Card file for the development of speech (younger group) on the topic: poetry for kids. Delicious alphabet

21.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Clubfoot bear
Washes his nose in the morning with his paw,
It is New Year today
The first time goes to meet.

What to mold from plasticine?
Kolobok? Or a peacock?
Lilliput? A giant?
Perhaps Cipollino?

You fly, forty,
Far - far away
Bring candy
For a little kid.

Teddy bear, teddy bear - playful
Tore the book to pieces!
I love you for this, bear,
I will not treat you to a donut.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky
Smiles at all children.
I'll climb onto the roof
I'll smile at the sun too!

Our cub is small
Snow boots
Walks on a winter day.
And it will wet the paws,
Then to the she-wolf - grandmother
Run away secretly.

A bug sat on a blade of grass
Red speckled barrel
And he puffs: “Chu-chu-chu,
I'll fly away now! "

The cars were covered with snow.
Swept the tracks, -
I'll decorate them with a fresh trace.
- More fun, legs!

Small cat
Jumped into a basket,
Stretched out, licked her lips
And curled up in a ball!

The cat lives well
cat is a small mouth.
The cat is sleeping on the stove,
waiting with vanilla rolls.

Rain, drip more fun
do not regret some water.
For the grass to grow
so that the birds sing.

I am both pride and beauty -
black and brown fox.
I got over the fence
next door is a poultry yard.

Goodnight! Sleep baby!
The reeds are sleeping by the lake,
Foxes sleep with a fox,
Bunnies and hedgehogs.

Bunny, bunny, where did you sleep?
Did you get into the garden?
The cabbage disappeared there.
It was, now it's empty.

Okay, okay,
where were you? -By Grandma!
Granny has porridge,
granny has a mash.

We wanted a tumbler
Put to bed at night ...
Trying in vain! Indeed, in fact
Won't sleep for anything!
It is useless to force, -
Still gets up again!

I'll draw a cat
He is still without a tail,
He has no antennae yet,
But in green panties.

I'm a little friends
With a tablespoon.
I just open my mouth
A spoonful of porridge comes in.

Baby mouse
Sewed a vest.
The undershirt was
Small for a mouse.

I will ask - dad, mom
To buy me pajamas.
In the old, whole year sleeping
She became me, small.

Bul-bul-bul boiling broth,
Oh, and it will be delicious!
I invite everyone to dinner
And taste the bouillon-bouillon! Deep - not shallow,
Ships in plates:
Bow head,
Red carrot,
And a little bit of crumbs.
Here the boat is sailing
Swims right into your mouth!

Come on, come on, come on!
Don't grumble, pans!
Don't grumble, don't hiss,
Cook sweet porridge.
Cook sweet porridge,
Feed our children.

Why did the puppy grow up?
Is he overtaking Sasha?
Because he is without tears
Eats both soup and porridge.

If you don't want soup -
You are acting very stupid
And you will not become uncomfortable
A real strongman.

They ate soup
They ate soup
Hurry to eat the soup!
Eat a lot?
So well,
Oh yes soup! Ay, good!

Parents feed a small child:
Spoon for grandmother, spoon for grandfather.
Baby tries, baby puffs -
Only adults have such an appetite.
A spoon for an elephant, a spoon for a bunny,
For the crocodile, for the parrot.
We almost forgot about the mouse!
We almost forgot about the bear !!!
Ate a spoon for the nurse's doctor
And for Seryozha, the son of a neighbor,
For a sparrow, for a siskin
And for Ryzhik the mongrel.
And also - for my little sister and brother,
And also - for a kitten with a bow.
And the last sip -
The most delicious - for dad and mom.

Gripped the handle with a fist
We took a cup of milk.
One is a sip, two is a sip,
And then a little more.
A hedgehog came running from the forest
He climbed over the sill.
The hedgehog wants milk
At least on the tip of the tongue.
The goby looked through the window.
- I would, too, at least a little.
I would at least be on the bottom
milk Burenushki.
They know the hedgehog and the calf
What from a cup of milk
Strength is added
The sides are rounded.
One is a sip, two is a sip,
And then a little more.
Drink a cup of milk -
You will grow to the ceiling.

I'm a little friends
With a tablespoon.
I just open my mouth
A spoonful of porridge calls in
Splash! On my tongue
Cheeks smack-smack-smack together!
Everyone is happy: me, my mouth
And my nourishing tummy!

Yum-yum-yum - how delicious!
White as cabbage!
In your mouth - am! - and curd
Like a snowflake melts;
Curd-curd is our friend!
Strengthens the teeth.

We walk, we walk!
Let's take a walk - we'll see
Appetite how to work up
Let's eat delicious meat.

Oh, cutlets, cutlets!
Oh, how they smell! Good!
We will fry them, we will fry them,
Let's eat from the heart!

Fish, fish, well, business,
She sailed to our saucepan!
To cook, feed everyone -
Wash your hands quickly.

Chickens, chickens: "Ko-ko-ko!
We laid our testicles;
Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids! "

Pumpkin-pumpkin has grown
Mom brought the pumpkin;
Daddy-daddy - gray water!
Cook the pumpkin as soon as possible.

We were hanging in the rain;
Rain dripped at night, during the day
So that we blushed and sang
So that the kids eat us soon!
The rain washed us all now -
We are cherries - eat us!

Spoon in mom's hand
like a boat on the river.
The wind blows. We are in the mouth
hide the spoon, as in the port.
Our spoon is a plane -
flies right into the mouth.
There are clouds, hail and thunder in the sky.
Yining Roth is an airfield.
And now the garage is in my mouth.
The spoon came out on a bend.
The mouth is wider - and narrower
the spoon disappeared into the garage.
The cat is catching up with the mouse.
Who is the mouse? -
Our spoon.
Into the mouth-mink quickly
hide, mouse, from the animals.

Eat my baby
Here is the first spoon.
I'll give you delicious porridge,
Open your mouth - AM!
A plane is waving from the sky
Who's biting like a chick here?
Well, eat the porridge yourself!
Here is the second spoon - AM!
Third spoon on the way,
The baby needs to grow up.
Three, four, five and six! -
How did you manage to eat porridge?
I drank juice, a whole glass,
Oh, yes, the boy is a giant!
Oh, yes, the boy is a hero!
There is strength for ten weights!
The lunch game is over
It's time for my child.
To become very strong
We must eat and we must sleep!

Julia doesn't eat well,
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mummy!
- Eat a sandwich with a sausage!
Julia covers her mouth.
- Supik?
- Not…
- A cutlet?
- Not… -
Yulechkin's lunch is getting cold.
- What's the matter with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!
- Do it, granddaughter, a sip,
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, grandma!
Mom and grandmother in tears -
Julia melts before our eyes!
A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Julia has no appetite?
I can only see that she
Certainly not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everybody eats -
Both the beast and the bird
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog gnaws the bone.
Sparrows peck grain
Wherever they get it
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruit.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having supper in the mink.
The monkey is eating a banana.
Looking for acorns Boar.
A clever Swift catches midges.
Cheese and lard
Loves the Mouse ...
The doctor said goodbye to Julia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, Mommy!

Dunyasha shouts at the table:
"I do not want! I will not porridge! "
Mom and Dad:
"What's the matter?"
Grandfather with a woman:
Aunt and Uncle:
"Eat it, Dunyash!"
"Our breakfast!"
But Dunyasha turns his nose up:
"I'm tired of this porridge!"
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather with a woman:
"Oh no no no!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Shame and disgrace!"
"Yum Yum Yum!"
Dunyasha is surprised:
"Where did the porridge go?"
Mom and Dad:
"Who could?"
Grandfather with a woman:
"Oh oh oh!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Look, eyes!"
Became a clever Dunyasha:
"Cook porridge in the morning!"
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather with a woman:
"Ah, beauty!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Well done!"
Wow, how he eats, that's the thing!
Spoon to the right, spoon to the left;
Have taught a lesson, will know!
Quickly into the crack under the bed. "



Bul-bul-bul boiling broth,
Oh, and it will be delicious!
I invite everyone to dinner
And taste the bouillon-bouillon!
(M. Druzhinina)

Oh yeah soup!

Deep - not shallow
Ships in plates:
Bow head,
Red carrot,
And a little bit of crumbs.
Here the boat is sailing
Swims right into your mouth!

(I. Tokmakova)

Strongman soup

If you don't want soup -
You are acting very stupid
And you will not become uncomfortable
A real strongman.

(P. Sinyavsky)


They ate soup
They ate soup
Hurry to eat the soup!
Eat a lot?
So well,
Oh yes soup! Ay, good!

(K. Avdeenko)

Lozhkina's book

Parents feed a small child:
Spoon for grandmother, spoon for grandfather.
Baby tries, baby puffs -
Only adults have such an appetite.

A spoon for an elephant, a spoon for a bunny,
For the crocodile, for the parrot.
We almost forgot about the mouse!
We almost forgot about the bear !!!

Ate a spoon for the nurse's doctor
And for Seryozha, the son of a neighbor,
For a sparrow, for a siskin
And for Ryzhik the mongrel.

And also - for my little sister and brother,
And also - for a kitten with a bow.
And the last sip -
The most delicious - for dad and mom.

(P. Sinyavsky )

Cup's book

Gripped the handle with a fist
We took a cup of milk.
One is a sip, two is a sip,
And then a little more.

A hedgehog came running from the forest
He climbed over the sill.
The hedgehog wants milk
At least on the tip of the tongue.

The goby looked through the window.
- I would, too, at least a little.
I would at least be on the bottom
milk Burenushki.

They know the hedgehog and the calf
What from a cup of milk
Strength is added
The sides are rounded.

One is a sip, two is a sip,
And then a little more.
Drink a cup of milk -
You will grow to the ceiling.

(P. Sinyavsky)

Me and spoon

I'm a little friends
With a tablespoon.
I just open my mouth
A spoonful of porridge calls in
Splash! On my tongue
Cheeks smack-smack-smack together!
Everyone is happy: me, my mouth
And my nourishing tummy!

( Lika Razumova )


Yum Yum Yum so tasty!
White as cabbage!
In the mouth
am! and curd
Like a snowflake melts;
our friend!
Strengthens the teeth.

(K. Avdeenko)


We walk, we walk!
Let's take a walk let's see
Appetite how to work up
Let's eat delicious meat.

(K. Avdeenko)


Oh, cutlets, cutlets!
Oh, how they smell! Good!
We will fry them, we will fry them,
Let's eat from the heart!

(K. Avdeenko)


Fish, fish, well, business,
She sailed to our saucepan!
To cook, feed everyone
Wash your hands quickly.

(K. Avdeenko)


Chickens, chickens: "Ko-ko-ko!
We laid our testicles;
Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids! "

(K. Avdeenko)


Pumpkin-pumpkin has grown
Mom brought the pumpkin;
Daddy water gray!
Cook the pumpkin as soon as possible.

(K. Avdeenko)


We were hanging in the rain;
Rain dripped at night, during the day
So that we blushed and sang
So that the kids eat us soon!
The rain washed us all now
We are cherries eat us!

(K. Avdeenko)


Spoon in mom's hand
like a boat on the river.
The wind blows. We are in the mouth
hide the spoon, as in the port.

Our spoon is a plane -
flies right into the mouth.
There are clouds, hail and thunder in the sky.
Yining Roth is an airfield.

And now the garage is in my mouth.
The spoon came out on a bend.
The mouth is wider - and narrower
the spoon disappeared into the garage.

The cat is catching up with the mouse.
Who is the mouse? -
Our spoon.
Into the mouth-mink quickly
hide, mouse, from the animals.

( B ... Wolfson)

Cheerful lunch

Eat my baby
Here is the first spoon.
I'll give you delicious porridge,
Open your mouth - AM!

A plane is waving from the sky
Who's biting like a chick here?
Well, eat the porridge yourself!
Here is the second spoon - AM!

Third spoon on the way,
The baby needs to grow up.
Three, four, five and six! -
How did you manage to eat porridge?

I drank juice, a whole glass,
Oh, yes, the boy is a giant!
Oh, yes, the boy is a hero!
There is strength for ten weights!

The lunch game is over
It's time for my child.
To become very strong
We must eat and we must sleep!

(San Thoras )

For the girl who ate poorly

Julia doesn't eat well,
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mummy!
- Eat a sandwich with a sausage!
Julia covers her mouth.
- Supik?
- Not…
- A cutlet?
- Not… -
Yulechkin's lunch is getting cold.
- What's the matter with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!
- Do it, granddaughter, a sip,
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, grandma!
Mom and grandmother in tears -
Julia melts before our eyes!
A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Julia has no appetite?
I can only see that she
Certainly not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everybody eats -
Both the beast and the bird
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog gnaws the bone.
Sparrows peck grain
Wherever they get it
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruit.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having supper in the mink.
The monkey is eating a banana.
Looking for acorns Boar.
A clever Swift catches midges.
Cheese and lard
Loves the Mouse ...
The doctor said goodbye to Julia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, Mommy!

Brownies and porridge

Dunyasha shouts at the table:
"I do not want! I will not porridge! "
Mom and Dad:
"What's the matter?"
Grandfather with a woman:
Aunt and Uncle:
"Eat it, Dunyash!"
"Our breakfast!"

But Dunyasha turns his nose up:
"I'm tired of this porridge!"
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather with a woman:
"Oh no no no!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Shame and disgrace!"
"Yum Yum Yum!"

Dunyasha is surprised:
"Where did the porridge go?"
Mom and Dad:
"Who could?"
Grandfather with a woman:
"Oh oh oh!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Look, eyes!"

Became a clever Dunyasha:
"Cook porridge in the morning!"
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather with a woman:
"Ah, beauty!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Well done!"
Wow, how he eats, that's the thing!
Spoon to the right, spoon to the left;
Have taught a lesson, will know!
Quickly into the crack under the bed. "

(K. Avdeenko)


In a hammock

After a delicious lunch
The fidget kitten is sleeping.
Asleep - head on a side.
He fell asleep, and we are silent ...

(V. Stepanov)

Time to sleep

How to find your way to sleep?
How to find his den?
Maybe the cubes know
Is this a fabulous place? ..

The cat purrs into its mustache
Mom looks at her watch.
Where is she hiding -
This sleepy country?

Maybe about this Mishka
Will you be able to find out in the book?
Maybe in the land of the mirror
Does the dream live shrouded in mystery?

How strangers became paws
They do not want to go.
Maybe ask daddy
Where to find the lost dream?

Hush ... It seems like a pillow
Something whispers in my ear:
"Bear, your dream lives here,
He will come to you now. "

(V. Stepanov)

Doze and Yawn

They roamed the city

Doze and Yawn.
The nap ran

into the gates and gates,
Looked through the windows
And the clicks of the doors
And she said to the children:
- Go to bed soon!
A yawn said:
who will go to bed sooner,
To that she, Yawn,
say good night!
And if someone does not lie down
Now on the bed
That she will command
Yawn, yawn, yawn!

(C. Marshak)

Time to sleep

The night is coming
You're tired, daughter.
Legs have been running since the morning
It's time for the eyes to sleep.
The crib is waiting for you.
Sleep, daughter, sweet!

(S. Marshak, from P. Voronko)

Evening song

Sweeps outside the window
Evening snow.
Hurry up with a blanket
Take cover, buddy!
Blizzard carousel
Is spinning
Covers with a wing
Hedgehog took cover
An autumn leaf.
Fluffy squirrel -
Warm tail.
And the bear -
With your clubfoot
With your shaggy hair
With the paw.
Bushes and trees
We fell asleep all around
They took refuge
Blue silver.
Only to the gray wolf
Can't sleep
He walks through the forest
And angry.
Do you know, friend,
Why is he angry?
He is looking for the one
Who is not covered yet.
Cover yourself with a blanket
And don't be afraid of the gray wolf.

(V. Orlov)

Zasypalkin book

So that tomorrow at dawn
Sing "ku-ka-re-ku"
Pete needs to go to bed,
Pete the cockerel.

The gray elephant falls asleep
Zebra is watching the first dream.
Kittens and cats are sleeping
The whales and whales are sleeping.

Now the fatty pig
Will lie on the side
And bury itself in the pillow
Khryushkin's piglet.

Everyone is tired, everyone is yawning
All eyes are closed -
To our falling asleep ...

(P. Sinyavsky )


The sun looks into the moon
And the moon is in the window.
On patterned flax
The path splashes.

The day fell asleep. The quiet of the night
Touches eyelashes.
The bear is sleeping. And you are not sleeping.
Why can't you sleep?

The elephant is already flying into your dream
The ears are spread wide.
Let's count to five:
One two three four…

(M. Elkin)

The moon hangs outside the window ...

The moon hangs outside the window
There was silence -
Every rustle is heard
The rustle of cherries is heard ...
Let them whisper
Sleep with their whisper!
For-sy-pai !!!

(I. Demyanov)

Don't rustle, mouse ...

Don't rustle, mouse,
I beg, -
Sleep is suitable for the baby.
Does not carry mushrooms along the path,
And he carries yawns to the basket ...
We yawn sweetly -
And sleep in the crib!

(I. Demyanov)

At night a dream comes to us ...

At night a dream comes to us
He's sweeter chocolates!
And no honey, no sweets -
Sweeter than sleep not in the world.
Lie rather on the side
The night light will light up -
Sleepy light ...
Sleep, sleep, son!

(I. Demyanov)

Need to sleep

The little one watched the cartoon
The crumb ate, the crumb sang ...
I could get a little tired
The little one needs to sleep!

(N. Kapustyuk )


I'll put you in the crib
On the side.
Let your dream
Will remain sweet
Our cricket!
Chick you are restless
Look at Crumbs
Sleepy-sleepy, -

(N. Kapustyuk )

Do you sleep

On the table is a clock with a pig:
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Sleep, sleep, my blood
Like this!
The arrows are running fast
Do you sleep.
And in a dream they always grow

(N. Kapustyuk )


Love my ears
Soft pillow.
The eyes immediately fall asleep
The arms and legs are resting
Mouth yawns wide
And sniffs the nose.
The night sings to me: -Byu-bye!
Sleep well and grow up!

(Lika Razumova )

Modern lullaby

Bayu baby go to sleep
We turned off Wi-fi.
How the iPad doesn't beg -
Barbie cartoon can not be downloaded.
What to do, it turned out like this -
Do not contact you.
Don't bite the computer
Play Monster High.
The doll will quickly get bored
And you will finally fall asleep.
Since my friends don't write to me -
Soon I will go to bed too.
Maybe in the morning it will be heaven
Will they turn on our Wi-fi again?

(Anya Lutsenko )


Here are the

Here are our eyes:
Blue, blue.
We have a button nose,
Eyebrows with a thread around the eyes.
The ears are small
Scarlet lips.
Neck, cheeks, forehead, mouth
and our plump tummy.

Want to know everything

Legs, legs! Do I know you,
I dress you in the morning.
Pens, pens! Do I know you,
I wash you with water.

I know my fingers too
I pick my nose with them.
If I pick my nose,
So, where he also know.

Teeth, teeth! Do I know you,
I bite everything with you.
Cheeks, cheeks! Do I know you,
I'm drawing air into you.

I also know where my mouth is
I eat them, yawn.
Ears, ears! Do I know you,
You always sit on the edge.

Eyes, eyes! Do I know you,
I study the world with you.
And I also know where the forehead is,
There I fill the cones.

I know the back and the side
Both belly and uvula.
And I also know for sure
I'm tired and falling asleep.

(L. Razumova )

I'm not a baby anymore

I'm bolder than a mouse
And braver than a cat.
I'm not a baby anymore
I am already three years old.
(P. Sinyavsky )


We brush our teeth

We really, really need
Brush your teeth in the morning.
I need to come to the bathroom
And count to ten:

One-two, one-two!
Roll up our sleeves.
Three-four, three-four!
We open our mouth wider.

Five-six, five-six!
There is a brush, and there is a paste.
Seven and eight, seven and eight!
We do not ask to help us.

Nine ten! No worries
Together we rinse our mouth.
It is very easy to calculate.
Let's go again in the evening!

(N. Klyuchkina)

Our little girls

We were woken up in the morning
They didn’t let me talk too much.
It's time for the smart kids
Get up and wash.

We are three little eyes
And we pout our lips
But do not interfere with the brush
Brush our teeth.

So that the teeth sparkle
We rinsed them.
Now a piece of soap
Will help us wash.

My nose, my cheeks
Mom's chick,
And on a small hook
A towel is waiting for us.

And the comb is in a hurry
Brush the baby.
Our little one -
Just a beauty!

(P. Sinyavsky)

Who does not wash

Who hot water washes himself,
Called a good fellow.
Who cold water washes himself,
Called a brave man.

And who does not wash -
It is not called in any way.

(P. Sinyavsky)

Kupashka's book

Into a small bath
Water is poured
Little Vanechka

And grow to the ceiling
White foam clouds
And the bubbles sparkle
Like colored lanterns.

Mom washes her son -
Sonny back,
Puziko funny
And all the rest.

And the little body shone
From heels to crown.
- Prepare a towel
For Vanya-Vanyushka!

Vanya after the bath,
Like a flower in a vase -
Pink, fragrant,
Because it's clean!

(P. Sinyavsky)


The pig washes its belly in a puddle,
The cat washes his ear with his paw,
Birds wash in the sand
Geese, ducks - in the river.
And me in a huge bath
Mom bathes every day.
Washes ears, rubs cheeks,
Neck, back and abdomen.
And I'm boo-boo,
And I flop-flop with a pen.
Here is my mommy
I have become chis-ta-me!

(Lika Razumova )

Strizhkina book

Uncut mane -
This is very ugly.
So, Loew needs again
Go to the hairdresser.

And the lion cub is capricious
With all my strength.
How difficult it was for Lev
Bring to the salon!

And in the beauty salon
Everything shines with purity
And shampoo bottles
They smell better than flowers.

Here curls are curly,
Curling bangs
They paint the nails with varnish
Fashionable little dog.

It's terribly interesting here
And whiny Leva
In a hairdressing chair
He climbed in almost without a roar.

The lion looks in the mirror -
How he has grown!
- Do you want to shave? -
They ask him a question.

And mother lioness said:
- It's too early for us to shave.
We want the little lion
They got their head cut.

And already inside the car
The electricity is buzzing!
And the lion cub has not a tear
The lion cub does not even tremble.

The scallop does not prick
Scissors don't pinch -
Only with Lev's head
Curls are pouring in.

Oh yes lion cub! Oh yes Leva!
Five minutes - and you're done.
And handsome Lyovushka,
And not a roar at all.

(P. Sinyavsky)

Quack ears

Sweet frog!
Dawn is coming soon;
These are your ears
Send you greetings!

You know we didn't sleep
Thought all night;
Decided from you
We drive away.

You, Kvakusha, dirty
You walk around the courtyards;
You never wash!
Even in the morning.

Do you remember we asked:
"Wash us with soap!"
What did you tell us?
"Come on, march home!
I, kva-kva, walked
In a puddle under the bridge;
Kva-kva-kva, I'm tired!
Kva-kva-kva, then! "

Now we're driving
We rush to the seas;
We're going to wash

It's wonderful on the seas!
There are no fleas and lice;
We heard the other day
There are many ears!

They all fled
From dirty, sluts;
Swim, bathe
In the morning on the seas;

We will find those places
Let's go around the whole world!
Maybe we'll come back;
Maybe not.

We will be, Kvakusha,
Go boldly into the distance;
It's a pity, they didn't say goodbye:
On the way since the night!

We are in a hurry
Let's go to the seas!
We're going to wash

(K. Avdeenko)



If a pineapple falls on us
Pineapple juice will pour on us.
But the pineapple will not fall on us -
It does not grow in our garden.


The lapdog eats the broth,
Like an important princess.
Bolonkin papa von bolon,
And mom is a Boloness.


Varya cooked
Dumplings with cherries.
- Does Varenka have
Are the cherries superfluous?


Citizen bought mustard
And I decided to distinguish myself -
I ate a pound at once,
And then it got hot.

He screams and howls,
And he calls the firemen.
- Help out, - he says, -
My stomach is on fire.


Dunya swallowed melon
And she ground another.
And sits on a bench
Requires supplementation.


Yegorka walked along the hillock,
Muttered a tongue twister.
Mumbled a tongue twister
And there was food in my mouth.

Instead of words, tongue twisters
Instead of words, tongue twisters
Instead of words, tongue twisters
Nonsense muttered.


There is such a fish - ruff,
All in thorns, like a hedgehog.
And the ear from the brushes
Better than any biscuits.


There was a fried liver
The girl was greedy -
Chewed and chewed -
I didn't want to share.


- Not an easy thing, brothers,
Fill to fill.
If you really try -
The dish will freeze.

To make it aspic,
Like an icy field
To get on skates
Water pike perch.


Birthday girl Irinka
Gave a sandwich
And she to the guests of the eggs
Distributes from a sandwich.

- One egg, two eggs, -
Irinka will attend to everyone.
Well, what will remain -
She will get it herself.


The cook was cutting the onion
And suddenly he hurt his hand.
If there is iodine in the medicine cabinet -
Everything will heal before the wedding.

Cutlet dream

The cat sleeps well
The cat is dreaming about the cutlet.
And kittens are sleeping nearby -
They dream of cutlets.

Laurel DREAM

- Who it bay leaf?
- He is a great specialist
On rich borscht
And stewed vegetables.

By the bay leaf
There is a cherished dream -
Give to any eater
Along the laurel wreath.


The bear is a beekeeper
Honey is a full deck.
Whoever tastes will understand:
Only honey is sweeter than honey.


Maybe a grandmother's granddaughter
Rookie chef
And peel the potatoes
And fry the zucchini.

Can he cook
Even the Napoleon cake.
And such a "Napoleon"
Don't buy for a million.


Kvass made friends with okroshka -
With meat, onions and potatoes,
With sour cream, and with an egg,
And with a green cucumber.

- Is okroshka good? -
The lad will ask.
And the spoon will answer:
- Give it a little more.


Chef Petya Povaryoshkin,
Doctor of Kitchen Sciences,
Most best friend karoshkin
And Morkovkin's best friend
Knows thousands of secrets
Cabbage soup, borscht and vinaigrette,
Even jellied meat is brewed.
Oh yes, Petya, well done!


Pour water into a large bowl
And I bathe a radish in it -
I'll treat my sister and brother
And I'll crunch the radishes myself.


If you don't want soup -
You are acting very stupid
And you will not become uncomfortable
A real strongman.


I'm red-faced and tall
I know a lot about tomato juice.
And who does not drink tomato juice -
Not red-cheeked and not tall.


I am a saucepan with river fish
Decorate with dill crumbs.
Here's another half-bunch I'll crumble -
And I will invite guests to my ear.

Wow, how great the ear smells!
Without dill ear - nonsense.


These fruits in a porcelain vase
They are going to Fedya. Marus and Vasya.
But fruit did not go to you -
Because you don't wash your hands.


Eat more bread -
Grow up to the sky.

Tsar's Appetite

At the chick-chick
Gilded barrels -
Treats wherever.
Just royal food!

The king was a noble eater -
I ate the whole chicken.


We eat blueberry jelly,
We have a great appetite,
And the mustache is blueberry
Very cute.


Schoolboy Shura Shumakov
I ate ten kebabs,
I added six to ten -
And now neither get up nor sit down.


The king dined with the king
AND green cabbage soup tasted.
Since then for the king
Sorrel cabbage soup is cooked.


So that the letter is a solid sign
To make it soft, do it like this:
You boil it, boil it
Two hours, or better three.

Since I didn't soften it -
Start over.


Dasha is crying bitterly.
- S-s-s-s.
Gave porridge, then.
- S-s-s-s.


To make the letter Soft sign
Make it hard, do it like this:
Throw a letter in the refrigerator
And frost, frost, frost.

Once it has not hardened -
Get down to business again.


There was a drama at the ball.
Noble cavalier
From under the nose of a noble lady
I took one eclair away.

And one more eclair,
And one more eclair,
And one more eclair -
So much for your gentleman.


A soup was cooked in a cast iron,
The old woman ate Yushka,
And for the arrival of the old man
Not a scoop was found.


Grease a frying pan with oil
Heat it lightly
Into a frying pan
Three yolks flail.

I love to cook











Swims right into your mouth!
















Strongman soup




A real strongman.








Oh yes soup! Ay, good!


















The most delicious - for dad and mom.


Cup's book




















You will grow to the ceiling.


Me and spoon








And my nourishing tummy!










Strengthens the teeth.






Let's eat delicious meat.






Let's eat from the heart!






Wash your hands quickly.






Little kids! "






Cook the pumpkin as soon as possible.





























Cheerful lunch




















We must eat and we must sleep!


For the girl who ate poorly




























































































Quickly into the crack under the bed. "







He fell asleep, and we are silent ...

(V. Stepanov)































He will come to you now. "

(V. Stepanov)

Doze and Yawn

They roamed the city


The nap ran













Yawn, yawn, yawn!

(C. Marshak)







Sleep, daughter, sweet!

(S. Marshak, from P. Voronko)

Evening song






























And don't be afraid of the gray wolf.


Zasypalkin book
















To our falling asleep ...














One two three four…


The moon hangs outside the window ...








For-sy-pai !!!

(I. Demyanov)

Don't rustle, mouse ...







And sleep in the crib!

(I. Demyanov)

At night a dream comes to us ...








Sleep, sleep, son!

(I. Demyanov)



























Need to sleep




The little one needs to sleep!














Do you sleep


















Sleep well and grow up!




























Modern lullaby














Will they turn on our Wi-fi again?




























































We brush our teeth














Let's go again in the evening!


Our little girls




















Just a beauty!


Who does not wash






It is not called in any way.


Kupashka's book




















Because it's clean!



















I have become chis-ta-me!


Strizhkina book








































And not a roar at all.


Quack ears





































































































































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