Can you eat baked potatoes on a diet? Potato diet for weight loss: kilograms will go away.

14.08.2019 Grill menu

This American emigrant vegetable has taken root so much among the Slavic peoples that most of us simply cannot imagine our daily diet without our favorite potatoes. However, such a hearty and tasty vegetable is considered an unacceptable product in many methods of losing weight, therefore, starting to lose weight, many ladies are interested in: is it possible to have potatoes with a diet, at least boiled in a uniform or mashed potatoes without oil? Let's try to clarify some points and correctly answer this question.

Potatoes for weight loss

The main component of this valuable vegetable is water, which is as much as 79%. The remaining 24% of the composition is distributed as follows: 18% is starch and only 3% is useful for the human body vitamins, trace elements, minerals, among which potassium comes first, followed by magnesium, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum and others. Due to the large amount of starch, when losing weight, potatoes are included in the list of taboo foods, which is not entirely correct - the potassium contained in it, which removes excess fluid well, even in the process of weight loss, will bring more benefit to the body than harm.

If we compare the calorie content of potatoes with the energy value of other vegetables, it becomes clear why it does not belong to dietary products: there are as many as 76 kcal in 100 grams of potatoes. And the glycemic index of this vegetable is very high for the same reason, the high starch content. Starch, entering the body, is processed into glucose (one hundred percent carbohydrates), the unspent excess of which is instantly deposited in the form of excess fat. That is why potatoes are often severely limited or completely excluded from the menu when dieting.

Is it possible to eat potatoes while losing weight

Although this product is relatively high in calories, nutritionists have recently advised against completely abandoning it on a diet. You just need to know how to properly cook and with what to eat potatoes while losing weight. Another question, is it possible to eat fried potatoes with a diet? It is clear that if you fry it in a large amount of fat, you will not be able to lose weight - with this approach, you can get even more weight. But, if you boil your favorite vegetable in a uniform or bake it in foil, the calories from potatoes eaten in moderation will become an excellent fuel for the body and will not be able to add extra pounds.

Boiled potatoes for weight loss

Some weight loss methods allow for the use of boiled or baked potatoes without the use of any fat-containing additives. The nutritional value of the product remains the same, but if you eat boiled potatoes while losing weight, without exceeding the size of the allowed portion, nothing bad will happen. To reduce the starch content in the tubers and reduce the glycemic index of the finished dish, you need to soak the peeled potatoes in cold water before boiling and leave for a while. Then change the water, boil or bake in the usual way.

Mashed potatoes on a diet

Many nutritionists categorically declare: you cannot eat potatoes while losing weight. However, there is also a diametrically opposite opinion: with the help of this wonderful vegetable, you can even lose weight if you use potatoes for weight loss as the main product of a mono-diet. Potatoes should be prepared only in the above-mentioned ways - boil or bake in a peel. It is not often for a change that you can eat mashed potatoes on a diet - no fat, but with herbs or a little skim milk.

What can you eat boiled potatoes with?

To achieve the fastest and highest quality result in losing weight, it is important to know what you can eat boiled potatoes with. From the above, it is clear that this healthy and tasty vegetable cannot be combined with any fat, therefore oil, mayonnaise and other sauces, lard, fatty meat and fish are prohibited. Sometimes you can supplement the potato side dish with a small steamed cutlet or a slice of boiled low-fat fish, but it is better to eat potatoes with fresh or boiled vegetables, or drink it with low-fat kefir.

How to replace potatoes on a diet

You can fantasize a lot and talk beautifully about products that can replace potatoes on a diet. There are gastronomic equivalents that equate to this vegetable in nutritional value and health, but no other food tastes like hot, aromatic potatoes in their uniforms. Among vegetables, turnips, Jerusalem artichoke, cauliflower, lentils, and root celery can become the equivalent of potatoes on a diet. If you want to exclude potatoes from the soup, replace it with one of the cereals - egg, pearl barley, buckwheat.

Diet on potatoes

Various mono-diets are very popular among those wishing to lose weight: cabbage, kefir, buckwheat, egg and others. Recently, the list of similar weight loss methods has been supplemented by the potato diet for weight loss. However, not everyone is sure whether it is possible to lose weight on potatoes. It is well known that this product does not belong to the range of dietary and low-calorie products, but its benefits in weight loss cannot be underestimated either. Can potatoes be used on a diet? - in the case of such a diet, it is simply necessary.

This wonderful vegetable is rich in potassium, which contributes to the rapid removal of accumulated fluid from all body systems. Such an important property of potatoes allows you to use it as a mono-product for a potato diet. Reviews of those losing weight according to this system are completely positive: those who have tried potato weight loss on themselves declare that it is possible to lose more than 6 kilograms in a week. It is not worth practicing potato mono-unloading longer, so as not to limit the intake of other vital products into the body for a long time.

Video: potato diet

Eating potatoes for weight gain. The results were very, very interesting. It turns out that potatoes can become a staple diet for. The main condition is not to consume animal protein (meat, fish), fats and fatty sauces, and other high-calorie foods at this time. Also, one of the conditions is the correct preparation of potatoes - they can be boiled, baked or stewed, but in no case fried. Additional foods should be vegetables, spices and natural sauces (for example, soy or one consisting of low-fat yogurt, lemon juice and olive oil), fruits.

The people in the National Nutrition Center experiment were all overweight. Throughout the study, the "subjects" were on the "potato diet," which certainly refers to mono diets. The lack of vitamins and minerals, which are few in potatoes, they replenished through the use of low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables, herbs and fruits. During the week of the diet, the subjects lost from 3 to 5 kilograms.

The results of the experiment showed that potatoes can safely be included in diets. The potassium contained in this vegetable perfectly removes excess water from the body and promotes weight loss. Of course, to shed those extra pounds on a potato diet, you'll have to give up fries, chips, and chips. And be sure to adhere to the correct drinking regime - 2 liters of water per day.

Diet "potato diet" for one day

Morning: 1-2 boiled potato tubers, 200 g of fat-free kefir.
Day: 200 g of mashed boiled potatoes with a teaspoon of olive oil, a salad of cucumbers or fresh cabbage with low-fat yogurt.
Evening: 200 g potato salad: finely chopped egg and boiled potatoes, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.
If you are severely hungry, you can have a snack with an apple or an orange.

Rules for processing potatoes during a diet

For potato to be not only effective, but also useful, tubers are needed so as not to lose such valuable vitamins and minerals. Most of them are located under the skin. Therefore, to peel potatoes, it is worth using a special peeler, which allows you to remove a very thin layer of skin.

Heat treatment is no less important. Peeled potatoes should be thrown into boiling water, not cold water. So it will retain a maximum of nutrients. And the most useful way to cook a vegetable is “in uniform”. In this case, the potatoes are baked in the oven by wrapping in. True, there is a small "but" here. Such a dish contains more calories than boiled potatoes, which can affect the effectiveness of the diet.

In most diets and weight loss systems, potatoes are on the list of prohibited foods. The vegetable contains a lot of starch, high-calorie, causes fluctuations in blood sugar. But few people know that you can eat it and lose weight. The potato diet can be recommended for people who like to eat hearty food, have a hard time tolerating dietary restrictions, or are simply tired of low-calorie foods.

The main advantages of the potato diet:

  1. Satisfaction and nutritional value. Vegetable suppresses hunger well, the body does not feel food deficiency.
  2. Well-being. There will be no fatigue, apathy, bad mood or decreased performance on this diet.
  3. Profitability. Potatoes are inexpensive and widely sold. The diet will not hit the family budget, absolutely anyone can afford such weight loss.
  4. Ease of preparation. You do not need to think about the diet, spend a lot of time in the kitchen, the product is easy to boil or bake, you can do it right away for the whole day.

The potato diet has a lot of advantages, it is effective and affordable, with an adequate approach, the system will really help get rid of extra pounds. But when choosing this method of losing weight, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, study the contraindications. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Video: The benefits and harms of potatoes in the program E. Malysheva "Life is healthy"

Contraindications to the potato diet

The main disadvantage of the potato menu is the monotony. Although vegetable lovers can consider this moment a dignity. A balanced diet is also out of the question. Therefore, it is imperative to use synthetic vitamins, which will cover the deficiency of essential substances.

The main contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance.

The potato diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. This system cannot be used to treat childhood or old obesity. With a large amount of excess weight and the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before losing weight.

Important! Tubers that have turned green and laid in the sun accumulate a harmful substance - solanine. It can lead to serious poisoning. Cutting off the green parts does not help the situation. The affected vegetable should not be eaten.

Basic principles of potato diets

For the potato diet to have positive results, you need to carefully study the system. You can not start losing weight spontaneously, preliminary preparation is required, the study of general rules. Otherwise, the likelihood of breaking the menu, not reaching the end is much greater.

Fundamental rules:

  1. Potatoes are used only in boiled (steamed, in water) or baked. Frying is unacceptable.
  2. The food is fractional. Servings should be of equal size, consumed at regular intervals. It is unacceptable to overeat in the afternoon or make dinner denser than breakfast.
  3. Water is an important part of losing weight. At least 2 liters of liquid should be supplied per day. In the hot season, another 1 liter more.
  4. Salt restriction. In some diets, it is prohibited. Other systems permit the use of small amounts. So that water does not linger in the body, the liquid does not inhibit weight loss, it is recommended to reduce the use of the product to 3 g per day.

Advice! The calorie content of young potatoes is much lower than that of mature and stale ones due to the accumulation of starch. It is advisable to soak such a vegetable in cold water before use.

Strict diet option for 3 days

The mono diet promises weight loss of up to 3 kg in just 3 days. Ideal if you need to lose weight by a certain date or urgently fit into your favorite dress. The basis of the diet is potatoes, which can be eaten boiled or baked.

The principles of the potato diet:

  • 1 kg of potatoes is consumed per day;
  • salt is excluded;
  • last meal 2 hours before bedtime.

To improve the taste, it is allowed to use a small amount of greens. All types of tea, chicory are allowed from drinks. It is advisable to refuse coffee. The diet has a pronounced diuretic effect, which can lead to certain inconveniences outside the home.

Diet menu on potatoes with kefir

An option for a hearty and healthy potato diet that can be extended up to 5 days. In addition to potatoes, low-fat kefir is present in the diet. In three days of such nutrition, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg of excess weight, depending on the initial data and the rigor of adherence to the system. If necessary, kefir is replaced with low-fat yogurt (up to 1.5%).

First day

Breakfast: a glass of kefir, boiled potato tuber
Dinner: 2 potatoes, fresh vegetables
Dinner: a glass of kefir, 1 baked potato

Second day

Breakfast: a glass of kefir
Dinner: potatoes, a glass of kefir
Dinner: kefir, vegetable salad without dressing

Third day

Breakfast: 1-2 glasses of kefir
Dinner: 2 potatoes, fresh vegetable salad
Dinner: 1 glass of kefir, 2 potatoes

An approximate menu for 3 days is given, then you can choose any two options to continue. It is undesirable to swap the first days. Salt is allowed in a minimum amount of up to 2 g per day. You can repeat this diet no more than once every 2 months.

Diet menu for the week

The diet of this potato diet is varied, the dishes are interesting and tasty. But supper is missing. In the evening, it is allowed to drink clean water without gas, tea, unsweetened juices and other drinks. If severe hunger, weakness and loss of strength appear, then it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir once. For a week of such nutrition, from 4 to 7 kg of weight disappears. Serving size is not limited.


Breakfast: mashed potatoes, 15 g butter
Dinner: broth soup with potatoes


Breakfast: potato casserole
Dinner: cabbage soup in chicken broth


Breakfast: potato dumplings
Dinner: vegetable soup


Breakfast: boiled potatoes in milk
Dinner: rice soup with potatoes on the water


Breakfast: jacket potatoes, boiled beans
Dinner: mushroom soup with potatoes


Breakfast: potato casserole with cheese
Dinner: vegetable soup


Breakfast: potato pancakes, sour cream, cucumbers
Dinner: chicken soup with potatoes, fresh salad

Video: One of the options for the potato diet

Exiting the diet

Any strict diet leads to subsequent weight gain if not properly stopped. A sharp transition to a regular diet, the introduction of flour, sweet and fried foods will invariably lead to the return of lost pounds. How to maintain weight loss results:

  1. Do not eat fatty and high-calorie meals in the afternoon.
  2. Adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition.
  3. Replace one meal with boiled or baked potatoes.
  4. Maintain physical activity.
  5. Limit the use of salt and hot spices that whet the appetite and help return water.

If the weight after the diet begins to grow rapidly, it is important to stop this process. To do this, you can arrange one fasting day or replace the usual dinners with light protein products: kefir, chicken breast, steam omelets.

Can you eat potatoes on a diet? What can you eat on a diet?

Of course, many people have repeatedly heard from every dieter about his desire to feast on a dish, the main ingredient of which is fried potatoes in a large amount of oil. But people who follow their figure are forced to deny themselves their desire, believing that potatoes are very high in calories... Also, from many people who are concerned about the process of losing weight, you can often hear that they exclude fried potatoes from their diet, due to the content of a large amount of starch in them.

Meanwhile, the main part of nutritionists to the question: "Is it possible to eat potatoes on a diet?" the harm of potatoes for the figure is very exaggerated.

Features of the compatibility of potatoes and dietary food

So, can you eat potatoes on a diet? If you understand this issue thoroughly, you can get interesting and little-known facts. Potatoes are fat-free, in this connection, boiled or baked potatoes do not pose a danger to the figure... Therefore, potatoes are not contraindicated for a diet. Undoubtedly, it is not recommended during dietary meals to include potatoes in the menu, for which there is a large amount of oil dressing, or to use potatoes in combination with fatty sauces and fatty meat gravies. But here we are talking, not so much about the potato itself, but about its combination with other types of products.

And yet, can you eat potatoes on a diet? If potatoes are one of your favorite foods, then you should not give up on them. What can you eat potatoes with for a diet? It is necessary to eat it, observing a number of rules that say about the wrong combination of potatoes with meat, sausage, mayonnaise and various sauces. Also it is worth giving up the combination of potatoes with bread... You can eat potatoes on a diet, giving preference combining potatoes with a vegetable set or low-fat fish... A you can only refuel potatoes using vegetable oil made from sunflower seeds or olives... If you adhere to this list of rules, then a vegetable such as potatoes will not contribute to the appearance of extra centimeters on the waist.

Basic rules for processing potato tubers

It should also be borne in mind that vitamins and minerals, namely, most of them, are located under the skin of the potato. In this connection, the cleaning of the vegetable must be carried out very carefully, using a vegetable peeler, which, as practice shows, provides a minimum cut thickness.

The maximum preservation of vitamins in tubers provides them correct heat treatment... When cooking potatoes, it must be immersed not in cold water, but in water at the time of its boiling. But the most useful method of cooking potatoes is the process of cooking them in the oven with foil. But you need to understand that in this case, the degree of calorie content of the prepared dish will exceed the indicator of its benefits.

Basic methods for a variety of mashed potatoes

What should you eat if you are on a diet? On a diet, you can even potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes, although many people associate this dish with childhood and are perceived by them as commonplace. But with the manifestation of imagination and ingenuity, you can turn an annoying dish into a gourmet dish. If add mashed potatoes fried tomatoes and cream cheese, then the dish can be attributed to Mediterranean cuisine, and if with wasabi sauce, then to Japanese cuisine. Thus, you can eat potatoes on a diet, adding different, unusual tastes to it.

On a diet, you can eat mashed potatoes with the addition of boiled celery and mint, green peas and lemon zest, boiled beets and baked apples, sage and thyme, hot peppers and sweet bell peppers, mustard and nutmeg.

Basic potato-based diet options

What is the potato diet and what not to eat while sticking to it? So, potatoes can be eaten with a diet, but it is also worth knowing what not to eat on a diet.

There are several options for the potato diet.

What else should you eat while dieting, the main component of which is potatoes?

The first diet option is designed for 1 day, but if you liked it and was easily tolerated by the body, then it can be extended for a period of five days.

In the morning, this type of diet assumes the presence of a glass of milk with a reduced proportion of fat. At lunchtime, you can eat mashed potatoes cooked in water with a minimum amount of salt. Dinner should consist of a salad, the ingredients of which are boiled potatoes, boiled chicken eggs, and a pinch of ground black pepper. It is recommended to season such a salad with vegetable oil and natural vinegar in equal parts.

Adhering to such a diet, you can lose in a day up to 500 g of body fat. You can return to this type of diet after a certain break, preferably after 30 days.

You can eat potatoes on a diet and in its second variant... For meals during the day, it is necessary to prepare potatoes, the weight of which will not exceed 1 kg. This product must be cooked in a double boiler without peeling. Next, the finished dish must be divided into several parts, for example, into 5 servings. This number of servings will equal the number of meals you eat throughout the day. It is very important that the potatoes are cooked without adding salt, or use only the minimum amount of salt. You can eat potatoes on a diet with unlimited greens, such as green onions, dill, parsley, cumin. You can also use a small amount of vegetable oil. If this amount of food is insufficient, then during breakfast you can eat cereal bread, about 1 slice with a thin layer of butter. Closer to lunchtime, you can have a snack with raw vegetables - carrots, cabbage, cucumbers.

Such a diet should last no more than four days.

Exists third version of the potato diet... This is a rather complex diet and how much potatoes you should eat, adhering to it, you can find out from a nutritionist. The main menu completely coincides with the menu of the second diet option. But what should be eaten when on a diet so that the body does not experience a terrible feeling of hunger? During the day, you can eat a small portion of lean meat, a boiled chicken egg, cottage cheese, or cheese with a low fat content, weighing 100 g, a two-hundred-gram portion of stewed carrots and tomatoes. Here's everything you can eat on a diet. This diet should not be adhered to for more than 7 days, and if you want to re-apply to it, you need to take a two-month break.

Based on the above information, the answer to the question - is it possible to eat potatoes while dieting, the answer will be yes.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. Today, the image of potatoes is seriously damaged by the emergence of fast food, chips, as well as a widespread epidemic of obesity. Now the most famous tuber has almost left the tables of advocates of healthy eating. But is it as dangerous for weight and well-being as people think? Moreover, many are interested in the question - is it possible to eat potatoes while losing weight. I propose to talk about this today.

And now on the glycemic index. I can't deny that potatoes have a really high GI level. You can be convinced of this yourself by carefully studying the table below, where this indicator is indicated.

However, besides the glycemic index, there are other factors that determine how the body reacts to carbohydrates. These include the glycemic load and combining potatoes with other foods. Let's say you eat a high-glycemic carbohydrate food along with foods rich in fiber, healthy fats, or proteins. Then the glycemic response will be lower.

In general, on the Internet you can often see a link to research by American scientists. Say, in a dietary experiment, the subjects ate several root vegetables every day. But at the same time, the subjects did not gain weight, but lost weight. I cannot vouch for the reliability of such a study. After all, in America, potatoes are not common like ours. They mainly eat sweet potatoes with a glycemic index of 50 and a high content of coarse fiber.

Of course, you won't want to eat for a long time from a couple of such potatoes. This has already been tested on myself. When I was recently in Thailand, I bought sweet potatoes at the market. I cooked it, added fresh vegetables and a little oil. The feeling of satiety from such a meal did not go away for a long time. But we don't grow this, so let's go back to usually potatoes 🙂

Useful properties of potatoes

In general, potatoes are a very healthy carbohydrate product. Yes, it contains more vitamins than honey, which, as many people think, is very, very useful. I myself was of the same opinion until I wrote an article "Is it possible to eat honey while losing weight."

But potatoes are rich in the following substances:

  • potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, manganese, cobalt, iodine;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, H, PP, etc .;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • saccharides;
  • organic acids and many, many more useful.

Thanks to their record potassium content, potatoes are very beneficial for cardiovascular problems. Magnesium, on the other hand, increases bone density.

By the way, 200 g of young potatoes boiled in their uniforms contains a daily dose of vitamin C

Boiled potatoes, steamed or baked potatoes differ only in the maximum amount of valuable substances. And in order to increase the amount of useful elements received by the body, I advise you to eat young potatoes with a peel.

But in french fries this usefulness is not. By dipping a product in boiling oil, you destroy all the valuable elements that were there. In addition, hot oil converts starch into acrylomides. But these are already carcinogenic substances.

Is it possible to eat potatoes on a diet

In general, potatoes are just a vegetable. And if you eat it within reasonable limits, nothing terrible will happen.

I advise you to cook this vegetable by baking in the oven or boiling in a peel or steaming. Well, it is not recommended to eat fried potatoes during the period of weight loss. And it is also better to refuse mashed potatoes with the addition of butter and milk.

Imagine, there is even a potato diet. Although it is quite tough, it lasts 5 to 10 days.

But many unloading food systems allow the consumption of this vegetable. For example, on a diet minus 60, you can eat potatoes in a limited way, just not combined with meat. And on a 6-petal diet on the second day, you can pamper yourself with a small amount of potatoes. But on the Protasov diet and on the Ducan diet, potatoes will have to be abandoned.

Below I have selected some healthy dietary meals for you. All of these dishes contain potatoes. So, arm yourself with recipes, stock up on food and patience, and go ahead for culinary feats 🙂

Baked potatoes with olive oil and rosemary

To prepare this dish, you need to take the following products:

  • 10 pieces. medium-sized potatoes;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • a bit of salt + chopped black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp rosemary.

Rinse the tubers well under running water. It will be easier to do this if you use a dishwashing sponge. It will easily wash away all the dirt from the surface of the potato. Then dry the potatoes and cut each tuber into 4 pieces.

Next, mix salt and pepper with rosemary. And sprinkle our potatoes with this mixture. Then pour everything with olive oil and mix well. Then put the potatoes, skin side down, on a baking sheet. We heat the oven to 220 degrees and send the potatoes there.

After 10 minutes, we reduce the flame of fire to 180 degrees. And we bake the same amount in time. Use toothpicks to check the readiness of the product. If the vegetable pierces well, then it's time to eat. By the way, this dish goes well with fish or fresh vegetables.

Stewed potatoes with onions and sour cream (in a slow cooker)

To prepare this dietary meal, you will need:

  • 0.5 kilos of young potatoes;
  • 3 tbsp low-fat sour cream (or yogurt);
  • 2 pcs. onion heads;
  • a little (literally a few drops) of vegetable oil;
  • bay leaf;
  • water;
  • salt + pepper mixture;
  • some dill greens.

Peel the potatoes, rinse and dry. Then we cut the root crop. In principle, you can cut a vegetable into pieces of various sizes. Only strongly I do not advise. Because you will not come out with stewed potatoes, but potato porridge.

Peel and chop the onion. We set the multicooker to the "frying" mode (how to choose a good multicooker), and grease the bowl of this unit with a silicone brush with oil. Put the potatoes in a multicooker container and cook for about 10 minutes.

Then add the chopped onion here and continue cooking for another 5-7 minutes. We mix sour cream with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and send it to the bowl of the unit.

Next, set the "stewing" mode in the multicooker and cook the dish for about 20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, salt and pepper the dish, add the bay leaf here. Turn off the unit, and leave the dish to simmer for 15 minutes. Immediately before serving, sprinkle the food with chopped dill.

Greek salad with potatoes

The recipe for this dish is as follows:

  • 0.5 kilos of potatoes;
  • 2 or 3 pcs. fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 pcs. salad pepper;
  • 3 pcs. medium tomato;
  • Onion head;
  • 100 g of pitted olives;
  • 100 g feta cheese;
  • 50 g of natural yogurt;
  • some olive oil and lemon juice;
  • salt + ground black pepper.

Peel the potatoes and boil. I'm sure you know how to cook potatoes 🙂 Therefore, I will not cover the cooking time and other subtleties of this technological process.

Meanwhile, mix the butter with yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper. This is a salad dressing.

Drain the water from the potatoes, and cut the boiled potatoes into cubes. Cut the olives in half and send them to the potatoes. Chop cucumbers, tomatoes, salad peppers and cheese into cubes and also send them to the potatoes. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, then add to the total mass. And finally, pour the ingredients with the dressing and mix them. Greek salad is ready - set the table.

You can cook from potatoes not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty dietary dishes. If you have your own interesting recipes in store, don't be greedy - share. And for updates, dear blog guests, do not forget to subscribe - there are still so many interesting things waiting for you ahead. And for today all - for now.

Best regards, Olga Sologub

Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and have a high glycemic index. This vegetable is called the enemy of losing weight and is excluded from most diets. But are potatoes so dangerous for weight loss? If you know how to cook it and in what quantities to eat, then it can become not only a tasty addition to the dietary menu, but also a real assistant in losing weight.

Potatoes during a diet

Many nutritionists and fitness instructors say that all white foods are harmful to the human body. Of course, sugar or white bread can hardly be called a healthy food. But the situation is completely different with white potatoes.

In addition to the glycemic index, there is a glycemic load - a kind of reaction of the body to certain carbohydrates. Thus, foods with a high GI may carry a low load on their own or after combining them with other foods. For example, baked potatoes have a glycemic load of 10.92, while mashed potatoes have a glycemic load of 38.2.

So, what to combine potatoes with so that it brings more benefits to the body and less GBV? These are healthy fats - fish oil and vegetable oils, as well as fiber - all the variety of non-starchy vegetables. As for vegetable oils, they need to be added to the finished and cooled dish. By dipping potatoes into boiling oil while frying, you destroy all the nutrients that are contained in this vegetable. By the way, French fries are considered one of the most harmful foods on the planet. The trans fats that fill this dish are not only stored "in reserve", but also lead to premature death.

Boiled and baked potatoes are most useful. And if you cook it in the peel, then along with it you will receive a lot of elements important for the body, because they are exactly contained in the peel.

According to the conditions of the experiment, which was conducted among those who were losing weight, one group of people ate up to 9 potatoes every day. This vegetable saturates well, with the result that people who eat potatoes ate fewer calories than people in the other experimental group. At the end of the study, it turned out that the group, which included potatoes, not only did not gain weight, but also lost weight. The correct use of this vegetable does not harm the figure at all, but only benefits the body.

Diet potatoes and kefir

Kefir-potato diet lasts only 3 days, but promises an excellent result, from 3 to 5 pounds lost. Potato starch swells in the stomach under the influence of liquid and creates a feeling of fullness for a long time. With a small amount of calories, you will not starve, but you will lose weight.

Your menu will contain only low-fat kefir and boiled potatoes. You can eat these products either individually or combine them with each other. Instead of kefir, you can use any other fermented milk drinks with a fat content of up to 2%. Only boil the potatoes and preferably with the peel. The use of salt, oil and other additives is prohibited. For flavor, add a little of your favorite seasonings if they don't have flavor enhancers or salt. However, be careful with hot spices as they tend to induce hunger.

Diet on baked potatoes

The baked potato diet lasts a maximum of 5 days, since a poor diet can cause disturbances in the body. The recommended duration is 3-4 days. At the same time, take a complex of vitamins and minerals to provide the body with all the elements that will be absent in the diet.

The daily rate of potatoes is 1 kg. Bake it without salt in the oven or microwave, it is advisable to cook vegetables with the skin. Divide this amount into 5-6 equal meals and eat during the day. In the morning, diversify your menu with a slice of black or whole grain bread and a little butter. For lunch, add a serving of fresh, non-starchy vegetables to the potatoes. All dishes must be cooked without salt, but it is allowed to use any seasonings and any amount of herbs.

Vegetable diet with potatoes

Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, as well as plant fiber, which are essential for normal digestion and, as a result, healthy weight loss. In addition, vegetables are low in calories, which allows you to eat them in large quantities without harming your figure. All this makes them the main enemy of extra pounds. It is not for nothing that most nutritionists prescribe vegetable diets to their patients.

During the diet, you can eat any vegetables and in any quantity. It is worth controlling portions only with potatoes, corn, beets. You will get the most benefit from raw foods, but vegetables can be baked, boiled, stewed, or steamed. It is best to plan your diet for the summer when fresh vegetables are plentiful. It is better not to put salt in the dishes at all, and if the food is not sweet for you without salt, then reduce the consumption of this seasoning to a minimum. It is allowed to add a little vegetable oil to salads, to all dishes - spices and dry herbs without monosodium glutamate.

Raw potato diet

Instead of baked and boiled potatoes, raw potatoes can be used in the diet. Many are worried about whether raw potatoes are harmful, and also what is their advantage over a cooked product.

Raw potatoes supply 14 out of 20 complete plant proteins to the body. Here are some useful properties of raw potatoes:

  • prevents atherosclerosis due to the high starch content;
  • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • a large amount of potassium in potatoes promotes the release of excess fluid from the body;
  • helps with constipation, nausea, heartburn;
  • contains a lot of vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • vitamin C contained in potatoes strengthens the body's defense mechanisms;
  • vitamin E improves the condition of hair and skin.

Diet on new potatoes

If you succeed, then plan a potato diet for June - the time when young potatoes are just starting to appear. It contains much more nutrients, and, on the contrary, there are fewer calories: only 60 versus 77, which contains a stale vegetable.

In the summer, feel free to add any other raw vegetables to your diet. They will definitely not let you get better, but they will give you a full vitamin and mineral complex.

Potatoes in the Ducan diet

Ducan's diet classifies potatoes as starchy foods that are allowed only from stage 3 of the program - Fastening. At this stage, you no longer lose weight, but consolidate the result. Once a day, you can have one or two potatoes baked in the oven along with the skins. In addition to this vegetable, nutritionist Pierre Dukan included rice, pasta and buckwheat in the group of starchy foods.

Potatoes for a diet: recipes

It is not necessary to eat dry baked potatoes and gradually begin to hate this vegetable. To lose weight and enjoy it, cook delicious vegetable dishes with potatoes.

Here is a recipe for a delicious potato side dish. To prepare it you will need:

  • young potatoes - 300 g;
  • green, red, yellow pepper - 1 pc. everyone;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • spices to taste.

Boil the young potatoes divided into 2 parts in a double boiler until tender. Cut the pepper into strips, the onion into rings, chop the garlic and fry it all in olive oil. When the vegetables are ready, put the potatoes on top of them, stir and turn off the gas. The dish is ready.

The history of culinary knows many cases when a particular product, through the efforts of overly zealous nutritionists, fell into disgrace for many years. And absolutely not deserved! So, in some places, tomatoes were considered almost a poisonous plant, "useless" fiber was at one time intensively cleaned from products, and potatoes, pasta and bread were declared enemies number one for a slender figure. And each time it turned out that Messrs. Experts in Healthy and Proper Nutrition were unforgivably mistaken. So what are the benefits of potatoes, and can it be used in weight loss diets with benefits for the body?

The benefits of potatoes for weight loss ...

The one who got pretty much (and still falls) from nutritionists is potatoes. A huge number of specialists, advising their patients to eat more vegetables, do not forget to make the standard "except for potatoes" clause. From him and fullness, and constipation ... Let's see what we deprive ourselves of, refusing to "dangerous" for our waist vegetable.

Potatoes contain:

  • Minerals - phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper. And we have not yet mentioned calcium, which not only has a beneficial effect on the heart, but also prevents the stagnation of excess fluid in the body, thereby relieving us of edema and cellulite!
  • Vitamins, especially group B. And in terms of the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), even the vaunted grapefruit cannot keep up with the modest tuber.
  • Plant-based protein that helps keep you satiated and reduces the chance of unplanned trips to the refrigerator.
  • Fiber, the benefits of which for weight loss have not been heard only by those who, in principle, have never been interested in this topic.
  • Starch. Although it has the property of fixing the stomach, it has a beneficial effect on digestion in general and refers to slowly digestible carbohydrates.
  • Water.

There is no point in denying yourself the pleasure of eating potatoes.

With all this, potatoes contain a minimum of fat and very little harmful "fast" carbohydrates. And its calorie content is only 80 kcal per 100 g. For comparison, the favorite of experienced "dieters", buckwheat, contains three and a half times more, and pearl barley - four.

... and its harm

But it was not for nothing that adherents of proper nutrition at one time anathematized potatoes and mercilessly deleted them from the diet? Yes and no.

  • Our unhealthy eating habits have created a bad reputation for root vegetables. We fry it with butter (some even with cracklings!), Deep-fry it, turn it into mashed potatoes with a good portion of butter, crunch chips with rapture ... And even if we bake it, we serve potatoes with ketchup and other far from dietary sauces. As a result, harmless 80 kcal in the blink of an eye "swell" to almost 200 for fried and over 300 for deep-fried potatoes.
  • The abundance of starch in the root vegetable can still add wrinkles at the waist if you use the product too often, in large quantities or in the afternoon, especially for dinner.

So is it possible to lose weight on potatoes?

Potatoes potatoes strife

Experience shows that proper consumption of potatoes does not interfere with weight loss. Set the skillet and deep fryer aside and replace with a non-oil steamer and grill. Boil and bake potatoes in their skins - by the way, they contain many useful elements. Avoid mayonnaise and other "wrong" seasonings. Finally, use the advice of supporters of separate nutrition, who prefer to consume potatoes not as a side dish with meat (animal protein + vegetable protein), but as a separate dish or as part of a vegetable salad.

And, of course, try not to overeat. According to nutritionists, who are peacefully disposed towards this wonderful vegetable, a person can freely afford to eat one serving of properly cooked potatoes every other day, preferably in the morning. And if we are talking about the first dish with a root vegetable in the composition, you can feast on it at least every day. Naturally, provided that you are not going to consume potato soup in casseroles.

Calorie table of potato dishes

In order to be guaranteed not to get into a mess, let's check what the real nutritional value of potatoes cooked in different ways is.

Menu and rules of the potato diet

There are many options for parting with excess weight with the help of potatoes. Here, for example, is one of the most effective, but at the same time, alas, monotonous diets ...

Nine Day Diet

The potato diet is satisfying, tasty, but incredibly boring.

Day 1-3:

In the morning, bake 1.5 kg of well-washed but unpeeled potatoes in the oven, divide them into 4-5 servings, and eat at regular intervals throughout the day. Oil, salt and spices are prohibited, but it is allowed to brighten the taste of the dish with a sprig or two of dill or parsley.

Day 4-6:

Boil the same amount of potatoes in their skins, divide into 5 servings and eat during the day. During the first three meals, it is allowed to water the prepared tubers with a little olive oil or sprinkle with lemon juice.

Day 7-9:

It's time for boiled potatoes. If you wish, turn it into a puree by adding a small piece of butter, a lot of herbs and 2-3 cloves of garlic passed through a press to the pan.

Have dinner no later than four hours before bedtime, drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day and as a result you will get a clean intestine, no hunger and loss of 3, 5, and sometimes 7 kg. True, there is a risk that during this time you will hate potatoes.

Menu for 7 days: with kefir and without

What is not made from potatoes

Does your diet seem too boring? Try another, more creative one. True, dinner on this diet is not provided, but each time you will have a new dish for breakfast and lunch.


  • Breakfast: 150-200 g of mashed potatoes in milk, but without salt. Add a sprig of parsley or half a crushed garlic clove if desired.
  • Lunch: A bowl of broth soup (use lean beef) with potato dumplings. A small portion of vegetable salad. No potatoes!
  • Breakfast: Potato casserole with vegetables. You can add low-fat milk, but do without cheese and sour cream.
  • Lunch: A bowl of chicken stock and a plate of vegetable salad with potatoes prepared in any of the permitted ways. One hard-boiled egg - chop and add to salad.
  • Breakfast: 2-3 dumplings with potatoes (you can add a little sour cream).
  • Lunch: Rice soup with potatoes, a plate of cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Breakfast: A couple of jacket-boiled potatoes with garlic and herbs.
  • Lunch: Soup based on potatoes and any cereal, cucumber salad, seasoned with a dessert spoon of oil.
  • Breakfast: Potato casserole with legumes - peas or beans. Or a couple of small boiled potatoes and, separately, a serving of beans.
  • Lunch: Mushroom soup and vegetable salad with boiled potato pieces.
  • Breakfast: Another vegetable casserole with potatoes. You can add a small slice of cheese.
  • Lunch: Thick mashed potato soup with tomatoes and fresh tomato salad with herbs.


  • Breakfast: Draniki. Since you are dealing with oil, keep it as small as possible.
  • Lunch: Soup with potatoes and chicken, vegetable salad.

Drink water and herbal teas instead of dinner. But be careful! If you suffer from edema, excess fluid in the evening will make the problem worse.

Kefir with berries will turn a diet dinner into a pleasure

Another variation of the same diet suggests eating a glass of kefir for dinner, whipped into a cocktail with herbs, garlic and fresh cucumber or a handful of berries. If you do everything right, you will get a digestive tract working like a clock, the body free of toxins and toxins and, on average, getting rid of 5 kg.

Diet with cabbage

If you are a rushed person who can't wait to see the result, tighten your belt tighter and hold out on a potato and cabbage diet for a week. All that you will eat every day is:

  • potatoes - 4 medium-sized things, boiled or baked in a uniform;
  • cabbage - 500 g fresh, stewed in water or steamed;
  • herbal teas without sugar, mineral water without gas, drinking water - in unlimited quantities.

Salt and spices are prohibited, except for black pepper and garlic. But you will get rid of at least 7 kilos! True, a good mood and well-being run the risk of going away with them, so do not get too carried away with this diet.

If you get too hungry, have a dinner of a 200-gram piece of boiled fish three times a week.

Potato and egg weight loss

An original idea for a dinner

When your life is ruined by some 1.5-3 kg, there is no point in harassing yourself with a weekly race. Allocate three days for losing weight and spend them on the following diet:

  • Breakfast: 200 g of milk, kefir or unsweetened drinking yogurt.
  • Lunch: 300 g of boiled potatoes, mashed with a blender, a few tablespoons of milk and a pinch of black pepper.
  • Dinner: a salad of a couple of small boiled or baked potatoes topped with vinegar, hard-boiled eggs, black pepper and herbs. Nice bonus - 1 tsp. vegetable oil and a little salt.

Potassium diet

Do you want to lose weight without suffering from the monotony of the diet? Easily! Just combine potatoes, cereals and dried fruits in your menu. For example, like this:

  • Have breakfast with a portion of buckwheat cooked in milk.
  • During lunch, refresh yourself with a handful of dried apricots and a glass of carrot or any other vegetable juice.
  • Dine on a bowl of beef broth soup with potatoes and eat a 150 gram portion of boiled rice.
  • A dietary dessert made from an apple baked with a small amount of raisins and 12 tsp will turn your diet into a real belly feast. cinnamon.
  • Dinner will be a potato cutlet with boiled beef. A piece of meat should be very small, no more than 50 g.

Drink tea without sugar, skim milk, water, herbal teas and dried fruit compote. Due to the presence of sugar, it is better not to get carried away with the latter - one glass a day is more than enough.

The juice looks unappetizing, but it works great

Alternatively, use the most gentle diet option. Twice a day, take half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice: in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and at noon, half an hour before lunch. Avoid fatty and fried foods, reduce the amount of salt and sugar in your diet, do not overeat and eat something light for dinner. The duration of the diet is 2 weeks. You will lose weight slowly but surely - by 2-3, and with a large initial weight and 5 kg per week.

A few tips for those looking to get lean with potatoes:

  1. Do not stick to the diet for more than 7-9 days. Due to the imbalance in the diet, it has a bad effect on the skin and hair. This will especially quickly affect older ladies.
  2. Take vitamin complexes to somehow compensate for the lack of nutrients.
  3. The best time to diet is autumn. Young potatoes contain a maximum of nutrients and a minimum of calories, and a poisonous substance of corned beef accumulates under the skin of the old one.

An example of dietary recipes with a "dangerous" vegetable

Potatoes with tomato sauce

You can always find a replacement for harmful ketchup.

You will need:

  • Potato.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Garlic.
  • Parsley.
  • Dill.
  • Black pepper.

All proportions are arbitrary and depend only on your taste and the number of eaters.


With a pleasant sourness

Sorrel will provide the dish with vitamins and give a special taste

You will need:

  • Potato.
  • Sorrel.
  • Garlic.
  • Olive oil or unsweetened natural yogurt.
  • Pepper optional.

The proportions are arbitrary, but if you have never dealt with sorrel before, take a smaller one - about 1 small bunch for 3 large potatoes.


With rosemary in the oven

Rosemary potatoes - almost a classic

You will need:

  • 4–5 small potatoes.
  • Fresh or dried rosemary - ½ tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - ½ tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper.
  • Salt.


Given the insignificant amount of oil and salt, the recipe can be safely called healthy and dietary, but still try not to use it for dinner.

Video: Cooking young potatoes

Reviews about losing weight on potatoes

I must say right away, I love potatoes. I baked it in the oven, ate both cold and hot, about 1 kg per day. I thought it would be hungry. Nothing of the kind, enough in abundance! But it is difficult to eat one potato, I added lettuce leaves, fresh cucumber or a little sauerkraut, sometimes 1% kefir to the diet. For 10 days minus 7 kg.

I can say - a good diet, the result is. I lost 2.5 kg in a week. Maybe a little, because you always want quick and reliable results, but I am still happy that I have withstood and managed to keep the pounds dropped.

Every day I ate 6 medium jacket potatoes with half a liter of kefir. Pros: really hold out, there is an effect of 700 grams per day, no problems with stool. To be honest, I salted the potatoes a little. Cons: practically no protein, few vitamins and minerals. I recommend them as fasting days.

I have been drinking potato juice 2 times a day, 150 g before meals, for two weeks now and I do not regret it. He helped me forget about stomach pains, normalized the work of the gastrointestinal tract. As for weight, during this time I managed to lose 1 kg, although I did not change my diet. As I understand it, this is due to the fact that the intake of potato juice speeds up the metabolism.

Potatoes can be both a friend and an enemy of your transformation. It all depends on how you use this tricky vegetable. Loving him is optional - fortunately, the world is full of a wide variety of diets. But if you consider yourself one of the true connoisseurs of potatoes and with chagrin perceive the forced rejection of your favorite dish for the sake of a figure, you can no longer be upset. Enjoy potatoes and lose weight!
General rules

Anyone familiar with different diets knows that potato- almost always a prohibited product, excluded by methods for losing weight. But this is true and justified only in those cases when you are fond of fried potatoes in oil, seasoning them with various high-calorie sauces, or mashed potatoes, to which butter and milk are added. On the other hand, a potato diet for weight loss will help you lose weight without giving up such an affordable and satisfying product.

It is believed that eating potatoes is almost the cause of being overweight. But experts have proven that it contains starch it breaks down perfectly to simple sugars, and the vegetable itself is well absorbed by the body, without affecting the set of extra pounds. In addition, in 100 gr. fruit (about 2 medium potatoes) contains only 80 kcal.

Such a diet is ideal for those who want to quickly transform. The weight loss menu is based on the use of dishes with a minimum calorie content from potatoes, cooked without salt and fat, as well as vegetables with negative calories, which increase the effect of the diet, and kefir, which helps to avoid discomfort by gently cleansing the body.

There are several options for losing weight on potatoes: fasting day and diet which can last 3 and 7 days.

Fasting day on potatoes

Such a day is good because during it you absolutely do not feel hunger. Such unloading is able to deeply cleanse the body, and is also necessary for people suffering from jade, hypertension, circulatory failure.

The main recipe is incredibly simple: 1.5 kg of young potatoes in their skins must be baked without salt and fat, or boiled and divided into 4-5 meals. It is allowed and even encouraged to decorate the dish with fresh herbs: dill, onions, parsley, basil.

In addition, it is useful to prepare potato juice on such a day. It doesn't matter if you don't have a juicer. The fruit can be grated and squeezed. It is enough to drink 200-300 ml of it a day.

Raw potato juice has amazing medicinal properties, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the bowels and urination, and perfectly removes the accumulated toxins from the body.

During a potato fasting day, you can get rid of 1.5 kg, and you can use this method of losing weight no more than 2 times a month.

Reviews of the unloading day on potatoes:

  • “… For all the time of my struggle with excess weight, I have tried a bunch of fasting days: on fruits, chocolate, kefir, apples and so on. But unloading on potatoes is my favorite. Why? First, not hungry. And this is probably the most important thing. Secondly, it is affordable. There are always potatoes in the house, even if I decide to spontaneously arrange a fasting day, I don't have to run to the store in search of groceries. Third, it is most effective. I spend such days quite often and consistently lose 1-1.5 kg. ";
  • “… For me, unloading on potatoes is very much to my liking. I ate it boiled in a uniform, seasoned with green onions and dill. And I ate one more cucumber for lunch. Most importantly, everything is salt-free. Plus, I drank about 2 liters of water a day. I liked the fact that it was satisfying and inexpensive, but here the result, I think, could have been better - only minus 450 g. "

Potato diet for 3 days

Suitable for those who want to quickly lose a few pounds, for example, to look better in their favorite dress. Within 3 days, you will need to eat no more than 0.5 kg of potatoes, boiled or baked in their uniform. You should definitely drink plenty of clean water or weak green tea.

Potato diet for 7 days

It is somewhat more difficult to tolerate than a three-day one, so you can add low-fat cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, chicken eggs to the menu. Here you can also season all dishes with herbs and drink plenty of fluids.

With all the benefits of this vegetable, this technique is not beneficial for the body, therefore, during a potato diet, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.

Can you eat potatoes on a diet?

On such a diet, it is allowed to eat boiled or baked potatoes. The main thing is that all dishes are prepared without fat milk, oil and salt. Also, experts advise turning to a potato diet in the summer. First, in the summer mono diets easier to tolerate, and secondly, it is time for young potatoes, which are the most useful and valuable for the diet.

And now the main question that most people ask when they learn about this technique is why you can't eat fried potatoes with a diet? The first and the most important reason is the oil. The oil that we use for cooking is not only a source of animal fat, which is hardly digested by our body and goes into subcutaneous fat, but even when heated, it turns out to be a source of dangerous carcinogens... And in the future, these harmful substances can cause tumor diseases.

The second reason to avoid fried potatoes is the flavorings and sauces that make them special. We are talking about salt, with which we often go too far when frying potatoes, and about various store-bought greasy dressings with a huge amount e-supplements and high calorie content.

Allowed Products

On a potato diet it is allowed to eat fresh vegetables, which are rich in fiber and low in calories: lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, asparagus, celery, cabbage, carrots. Such foods help to cope with feelings of hunger and improve the functioning of the body, and they can be consumed in large quantities without worrying that this may negatively affect the figure.

Also, do not forget about chicken broth soups, which also contribute to the rapid and high-quality saturation of the body.

And, of course, the main product of this diet is potato... It can be eaten no more than 1.5 kg per day in the form of mashed potatoes, boiled, or baked.

Of course, the set of permitted foods on a potato diet is rather meager. But sometimes you can afford

  • 100 g of chicken meat, if hunger is felt even after the main meal;
  • a spoonful of honey, prunes or raisins, if you want something sweet.

But, judging by the reviews, such a menu is quite successfully transferred and those who lose weight achieve their goals.

Approved Products Table

Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 27
young potatoes 2,4 0,4 12,4 61
cilantro 2,1 0,5 1,9 23
green onion 1,3 0,0 4,6 19
carrot 1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers 0,8 0,1 2,8 15
salad pepper 1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley 3,7 0,4 7,6 47
radish 1,2 0,1 3,4 19
salad 1,2 0,3 1,3 12
celery 0,9 0,1 2,1 12
asparagus 1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomatoes 0,6 0,2 4,2 20
Dill 2,5 0,5 6,3 38

Nuts and dried fruits

raisin 2,9 0,6 66,0 264


marshmallow 0,8 0,0 78,5 304

Raw materials and seasonings

basil 2,5 0,6 4,3 27
honey 0,8 0,0 81,5 329
ground black pepper 10,4 3,3 38,7 251

Dairy products

kefir 0% 3,0 0,1 3,8 30


chicken breast 23,2 1,7 0,0 114


chicken eggs 12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Oils and fats

olive oil 0,0 99,8 0,0 898

Non-alcoholic drinks

water 0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea 0,0 0,0 0,0 -

Fully or partially limited products

Prohibited foods include sweet fruits such as grapes, mangoes, bananas - they can only provoke an appetite, which can lead to a breakdown.

Also, you cannot replace a home-made potato dish with semi-finished products with potatoes: dumplings, purchased pancakes - you will never know their actual composition and quality of raw materials.

It is worth forgetting, preferably forever, about fried potatoes and fries because of the oil, salt and sauces that always accompany them.

Also, avoid sweets: store-bought chocolates and candies beat all records for transgenic fats and sugars. If you really want to buy something for tea, take a creamy marshmallow. This is one of the most harmless sweets on the shelves today.

At the end of the list of prohibited foods is alcohol. In addition to its high calorie content, alcohol retains water in the body, which we need to activate metabolism and successfully lose weight. So, both during the diet and in the future, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

Prohibited Products Table

Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal


bananas 1,5 0,2 21,8 95
mango 0,5 0,3 11,5 67


grape 0,6 0,2 16,8 65


potato chips 5,5 30,0 53,0 520

Flour and pasta

pasta 10,4 1,1 69,7 337
pancakes 6,1 12,3 26,0 233
dumplings with potatoes 4,4 3,7 18,5 125
dumplings 11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf 7,5 2,9 50,9 264
buns 7,9 9,4 55,5 339


jam 0,3 0,2 63,0 263
candies 4,3 19,8 67,5 453
nutella paste 6,8 31,0 56,0 530
biscuits 7,5 11,8 74,9 417
cake 3,8 22,6 47,0 397

Ice cream

ice cream 3,7 6,9 22,1 189


chocolate 5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mayonnaise 2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar 0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt 0,0 0,0 0,0 -

Dairy products

milk 4.5% 3,1 4,5 4,7 72
cream 35% (fat) 2,5 35,0 3,0 337
sour cream 40% (fat) 2,4 40,0 2,6 381

Cheese and curd

parmesan cheese 33,0 28,0 0,0 392
cheddar cheese 23,0 32,0 0,0 392

Meat products

pork 16,0 21,6 0,0 259
veal 19,7 1,2 0,0 90
bacon 23,0 45,0 0,0 500


boiled sausage 13,7 22,8 0,0 260
sausages 10,1 31,6 1,9 332

Oils and fats

sunflower oil 0,0 99,9 0,0 899

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16% 0,5 0,0 16,0 153
dessert red wine 0,5 0,0 20,0 172
vodka 0,0 0,0 0,1 235
beer 0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Non-alcoholic drinks

soda water 0,0 0,0 0,0 -
cola 0,0 0,0 10,4 42

* data are indicated for 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

Potato diet menu for 3 days

For 3 days of this diet technique, it is possible to lose up to 3 kg.

7 days potato diet menu

The seven-day menu of this technique excludes dinners in order to reduce the amount of carbohydrates entering the body. But if the feeling of hunger is too overwhelming, you can eat a vegetable salad with a negative calorie content. The vegetables that make up it do not bring energy value with them, however, the body spends a huge amount of energy on their digestion. These are cabbage, cucumber, celery, asparagus, radish, spinach, carrots.

Breakfast Dinner
Day 1
  • mashed potatoes;
  • a glass of milk 1.5%
  • vegetable salad
Day 2
  • potato casserole;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • chicken bouillon;
Day 3
  • 100 g of cottage cheese 0%;
  • a glass of kefir 0%
  • baked potatoes in their skins;
  • vegetable salad
Day 4
  • mashed potatoes;
  • a glass of milk 1.5%
  • potato soup with chicken broth;
  • vegetable salad
Day 5
  • 100 g boiled asparagus;
  • 3 potatoes, boiled in their uniform
  • mashed potato soup;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese 0%;
  • vegetable salad
Day 6
  • potato casserole;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • potato casserole;
  • vegetable salad;
  • a glass of kefir 0%
Day 7
  • mashed potatoes;
  • a glass of kefir 0%
  • chicken bouillon;
  • salad of 1 boiled chicken egg, fresh vegetables and boiled potatoes

Potato diet dishes

Potato diet recipes are not only about unleavened mashed potatoes. Even such a mono-diet can be made incredibly tasty by properly preparing its main component - potatoes.

Potatoes baked in the oven with garlic

Potatoes with sour cream and garlic in the oven are a fragrant, satisfying and quick dish for which you need:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • ground black pepper;
  • greens.

Wash and chop the potatoes. You do not need to clean it, since more valuable substances that contribute to weight loss enter the body with potatoes in their uniforms. Mix with sour cream, grated garlic and pepper. Transfer to a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 30 minutes. 5 minutes before removing the dish from the oven, pour the beaten chicken egg over it and garnish with fresh herbs before serving.

Diet casserole

How to make a delicious potato casserole that won't hurt your figure? Here's a great recipe!

You will need:

  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;
  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • pepper, aromatic herbs (rosemary, basil, mint, oregano);
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • greens.

Grate potatoes on a fine grater, add eggs, spices, onions and mix everything thoroughly. Next, add sour cream, grated hard cheese, finely chopped chicken breast and place in a greased pan. You need to bake the dish for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Sprinkle with cheese and fresh herbs to finish cooking.

Mashed potato soup

This version of a potato dish perfectly envelops the gastric mucosa, warms it up, saturates it perfectly ... and just this soup is very tasty! Therefore, in any case, do not ignore this recipe while sticking to a potato diet.

You will need:

  • 400 ml of water;
  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 20 g wheat flour;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 15 g butter;
  • greens.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then add flour, mix thoroughly, grind with a blender and let it boil again. Next, mix the egg and milk and add to the soup. Beat the soup again with a blender, let it boil. Before serving, you can season the soup with butter and herbs.

On failure

Of course, there is always a risk of breaking down. This is influenced by various factors: stress, excitement, willpower, insufficient nutritional value of the proposed dietary menu.

Here are valuable tips to help you stay on track, make it to the end of your diet, and get the results you want.

  • For the duration of the diet, forget about alcohol... You will certainly want to eat a glass of wine with cheese or chocolate, and a pint of beer with fatty chips, crackers or fries. Alcohol provokes a feeling of hunger, and, believe me, it will only harm you.
  • Don't force yourself to eat. If the day has come when it is already impossible to look at the potatoes, take a break. Snack on a permitted vegetable salad.
  • Find something to do. “Sitting” on a diet is not worth it. Perhaps it will be jogging or yoga, or even cleaning or manicure. This way you can distract yourself from the obsession with destroying all food supplies in the house.
  • Praise yourself. And yes, in the case of this technique, it is sweets... Fruits and sweet tea are not provided here, but this does not prohibit eating 5-10 raisins, a spoonful of natural honey or half a creamy marshmallow, rewarding yourself for the path traveled. Sweets are recommended to be eaten before 14.00.

If you still have a breakdown, do not worry. It is enough to concentrate and not quit the started diet, but from the next day to start again with the proposed menu. Also, if you have lost it, it is recommended to extend the diet for 1-2 days.

Exiting the diet

Of course, a restricted carbohydrate diet works well. However, it is impossible to completely abandon fruits, bread, cereals. They must be present in your classic diet. At the end of the potato diet, such foods should be introduced in small quantities. It is better to start with buckwheat, apples, oranges, brown rice, whole grain bread, and after 2-3 weeks it will be possible to eat most of the "right" foods.


This technique is not suitable for people who suffer from chronic diseases, liver, kidney and heart disease. Also, the diet is strictly contraindicated in patients. diabetes mellitus and people under the age of 20.

During pregnancy and lactation

The diet is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Pros and cons of the potato diet

pros Minuses
  • Lack of hunger. Potatoes are a hearty vegetable that you can quickly fill up
  • Among those losing weight on such a diet, seizures are most often not observed. apathy, tiredness, decreased performance, and the diet itself is easily tolerated.
  • Availability. This is perhaps the most economical mono-diet.
  • All dishes are easy and quick to prepare, do not take much time and effort.
  • Despite the meager diet, all the dishes recommended for the diet are tasty, healthy and satisfying.
  • The potato mono-diet is pretty tough. Experts recommend combining it with a complex of vitamins.
  • This technique is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women and diabetics, as it is possible to increase the level of sugar in the blood.
  • During a diet, a constant feeling of thirst is possible, therefore, 30 minutes before a meal, 1.5-2 hours after a meal, drink clean water or green tea. In total, at least 2 liters per day.