What algae do they eat. Kelp is a brown algae

24.07.2019 Restaurant notes

The family of marine algae includes not only the known kelp - species of seaweed will become known from the article, which are preferable for eating, we will find out. Of the edible algae, they are called green and red with brown, and we will get to know each type of these algae better.

species of seaweed

Let's start our acquaintance with brown algae - it is to this type of algae that the familiar kelp and algae, called wakame, belong. There are many minerals in the composition of these algae - they are mainly rich in iodine, magnesium and iron.

But brown algae are especially priced by the presence in them of a special substance pilfucose sulfate, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Many remember how in Soviet times it was possible to buy canned kelp for mere pennies - jars of kelp were an indispensable attribute of shop windows. True, not everyone gave preference to these canned foods, although with proper preparation they became tasty and were in great demand among students - cheap, nutritious and healthy. Although the benefits, still more can be obtained from dried kelp, where all the usefulness is preserved, in contrast to canned, or fresh seaweed.

True, the latter are available only to residents of the sea coast. Dried kelp can be purchased at pharmacies and simply poured with boiling water, and after swelling, season with garlic, onions, soy sauce and butter, in order to eat with pleasure - species of seaweed... Fresh seaweed is simply boiled in a considerable amount of salted water, for about seven minutes, and then, according to the well-known principle, the necessary ingredients are added and you can eat. As for the wakame, I have not seen it on sale. The inhabitants of the sea coasts collect it in underwater rocks, near underwater stones, most often during the spring-summer period. Wakame is famous for its huge mineral content with vitamins and a complete lack of fat.

In their taste and crisp structure, wakame resemble fresh vegetables, therefore wakame are in demand when cooking salads, soup, add wakame to stewed vegetables. True, I found information that there is still dried wakame seaweed on sale, which is prepared by softening them in hot water for twenty minutes. These are brown algae, and now let's talk about red algae.

Red algae include nori, which are known to lovers of sushi and rolls, births and kanten. The iodine content in the composition of these algae is simply fantastic, as well as vitamins - cyanocobalamin, or better known as B12, useful for the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. The protein and iron in red algae, almost as much as meat contains, is a great alternative for vegetarians. Many people know about the demand for nori in the cosmetic industry, and in home masks designed to refresh and rejuvenate women's skin - species of seaweed.

It is popular all over the world, the CIS countries with Russia were no exception, and they know more about nori as plates for sushi and rolls, because thin sheets of these algae are a necessary component of a large number of types of rolls and sushi. In addition to the presence of vitamins with minerals and protein in nori, a slightly smoky aftertaste with a deep oceanic accent is attractive. While nori can be chosen in reddish and green, the latter are more popular.

They are the most delicious, they are used with pleasure for making sushi and balls with the addition of rice, called onigiri. Finely chopped nori is added to soba, the original brown, long buckwheat noodles - the national dish of the Japanese. To give nori a crispy structure, the sheets are heated over an open fire, and if nori are used for rolls, sushi, then the sheet is pre-laid on a special mat so that the dull side is inside the rolls - species of seaweed.

Algae is a source of vitamins and microelements, especially rich in iodine, and therefore in conditions of total iodine deficiency in Russia, it is certainly useful for almost everyone. However, algae are a very diverse group of plants, which are united by the place of growth - water bodies. Algae differ in type, nutritional value, cooking method. People who traditionally eat seaweed can easily name dozens of varieties of these plants and methods of their preparation. Let's be realistic and talk only about kelp (seaweed) sold in Russian stores.

Dried kelp

Dried kelp is considered the most useful, since it retains almost all of its useful properties and can be stored for a long time without losing its valuable properties. But in order for it to really benefit the body, it must be used correctly.
1 way. Mix dry kelp with sea salt and dried dill, grind evenly (preferably in a mortar) and use, adding to ready-made dishes instead of ordinary salt. Method 2. Soak dry kelp for 6-10 hours in clean water. During this time, the seaweed will swell and increase in volume by 5-6 times. Then it should be boiled for 20 minutes, so that the algae become soft, but retain their shape. Then add salt, vegetable oil and use as a salad or warm as a garnish for fish.
Method 3. Seaweed for sushi - nori. They are sold as dried plates. They don't need to be cooked or soaked. Put the sushi filling on one sheet and carefully wrap it right before use.

Frozen kelp

There are two types: raw and boiled. The fundamental difference is that the first should be boiled after defrosting, and the second should not be boiled, you can immediately use it for cooking. After thawing, frozen kelp should be thoroughly rinsed to remove sand and excess salt (if used), and then add spices and oil to taste, or use as a side dish to fish or seafood.

Canned kelp

Most often, canned kelp is bought in our country. At the same time, the most valuable is the Far Eastern one in metal cans. She is natural wild. In addition to kelp, canned food usually contains only salt and water. But seaweed in plastic cans is, most often, Japanese seaweed, grown artificially and prepared using preservatives E400 - E406, E 421. If you bought seaweed in a metal can, then you need to add vegetable oil and salt with spices, since in its natural form you may not like it. In plastic containers, ready-made salads are most often sold, which are consumed immediately.

Wild or farmed kelp?

It is believed that kelp has the greatest value in the second year of its development. At this time, its leaves become large, fleshy and manage to accumulate all the useful substances. In the conditions of the accelerated pace of life, kelp began to grow artificially, in special sea gardens. In this case, the harvest is harvested annually, when the leaves reach the desired size. However, such seaweed, although it has the usual taste, practically does not contain useful substances. Unfortunately, this will not be written on the packaging of kelp.

In the store or "off hand"?

Seaweed is a plant that has the ability to "absorb" harmful substances. Therefore, if it grows in an ecologically unfavorable reservoir, then it becomes more harmful than useful. Therefore, it is best to buy seaweed from a seller who can provide documents for kelp and permission to sell it.

How much seaweed can you eat?

With kelp, the "the more the better" principle does not work. Properly grown and cooked seaweed contains a lot of iodine, and therefore should not be consumed in quantities greater than 250 grams per week.

Edible seaweed has been used in oriental cooking for many centuries, but it is extremely rare in the daily diet of Russians. This is largely due to the culture of food, and in some cases - to a lack of information. Let's see what types of algae can be easily bought in our country and how they can be useful.

Despite the fact that scientists identify more than thirty thousand species of freshwater and seaweed, no more than thirty are eaten. In cooking, they are divided into red ones, which include nori, rhodimina and carrageenan, brown ones - including arame, kombu, hijiki and wakame - and green ones: monostroma, ulwa, spirulina and umi budo. We propose to talk about the most popular types of seaweed in Japan, Korea and China: nori, hijiki and wakame.


The same nori leaves, from which plates for sushi, rolls and onigiri are prepared, belong to the porphyry genus. Originally, the term nori had a broad meaning. This concept included most of the edible algae, including hijiki. The first mention of nori is found in the chronicles of the 8th century. Initially, they were a paste, but in the form we are used to, they appeared only in the Edo period.

Despite the fact that all algae are enriched with iodine, in nori its content is much lower, which, in turn, reduces the risk of an excess of iodine in the body. Nori is believed to contain either a bioavailable form of vitamin B12 or analogs of cyanocobalamin, which are capable of inhibiting the work of enzymes dependent on vitamin B12. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether this vitamin is absorbed enough by a person. Nori seaweed is also enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, B12 and D, and the composition of minerals, in addition to iodine, includes iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Despite the popular belief, the calorie content of nori is quite high: about 349 kcal per 100 grams of the product, and 46.1 g, 0.1 g and 41.0 g of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively. When buying nori sheets for cooking, consider the variety. In total, they are distinguished by three: A, B and C. The best, A, does not break when twisted. B and C are slightly different in color and may crumble.


Wakame belongs to a type of brown algae from the genus Undaria. They are commonly used in salads and have a slightly sweet flavor. These algae are most common in Japan and Korea. Since the 1960s, thanks to the popularity of macrobiotics, they have become famous in the United States and Europe. The main dishes in which wakame can be found are miso soup, as well as tofu salads.

In Korea, there is an interesting tradition associated with wakame, or, as they are called there, miyok. Because of the calcium and iodine content, young mothers consume the seaweed as a soup. It is customary to eat this soup on a birthday as a reminder of the first meal that the mother passed on to the child through milk. However, according to studies in the United States, wakame does not even contain the daily requirement of calcium and iodine, which makes them less indispensable.

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The beneficial properties of wakame include the presence of vitamin A, which promotes collagen production. In addition, the algae contains vitamins E, K, ascorbic and folic acid, as well as a large number of minerals. Wakame is a low-calorie food, and due to the presence of fucoxanthin, it is believed that these algae help burn fat. As a rule, wakame are sold dried, so it is recommended to soak them in warm water for 15–20 minutes before cooking.


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Hijiki, or brown algae, lives in shallows near rocks and stones on the Pacific coast and in the southern Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan. Only young leaves are eaten. In place of the cut, new ones grow, thus, the "crop" can be harvested up to seven years.

Fresh leaves have a very pungent taste, and they go on sale after they have been boiled and dried in the sun. Therefore, hijiki, like wakame, should be soaked before cooking. Then they are washed and stewed or boiled for another half hour. Hijiki go well with seafood and fish. They are added to sushi rice and various sauces.

Hijiki's list of nutrients includes magnesium, potassium, fiber and fucoxanthin, as well as vitamin A. According to some studies, they contain five times more calcium than milk. These algae also have “pitfalls”. Hijiki contains inorganic arsenic, which contributes to anemia and liver and stomach problems. In some countries, such as Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand, experts advise to stop eating this seaweed. In turn, studies by the Japanese Ministry of Health showed that to exceed the daily dose of arsenic, you need to eat more than 4.7 grams of hijiki, while the Japanese are limited to only 0.9 grams per day.

Algae is a relatively young health product. It is interesting that they began to be actively used only half a century ago. Nowadays, the high biological activity of marine flora and a high concentration of substances necessary for humans have been scientifically proven.

People who regularly consume seaweed are energetic and have a high level of intelligence. They age more slowly than others and get sick much less often.

Despite the fact that each individual species of algae has a unique chemical composition, the representatives of the edible marine flora also have common features that determine their nutritional and dietary value.

So, seaweed contains:

  • vitamins (A, group B, including vitamin B5, or panthenol, C, D, K, or menadione, PP, M, or folic acid);
  • carotenoids;
  • lipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • polysaccharides (alginic acid, glucans, pectins, sulfated galactans, fucoidans, lignins - an excellent source of dietary fiber);
  • macroelements and microelements (here the undisputed record holder is iodine, the concentration of which averages 800-1000 mg / kg);
  • chlorophyll derivatives;
  • plant enzymes;
  • plant sterols;
  • phenolic compounds.

Since seaweed has a low calorie content, it is rightfully considered a valuable dietary product. Therefore, eat salads with sea flavors more often and wash them down with green tea. The algae will swell in the stomach and relieve hunger.

Calorie content


Seaweed algae have an almost endless list of beneficial properties due to the richest chemical composition.

  1. This product received anticarcinogenic properties due to the content of alginates, which selectively bind and remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, etc. from the body. And alginic acid salts are radioprotectors, protectors from the harmful effects of radiation. For these reasons, seaweed (kelp) is an excellent prophylactic against cancer and leukemia.
  2. The antimutagenic activity of algae can be explained by plant pigments such as lutein, chlorophyll and p-carotene. Many eminent scientists are working on the mechanisms of action of these pigments today.
  3. Antioxidant properties are provided by an extensive complex of vitamins that slow down the aging process.
  4. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the marine flora "presented" biologically active components under the general name of immunocorrectors. They affect the activity of T-lymphocytes and macrophages, are involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins-A. But it is the deficit of the latter in the body that researchers call the main cause of chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system with disorders in the mucous membranes.
  5. The synthesis of prostaglandins is provided by polyunsaturated fatty acids of seaweed, some of which are not produced in the body. Prostaglandins are a hormone-like substance found in all tissues (for example, in the walls of blood vessels) that has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and intestines. Hence the regulation of blood pressure, assistance in fertilization and childbirth. It is no coincidence that some prostaglandins are used in obstetric practice to regulate contractions.
  6. The prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes with the intake of brown algae became possible due to the high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids with scientifically proven lipid-lowering properties.

Edible species

Science knows more than 1000 species of seaweed, of which not all are eaten. And the point here is not at all in their possible toxicity. Only freshwater algae can be seriously poisoned. Nevertheless, only a few algae have become firmly established in the human diet.

What algae are most actively used today in cooking and pharmacology (for the production of food additives)?

Kelp, or seaweed

It belongs to brown algae, an excellent source of iodine (in a rare organic form), suitable for the treatment of insufficient thyroid function, prevention of endemic goiter, stimulation of metabolism, helps with salt deposition, radiation exposure, sclerosis, obesity (contains an enzyme that breaks down fats).

In terms of vitamin C concentration, seaweed can compete on an equal footing with citrus fruits.

Contraindications: you should not eat kelp for tuberculosis and kidney disease (including pyelonephritis).

You can get the greatest benefit from fresh kelp, since the addition of vinegar during the preservation and production of salads deprives the algae of an impressive part of its valuable properties. Also, be sure to read about the popular in the East variety of kelp, brown seaweed.

Fucus vesiculosus

It belongs to brown algae, it is known for its high content of vitamin A (10 g of dried product versus 100 g of carrots), vitamin D (10 g versus 10 kg of apricots), iron (10 g versus 1 kg of spinach) and, of course, iodine (10 g versus 11 kg of cod).

This type of seaweed has a diuretic effect, removes toxins, stimulates blood circulation, and normalizes mineral metabolism. They are chemically identical to human blood plasma.

Fucoidin, a substance discovered by scientists in, has immunomodulatory, antitumor and antiviral activity, including against HIV infection.


Refers to green algae, is very rich in easily digestible proteins (100 g of powdery product accounts for 60-70 g of protein). This is three times the protein value of soybeans. Don't forget about 18 different amino acids, each of which is needed for a healthy, fulfilling life. Moreover, the body cannot synthesize 8 amino acids from this list.

It is considered one of the most popular edible seaweed. It is sad that only residents of the African coast of Lake Chad and Mexicans from Texcoco, the territory of natural growth of spirulina, can afford it fresh. The rest have to be content with dietary supplements and semi-finished products.

The nutritional value of this green alga is so great that they learned to breed it in artificial conditions (in huge vats with warm, carbonated water) in France and Mexico.

Ulwa, or sea salad

Refers to green algae, has long been used for food by the inhabitants of Ireland, Japan, France, China, Scandinavia. Sea salad is high in iron, nutritional proteins and fiber.


Refers to red algae, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. This type of seaweed can be recommended for cores as a dietary supplement to food. Porphyry is also rich in vitamins A, B12 and D.


Red coral algae is rich in mineral composition (it contains more than 30 minerals), contains high doses of magnesium, and especially iron.

For the prevention and improvement of the body, the recommended daily dose of algae is 20 g for a fresh, freshly frozen or dry pressed product (asaka, nori, etc.).

Attention! Anyone with kidney or thyroid problems should consult their doctor before introducing seaweed into their diet on a regular basis.

To maintain health, a person begins not only to follow the daily regimen, but also to eat right. Enriching your diet with seafood, maintaining the whole body and improving the appearance. One of the richest sources of vitamins, mineral salts and nutrients, according to consumer reviews, is seaweed.

The nutritional value

The plant fauna of the sea has a beneficial effect on the general condition, influencing the body in different ways. Each type has:

  • Unique properties;
  • Universal composition;
  • Nutritional value.

What are the benefits of seaweed. Due to its intrinsic qualities, the product is considered:

  • Diet. Suitable for use when losing weight, fasting, or a poor diet. The calorie content of the product is low;
  • Saturated. Each species is rich in a high level of nutrients, vitamins, minerals;
  • Safe. Can be eaten by children from the age of five;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Healing. Correct use heals the body, prevents the development of vitamin deficiency;
  • Easy to digest.

Chemical composition and caloric content of different algae

The marine fauna contains a large number of various elements, the aggregate structure of which resembles the structure of human blood plasma.

The chemical composition contains a high level:

  • Proteins, carbohydrates. There are no fats;
  • Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D3, PP, M;
  • Mineral compounds. Especially a lot of fluorine, iodine, calcium. High level: molybdenum, silicon, calcium, magnesium. Vanadium, promoting;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Secondary formations of chlorophylls;
  • Phenols;
  • Lignins;
  • Polyunsaturated fat;
  • Pectins;
  • Plant-type enzymes;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Starch;
  • dextrins;
  • Polysaccharides;
  • Dietary fiber and fiber;
  • Ash.

Suitable for complex treatment, with the development of special schemes.

Algal plants are low in calories. Most of all kcal is in nori, about three hundred and fifty per hundred grams of product, less - in ulva - twenty.


The unique composition, dietary characteristics, nutritional value allow algae to have a beneficial effect on the body. Useful for men, women, children.

The healing qualities of the marine fauna are manifested in:

  • Strengthening and enhancing immunity. Raises the activity of lymphocytes, increases the synthesis of interferons;
  • Maintaining the performance of the nervous system;
  • Eliminate the effects of free radicals;
  • Improving brain activity;
  • Increasing energy balance, tone;
  • Slowing down the signs of aging of the skin of the face, body;
  • Removal of slags, carcinogens, radionuclide compounds, toxic substances;
  • Normalization of the functions of the respiratory system, the digestive tract system;
  • Preventive properties against cancer, leukemia, healthy cell mutation;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;
  • Participation in the production of prostaglandins, supporting: fertilization, labor;
  • Promote blood pressure regulation;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus.

Applied in:

  • Cooking as a flavoring agent; as a thickener;
  • For the production of lush cosmetics;
  • In veterinary medicine - yeast with algae for different breeds of animals (Labradors);
  • In the manufacture of medicines;
  • Textile, pulp and paper industry;
  • Agricultural needs.

Benefits and harms:

The positive qualities of sea food will manifest themselves with systematic use. But besides the medicinal properties, the product can harm health.Such a situation can arise in the case of:

  • The origin of algae from unfavorable, polluted areas. The ability to accumulate elements can provoke the appearance of toxic substances in the structure;
  • Violations of processing, freezing, storage on land.

Types of edible algae

There are many species in nature, but only a few, obtained in sea salt water, are used for food without harm to health. Moreover, each representative has its own level of therapeutic effect.

Kelp, or seaweed

One of the most widely used brown algae. Has a high salt level:

  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc.

Constant use allows:

  • Normalize the performance of the thyroid gland;
  • Remove bad lipoproteins;
  • Regulate blood cholesterol;
  • Prevent the development of diabetes;
  • Actively fights obesity;
  • Stimulate metabolic processes;
  • Remove excess salt;
  • Reduces the risk of cancer cell formation.

Fucus vesiculosus

A type of vegetation inhabiting the coastal zone in the northern latitudes of the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. what are the benefits of algae

The composition includes a large number of compounds of iron, iodine,. Calciferol, retinol.

The main properties are:

  • Stimulation of blood flow functions;
  • Mineral metabolism support;
  • Cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Antivirus.

Promotes the saturation of bone tissue with mineral salts.

It is used in the complex therapy of HIV infection.


An algal plant of the blue-green family that lives in a highly alkaline environment. Possesses the most useful chemical composition. It has eighteen types of amino acids, due to which it is used in:

  • Pharmaceutical industry - for the manufacture of dietary supplements;
  • Cosmetology - creams, masks, skin balms,
  • Quality food in the form of frozen convenience foods.

Ulwa, or sea salad

The green representative of the fauna of the Black Sea. Contains a large amount of protein, iron salts and vegetable fiber. It is consumed as food.


Nori is one of the most common red marine plants.

The chemical composition includes a macroelement - vanadium, vitamin D3, retinol, B12. Normalizes cardiovascular activity, stabilizes cholesterol levels.

Simplest recipe: Porphyry caviar with scallop.


A kind of red coral plants. The benefits of algae include a high level of mineral salts, useful trace elements. Especially iron and magnesium. It is used to prevent many diseases, including blood.


Use with iodine intolerance, seafood allergies is limited. Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You can buy dried seaweed at the pharmacy. There are many suggestions on the sites. Prices depend on quality and country of origin.