Interesting facts about potatoes for children. Interesting facts about the world around (senior group) on the topic: Talking about potatoes

How can you imagine our life without potatoes? Potato dishes are the highlight Belarusian cuisine and are certainly present at our table. Almost 2 thousand dishes can be prepared from potatoes - from salad to jelly.

Potatoes have long been firmly established in our kitchen. However, are you sure that you know absolutely everything about him?

The first to cultivate potatoes were the Peruvian Indians in the Andes more than 4 thousand years ago. At an altitude of over 3 thousand km above sea level, they managed to breed more than 200 varieties of this root crop.

Despite the fact that the potato appeared in Europe already in 1550 (according to other sources - in 1565), they greeted him more than coolly: he is not mentioned in the Bible, moreover, potato haters spread rumors that its use leads to leprosy , rickets and tuberculosis. For the first time, potatoes became popular in Europe only at the end of the 18th century, when Marie Antoinette supplemented her dress at the ball with potato flowers. However, another crowned apologist potato diet, King of Prussia Frederick II the Great, acted easier: he threatened to cut off the ears and noses of those farmers who refused to plant potatoes.

V North America potatoes first appeared even later than in Europe - in 1621, when the governor of Bermuda, Nathaniel Butler, sent a shipment of potatoes to the governor of Virginia, Francis Wyatt. In doing so, he did long way: after the Spaniards brought potatoes to their homeland, through Italy, he got to Northern Europe, and from there - to Bermuda.

During the Gold Rush in Alaska, potatoes were valued almost their weight in gold - primarily for their high nutritional value and vitamin C content.

The humorous teasing of Belarus as a country inhabited by big potato lovers is statistically justified: it firmly holds the first position in the world in terms of potato production per capita!

The water content in potatoes is about 80%, depending on the variety. Only slightly less than milk.

  • Potatoes are the most important non-cereal crop in the world, and the fourth most important crop of all crops, after corn, wheat and rice.
  • Potatoes are grown in about 125 countries around the world.
  • Potatoes are environmentally friendly pure product... It is cheap and easy to grow without huge amount fertilizers and chemicals, although some manufacturers use them anyway. Potatoes need to grow less water than other staple crops such as wheat, rice and corn. All this makes potatoes an ideal crop for farmers who can grow them in difficult conditions.
  • Potatoes became the first food product grown in space and experienced weightlessness. In 1995, the space shuttle Columbia carried potato sprouts into space.
  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world's largest potato tuber weighs 8 pounds and 4 ounces (3.8 kg). The record-breaking tuber was grown by Peter Glazebrook of Nottinghamshire and presented at the National Gardening Show on September 4, 2010 in England.
  • Agronomist Antoine-Auguste Parmentier popularized the potato in France using the principles of reverse psychology. During the day, he posted guards around his potato fields, enhancing the value of the potato in the eyes of those around him. And at night he left potato fields unattended so that every night, thieves could leave them with sacks filled with this most valuable potato!
  • One of the largest potato harvests from one bush was taken in Belarus. 26 potatoes were harvested from one bush of "Sineglazka". By the way, in botany this variety is known as "Hannibal" - in honor of Pushkin's great-grandfather, who was the first in Russia to conduct experiments on potato breeding.
  • The most expensive potato in the world (500 euros per kilogram) is grown on the island of Noirmoutier.
  • The fastest peeling potatoes in the world are German Linda Thomsen - 10.49 kg of potatoes in 10 minutes.
  • Recent research by scientists has shown that the potato diet is beneficial for improving memory. After eating a portion mashed potatoes, the glucose in the potato enters the body, and after 15 minutes memory function improves.
  • In the Inca calendar, there was one of two ways of determining daytime: the time was measured by the time it took to boil potatoes - which was approximately equal to one hour. That is, in Peru they said: so much time has passed as it would have taken to prepare a dish from potatoes.

There is no such child who would not love potatoes! It is not for nothing that potatoes are called “the second bread”; an incredible number of different dishes are prepared from it. It is such a popular vegetable that it is found in almost all cuisines in the world.
And what do schoolchildren know about him? How did the potatoes end up on our table? All this can be learned if you spend a potato festival with your children.

Goals. Expand the knowledge of children about potatoes; learn to select the right material; develop the artistic and creative abilities of children; to teach the analysis and generalization of the collected material, to foster respect for working people.

Educational materials. Exhibition of potatoes; the newspaper "History of Potatoes"; set of postcards "Migrant Plants".

Preliminary preparation. The class is divided into groups. Each group prepares different tasks. The first group should compose "Ode to the Potato", the second group - to pick up or compose ditties and riddles about the potato, the third group - to publish a wall newspaper.
On this day, mashed potatoes with cucumbers and cabbage salad were prepared for the children in the dining room.


Teacher. Listen to the poem.

Disciple 1.

This time the story will go
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly in winter,
Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who is in the kitchen with us
In the spring I brought it myself.
About the one whose strange eyes
They grew day by day
About someone who knew me
But he didn’t see me.
Think a little -
What if it's ... ( potatoes)?

(D. Chiardi)

W. Today we will talk about all of us a well-known and favorite vegetable - potatoes. Homeland of potatoes - South America... Do you know how he appeared in our country?

Leading. Dear guys, our game begins! Now we are with you, answering the questions of the game "Field of Miracles", we learn about where the potatoes came to our table.

Tour 1

What are the mountains in which wild potatoes grow? ( Andes.)

Tour 2

The country where potatoes were first brought by sea. ( Spain.)

Have... The Spaniards did not understand the value of the product. Potatoes had to go all over Europe and return to Spain again as an already revered product. Potatoes as a gift to the Pope came to Italy, where they got their name from the word tartuffoli- so the Italians called mushrooms truffles, resembling new underground fruits in shape.

Tour 3

What was the name of the French physicist and pharmacist - an ardent propagandist of the potato? ( Parmentier.)

W. Parmentier arranged free dinners of nothing but potato dishes, accompanied by entertaining conversations and witty stories. He made hot appeals to the French nobility and even reached the royal court. The queen listened favorably to the scientist and included a potato flower in her toilet. And then the demand for flowers of a new plant flared up among the nobility. They say that some advocates of the new plant, breeding it with great zeal, but knowing about it by hearsay, diligently collected the green fruits tied to the tops after flowering and, having prepared enough of them, tried to taste them boiled and raw. You can imagine what disappointment awaited them!
And King Louis XVI promoted potatoes in the following way: he ordered to plant a whole field with potatoes in the royal garden near Paris and to guard it.

Playing with the audience

What did King Louis appoint for stealing potatoes? ( Fine.)

W. Louis ordered the guard to "ignore" the thieves. And the forbidden fruit, as you know, is sweet. What is guarded must be valuable. Thieves immediately appeared. After the potatoes have ripened, there are no tubers left in the field. In Russia, Tsar Peter I began to introduce potatoes. The Tsar's order to eat them led to "potato riots."

The final

What did Peter I give out for sowing potatoes? ( Prize.)

Super game

What did the Russian people call potatoes? ( Bloody apple.)

V. The history of the development of potatoes in Europe and Asia is similar to an adventure novel. Earth apples, as they were also called, conquered more and more countries: Switzerland, Holland, Ireland. And now from Ireland, potatoes come to North America. Only later did they find out that the potato made almost a round-the-world trip, returning to its mainland.
How many obstacles the potato went through before getting on the table, you can learn from the tale of H.K. Andersen's "Potato".

W. When do we plant potatoes?

Children. In late April - early May.

W. How is he looked after in the summer?

D. Potatoes are harrowed, loosened, hilled, fed, fought against weeds, diseases and pests.

W. You see how much effort it takes for a person to grow potatoes! When to harvest?

D. In early September, you can dig out the potatoes.

W. If you planted one bucket of potatoes, approximately how many buckets can you harvest in the fall?

Students answer.

W. What determines the yield of potatoes?

D. From the variety (there are more than 200 types of this vegetable), soil, fertilization, care and many more reasons.

W. If you only have a few large potatoes and want to plant more, what can you do?

D. It is necessary to cut the potato into several parts, but so that there is a peephole in each piece.

The teacher shows potatoes with eyes.

W. Well done! In high school, you will do various experiments with potatoes to confirm what we just talked about. Now let's hear how the three groups prepared their homework.

First group

Ode to potatoes

W. In one beautiful kingdom ...
D. Or maybe not in the kingdom ...
W. Once upon a time there was a potato ...
D. Or maybe she didn't.
W. She was big ...
D. Or maybe a little ...
W. Round, white, big-eyed ...
D. Or maybe she wasn't.
W. And if in a pig-iron
You will cook it in the stove ...
D. And if you don't cook ...
W. But you can cook it.
Salt a little ...
D. Or maybe stronger ...
W. With a crispy cucumber ...
D. With salty maybe
You can eat it.

Children sing to the tune of the song "And in our yard":

In our garden
there is one potato,
Among all vegetables
she is inconspicuous.
Why is this so
is she inconspicuous?

Can I have lunch
Fry you cutlets
But potatoes to them
All is necessary.

After all, potatoes for us
very valuable product,
He will always replace
the most delicious fruit.
Why is this so:
the most delicious fruit?

Can I have lunch
Make an omelet too,
But the potatoes are still
Very good to everyone.

Second group

Funny ditties

We are fighting girls
Amicably, we live happily.
We are now our ditties
Let's sing about potatoes.

My potatoes are overgrown
The wild grass is quinoa.
I weeded a little
And she said: "Fool with you!"

I ate potatoes at the table,
Alyoshka came up.
Alyoshka asked for a spoon:
Watch out, potatoes!

Oh, thanks, Peter the First,
That he brought us potatoes.
Otherwise they would eat until now
Only turnips and oats.

Riddles about potatoes

    Non-pretentious, baggy,
    And she will come to the table -
    The guys will say cheerfully:
    "Well, crumbly, tasty!"

    Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs.

    Between the mountains
    Fat Egor lies.

    Hollow Chicken
    Made a nest outside the yard
    He bears eggs,
    He puts it in the ground.

    Round, crumbly, white
    She came to the table from the fields.
    Salt her a little
    It's true, delicious ... (to artoshka)?

Third group

The guys are presenting the "History of Potato" wall newspaper.

Leading. Potatoes are the most important source of vitamin C. Potatoes contain 32 microelements, of which potassium is considered very important (in the skin it is 1.5 times more). For the treatment of various diseases, all plant organs are used, but most often tubers. They have anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory effects. Potato juice helps in the treatment of sore throats. An infusion of tuber sprouts can help restore vision. Hot potatoes in a uniform will cure a cough. Even the warts will disappear if you rub them with raw potatoes.
Potatoes are called "second bread". An incredible number of different dishes are prepared from it. It is such a popular vegetable that it is found in almost all cuisines in the world.

W. What kind of dishes can you make with potatoes?

D. Mashed potatoes, French fries, herring potatoes, potato casserole with mushrooms, potato roll, stewed potatoes with meat and many other dishes.

Leading. Now listen to the poem by Mikhail Yessenovsky "A sandwich about potatoes" (from "Books for reading while eating").

Student 2.

Somehow boy Yura
ate potatoes
He ate potatoes
with a firm hand.
Potato says:
- I forgot something,
Who am I?
Who are you?
Who are we with you,
cute boy Yura?
Who could trust
this secret to us?
- I'm a boy Yura,
But where are you from,
I don't know myself.
Maybe you're Spanish
maybe you are Japanese
Maybe you're a gypsy
maybe a Papuan?
Maybe you're a thug
maybe you are a spy
Maybe with a parachute
dropped on us?
Whispering potatoes
says quietly:
- You won't betray me,
you're not a talker, are you?
You do not know me,
You did not see me,
You spy me
Hide behind your cheek!

Leading. Potatoes are not only used for food - they turn into car tires and film, high-value varnishes for painting submarines and aircraft, artificial silk and perfumes, a variety of plastics and hundreds of other miscellaneous products.

At the end of the holiday, the teacher and the leader of the children are awarded: for the best ditty, for the most interesting riddle, for active participation in performances, for winning the game "Field of Miracles", for an exhibition where the largest, smallest, most bizarre potatoes are chosen.

Potatoes are the most common vegetable in the world. You can cook a lot of dishes from it. Moreover, in most of them, potatoes will be the main ingredient. it great side dish to meat or fish. Potatoes can be added to salads and even desserts. Do not confuse the famous potato cake with this vegetable. In this article, you will learn some fun facts about this vegetable.

A brief history of potatoes

Potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family. But it is also interesting that potatoes have similarities with plants such as eggplant, tomato and even tobacco. It's all about the interesting flowering of these plants.

For the first time, potatoes were grown by the Indians of Peru in America. Then they bred more than a hundred varieties of potatoes. When the plant got to Europe, the inhabitants of many shit were afraid to eat it, considering it mystical and mysterious. It took agronomists a lot of work to convince residents of large cities to start eating potatoes.

It is believed that Peter the Great brought potatoes to Russia, but there are several reservations. Peter was the first to send potato tubers to all the governors of the country, but they could not grow it, and what did grow could not be eaten. Then Catherine II began to grow potatoes, at which these tubers became more common.

Few people know, but potato tubers can be poisonous. Especially if the potato rind is still green. Such vegetables should never be eaten. If you ate a couple of these potatoes, then of course you will not die, but you will feel unwell. In addition, a harmful component will be deposited in your body - solanine, which is precisely the poison.

There is a potato variety that grows on the bark of trees, like an orchid flower. It grows in depressions in the bark. These potatoes taste different from red or white variety potatoes.

Few people know, but with the help regular use eating potatoes can improve vision. This is due to the content of vitamin A in the composition of potatoes in a significant amount. More than 2000 potato recipes are known in the world of culinary.

What is the most popular vegetable in our country? Potatoes, of course. This once overseas guest has firmly established himself in our kitchen, at first practically displacing turnips from the diet, and then completely becoming the second bread. Such a familiar, such a familiar potato. However, are you sure that you know everything about her? ..

  • The first to cultivate potatoes were the Peruvian Indians in the Andes more than 4 thousand years ago. At an altitude of over 3 thousand meters above sea level, they managed to breed more than 200 varieties of this root crop.
  • Despite the fact that potatoes appeared in Europe already in 1550 (according to other sources - in 1565), they greeted him more than coolly: not only is he not mentioned in the Bible, so potato haters also spread rumors that her use leads to leprosy, rickets and tuberculosis. For the first time, potatoes became popular in Europe only at the end of the 18th century, when Marie Antoinette supplemented her dress at the ball with potato flowers. However, another crowned apologist of the potato diet, King of Prussia Frederick II the Great, acted more simply: he threatened to cut off the ears and noses of those farmers who refused to plant potatoes.
  • Potatoes first appeared in North America even later than in Europe - in 1621, when Governor of Bermuda Nathaniel Butler sent a shipment of potatoes to Governor of Virginia Francis Wyatt. At the same time, he came a long way: after the Spaniards brought potatoes to their homeland, through Italy, he got to Northern Europe, and from there - to Bermuda.
  • During the Gold Rush in Alaska, potatoes were valued almost their weight in gold, primarily for their high nutritional value and vitamin C.
  • The humorous teasing of Belarus as a country inhabited by big potato lovers is statistically justified: it firmly holds the first position in the world in terms of potato production per capita!
  • The water content in potatoes is about 80%, depending on the variety. Only slightly less than milk.
  • To reduce the baking time of the potatoes, you can stick a nail in it (this will save you 15 minutes!) Or boil it in salted water for 10 minutes before placing it in a preheated oven.

  • Cooking potatoes in their skins will better preserve their nutritional value. But immediately before serving, it is better to peel off the peel - it is not recommended to eat it: nutrients there is not much in it, but toxins and pesticides, if they had where to come from, will survive both washing and heat treatment.
  • Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not very high in calories, one serving contains 110 calories, but one tablespoon of butter will double the calorie content of potatoes. On the other hand, potatoes are one of the champions in starch content, which you should look out for if you are trying to limit yourself on carbohydrates.
  • In addition to its high vitamin C content - 45 percent of daily value in one medium tuber, potatoes are also quite rich in potassium (21% DV) and (12% DV). And the Irish, who are big potato lovers, also claim that this root vegetable is an excellent aphrodisiac. HM.

Tatiana Gorbunova
GCD "Conversation about potatoes"

Theme:« Potato conversation» .

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development


Cognitive research





Give children an idea of ​​origin potatoes.



Clarify and supplement children's knowledge about potatoes as a food product, to anchor performance where it grows potato.


Develop coherent speech, logical thinking, continue to teach to talk about the subject according to the scheme.

To activate and enrich the vocabulary of children navigator, tubers, starch).

Exercise children in the selection of adjectives for a noun, use prepositions (over, under, in, on).


Cultivate interest in experimentation.

Preliminary work:

- Reading: L. Tolstoy, "The Man and the Bear", fairy tale "It was in the garden".

Examining dishes from potatoes.

Playing on a fairy tale "The Man and the Bear".

Learning vegetable riddles.

Didactic games "Know by silhouette", "Know by touch", "Tops and roots". "What grows in the garden".

Little active game "Hot potato» .

Word game "Hello".

Demo material:

Magic bag.

Magic carpet.

Tubers potatoes.

- Potato starch.

Projector and screen.

Mnemonic table "Tell me"

A glass of water.

Rubbed potato.

Outline plan

Children enter the music hall, stand in a circle.


Guys, look what guests came to us, let's say hello

Hello sun is golden

Hello the sky is blue

Hello light breeze

Hello sunny day

Hello morning

Hello, we are not too lazy to greet each other.

Introductory part


Guys, I received a very mysterious letter. Here listen:

"Hello guys! I know that you are very smart, quick-witted and always want to know a lot, so I invite you to my laboratory and I will tell you something interesting. About what? You will find out when you come to visit me on the carpet on the plane.

Your professor GARDEN "

I wonder what the professor wants to tell us? Let's fly to visit him?

Children: Yes, let's fly. (calm music sounds).


Sit on the magic carpet, close your eyes and imagine that we are flying over forests, over fields, over rivers "

(The teacher at this time puts on a white coat, glasses and turns into a professor GARDEN).

Main part

Professor: Oh, what long-awaited guests have come to me? Hello!

Children: Hello!

Professor: I am Professor Ogorod, and this is my laboratory. Today I have experimented with one vegetable. Guess what kind of vegetable it is?

And green and thick

A bush has grown in the garden.

Dig a little - under the bush ... / potatoes/

Professor: Right! (takes out the tuber from the bag and shows the children potatoes)

Children, today I want to tell you where we got from potato? Do you want to know? I know interesting story, sit down and listen carefully.

(children sit on high chairs, include a presentation)

Storytelling using presentation

And now I invite you to the laboratory, take your seats at the table, just be quiet. There is no noise in my laboratory and nothing is touched by hands without my permission.

(children sit at a table with magnifying glasses and tubers potatoes by the number of children)

Guys, look at the harvest potatoes. Potatoes called TUBES - this is a fleshy root seal.

What is the name of potatoes? (children repeat the tubers).

Take a tuber potatoes and consider, stroke it, smell it.

(children examine the tuber, and the Professor reads a verse at this time

Nasty, knobby

And she will come to the table

The guys will say fun:

"Well crumbly, tasty".

Have you examined, smelled, stroked? - Now let's talk about the tuber potato table(on the easel the mnemonic table "Tell me", children go out and talk at will).

Well done, you have good stories. And now I propose to relax a little and play irga, which is called Hot potatoes» , (I explain the rules of the game, which of the children had the ball, I ask a question).

Puree made from tubers what potatoes? - Potato

Soup made from tubers what potato? - Potato

Cutlet made from what kind of potatoes? - Potato

We love cheesecake stuffed with what potatoes? - Potato


And now we will play the game with you again "Where?"

Take a seat in front of the screen and let's start:

(On the slide picture of potato bush with pronounced parts)

First I will name the parts of the bush potatoes, and then you will name where this part is located. Deal…

Root (the root is underground, in the ground)

Stem (the stem is above the ground)

Sheet (the leaf is on the branch)

Tuber (the tuber is underground, in the ground)

Flower (the flower is on the branch)

Professor: You smart guys, let's go back to my laboratory, take your seats. Look I have boiled potato, it is very crumbly, do you know why? Because it contains starch, (Children repeat: starch)... The more starch, the friable it is, and therefore tastier.

Round, crumbly, white

She came to the table from the fields

Salt her a little

It's true, delicious….

Professor: What is contained in potatoes?

Children: Starch.

Professor: (Shows starch, but what starch does it feel? (starch creaks).

Professor: To prove that in potatoes contain starch, we will carry out experiment: let's try to get starch from potatoes... We take pre-grated potato, you see, he has already turned blue with impatience. We put it in a glass of water.

Pay attention to the sediment in the glass - this is starch. The potatoes are taken out, the water is carefully drained, the precipitate is dried. And it turns out starch.

Professor: And we need starch, guys to cook delicious jelly, starch napkins and tablecloths for beauty. You liked the experience I had in the laboratory. Today we learned a lot about potatoes... Tell your teacher everything you learned from me, okay?

Unfortunately, guys, I ran out of time and I have to go do other experiments. Wait for the next invitation to visit me. Get on the carpet and go to your Kindergarten... Close your eyes, here you are flying over the forest, over the fields, over the rivers.

(At this time, the professor takes off his robe, glasses and turns into a teacher).

Educator: Well, guys, you returned to your kindergarten.

Where have you been?

Did you like visiting the professor?

What did the professor tell you about?

Or maybe someone remembered where he was born potato? (South America)

Who is Christopher Columbus? (Navigator)

What is contained in potatoes? (starch)

What is starch for? (cook jelly, starch napkins and tablecloths for beauty)

What is called potatoes(tubers).

Educator: You are great fellows, it's time for us to say goodbye to the guests and go to our group.