How many minutes to sterilize one-liter jar for a couple. How to sterilize jars - fast and proven way

03.03.2019 Blanks for winter

Who doesn't love summer? The person who answers this question in the affirmative is hard to find. It is this time that is the time when a large number of berries, fruits and vegetables ripen. And then the hostess asked this question: "How to sterilize the banks for a couple, so that the cooked compotes and jams will stand for the whole winter?" Let's try to figure it out.

Before proceeding with the process of sterilizing the dishes and starting to preserve the berries, once again check the availability of everything necessary for this, namely the lids, the key for seaming the cans, the huge pan, the jars themselves. It will be useful to have special tongs in order to protect yourself when working with a hot can. The above set is minimal and can be expanded depending on the wishes of the hostess.

Before starting the roll-in, you need to figure out how much to sterilize the steamed jars The sterilization process itself is nothing more than steaming objects with the aim of disinfecting them from the ubiquitous microbes. The presence of the latter in banks with berries or vegetables quickly leads to fermentation, as a result of which gas is formed. Excessive gas can depressurize the can.

To reduce the number of germs you need to wash them thoroughly. After that, be sure to inspect your existing capacity for defects. Pay special attention to the neck, on which after long years of use, chips could appear. If you, having examined the jar, did not notice an existing defect on it, then during work it will necessarily burst.

All the covers that you will use in the seaming process should also be carefully examined, since the lid is an insurmountable barrier to microorganisms. All of them must have the correct shape, without concavities and with intact coating, if any. In the case of using caps without thread (how to sterilize the jars for a couple for them, consider below), be sure to check the presence and integrity of the gum. If during the inspection of defects was not detected, you can safely proceed to seaming.

Many hostesses, having already begun the conservation process, ask themselves the question: "How much should sterilized steaming banks be?" We will try to answer. In those cases when using canning with steam, the presence of a large water tank is a must. Most often in the role of the sterilizer acts pan with boiling water. This method is quite reliable, since it has been tested by more than one generation of housewives.

In a tank designed for steaming, pour 3/4 of clean water. On top of it, they put on a special device, popularly called a sterilizer. As soon as the water boils, you can start the process of processing cans. And here the question of how long it is necessary to sterilize the jars is already relevant. On average, this time is 15, a maximum of 20 minutes, after which the jar is removed, allowed to cool slightly and filled with cooked juice, jam, etc.

Thus, this process does not take much time. And after reading this article, you learned how much to sterilize jars for a couple and how to do it correctly.

Gone are the days when only avid gardeners were engaged in homework. Now this is a trend again: you can be sure that everything will turn out tasty and healthy.

If you do everything right, you can enjoy the fruits of your work the whole winter. In this article we will talk about several ways to sterilize cans - the right approach will provide excellent results.

1. Above the ferry

Before embarking on any type of sterilization, you need to make sure that the necks of the cans are intact, without chips. Covers should not be bent. And the banks themselves must be washed with soda, with a new clean sponge.

For steam sterilization, you will need a pan in which water will boil, and a grate on which banks will stand. Try to find a pan wider - so you can sterilize more cans at the same time. The grill can be, for example, from the oven. You can also use an oil splash net that you usually put on the pans during frying. It is important not to forget about the covers. They can be put in a saucepan and they will boil until the banks are above the steam.

The finished can is very hot, from the inside there should appear large drops. Remove the sterilized jars from the grill, put it upside down on a clean, ironed fabric. Remove the covers with a clean fork and also put on the fabric with the inner side down. If you do not touch anything, the jars with lids can maintain sterility in this form for up to two days.

Banks must be dry before rolling. If they have not dried themselves, take another piece of clean, ironed fabric and wipe the inside of the jar with a clean fork (it is not necessary to reach the sterile jar with the hand). By the way, if you have a double boiler or a slow cooker, then the banks can be sterilized and in them on the same principle.

2. In boiling water

An effective way that is convenient if you need to sterilize a couple of small cans. In this case, of course, putting them in the pan is easier than installing a special steam design.

Type in a pot of cool water so that the cans are completely covered. Cover with a lid. Boil for 5 minutes after boiling. Take it out with forceps or a fork and also put it on ironed clean matter.

3. In an electric oven

The gas oven is not suitable due to the fact that the temperature in it is usually uneven, it can heat up for a long time, and then overheat. Sterilizing the jars in the oven is very convenient: you can put a lot at once and do not need to follow them.

Put the cans, wet after washing, in a cold oven, bottom up, put the lids too. Set the temperature to 120 degrees and turn off after 15 minutes.

4. In the microwave

In this case, it is important not to forget about the water, because without moisture the banks will burst. Pour 1.5 centimeters of water into each water and place in the microwave.

Set the power of 800–900 watts and turn it on for 3 minutes. High cans can be laid on its side with a small amount of water inside.

5. In the dishwasher

Soon the time will come when lovers of conservation will arm themselves with their favorite recipes and start rolling up various goodies for the winter. All experienced housewives know: the guarantee of long storage of jars with various pickles and jam is in high-quality cleaning of containers. If you first decided to try to preserve for the winter, then you definitely need to learn how to sterilize jars in home cooking.

Ways of sterilizing glass containers

Sterilization is the processing of glass containers at a very high temperature, due to which bacteria and microorganisms die, which lead to premature deterioration of the product.

Not always in the recipe indicate that it is necessary to sterilize the container in which you can preserve. To do this or not is up to you, of course. We will introduce you to several variants of this procedure.

Grandma's way - steam cleaning

Our grandmothers successfully carried out the procedure of cleaning the container from bacteria at home with ordinary water vapor. You can easily do the same thing, using our step by step instructions.

  1. First, we check each jar: it must be without any damage, and the necks must be even, without beads. Carefully wash them and rinse very well.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan. Place a grate on top of the pan, on which we place empty vessels upside down. They stand above the evaporating liquid for about half an hour. When we see that the steam began to roll off the dishes with condensate droplets, hold them for another 5 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove them from the grill and place them on a spread towel bottom up.

Cleaning empty containers in the oven

Sterilization of the cans in the oven is not a complicated method, but requires attention.

  1. Well-washed and rinsed containers are immediately placed in the oven with the neck on the grid. They must be wet.
  2. The temperature at which they are processed should be no more than 150 degrees. We keep them in a hot oven for as long as it takes for the drops of moisture on the walls to evaporate.
  3. As soon as the glass is dry, turn off the temperature. The main thing - do not miss this moment, as they can crack from overheating.
  4. Processed dish so give a little cool and put it on a towel, neck down.

Microwave cleaning of containers

Now almost every kitchen has a microwave. But not everyone knows how to properly sterilize jars in the microwave, and often do not even use it for these purposes. It is in vain, since the sterilization time is significantly reduced.

  1. Pour water into cans, about 1-2 centimeters tall, and put them in the oven. Microwave set at an average power (about 800 watts). The procedure takes from 3 to 5 minutes. The liquid begins to boil and begins to evaporate, thereby processing the glassware.
  2. If we need to warm a three-liter jar, then we fill it, filled with liquid, on its side. Naturally, the warm-up time will increase from 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. After all the liquid has evaporated and the dishes are completely dry, gently remove it from the oven and, as usual, put it on the spread towel down.

Heat treatment of cans with blanks

The proposed cleaning options are suitable for empty containers. One of these methods can prepare dishes for jam or pickles, in which vinegar is used for the marinade. But a lot of recipes for salads and snacks need double heating, that is, the glass container with the contents is re-subjected to strong heating.

Warming up blanks with boiling water

The easiest way to warm up the cans with blanks is to boil them in a saucepan with water.

  1. We take a spacious saucepan and put a plate on the bottom (you can replace it with a towel folded in several layers). This is necessary so that the glass does not touch each other, as well as to the bottom of the pan and can not accidentally break. On a protective coating at a distance from each other we place necessarily on top the covered filled jars.
  2. The water with which we will fill should be the same temperature as the conservation. It is necessary that there is no temperature contrast, and the glass is not cracked. Gently pour it into the saucepan with a cup. Fluid will need just enough to the banks plunged almost completely, without reaching the edge of about 2 centimeters. Turn on the fire, bring everything to a boil and keep in the boiling water the time indicated in the recipe. And how long do you need to keep pickles in boiling water, if this is not indicated in the recipe? Remember, time depends on the volume of your container: we hold 750 -800 gram jars in boiling water for about 10 -15 minutes; 15 to 20 minutes will go to boil 1 liter container; 20-25 minutes when canning in a 2-liter dish; about half an hour for a 3-liter.
  3. After the set time has elapsed, we take them in turn from boiling water and carefully roll them up.

Warming up salads in the oven

Salads are warm in the oven.

  1. We fill the filled containers and put them on a baking tray in a cold oven. We heat it up to 110-120 degrees and maintain our salads for a certain time. The larger the container - the longer we warm. In general, the heating time in the oven coincides with that which we withstand when processing the blanks in boiling water. Large bottles are still better sterilized in water.
  2. After a time, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove them and immediately roll up.

Warming up dishes with salads in the microwave

Small jars (up to 1 liter) with salads can be sterilized in the microwave. The main thing is to choose the right power and time.

  1. Evenly place the open container with the contents inside the microwave. At full power microwave bring them to a boil, reduce power to the minimum and boil for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Get the boiled product and roll it up immediately.

Thermal sterilization of covers

Do I need to clean the cover for rolling cans? Of course yes. They also contain bacteria that can lead to premature deterioration of the product.

There are several rules for their preparation for canning that you need to know.

  • Before sterilizing the lids, we always wash them with a special detergent or soda solution, rinse well.
  • It is better to get the treated lids not with your hands, but with clean forceps or a spoon.
  • After heat treatment in any case do not put them on a towel. It is better to immediately roll up their cooked preservation.
  • Never process metal covers in a microwave or oven.

The main options for heat treatment covers

The easiest way to make shrimp sterile is to steam with boiling water in a saucepan or by boiling it directly in boiling water.

  1. Boil water in a saucepan. Put on top of the grid and lay it on the covers with rubber bands. Keep them above the floating water for 10 minutes and immediately roll up the prepared products with them.
  2. If you decide to boil them in water, then we put water in a saucepan and set it on fire. Put lids with boiling water into boiling water and boil them for a quarter of an hour. From the water we get them directly before seaming the container.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the process of sterilizing glass jars. Tips and detailed instructions from this article will help you do everything right, and canned goodies will delight you all winter.

Video: Sterilization of cans using multicookers

Before you start preparing various pickles and preserves, any hostess must first properly sterilize the jars.
The sterilization process is simple, although it takes an extra five to seven minutes to complete. However, despite the elapsed time, you protect yourself from problems with clouding or souring cans in the future during storage.

So, how to sterilize jars at home? Consider the most common and convenient ways.


Wash the cans with soap and water to wipe off dirt and dust from the inside. Sterilization does not clean the banks from dirt!

Sterilization cans for a couple.

There are also several variants of this method.

Option 1
  For this method, we will need a special circle for sterilizing cans, which is sold in all pottery and hardware stores and costs from 15 to 50 rubles (see photo). There are circles for one can, and there are for three cans.

We turn over the jar and place the bottle down onto the circle (as in the photo). And this circle, in turn, we put on the pan, which boils water.

In the water in the pan also throw metal lids, which will continue to tighten the banks (as in the photo).

How many can be sterilized in a similar way? Five to seven minutes and turn off the fire. We take a jar with a towel or mittens by the side walls, turn them over and place them on the bottom of the prepared towel, on which she will stand on until the next moment until we twist it.
Lids out of the pan pull out with metal tweezers. If there is no such thing (although every woman has one), then pull it out with two forks, and put the lid upside down so as not to contaminate the part with which we will twist the jar.

Option 2
We turn over the jar and “dress” on the spout of the kettle. For these purposes, you must have a kettle with a long spout, so that the bank on it is quite well kept. And so that the spout is without a whistle, otherwise the steam will not come out through the closed spout and the bank will not be sterilized. Metal lids are also thrown into the kettle and boiled.

Option 3
Looks like the first option. We turn over the jar and put it in a small dipper in which water boils. The circle is not needed, as the bank is on the bucket with its neck. By the way, in this photo I am sterilizing in a similar way a jar on an induction cooker. Very convenient option.

Sterilization of cans with steam does not kill all germs, as the temperature of the steam is only 100 degrees. But those microbes that can cause souring of pickles are quite self-killed at this temperature. So feel free to use this method without fear of anything.

How to sterilize the jars in the oven (dry method)

This method is also quite simple. But it requires certain precautions.
Put the clean and dry jars in the oven, turn on the fire at the maximum and sterilize at maximum temperature. Next we put metal covers on the grill.
How many can be sterilized in this way? 10 minutes at maximum temperature.
Then open the oven and let cool our banks.
Attention:   in this way banks heat up to temperatures above 250 degrees. Therefore, they can crack if they are put in the oven wet, or if they are immediately removed from the oven. Be sure to let the banks cool for five minutes. And take them with a dry towel or mittens so that they do not crack from the temperature drop.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

This is another way to quickly sterilize jars at home.
Just set a clean jar in the oven and turn on the microwave to the maximum.
Sterilization time is five minutes.
Attention.   There is one "but"! At the bottom of the can in this case, on the contrary, you should pour some water. What for? The fact is that the waves from the microwave heat the water, not the air. The water in the can boils and the walls of the can are sterilized with steam. If you put a dry jar, it will not be microwaved.
And further. Metal covers can not be sterilized in such a way so as not to spoil the microwave. We'll have to boil them again.