Cappuccino: recipes. Slimming cappuccino

14.04.2019 Bakery products

Lose Weight in a Week Cappuccino coffee - the product was developed by Leovit Nutrio and is recommended for weight control and loss along with other products of the Lose Weight in a Week series. This drink has all the beneficial properties natural coffee, its delicate and mild aroma. At the same time, the composition of Cappuccino coffee contains such components that normalize the metabolic function and accelerate the burning of fatty deposits. Therefore, this fat burning complex is ideal for those who love coffee and want to lose weight without harming their health.


Losing weight cappuccino coffee in a week consists of absolutely natural ingredients... In addition to high quality coffee, this product also includes various additives which help in efficient fat burning and speed up metabolism. So the composition includes L-carnitine, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, ginger, bromelain - pineapple extract. Chromium picolinate and garcinia cambogia extract were also added to the drink, which perfectly hammer the feeling of hunger and discourage cravings for sweets.


Cappuccino coffee losing weight in a week is considered absolutely safe product, so it is recommended to drink it, as well as regular coffee, about 2 times a day. The contents of the bag are simply poured hot water and you can drink.


Opinion of doctors

Most experts do not deny that this product really do benefit. Do not forget that this is a dietary supplement and you need to drink it in accordance with the instructions. At the same time, according to doctors, it is also necessary to get rid of salty and fatty foods from the diet.

The components that are included in this drink improve digestion and reduce appetite, so if you wish, you can replace one of the snacks during the day with a fragrant cup of the drink. This composition helps in losing weight both women and men, it is in a safe way losing weight without losing muscle mass.


You have known for a long time that life is movement. Therefore, you should not neglect an evening walk from work to home, leaving two stops earlier, or a simple walk in the park. Exercise always raises vitality, improves mood in the morning and wakes you up to the working day. It is not necessary to go to the gym, you can attend yoga or dance classes. Of course, physical activity will be an excellent help for losing weight with a Cappuccino Coffee.

Coffee "Lose Weight in a Week": the reviews are different for everyone. But, in principle, women agree that they manage to achieve their goals.

Composition of amazing coffee

If you go to a pharmacy and ask for a remedy that will help curb your appetite, then pharmacists, in most cases, will offer this particular coffee. There are two types of drink on sale with different composition.

Black coffee

The first composition burns fat and is suitable for people, suitable for people who do not perceive vegetable cream or fructose. It is black coffee that contains protein. With the help of the drink, you can compensate for the chromium deficiency, which affects the correct metabolism. The composition also contains an extract of garcinia cambogia, it helps to cope with sugar cravings.

The range of spices that make up the drink, such as ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and cardamom, help to restore the general normal metabolism. More reviews about coffee we are losing weight in a week, boil down to the fact that the process of burning fat during physical activity increases sharply. This is because it contains L-carnitine. Caffeine, without which coffee cannot be imagined, fulfills its main function: it activates vitality and reduces appetite. This drink tastes like an ordinary one. instant coffee, to which a bouquet of spices has been added.


The second version of the composition of the drink, which helps to lose weight. Among other things, the composition contains vegetable cream, as well as fructose. Many reviews about coffee for weight loss are losing weight in a week, they say that of this drink have their own unusual taste... It can be compared to the taste of 3-in-1 coffee, although the similarity will be distant.

Rules for drinking coffee for weight loss

So, the Leovit company offers cappuccino coffee fat burning complex we lose weight in a week (reviews) or black coffee. According to the creators of the product, women cannot lose weight with this drink solely because they take it incorrectly. If you drink a little or a lot of coffee, then the effect will not always be. You can not jam this coffee with cookies and other sweets, which we are usually used to eating with tea.

It is correct to drink coffee for weight loss from this company half an hour before the main meal twice a day. It is best to consume the drink before breakfast and lunch. It is necessary to brew powder from a bag (teaspoon) in 150 ml hot water... It is important that the water is hot, but not boiling. You can add to taste low fat milk, but for the fastest achievement of the effect, it is better to do without additional additives.

When the drink is drunk, you should not immediately start eating. You should wait half an hour. During meals, the portion should be small. The food itself is not greasy or fried, steamed or oven-baked.

It is generally recommended to drink cappuccino coffee instead of one meal. For example, a drink can successfully replace breakfast. This is a good solution for those who go in for sports in the morning. Because, the drink will help you burn fat faster and more efficiently. If there are no problems with the tolerance of caffeine and contraindications to its use, then a cup of such coffee can also replace an afternoon snack. This option is not suitable for people who have trouble sleeping with coffee.

Important! One serving of the drink contains 50 kcal and fructose. This raises blood sugar levels and awakens the appetite. Therefore, it is recommended to drink cappuccino after a full meal.

First-hand reviews

Dietary supplements cannot be suitable for all people, without exception, it is known for sure. Depending on the characteristics of the body, coffee for weight loss can work perfectly, but you can bring a minimal effect. On average, judging by the doctors' reviews about coffee, we lose weight in a week, you can lose about 2-5 kilograms in seven days. But it is important to eat right, give up fried and sweet foods, do not overeat and play sports.

Cappuccino will work in cases where after drinking it does not develop a strong feeling of hunger. You can eat up to five times a day, but in small portions. The doctors who developed the drink claim to be safe and effective. Coffee helps reduce appetite and is suitable for a low-calorie diet.

Maria, 36 years old:

“When I bought this coffee, I honestly didn’t count on the result. But I love coffee, so why not try this particular type of coffee? Saw black coffee to burn fat (no pressure problems). As a result, it turned out to improve the state of health. The weight began to decrease slowly, in the first weeks I lost 500 grams. But now I have already managed to achieve a stable weight loss and I will not give up drinking this coffee until I reach my ideal. "

Katya, 48 years old:

“Diets were not made for me at all, I just stick to the principles. I decided to supplement my diet with such coffee. I have a cup every day before dinner. The main effect is a noticeable feeling of cheerfulness. For the first time in a week, I lost three kilograms, and, moreover, I did not change my usual diet. I continue the experiment: I like everything so far "

What are the contraindications:
Gallbladder disease;
Gastritis, colitis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when caffeine and spices cannot be consumed;
Hypertension, any diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
Liver and kidney problems;

In general, in the absence of contraindications, this dietary supplement can be used. It will not only help to reduce weight, but simply activate vitality and add vigor to every day. It is important, in addition to drinking coffee, and playing sports.

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10.06.2015 / 15:45


I really liked the taste of coffee fat burning complex. Replaced regular coffee with this one. In general, I'm a terrible coffee girl, I can't imagine life without coffee)) And with such coffee I managed to lose weight a little. I usually drink three cups of such coffee a day, it has a wonderful taste and really reduces my appetite, eat less)) which naturally contributes to weight loss.

13.07.2015 / 14:34


And I like cappuccino coffee, we lose weight in a week. I started drinking it after the diet, to keep in good shape. Its composition is natural, without harmful impurities. The coffee is very pleasant and tasty, I drink it with pleasure, I drink 2-3 cups a day. It noticeably dulls my appetite, sometimes, even after a cup of cappuccino, I don’t feel like eating at all. I have been drinking this drink for about a month now and have lost an additional 2.5 kg. Effective in losing weight, improves digestion, I am very pleased with its taste and action.

25.08.2015 / 19:17

I am also pleased with the coffee Leovit Cappuccino. I drank it one time. I liked the taste very much, the feeling of hunger dulls, especially after long-term use, and digestion noticeably improves. I lost 2 kg with this coffee. almost a month. Now I also bought a fat-burning complex of coffee from Leovit, which is also very tasty.

Coffee is great start day, a vigorous continuation and a cozy end.

One of the most popular types coffee is coffee with milk froth. In other words, cappuccino is “under the hood” coffee from Italian. This espresso is covered with milk or cream froth. An invigorating aroma and an amazing combination of coffee and delicate milk froth make this drink incredibly tasty.

How to make cappuccino

Cappuccino is coffee + milk + foam.

To prepare this drink, use finely ground coffee, full-fat milk (at least 2%) or cream, as well as sugar and cinnamon or grated chocolate for decoration.
Connoisseurs recommend making cappuccino based on coffee prepared in an espresso machine. Or in a coffee machine with a cappuccino function.

We prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine with a special nozzle for frothing milk:

  • Preparing espresso: for perfect result the surface of the coffee in a special container of the coffee machine must be tamped as evenly as possible (so that there are no cracks).
  • Pour milk into a special container and, while preparing the espresso, put the milk under the nozzle. The hot steam will whisk the milk (or cream) into a lush foam.
  • Pour ready-made coffee into a cup, whipped milk on top with a thin stream, put foam on top with a spoon.
  • Sprinkle with grated chocolate or cinnamon and sugar on top.

A properly prepared cappuccino should have grains of sugar on the surface.

But not everyone has such devices. How to make cappuccino at home without special tools?

Cappuccino coffee: recipes

For 1 serving you will need:

  • Ground coffee - 2 teaspoons
  • Cream (full fat milk) - 1 cup
  • Sugar, ground cinnamon- taste


  • Making coffee.

Care must be taken to ensure that the coffee does not boil! As soon as bubble foam appears on the surface, the cezve (Turk) must be removed from the stove. As soon as everything settles, we put the cezva on the fire again. And so - at least four times.

  • Preparing the foam. Pour cream (milk) into a saucepan, put on fire and after 10-15 seconds begin to whip cream with a mixer or hand blender.
  • We combine coffee and foam. Pour coffee halfway into the cup, carefully pour milk into the center, put the foam on top.
  • Sprinkle sugar on top - it is important that it sticks to the surface of the foam.

Grated chocolate, cinnamon or cocoa are used as decoration.

You can also make cappuccino based on instant coffee.

You will need:

  • Instant coffee - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Chocolate to taste


  • We rub the chocolate, put it in the freezer.
  • We mix coffee and sugar.
  • We heat the milk without boiling.
  • Beat the milk with a mixer (or pour it into a blender).
  • Fill the mixture of coffee and sugar with hot water.
  • With a tablespoon, transfer the foam to a glass of coffee.
  • Sprinkle ready drink grated chocolate.

You can also whip milk in a French press. To do this, pour milk into it and with quick movements raise and lower the rod several times. Beat the milk very vigorously to make the foam strong.

Cappuccino goes well with biscuits, soft waffles and shortbread.

The preparations you find on our website also have a beneficial effect on weight loss.

And tea called "mate" also contains useful material that contribute to getting rid of extra pounds... At this address all the details.

Slimming cappuccino

The amazing taste and well-deserved popularity of this drink prompted scientists to develop "Slimming Cappuccino".
This the right choice for those who want to lose weight without depriving themselves of sweet pleasure. "Slimming Cappuccino" is included in the "Lose Weight in a Week" program and other courses. This drink is effective when combined with low calorie diet and moderate physical activity.

According to the developers, "Slimming Cappuccino" helps to reduce appetite, eliminate toxins, increase immunity and has an invigorating effect on the body. This drink replaces one full meal or is used as a dessert.

Slimming cappuccino: reviews

Natalia, 37 years old, Krasnodar

“I like cappuccino for weight loss. I drink it not so long ago, but the result is already noticeable: minus 2 kg. What I love most about it: the taste! Cool, spicy, cinnamon felt. Very nice, in general! "

Julia, 25 years old, Moscow

“I used to take this coffee in the“ Lose Weight in a Week ”program, but tutu decided to try it separately. And you know - it helps! I drank it for breakfast with oatmeal and afternoon tea with dried fruits. For the rest, I ate as usual, and threw off almost 2 kg in five days! Now your favorite dress fits better, and you can buy a new one for joy! "

Svetlana, 29 years old, Yekaterinburg

“I didn’t believe in these miraculous coffees, seagulls, but in vain! A friend gave me a “Slimming Cappuccino”. And for free, as they say ... I tried, in general. I lost 8 kilos in a couple of weeks! I don't believe it myself! My health is in order, I did not starve, if anyone is interested, but I look great, my mood, of course, has risen and, in general, a beauty! :) Thanks to Lena and Cappuccino !!! "

Marina, 36 years old, Moscow

Olya, 23 years old, Tomsk

The “Lose Weight in a Week” coffee advertisement has already been nominated for several specialized awards. Airy colors, sweet Ksenia Borodina in a tight-fitting dress, morning, silk bedding - a wonderful visual series. But will it be as easy and gentle diet with this coffee for weight loss, because everyone knows that dietary supplements sometimes cause serious health problems? The product from the Leovit company is actively promoted by nutritionists and ordinary pharmacists. Go to any pharmacy and ask for something that can help reduce your appetite, and you will most likely be offered this coffee. How can he help, and is he so safe?

Composition of coffee Lose weight in a week

Today you can buy two types of “Lose Weight in a Week” coffee with a slightly different composition. The first version - a fat-burning complex - is intended for those who do not perceive fructose and vegetable cream as an obligatory addition to the drink.

  • Black coffee "Leovit" contains an enzyme that improves the absorption of protein from food - bromelain.
  • It can also be used to compensate for the chromium deficiency, which affects carbohydrate metabolism.
  • It is intended to save us from cravings for sweets.
  • The metabolism in the composition of this coffee accelerates the set of spices - turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and cardamom.
  • Accelerate fat burning during physical activity will help,
  • Well, caffeine helps to increase vitality and reduce appetite.

"Lose weight in a week" coffee Cappuccino additionally contains fructose and vegetable cream.

Judging by the reviews, both drinks have a rather peculiar taste. The first resembles ordinary instant coffee mixed with powdered chicory and spices, and the second - numerous coffee drinks"3 in 1".

Somewhat earlier, this company also sold "complex effect" coffee containing "cleansing" components, but recently this version of the product can only be bought on the Internet, and not in regular pharmacies.

How to drink coffee for weight loss "Leovit"

Head of Leovit Nutrio, MD Tatiana Pilat argues that all the problems of losing weight with coffee arise exclusively from misuse drink. Someone drinks too little, others exceed the dosage, but still others seize coffee for weight loss with completely non-dietary cookies and still hope for some effect.

Drink fat burning black coffee "Lose weight in a week" it is necessary half an hour before meals, 2 times a day, respectively, before breakfast and lunch.

  • You simply brew the powder from a bag or take 1 teaspoon of the concentrate in 150 ml of hot, but not boiling water.
  • Adding sweeteners and milk, of course, is possible if they are dietary, but the effect will be better if you do without them.

After drinking a drink, you need to get distracted from the table and return to your meal in half an hour. And yes, it is not necessary to "stuff" all the food that you planned to eat into yourself, because those who actually reduce the portion size lose weight with coffee.

Coffee "Lose Weight in a Week" Cappuccino drink instead of one of the meals, usually instead of the first breakfast. It will be a pretty good solution if you go to the gym in the morning and do cardio and / or strength training there with medium weights and a significant number of repetitions. If you are comfortable with caffeine, you can try substituting it for your afternoon tea, but this is not recommended for those with sleep problems.

But "drinking" cappuccino for weight loss is not worth the usual meals - a portion of the drink contains 50-60 kcal and fructose, which helps to increase blood sugar levels and awaken appetite if you drink it after a hearty dinner.

Reviews of losing weight

Reviews of those losing weight about Lose Weight in a Week coffee demonstrate that dietary supplements cannot be suitable for absolutely all people. Some write that appetite really decreases, and you can lose 2 to 5 kg per month from coffee. Typically, the authors of such reviews limit flour, sweet, fried and control the amount of servings.

Some reviewers write about the absolute ineffectiveness of the drink, weight and appetite were both high and remain. Others believe that this coffee increases appetite. The latter, by the way, may very well be when it comes to cappuccino coffee, and the person who drinks it is sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar, and does not "profess" the principles.

Cappuccino coffee works for weight loss only if you, in principle, do not feel hunger attacks after a cup of a drink with fructose, and eat small portions every 2-3 hours.

Reviews of doctors about coffee "Lose weight in a week"

The doctors involved in promoting Leovit speak and write about the safety and effectiveness of this coffee. Marina Ovsyannikova, Ph.D., doctor of the first category, regularly says that coffee helps reduce appetite and promotes compliance with any low-calorie diet.

Physiologists, however, note that any high-quality black coffee with caffeine has a similar effect. R.S.Minvaleev writes that a cup of black coffee raises blood sugar levels and creates the illusion of satiety, even if the drink is not labeled as "special for weight loss." However, absolutely all doctors advise, before starting to drink coffee for weight loss, to balance the diet and consult a doctor to rule out contraindications.


Before purchasing coffee you need to make sure that:

  • you do not have dyskinesia of the biliary tract, other diseases of the gallbladder;
  • you do not suffer from gastritis, colitis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the use of spices and caffeine is excluded;
  • you are not hypertensive, and do not have heart and vascular diseases;
  • your kidneys and liver are healthy.

Before taking dietary supplements, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination, and not rely on "nothing hurts, then everything is in order." It is highly undesirable for pregnant and lactating mothers to consume this product. The fact is that it can provoke a sharp increase in pressure, which is dangerous in this state. In addition, no one undertakes to argue about the safety of such products for a child.

And what about the "face of the drink", Ksenia Borodina? She recommends not dwelling on the purchase of a can of Lose Weight in a Week coffee, and use other products of the company. In a press release dedicated to Leovit products, Ksenia claimed that she had lost weight only by combining the intake of functional drinks and food substitutes. However, no one checked the truth of the words of the TV presenter. But low-calorie menu"Chests" are really easier to withstand by adding to it drinks that reduce appetite.

.- * ° `? Surprisingly delicious cappuccino for weight loss (appetite suppresses) + photo? `° * -.

Reviewed by:
Ksenia Tyurina

+ Advantages: quite pleasant to the taste, reduces appetite, good composition

- Flaws: the price is high

Hello beauties!

I share my opinion about this cappuccino for weight loss.

Honestly, I love it and there are two small reasons for that:

1.this taste, it is quite pleasant, in this cappuccino you can clearly hear the taste of cinnamon, which gives it a special piquancy. And if you do not like cinnamon, then I do not recommend this drink to you.

2. the second reason is that this cappuccino helps to reduce appetite, I can drink a cup of this cappuccino either instead of lunch or instead of dinner + some fruit for my meal.

This winter, the arrow of the scales suddenly crawled up and this cappuccino helped to keep the weight in place, plus I returned to the same weight that was originally. It is worth noting that this cappuccino did not help me to lose weight. He only coped with keeping the weight and helped not to recover. So for those who want to lose weight, I recommend this cappuccino only as a factor that reduces appetite.

The composition of the cappuccino is quite good.

This is how it looks, with airy foam

Ingredients: natural instant coffee, spices (cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, cardamom), L-carnitine, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), inulin, bromelain, garcinia cambogia extract, chromium picolinate.

This cappuccino is sold in two versions: in a large iron can at once a large volume and in small portioned sachets for one cup. I have seen on sale only portioned cappuccino, the price of such a bag (diluted with 100 ml of water according to the instructions) is around 50 rubles, so, for example, for a week, one bag a day will have to pay about 350 rubles, and 1400 rubles a month. I think the price is unjustifiably overstated for such a composition, for this I take off one point.

Also, due to the fact that it contains L-carnitine, this cappuccino will help increase the effect of training.

Summing up, I doubt that this cappuccino will help to reduce weight, but to help moderate appetite is quite yes, especially in my opinion it tastes great.

So we go in for sports, eat right and sometimes resort to the help of such mini assistants :)

If the review was useful to you, put a plus sign :)

Here are reviews of other slimming products:

  1. Leovit Protein - chocolate cocktail "Lose Weight in a Week".
  2. Leovit Lose weight in a week. Chicken puree soup for weight loss.

excuse me, but replace your meal with any drink and you will lose weight. And in addition, you will harm your health.

Reviewed by:
Irina Kustareva

Precisely Hello !! I wish you health! In all its forms!

I bought this coffee out of interest, since in Auchan it costs much less than in pharmacies, so I bought myself three bags for testing (47 rubles for replacing one meal with a regular bag of coffee with spices)

Let's start everything in order, with the composition:

The foundation: vegetable cream, sugar. Here words are superfluous ... And if you also consider that this coffee consists of ordinary instant coffee, then wouldn't it be easier to buy these three components in the store and plus cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, turmeric and, feeling great chef, coffee master, mix it all for yourself in a blender, the foam will turn out in any case. And the price will be several times less.

Further: ascorbic acid…. how cute, but just not sure that she will leave her beneficial features when interacting with boiled water... I think the same about L-carnitine, which is a meager dose here and it is not enough to combat overweight generally!

Inulin is a starch and sugar substitute…. I believe that here it is added together with a gum for thickening, and for sweetness ....

Chromium picolinate: in short, it lowers blood glucose levels, reduces the risk of developing asthenovegetative reactions (depression, anxiety, insomnia, nervous disorders) and atherosclerosis. Promotes normal work central nervous system and strengthens the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as improves the functioning of the digestive system.

The substance is good…. BUT! there is so little of it that it is easier to buy an ordinary dietary supplement with the same name in a pharmacy.

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down proteins…. uh, but forgive me, what exactly to split, if you replace the meal with this coffee ???? where do proteins come from?

Garcinia cambogia extract - well, wow…. contains 50% hydroxycitric acid, which promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits. Only now it is not indicated in the composition what percentage it contains. my heart senses that they have written for a catchphrase….

Energy value: 69 kcal….

Well this is what meal should be replaced with this drink, eh ??

Well, let's think logically: breakfast- all the head !!! In no case do I advise, as a doctor, to replace breakfast with a mug of coffee! You endanger your body, because after breakfast you go to work, down the street, in public transport, traveling through all our traffic jams…. where a lot of people with all their infections and germs !! Good immunity needs a good breakfast!

Dinner- this is generally the main meal! it should be the richest in calories, the main thing is to distribute them correctly! Less carbohydrates, friends, and everything will be buzzing.

Dinner- for dinner (3-4 hours before bedtime) you need to eat protein !! it is not deposited anywhere! By replacing it with 69 calories of coffee, you leave your body simply with one lunch! And then all that remains is to wait for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, if you drink this coffee instead of eating, then only instead of an afternoon snack, but, as a rule, losing weight girls do not have a meal called afternoon tea. They release it from their diet.

Therefore, I consider this product tasty, but absolutely useless. two points only for the taste, which you can recreate yourself on your own kitchen for a lower cost.

Thank you all, I said everything.

And now we leaf through the review up to delicious sweets and Nutella, and go to eat something sweet with a cup of coffee) It's spring, we can)))

In general, I advise everyone watching their weight to start something like this food diary, where you should write down what, when and why you ate. Helps a lot.

The art of removing unnecessary things. On its copy, the word take away I crossed out and wrote to overthrow do not eat…. that's how we live….

It reduces appetite a little, but it hardly burns fat

Reviewed by:

+ Advantages: ginger, turmeric, cardamom, suppresses appetite, promotes weight loss

- Flaws: not suitable for everyone, the price is high

This Leovit Coffee for weight loss "Cappuccino" fat burning complex "Lose weight in a week", I think, will be liked by those who love rather sweet drinks. Actually, there seems to be not very much coffee there.

I liked that the drink Leovit Coffee for weight loss "Cappuccino" fat-burning complex "Lose Weight in a Week" gives a thick, fairly persistent foam. The taste is dominated by sweet milky notes - there are even associations with diluted baby food) But spices are also clearly felt, I felt the ginger well, and there it is in the form of small cut grains, and even felt "by the tooth", I came across pieces of chopped ginger with a characteristic spicy taste, that's for sure. In winter, these spicy warming drinks are especially pleasant.

Vegetable cream in the coffee. The aroma of the drink Leovit Coffee for weight loss "Cappuccino" fat burning complex "Lose weight in a week" is coffee, but not too strong. As for the effect for weight loss, coffee really suppresses appetite, but this effect, as it seemed to me, is felt stronger the first time, and then as if there is no such strong effect. In general, this drink can be recommended, at least to try, whether coffee really suppresses the appetite or not. May be effective as part of a dietary regimen when total calorie restriction is required.

Packaging Leovit Coffee for weight loss "Cappuccino" fat burning complex "Lose weight in a week" is quite convenient - disposable sachets in a large cardboard package.

As for the fat burning effect, I think it is hardly really expressed. Well, one or the other portion cannot lead to a miraculous result ....

Surprisingly, it worked!

Reviewed by:
Vishenina sofia

+ Advantages: promotes weight loss

Usually I took this coffee as part of the “Lose Weight in a Week” complex, but before this New Year, I was convinced that this drink works even if you drink only it. It happened like this: a week before a corporate party, I tried on my new red dress and came to the conclusion that although it is fastened on me, it would not hurt to lose a couple of kilograms in order to sit more freely.

However, since there were a lot of things to do at work, I did not dare to buy a chest, but bought only cappuccino coffee, hoping that it would discourage my appetite. Honestly, I didn't really feel it, I ate about the same amount, and in the evening I also could not do without a snack. Honestly, I didn't really hope for anything when, just before the corporate party, I began to put on a dress - and was terribly surprised - it was free on me !! That is, I lost about 1.5 kilograms in 5 days! In general, it will be necessary to repeat the experiment.

Well, and as a drink I like this coffee, maybe because I like spices….

An excellent substitute for buns, cakes.

Reviewed by:
Darina Mosina

+ Advantages: tasty, flavor cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, good composition

- Flaws: (no flaws)

Good evening =) Here, I decided to write my own review)

I met him by chance, when I was buying a suitcase, losing weight in a week. Loved the delicious and delicate taste... You can feel the taste of ginger and cinnamon. Excellent delicacy was on a diet for me. Thanks to the coffee, I didn’t get frustrated.

Coffee is sold both in a jar and in a box weighing 98 grams. The box contains 7 sachets. The cost is 332 rubles.

Composition, in full decent. Nothing scares me here.

Now about the taste, as he already said, delicate, creamy - ginger with cinnamon. They are pleasant to enjoy in the morning or during the cold season. He just calms me down and pulls me to sleep.

As for the action, I doubt it. I bought it not to lose weight, but just to enjoy it. I decided to allow myself such yummy more often. I believe that its wonderful taste can afford to cost so much. Therefore, I began to buy it constantly. For me it is not so expensive and because, as I used to indulge in sweets, three times more a day was spent only on sweets. And here I will spend twice a week and that is cheaper.

Of course, I advise, but it is better to try it first. Not everyone may like it.