Step-by-step recipe for cooking rice cutlets.

03.08.2019 Lean dishes

Ruddy rice cutlets - a break in the template, as it is now fashionable to say, for avid meat eaters. To traditional meatballs made from juicy minced meat, fried flat cakes made from boiled rice are only similar in appearance. There is no meat in them. At least my recipe with a photo of this ingredient does not suggest. Well, it is not necessary! After all, the absence of animal protein does not make the dish better or worse. cutlets are tasty and nutritious on their own. So let's cook!

Rice cutlets are prepared from such products:

How to cook rice cutlets (step by step recipe with photos):

Rinse well. Fill it and mix until the water becomes clear. Then pour the cereal into a slow cooker or pan. Pour in cold purified water. The ratio of rice to water is 1 to 2. Pour a little salt. If you are going to cook a rice base for cutlets in a slow cooker, set the appropriate mode ("Rice", "Porridge", "Grain"). And run the program. Cooking rice in a pan is not much more difficult. Place the pot on low heat. Cook under a closed lid for 15-20 minutes. Ready-made base for cutlets should not be too friable. But it does not need to be viscous. It is better to take round grain rice or rice for sushi. Although from long-grain cereals everything will turn out without problems.

Remove boiled rice from the stove. Cool. You do not need to refuel anything.

Peel the garlic clove. And chop finely. Or use a procedure that is more gentle for hands, a knife and a cutting board - pass through a press.

Rinse a bunch of fresh herbs. Dry. Grind with a knife. Fennel, parsley or spring onions will do. And you can take a little of everything.

Finely chop the small onion, peeling. If there is no small onion, take half the middle head.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan. Preheat. Pour chopped onion. Toast.

Prick some walnuts. Take out the cores. Chop them lightly. You should get 2-3 tablespoons of nuts.

Add the greens and garlic to the cooled rice. Beat the eggs. Add the fried onion and nuts. Salt, pepper. Add the remaining ground spices.

Mix well. It should be not too viscous mass. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for half an hour or an hour. The base of rice will become more dense and convenient for the formation of cutlets.

Pour crushed crackers or wheat flour into a flat plate. With your hands dipped in water, take some “minced” rice and form cutlets. Roll them on both sides.

Put a few in hot oil.

Fry rice cutlets on both sides for 2-3 minutes. About when you need to flip, you will learn by a golden crust. Flip gently.

To remove the oil that has absorbed into the rice cutlets during frying, put them not on a plate, but on several layers of paper towels. After removing excess fat, put the patties on a plate and decorate the table with them. As for the "escort". Salad, not burdened with mayonnaise or other high-calorie dressings or ingredients. Sauce. Sour cream, cream or tomato. But not mayonnaise. Personally, I took the rice cutlets in my menu as a side dish to baked pork. But I do not impose my culinary point of view on you.

What can be added to rice cutlets to make them even more delicious:

  • hard cheese. For a serving, which is indicated in the main recipe, you will need about 50 grams of your favorite cheese. Rub it on a coarse grater. Or cut into small cubes. And add to the minced rice along with the other ingredients.
  • canned fish in oil or own juice. Take 3-4 tablespoons of canned fish. Carefully remove the bones. Mash with a fork into a homogeneous mass. Add to boiled rice with other prepared foods.
  • mushrooms. Ordinary champignons will do. Take 5-6 medium-sized mushrooms. Remove the peel. Rinse. Chop into a small cube and fry in vegetable oil along with onions.
  • smoked chicken or brisket. Smoked meats will make the taste of rice cutlets more piquant and interesting. Take a small piece of meat (grams 50-70). Finely chop it. You can add to the rice base for cutlets in this form. And you can brown with a onion.

The list goes on. But my fantasy seems to have run out. And I shamefully run away, leaving you alone with a recipe for rice cutlets with photos.

Enjoy your meal!

Sometimes it happens that there is a desire to diversify your menu with something new, but at the same time you do not want to go to the store for shopping and stand for a long time at the stove. What can be done in this case? Look in the fridge, suddenly you got rice from last night’s dinner there. Then the person does not need to think. Or boil porridge from this cereal. It takes only 15-20 minutes, and you can start cooking rice patties. And if you are fasting, then the best dishes simply can not be found.

Simple rice cutlet recipe

We bring to your attention one of the easiest ways to prepare this lean meal. The following components will be needed: round rice - one glass, vegetable oil - four tablespoons, white crackers - half a glass. And in order to make a super dish, make a sauce. Its components: dry mushrooms - four pieces, one onion, vegetable oil - two spoons, flour - one spoon, seedless raisins - one glass, almonds - 100 grams, lemon juice and granulated sugar. Well, now we are preparing rice cutlets. The recipe is quite simple. Boil rice in salted water until cooked. We crush it, pour one spoonful of vegetable oil and wait until it cools.

We roll cutlets out of rice and roll them in breadcrumbs. In a heated frying pan, fry on both sides to a bright golden crust. We make the sauce, for which we first cook the mushroom broth. We peel the onions, chop finely and fry in a pan with flour and butter. Then add a glass of broth, mix well and boil. Meanwhile, pour raisins and almonds with boiling water. After a couple of minutes, drain the water - and into the sauce. Add lemon juice, salt, sugar. After cooling, pour the patties with sauce.

Appetizing Rice Cutlets Recipe

Ingredients: two full glasses of rice, two eggs, one onion, two tablespoons (top) of flour, two potatoes, four tablespoons of sour cream, a bunch of green onions, ground black pepper, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, salt. Cooking rice cutlets, lean. Cook rice. We clean, wash, chop onion and fry it.

Mix with cooked rice. Beat the eggs slightly, then mix with the resulting mass. Pepper, salt, add flour and mix again. After that we form small cutlets, roll them thoroughly in breadcrumbs and fry them in vegetable oil in a heated frying pan until golden brown.

The final stage: put a layer of raw potatoes on the bottom of the pan, cutlets on the top, pour sour cream. Be sure to close the lid and simmer for about ten minutes. Rice cutlets are ready, sprinkle them with green onions and serve.

Cheese and rice cutlets recipe

This dish is quick to prepare, light and very tasty. For him we need two glasses of rice, 160 grams of hard cheese, two eggs, two tablespoons of wheat flour, one medium-sized onion, half a teaspoon of curry, three tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, black pepper, salt. Cooking rice cutlets with cheese. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry it with constant stirring on one tablespoon of oil.

Cook rice, mix with onions, eggs, previously beaten, pepper, salt, cheese, grated on a fine grater, curry and flour. After that we form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. We put in a heated skillet with vegetable oil and fry until a beautiful golden crust is formed. With such delicious cutlets, no sauce is needed.

Another recipe for rice and cheese cutlets

Necessary components: rice - half a glass, water - three glasses, hard cheese - 30 grams, eggs - two pieces, one onion, margarine - two spoons, dill - one bunch, ground black pepper, salt, vegetable oil or margarine for frying and ground crackers. Now consider the recipe for how to cook rice patties.

We sort through the cereal, wash it several times, wait until the water has completely drained, pour it into the salted boiling water and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Then put in a bowl and cool. After that, we drive eggs into cold rice, add the onion, previously frying it, pepper, grated cheese, dill, finely chopped, mix everything thoroughly. We form rice cutlets, bread crumbs and fry on margarine in a heated skillet. Serving is recommended with a salad of vegetables or with dill or mushroom sauce.

The recipe for fragrant and tender rice cutlets

We will share with you another recipe for how to cook rice cutlets tasty and interesting. By adding a small amount of cheese, the dish is fragrant and tender. You can make it simple and fast. It is clear that there should not be any special differences in the preparation of such a simple meal, but they still exist.

So, you still have unused boiled rice, let's use it to diversify our lean menu. In order to fry four servings, we will need such products: two mills of boiled rice, 100 grams of hard cheese, one and a half tablespoons of sour cream, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, ground black pepper and turmeric.

Cooking process

As already mentioned, rice cutlets according to this recipe are made not only simple, but also very quickly, which in some situations is very important. So, prepare the minced rice. We mix the cereal, already boiled, with hard cheese, rubbing it on a fine grater. Pepper, to give color, put half a teaspoon of turmeric, sour cream and mix as thoroughly as possible. Everything, the mince is ready. Thanks to the addition of grated cheese, the patties will not break up. If you notice, there is no salt in the list of ingredients. It is not recommended to use it, since the salty flavor already has cheese, and you cooked rice in salted water.

Next, we form cutlets from minced meat and roll them well in breadcrumbs. We heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil into it and fry our semi-finished products from both sides. No more than two to three minutes on each side and over high heat. And if you fry for a long time, then the cheese in the patties can melt beyond measure, and they will blur. The finished dish is obtained with a delicate aroma, cheese flavor and a very delicate texture. In this case, only ten minutes will be spent. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook delicious meatballs

Article about rice cutlets. About how to cook them, what they are better than meat and what varieties are. There is a step by step recipe and tips.

1 h

185 kcal

5/5 (2)

Many people had such that there was a little rice porridge after dinner. And you don’t know what to do with it: it’s a pity to throw it away, and you don’t want to leave it. But there is one way out - to make something more tasty from it, for example cutlets with rice. This is a quick and tasty option, how to prevent the abyss of products and also feed the family something unusual. I myself found this recipe when I thought about what to do with the remnants of dinner.

Rice cutlets are a good option for those who follow a strict medical diet or keep a fast. Such a dish will appeal to vegetarians and vegans, as it does not contain meat, but it is very tasty and satisfying. And most importantly, absolutely not difficult to prepare. There are a lot of recipes for rice cutlets.

Did you know? Rice cutlets can be made not only salty, but also sweet. From this they will not lose their taste at all.

I will share with you my favorite recipe for rice cutlets stuffed with mushrooms. It turns out juicy cutlets no worse than minced meat, but much cheaper.

Kitchen appliances and utensils:  plate, spoon, knife and frying pan for frying.


I like to make rice cutlets with mushrooms, so the recipe will be with such a filling. To do this, you will need:

How to choose the right ingredients

You can choose the products to your taste or stick to my recommendations, but in any case it will turn out well. For rice cutlets, I take:

  • Mushrooms, usually champignons, because they are tasty, are usually found in supermarkets and are inexpensive.
  • Rice is long grain, as it is better to mold better.
  • Cream 10% fat.
  • Odorless vegetable oil so that the whole apartment does not smell when frying.
  • From spices black pepper and a special seasoning for mushrooms. If it is not, then you can add paprika, hops, suneli and others that you like.

Cooking process

Cutlet recipe video

And now you can watch a video with the same recipe to clarify some details and see with your own eyes what cutlets are obtained. This video really helped me sometime.

I have a couple of trump cards hidden in my sleeve that will help you cook easier and tastier:

  • When you start making cutlets, then the rice should not be cold, but still slightly warm to keep in shape, but at the same time not to stick very much.
  • So that cutlets do not stick to your hands, you can gently moisten your hands in cold water.
  • You can add a tiny piece of butter and greens to the filling to make it even juicier. Just do not put too big a piece so as not to interrupt the taste of mushrooms.

What are these cutlets served with?

Rice cutlets themselves are very satisfying, as they include both a side dish and a main dish, so you can serve them as a full dinner. But if it seems to you that this is not enough, then you can add a side dish of vegetables, for example, asparagus beans. Or serve them some salad.

How to cook juicy meatballs? Probably, this question is often asked not only by young housewives, but also experienced in culinary skills. In fact, it is very simple to achieve the juiciness of cutlets and this can be done using some simple methods. You can add lard, grated fresh potatoes, cheese, butter, 2-3 tablespoons of ice water or milk to the minced meat. Often I cook cutlets according to different recipes to diversify the menu.

Often I replace the loaf with boiled rice. Rice, as well as grated raw potatoes, is ideal for cooking meatballs from various minced meat. Due to the presence of starches in large quantities, rice remarkably retains moisture, cutlet juice during frying will remain inside the cutlets themselves, and not stand out. Pork cutlets with rice  get juicy inside and fry outside. In addition, this recipe can be safely attributed to economical and less high-calorie than the classic recipe for cutlets.

This recipe is very similar to the recipe, but still there are some differences between them. Hedgehogs, like any other types of meatballs, are always cooked with gravy, while meatballs are served and cooked without it. And the percentage of minced meat in cutlets is always much higher than in meatballs.


  • Eggs - 1 pc.,
  • Minced pork - 800 gr.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Rice - 100 gr.,
  • Salt and spices to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Juicy pork chop with rice - recipe

Since rice is needed to cook pork cutlets, it must be boiled in salted water until tender. Fold the finished rice in a colander and rinse with cold water. Peel and grate the onion on a fine grater. Transfer onion puree to a bowl with minced meat. If you are used to adding a little garlic to cutlets, then put it.

Beat the egg.

Pour in the salt and spices you like. Only black pepper can be added.

Add last boiled rice.

Knead the minced meat well. In order to keep the cutlets better and not break up, it is advisable to beat the mince with your hands on the bottom of the bowl. During this procedure, it is perfectly filled with air and cutlets are obtained high and airy.

Moisten hands with water or grease with vegetable oil. Thanks to this procedure, the stuffing will not stick to your hands. Blind the cutlets. Put the finished patties in a hot pan.

Fry on each side for 3-4 minutes. It is best to fry them over moderate heat so that they are well-fried, not only outside but also inside. You can pour a little water into the pan and extinguish them under a closed lid.

Pork cutlets with rice. A photo

Today we are preparing a new dish - lean rice cutlets. This recipe is great for thrifty and economical housewives, because you can use the boiled rice left over from the evening for it. I will say right away that I made cutlets without adding potatoes, which I regretted later.

During frying in a pan, they strove to break all the time, so about three medium-sized boiled potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, should be added to the minced meat. As for the taste, cutlets turned out to be excellent - tender, juicy and aromatic. Thanks to rice, they are quite satisfying and nutritious.


rice groats 1 cup 250 g

onions 1 head

1 medium-sized carrot

green onion small bunch

fresh parsley 2-3 sprigs

fine salt pinch

hot black pepper

dried garlic, ground 0.5 tsp

breadcrumbs 4 tbsp. l

refined vegetable oil 150 ml

Servings Per Container: 8   Cooking time: 60 minutes


    Step 1: Cook rice grits until cooked

    For this recipe, it is better to use those rice varieties that are well-digested and sticky after cooking (round-grain or "Jasmine"). Then the finished products will keep their shape well and will not fall apart during cooking.

    Thoroughly rinse rice cereal under cold running water. To make the rice more sticky, we will not rinse the cereal for too long. Pour the washed rice into a medium-sized pot (preferably with a thick bottom) and fill it with two glasses of purified cold salted water (500 ml).

    Having covered the dishes with a lid, we will cook the cereal until cooked over low heat. Then we remove the rice from the stove, transfer it to a deep bowl and let it cool so that it becomes warm.

    Step 2: chop the vegetables

    According to the recipe, peel the onion head and cut into a small cube. Wash the carrots and gently peel them with a peeler. Rub it on a grater with medium-sized holes so that the pieces are not very large. Since my carrots are very large, I used about two-thirds of the grated vegetables, and froze the rest for soup.

    Step 3: Strain vegetables in vegetable oil

    Pour about three tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan (cast iron or non-stick). For cooking lean rice cutlets, I used odorless refined sunflower oil. Olive or corn is also suitable. Let's wait until it heats up. First, put the chopped white onion in the pan and let it fry a little over low heat so that it does not crunch in the finished cutlets. Then add grated carrots to it and continue to pass the vegetables together until soft. Sometimes we will stir the ingredients so that they cook evenly.

    Turn off the heat and let the vegetables cool in a pan.

    Step 4: Mix rice with herbs and aromatic spices

    Season boiled rice with freshly ground black pepper and dried garlic to taste to add a spicy touch to ready-made lean rice cutlets.

    Wash green onions and parsley. Let us dry the greens from moisture using paper towels. Cut the feathers of green onions into thin rings, finely chop the parsley. Add the prepared ingredients to the bowl with rice, as indicated in the recipe.

    Step 5: Add Steamed Vegetables To The Rest Of The Ingredients

    When the onions and carrots have cooled slightly, add them to the bowl with boiled rice and herbs.

    Salt the mixture a little and mix it to a homogeneous consistency.

    Step 6: Forming Lent Rice Cutlets

    From the resulting mass we will form small oval cutlets. To make the cutlets more convenient to turn over, do not make them too large. Roll each rice patty in breadcrumbs. Thanks to this, cutlets will be better able to keep in shape and acquire a beautiful golden crust after frying.

    If the rice for the recipe turned out to be sticky and the products do not hold well, add three grated boiled potatoes to the minced meat. They will help to fasten rice mince and cutlets during frying will not fall apart. If you are not fasting, you can add one chicken egg to the stuffing.

    Step 7: Fry Lent Rice Cutlets in Butter

    Pour vegetable oil into a clean pan. When it warms up properly, we gently put our cutlets in it. Fry them on medium heat on both sides, so that they get a delicious crust. It is not necessary to fry the products for a long time, as they are made from ready-made minced meat, all the ingredients of which underwent preliminary heat treatment.

    Put the prepared rice patties on a plate with paper towels to remove unnecessary fat.

    Step 8: Submission

    We will serve the finished dish warm with fresh vegetables. It is convenient to take cutlets with you, they are well stored in the refrigerator and very tasty even when cold. In addition to cutlets, you can serve hot tomato sauce, homemade adjika or sour cream, if you do not stick to fasting.

    Enjoy your meal!