Charlotte in a bread maker with a batch of dough. Charlotte in a bread maker: the most homemade pie

03.08.2019 Healthy eating

This machine for making bread has long been known to everyone. There are many different types of bread machines. I would like to note that not everyone looks at the instructions by buying it.
  But in vain, if you strictly adhere to the instructions, then it will definitely be impossible to spoil the baked product.

The recipes in the bread makers are slightly different from those we use for the oven. To make the quality of bread perfect, you need to adhere not only to the cooking recipe, but also to the sequence of loading products into the machine.

If you do everything right, then the bread maker will do all the work for you, and either the cake will soon please you with its taste. In the meantime, you can go about your business, the bread maker will notify you with a signal that everything is ready.

This time we will prepare an apple pie in a bread machine. The recipe for its preparation consists of a group of two components, wet and dry.

How to bake apple pie in a bread maker, recipe with photo:


Components of the first group:

  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1 tbsp. l milk
  • 1 measuring cup of mashed or finely chopped apples, can be replaced with a banana
  • 1 egg
  • zest and some lemon juice.

Components of the second group:

  • 1 measuring cup of flour
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 0.5 cups sugar


1. Take a bowl and add the ingredients of the first group. First, pour the milk.

2. Then the egg is driven into milk in a bowl.

3. Melt the butter and pour it to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Pre-rub the apples or chop finely. I don’t remove the skin, I like it more.

5. Mix apples well in a bowl with other products.

6. It is good to add zest and lemon juice, citrus flavor will be interesting to combine with apples.

7. Now add the dry ingredients. Pour the sifted flour.

8. Add sugar.

9. Baking powder and soda will raise our cake a little.

10. Cinnamon and apples, like two friends, cannot exist separately, add it.

11. A pinch of salt must be poured into the dough for the pie.

12. As another additive, you can add a little chocolate, and you can not add.

13. Well mix the whole mass and pour it into the bucket of the bread machine.

14. We set the Fast cooking mode, I have it for 1.5 hours.

15. And now we close the lid, the machine will do everything further on itself.

16. After making the cake, remove it from the bucket and let it cool.

You can adjust the calculation of the portion yourself, I always cook in small portions, because I want fresh baked goods every evening.

17. Cut into arbitrary pieces. Serve with tea or delicious compote or just with milk!

Charlotte is a pie with apples (the main filling for charlotte) or other fruits. It is made from puff, sand, and better - from biscuit dough. Charlotte is also common from yeast dough. The history of the origin of the recipe for this dish is foggy. Let's try to make changes to the recipe and prepare a full-fledged charlotte from yeast dough using the latest technological solutions for culinary specialists. This is a fully automated Panasonic bread maker. The instructions for the bread maker indicate that you can make sweet pastries in it, but special paper is needed, otherwise the finished product may stick to the walls of the form. At my own peril and risk, I baked without paper. Ready charlotte easily got out of the form of a bread machine. In appearance, it looks like an ordinary loaf of white bread. Let's try to cook a sweet, surprisingly fragrant charlotte with zest, cinnamon and apple slices.

Taste Info Charlotte and biscuit


  • tangerine zest - 40 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • kefir - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • flour c. with. - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • raw yeast 8 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 tbsp .;
  • green apple - 1 pc.

How to cook charlotte with apples in a bread maker

First, prepare your own, homemade zest. After eating, tangerine peels need to be dried to a solid state, remove problem areas and “navels” from them, and break into small pieces with your hands. Then the zest must be ground in a coffee grinder or in a blender.

Let's prepare products for baking charlotte from yeast dough with zest and cinnamon. We need flour and sugar, kefir, chicken eggs and vegetable oil, yeast, cinnamon, zest. Apple is better to take hard and sour.

We rinse and cut our apple into cubes measuring 1.5x1.5 centimeters.

The yeast must be placed in a glass with kefir, add a pinch of sugar and wait until they “play”. First, dry products are poured into the form of a breadmaker - this is flour, sugar, zest, cinnamon and a sliced \u200b\u200bapple. Then add kefir with yeast, beaten eggs and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. We choose the simplest mode of baking bread, which takes a total of 2 hours. Turn on the bread maker. The batch has begun.

After kneading, the oven itself goes into the "rise" mode. Then it mixes and raises the dough again and starts baking. When the time set by the program passes, a beep sounds. Charlotte with apples in a bread machine is ready. You need to remove the charlotte in powerful mittens or use thick oven gloves. Ready charlotte should cool. This will take at least 1 hour.

Charlotte in the Panasonic bread maker turned out magnificent and porous. But the pieces of apples, leaving their taste, almost disappeared during baking. This is to say that apples can be cut larger. You can add another apple.

Serve the charlotte, cutting it into small portions. It is good to add condensed milk or honey. This is the perfect combination with strong sugar-free tea. Such pastries always cause surprise and interest of guests.

Only for those who have not yet encountered this technique, it seems that the bread machine is an aggregate purely for baking bread. Even if this were so, you would be surprised how many bread recipes there are, what delicious products you can bake yourself. But sweet pastries are very tasty in a bread machine, for example, charlotte.

There are models of bread machines where charlotte will be cooked for two hours, but modern manufacturers (such as Mulineks and Panasonic) equipped the equipment with options that significantly accelerate the process. So, experienced housewives note that in a bread machine ordinary charlotte with apples can be baked faster than in the oven. And outwardly it turns out to be more spectacular.

Charlotte in a bread machine: recipes

A bread machine allows you to make different types of charlotte, which will differ primarily in the filling.

What charlotte can be prepared in a bread machine:

  • Berry pie  - it can be a berry mix, and mono-filling. Delicious pies are obtained with blueberries, cherries, currants.
  • Pear pie.  Pear - an undeservedly forgotten filling, you can caramelize a pear, or add pear jam to the dough right away.
  • Berry-fruit tart. For example, blueberry-apple charlotte, very tasty and beautiful.

Serve such cakes with fruit tea or fragrant warm compote.


  • Apples (sour) - 4-6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 0.8 tbsp .;
  • Flour - 0.8-1 tbsp .;
  • Sour cream or kefir - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Chicken Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

Charlotte with apples in a bread machine: recipe

There is not much difference in the process of making charlotte in the bread maker and the oven. Is that easier in a bread machine.

How to make a pie in a bread maker:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut them into slices. The peel from the fruit can be removed beforehand.
  2. Slices can immediately be put on the bottom of the form.
  3. Beat eggs well, for this purpose you can take a mixer or a blender.
  4. Continue whipping while adding sugar.
  5. Add flour, salt and soda to the mixture. Beat this mixture with a mixer.
  6. Next, in the dough you need to put sour cream or add a spoonful of kefir. Do not extinguish soda on purpose, it will make kefir or sour cream.
  7. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer.
  8. Pour the dough over the stacked apples.
  9. Lower the cover of the bread machine, set the mode “Cupcakes” or “Pies”, set the type of crust. The best option is the “middle strip”. If there are no such modes, select the “Baking” mode.
  10. That's all, then the technique will cope on its own!

If the crust on the cake formed earlier, it is not necessary to wait all the time for cooking.

The cake is ready, outwardly it will turn out like a beautiful, appetizing, ruddy bread. And his taste will be a great addition to his appearance. Serve the cake with tea, compote, juice or coffee. The dessert is large in volume, so you can safely call guests.

Tasty recipes!

Charlotte with apples recipe step by step with photo

Today we’ll talk about how to make everyone famous sweet cake in the original gadget, which has gained popularity among many housewives. Charlotte in a bread maker turns out to be unusually magnificent, airy and voluminous, in comparison with a traditional one, baked in a pan in the oven.

This wonderful sweet loaf can be diversified with all kinds of options for toppings and spices, the recipes of which you will also find in our article.

Nothing complicated, in fact, in the process. Moreover, in this unit pie turns out to be even simpler and at the same time tasty.

For starters, consider a simple and already traditional recipe for charlotte.

Charlotte in a classic bread maker


  •   - 4 things. + -
  •   - 200 g + -
  •   - 200 g + -
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp or baking powder 1/2 tbsp + -
  • Vanillin - at the tip of a knife + -
  • Medium apples - 3 pcs. + -

First, let's take a test: the eggs must be chilled to make the dough more fluffy.

  1. We combine them with sugar and a mixer at high speed, beat in a tight foam.
  2. Add a thin stream of flour and mix again.
  3. In the end we add vanillin - it is necessary to beat off the egg smell from the dough, and baking powder or soda - without them, the dough will not rise.

Now get down to the filling.

  • Wash and wipe the apples dry, cut them into thin slices and send immediately to the dough.
  • We knead until the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  1. We take out the bowl, screw from the bread maker and sprinkle the walls and the bottom with flour. Thanks to this, charlotte will be better to depart from the sides.
  2. Pour the dough and select the “Baking” or “Cupcake” mode. We will need from 1 hour 10 minutes to one and a half hours.
  3. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, we begin to check the cake with a toothpick or a match. If the stick comes out of the dough dry, then everything is in order and the charlotte is ready!

We take out the cake, turning it over, sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon, let it cool slightly and cut into portions!

Now you know how to cook charlotte in a bread machine according to the basic recipe and make such an easy and quick pie at home is not difficult. But there are a few more serious tips to keep in mind when making apple pie.

Depending on their size, the amount can vary and range from 3 to 5 pcs. It’s worth focusing on the consistency of the finished dough: if it is poured out with difficulty and rather laid out, it should definitely be made more liquid.

As in the case of eggs, its quantity varies depending on hygroscopicity. The more moisture it takes, the less we pour it into the dough, so you need to do this only in small portions.

  • Baking powder or soda

There is no difference between them, the main thing to remember is that you do not need to extinguish soda! She will react with the eggs and the dough will rise well.

Charlotte fillings recipes in a bread machine

To make the cake not only more varied, but also tasty, we will find out what toppings come to it. Apple seems to many a little dry and fresh, and flavoring it with additional ingredients, we get a real pastry masterpiece!


It can be added to apples, or can be used separately. In any case, due to the rich taste of this berry, the sweet dough will feel completely different.

Walnuts and raisins

Together with apples and cinnamon they will make the perfect combination, from which you can lose your head! Spicy nutty flavor along with raisins will add charlotte to Christmas notes. Best seasoned with cinnamon.


Few have tried to make charlotte with this fruit, but it is with the plum that the dessert is especially delicious. The main condition is to remove the skin, as it can be too acidic and rough. This is not difficult if you scald the plums with boiling water.

As you can see, charlotte in a bread machine turns out to be unusually varied and mouth-watering. Try to make it with any of the proposed fillings, or write your recipe in the comments.

Classic apple charlotte from the chef, video recipe

In just half an hour you will get the perfect dessert for tea, apple compote and an unusual alcoholic cocktail. Our chef offers you in just half an hour to cook an almost apple home party for unexpectedly guests.

In addition to the video, we want to please you with a selection of unexpected charlotte recipes themselves.

Bon appetit, friends!

Today, a bread machine has become an integral miracle of technology in the kitchen, not only for hunters to create various masterpieces of baking, but also for those who always do not have enough time. Despite the fact that you need to use a mixer to prepare the dough, the cake will require much less attention during baking.

Charlotte in a bread maker is cooked in about the same way as in an oven, only much easier and faster, there is no need to worry about the temperature regime.

The recipe, as always, is incredibly simple. You will especially feel the advantages of a miracle device when it is summer outside and the oven becomes unbearably hot.

Charlotte in a bread maker turns out with a crispy "sugar" crust. Thanks to apples, the dough comes out very juicy.

We offer a very simple and practical recipe for charlotte with apples in a bread machine. It will certainly come in handy to hospitable housewives with acute shortage of time. You will get a beautiful air cake with which you can treat guests and loved ones.

Ingredients for 8-10 standard servings

  • 4 medium-sized apples (the recipe implies that the taste characteristics of apples are entirely your choice);
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 3 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1 tbsp. spoons of kefir or sour cream;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step-by-step recipe description

1.   We carefully lubricate the bucket of the bread machine with butter (creamy or vegetable) and sprinkle with flour.

2.   Wash the apples and cut them into thin slices or small cubes (you can cut the peel first, but this is not necessary).

3.   We lay out the resulting slices along the very bottom of the baking dish (we take out the spatula for kneading as unnecessary).

4. Beat eggs with a mixer. We achieve a thick, lush foamy hat. Pour sugar, repeat whipping until the volume increases approximately twice.

5.   Add flour, salt and quicklime. Whip again.

6.   Put the sour cream. Mix until smooth.

7.   Pour the dough over apples (the recipe, in principle, allows preliminary mixing of the dough with apples - to whom it is more convenient).

8.   Set the form in the bread machine and turn on the “Baking” (“Panasonic”) or “Cupcakes or Pies” (other manufacturers of the miracle device). We select the program using the "Menu" button. The name can be located directly on the display, and can be indicated by a number. We look for the number of the suitable mode on the unit itself. If necessary, use the delayed start feature.

9.   Many cars allow you to choose the color of the crust. Set your preference to your liking. The golden crust looks most effective (mode - medium).

11.   At the end of the program we take out a bucket. Cool and get the charlotte from the mold. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

Charlotte in a bread machine turns out, maybe not as beautiful as in the oven, but this is more than compensated by its taste merits.

Try our recipe and enjoy delicious pastries.

Cooking charlotte in a bread machine has a number of subtleties that must be taken into account in order to get an excellent result:

  • components must be placed in strict accordance with the recipe;
  • to prepare the dough, it is better not to use the standard option of the bread machine, otherwise the cake will not be lush
  • cut into pieces of charlotte is better immediately before serving.

Do not forget to leave a comment and enjoy your tea party!