties of sunflower oil today are well known. This is a product with a high degree of digestibility, up to 95-98%. A positive effect on the body is due to the composition:

  • phospholipidsimprove the functioning of cells of the nervous tissue and the brain, protect against the development of atherosclerosis, participate in the construction of cell membranes;
  • tocopherol (Vit. E) is a powerful antioxidant, normalizes metabolism, helps to preserve youth, has an antitumor effect and increases immunity. By the content of tocopherol, sunflower oil is richer;
  • vitamin D  responsible for the good condition of bones and skin;
  • vitamin K  participates in the normalization of blood viscosity, prevents internal bleeding;
  • unsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9) are directly involved in the proper functioning of the liver, blood vessels, nervous system, normalize the lipoprotein spectrum of the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. They increase immunity, have anticarcinogenic and antioxidant effects. Participate in the normalization of hormonal levels.
  • beta carotene  has a positive effect on growth processes, the state of immunity and improves vision.

Summing up, it should be said that, subject to consumption standards, a true, high-quality product helps fight atherosclerosis and its complications (heart attack, stroke), improves central nervous system function and increases concentration, slows down the process of premature aging, improves the condition of hair and skin, has a beneficial effect on work endocrine and genitourinary systems, has antiarrhythmic and cardioprotective effects, positively affects the state of the gastrointestinal mucosa and is used for constipation (1 tablespoon fasting oil).

Types of Sunflower Oil

This product is obtained from sunflower seeds using various technologies. Each of them is based on a similar process:

  • peeling of sunflower oil seeds from husks by mechanical means;
  • processing of kernels in vyalets: crushing into gruel;
  • extraction of sunflower oil: passing slurry through the press and obtaining the first press product;
  • processing the remaining mass, which may contain up to 30% of the product, in the extraction workshop.

Subsequently, the oil is processed (refined and refined): centrifugation, sedimentation, hydration, filtration, bleaching, deodorization and freezing. And each of these processes affects the quality of the final product. The production of sunflower oil is regulated by law: there is GOST 1129-2013, which clearly defines the standard amount of chemicals, organoleptic characteristics, physico-chemical properties and others, according to which the quality of the product is standardized.

There are 5 types of oil. They are indicated on the label. Studying the product in the store, we can already conclude about its quality, composition and effect on the body.

Raw unrefined

This is a product of the first spin, which is only filtered. It is considered the most useful: a minimum of production steps allows you to save a maximum of useful substances.

  • pros: has a pleasant natural taste, intense yellow color. In unrefined oil, you can count on the presence of phospholipids, vitamins, carotene, fatty acids.
  • Minuses: however, it quickly becomes bitter and dull, therefore, it has a short shelf life.

There are 3 types: top, first and second grade. Crude oil is obtained in three ways - hot and cold pressing and extraction:

  • Cold pressed  It allows you to get the highest quality, but expensive product (up to 20-30% of the oil remains in the cake).
  • Hot pressing  involves the use of heat: the process speeds up and more oil comes out.
  • Extraction.  During the extraction, the vegetable raw materials with the “non-squeezed” oil (cake) are mixed with the solvent, and the oil is completely converted into an organic solvent, which is gasoline or hexane. Then the mixture is separated - the process is called distillation, during which the oil is separated from the solvent. This is already a proven technology, and we hasten to reassure readers - there are no gasoline residues in the oil! More information about technology can be found in manuals on food production.

All subsequent processes of purification and processing are nothing more than bringing the product to the required presentation and shelf life.


A product that, in addition to mechanical cleaning, undergoes a hydration process: hot water is passed through an oil heated to 60 ° C in the form of a fine dispersion (70 ° C). During this process, protein and mucous fractions precipitate. After processing, the oil has a less pronounced smell and taste, becomes lighter, without turbidity and sediment.

Also distinguish the highest, first and second grades of the product, similarly unrefined.

Neutralized and refined

The product is completely purified from impurities, as well as free fatty acids, phospholipids using alkalis and acids. The oil acquires optimal external consumer properties, but loses its typical aroma and taste, as well as useful components. It is used for frying, stewing and deep-frying, as well as the production of cooking fats and margarines.

Refined deodorized

It is obtained by refining and subsequent exposure to water vapor under vacuum. During processing, the product loses aromatic substances, which shorten the shelf life.

  • Brand D  indicates that the product is suitable for diet and baby food,
  • Brand “P"- for the rest of the population.

Refined deodorized frozen sunflower oil

Freezing the oil removes wax-like substances (which give turbidity in cold conditions and spoil the presentation) and further increase the shelf life. In fact, this product has no taste, no smell, no useful substances in the composition, and is nothing more than a mixture of triglycerides.

How to choose the best sunflower oil

Most useful  - raw oil of the first extraction, obtained by cold pressing from high-quality sunflower seeds grown in environmentally friendly conditions and sold in glass containers. It has a short shelf life, in violation of which it grows cloudy, rancid. In addition, with rancidity of the oil, carcinogens are formed in it, which are hazardous to health.

This product contains all the nutrients and is ideal for dressing salads, side dishes. But it’s definitely not worth frying on it: when boiling, it begins to foam, smoke and secrete carcinogenic substances that enter the food, and with it into the human body. Yes, an incoming carcinogen does not necessarily cause cancer. But the regular intake of carcinogens (and not only with food) leads to their accumulation in the body, and sooner or later a sporadic effect can work!

A reasonable question arises: where to find it and how to choose a good unrefined oil?

Today, such products can be bought at small farms, health food stores, and from manufacturers who are engaged in obtaining an environmentally friendly product. Naturally, all manufacturers must have permits, strictly adhere to the technology and carry out production control: study the quality and composition of the oil in accredited laboratories with an established frequency. The buyer has the right to demand documents for oil: research reports and a quality certificate.

How to choose homemade sunflower oil?

It is very difficult to talk about the quality of oils that are sold on bottling or in bottles in the markets. There are only guidelines that you can rely on, but the main guarantee that the bottle is not fake is a certificate of quality.

So home product:

  • has a pronounced, rich odor and natural taste of seeds;
  • has a rich yellow-golden color, but not dark;
  • a drop of oil on the skin of the hand should slowly spread;
  • when a product is transfused from a container into another container, there should be practically no sound;
  • let's say a little sediment at the bottom.

The guards should:

  • unnatural dark color, taste and texture of the product,
  • the presence of suspended matter (turbidity),
  • strong smell,
  • the shelf life of the oil is only 1 month - no one can guarantee that the seller is conscientious and says the real date of production.

If you are nevertheless fortunate enough to find that very best manufacturer of a product that is "sick" with its own business - do not buy a lot of oil, it is better to come to it twice or three times a month for fresh food. Store purchased oil only in the refrigerator and in glass containers.

How to choose a good refined oil in the store?

  • Do not blindly trust ads . Very often, manufacturers manipulate the minds of customers and write attractive phrases on labels:
    • "Without cholesterol". This is understandable - a plant product cannot contain cholesterol;
    • "Fortified". If we are talking about unrefined, then the statement may be true. But in a repeatedly purified product (refined) there can be no vitamins, and most likely a synthetic vitamin (most often E) is added;
    • "Natural". Natural - this means, created from sunflower seeds, i.e. natural, not artificial. Both refined and unrefined oils are natural. There are no nanotechnologies to synthesize oil artificially.

You can write anything on the label - but the consumer should pay attention not to the front part, but to the back, where the composition is indicated.

  • Carefully read the composition of the product! “Sunflower” may be written on the front of the label, and in the composition - a mixture of vegetable oils, for example, the addition of rapeseed. This is a tricky but legitimate trick of the manufacturer: in this case, the word “sunflower” is the name of the product, as well as “Golden Seed”, “Kuban”, etc.
  • Give preference to trusted, well-known manufacturers of sunflower oil, manufacturing their products in accordance with GOST with the marking “P” or “D”.
  • Choose a bottle that stands deep in the shelf and in no case take the packaging from open display cases - in the light, oil oxidizes.
  • Carefully read the release date and expiration date: if it comes to an end, you should not take such oil (and most often it is such products that are launched under promotional goods with a very attractive price).

Slightly departing from the topic, we note that the followers of healthy lifestyle and people who want to live long have long abandoned such a method of cooking as frying in oil, deep-frying. There is a special cookware that allows you to cook with a delicious crust, but without oil.

If life without classic-fried foods is not possible, you need to buy oils that do not change their properties and the properties of the product when boiled (high-quality refined deodorized and frozen out).

Very important:

  • pour the product into a cold pan and heat slowly;
  • do not cook at the highest temperatures;
  • do not overcook food (the crisp and tastier the crust, the more dangerous the food is for health);
  • turn over meat products more often during frying - this is how uniform heating occurs without the formation of local fried foci with carcinogenic substances;
  • allow excess oil to drain from the product and pour out the residues after frying. The greatest harm to refined sunflower oil occurs if you use it again for frying foods: with each subsequent heating, dangerous carcinogens accumulate that can cause cancer.


In one of the programs of the Habitat cycle, an experiment was conducted: a professional chef fried potatoes in different types of oils: refined and unrefined sunflower, sesame, unrefined olive, ghee and cream. Samples of the finished product and oil residues were tested in the laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition RAMS for the content of one of the most powerful carcinogens - acrylamide.


  • In all samples of the finished product, the acrylamide level was 900-1500 micrograms per kilogram, which is within the normal range.
  • In two samples, the level of acrylamide was negligible:
    • 0.584 milligrams per kilogram in a product prepared with unrefined sunflower oil,
    • 0.009 milligrams per kilogram in potatoes fried in refined sunflower oil.

Thus, it was concluded that refined sunflower oil is the best cooking oil.

  • Even natural vegetable oil should be taken in limited quantities.. This is a high-calorie product, which in large doses can provoke the development or exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to weight gain. With the uncontrolled use of oil, especially on an empty stomach, gastrointestinal dysfunction (diarrhea) can develop.
  • Consumption rate  - about 2 tablespoons per day in pure form (including oil in dishes).
  • In no case should you cleanse the body using this product. This method is still positioned by charlatans as the best and safest, but in fact leads to irreversible changes in the function of the liver and gall bladder.
  • You can’t ignore expiration dates, but it’s better to divide them into two. Over time, oxides (peroxides and hydroperoxides) are formed in the product that disrupt metabolic processes. Any product after opening the container must be used within 1 month after opening.
  • The storage temperature should also be observed., Do not place the product on a window or where direct sunlight falls. Natural unrefined oil should only be stored in glass containers and in the refrigerator.
  • Turbidity and sedimentthat formed in the raw product during the allowable shelf life are not a sign of poor quality. Waxes and phosphatides, useful components, precipitate. Just shake the bottle.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil inflicts the most severe blow to the body in the following cases:

  1. Unrefined  - if it is expired or is used for frying and deep-frying;
  2. Refined - if it is expired or is used for frying and deep-frying INCORRECTLY - repeatedly and at the maximum temperatures at which it begins to smoke!

Damage to expired oil

In expired oils (when rancid), aldehydes and ketones are formed.

  • Ketones  - toxic. They have an irritating effect, penetrate the skin, some of them have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.
  • Aldehydes  - able to accumulate in the body, providing a general toxic, irritating and neurotoxic effect, and some are also carcinogens.
  • The most useful of all is raw and unrefined oil, but it won’t work out for the future, because the shelf life is limited (4-6 months).
  • The shelf life of homemade oil is at all 1 month, i.e. it should be eaten immediately after purchase.
  • Refined oil can store 12-18 months. after manufacturing  (and as practice shows, it is stored even more, completely without changing appearance, and some people use it), but there will be no benefit from such oil, but harm is possible.

What is the harmful frying in vegetable oil

The smoke temperature of refined oil is 232 ° C, unrefined 107 ° C. To understand that the oil has reached the indicated temperature range is simple: it begins to smoke, exudes a pungent odor, "cuts" the eyes and irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

When frying among a bouquet of "chemistry" is especially dangerous:

  • Acrolein. Acrylic acid aldehyde, a poisonous substance that irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. It is formed immediately when the oil reaches the temperature of smoke.
  • Acrylamide. Amide Acrylic Acid. Toxin that affects the liver, kidneys and nervous system. It is formed in starchy products when frying in oil at temperatures above 120 ° C. It is localized in the very “tasty and fragrant” crust.
  • Fatty acid polymers, amines heterocyclic and free radicals. Formed in products of burning and smoke. They have a general toxic effect.
  • Carbon-containing polycyclic substances (benzpyrene, coronene) Strong chemical carcinogens of the first hazard class, which are formed in products of smoke and burning.

Application in cosmetology

The natural product is used for cosmetic purposes to moisturize dry skin. It has regenerative and softening properties and helps restore skin after a long stay in the cold. Smoothes out fine lines. It is used to cleanse the skin of the face - quickly dissolves and removes impurities.

To moisturize dry skin, make compresses of warmed oil. With such a problem as cracks in the feet, hands and lips, as well as irritation on the skin, a simple recipe helps: take 100 ml of oil and 1 bottle of pharmacy vitamin A, mix and lubricate problem areas of the skin two to three times a day.

Used for hair as a component of nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Contraindications and limitations

A direct contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance - an allergy to oil or sunflower seeds.

In limited quantities and with caution, oil should be used for people with:

  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dysfunction of the biliary tract or gall bladder, gallstone disease. This category of people should not take oil on an empty stomach and the recommended norm should be strictly observed. In patients with gallbladder stones while taking oil, the movement of stones and blockage of the bile ducts may begin;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obese.


Many media write that the panacea is olive oil, which is positioned as the most valuable and healthy. What is really?

In order to obtain the essential nutrients necessary for the body, sunflower oil familiar to Russians is enough: unrefined, fresh, not rancid, properly stored (no more than 1 month in the refrigerator in a glass container) and without subjecting the product to heat treatment, i.e. for dressing salads and as a flavoring.

For frying, deep-frying it is worth using only good refined sunflower oil and drain it after cooking. For each new serving of food - pour fresh oil.

And in order to get the maximum, you need to combine different oils (and not only olive) or alternate their use:

  • the largest amount of vitamin E gives a product from sunflower;
  • essential omega-3 acids contains linseed and mustard oil;
  • omega-6 acid complex, biologically active substances, minerals and vitamins are also found in any unrefined product obtained by direct extraction, including olive.

And yet - all useful things are useful when observing the measure. You can not eat more than 3 tbsp. oil per day, even if you produce it yourself and are 100% sure of the quality!

The most useful to the body can bring unrefined sunflower oil of the first extraction, in the production of which heat treatment is not used. This allows you to save in it all the useful substances and properties.

The main disadvantage lies in the short shelf life. Another minus - it can not be fried and stewed, that is, heated.

Sunflower was discovered for our country by a peasant by the name of Bokarev back in the 19th century, which gives every reason to say that the Russian people invented it, although this plant comes from America. They brought it from Holland during the reign of Peter 1. Then this oil was all unrefined, since there were no production technologies available now in those days.

The benefits and harms of unrefined sunflower oil directly depend on its components. This is a fatty product, 99 and 9 percent consisting of it with the absence of proteins with carbohydrates, harmful ingredients and food additives. It contains fatty acids and many minerals with vitamins in small quantities.

The preservation of all these components is possible due to the methods of its production by means of cold and hot pressing. In the first case, everything is simple - the seeds are pressed, followed by filtration of the extract. It turns out a dark saturated color with a slight sediment - such unrefined sunflower oil is especially useful. But it can not be stored for a long time, using a maximum of a month.

In the second case, before the seeds are wrung out, they are heated. The resulting extract is frozen or passed through a centrifuge. This oil is transparent without sediment, but it also has less benefit for the body. But you can keep it longer. Unrefined oil - the benefits and harms are closely connected in the sense that during frying it becomes unsuitable for consumption, losing all its positive qualities and becoming a real poison for the body.

Useful properties of oil

Due to its rich composition, unrefined sunflower oil is useful in many cases:

  1. It is able to improve memory.
  2. Intensify metabolic processes.
  3. Prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and lungs with bronchi.
  4. Helps the endocrine system.
  5. Makes the body immune to various viruses.
  6. Prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  7. Helps lower bad cholesterol.
  8. Relieves tooth pain.
  9. Prevents the formation of blood clots with a therapeutic effect.
  10. Rejuvenates the whole body.
  11. Cleanses blood vessels.
  12. Prevents heart and vascular diseases.
  13. Helps stabilize cerebral circulation.
  14. Strengthens the nail plates and hair follicles.
  15. Prevents childhood rickets.
  16. Minimizes skin diseases, preventing their appearance.