Apricot juice through a juicer for the winter. Apricot Juice Pulp Recipe - Rico

03.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Apricot is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy fruit. It carries a lot of valuable substances: carotene, vitamins B1, P, PP, iron, iodine, potassium, pectin, tannins, natural fructose, and many others. Other apricot juice has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular, digestive, circulatory, excretory systems and slows down the aging process. Today we will consider what is the use of the drink, its recipe and tell you how to cook it at home.

What is useful apricot juice

The rich chemical composition of fruits gives apricot juice a powerful healing power. Organic matter and fiber cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from toxic substances. Pectin removes excess cholesterol and excess fluid from the body. Tannins improve intestinal microflora. And provitamin A (carotene), which is abundant in apricots, strengthens bone tissues and the mucous membrane, participates in the formation of new cells, improves vision and the condition of teeth.

It is proved that apricot juice prepared at home:

  • Increases physical and mental performance.
  • Improves memory, metabolism and bowel function.
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  • Relieves the symptoms of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias and anemia.
  • Due to its high carotene content, it slows down the aging process.
  • Acts as an effective natural antibiotic.
  • Helps with vitamin deficiency and thyroid disease.
  • Tones up the whole body.
  • Gives vessels elasticity.
  • It fights insomnia, sleep disturbances and stress.

Attention! Fresh apricot juice is effective in controlling extra pounds. Therefore, it is advisable to include it in dietary diets and drink during fasting days.

Application in cosmetology

Apricot nectar, in addition to medication, also has cosmetological functions. It is often included in various face masks, used as a tonic and moisturizer. Juice-based compresses heal sunburns, heal wounds, eliminate acne and irritations, and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Home recipe

Rinse, undamaged fruits, rinse, dry, break into two halves and remove the seeds. Process in a blender until smooth. It is customary to drink apricot juice with pulp, so filtering it is optional. In addition, its pulp contains valuable dietary fiber necessary for the body. Sugar can not be added to the drink - it is already quite sweet. To get apricot nectar without pulp, simply strain it through a sieve or doubled gauze.

Tip. Bones can also be used - fry peeled nucleoli in a pan (without oil) and drink in combination with juice. The drink will get a completely new sound.

Apricot juice, with or without pulp, can be harvested for the winter. True, in this case it will be less useful, since it loses some of the valuable substances during processing.

Winter recipe

To make apricot juice for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh apricot juice (with pulp) - 3 l;
  • juice of one or two lemons;
  • sugar (optional) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix fresh apricot juice with lemon and bring to a boil with added sugar.
  2. Hold on low heat for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour hot into sterilized jars and cover with lids.
  4. Banks should be turned over and covered with a warm blanket until completely cooled.

This recipe is classic, instead of apricot juice, you can prepare any other.

Apricot harvesting is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency and depression, which are fierce in the winter. Store jars in a cool, dry place. Before use, a concentrated drink can be diluted with boiled water.

How to drink

The recipe considered by us, of course, is of great benefit to the body, but the abuse of juice is fraught with unpleasant consequences for health.

Attention! The daily norm of the drink is from 100 to 1000 ml. In this case, one should take into account the weight and state of human health.

Juice should begin with 2-3 tbsp. spoons, gradually increasing the proportions and, not forgetting to monitor the reaction of the body. If you prefer freshly squeezed apricot juice, drink it immediately after preparation. It is not recommended to store nectar in the refrigerator - it will lose all its healing qualities.

Attention! Apricot juice should not be drunk on an empty stomach, and also be paired with meat and indigestible dishes.

Harm and contraindications

Apricot nectar is forbidden to receive:

  • with diabetes, since fruits contain a large amount of sucrose;
  • with problems with the thyroid gland;
  • with liver diseases (especially with hepatitis);
  • with individual intolerance.

People with cardiac arrhythmias should use apricot juice with great care.

Apricot nectar is a very useful product that must be included in your diet. This medicine with a triple effect: healing, cosmetic and fat-burning.

Summer pleased with the apricot crop? Need to prepare the juice! For a fragrant drink you need very little: ripe fruits and a good mood. Here you can peep a suitable recipe for apricot juice for the winter.

Apricot juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

The easiest way to extract juice is with a juicer. It can be manual, electric or steam. You can also make a drink by rubbing the cooked fruit. Often the drink is diluted with water. Sugar, citric acid, various aromatic additives can be added to it. Apricot juice is often prepared with the addition of other fruits, for example, apples, citruses.

Sterility is our everything!

Since the juice is cooked, the apricots do not need to be dried after washing. But after cooking, sterility is required. It is not allowed to get into the drink raw water, specks and other garbage. Pour juice only in clean and dry cans.

How can sterilize containers:

Over steam;

In the oven;

In the microwave.

Grandmothers used to fry cans in the sun, but today this method has lost its relevance. Pour the drink only in a boiling state. Tighten with clean, preferably sterile lids. A special key is used. It is necessary to cool the workpiece upside down, then the banks are returned to their natural position.

Apricot juice for the winter with pulp

An ancient recipe for apricot juice for the winter, which is prepared without special appliances. All you need is an enameled pan, colander or sieve. The number of fruits is arbitrary. Sugar is added to the drink as desired.




1. Rinse the apricots, sort them into halves. You do not need to dry fruits. We immediately discard the bones.

2. We put the halves in a large pan, necessarily enameled. If you cook the workpiece in an aluminum bowl, then it will have an ugly shade.

3. Now fill the water. It needs so much that the liquid is equal to the fruit, that is, it reaches their level.

4. Turn on the stove and start cooking. You can immediately make a big fire.

5. As soon as the foam begins to appear, immediately remove. In juice, it is useless.

6. Boil the fruit until soft. As soon as the apricots begin to disintegrate, remove from heat. Cool the brew.

7. Drain the compote through a colander, set aside the broth for a while.

8. We wipe boiled fruits through a small colander, but preferably through a sieve. Get rid of the skins.

9. Delicate mashed potatoes, which came out during wiping, connect with a decoction, stir and put on the stove again.

10. Now add sugar to taste.

11. Let the juice boil for about five minutes, remove the foam. Pour the drink into sterile cans, cork and remove the workpiece.

Apricot juice for the winter at home through a juicer

The easiest way to harvest apricot juice for the winter at home. All that is needed is a suitable juicer, which will separate the veins and skins from the liquid. Brand and device do not matter.


5 kg of apricots;

300 grams of sugar.


1. Rinse the apricots, free from the seeds.

2. Pass the halves of the fruit through a juicer.

3. We evaluate the waste. Apricots in this regard are capricious and cake can be a lot. If this is true, a lot of waste has come out and they are wet, then we pass them through the juicer again.

4. Combine everything that happened to be extracted from fruits. Pour into a saucepan.

5. Add sugar and place on the stove.

6. As soon as the future drink begins to boil, remove the foam.

7. Let the juice boil for three minutes, but more if the output requires a thicker product.

8. Pour, cork and the sunny drink is ready!

Apricot juice for the winter with lemon

A variant of a very aromatic apricot juice for the winter at home. For 3 liters of squeezed drink you need only 1 lemon.


3 liters of fresh juice;

500 ml of water;

150-300 grams of sugar.


1. Rinse the apricots and squeeze the juice in any way. The easiest way to use an electric juicer.

2. Add sugar to the water. The sweeter the apricots, the less it is needed. We put the syrup to cook on the stove.

3. Dip the washed lemon in boiling water, then remove the zest with a knife. This is a thin, yellow-colored crust of citrus. Throw the zest in sugar with water.

4. After boiling, let the syrup boil for five minutes, so that the zest gives off the aroma to the water. We filter.

5. Cut the peeled lemon and squeeze all the juice out of it, also filter.

6. Now combine lemon juice, aromatic syrup and prescription apricot juice. It should be 3 liters.

7. Put it all on the stove and brew the drink a few minutes after boiling. If a foam suddenly appears, then do not forget to remove it.

8. The juice is ready! Pour, tightly cork, cool up the bottom.

Spicy apricot juice for the winter at home

The recipe for an incredibly aromatic apricot juice, which is prepared with the addition of spices. If you don’t like some ingredient, then just exclude it. You can also make your favorite supplement if it does not contradict the taste of apricot.


4 liters of juice;

4 star cloves;

1 vanilla pod;

0.5 lemons;

300 grams of sugar;

1 cinnamon stick

4 mint leaves.


1. Take 700 ml of water, pour into a saucepan, put sugar and set to boil.

2. Add all the spices to the saucepan; nothing needs to be chopped.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice, immediately pour into the apricot drink. All that remains, that is, a half with a crust, is thrown into boiling syrup. Cook it for at least ten minutes.

4. Filter the aromatic mixture, pour into the juice. Stir.

5. Put the pan with the drink on the stove, let it boil. From the surface we catch foam.

6. We taste the drink. Add sugar or acid if necessary.

7. Boil for about five minutes, pour into sterile dishes, clog with treated lids and juice can be sent to the basement.

Apricot juice for the winter with apples

A variant of perhaps one of the most popular flavors of apricot juice. With apples, the drink turns out to be very pleasant, sour and unusually fragrant. We extract the juice by any of the available methods, it is better to use an electric device.


5 kg of apples;

5 kg of apricots;

700 grams of sugar;

500 ml of water.


1. Water can be immediately poured into a large saucepan and put on low heat.

2. Sugar also immediately fall asleep in water, let it dissolve.

3. The washed and pitted apricots are passed through a juicer, the juice is immediately added in portions to the water with sugar, let the drink warm, and we will not waste too much time.

4. We also wash the apples, cut into pieces, bypassing the stubs with seeds. We extract juice from them, we also use a juicer.

5. Pour apple juice to the apricot drink.

6. That's it! It remains to boil the drink for about five minutes after boiling. Remember about the foam that needs to be removed.

Apricot juice for the winter at home with a blender

A method of preparing apricot juice for the winter at home for those who have nothing to squeeze the drink. You will need a blender, preferably a submersible. You can use the combine, but it will be longer.


3 kg of apricots;

900 ml of water;

200 grams of sugar;

0.5 tsp citric acid.


1. Rinse the apricots with water. No need to take out the bones. The fruits must remain intact.

2. We take a large pan to fit in a colander. Pour 2/3 of the water. We put on the fire, let it boil.

3. Next we put a pot or bucket with a cold ode, it is possible with ice-cold liquid.

4. Put the whole apricots in a colander and dip it in a pan with boiling water for 20 seconds.

5. Then take out and immerse in ice water.

6. After a minute, remove the apricots and remove the skin in one motion, immediately discard the stone. Put the cleaned pulp in a bowl.

7. Take a blender and mashed fruit until smooth.

8. Add water to them, pour sugar and throw citric acid. You can squeeze juice from fresh citrus.

9. Boil the juice for several minutes. If desired, the drink can be made even thinner by diluting with water. But in this case, do not forget to add sugar and acid in order to maintain a pleasant taste. Pour, put away for storage.

Apricot juice for the winter through a juicer

Sokovarka is a special device for extracting juice. It is a three-story structure with a straw.



5-7 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the cooker. Usually it goes from two to three liters, but it is better to look in the instructions.

2. Divide the washed apricots into halves, put them in the lattice (topmost) part of the juice cooker.

3. Sprinkle apricots on top with sugar to enhance juice production.

4. Turn on the fire. Cook juice.

5. After about 45 minutes, you can remove the clip from the tube and drain the juice into a sterile container. Cork up.

Apricot meal from a juice cooker should not be thrown away. It will make a wonderful mashed potatoes that can be put into the filling for pies or pastille.

Apricots go wonderfully with different fruits. You can make juices with the addition of pears, peaches, different berries. But you should not add blackberries, otherwise the drink will turn blue.

Any juice will become more aromatic and tastier if you add a little vanilla and cinnamon to it. It is better to use natural pods and sticks. The composition of the spices from the bags leaves much to be desired.

For corking juices, you can use not only cans, but also glass bottles with screw caps.

Step-by-step recipes for apricot juice with pulp for the winter using a juicer, juicer, blender

2018-08-03 Natalya Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 g

0 gr


   9 g

40 kcal.

Option 1. The classic recipe for apricot juice for the winter

The most affordable way to make juice without using kitchen appliances. You only need an enameled pan and a large metal sieve. Juice can be harvested with sugar or without it, depending on the sweetness of the fruit.


  • ripe apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar at will.

Step-by-step recipe for apricot juice with pulp for the winter

Wash ripe apricots under running water. Break each fruit and take out the bones. Fold the fruit halves in an enamel pan.

Pour the contents to the top with water. Put on the burner and turn on an intense fire, bring to a boil. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce heat and boil the fruit until it begins to disintegrate into fibers.

Remove the boiled fruits with a colander from the pan and rub through a sieve into a separate container. Combine the flesh with fruit broth and set on fire. Bring the juice to a boil. Add sugar if desired. Pour the finished drink into glass containers by washing and sterilizing them. Seal the caps tightly. Cool under an old jacket.

For the preparation of juice use only ripe juicy apricots. Do not throw fruit seeds; they can be added to jam or just eat. Halves of apricots are preferably pre-dried.

Option 2. A quick recipe for apricot juice for the winter using a juicer

The fastest and easiest way to make apricot juice for the winter. The juicer will separate the pulp from the skin and hard fibers. Get a lot of nectar with pulp.


  • ripe apricots - five kg;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

How to quickly make apricot juice for the winter

Wash ripe apricots under running water. Divide the fruit into halves, remove the seeds. Put the fruits on the table and leave for a couple of hours.

Pass the apricot pulp through a juicer. Having driven out the fruit once, the pulp is twisted again.

Pour juice into an enameled saucepan, place it on a burner and bring to a boil. Be sure to remove the foam. The density of the drink depends on the cooking time. As a rule, it is enough to boil for three minutes. Wash the jars, sterilize in any way that is familiar to you. Pour juice into prepared containers and tightly roll with a key.

Only boil the juice in an enamel pan. Stainless steel tanks are not suitable for this, the drink may oxidize in them. You can roll juice in a glass container of any volume.

Option 3. Apricot juice for the winter in a juicer

Apricot juice prepared in this way is obtained practically without pulp. Nectar is very sweet, so sugar is not added to it.


  • ripe apricots.

How to cook

The pressure cooker consists of three compartments. Water is poured into the bottom pan of the appliance. Wash apricots, break each fruit and take out the seeds. Lay the halves in the compartments with holes, trying not to leave space between them. Make sure that the hose is pinched.

Put the pressure cooker on the burner and turn on a strong fire. Warm the fruit for about an hour. Remove the clamp from the hose. Place a sterilized jar under it. As soon as it is full of juice, immediately roll it up.

Control the water level in the bottom pan. Remove the cake in a separate container. You can make jam or jam from it. Before laying the next batch of fruits, add water to the lower container, and put whole halves of apricots into the compartments with holes.

Option 4. Apricot juice with pulp for the winter using a blender

For the preparation of juice, it is better to use a hand blender. Juice is obtained with pulp, aromatic and tender. Citric acid perfectly shades the taste of the fruit and adds a touch of acidity.


  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • spring water - liter;
  • four kg ripe apricots.

Step by step recipe

Wash fruits under running water. Fill a large pot with two-thirds of the water. Put on the burner and turn on a strong fire, bring to a boil.

Place the apricot fruit in a colander and dip it in a pot of boiling water. Leave on for 30 seconds. Immerse the fruit immediately in cold water. Remove the skin from the fruit, remove the seeds, breaking the fruit in half.

Place the pulp of fruit in a deep container and beat until smooth, using a hand blender. Transfer the apricot puree into an enameled pan, add sugar, add citric acid and pour water. Stir and place on intense heat. Bring to a boil and cook for three minutes. Pour the finished juice into sterilized dry jars and seal with boiled lids.

If you plan to store juice for a long time, be sure to sterilize the jars and boil the lids. So that the juice retains all the vitamins and useful trace elements of fruits, do not boil it for a long time.

Option 5. Apricot juice for the winter with apples

Apricot juice can be prepared with other fruits and berries. Especially successful is a combination with apples, pears or peaches.


  • to taste of granulated sugar;
  • ripe apricots - three kilograms;
  • ripe apples - five kilograms.

How to cook

Wash apples thoroughly. Dry the fruits, peel them and remove the partitions with seeds. Twist the pulp through a juicer.

Wash ripe apricots. Break each fruit in half and take out the seeds. Grind the pulp of fruits in the same way as apples. Combine apple and apricot juice in an enamel pan. Pour sugar and place the container on the fire. Stir well and bring to a boil. Spread the juice into sterilized glass bottles and seal it tightly.

You can experiment by adding vanilla or cinnamon to the juice. From the fruit cake, you can prepare a filling for baking or pastille. Cool the juice containers by wrapping them in a warm jacket or rug.

Option 6. Spicy apricot juice for the winter

Spices will help to add juicy notes of apricot juice. You can adjust their number to your taste, or exclude some altogether.


  • lemon;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • spring water - 700 ml;
  • ripe apricots - three kg;
  • four mint leaves;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • carnation - four stars;
  • vanilla pod.

Step by step recipe

Wash apricots, peel and squeeze in any way convenient for you.

Pour water into a separate saucepan, add granulated sugar. Wash the lemon, cut into two halves and squeeze the juice from it. Cut the peel into small pieces. Put everything in a saucepan, add spices and cook syrup for about ten minutes.

Strain the sweet, spicy liquid through a sieve and add to the apricot juice. Put on the burner, turn on medium heat and wait for boiling. Stir the juice constantly, removing the foam. Then turn down the heat and cook for five minutes. Pour the hot drink into cans and seal.

Apricot juice can be squeezed in several ways. The pulp is peeled from the skin and rubbed through a sieve, or, removing the seeds, the fruit is twisted in a meat grinder. To make the drink homogeneous, be sure to strain it through a sieve.

First of all, I thoroughly wash the apricots and divide each in half to remove the seeds.

Naturally, the juicer oooh makes life very easy. It’s a pleasure to make juice with her.

I add the peeled apricots to the juicer, as a result of which I get a beautiful puree mass. It is quite thick, it is even visible in the photo.

Therefore, I dilute it with water. To save space and containers, you can prepare a thick juice, which involves dilution with water before use. See how you feel better and more comfortable based on this and add the right amount of water.

See in the photo? Apricot puree is diluted with water in an almost 1: 1 ratio.

I put a saucepan with diluted juice over a big fire and, stirring occasionally, wait for it to boil, after which I add sugar and cook another 10 minutes. When they ask me how to make delicious apricot juice at home, I always recommend putting a little sugar, because these fruits have a fairly sweet taste. Sometimes I even add a little sourness to the juice, adding citric acid or juice squeezed from lemons. After boiling, the foam can be removed or left, making sure that it does not “run away”.

I sterilize the jars in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 ° C. The lids are boiling for them.

Pour juice into hot, just sterilized jars so that the foam overflows a little, immediately cover with prepared lids, roll it up, put it turned upside down, cover it with a protective layer from stickiness, then cover it with a blanket and leave it until morning.

Delicious apricot juice is ready! In the morning, I just wash my cans and send them to the pantry for storage.

How to make apricot juice at home manually:

Manually juice is prepared in much the same way, except that pre-apricots need to be boiled. I pour the prepared apricots into an enameled pan of a sufficient size, pour cold water on top so that the fruits are completely covered, put on a big fire on the stove, cover with a lid and wait for it to boil, periodically looking under the lid and carefully stirring the apricots with a large wooden spoon. If the whole mass of apricots in the pan turns out to be too dense, and does not want to get in the way, then I add a little more water until the fruits can be mixed, reaching the bottom.

After boiling, I do not remove the resulting foam, but simply continue to cook apricots until softened slightly. As a rule, ripe fruits need literally 2-3 minutes, but greener ones can boil up to 10 minutes. Most of all I like to cook apricot juice for the winter at normal home conditions from a mixture of ripe and slightly greenish fruits. In this case, I cook them for about 5 minutes.

I leave the apricots in a saucepan, covered with a lid, cool to a slightly warm temperature or, if I do not have time to wait, then all night.

After cooling, I add apricots in portions along with the water in which they were boiled into a colander installed above a large enameled pan, and, after draining the liquid, carefully rub it with my hands in rotational and pressing movements until there is nothing left to squeeze. I do not throw out the remaining squeezes, but put them in an enameled bowl.

I repeat the procedure until the pan with boiled apricots is completely empty.

In order not to lose a single shade of taste of apricot juice, prepared for the winter at home, I fill the squeeze with cold water, mix, boil for about 5 minutes, add to a colander and rub with a spoon, and finally discard the residues.

Next, I mix the resulting thick mass well and, as in the case of obtaining juice after a juicer, I dilute it with water to the desired consistency, wait for boiling, pour sugar, boil again for about 10 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, roll up, wrap and hide until morning, after which I wash and - in the bins.

Ready juice with pulp has an amazing aroma and rich taste, which is especially pleasant to feel on a cold winter evening.

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When the apricot ripening season begins, many of us try to fully enjoy this sunny fruit, and do it right. Apricots, in addition to goodies, have the ability to beneficially influence the work of our heart, and in large quantities contain carotene (a source of vitamin A), a powerful antioxidant.

We eat, enjoy and strengthen our health! Fortunately, there are different varieties of apricots and different ripening dates. Therefore, we have the opportunity to eat these healthy fruits for almost a month.

But as they say: everything has its beginning and end, and therefore fresh apricots also end. Therefore, we should worry and make reserves for the winter from this sunny berry.

What can I cook? See, firstly, there are a considerable number of apricot jam recipes:, and others.

And you can also make just a royal drink - juice from apricots with pulp for the winter. Tasty ohhh !!!

Choose whatever your heart desires, and we will tell you how to make delicious apricot juice.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter


  • Apricots - 1 kg (pitted);
  • Sugar - 200-250 gr;
  • Purified water - 200 ml (for cooking only);
  • Purified water - to dilute the density (to taste and desire).

Of the kitchen utensils were involved: a bowl, colander, stainless pan, knife, fork, hand blender. We have 1.5 liters of a delicious drink come out of these ingredients.

How to cook apricot juice with pulp for the winter at home

Apricot juice selection

If you have your apricot trees, then try to use their fruits to the maximum. Those harder will go for jam, and juice can be made from softer ones. Throwing away is not worth anything!

If you do not have such happiness, then you are dear to the market. There you can buy for every taste and budget. It’s not worth chasing the appearance, the main thing in our business is the taste of the fruit.

And for this they must be tried. We approach, pick it up, divide it into halves and try exclusively the pulp. We choose ripe, juicy and preferably sweet, those in which the bone is easily separated (otherwise you are tormented by picking out).

Yes, and one more thing: when choosing, pay attention to the composition of the pulp, if there are hard veins, then it is better not to take such apricots.

Attention: in our recipe we give the weight of apricots already exempted from seeds, that is, a pure product for processing.

Apricot preparation

First of all, we must rinse the acquired apricots well, and for this it is better to place them immediately in a deep container and fill with water. Our goal is to get pure fruits, and since apricots are covered with a kind of fleecy skin, this is not quite easy. Therefore, we first soak them in cold water for about five minutes, and then rinse them in a colander, after which I wash each apricot under running water.

After this procedure, we pick up a knife and use it to divide the fruits in half and remove the stone.

How to make apricot juice with pulp for the winter

There are several ways to make apricot juice. For example, you can pass the prepared apricots (seedless) through a juicer, add sugar and water to the resulting mass and boil for 5-7 minutes.

But what if there is no juicer? It's simple, use our recipe!

And so: pour the indicated amount of water into the saucepan, heat to a boil. We load halves of apricots here, pour granulated sugar on top.

We make a small fire under the saucepan and wait for the apricots to warm up and begin to secrete juice. Do not forget to stir the contents of the pan. If your chosen apricots are ripe and juicy, the process of juice allocation will happen quickly enough.

Our apricots boiled for five minutes.

We give them a boil for another two or three minutes and get this picture. If your apricots are more dense, the cooking time will be a little longer.

We need the skin of the fetus to come off easily, since we intend to remove it. Although our juice from apricots will be pulp, but the peel, even after boiling, can render us a “bear service” and spoil the taste and texture.

After the apricots have reached the state we need, we can get rid of the peel, which is easily detached and cleaned with an ordinary fork.

After which we put the saucepan on the fire and begin to boil our juice for 5-7 minutes.

We try and add hot boiled water. We make such a density as you like more.

It remains to bring the juice from the apricots with pulp to a boil and pour into prepared (sterilized jars with lids). Delicious preparation for the winter is prepared!

Here we have such a delicious rich drink.