Mechoscope: choose a fur coat according to the sign of the zodiac. Crayfish neck salad recipes from available ingredients

07.05.2019 Fish dishes

Today, in many Russian cities, crayfish are considered a delicacy. That's just the fact that cancer meat is healthy and dietary and you can't argue. It's all about the protein, which is more than found in the meat of these marine arthropods. In addition, amino acids, which are so necessary for athletes, rare trace elements and vitamins, are also present in it.

Your attention is invited to several recipes, from budget to festive, from simple to large quantity ingredients.

Layered salad "Rak under a fur coat"

The recipe for this dish is simpler than it seems, and despite the small number of ingredients, the appetizer is tender, satisfying and inexpensive.

Required ingredients:

  • Cancer necks (can be fresh or in brine)
  • Eggs - 5 pcs
  • Hard cheese - 200g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Olives (for decoration)
  • Mayonnaise

First of all, let's boil the eggs. Then mode them, just leave 2 squirrels for decoration. Now let's move on to the onion - peel and finely chop. Then three cheese on a grater. And finally finishing touch- lay out layers of lettuce:

  1. Mayonnaise
  2. Sea Necks
  3. Mayonnaise

The last layer must be well smeared and repeat the layers a few more times to taste. Then you can decorate the salad with olives and grated proteins.

Tip: You can move the cheese with mayonnaise in advance, and add quite a bit of garlic. This will add spice to the dish.

The recipe will appeal to those who are on a diet, because proteins, vitamin C and other components that make up the dish help to improve the body and burn fat. Moreover, this recipe is quite simple and all the ingredients can be easily purchased at the store.

Tropical crayfish

Required Ingredients:

  • Crayfish necks (fresh or in brine) 200g
  • Red pepper 1pc
  • Apple 1 pc
  • Orange or grapefruit 1 pc or 0.5 pc
  • Red onion 1pc
  • Greens (to taste)
  • Sour cream or regular yogurt 4 tsp
  • modensky balsamic vinegar 1 tsp
  • Pepper and spices (to taste)

First things first, put the sea meat in a dish. Then finely cut Bell pepper, best of all in cubes or thin slices, after which we cut the onion into half rings and wash everything in sparkling water. We clean the apple from the peel and seeds and cut into slices. Let's start peeling an orange, by the way, for those who do not mind sourness, it can be replaced with a grapefruit. So let's clear our citrus fruit from the peel, film and seeds and add to the dish. Now our salad is ready for dressing - salt, pepper, add spices, chopped herbs and vinegar. We mix. Veils! Everything is ready! Let sit for about 30 minutes before serving.

Tip: If you decide to use yogurt in this dish, then it is best to salt it first so that the food does not turn out to be bland.

Another recipe for those who strive for harmony.

What we need:

  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cheese hard grade– 100g
  • Cancer meat -200 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and spices.

First of all, put the eggs to cook for 7 minutes. Lettuce leaves must be washed and dried well. Then tear into pieces and put on a dish, to which we add the meat of the cancer. Three cheese fine grater. By that time, the testicles are already cooked, we clean them and leave to cool. In the meantime, we cut the cucumber into small squares or half rings, however, as you like. Then three eggs coarse grater. Salad, add pepper and season with mayonnaise to taste. Now you can start decorating the salad - olives, herbs, whatever you want.

There are moments when a dear and beloved is unexpectedly already on the threshold, and you, having spoken with your friend, did not set the table. Just for such occasions, this recipe will come in handy.

Snack for your loved one

  • Crayfish meat (fresh) 200 g
  • Egg 1 pc
  • Fresh tomato 1pc
  • Lettuce leaves 50 g
  • Onion (can be red) 0.5 pcs
  • Salt, pepper and spices to taste


First, boil the crayfish in salt water, clean and dry the necks. While the crayfish are being cooked, it is necessary to wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them into medium pieces, cover the dish with leaves. Peel the chicken egg and cut into several parts, we will do the same with the tomato. We cut the onion into strips. Finally, lay out all the salad ingredients on an already prepared dish. Then season with spices and mayonnaise.

Tip: Cherry tomatoes will look much better here and will not spoil the overall taste picture at all.

Of course, on festive table every hostess wants to show her culinary skills both guests and loved ones in the household. Therefore, we women, like real detectives, are looking for, searching the global network for what kind of interesting dish to cook. We write down the recipe for a delicious and healthy salad.


What we need:

  • Cancer meat
  • 10 quail eggs
  • 2-3 small potatoes
  • Bunch of green lettuce
  • Celery 2 stalks
  • Leek 0.5
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Salt (to taste)

For sauce

  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Pomegranate sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice 1 tsp

In this salad, both cancer meat and shrimp are good, both in salted form and freshly cooked, the main thing is their presence. Boil and cut eggs and potatoes. It is enough to cut the eggs into 4 parts, and the potatoes into small cubes. Traditionally, we tear the lettuce into medium pieces, after washing it and drying it. Now you need to cut the remaining ingredients, the leek and celery into thin rings, and the cucumber into cubes. Now we connect everything except the cancerous necks. You can salt a little, however, this is everyone's business.

Let's start making the sauce. Mayonnaise, pomegranate juice and mix lemon juice, try, if everything is in order, season the salad. If the salad is dry, then you can pour it with brine or the remaining water after cooking. Now you can decorate our dish with crayfish tails and lettuce.

As we have noticed, cancer meat is combined with all products, from citrus fruits, to potatoes, and in itself it is very tasty. In a word, experiment, maybe you will find perfect recipe for yourself.

These ancient animals are still found in fresh water all over the world (perhaps except Africa), but only where the water is really clean - crayfish are even used as an indicator of the ecological purity of streams, rivers and lakes.

There were always crayfish in Russia, and there was no particular reason to adopt foreign experience. Nevertheless, the introduction of crayfish dishes into the menu of aristocrats and the best restaurants Petersburg and Moscow, the French clearly had a hand. An example is the Olivier salad recipe of 25 boiled crayfish, garnished with crayfish necks and red claws.

Before boiling crayfish, it’s a good idea to let them crawl for an hour or two in a basin with clean water- so they will be cleansed naturally. In order not to deliver unnecessary suffering to the poor fellows, they are thrown into boiling water head down. Humane Europeans came up with the idea of ​​​​putting crayfish for a couple of hours in the freezer - there they peacefully fall asleep and no longer move before being sent to boiling water.

There is more meat in large crayfish, but small ones (but not less than 10 cm) are tastier. Crayfish of different sizes require different cooking times - so they need to be sorted.

Recipes from the book Margin Redelmn"House and Economy", ed. 1900


(for 6 people)

A spoonful of butter, a spoonful of flour, 30 crayfish,3 cups broth, a glass of white wine,a spoonful of vinegar, 3/4 spoonful of sugar;for cancer oil: shells from 30 crayfish, a spoonful of oil.

A spoonful of flour and a spoonful of oil are rubbed in a saucepan until smooth, diluted with broth, cancer oil, a small glass of white wine, a spoonful of vinegar, sugar and peeled crayfish are added.

Cooking time - 3/4 hours.

Crayfish stew

(for 10 people)

60 crayfish, pike of medium size, 200 goils, 3 egg yolks, 75 g rolls, bowl-ka milk, onion, 6 grains of pepper, tea-naya spoon of salt, lemon, 400 g of meat, 12.morels, 12 champignons;for cancer oil: a spoonful of oil; for cancer sauce: a spoonful of butter, a spoonful of flour, 3 cups of fish soup, not much cancer oil.

Crayfish are boiled, cleaned and very finely chopped meat from claws along with raw meat pike (pike is cleaned of skin and kos- tei). Chopped meat is crushed in a mortar along with fish liver, then, laid out on a dish, mixed with 100 g of butter, 35 g of roll crumb soaked in milk, grated and boiled in oil onion, crushed pepper

and salt. Dumplings are made from one part of minced meat, 15 empty crayfish shells are stuffed with the other part and both of them are boiled in crayfish water. Cancer oil is prepared from cancer shells. After preparing the crayfish sauce, put in it crayfish necks, dumplings, boiled meat cut into pieces, boiled morels and mushrooms, boiled in 50 g of oil with the addition of lemon juice. The stew is served on a platter around him stuffed with cancer necks.

Cooking time - 2 hours.


180 PCS. crayfish, 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt,a spoonful of Provence oil, 1 pork bladder.

Crayfish are boiled in water, the necks are cleaned and the intestines are taken out of them. After drying the necks, they are put into a glass or stone jar and poured with very salty, boiled and cooled water; you need to fill it in such a way that the crayfish are completely covered with water. Pour a tablespoon of Provence oil into the jar, tie it with a bubble and put it in a cold place. Before use, the necks are soaked for several hours in cold water that is changed every hour.


(for 8 people)

30 shells, a cup of crushed crackers, a cup of milk, a spoonful of butter, 2 eggs,1/4 lemon, 10 bitter almonds, spoonsugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt.

Well-beaten eggs, dried ri, butter, grated almonds, sugar, salt, rubbed with lemon, crushed butter are mixed properly. Let the mass stand for 1/4 hour, then fill the washed shells, boil them in salt water and put them in the soup.

Cooking time - 1 hour.


(for 6 people)

For soup: 1200 g thighs, 18 cupsnew water, roots, salt, 3 yolks, spoonsour cream, 30 crayfish, a spoonful of flour; forcancerous minced meat: 1 cup breadcrumbs, a cup of milk, a spoonful of butter, 2 eggs, 1/2 lemon, 10 bitter almonds, a spoonful of sugar, 1/2 tsp. spoons of salt; for crayfish oil: shells from 30 crayfish, 100 g butter.

30 crayfish are boiled in salt water, claws and necks are cleaned, the shells are finely crushed in a mortar. 9 cups of water and 100 g of butter are added to the crushed shell. Boil shells with water well, removing the resulting red foam - cancer oil. Cooked from beef and water with the addition of salt and roots strong broth, poured into a saucepan in which cancer oil is mixed with a spoonful of flour. Stuffed crayfish shells are boiled in water and put into soup. Before serving, rub 3 yolks with a spoonful of sour cream in a bowl, put peeled crayfish necks, claws and stuffed backs and pour broth.

Cooking time - 3 1/2 hours.


(for 6 people)

30 crayfish, 50 g cancer oil, 4 eggs, 3/4 cup crushed crackers, a teaspoonsalt, onion, 1/2 cup cream.

Crayfish oil is rubbed into foam, eggs, crushed crackers, salt, a small grated onion, very finely chopped meat of boiled crayfish and cream are gradually added. Dumplings are formed and boiled in broth or. salt water.

Cooking time -1 1/2 hours.


(for 6 people)

90 crayfish, 5 eggs, a bun, a cup of milkka, a teaspoon of salt, a spoonful of oil, lozh-ka sour cream, 1/2 cup crushed crackers.

Cooked crayfish are chopped very finely, 4 beaten eggs are added, a roll soaked in milk and rubbed through a colander, melted butter and sour cream. If the mixture is too thick, then you need to add a little milk, if it is too thin - a little dry. Small beautiful cutlets are formed, moistened in an egg, rolled in breadcrumbs and, sticking a claw into each instead of a bone, fried in oil, browning well. The cutlets are served with fried butter or crayfish sauce.

A married couple buys lottery tickets.
- If I win, I will buy myself mink coat... - the wife dreams.
- What if you don't win? the husband asks.
- Then you will buy me this fur coat!
Oh yes, that Aries joke. Ladies born under this zodiac sign are stubborn, wayward and always get their way. No wonder their talisman is a diamond, the hardest and most expensive gem. Fur coats Aries also prefer expensive ones. Very expensive. Silver fox, Russian sable - all wrapped in a silk tablecloth and delivered home in a limousine.

If your salary does not allow you to wear chic furs yet, put on a sheepskin coat or a sheepskin vest. Astrologers say that it is in these things that Aries feel most comfortable. In your own skin, as they say.

Luxurious sable or modest sheepskin coat - Aries know how to wear both

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

In their youth, Taurus love to splurge and they will always prefer an exquisite fur coat to a practical sheepskin coat. Even if it is short, light and not at all suitable for Russian frosts. If Taurus does not have enough money for a luxurious chinchilla, she will buy her imitation of a rabbit, but just try to hint that this is a fake - the young lady will stab you with a hairpin of her right shoe.

Astrologers simply explain the desire of Taurus to stand out and draw attention to their person: the “roof” of these signs of the zodiac - the Sun - is the most brilliant star in the sky

Taurus women adore models from combined, sheared and dyed fur. In general, all those unusual, designer things, at the sight of which other women exhale enviously: "Boldly!"

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

Geminis are sentimental and romantic. Watching a thriller in the cinema, they sincerely believe that a maniac with a twisted face and his frightened victim will definitely get married by the end of the film. When buying a fur coat, they also sincerely believe that they will wear it for ten years. But we bet that next winter they will want something new. Often this "brand new" Gemini has to take on credit, because they are the biggest spenders of all the signs of the zodiac.

Geminis love to bury their noses in soft warm fur, so they usually choose fur coats with a voluminous collar.

Considering that ladies born under this zodiac sign are emotional people who know how to worry about trifles and make elephants out of flies, astrologers recommend that they wear very fluffy - adding confidence and vitality - fur: raccoon or fox.

Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)

Cancer women are big cowards. No wonder the most risky act in their lives is illegally downloading a movie from the Internet.

Crayfish approach the choice of outerwear very responsibly and will never go to the market for a new thing. Only in a store checked by friends and acquaintances. Representatives of this zodiac sign buy things for centuries: a fur coat for two seasons from a rabbit or chinchilla is not for them. But the wear-resistant otter, beaver or fur seal is what you need.

Really, I'm cool? And in another way, in a snow-white fur coat from the Italian company Marconi, it is impossible to look!

Stargazers advise Cancers to avoid black furs (they can make Cancer so depressed that even a carload of chocolate will not help), preferring more optimistic and light colors: pearl, sand and caramel.

Leo (23.07 - 23.08)

The best fur for Leo…no, not expensive. Rare! These ladies do not like to be like others and always strive to overtake modern fashion. No wonder, under the sign of Leo, the delightful Coco Chanel was born - an icon of style, one of the best fashion designers in France.

A sheepskin coat with embroidery, a hat with a fox tail, a fur vest over a leather jacket - Lionesses are not afraid to draw attention to themselves. What is there to "not be afraid" - they love to do it! Moreover, most of the ladies of this zodiac sign carefully monitor themselves and look well-groomed and elegant until old age.

Real Lionesses in the urban jungle do not forget about the chic “mane”: almost all of their winter clothes are decorated with a massive fur collar or hood

The only thing that astrologers advise them is not to wear fur products with reptile skin inserts. Such things have such a strong energy that the already restless Lions in them quickly get tired, become "electrified" and irritable.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

Virgos are a godsend for sellers of fur salons, because these ladies suit everything: both American blackglam and Russian ferret. They do not follow trends and tendencies, preferring to buy what the eye falls on. Even if it's a neon fur coat made of dyed hare. "I like it, period," is Virgo's main argument.

You won't spoil the Maiden with furs!

Considering that Virgos are mostly avid motorists, sports models of fur coats made of combined or sheared fur are perfect for them. It is convenient to drive a car in such clothes, and dig it out in the parking lot, and sculpt a snowman in the yard (if you don’t succeed in digging out a car that day).

Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

Libra is a traditional sign of milliners and seamstresses, so when buying outerwear they are interested not so much in fur as in cut - it must be impeccable. Like everything else that surrounds these ladies.

Lovers of everything sophisticated, Libra often choose fur coats that are similar in cut to elegant coats. They will undoubtedly like a strict Italian fur coat with broadtail trim from PokupkaLyuks

Not finding "their" fur coat in the store, Libra will order it in the atelier and will humbly wait for two months, if only the product fits perfectly.

The softest material for sewing is chosen: arctic fox, squirrel, broadtail. Whether it will be warm in such furs in winter, Libra does not care much - among the admirers of these refined natures there is always a man ready to take the lady home and warm her with a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

Falling in love with a scorpion woman is like signing your own death warrant. She will torment her with whims, will rob her to the thread: today give her a chic fur coat, tomorrow take her to Paris. This is despite the fact that Scorpios are excellent at making money and can buy themselves both furs and a tourist package.

Scorpios are also harassing sellers of fur boutiques: either show her a raccoon jacket, or a fox coat. Or maybe take a fox vest? It is difficult for these ladies to choose outerwear, because at heart they are all actresses who easily imagine themselves in any image.

Scorpions are not afraid to experiment and love fur in any form.

But no matter how much a Scorpio woman rushes around a fashionable salon, nothing is better than a "diamond" mink for her. Only in this energetically strong fur will she really feel at ease.

Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.01)

Despite the fact that Sagittarius belong to the winter signs of the zodiac, almost all of their representatives are creepy merzlyachki. They are the only ones who, when saying "I'm cold" to a man, mean their stiff hands and cold nose, and not the veiled: "Well, hug me already, you idiot!" Not surprisingly, Sagittarius women are very fond of furs, especially those that are warmer and thicker.

Do you want to win the "shooter"? Give her a squirrel or beaver fur coat and you will absolutely hit the target. That is, you will be kissed. And maybe even ringed.

A classic muton fur coat for every day and a delightfully mink coat for a romantic date. Its warming golden-red color will certainly please the heat-loving Sagittarius.


Sagittarians love bright colors, so in penniless youth they often look at faux fur coats. But astrologers say that fake fur has a bad effect on the mood of these signs. It is better to buy a stylish down jacket on real goose down.

Capricorn (22.12-20.01)

Capricorns are still conservatives. They firmly believe that earlier the sun shone brighter and the grass was greener. In Capricorn's wardrobe, you can hardly find a fashionable vest made of silver fox, but you will surely find two or three items made of astrakhan and broadtail. Things in the spirit of Renata Litvinova - who loves the perfume "Red Moscow" and is fond of Harry Potter - that's what Capricorns need.

Karakul and broadtail are out of fashion and time. Proves Renata Litvinova and the famous European brand Marconi

Ladies born under this sign are ardent workaholics. They usually marry work colleagues, spend their honeymoon on the joint preparation of the annual report. Maximalists in life, Capricorns prefer the longest fur coats "to the floor", strict, like an office suit, cut.

To add femininity and eroticism to the look of the "iron lady", astrologers advise Capricorns to dilute the astrakhan wardrobe with a fur coat made of long-haired fur, like a fox, Canadian raccoon or arctic fox. And an interesting proposal from the authorities will not keep you waiting. An offer for a raise, of course. What did you think?

Aquarius (21.01 - 18.02)

Fashionistas and originals, Aquarians always know what is in trend today. They are not afraid of even the most daring fantasies of designers: a coat with a fur trim, a llama skirt, a leopard-colored fur coat - take it, take it!

Spotted or striped? It all depends on the mood of Aquarius!

Already in childhood, Aquarians were the first fashionistas in the yard. It was they who, having prepared a bottle of valerian for mother, put yellow kitchen curtains on dresses, and altered grandmother's winter hats for evening bags. And even in adulthood, Aquarians do not stop experimenting with clothes, easily replacing the usual round buttons on a short sheepskin coat with unusual duffle coat "knuckles".

According to the unanimous opinion of astrologers, mega energetic Aquarius will find peace of mind in furs with "cold" energy: plucked mink, ermine, sable.

Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

Pisces are wonderful life companions. They are economic, thrifty, love order in the house and are indifferent to " best friends girls" - diamonds and fur coats. They would rather be pleased with a warm Italian coat than a fashionable fur coat.

However, a coat will not save the harsh Russian winter, and Pisces, like it or not, has to buy furs. The main thing here is not to frighten the Fish away, because it is worth reminding her about a summer vacation or an upcoming purchase of a summer house before shopping, as this practical lady will easily refuse an expensive new thing in favor of, as it seems to her, more necessary things. So what if the money for the summer house has long been deferred and is in the bank. Suddenly not enough? Pisces are still reinsurers.

Astrologers advise them to choose classic furs and styles in which Pisces will be not only warm, but also cozy at home.

With the development of quantum physics, no one doubts that a person is a materialized energy, being an inseparable part of natural energy, and, therefore, the energy of the entire Universe. From here it is very easy to take a step towards astrology, which studies the influence of celestial bodies on the entire earthly world and, accordingly, on the person himself (on his temperament, character and actions), with the possibility of predicting or “hinting” the future - even when purchasing a fur coat, since, as you know, astrologers consider a fur product from the point of view energy properties fur from which it is made.

So, furs with a very long pile (fox, arctic fox) have a pronounced, erotic shade, which greatly enhances the female attractiveness, "daring", courage and ambition of their owners.

In turn, furs with a short pile (mink, ermine, sable, chinchilla) give their owners sophistication and sophistication, enhancing feminine charm and charm.

Products made of astrakhan fur, sheepskin, goat fur and muton give the energy of patronage and protection. It is no coincidence that they are widely used for the manufacture of children's clothing.

Furs of waterfowl animals (beaver, nutria, otter, fur seal and seal) have the energy of water, protecting from negativity, the evil eye and from "energy vampires".

In a word, guided by astrological data, you can choose a fur coat according to your zodiac sign.

And what is needed to stabilize, strengthen or protect your energy?


Young representatives of Aries, and especially those who drive a car, suit sports styles: short fur coats, jackets and sports-type vests made of short-haired fur (sheared or plucked mink, squirrel, muton, seal) - from reddish-beige to golden and red, as well as from red to deep burgundy.
For those who are older, you can get a beaver or sable fur coat, while do not forget that sable fur goes well with diamonds. Besides, this perfect option for this zodiac sign.


Taurus is not only practical - they are also lovers of luxury. Most the best choice for them - a fur coat made of fox, mink, arctic fox, beaver and sable of a trapezoid or fitted shape, but not restricting movement, or a product that combines furs of different pile lengths - for example: a mink coat with a fluffy fox collar or a smooth nutria with a fox trim . The main thing is that it is chic and long-lasting.

Favorite colors are earthy: from light brown to pinkish, beige, peach and honey.


Gemini are obvious fans of everything bright and extravagant, because their lively nature always strives for novelty and vivid impressions. They will suit a light fur coat made of mink, short-haired raccoon or rabbit - extravagant shades (from pink to salad), as well as fur coats made of gray or white broadtail.

Fitted fur products with leather inserts, decorated with inlay or glass beads, are ideal for young people, emphasizing their girlish prettiness. In addition, representatives of this Sign are lovers of all kinds of accessories (mittens, headphones).

Practical Cancer, or rather, “Rakini”, needs, first of all, comfort and strength. So here we will talk about a large fur coat made of wearable fur, capable of protecting not only from cold and wind, but also from dampness - for example, products made from otter, sea otter, beaver or fur seal fur, with colors from salad, pistachio to blue and silver, as well as all pastel colors.

The name of the sign of the Zodiac speaks for itself: Leo is self-sufficiency and an irresistible effect. That is why we will talk about long spectacular fur coats with a voluminous puffy collar, reminiscent of a lion's mane (fox, silver fox), even if it is a coat, short fur coat or sheepskin coat. At the same time, Lionesses prefer unusual colors (leopard or tiger print), and therefore the reed cat fur with lynx trim is very suitable for them. Accordingly, the color scheme ranges from amber yellow and golden to dark red, including leopard coloring and imitation of tiger stripes.

The penchant for jewelry that enhances the status of Lionesses can be satisfied with fur coats embellished with rhinestones.


The fur coat of an organized and economical Virgin should be perfectly smooth (sheared mink, otter), with a geometric embossed ornament or a contrasting pattern.
For adult Virgos, a long marten fur coat is suitable, and for the most demanding and demanding - an elegant fur coat or a fashionable chinchilla short fur coat.

A strict representative of this Sign prefers a strict cut, strict styles and strict colors: black and white, as well as chocolate or silver, with a dark blue tint, and ocher.


Libras are distinguished by the fickleness of their tastes, but despite this, fluffy fur (fox, arctic fox, raccoon) always remains in their field of vision. In addition, they are extraordinary lovers of all kinds of accessories - from handbags and hats made of fur to a variety of vests, capes, stoles and muffs, which skillfully combine with each other, creating a unique and unusual outfit. It is no coincidence that Libra often act as trendsetters.

Libra's preferred colors are white, copper, cream, beige and pink.


Scorpio equally likes both short jackets made of sheared fur, and elegant classic coats, flared to the bottom, and long fur coats that fly apart when walking, fur coats made of any fur with short pile - from classic to brightly colored, extravagant, but always with a hood: a red fur coat from a seal, a snow-white short fur coat from a mink or a mantle from a snow-white ermine, reminiscent of an ermine mantle - an indispensable attribute of the ceremonial royal wardrobe. In the absence of a hood, Scorpios will gladly put on an elegant fur hat, and hide their hands in an elegant muff.

Scorpios also like products combined with leather, as well as small fur items (boas, stoles). In general, everything that is associated with a "fatal" woman.


Sagittarians prefer a long silky pile. At the same time, an important role for them is played by an unusual style, a variety of finishes and the most unforeseen fittings (for example, a product sewn in an ethnic style).

Sagittarius can easily satisfy his penchant for diversity with a fur product made from different types furs (for example, sable fur with a ferret or a fox with a beaver). But I must say that the representatives of this zodiac sign are more comfortable with sheepskin coats than fur coats. As for the color, they choose natural colors- from gray to beige, sand, coffee and mustard.


Capricorn to face high-quality and durable classic fur coats with a long pile and a fluffy undercoat (raccoon, wolf, sable, arctic fox, goat, broadtail or broadtail). Retro-style products will also suit him: for example, a shortened trapezoid, characteristic of the 30s of the twentieth century. And as a headdress - a hat-tablet.

Commitment to the classics is expressed in the choice of monotonous long fur coats from dark gray to "wet asphalt" and black, as well as a dark brown shade.


This zodiac sign refers to real fashionistas who are “not afraid” of avant-garde styles and bright colors, say, dyed mink, seal or fox fur with a hint of frost (bluefrost). The color range is from blue-gray and silver to lilac, purple, blue and even plum.

Moreover, they prefer unusual fittings and accessories, which, complementing appearance products, give it a greater effect. As for the style, the representatives of Aquarius choose fitted products with a hood.


Pisces girls prefer long fur coats with flared sleeves made from the fur of aquatic animals (sea otter, plucked beaver, seal, otter, muskrat), while the fur product should look light and mysterious, further emphasizing the natural femininity of this zodiac sign. In this regard, the most successful choice would be a blue mink coat, as well as fur shawls and boas decorated with ribbons and multi-colored stones. At the same time, Pisces are more inclined to choose products made of artificial and knitted fur.

Preferred colors range from smoky blue to pearl gray and from greenish to emerald and aquamarine.

A sable fur coat is, without a doubt, a status item. This piece of clothing allows you to emphasize the beauty and elegance of its owner.

In addition, it is amazingly versatile and perfect for the winter season.

And the right accessories for such a wardrobe item will allow you to make an image truly luxurious and stylish.

  • History of appearance
  • Advantages of sable fur coats
  • How to choose?
  • Suitable items and accessories

History of appearance

The first mention of sable furs appeared in ancient times - at the beginning of the fourth century. It is this material that is considered an integral part of the history of Russia.

In those days, sable was found only on the territory of this state and until the eighteenth century it was the equivalent of a commodity value.

AT Russian Empire women most often wore sable fur coats, and men - coats with collars made of this fur. In any case, such products invariably demonstrated the wealth and status of their owner.

And today such a thing is considered a status item of outerwear. Almost all things from this material belong to the category of premium models, and therefore they are very rarely sold in bulk.

Advantages of sable fur coats

Sable fur has always been considered elite. This is due to the fact that he really unique properties, which make products from this material not only unusually beautiful, but also practical.

It is very lightweight yet quite thick. Thanks to the silky texture, it is possible to emphasize all the advantages of this material.

These coats are very gentle and soft to the touch. This fur gently reflects light, making the finished item appear sparkling and shiny.

In addition, such products are surprisingly durable, they perfectly retain heat, which is very important in winter time of the year.

The color scheme is distinguished by a variety of shades - there are sandy yellow, and even pitch black tones. Therefore, each girl can choose the most acceptable option.

One of the most expensive is considered the fur of the Barguzin sable of a dark chocolate shade with a light gray hair. However, the most popular is the well-known Russian sable.

How to choose?

To buy a really high-quality product, it is better to choose it together with a specialist.

The fact is that sable is a representative of the marten family, and therefore, instead of sable, you can easily buy a thing from the fur of an unpainted marten.

To choose a quality model, you need to follow certain rules:

    1. First of all, you should try on the thing. Sable skins are surprisingly light, but at the same time they are quite thick and fluffy.
    2. You need to pay attention to color. The fur is usually dark brown in color. If you are offered products of copper, golden or brown color, then they are most likely made from marten.

There is a very rare species - barguzin, but its supply is limited. You can also meet golden sable, but its fur should cast reddish highlights.

  1. You need to feel the coat. Sable fur is surprisingly soft, but the skin should be quite dense and at the same time flexible.
  2. The quality of the workmanship is also important. Therefore, before buying, be sure to smell the thing.

If there is even a slight animal smell, this indicates the unsatisfactory quality of the product, that is, the skin was not properly cleaned and polished.

In addition to these criteria, you need to take into account the amount of raw materials used and its appearance.

This is due to the fact that sable fur has a non-uniform texture. Producers may use the entire pelt of the animal.

But in order to increase the class of the product, only certain parts of the skin are used, which have the same length and structure. Of course, the final cost of the model depends on this.

When choosing, do not rush. This is a rather valuable acquisition, because thanks to the amazing wear resistance, sable fur lasts quite a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended to save on such clothes.

The cost of the most popular models

Of course, such a fur coat is quite expensive - even the cheapest model of this fur will cost you more than a mink product.

And yet they do not lose their relevance and are very popular with many fashionistas.

The price depends on various factors. The cost is affected by the quality of the pile, the color scheme, the size of the skin, the presence of gray hair.

A short fur coat made of this material can be purchased for 200 000 rubles.

A medium-length wardrobe item will cost you about 400,000-500,000 rubles.

But a luxurious floor-length sable coat will cost about 700,000-800,000 rubles.

Of course the cost finished products significantly lower in online stores. However, many girls are hesitant to purchase such expensive items in online boutiques.

In fact, you can not be afraid to miscalculate with quality or size, if you trust trusted manufacturers.

To do this, you need to go to a regular store where the clothes of this brand are presented, carefully consider and try on the product you like, after which you can buy a thing via the Internet.

And with the money saved, you can buy some stylish accessory for a new fur coat.

The most famous Russian manufacturers are Marusya, the fur house "Marina Morozova", the fur factory "Sobol", the salon-studio "Success", the trade mark "Second Fur".

Suitable items and accessories

To look truly stylish and attractive in such clothes, you need to learn how to create harmonious images with her participation.

Stylists advise wearing this piece of outerwear emphatically casually.

You should not focus on the cost of things - it is much better if you look as natural as possible in it. True connoisseurs of fur will definitely appreciate your taste.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that a sable coat cannot be used as casual wear. This piece of clothing is usually worn only on special occasions.

A short sable fur coat is perfect for a young fashionista. Such a piece of clothing is organically combined with boots with heels or platform boots.

The cost of such shoes is about 8,000-10,000 rubles.

In addition, with a shortened version, tight-fitting trousers or skirts above the knee look great.

They can be purchased for 3,000-4,000 rubles.

Of course, jeans with such a luxurious piece of clothing should not be worn. You also need to consider that clothes should not peek out from under a short fur coat.

If you decide to purchase a thing of medium length, then you can safely combine it with a variety of skirts, dresses, trousers.

However, the rule is the same: things must be chosen in such a way that they are not visible from under the outerwear.

Do not wear a sable coat with things that are decorated with bright patterns.

Such a combination will look ridiculous, and in some cases even vulgar.

A sable coat is a classic piece of clothing, and therefore it needs to be complemented with the appropriate things.

If you decide to buy a long version, then the priority should be given to the choice of shoes. In this case, high-heeled boots are perfect.

As for the headgear, the hat must be made in the same color scheme from a similar material.

A headdress like this will cost you about 50,000-80,000 rubles.

Instead of a hat, you can use a beautiful silk scarf. You can buy this accessory for 1,500 rubles.

It is also very important that the bag is made of high quality leather.

A cheap product will break the harmony of your image. Such an accessory will cost 7,000-8,000 rubles.

Of course, in this case, it is impossible to do without jewelry. In combination with such a fur coat, expensive accessories made of gold and diamonds look especially good.

She is a truly luxurious piece of outerwear in which every woman can feel like a real queen.

Therefore, it is so important to choose a quality model and complement it with suitable accessories. Thereby you will look stylish, attractive and feminine.

The material was taken for review from the site

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