Canned peaches recipe for the winter. Quick peach compote for the winter (without sterilization)

07.04.2019 Soups

Long gone are the days when the campaign to roll up conservation for future use was global, large-scale and almost obligatory. Now everything that used to be prepared with sweat and, sometimes, selective curses, to the detriment of rest on vacation or on weekends, is freely sold in stores. And even sometimes quite tasty products come across that you can eat with pleasure (unless you read the composition on the back of the label). But sometimes no luck. buy canned peaches, for example, but you get lumps of fruit in an acidic liquid, packed in a jar with a slight touch of rust on the inside. Has this happened to you? It was with me. Therefore, I try to make running blanks myself. In addition to the indispensable pickled tomatoes, cucumbers and squash caviar I always close the peaches in syrup for the winter. A recipe with a photo of the cooking steps and tips for separating the skin and seeds from the pulp, this detailed instructions I hope you find it useful. I have been using it for more than a year, and the family is always satisfied. Peaches are juicy, sweet, tender. A little citric acid is put into the syrup, so it does not turn out to be either overly sour or overly cloying. Pieces of fruit can be eaten for dessert, served with pancakes, used as a filling for pies, cakes, cottage cheese casseroles, pastries. It turns out very tasty, and it is prepared very simply. Shall we start?


Output: 1.5 liters of conservation.

How to prepare peaches in syrup for the winter (step by step recipe with photos):

For preservation in halves, it is better to use small, fleshy fruits with firm pulp. Ripe peaches won't hold their shape well, so it's best to cover them whole, with pits and skins. Wash them well. There should be no “lint” left on the surface. Dry on a towel.

You can remove the skin if you wish. To keep the surface of the fruit smooth, it is better to blanch them first. Then the skin will be removed quickly and easily. Boil water in large saucepan. Keep it on a small fire. Prepare a container of ice. Place peaches in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Take out with a slotted spoon. Transfer to ice. After cooling, remove the skin by prying it with a knife.

I canned peaches with skins. It can be removed already in winter, after opening the jar. Cut the fruit in half. Large ones - it is advisable to divide into 4 parts in order to fill the jars to the maximum.

Unripe peaches are usually quite difficult to remove the pit. Make a deep cut (all the way) along the natural groove with a sharp knife. Gently roll the halves in opposite directions. The bone will separate from at least one part. From the second half, you can carefully cut it with a knife.

Wash the jars of the desired volume “to a squeak”. Since in this recipe the peaches are poured with boiling syrup and immediately rolled up, without sterilization, it is advisable to sterilize the jars themselves. In extreme cases, scald them several times with boiling water, dry them. Arrange peach halves compactly. Try to fill in all the gaps.

Boil clean water. Pour into banks. Cover with sterile lids. Let the peaches "steam" for 10-15 minutes. This will avoid unwanted fermentation of preservation.

The same water is used to make syrup. Drain the almost cooled liquid from the jars into the pan. Leave the halves of the fruit in jars. Add sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Put citric acid. It is used in small quantities, so it will practically not affect the taste of the workpiece. But the shelf life will increase.

Pour boiling syrup over peaches. Roll up immediately.

Check the tightness of the blockage by turning the preservation upside down. Open the leaking jars, boil the syrup again, pour over the peaches. Close with lids. Wrap with thick material. Leave to cool.

Take the settled peaches to a dark, always cool, dry place where they will wait for winter. Tender fruits are saturated with syrup, become softer, sweeter. Fruit liquid can be drunk, used as an impregnation for confectionery.

Fruits for this preparation should be chosen with great care and only the best. Still, we do not cook jam. Fruits should be firm, not spoiled, without damage, without any dents and bedsores, it is better if they are slightly unripe. Then, as a result of their conservation, you will get a first-class billet of peaches, which will look 100% and will stand in storage for a long time.

Before canning, peaches should be sorted and washed.

The size of the fruit also matters, but not much. It is better to take medium-sized fruits - small or medium. In general, those that will easily pass through the neck of the cans. In addition, the smaller the peaches, the more compactly they will fit in the container, which means that more of them will fit in it. For reasons of aesthetics, when fruits of different “caliber” are selected, we recommend taking fruits of approximately the same size for each jar.

If you have to, no big deal. This will not affect the aroma and taste of the workpiece. It's just that less fruit will fit in a jar. In a small container - just a few pieces. But there will be a lot of syrup. Well, if the fruits are so large that neither whole nor halves will pass through the neck of the cans, then they will have to be cut. On quality finished product this also has no effect. Usually in this case, the fruit is cut into quarters.

Then wash the peaches thoroughly. To wash off all the dust from their velvety peel, it will be necessary to rub each fruit several times well, but gently, so as not to wrinkle, rub it with your hands under a cool shower or running water. This rule also applies to those peaches that will be canned without peel. After the “water procedures”, we dry the fruits individually with a towel, trying not to wrinkle them.

There are several options for canning peaches in syrup: with or without a peel and whole with stones or halves (quarters) without seeds. The choice of cooking option depends on your own preferences and in some cases on the size of the fruit. However, the following should be noted. It is recommended to leave the peel, since the lion's share of vitamins and other useful substances this fruit is contained in it. In addition, fruits with skin retain their density in the workpiece longer.

To remove the peel, the fruits in a colander are poured over with boiling water.

And concerning bones such remarks. Whole fruits look prettier and retain their firmness longer. And the preparation is more fragrant. In addition, over time, the bones bring a spicy, but almost imperceptible bitterness to the taste of the whole product. And, finally, after eating the peaches themselves, it will be possible to treat yourself to the seeds, splitting their shells. They are also very tasty. But without fanaticism - use a large number bones can lead to poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, which is formed during their digestion.

And we must remember that it is advisable to eat the preparation of peaches with stones within a year from the moment of rolling. And fruits in syrup without seeds (halves and quarters) can be stored for up to 2 years (they are usually not stored longer).

To remove the peel, put a few peaches in a colander, first put them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately into very cold water for a short time. Dishes with boiling water and cooling water should be deep enough so that the fruits are completely immersed in them. Then we spread the fruits on a towel and give them time to dry. After that, remove the peel.

To remove the seeds, and easily and quickly, you need to cut each fruit along the bone. Its location is marked in peaches by a characteristic hollow on only one side of the fruit. Then we separate the 2 halves of the fruit. This is best done with a slight scrolling of the halves in opposite directions, so as not to crush the fruits. In one of the parts there will be a bone. Gently pry it off or, if necessary, cut it out with the same sharp knife.

Then we preserve according to the selected recipe. We use carefully washed and then sterilized and dried jars (recommended volume 0.7–1 l) and lids (for seaming or threaded) for this blank. Seal containers immediately after cooking. Then we put them neck down on a dense and warm thing spread on any hard, even surface, and wrap the same thing on top. When the peaches in syrup have cooled to room temperature, they must be transferred to a storage place: a cellar, a warm shed or a loggia, a basement or a refrigerator. It is also possible in the pantry, but there the workpiece will be stored for a shorter period.

How peaches are preserved in syrup - the subtleties of recipes

All recipes are about the same. They differ only in the amount of sugar and whether it is added or not. lemon juice(to taste, but approximately 1 tsp per liter of syrup) or citric acid (approximately 0.5–1 tsp per 1 kg of fruit). Sugar is recommended to take 400 g per 1 liter of water for syrup. It is easy to find out the volume of water by pouring it first into the jars with the fruits laid in them, and then pouring it into a measuring container.

It is better to do this before heating the water. Either sugar is taken by eye or according to your taste - usually in the range of 100–200 g per 1 kg of fruit. And the canning process itself is similar to that described in the 3rd chapter of the article. That is, the fill method is used.

I do not argue, peach compote can be prepared without any citric acid or lemon there. But it takes too long to play, and a lot of sugar goes into such a peach compote. Or cook assorted peach compote.

peach compote pairs well with apples, plums or grapes. I made this compote personally, but you can go for the recipe

But I don’t want assorted compote, but pure peach compote to get a peach out of a jar and enjoy a piece of summer. Well, what are you with me?

Peaches for compote should be taken ripe and without flaws (broken, rotten, wormy). But when you buy peaches, they come across with flaws. How without it? Nothing, I have such peaches for jam or jam. Do not disappear the same good? I'm putting everything in motion.

As you know, peaches are covered with fluff. But before putting these peaches into compote, it must be washed off. If you wash it under running water, you can injure peaches and even peel some of them. There is one small way how to wash peaches from a fluff quickly and easily.

See, dial in the pelvis cold water and dissolve ordinary baking soda in it. An approximate calculation of this solution: 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water. Immerse dirty peaches in this solution and forget about them for 30 minutes.

After a while, your peaches will be clean, and there will be no trace of the fluff.

After the soda solution, the peaches just need to be rinsed under running water. cold water and proceed to the next stage of preparation.

While my peaches were floating, I was engaged in packaging for them. That is, 3-liter jars washed with baking soda, rinsed thoroughly under running water hot water, and then scalded each with boiling water. As I said, in the current heat, I do this only in the bathroom.

Peach compote can also be prepared from whole fruits, but they are not so fragrant to taste. My friend Victoria shared these taste impressions with me. It was she who advised me to cook this peach compote for the winter. For which many thanks to her.

By the way, if you remember, this is the same Victoria who told me delicious recipe cottage cheese cake. And you will find the recipe. But for the test, I made a couple of cans with whole peaches (with a bone). I will try in the winter.

In general, we divide the peach into two parts, with the help of a knife, and carefully take out the bone. For one 3-liter jar, I needed 9 of these peaches. It turns out exactly half the can.

Pour a glass of sugar (I have such a mug) and half a teaspoon of citric acid (as in the photo) into the jar on top of the peaches. Instead of citric acid, you can use lemon juice or 2 lemon slices.

While you are doing this, there should already be on the stove large saucepan with water, and preferably two. Pour boiling water over our jars of peaches, right up to the neck, cover with lids (pre-sterilized) and close the turnkey. Do this with each jar. Everything!

Wrap jars with peach compote in a blanket, lids down. Wrap well and leave overnight.

After a day, unwrap the jars, turn them upside down and let them cool completely. Then you can take it to the basement, to the cellar, or if you have few jars of peach compote, introduce them to your other preparations in the pantry.

This year I rolled up a lot of peach compote, about 30 cans. So they have a place only in the cellar. When it is full, I will definitely show you my stocks for the winter.)))

In the meantime, until we meet again and all the best to you. Do not be afraid, close the peach compote for the winter, according to the presented recipe, and you will be happy. The recipe has been tested over the years by my friend Victoria, so go ahead!

Dear readers and guests, let's dot the "i". A lot of questions have gathered here about rolling peach compote for the winter and storing it.

Friends, I have been rolling up peach compote since this recipe came out. That is, since 2015. To be honest, not a single bank exploded. Here is a photo from last year. She quickly went down to the basement and clicked. There are about 6 cans left. As you can see it's worth it. I keep this compote in the basement.

If we talk about storing peach compote in an apartment, then you can store it. Why do I speak so boldly? Personally, I didn’t keep it in the apartment, but I kept the apricot one. They are kindred. In the summer I kept the jars in the north room, and when it got cool, I had a shelf on the balcony. That's where I took them out.

What more i can say? If the recipe is made correctly and the fruit itself is of the first grade, everything will stand.

If you still have doubts, then make assorted compote with peaches. Add grapes, cherries, currants to peaches. That is, those berries in which there is a lot of natural acid.

Wish you successful blanks and see you again!

From peaches prepare a lot of delicious fragrant desserts, preserves and jams for the winter.

Peach Recipes for homemade preparations for the winter - tasty and fragrant jam, peaches in own juice, nutritious fruit drink from peaches, canned peaches in slices.

How to use canned peaches are used for baking pies and cookies, in the preparation of cakes.

A delicious treat in winter, sweet peaches in syrup. An easy recipe for peaches for the winter. For cooking, slightly unripe and dense peaches are suitable.

Ingredients: peaches 2 kg, sugar 400 g, water 1 l, citric acid 2 tsp.


Wash the peaches with water, cut off the skin. Cut in half to remove the bones.

Pre-sterilize jars and lids. Arrange the peaches cut in half into jars.

Pour boiling water over jars of peaches with boiling water, cover with lids. Leave for 20 minutes.

Drain the water from the jars, add sugar and citric acid, boil for 2 minutes as it boils.

Pour the finished syrup into jars with peaches and roll up the lids. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket, leave to cool completely. Store in a cool place.

Peach jam

Fragrant and delicious jam something you want to try in the winter. This recipe produces a thick peach jam.

Ingredients: peaches 2 kg, sugar 2 kg.


Wash the peaches with water and peel and remove the pits. Cut the peaches into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

Sprinkle the peaches with sugar and leave for 3 hours. We put the pan with peaches on the fire and after boiling we remove the forming foam.

Cook the peaches over low heat for 2-2.5 hours at a time. There is no need to stir.

While the jam is cooking, prepare jars and lids: wash and sterilize.

Pour the finished peach jam into jars and roll up the lids. From 2 kg of peaches I got 1.5 liters of delicious jam.

Sweet and sour peach juice - delicious and healthy drink for the whole family. A simple cooking recipe peach juice for the winter.

Ingredients: peaches 1.7 kg, sugar 250 g, water 2 l, citric acid 1 tsp.


You will need ripe, sweet peaches. We wash the peaches with water, cut off the skin and remove the seeds. Cut into random pieces.

Add citric acid and sugar to the peaches in a saucepan. Grind with a blender, you get a homogeneous mass.

Add water, stir and put on fire.

After boiling, remove the foam that forms and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

Prepare - wash and sterilize the lids and three liter cans. These ingredients make 1 three-liter jar.

Pour the finished peach juice into jars, roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely, no need to turn over.

Fragrant peaches float in their own juice, because for cooking they use a little water and a spoonful of sugar.

Ingredients for 1 liter. bank: peaches with dense pulp 5-6 pcs, sugar 1 tbsp. l., water 4 tbsp. l.


Wash the peaches and cut the skin, cut in half, remove the stones. Prepare jars: wash and sterilize. Arrange peaches cut in half in jars, sprinkle with sugar. Then pour 4 tablespoons of hot water into jars.

Cover the jars with lids and set to sterilize in a container of water. We sterilize liter jars for 35 minutes, half-liter jars for 30 minutes.

Roll up ready-made jars with peaches with lids. Turn jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Video - Peach jam slices. Simple and delicious

Proven peach recipes for the winter will come in handy and help prepare useful blanks for the winter.

The season of preparations for the winter is in full swing, in addition to pickles and pickles, many housewives traditionally make compotes. And, although supermarkets have a huge selection of juices and fruit drinks, real housewives are sure that it is better homemade compote there is nothing.

Indeed, homemade recipes do without preservatives and stabilizers, which are found in almost all store products, are made only from fresh fruits, unlike juices, mostly reconstituted.

Peaches have amazing flavor. Yes and useful components a lot in fruits. I want to enjoy the southern delicacy all year round and not just in summer. And this is possible if you prepare peach compote for the winter. It seems to young housewives that the proposed conservation requires special knowledge, adherence to strict technologies.

Nothing like this: simple recipes that do not require much time or a huge list of ingredients. ways home cooking There are quite a lot of peach compote in jars. Small fruits are preserved whole, large ones are best cut into halves or quarters, removing the stone.

You can add other fruits or berries to the jar for taste and beauty. Peaches go well with grapes, apricots, sour apples, plum. Always with a bang, a jar diverges fruit platter. Below is a selection of peach-based compote recipes, their peculiarity is that the fruits can also be used in baking in winter.

Peach compote for the winter - photo recipe step by step

For starters, it’s better to cook a surprisingly tasty, simple peach compote for the winter according to the recipe, to which photos of each step are added.

Residents of the southern regions roll compote for the winter in 3-liter jars. If fruits are bought, then it is better to take a container of 0.5 or 1 liter.

Time for preparing: 45 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Peaches: in any amount
  • Sugar: at the rate of 150 g per 1 liter of preservation

Cooking instructions

A very simple recipe for peach compote for the winter without sterilization

The most disliked action when rolling compotes is sterilization, there is always a danger that the jar will burst, and the precious juice, along with the fruits, will pour into the sterilization container. Next recipe eliminates the need for additional sterilization. The fruits are taken whole, the skin is not removed from them, so they look very attractive in jars.

Ingredients (based on a three-liter jar):

  • Fresh peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid - a little less than a teaspoon.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. Select whole, dense beautiful peaches. Long-term storage of peach compote is hindered by the "fluff" that covers the fruit. To get rid of it, wash the peaches thoroughly under running water using a brush. The second option is to soak them in water for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  2. Sterilize glass containers and let dry. Carefully lower the peaches into each (as these are very tender fruits).
  3. Boil water, a little more than normal. Pour into banks. Cover with tin lids, but do not cork.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, start preparing the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with citric acid, fill with water from a jar. Bring to a boil, hold for 5 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over fruits.
  5. Immediately cork with tin lids, which covered the containers when pouring boiling water, but additionally sterilize in boiling water.
  6. Flip. Be sure to organize the so-called passive sterilization. Wrap with cotton or woolen blankets. Keep at least a day.

Such compotes require storage in a cool place.

Peach compote with pits for the winter

A very tasty and rich compote of peaches is obtained if the fruits are cut in half and the bones are removed. On the other hand, peach pits add a pleasant touch, and the whole fruit looks very beautiful. Plus, saving time, because you do not need to cut and take out the bones, which are also poorly removed.

Ingredients (for a three liter container):

  • Fresh peaches - 10-15 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water 2-2.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. It is important to select the "correct" peaches - dense, beautiful, fragrant, of the same size.
  2. Next, wash the fruits, wash off the peach “fluff” with a brush or hands.
  3. Send containers for sterilization. Then lay out the cooked, washed fruits in them.
  4. Fill each jar with boiling water. Cover with lids. Some advise already at this stage to cover the containers with a warm blanket (plaid).
  5. 20 minutes exposure (or rest for the hostess). You can proceed to the second stage of preparing compote.
  6. Pour the water saturated with juice and peach flavors into enamel pan. Add sugar, stir until dissolved. Send to the stove.
  7. Pour boiling syrup into jars, cover with lids that were boiling at that time, cork.

Additional sterilization is obligatory in the form of wrapping with warm clothes (blankets or jackets). During the year, compote should be drunk. This type of compote is not recommended to be stored longer than the specified period, since hydrocyanic acid leading to poisoning.

Compote of peaches and plums for the winter

Southern peaches and plums growing in mid-latitudes ripen at the same time. This gave the hostess the opportunity to conduct a culinary experiment: roll up compote, where both fruits are presented. The result is pleasing, since the acid present in the plums contributes to preservation, on the other hand, the plums acquire a pleasant peach aroma, the taste of the fruits is difficult to distinguish. Plus, saving expensive southern peaches and using our own harvest to the fullest.

Ingredients (per 3 liter container):

  • Fresh peaches, large size - 3-4 pcs.
  • Ripe plums - 10-12 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. (with a slide).
  • Citric acid - ½ tsp.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  • Carry out a strict selection of fruits - whole, dense, with a whole skin, without bruises and rotten areas. Wash thoroughly.
  • Sterilize containers. In each, lay the fruits according to the norm.
  • Boil water. Pour the "company" of peaches and plums. Wait until the water cools down a bit.
  • Mix sugar with citric acid, pour water from jars. Boil the syrup (it cooks very quickly, the main thing is that the sugar and lemon are completely dissolved and the syrup boils).
  • Fill jars with syrup. Seal with tin lids.
  • send to additional sterilization under the blanket.

In winter, the whole family will appreciate such a compote, and they will definitely ask for more!

Peach and apple compote recipe for the winter

Peaches are friends not only with "related" plums, but also with apples too. It is best to take apples with sourness, which will remain in the compote.


  • Fresh peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sour apples - 3-4 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc. (can be replaced with citric acid 1 tsp).
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. Prepare the fruits - wash, cut, remove the bones, ponytails.
  2. Arrange in jars, add lemon zest, removed in the form of a ribbon.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar. Pour water into a container with fruits. Holding time - 20 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid and send to the fire. After boiling, squeeze the lemon juice (add a lemon).
  5. Fill cans, cover tin lid. Cork.
  6. Be sure to wrap a warm blanket for additional sterilization.

How to close a compote of peaches and grapes for the winter

Another recipe suggests combining peaches and grapes, making this fruit mix, which in winter with its taste and aroma will remind you of a hot summer.

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):

  • Peeled peaches - 350 gr.
  • Grapes - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - ¾ tbsp.
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. The first stage is the preparation of fruits that need to be washed thoroughly. Cut large peaches, remove the stone. Fruit small size can be preserved whole. Rinse the grapes under running water.
  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Sterilize containers. Arrange peaches and grapes.
  4. Pour in hot syrup, cover with lids. Leave overnight in a cool place.
  5. The next day, drain the syrup, boil. Pour fruit again.
  6. This time close with sterilized lids. Cork. Additionally sterilize.

Enjoy in winter exotic taste and remember summer!