Caviar with eggplant recipe is the most delicious recipes. Step-by-step photo recipe for cooking real overseas eggplant caviar at home

14.03.2019 Fish dishes


  1. eggplants - 1 kg
  2. sweet pepper - 2 pcs
  3. carrots - 1 pc (large)
  4. onions - 2 pcs (large)
  5. tomatoes - 3-4 pieces (medium)
  6. garlic - 1 tooth
  7. vegetable oil - ½ cup

I just love eggplant caviar !!! But precisely in this performance. Although up to a certain age I thought that eggplant caviar can only be like that. I did not even suggest that eggplant caviar can be made from eggplant slices. But so cooked. In my view, caviar is caviar. This is something very shallow or even frayed. Therefore, I am still convinced that this recipe for eggplant caviar is the most correct one.

So my mom cooked and cooks. And this is our homemade recipe.

Caviar is prepared in the summer, in the midst of vegetables.

The temperature in the oven should be at least 200 degrees.

Baking medium eggplant will take you 30-40 minutes. Their readiness is checked simply. You press on them with a fork and feel under the skin in some places as if emptiness. So they are ready.

After they have cooled down (hot ones are difficult to hold), we remove the peel with a sharp knife. Eggplant is peeled.

Grind baked eggplants through a meat grinder. Meat grinder is better. As one chef said: blender lives its own life. Through a blender, the vegetables will be crushed and the taste will be completely different.

Mode large carrots and onions. Fry in vegetable oil. Strongly not necessary. Just to carrots with onions a little podzolotili and become softer. The more you put carrots in your calf, the sweeter it will be. This vegetable can change the taste of the recipe.

Bulgarian pepper clean (cut off the leg and cut the core) and cut into small pieces.

Pepper is actually not already felt in the finished caviar, but the aroma gives a very strong quenching.

We also pass carrots, onions and peppers through a meat grinder and add them to eggplants.

Salt and pour garlic crushed through garlic.

Only one ingredient is left - tomatoes. I wrote - 3-4 pieces. This means small tomatoes. If you bought large - enough 2 pieces.

Tomatoes are cut into 2 halves and three through a grater.

As a result, you get the freshest.

Tomato juice (straight with seeds) is added to the almost ready caviar.

Now it is necessary to stew the eggs. Spread caviar in the pot. Add sunflower oil (the one that remained unused after frying) and simmer for about 40-50 minutes. At this time, a tempting aroma of eggplant caviar spreads around the apartment, attracting hungry and hungry people to the kitchen))).

How to eat caviar overseas?

Option number 1: with pasta or boiled rice (Italian). And first put on the plate beautifully separately, and then mix it all up.

Option number 2: with a piece of boiled meat.

But the most delicious option is to spread cold butter on bread and hot eggplant caviar on top. And walking outside ........

Enjoy not the overseas miracle together with the site “Tastier at Home”.

Eggplant caviar in a slow cooker

Cooking caviar in a multi-cooker-pressure cooker has its own characteristics. One of them is the division of the process into the stages of stewing vegetables and evaporation of liquid. Our advice will help you to choose the optimal mode of using a modern kitchen device to get a great meal.

Any vegetable dish is a storehouse of beneficial vitamins. And eggplant caviar with chili peppers will also delight your gourmet households with a bright combination of flavors and incredible aroma. She brings to your kitchen a feeling of hot summer and will become a favorite family dish.

To cook such caviar you will need:

  1. eggplants - 3 pieces;
  2. sweet pepper - 3 pieces;
  3. onion - 2 heads;
  4. carrots - 1 piece;
  5. garlic - 2 cloves;
  6. tomatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  7. sugar - 50 grams;
  8. salt - pinch;
  9. chili pepper (powder) - 0.5 tsp;
  10. vinegar (9%) - 1 tablespoon.

Prepare and wash the vegetables.

Grind them with a food processor, grater or meat grinder. Please note that the smaller all the ingredients are, the less time it will take to bring the dish to readiness.

Turn on the slow cooker and select the “Baking” or “Frying” mode. Without closing the lid, fry the onions.

  Put all other caviar ingredients in the bowl. Pour salt, sugar and pepper.


Close the lid, set the valve to the “Closed” position and select the “Soup / Porridge” mode. You can use the mode "stewing", but it is designed for a longer time, and vegetables are cooked very quickly.

Therefore, it is better to choose a mode lasting 15-18 minutes.

After signaling the end of the process, it is necessary to wait for the steam to be set off or to do it by force, while observing the safety regulations, which you can read in the instructions for the device.

After bleeding the steam, gently open the lid and turn on the Baking or Frying mode. Without closing the lid and stirring occasionally, bring the dish to full evaporation of excess liquid.

At the end, add vinegar and heat for another 2 minutes.

Caviar is ready. Enjoy your meal!

In this way, caviar can be prepared for preservation for the winter. The process will be no different, except for additional sterilization of cans. For example, a half-liter jar with the product will be enough to sterilize for 10 minutes.

By the way, in the famous comedy Gaidai “Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”, they represent eggplant overseas caviar, and the usual squash is on a plate. So much for the movie bloopers))).

Hidden advertising in the Soviet Union is not practiced. It can be guessed today that James Bond wears watches for nothing and drives a certain brand of cars. Under socialism, mentioning a product in a radio program or a film was simply explained: what happened was taken. As no alternative was most often provided.

And yet, with the USSR, there was one product that received truly fabulous advertising thanks to a feature film. I would even say royal advertising. You'd be surprised, but it was eggplant caviar. In the early 60s, she increasingly appears on store shelves. At the same time, he provoked ironic comments from customers regarding the name “caviar”, which had been strongly associated with the majority of the public with black and red caviar. So the creators of the famous Soviet film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changing Profession” decided to make fun of this plot.

Shot from the movie with a festive table: “Caviar is black, caviar is red ...”

According to the scenario, the hero of the film - a simple Soviet man in the street - turns out to be a miracle at the court of Ivan the Terrible and, by the will of a fantastic case, changes places with him. The tsar goes to socialist Moscow, and our contemporaries are mistaken for the monarch in the 16th century because of his casual portrait resemblance. And during a feast on the huge table there are delicacies: roasted swans, hares, black caviar - a huge container, red caviar - a whole vase of three pounds. And in the very center of the table is a great value - caviar overseas eggplant. There was usually heard the stormy laughter of the audience, which in the middle of the XX century only this “delicacy” was fed to the cats.

"And a special value - caviar overseas eggplant!"

Caviar "overseas", eggplant (or squash) - has become a cult Soviet dish, included in folklore and movies. If the shelves of the Soviet grocery stores were crammed, so was it (also, however, only until the late 1980s). Unlike its fish “namesake,” it never personified a festive table. Of course, we are talking about its store version. As for the home, then her recipes were many, and very popular. The southern cities - Odessa and Kharkov - argued in earnest where they make their caviar. But the most delicious, traditionally turned out to be the one that made someone's grandmother or "Aunt Sonya."

Almost every housewife had his own favorite recipe. They prepared it, as a rule, not at once, but for the future - they preserved dozens of cans in a season. And that's what I want to tell you - they did the right thing. Vegetables that are packed in sterilized cans, grown in their garden and harvested in season, are much more beneficial than today's plastic eggplants, peppers and tomatoes imported from the far-away state.

Of course, we will also share with you our homemade recipe. Every vegetable has its time. And eggplant caviar, despite the availability of eggplants in stores, is wiser to cook in summer. Therefore, as soon as the first summer eggplants, peppers and tomatoes appear on the market, you can proceed. And in the autumn, when all the counters are already overwhelmed with vegetable multicolor, nothing prevents to prepare caviar for the future.

Label of canning "Squash caviar" (1986)

Eggplant caviar

We will need: 1 kg of eggplants, 6 tomatoes, 6 peppers, 3 onions, hot pepper, garlic, salt, black pepper to taste, vegetable oil, greens - parsley, cilantro, dill.

The best option is to bake eggplants and peppers in the oven, preheated to 190 ° C. 20-25 minutes is enough for peppers, a little more for eggplants - 30-40. Peppers, taken out of the oven, need to be put in a bag or in a container under the lid, so that the skin can sweat and easily remove it. With eggplant on the willingness to do the same. Peppers and eggplants chopped or minced. With tomatoes, too, remove the skin and cut into pieces. Onion chop into small cubes.

Eggplants (Soviet 1970s culinary postcard)

Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion over low heat. Add tomatoes and finely chopped hot peppers, stew for 10 minutes. Then send baked peppers and eggplants to the pan, cook it all together for 8-10 minutes. Salt, pepper to taste, add finely chopped or skipped garlic. A little more to put out, add chopped greens and remove from heat. A side dish for meat or fish, a separate dish, an appetizer - this is eggplant caviar - “overseas”.

Caviar overseas eggplant   - This is a delicious snack, from which excellent preservation for the winter is obtained. This caviar can often be seen on store shelves, but eggplant caviar cooked with your own hands at home will be much healthier and tastier.

What is the use of eggplant caviar? Eggplant contains a huge amount of fiber, due to the use of which improves the work of the stomach. Caviar also has a positive effect on the work of the heart, because of the potassium it contains, is also useful in diabetes.   Eggplant caviar can be safely consumed by people who are on a diet. After all, in it, low calorie.

"Caviar overseas ... eggplant !!!" Probably everyone knows this legendary phrase from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession." But not many people know that this phrase is refuted by historical facts.   Indeed, under the rule of Ivan the Terrible, no one at all knew about the existence of this vegetable. Cooking and eating eggplant began only from the 17th century.

In general, if you are an eggplant lover, you should try to cook real eggplant caviar at home, in our step-by-step recipe with a photo.


Cooking steps