Lightly salted instant cucumbers in a saucepan. Cooking salted cucumbers

26.02.2019 Snacks

The seventh millennium, people eat cucumber. In the Bible, it is referred to as the vegetable of Egypt, and scientists believe that the world has given a cucumber to India. For us, the most significant question is how to cook salted cucumbers.

Lesson is simple, but to obtain a high-quality result, it requires some knowledge and accuracy in implementation.

Some common points for all cooking methods. salted cucumbers.

  1. Cucumbers. Select strong, medium size. The little ones will salt out more quickly than the big ones, and by the time the big ones are ready, the little ones will be salty. Best suited cucumbers, plucked from the garden, in the morning. It is believed that the vegetables remain alive for two hours after they were removed from the garden. Soaking three to four hours of cucumbers before cooking is necessary. They become elastic and crunchy. The fermentation process goes well in a dark place.
  2. Salt. Stone, coarse grinding is most suitable for human health. Its better to use when canning vegetables. Such salt does not soften salted cucumbers.
  3. Water. Always an important part of canning. Spring water is the best option, but often inaccessible. Suitable water from proven wells, filtered or bottled from the store.
  4. Dishes. Glass is suitable for all occasions, since glass is chemically inert. Lack of one - beats. Enamel or ceramic dishes - also a suitable option. Get delicious cucumbers using aluminum utensils, it will not work - aluminum is oxidized.
  5. Herbs. Horseradish gives fragility, a peculiar taste and smell, protects against mildew. Dill and currant - the required components. In hot pickle is added black and allspice peas, bay leaf. Garlic gives taste, well disinfects. All other spices can be added on the basis of personal affections, but we must remember that by adding their original flavor, they also reduce the natural, classic smell of cucumber.

Usually, when pouring cold pickle, cucumbers will be ready in 2-3 days, hot one in a day. To preserve longer salted cucumbers, 4-5 hours after cooling the brine, they are placed in the refrigerator. Fermentation is suspended.

Recipes salted cucumbers in the package

Quick and easy way to pickle - salted cucumbers in the package. The recipe helps when there is an unplanned trip to the countryside outside the city. At the right moment cucumbers will be ready.

Per kilogram of cucumbers take a tablespoon of salt, a head of garlic, dill. Have well-washed cucumbers on both sides cut off the tips. Put them in a plastic bag, cover with salt. Add finely chopped garlic with dill. For a classic recipe, ingredients are enough. From personal preferences, you can add allspice, horseradish, cherry leaves or currants. Fans of natural cucumber flavor should not do this. Package contents mix well. You can sit at the table in two or three hours.

Another recipe, how to make crispy salted cucumbers in a package. Per kilogram of cucumbers take a tablespoon of salt, dill, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of cumin. In a plastic bag folded hands torn greens. Cut off the tips of cucumbers, send them to the package. Garlic press squeeze garlic, and together with salt and mashed in a mortar, cumin, send in the package. Tightly tie the bag and shake until all the ingredients are mixed. For one hour, place the bag in the refrigerator. Cucumbers will be lightly salted and crispy.

Salted cucumbers  in the package can be obtained using this recipe. Cut into oblong slices, place them in a bowl. Add salt, chopped garlic and dill. Stir everything with your hands. Put the cucumbers in a plastic bag and, squeezing out the air, tie. An hour later, cucumbers can be put on the table.

Recipes salted cucumbers in the pan

For 5 kg of cucumbers take 10 branches of dill with umbrellas, a head of garlic, 25-30 horseradish leaves, red peppercorns 2 teaspoons, black peppercorns 4 teaspoons, 6 tablespoons of salt, 5 leaves of currants.

Washed cucumbers are soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. Greens are chopped large, leave 4-6 sheets of horseradish whole. 2-3 whole sheets of horseradish are laid on the bottom of the enameled pan, then a part of the chopped greens. The first layer of cucumbers is laid. Again top greens and a layer of cucumbers. And so on until the last layer of cucumbers. On top of 2-3 whole sheets of horseradish. Salt is dissolved in three liters of hot (not boiling!) Water. Cucumbers are poured with water and pressed with a press. Two days later, the cucumbers in the pan are ready.

Another recipe for making salted cucumbers. Two kilograms of washed cucumbers with cut-off tips pour cold water for 3-4 hours. Spices are laid on the bottom of the pan - 1 red pepper, 5 cloves of garlic, a few sprigs of dill and parsley. Cucumbers are carefully laid out on top of the spices. Put a few horseradish leaves on top. The brine is made at the rate of two tablespoons of salt per liter of water. Dry mustard can give a peculiar taste to cucumbers. If you pour cold pickle on cucumbers, they should stand for three days. With a hot pickle will be ready in a day.

Recipes for lightly salted instant cucumbers

For 2 kg of cucumbers, you need 8 peas of black pepper, 4 peas of allspice, a teaspoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt, 2 lemons, a bunch of dill.

Soaked cucumbers for 1 hour. Separately crush pepper, sugar and salt in a mortar. Peel removed from lemons is added to the stupa. Juice squeezed there too. Cut the tips of cucumbers. Heavy knock on each cucumber, so they cracked. Each cucumber is cut across into pieces. The contents of the stupa poured into cucumbers and mixed. Add herbs, another spoonful of salt and leave everything for half an hour. With a lack of time, you can eliminate soaking. An hour later, the cucumbers will be ready.

Rarely used recipe for salted cucumbers fast food boiling solution. The disadvantage of this method - the green color is lost. They become pale. For 3 kg of cucumbers take three heads of garlic, pepper bitter - to taste, 2 branches of dill, 2 leaves of horseradish, 2 stalks of tarragon with leaves, 6 leaves of black currant. At the bottom of the pan lay out the greens - dill torn by hands, slices of peeled and cut in half garlic. A layer of cucumbers is laid on top. Then again a layer of greenery, a layer of cucumbers. The top layer is green. The salt is stirred until complete dissolution with boiling water, at the rate of one tablespoon of salt with a slide per liter of water. The contents of the pot is poured with a solution. After the brine has completely cooled, cucumbers can be taken out of the pan and served to the table.

The recipe of salted cucumbers in a few minutes. Cucumbers, cut into slices, mix with the garlic slices passed through the press, cover with chopped dill, salt and a small amount of sugar. Mix thoroughly and place in jar. Jar shake a few minutes. After 10 minutes the cucumbers are ready. The recipe is well suited for cooking greenhouse cucumbers in winter.

Eating salted cucumbers, you can implement this prevention of atherosclerosis and stimulate the bowels. Lightly salted cucumbers fully preserve all the useful composition. According to nutritionists, they are well combined with products from the meat of animals and poultry, and pregnant women suffering from toxicosis will help get rid of the painful feeling of nausea.

Cucumber pickle can be used for intoxication, cramps and leg cramps. Normalizes the intestinal microflora.

In folk cosmetology in the old days was used by girls as a lotion for the face - improved color. As stated, Queen Cleopatra saw cucumber pickle to moisturize the skin with trace elements and vitamins. On the basis of cucumber brine, you can use special baths. Preheated, they contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin of the hands and feet.

Today was on the market, bought cucumbers and so wanted to make salted cucumbers. Fresh cucumbers are good, but sometimes you want to diversify your table. I prepare them in two versions. If you need to cook very quickly, pour boiling water, and if you have time, cold water. In these cases, salted cucumbers are different in taste and in appearance. I prefer cucumbers covered with cold water.

3-liter jar

  • 2 - 2.5 kg of cucumbers
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt (no top)
  • 2-3 leaves of currant
  • 3-4 cherry leaves
  • 1/2 sheet horseradish
  • 1 branch of dill (inflorescence and stem)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic

Two recipes of salted cucumbers

My cucumbers. In order to pickle cucumbers more quickly, it is necessary to trim the tips of the cucumbers from two sides.

Wash the leaves, dill sprig and horseradish leaf cut into pieces.

The leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish, dill divide into two parts and one part is laid on the bottom of the jar.

Garlic clean and put in a jar without chopping.

Cucumbers are laid tightly in a jar. If the cucumbers are large, you can cut them into pieces.

Top lay the second part of the greens.

Fill a jar with boiling water or cold water (here you can choose which water to fill in), close with a plastic lid and shake or turn it over several times to dissolve the salt.

Cucumbers, cooked in a hot and cold way, even look different and taste too:

Cucumbers leave at room temperature. In about a day, the cucumbers will be ready. If you pour boiling water, they quickly turn out salted. Try the cucumbers to taste and if this is the same taste that you like, send the cucumbers to the refrigerator so that the fermentation stops. And if you like more acidic, keep further at room temperature.

Lightly-salted cucumbers will be a good addition to main dishes or for a snack.

Feed your beloved relatives and close friends delicious foodmade from the harvest of your own garden - a real pleasure. Especially at the height of the summer season, when a wide variety of fresh vegetable dishes become relevant and appropriate. Including crispy salted cucumbers - best snack  under vodka, table decoration at a picnic, “quick” pride of the hostess! Be sure, every woman has her own favorite, time-tested and experienced recipe for making such food at home for the family: cold or hot, in brine or in own juice, with greens or with garlic, in a jar, in a saucepan, in a package. And most often, the ideal secret recipe is passed from generation to generation, from mother to daughter.

Have you already decided on the ideal version of the seasonal cucumber snack? Not? So, it's time to try the most popular options with your family and choose the best salted crispy cucumbers - look for recipes in our collection.

Lightly crispy cucumbers for the winter step by step with photos

Cool, fragrant and appetizing crispy salted cucumbers straight from the fridge - the simplest summer pleasure. Quickly salted in the minimum amount of cold marinade, they retain most of the beneficial vitamins, as well as live solar energy and the delicate aroma of green fields. Prepare lightly-salted crunchy cucumbers in ringlets step by step from a photo for a family dinner, and if you like the result, keep the batch in banks until winter.

Necessary ingredients for lightly-salted crispy cucumbers for the winter

  • cucumbers (only from the garden) -500 g
  • young garlic - 2 teeth
  • drinking water - 1 tbsp.
  • salt rock - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar (optional) - 1 tsp.
  • dill - 2 branches
  • rosemary - 1 sprig
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • black pepper - 1 pinch
  • vinegar - 50 ml

Step by step recipe preparation with a photo of salted crispy cucumbers for winter

Lightly-salted crispy cucumbers with greens in a pan - instant recipe

For quick cooking crispy salted cucumbers with greens in a saucepan along classic recipe  It is better to choose small thin-skinned and bumpy fruits with a bright green color without cracks, defects and turned-down areas. Before the start of pickling, it is worth trying the taste of the crop If cucumbers are bitter, they will have to be soaked in cold water or left for harvesting and marinating for the winter. Real light-salted cucumbers will be ideal only from young, not bitter specimens.

Necessary ingredients for salted cucumbers with greens in a saucepan

  • small cucumbers -2 kg
  • dill umbrellas - 7 pcs.
  • horseradish leaves - 7 pcs.
  • filtered water -2 l
  • black pepper-peas - 0.5 tsp.
  • allspice - 0.5 tsp.
  • lavrushka leaf - 5 pcs.
  • dried cloves - 5 pcs.
  • coarse rock salt - 4 tbsp.

Step-by-step cooking of lightly-salted crunchy cucumbers in a pan with greens

  1. Thoroughly wash the enameled pan without damage and wipe dry with a clean towel. Soak cucumbers for 2 hours in cold water so that the finished snack is crisp enough.
  2. At the bottom of the pan, lay the washed horseradish leaves and umbrellas of dill, pour in the spices: allspice and black pepper, clove buds, bay leaves.
  3. Place cucumbers on a pillow of greens and spices. Place large fruits in the bottom layer in order to get better salted, in the top layer - small cucumbers.
  4. In a second saucepan, boil water with rock salt. Pour the cucumbers with hot pickle and press the billet with a wide plate.
  5. Leave lightly-salted crispy cucumbers with greens in a saucepan using a fast-cooking recipe for 6-8 hours at room temperature. After that, cool the snack in the refrigerator, cut into circles or bars and serve to the table.

Step-by-step recipe for salted crispy cucumbers in Hungarian cold water

The step-by-step recipe for crispy salted cucumbers in cold water “Hungarian-style” is clearly not for culinary “haste”. There is no place for quick vinegar starter in a package or boiling water in a saucepan. This recipe is good for true connoisseurs of the natural fermentation process and natural acid. Salting cucumbers "Hungarian" occurs in its turn under the influence of live bread sourdough. Interested? read carefully step by step recipe!

Essential Ingredients for Hungarian Salted Cucumbers

  • medium-sized cucumbers -1 kg
  • garlic - 3-4 slices
  • dill greens - 1 bunch
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp.
  • lavrushka leaves - 3 pcs.
  • rye bread - 3 slices
  • water - 850 ml
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • allspice - 8 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking of crunchy salted cucumbers “Hungarian-style”

The most delicious light-salted crispy instant cucumbers in the bank: video recipe

Ideal salted cucumbers do not necessarily cook according to the classic recipe. Dozens of various variations can make a lasting impression on gourmets. During the quick pickling of cucumbers, fresh herbs are often used (dill, rosemary, thyme, oregano), dried spices (marjoram, thyme, basil), peeled and chopped ginger, fresh garlic with whole chives or plates, spices (paprika, turmeric, mustard seeds , pepper in powder or in peas). Any composition of vegetables with flavoring additives may pleasantly surprise. But how to cook the most delicious light-salted crispy instant cucumbers in a can, see in the video recipe:

Step-by-step recipe for salted crispy cucumbers without vinegar in a cold way

We offer you another unusual step-by-step recipe for salted crispy cucumbers without vinegar in a cold way. This is a traditional Swedish dish for a feast on Christmas Eve. In such a variation, fresh young cucumbers are not left intact, but are cut, but not with a straw or mug we are used to, but with a thin openwork spiral. So vegetables salted much faster and look more impressive - elegant and festive.

Necessary ingredients for salted cucumbers without vinegar in a cold way

  • long and thin cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • half lemon juice

Step-by-step cooking of crispy salted cucumbers in a cold way without vinegar

Recipe for crispy salted instant cucumbers boiling water Asian style

From time immemorial all over the world have used salt for instant cooking of fish, meat and, of course, vegetables. The Japanese, however, turned this process into real creativity and called it “tsukemono”. Let's try to follow the example of the virtuoso Japanese culinary specialists and cook fast crispy salted cucumbers in boiling water in an Asian way. The finished dish will be an unsurpassed independent snack or spicy supplementary ingredient for salad, sandwiches, meat rolls, etc.

Necessary ingredients for Asian salted cucumbers with boiling water

  • large cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • sesame roasted - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • 1-2 chilli dried peppers
  • kombu (nori, tasimu) - 2 sheets

Step-by-step cooking of salted crispy cucumbers in an Asian hot way

Open the high season and cook the most unusual lightly-salted crispy cucumbers: a recipe with step by step photos  and with detailed instructions we selected at our discretion and to the taste of extraordinary housewives. From our article you learned how to quickly cook crispy salted cucumbers at home in a cold and hot way. It remains to move from theory to practice.

Recipe for salted cucumbers

Cucumbers about half a kilogram
Small bunch of dill
2-3 large cloves of garlic
5 pieces. peppercorns
2 pcs. allspice
1 PC. dried bay leaf
Liter pot
Salt 1 tbsp. l (on 2 l. jar - 2 tbsp. salt, etc.)

1. Here are all the spices that are needed for our pickle. Garlic clean and my dill.

2. With cucumbers, cut off the tips on both sides.

3. Liter jar  my good Down we put all the spices, then we put cucumbers into it! You can cut them in half lengthwise, if you have large ones. Top sprinkle salt or down it does not matter.

4. Fill with boiling water. If you pour cold water on it, you will have to wait for ready-made salted cucumbers for about two days, but my recipe is quick, so we fill everything with boiling water, cucumbers will thus pickle more quickly. Almost everything is ready! When cool, close the jar lid and put in the fridge! After twelve hours it is already possible to enjoy. I hope you enjoy the ready-to-eat crusty cucumbers Bon appetit!

Quick salted cucumbers are “just a dream” for almost any hostess. You must admit that not a single holiday table is complete without tasty and crispy pickles. A year ago I was visiting my elder sister, and on the table I saw such gorgeous salted cucumbers. They were always my weakness: especially if they retained their natural freshness. Having tasted the cucumbers, I did not immediately believe that they were pickled. I was convinced only after I saw the jar where the cucumbers were kept. The natural crunch and incredible sweet and salty taste conquered my heart. Try also you: I am sure that instant cucumbers will make an impression.


Fresh cucumbers - 1.5 kilograms;

2 tablespoons of salt;

Black pepper peas - 10 stuff;

One and a half liters of water;

A couple of large heads of garlic;

Cherry, currant leaves;

Horseradish leaves (can be used and peeled root);

Inflorescences of dill;

A teaspoon of sugar.

Quick salted cucumbers. Step-by-step recipe

Cooking salted cucumbers is a very easy and simple process, and most importantly: in a short time you can get your favorite pickles.

1. Prepare a can of 3 liters. Also find a capron lid so that later it can close salted cucumbers with boiling water. Take the soda and thoroughly wash the jar with it: so that it is sterilely clean.

2. Prepare a pickle for quick cucumbers in a jar. Pour water into a saucepan: one and a half liters of water is the norm for salting a three-liter can of cucumbers.

3. Turn on the hob, and put a saucepan with water on it. Add salt and some sugar to the water.

4. After that, cover the pan with a lid and bring the texture to a boil.

5. Take the leaves of horseradish or chopped root, laid on the bottom of the jar.

6. Then we bend the branches of dill and thrust after horseradish. We do the same with leaves of currants and cherries. Before putting them in the can, be sure to rinse so that dirt and germs do not get on the cucumbers.

7. Sprinkle some black peppercorns.

8. Peel the garlic and cut its lobules in half to better distinguish the juice and flavor. Add it to the jar.

9. Take fresh cucumbers, thoroughly wash them. Now from each need to trim the tips: on both sides.

10. After laying them on the twigs in the bank. We do this carefully, so that the cucumbers fit tightly on top of one another.

11. After half the container is filled, repeat the layer of twigs. It is necessary that pickles in the bank quickly and evenly soaked with spices.

12. Then again take the cucumbers and lay them to the end of the jar.

13. On top also lay the leaves of horseradish, dill and currant.

14. Now take the pickle. He should boil with us and stand for about five minutes. Remember: it is not recommended to pour boiled cucumbers with boiling water.

15. Fill with brine. It should be noted that the jar needs to be filled to the very top. Then close the jar with a nylon cap. Leave the jar for 24 hours to stand at room temperature: you can leave on the kitchen table. Thus, we will prepare salted cucumbers to eat them in a day. A jar of cucumbers must be kept in the fridge: keep in mind that every day they will become salty

There are several tricks on how to pickle cucumbers at home, so that they have an incredible taste and a pleasant crunch.

1. Before you use cucumbers, you should soak them for three hours in clean cold water: then they will become more elastic and crunchy. But keep in mind: in this way, it is impossible to return lethargic vegetables to life, although many people mistakenly believe this.

2. In order for cucumbers in a jar to become crunchy in one day, do not fill the jar too tightly with them. Leave a little space so that they are well absorbed brine.

3. By the way, so that cucumbers better absorb the aroma of spices, it is best to place them vertically in a jar.

4. You can save time without pruning the tips of the vegetables: since they are thoroughly soaked thoroughly.

5. Be sure that cucumbers must be thoroughly washed to get rid of dirt and bacteria. Agree - these are superfluous ingredients.

6. In order to make salted cucumbers in a jar, cooked in one day, stand as long as possible, pour them with cold pickle and store in the refrigerator. Low temperatures slow down the fermentation process.

7. It is better to choose small cucumbers that do not have yellowness. Great for salting, if cucumbers with pimples and not bitter.

Well, we got acquainted with the recipe for quick-salted cucumbers. They are incredibly tasty and crunch pleasantly, while maintaining the characteristics of fresh vegetables. They can be used as cuts, snacks, as an ingredient in a salad on your holiday table.