Properties and application of sesame oil in home cosmetology and medicine. Sesame oil for skin

17.09.2019 Healthy eating

Sesame oil, which came to us from Eastern countries, is gaining popularity as a health-improving agent, a dietary food product, and also an effective component of home cosmetics. The rich composition, characteristic taste and beneficial properties of sesame oil make it a welcome guest on kitchen shelves.

In India, Egypt, Pakistan and China, oil is considered a popular dressing in salads, an addition to sauces and dishes, and also a secret ingredient in national desserts. In our country, sesame oil is more often perceived as a medicinal and cosmetic agent, without appreciating its taste. The product stands out clearly from other vegetable oils: nutty taste, spicy notes of aroma, easy digestibility and beneficial effect on the human body.

Types of pomace

There are three popular types of sesame oil on the market today:

  • unrefined from raw sesame seeds;
  • unrefined roasted sesame seeds;
  • unrefined from black sesame.

All three are edible. They differ in their taste. The most aromatic and bright in taste is the squeeze from fried white sesame seeds. This oil will perfectly complement and enrich the taste of familiar dishes: vegetable salads, casseroles and even mashed potatoes.

Extract from raw sesame is considered more useful, since the raw materials for its production do not undergo heat treatment, which means it retains the maximum of useful properties.

Black sesame oil is in the middle between the above in terms of aroma and taste. This same oil is considered the most useful, and black sesame is one of the most expensive types.

About culinary meaning

Any sesame oil will be an excellent addition to your daily diet as a source of easily digestible polyunsaturated fats, minerals and other biologically active substances. Due to the thermal instability of its chemical compounds, it is impossible to fry in sesame oil. In addition, unlike sunflower oil, avocado and olive oil, it starts to burn at rather low temperatures, which can spoil the taste of the dish.

Sesame oil is best added to ready-made salads, cereals, pasta, pasta, first courses. It will give the brightest taste when added just before serving.

Pastries acquire original taste with sesame oil. The product should replace other fats - sunflower, butter, margarine. In contrast to them, sesame pomace has an impressive shelf life - up to two years. It is worth using sesame oil in cooking for people who follow strict diets or dietary restrictions due to religion or lifestyle. In this case, the product will increase the energy and nutritional value of other foods.

What sesame juice contains

The oil is extracted from sesame seeds, which are 60% fat. This provides impressive volumes of the final product. The very name of the seeds - sesame - means oil. The pomace stands out against the background of all other vegetable oils in the content of useful natural components. The chemical composition of the product is balanced, and also very well absorbed by the body, which is the reason for the benefits of sesame oil.

Fatty acid

The main medicinal ingredients of pomace are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are represented by linoleic and oleic acids, from the omega-6 and omega-9 series. These compounds in the human body are transformed into an active form, providing a number of specific actions:

  • improve the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • normalize the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • regulate the work of the endocrine system;
  • normalize the balance of sex hormones;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • stimulate fat metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • prevent malignant diseases;
  • neutralize the negative influence of harmful factors;
  • accelerate regenerative processes;
  • rejuvenate the body at the cellular level.


The reason for the internal and external use of the oil in order to improve the appearance is the content of an antioxidant complex, including retinol, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid. This complex improves the functioning of the immune system, normalizes regenerative processes in the body, and also participates in the processes of humoral regulation. The combination of these nutrients with B vitamins and routine is also important. It has a positive effect on the health of the visual apparatus, improves twilight vision, increases its acuity, and also prevents eye complications of vascular diseases.

Micro and macro elements

Sesame oil is considered one of the rich in mineral compounds. It contains substances that are equally necessary for women and men:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • selenium.

Calcium is an essential mineral for the human body. Its importance is high not only for teeth and bones. Calcium ions are active participants in electrolyte metabolism, which ensures the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of smooth and striated muscles. Zinc and selenium are essential for keeping the skin clean, and the internal metabolic processes at the highest level. Iron is very important for blood formation. The ability of sesame oil to normalize the rheological properties of blood and its composition have been scientifically proven.

Hormone-like substances

Phytosterols are important biologically active substances in sesame oil. These are hormone-like components of plant origin that regulate hormonal levels in the body and compensate for the deficiencies of some hormones. The second category of the most important compounds for humans is phospholipids. Their role in the body:

  • assimilation of antioxidants in the body;
  • activation of the humoral regulation system;
  • cleaning and improving the functioning of the liver;
  • normalization of the state of blood vessels;
  • improving the conduction of nerve fibers;
  • activation of mental activity.

Substances that are characteristic only of sesame - sesamol and sesamin, are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, reduce blood cholesterol levels. Also, the so-called T-factor has been identified in the oil composition. This is a substance of unknown nature that can improve the production of platelets in the bone marrow, which allows the product to be used in thrombocytopenia.

Useful properties of sesame oil

The properties of sesame oil are actively used in Ayurvedic medicine. According to its principles, the product belongs to the cleansing, nourishing the heart and mind "gifts of nature." Sesame oil is famous for the following actions on the body:

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. It eliminates increased acidity, and due to the content of vitamins, it accelerates the healing of small erosions and ulcers on the surface of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. The product is known to eliminate intestinal spasms, as well as pain in hepatic colic.

For digestion

The oil improves the formation and excretion of bile, stimulates the pancreas. Improves the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, providing a cleansing effect on the body, treats chronic constipation. Due to the high concentrations of phospholipids, the product activates the renewal of hepatocytes and prevents their fatty degeneration. The product is useful for:

  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis.

For blood vessels and nervous system

Sesame oil will be useful for people suffering from disorders of hematopoiesis and platelet synthesis. The effect on the cardiovascular system lies in the following properties of the product:

  • eliminates cholesterol;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • relieves inflammation of the vascular walls;
  • prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • normalizes the rhythm of contractions;
  • regulates blood pressure.

Sesame pomace has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system in general, as well as the brain in particular. Regular consumption of the product is beneficial for:

  • increasing the body's resistance to stress;
  • elimination of the negative consequences of emotional stress;
  • improving mental activity;
  • prevention of multiple sclerosis;
  • preventing senile dementia;
  • improve memory.

In addition, the product has pronounced sedative properties and can be used in the complex therapy of apathetic and depressive conditions.

Versatile impact

The use of massage oil provides relief from muscle hypertonicity and is also very beneficial for the joints. The substances in it improve the production of hyaluronic acid, while maintaining the natural elasticity of the articular tissue and ligamentous apparatus.

You can use sesame oil internally in the following situations:

  • for weight loss - weight loss is promoted by active cleansing of the body under the action of the product, as well as the acceleration of metabolism;
  • with bone diseases - the oil strengthens bones, enamel, tendons, due to the content of all essential minerals, prevents osteoporosis;
  • with anemic condition - in addition to the synthesis of platelets, the oil stimulates general hematopoiesis;
  • with a cold - the oil can eliminate a runny nose, bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract, improve sputum discharge with a dry cough;
  • with kidney disease - oil is useful for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urogenital sphere;
  • with eye diseases - the content of nutrients and minerals together with active antioxidants improves the trophism of the retina and optic nerve;
  • with violations of potency - the product is useful for men, as a stimulant of libido, spermatogenesis, medicine for erectile dysfunction.

Regular intake of sesame oil will provide protection against cancer. It is appropriate to introduce this product into the diet if you want to build muscle mass.

Taking sesame oil for medicinal purposes is extremely simple, for this you should focus on your own health condition:

  • in acute diseases - colds, gastritis, acute constipation, colitis, hepatitis, oncology - take a tablespoon three times a day;
  • with chronic diseases - joint diseases, metabolic disorders, gout, heart ailments, vascular - a tablespoon twice a day;
  • for prevention - spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach.

For coughs, sore throats, gums, and toothache, it is recommended to rinse with sesame oil for five to ten minutes, after which you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

In case of damage and inflammation on the skin, it is worth treating the affected areas with pure sesame oil up to three times per knocking. To treat dry, flaky skin, the oil should be mixed with honey. It is always better to complement the external use of the product with the internal use. For mastitis and mastopathy, it is useful to make compresses with pure sesame oil.

The product has an impressive calorie content, which should be taken into account when drawing up a diet. It is advisable to eliminate or limit the amount of other sources of fat from it. Sesame oil contraindications include bleeding disorders. It is better for people prone to thrombosis to stop using the product. It is worth handling it more carefully during pregnancy, since the risk of allergies increases during this period.

Cosmetological role

Sesame oil is considered one of the most popular in cosmetology. This is facilitated by the high penetrating power of the product, as well as its saturation with substances beneficial to the skin. Due to the content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, external application of the oil gives the following effects:

  • triggers the production of collagen and elastin;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • prevents the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • improves skin nutrition;
  • improves complexion;
  • normalizes water-lipid balance;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • eliminates rash;
  • heals injuries;
  • neutralizes pathogenic microflora.

Sesame oil is very useful for the face as a prevention of early skin aging. The product can be applied to the entire face, neck skin, décolleté, as well as the area around the eyes, since it does not create a greasy film on the skin and is perfectly absorbed by it.

External use of pomace during pregnancy will provide high-quality skin hydration, increase its elasticity, as well as reliable prevention of stretch marks. The harm of sesame oil can manifest itself with individual sensitivity, therefore, its use in an "interesting" position is best discussed with a doctor.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetics for hair is considered unusually useful. A homemade sesame oil hair mask will supply the hair follicles and hairs with the necessary zinc, silicon and selenium. Provides good hydration, adds shine and elasticity to even the most damaged hair.

To carry out the procedure, it is enough to soak the hair well with the product along the entire length, actively rub it into the roots, and then wrap your head with a towel for at least half an hour. After the end of the procedure, wash off the oil with shampoo, shampooing the hair and scalp several times. Facial use involves applying the oil overnight in pure form... Using your fingertips, the liquid is lightly driven into the surface of the skin until it is completely absorbed.

When the right approach the use of sesame oil will only be beneficial. The ideal option for its preventive use is the addition of one or two tablespoons to the daily portion of green salad. A guaranteed positive effect will only appear if a healthy lifestyle and the rules of a balanced diet are observed.

Sesame seeds in the East are used as an additive in dishes that improve the taste. In addition, sesame oil is made from them. In terms of its properties, it is not much inferior to olive. It contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins that ensure the normal functioning of the body and prevent the development of inflammatory processes of internal organs.

The sesame plant has been known since ancient times, which gives seeds for the preparation of sesame oil. In the countries of the East, its seeds are widely used in cooking.

They are added to absolutely any dish. But they not only give a pleasant taste to ready-made meals, but also bring considerable benefit. Scientists have proven that sesame seeds have incredible properties, so including them in the diet is the right decision. Although in the beginning it is worth learning about the benefits and dangers of sesame oil.

The most valuable product that is obtained from sesame seeds is oil. It has a subtle nut smell and a pleasant taste. But the main thing is that it is very good for health. If raw seeds were used during pressing, then the final product will have a light shade, and its taste and aroma will be quite normal. If the raw materials are fried before making the product, then the resulting oil will have a dark shade, the aroma will become softer, and the taste will acquire rich notes.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Experts have long classified sesame seed oil as a food with powerful positive effects on human health. With its regular use, it is possible to successfully treat a number of diseases, the powerful healing effect is due to the presence of such a substance as retinol in its composition. They also contribute to the elimination of ailments other beneficial ingredients contained in this oil:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin.

In the composition of this remedy, there are other vitamins belonging to group B. Therefore, there can be no dispute about its benefits.

Trace elements in this oil are calcium, iron and zinc. It also contains magnesium, copper and phosphorus. Sesame seeds contain a wide variety of organic fatty acids, including omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Since the calorie content of this oil is quite high, and 100 g of the product contains 865 kcal, people who have set a goal to get rid of extra pounds should not eat it in large quantities. Regardless of the slimness of the body, it is not recommended to take more than 3 tablespoons per day.

Beneficial features

The popularity of this oil as a medicine is due to the fact that its regular use by specialists is considered as a good prevention of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis.

The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids present in this product, supplemented with sesamol, help restore vascular walls and prevent cholesterol build-up. And the harmful accumulations already existing in the vascular system with the regular use of this healing composition gradually disappear. The product contains beta-sitosterol, the main positive effect of which is that it thins the blood and helps accelerate the microcirculation of blood flow.

The inclusion of sesame oil in the diet can tone the entire circulatory system.

Among all foods, sesame oil ranks first in terms of calcium content. For this reason, it is very useful for those people who suffer from such an unpleasant disease as osteoporosis. As a result of taking this beneficial composition, bone density increases.

Older people should also pay attention to this oil as it reduces the risk of bone fractures. Drinking it is much healthier than drugs that have a lot of side effects.

For children, its benefit lies in the fact that due to the increased amount of calcium, it contributes to the process of skeletal formation. Due to its composition, containing various vitamins and nutrients, it has a beneficial effect on teeth, reduces the likelihood of caries in the oral cavity, and also helps to strengthen the enamel and eliminates bad breath.

An important element for the human body is copper, which is also present in this natural medicine. When taken regularly, joint diseases can be effectively treated. Doctors recommend taking this product when treating a disease such as arthritis. Thanks to its regular intake, this drug is able to quickly eliminate the inflammation that has arisen and reduce the painful symptoms that arise in the patient while walking.

Benefits for women

Women who look after their health and appearance strive to stay beautiful as long as possible. They are well aware of the beneficial properties of the sesame drug, which contributes to the preservation of beauty. When taken regularly improves the color of the nail platesand the hair becomes silky and has a healthy shine.

For body care

This agent, which is refined and unrefined, can be used not only internally, but also externally. When applied to the skin and lubricated with a layer of this natural medicine, hair follicles are strengthened and hair loss is prevented.

In addition, its use avoids delamination of nails. With this oil, you can achieve a whitening effect.

As a massage agent

When carrying out massage today, this oil is often used as the main agent. One of its advantages is the warming effect, which makes it possible to treat a disease such as osteochondrosis with its help. During massage procedures, a positive effect is also exerted on the skin. With the help of this useful composition, you can easily eliminate stretch marks, fight pressure sores, reduce the waist on the hips, and most importantly, eliminate such a common female problem as cellulite.

For the prevention of diabetes

Sesame oil can benefit the body with diabetes. To do this, people with this ailment should more often include in their diet a product made from sesame seeds. The thing is that it is a good prevention of diabetes. In the presence of this ailment, people who suffer from it can lead a fulfilling life. Since this oil has a low glycemic index, due to its composition, it allows you to control insulin levels, eliminating surges in blood sugar.

With the regular use of this useful composition, every woman gets the opportunity to improve her mood and avoid many health problems. This is due to the fact that unrefined sesame oil maintains normal hormonal levels. If you do not forget to drink natural medicine every day, then the painful sensations, as well as muscle cramps that occur during menstruation, will decrease. In addition, the frequency of hot flashes is reduced when the period of menopause occurs.

This useful composition can bring the greatest benefit to pregnant women, since when taken, constipation and toxicosis are eliminated, and expectant mothers get rid of edema.

After childbirth, it will also be superfluous to use this oil, since it eliminates stretch marks on the body, and it rarely causes allergies when taken to a new mother. The advantage of using it during breastfeeding is that it improves milk quality.

Admission rules

For all its usefulness, the maximum effect of this oil can be felt on oneself only if it is used correctly. For adults, experts recommend taking a sesame drug in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons throughout the day. It is best to drink it on an empty stomach.

Children can also improve their health by consuming this beneficial compound. However, things are a little different here. At the age of three years, no more than 5 drops are allowed per day. For babies 3-6 years old, 7-10 drops will be enough. For children in the age group from 6 to 9 years old, it is best to give a useful composition in a dosage of ½ tsp. Children aged 10 to 14 years old can use sesame oil in the amount of 1 teaspoon per day.

Just knowing how sesame oil is good for women is not enough before ingesting or using for gargling. There are other noteworthy facts as well. After heat treatment, this product loses most of its properties, therefore, in order for it to bring maximum benefits, it should not be heated to a temperature above 25 degrees. But you shouldn't drink it cold either. Also it is not recommended to add it to hot dishes... Foods from making such an additive will not be useful.

Harm and contraindications

Not all people can benefit from sesame oil. For some, it may be contraindicated, while others should carefully use this product or even refuse to include it in their diet altogether. Although this oil has few contraindications, they should still be taken into account in order to exclude harm to health. The main ones are as follows:

  • children under 1 year old;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ailments of the kidneys, diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • high blood clotting;
  • a tendency to diarrhea.

Although the benefits of sesame oil for women are undeniable, this remedy is not recommended to be taken together with acetylsalicylic acid, as well as other drugs that contain this component. People who are allergic to peanuts also need to stop using the medicinal composition.

For those who regularly have meals containing oxalic acid in their diet, it is not recommended to consume oil inside with them. This substance is found in tomato, spinach and cucumber. This unfortunate combination of foods creates certain difficulties for calcium removal. This can increase the risk of developing kidney stones in the body.

For the human body, this tool will bring many benefits. It is effective for skin diseases, helps to eliminate diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also heals well ailments associated with sexual dysfunction.

Application in cosmetology

It is quite easy to use this beneficial composition for facial skin care. With its regular use, you can preserve the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin for many years. Phospholipids, polyunsaturated acids and a number of antibacterial components, along with vitamins present in sesame oil, help to smooth the epidermis and accelerate protein synthesis.

As a result of using the oil for cosmetic purposes, cell membranes are restored, early wrinkles on the face are prevented, and irritation on the skin disappears. In order for the skin to always look well-groomed, while applying the oil, it is necessary to adhere to the norm recommended by specialists, and also not to disturb the frequency of procedures. In order to avoid side effects as a result of care with this product, it is best to contact a beautician who, taking into account the type of skin, as well as existing problems, will give recommendations on its correct use to maintain the beauty of the face.

Sesame oil is a fairly well-known natural product that has great benefits for the human body. It allows you to treat many diseases and generally improves health due to the large amount of vitamins and nutrients that are present in its composition.

This unique product can be consumed internally as well as used externally, for example for skin or hair care. Some people rinse their mouths and achieve good results. Before using, you should figure out which oil is more useful, as well as learn about the benefits and dangers of sesame oil, how to take it, about contraindications so as not to harm your health. With the correct use of this valuable product, many health problems can be avoided and a well-groomed appearance can be obtained.

Attention, only TODAY!

Sesame oil is a highly valuable and incredibly healthy product. Already in ancient Babylon, sesame plants represented the immortality or longevity of the one who used it.

The oily substances extracted from the sesame plant were considered a "precious" means of healing the body, spirit, and maintaining beauty. They were also used in the treatment of diseases.

Now sesame oil, as before, has a rather significant role in the fields of medicine, cosmetology, cooking and nutrition.

Turning to historical roots

The culture has been cultivated since antiquity - about 7 millennia ago. So, for the first time, the healing properties of sesame were mentioned by the "founder of medical science" - Avicenna.

Interesting fact! Sesame is named "Sesame". So the plant has long been called in the Arab countries, in the language of which "Sesame" means "oily plant". This is because sesame seeds have a huge concentration of oils.

The use of this miracle plant in Egypt became widespread. Here, an incredible amount was known about the features of vegetable oils and their correct use. As early as 1500 BC. The Egyptians used the sesame "treasure".

Chemical composition and cultivation

Now sesame is a crop cultivated in Pakistan, India and Transcaucasia, the Far East and Central Asia. The prerogative is to extract the oils from the plant. The seeds themselves are also used - most of all in the culinary field.

The sesame plant is a storehouse of elements useful to the human body. It has significant nutritional value because it has a balanced structure of substances and elements.

Among those:

  • a wide range of biologically significant macro and microelements (K, Ca, Zn, Ni, Fe, Si, P, Cu, etc.);
  • the most valuable aminocarboxylic acids;
  • unsaturated fatty omega 6 acids;
  • an exhaustive vitamin complex (A, group B, C, D, E);
  • unsaturated Omega 9 acids;
  • active nutrients, which include plant sterols, phytic salts, phospholipids and antioxidants such as sesamol or squalene, etc.

Important! The rarity of this oil lies in the unusually abundant and harmonious composition of health benefits and the formation of structures and materials. Thanks to this valuable set, the "sesame treasure" is widely applicable in Ayurvedic (health and longevity) sciences and methods of treatment.

Sesame properties: necessary and useful

Consider the areas where the oil is most beneficial and beneficial.

Digestive system.

Phospholipids with phytosterols in the composition normalize bile secretion.

Together with other medicines, "sesame" is prescribed for duodenal or stomach ulcers, diseases of the gall or pancreas.

Sesame oil is a friend that helps the correct and stable work of metabolic processes, the digestive system.

Joints and bones.

As a means for massage, sesame oil is used for rheumatism, joint dysfunction, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

Blood circulation and blood vessels.

With a stable, regular and correct use of "sesame" oil in the lymph increases the number of blood cells - platelets. Their increasing number has a positive effect on blood clotting.

Fatty acids and other microelements help maintain a strong tone, elasticity of the heart muscle, vascular walls.

Against hypertension, arrhythmia, heart palpitations, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and other cardiovascular pathologies, "sesame" oil is used as a prophylactic agent.

Respiratory system.

It is a moisturizer for dry nasal mucous membranes. It is often prescribed for the treatment of dry cough, pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Women's / men's health.

B and E-vitamins, Omega, zinc, which are present in abundance in the composition of the plant and its derivatives, support, strengthen the functioning of the reproductive system in a woman / male prostate gland.

Taking sesame oil is beneficial during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Anti-cancer prevention and vitamin balance.

Sesame is a powerful immune stimulant. Antioxidants from its composition are ardent fighters against cancer cells. It is also a rich source of calcium, which our body often lacks. 1 tablespoon of sesame oil will triple your calcium levels!

Athletes and nerds.

Sesame is an accelerator of muscle mass growth. A powerful vitamin complex in its composition is a "nourishment" of the physically acting organism with the necessary substances. Thus, helping the athlete to avoid unwanted vitamin depletion.

People who are more involved with the brain should also turn their eyes to sesame seeds. Amino acids, B-vitamins, an abundance of phosphorus and phospholipids - "drovishki" in the "brain furnace".

Intense brain activity, stressful conditions, loss of attention and impaired memory are ailments against which sesame oil does an excellent job. It is important to know .

Sesame is for beauty.

Sesame oil is a carrier of wound healing, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antifungal substances. Thanks to this, this remedy has become a "cosmo-healer", restoring the health of the skin, curls, relieving all sorts of dermatological pathologies, irritations and wounds.

It is important to know! Sesame oil effectively fights fungi, scaly lichens (psoriasis), eczema, quickly tightens, revives wounded, burned skin.

Concentration of vitamins "tone": A, C, E, Omega acids, antioxidants, antioxidants, lipids, etc. turns sesame seeds into an ardent supporter of strong hair, nails, teeth and beautiful skin.

Effects on the epidermis.

It goes deep into the intercellular space of the skin, effectively softens and fills with vitamins, moisturizes the epidermis. It activates blood circulation, aerobic metabolism.

Helps the synthesis of collagen by cells, as a result of which the skin is more firm, elastic and youthful.

Promotes water-lipid skin balance, immune and regenerative properties of epidermal cells.

It helps to regenerate the skin, miraculously relieving the epidermis of dead cells, settled impurities, harmful toxins.

Relieves acne, redness, inflammation and flaking.

Prevents early skin aging, which is possible with prolonged sun exposure, any diseases, hormonal disruptions.

Effects on hair.

E and B vitamins, zinc and silicon are often deficient in humans, which is clearly reflected in the appearance of the hair.

Sesame oil contains these elements in abundance. Therefore, it is an effective raw material against brittle, weak, falling out, split ends and problem skin on the head.

It is an indispensable participant in homemade masks applied to haggard / colored hair.

Interesting fact! In addition to the numerous qualities indicated, sesame oil is extremely positive for seborrhea, as it can normalize the healthy activity of the sebaceous glands.

"Sesame" beauty recipes

Those who have gathered to the sea will not be superfluous to know that the miraculous qualities of the oil help from the ultraviolet radiation of the resort's sun rays and from sea water. It also saves from chlorine contained in swimming pools. Therefore, feel free to rub your skin with this "jewel".

To help skin / hair / nails mix sesame oil into your regular balm / cream / mask, or use it as a base for a variety of folk masks.

Do not forget about the aroma combing, when a couple of drops of oil are dripped onto the brush and carefully, evenly comb the curls.

Rubbing heated (warm, but not hot) sesame oil into the skin will perfectly strengthen the hair roots. After this action, you need to wrap your head in a warm towel and wait about half an hour. After - wash your hair.

If you want to conduct a treatment course (when your hair is "sick" and noticeably depleted), then rub in for 1 month, every other day. For a standard fortifying vitamin course, 1 time per week is enough.

Use of "Sesame" in medicine

Due to its multidisciplinary direction of action, this type of oil is widely used as a medicine. Therefore, it is widespread not only in the culinary field, but also in the medical field - both folk and scientific.

Ayurvedic methods, emanating from the ancient Indian medicinal teachings, also involve the use of sesame, and quite detailed.

Ayuverda positions sesame oil as hot, spicy, warming, calming the mind and toning the body and spirit, nourishing the heart and expelling harmful poisons, toxins, toxins.

In scientific medicine, which we are accustomed to trust more, doctors also do not bypass "sesame". Often, sesame oil (or preparations containing it) are included in the treatment complex for patients with:

  • gastrointestinal problems, constipation and intestinal colic;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • diseases of the stomach and improper production of gastric juice;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions;
  • disorders of bile secretion and liver function;
  • nasal congestion, dry cough, bronchitis;
  • hypertension;
  • stuffy ears;
  • visual impairment;
  • diabetes / obesity;
  • anemia;
  • pyelonephritis.

Interesting to know! Sesame, as a bactericidal and healing agent, is often included in the composition of ointments, drops, creams, balms. You can add a few drops to the ointment where sesame oil is absent.

Traditional medicine recipes

Heated "sesame oil" is an excellent healer for colds, ENT diseases, flu.

The oil must be heated (exclusively with a water bath) and rubbed on the chest and back. After - warm up. It is ideal to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Angina or pharyngitis will help to heal (as an additional remedy in combination with drugs). Taking oil inside, also warmed up - 1 teaspoon per day - is quite enough.

Disorders of the stomach (gastritis, colitis) will eliminate the use of a teaspoon of "sesame" on an empty stomach, a couple of times a day.

Against otitis media, oil is carefully instilled into the ear, slightly heated.

It is useful to swallow a spoonful of sesame oil right before meals, which helps to increase platelets and improve blood clotting.

Do not forget that this is a miracle cure for skin diseases. In case of redness, pimples, peeling, apply sesame oil pointwise to the affected area.

It is important to know! In the fight against acne, dermatitis, it will be effective to make a powerful oil complex by mixing several components. For example, sesame, grape, olive oil, aloe or Kalanchoe juice. It will turn out to be an excellent "fighter" against rashes.

Painful, sensitive gums and teeth can also be soothed by rubbing the oil directly into the gums or mixing with toothpaste.

Sesame oil as a treasury of vitamins, microelements is often taken (1 tsp in the morning) as a preparation for the complex maintenance of a healthy tone of the body.

Cooking use

Unrefined sesame oil has a rich, rich, aromatic flavor, which is widely used mainly in Asian cuisine: Chinese and Cantonese, Thai and Korean, and Japanese.

It is almost always added to rice dishes. This distinctive flavor is also found in marinades / dressings for meat, seafood, salads.

Of course, everyone knows oriental sweets sprinkled with sesame seeds.

It is important to know! Sesame is not allowed for frying. It is added to the dish directly when serving.

Due to its high nutritional value and comparatively (with other oils), the reduced calorie content of the product is indispensable for vegans or people adhering to a diet.

For children, sesame oil is shown as a source of nutrients, which are not enough for a young body. So, you can refuel food, for example, or give your child a spoonful of this golden substance.

Babies 1-3 years old are enough and 3-5 drops per day. For 3-6-year-olds - 5-10 drops each, and for older children, a full teaspoon is acceptable.

Popular with readers -.

Limitations and contraindications

Like any product, you should take a closer look at sesame oil, comparing its composition with the characteristics of your own health.

So, the use of "sesame" must be approved by a doctor (in the case of a therapeutic course).

The doctor may limit or even exclude sesame seeds (seeds and oil) when:

  1. Individual intolerance;
  2. Available varicose veins;
  3. Predisposition to thrombosis.

Sesame oil, which is also called sesame oil (sesame has a second name "sesame"), used to be considered a delicacy. It was known in antiquity and is still very popular in India, China, Pakistan, etc., not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal properties. In Europe, sesame oil is usually used as a flavoring agent, without even knowing that it has a lot of useful properties.

Sesame seeds and oil obtained from them contain vitamins A, D, E, K, C, some vitamins from group B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and other trace elements, as well as a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and many other natural chemical compounds useful for the body.

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

This oil is very useful for the cardiovascular system due to the fact that the substances contained in it normalize cholesterol metabolism, improve blood properties, and also strengthen the heart muscle and the vascular wall. It is recommended for use in diseases of the hematopoietic system, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and atherosclerosis. Of course, the use of sesame seed oil is useful not only in the treatment of these diseases, but also for their prevention.

It is very useful to diversify the diet with sesame oil for diseases of the digestive system, especially such as colitis, gastritis with high acidity,. It has a mild laxative effect and helps natural bowel cleansing. Sesame seed oil stimulates the formation and separation of bile, has a beneficial effect on the liver, helps to restore its structure in hepatitis and fatty degeneration.

I would especially like to note the beneficial properties of sesame oil for nutritional disorders, and not only for obesity, but also for depletion of the body. Even in the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, a lot of attention was paid to sesame oil as a means of cleansing the body, getting rid of excess weight and building muscle mass. Indeed, this oil helps to eliminate from the body not only toxins and toxins, but also salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, therefore it was considered an effective remedy for poisoning. Due to the substance sesamin, which is contained in large quantities in sesame oil, fat metabolism is normalized and the process of fat burning is stimulated. However, do not forget about the calorie content of the oil: there are almost 900 kcal per 100 g, so you cannot abuse it.

This product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the brain due to its high content of phospholipids, antioxidants and many other compounds. In the presence of sesame oil in the human diet, brain activity, memory and concentration of attention are improved, the body is much easier to cope with nervous strain, fatigue and depression. To prevent age-related changes in the nervous system, it is enough to periodically add sesame oil to food, this will help reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and other nervous diseases.

Sesame oil can be of invaluable benefit to the human musculoskeletal system. Due to the high content of calcium, as well as phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin C, this product helps in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the joints and bones, and it can not only be used as a dietary supplement, but also used externally to massage the diseased area. Sesame oil is useful during periods when the body needs more calcium and vitamins than usual, for example, pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents during the period of active skeletal growth.

Sesame seed oil is also useful for immunity, it has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic effects. This product helps to maintain the youth of the body, prevents premature aging of cells, and also has an antitumor effect. With its regular use, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. For dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungal skin lesions, sesame oil can be applied externally.

Sesame oil is good for the genital area of \u200b\u200bboth women and men. Women many centuries ago used it for painful menstruation, to relieve premenstrual syndrome and the manifestations of menopause. In addition, its ingestion contributes to the prevention of mastopathy. It is no less useful to add this vegetable oil to the diet of men, since the complex of substances included in its composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate, improves erectile function and stimulates the process of spermatogenesis.

In cosmetology, sesame oil is not as popular as, for example,. However, it is no less beneficial for the skin, since it nourishes, moisturizes it, improves local blood circulation, has a regenerating effect and protects against ultraviolet rays. Sesame oil can also be used for oily skin as it helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. Sesame seed oil helps to strengthen weakened brittle hair, especially after dyeing, it can be used in the complex treatment of seborrhea. This oil is rarely used for cosmetic purposes in its pure form, usually a few drops are added to other components of the masks.

The harm of sesame oil

The use of sesame oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to sesame - although it is very rare, there is still an allergy to sesame seed.

Sesame oil contains substances that improve blood clotting, so it is not recommended to eat it for people suffering from diseases with increased blood clotting and thrombosis. Therefore, you should abandon this product and when taking drugs that reduce blood clotting.

It is not recommended to add oil to food while taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, and also to use it in conjunction with products containing oxalic acid. This can lead to impaired absorption of calcium, accumulation in the body and the formation of kidney and bladder stones. As a reminder, the greatest amount of oxalic acid is found in sorrel and rhubarb, so you shouldn't add sesame oil to them.

Pregnant women should not abuse sesame oil; it is enough to add 1-2 teaspoons of oil to food several times a week.

Sesame oil is rarely used specifically for medicinal purposes; it is recommended to add it to the diet as a natural healthy product and a means of preventing diseases. You should not use it in large quantities, it is enough to include 1-2 teaspoons in your daily diet, you can take it not every day. Children over 2-3 years old can add a few drops of this product to meals a couple of times a week, teenagers over 10 years old are allowed to consume 1 teaspoon of oil a day.

How to choose sesame oil?

There are two types of sesame oil on sale: light and dark. The light oil is cold pressed directly from untreated sesame seeds. It has a less pronounced taste and aroma than dark. If you want to add such a healthy product as sesame oil to your diet, but its aroma and taste are not pleasant to you, then you should choose light oil.

Dark sesame oil is made from roasted sesame seeds. It is considered more concentrated, has a very pronounced pleasant aroma and taste, which is not lost even when added to other products with a strong odor. Such oil is not suitable for heat treatment, and it is not cheap, so it is customary to use it for dressing salads and other cold dishes.

Both types of sesame oil have the same beneficial properties, however, it should be remembered that in order for the body to receive real benefits from their use, vegetable oils should not be heat-treated. When frying or stewing, oil becomes not only useless, but even unhealthy.

Black sesame seeds are not peeled, unlike white, therefore they have more useful substances.

Table "The difference between black sesame and white"

Benefits and harm to the child's body

Due to the huge number of beneficial properties, sesame seeds can also be given to children. Due to the peculiarities of the child's body, pediatricians recommend introducing sesame seeds into the diet from the age of 3. For children, 1 teaspoon per day will be quite enough. In their pure form, babies are unlikely to eat seeds, so they can be used to decorate cereals and casseroles.

Sesame oil is useful for the child's body as a preventive measure for seasonal colds, for the treatment of colds and ENT diseases. Massage with herbal remedy relieves diaper rash in children, diaper dermatitis, softens and protects the skin.

The massage soothes capricious children and improves falling asleep. Gum massage - eases teething, treats thrush, relieves pain and redness.

Symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis in young and older women after 50 years

  1. Sesame oil must be consumed by all women, without exception, in order to maintain normal hormonal levels. The product reduces painful sensations and muscle cramps during menstruation, and reduces the frequency of hot flashes during menopause.
  2. For pregnant girls, oil will help eliminate constipation, toxicosis, swelling of tissues and limbs in particular. In addition, the fetus will form correctly, the likelihood of possible defects at birth will be excluded.
  3. Sesame oil reduces stretch marks after childbirth, rarely causes allergies, improves milk quality (if taken during lactation). Frequent and dosed consumption normalizes hair and nails.

With the disease osteoporosis, bone density decreases, and their strength decreases sharply. One in two women over the age of 50 will have an osteoporotic fracture in the later years of her life. Therefore, early prevention of this disease and appropriate therapy are necessary.

Sesame seed during pregnancy and lactation

While waiting for a baby, most women experience a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. Sesame seeds help to deal with many of the unpleasant accompanying pregnancy, in particular:

  • help eliminate constipation;
  • increase the immunity of the body of the expectant mother;
  • solve problems with frequent urination;
  • help to maintain healthy teeth;
  • positively affect the nervous system, relieve anxiety;
  • keep muscles in good condition.

Sesame can be used for breastfeeding too. Eating seeds reduces the risk of breast inflammation and mastopathy.

Interesting! For mastitis, you can apply gauze soaked in sesame oil to your chest.

Sesame oil, benefits and uses, 11 recipes for hair, face and treatments: Alternative medicine

The benefits of sesame oil for the body are invaluable. Since the time of Babylon, sesame has symbolized immortality, it is not for nothing that it was considered the food of the gods.

The oil obtained from sesame seeds was used not only in food, in skin and hair care, but also in the treatment of various diseases. To date, the oil has not lost its importance, and is widely used in cooking, medical and cosmetic fields, as well as folk medicine.

Today sesame is cultivated in the countries of the Far East, India, Central Asia, Transcaucasia. The seeds of this most valuable plant are used mainly for obtaining oil, for food, as well as in the treatment of many diseases.

Due to the high concentration of oil in the seeds, the plant is also called "sesame", which literally means "oil plant" from Arabic. In our country (Russia), sesame oil and plant seeds are used mainly in baking and making sweets.

Useful properties and composition of sesame oil.

What calcium supplements to use to prevent osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is considered a disease of the elderly, however, it begins much earlier. Calcium supplements for osteoporosis are commonly prescribed, but the number of cases increases dramatically with age.

Causes of the disease

With age, changes begin in any organism that do not have the most favorable effect on human health. One of these changes is the development of an imbalance between the growth of new bone tissue and the resorption of the old one.

This means that new bone tissue is formed less and more slowly, and old bone is destroyed more and faster. This is how osteoporosis develops, a disease that leads to increased fragility of bones.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. In women, hormonal changes during menopause.
  2. Lack of calcium as one of the most important macronutrients providing the necessary bone density.
  3. Long-term use of corticosteroids at dosages of 7.5 mg per day or more.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  5. Bone tumors.
  6. Poor physical development.
  7. Genetic predisposition.

Despite the fact that osteoporosis is widespread, it is diagnosed quite late, usually with fractures in old age.

Since bones, like any other tissue in the body, grow, change and break down, they need a building material. Calcium acts as the building blocks that build the correct bone structure. In cases when it is poorly absorbed or when it is deficient in food, the structure of the bone changes - it becomes more porous and fragile, less durable - osteoporosis develops.

Uses of sesame milk

Irina 01/29/2014 Sesame oil. Beneficial features. Application

Dear readers, today I want to tell you about sesame oil. Surely, many of you have heard of him.

First of all, we associate it with sesame seeds. By the way, I already told you about the sesame seeds on the blog in the article Useful properties of sesame seeds.

For myself, I discovered this oil quite recently and was pleased with both its taste and undeniable health benefits. Among vegetable oils, I prefer flaxseed - it is my favorite.

I also told you about it in my article on the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil. But now sesame oil is also successfully used in our family.

Of course, it tastes a little specific. But personally, I really liked it.

I hope that today's information will also interest you, and you decide to try this useful product. I think you will not regret it.

Let me introduce you - sesame oil. The second name for sesame oil - sesame, comes from the Assyrian name for sesame "sesame", it is similar to the Arabic "sim-sim". It is known that sesame oil was used in ancient Babylon for culinary purposes, and by the Egyptians for medicinal purposes.

Unlike the eastern countries, sesame oil is still not very popular in our country. However, its popularity is gradually growing, and if earlier it could only be bought in pharmacies, today it appears on the shelves of supermarkets as well.

But in Japan, China, India, Korea and Thailand, it has long been considered an indispensable culinary ingredient, and in many European countries sesame oil has become widespread, not least because of its beneficial qualities.

And in our cafes and restaurants with Japanese cuisine, sesame oil is often served. If we season an ordinary salad even at home with this oil and sprinkle it with a little sesame seeds, it will turn into a very tasty, healthy dish with hints of sophistication. Try it.

Sesame oil. Composition.

On the basis of sesame milk, you can cook cereals, make smoothies and fruit cocktails. The seed cake is used for making muffins and pies.

Let's figure out how to make sesame milk at home. The recipe is very simple.

So, for cooking you will need:

  • 100 g of sesame seeds;
  • 1 liter of drinking water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

The oil made from sesame seeds is widely used in medicine in the production of various emulsions, ointments and patches. It has long been proven to help blood clot faster. Sesame oil is also used as a laxative, it is able to remove harmful substances from the body.

For cosmetic purposes, sesame seed oil is added to body and face care products. It smoothes fine wrinkles, preserves youthfulness of the skin, moisturizes and softens it. An even complexion appears.

Oil is also used for massage. It is also added to hair masks, making them silky and strong.

Sesame oil is used in Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Indian traditional cuisine. In European cuisine, it is used for making sauces, pastries, and sweets.

It is widely used in aromatherapy, folk and official medicine. In cosmetology and perfumery, oil is used to prepare creams, masks for hair and face, and perfume compositions.

In cosmetology

Sesame seed oil was used in cosmetics in ancient Egypt. Recipes based on it were given in papyri dated 1500 BC.

e. It was used in cosmetology in India, Assyria, Iran.

In India, sesame oil is a sacred oil that bestows immortality. It is mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas.

The goddess of love Lakshmi symbolizes the essence of sesame oil - eternal youth and beauty.

Different pathologies require different ways of using sesame oil and its dose. The effectiveness of the therapeutic effect depends on how to take sesame oil and in what dosage.


Sesame has been known as a medicine since ancient times.

Then healers prescribed him to sick with colds.

Today the spice has expanded in scope and is used to treat asthma and pneumonia.

For women's health, sesame seeds are invaluable:

  • positively affect the genitourinary system and the genitals of the fair half of humanity.

Since time immemorial, healers have advised women to consume raw sesame seeds - a spoonful every day, chewing thoroughly.

For young mothers, seeds help maintain the health of the mammary glands, prevent the risk of developing mastopathy.

In the daily menu of a woman who has crossed the threshold of the 45th birthday, sesame must be present. It acts as an analogue of female hormones, and this is so important during menopause.

In order to treat mastitis, traditional medicine recommends applying ground sesame seeds mixed with sunflower oil to the inflamed mammary glands.

This prescription must be agreed with the attending physician.

If sesame is used together with flax seeds (beneficial properties) and poppy seeds, it acquires the properties of an aphrodisiac, and therefore, is extremely useful for both women and men.

Oil application

Healthy oil is squeezed out of sesame seeds. It is used for medical purposes - for the manufacture of healing adhesive plasters, medicinal ointments.

It has been shown to help blood clot faster. It is also used as a laxative:

  • together with it, harmful substances leave the body.

From diseases of the heart and blood vessels

  1. If you have poor blood clotting, take a tablespoon of sesame oil before meals three times a day.
  2. For strengthening the heart add seeds to food.

Harm and contraindications

You should remember and know that you should not allow sesame oil to be heated to a high temperature and use it for frying. As a result of thermal exposure, almost all useful substances evaporate from the product, instead of benefits, its use will harm health.

You should not use expired oil, it can also harm the body.

Contraindications to the use of sesame oil:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Accelerated blood clotting process;

Along with the beneficial properties, sesame has contraindications for people who suffer:

  • increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • urolithiasis;
  • oncological pathologies of the kidneys;
  • allergy to sesame seeds.

Along with the benefits, sesame seeds can cause significant harm to the health of some people.

Its property to improve blood clotting, when eating sesame seeds, is dangerous for those who already have high clotting or diagnosed with thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels).

You can not use sesame seeds in the presence of sand and stones in the organs of the urinary system.

The mucous walls of the stomach are tender and react sharply to everything that enters the stomach. Excessive consumption of sesame seeds is irreparable harm.

That is why doctors advise to eat spice only in small quantities.

An adult, if his health is in order, can eat sesame seeds in the amount of 2-3 small spoons per day.

  • a feeling of nausea will surely appear and you will want to drink.

Since sesame increases blood clotting, people with increased blood clotting, thrombosis and thrombosis are not advised to eat it. You should not use it for people with urolithiasis.

Sesame is only useful if you eat it in moderation. It is useful for a person to eat 2-3 teaspoons per day.

  • children's age (up to 1 year);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ailments of the kidneys (stones, sand), gallbladder and liver;
  • high blood clotting;
  • a tendency to diarrhea.

Sesame seed oil should not be taken with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and other drugs that contain this substance. If you are allergic to peanuts, the product should be completely eliminated from the diet.

You should not consume oil internally if you eat foods with oxalic acid at the same time. These include tomato, spinach, cucumber, etc. This combination, like acetylsalicylic acid, prevents the removal of calcium. As a result, there is a risk of urolithiasis.

Sesame oil, or sesame oil, brings undeniable benefits to the human body. The product is effective for dermatological problems, ailments of the cardiovascular system and sexual dysfunction. To get the full value, it is necessary to exclude contraindications in advance and study the possible harm.

the benefits and harms of black cumin oil

Since sesame oil is a natural product, there are not many contraindications to its use.

Despite the tremendous health benefits that sesame can provide, it can be potentially dangerous. Since one of its properties is to improve blood clotting, then people with thrombosis should refuse it.

Sesame is also prohibited for people diagnosed with sand and kidney stones, as it can provoke their movement.

useful properties and contraindications of cardamom

Sesame seeds harm

Sesame can bring not only benefits, but also harm if the product is abused. In large quantities, oil and sesame seeds produce an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and bile ducts, and increase blood clotting. During pregnancy, frequent use can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

The key to successful treatment with sesame seeds is the correct and dosed use of a healing product for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Sesame seed oil is incredibly healthy. Our ancestors also proved its beneficial effect on the human body. It is equally beneficial for both men and women.

Sesame oil can be used as a food product and as a medicine. It is rich in provitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins, and is also high in copper, iron, selenium, manganese, zinc and dietary fiber.

Sesame can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Contraindications include:

  • thrombosis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypercalcemia.

Also, do not eat sesame seeds on an empty stomach. This can cause thirst and nausea. For those who follow a diet, it is also better to refrain from seeds. The fats that are contained there can only add excess weight.