How to fry herring fish in a pan. Fried herring in a pan

25.07.2019 Meat dishes

We have an erroneous stereotype that herring can only be salted, in extreme cases - pickled. Unfortunately, few people have come across fried herring, and this is real delicacy. Somewhere I read that herring is one of the most useful fish. And the taste of fried herring is distinguished by extraordinary tenderness, mild taste. Prepares instantly. I strongly advise you to go to the store, buy fresh herring, choose fatter) and fry it. And keep in mind that herring has a wonderful property - the absence of a fishy smell when frying! Fresh herring can be fried with all kinds of additives, I will show you two recipes Norwegian cuisine, each of them deserves a kind word.

To prepare fried herring you will need:

first recipe:

herring - 1 pc.;

butter - 20 g;

grain mustard - 3 tbsp. l.;

sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;

olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

grain mustard for serving) - 1 tbsp. l.;

salt with spices - 1 tbsp. l.

second recipe:

herring - 1 pc.;

tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

dill - 30 g;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

butter - 20 g;

salt - to taste.

The first recipe for fried herring

Put the finished fried herring on a plate, place a little grain mustard next to it. You can start eating!

The second recipe for fried herring

Fry the herring on each side for 1-2 minutes and our herring with tomatoes is ready. Transfer the fried fish to a plate. Next to attach fried tomatoes with dill.

Bon appetit!

fried herring– has long been a favorite fish dish in my family. We can eat herring in any form: salted, pickled, baked. Stuffed and even fried. By the way, a fried herring in a pan is cooked in just a few minutes, most of the time it will take cleaning the herring and cutting it into fillets. But the recipe with a photo will help you cook the fish correctly and tasty.

Required products:
- 350 grams of freshly frozen herring,
- some salt
- 1.5 tsp. l. mustard,
- 2 tables. l. flour for breading,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, we take out the herring from the freezer, defrost it, but only by half, so it will be more convenient to cut and clean the fish. We separate the fillet, backbone, bones, head and tail, discard. Remains clean fillet. We do not remove the skin from the herring so that the fish can keep perfect shape during the frying process. If there is caviar, then it can also be left to fry with fish in a pan. Herring fillet can be cut both large and larger small pieces. It depends on your preferences.

On one side of the herring, coat the fillet with mustard (it is better to coat the side where the fillet and pulp are), lightly salt to make the fish tasty. We put not a lot of mustard, so as not to overdo it. And who loves spicy dishes you can add red ground pepper. We leave the herring to lie down a bit and marinate. Literally 15 minutes.

Roll each piece of fillet in wheat flour so that the herring comes out ruddy after roasting, and also has a crispy crust.

Roast the herring vegetable oil at both sides. The herring is fried quickly, about 3-4 minutes on each side.

Fried herring can be served both hot and cold. Bon Appetite!
And this is how it's prepared

Despite the widespread stereotype in our vast country that herring can be tasty only in pickled or salted form, fried herring is becoming more and more popular every year. It is impossible not to note the incomparable tender and fragrant taste of its meat. And the notorious fishy smell during the cooking process can be eliminated by following little tricks. In addition, the herring is cooked just instantly.

But not only excellent palatability herring is different, it is also rich large quantity so indispensable for healthy person trace elements like iodine, calcium, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and sodium. And few people know that only 200 g. fried fish contains a daily amount of protein. Thanks to vitamins D, PP, A and B12 regular use herring improves the functioning of the brain and vision. According to medical research, the constant presence of herring in the diet removes the symptoms of psoriasis.


There is a mass various recipes cooking fried herring, but this article will reveal the subtleties with which fried Atlantic fish meat will turn out so tasty that your guests will consider such a dish a real delicacy.

Fried herring according to grandma's recipe

For 1 kg of frozen herring you will need:

1 medium head of onion;

1 hour a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

Oil for frying. You can use both butter and regular refined sunflower oil;

Flour or semolina for breading;

A little mustard;

Any special seasoning for fish, salt and ground pepper black.

Thawed herring should be gutted and washed thoroughly. Then cut off the heads and tails. The remaining body of the herring can be cut into 4-5 parts or the fillet can be separated. The cut pieces are placed in a deep bowl. After that, they are salted, peppered, poured with lemon juice, rubbed with seasoning and mixed with onion cut into half rings. And to remove the unpleasant fishy aroma, you need to rub it with mustard. It hides the smell very well. BUT lemon juice removes bitterness and mustard taste. We leave the fish to marinate in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

After that, the marinade juice is drained, and the fish parts are sautéed in flour or semolina. They are then fried in a hot pan with oil. For a more juicy taste, onions are added during frying. So that the herring does not burn, it is better to fry it on moderate heat. Fried herring can be served with vegetables or mashed potatoes. In any case, fried herring will pleasantly surprise everyone with its unusual taste.

Fried herring with tomatoes

This recipe is not fundamentally different from the previous one. All to the same ingredients, except for onions and mustard, fresh dill and a couple of red tomatoes are added. However, in this case, the herring will be tastier if you cut it along the body, along the ridge.

After cutting and marinating, cut fish carcasses are placed in hot oil. And immediately finely chopped dill and tomatoes are sent to the pan. A more juicy dish will turn out if the tomatoes are cut not into small pieces, but larger ones.

Herring is fried, as already mentioned, very quickly. The main thing is not to overdo it. To achieve the desired degree of frying, fry the fish on each side for an average of 2 minutes. Fried herring with tomatoes will reveal its full taste with a side dish of rice.
Fried herring in Korean

The fish cooked according to this recipe is distinguished by its delicate piquant taste. Main Ingredients:

1 kg of herring;

1 bunch of green onions;

1 head of garlic;

1 hour a spoonful of soy bitter paste;

Soy sauce;

1 hour a spoonful of ordinary vinegar;

Red and black ground pepper.

Remove the insides from each herring, except for milk and caviar, and rinse well under running water. To make the fish cook faster, you need to make cuts on it on each side. Then you should start preparing the marinade. To do this, you need to cut green onion and garlic, mix them with pasta, soy sauce, ginger, pepper and vinegar. With the resulting marinade, carefully rub each piece of herring, and insist in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

First, it must be cooked on a special grid for frying, after which the well-fried fish is transferred to a hot frying pan with oil. And keep on low heat for another 10 minutes.

Fried herring in a slow cooker

This is very tasty dish can be done in a slow cooker. If you want to cook a small herring, then before frying, you need to dip it in a regular batter. But the large representatives of the herring family do not need such processing. It is enough just to salt and pepper it. For better frying, it is necessary to cut it on both sides. After that, the fish is placed in the multicooker bowl and fried on each side for 15 minutes. And voila, the most tender a fish dish ready for the whole family!

Many citizens perceive herring only in a salty form. Most of them never even thought about the fact that it can be fried, while it turns out quite tasty and elegant. Fried herring can surely surprise your whole family. This fish is quite cheap, so this option will be very acceptable for most families.

Fried herring with onions

This recipe can be considered a classic, and the resulting dish is quite good in taste. There are no expensive products, only fish and onions. If desired, you can add a small amount of wine to the onion, but it's worth starting with the ingredients.

Ingredients for herring with onions

To prepare this dish for two people, you will need:

  • herring fish - 1 piece;
  • onion - 100 grams;
  • green onion (optional) - 40 grams;
  • white wine (optional) - 50 grams;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • flour;
  • salt and pepper;
  • lemon.

Cooking method

The first step is to fillet the fish. To do this, it is necessary to decapitate the herring and, starting from the place where the head was, cut the flesh along the ridge with a knife, slowly heading towards its tail. This process is the most difficult to prepare. You need to fillet the fish very carefully so that as much as possible remains on the ridge. less meat, however, the fillet itself should not resemble minced fish. For this procedure, it is best to use a sharp and large knife.

After you get two beautiful fillets, you need to get rid of all the bones. After all, no one wants to eat fish and be afraid that a bone will fall. To get rid of them, you will need to get tweezers. You can buy a special one for fish, or you can take it from a cosmetic bag, this one is also perfect for this procedure.

When the fillet is completely ready, you can start marinating the fish. To do this, the fillet must be cut to make 4 square pieces. Then put them in a bowl and add lemon juice, salt and pepper there. To make the fried herring even more unusual, you can add various spices if you wish, but this is already an amateur. While the fish is marinating, let's start frying the onions.

Onions need to be peeled, washed and cut into half rings. Then throw it into a well-heated pan. It should be borne in mind that for cooking onions and fish you need different time Therefore, it is better to cook all the ingredients separately. When the onion starts to brown, add salt and pepper. You can also add a little wine and wait until it evaporates, in which case the vegetable will get unusual taste, he will be with slight sourness, which is inherent white wine. When the onion is fried, you can put it in a separate container and start frying the fish.

You need to take pickled herring, roll it in flour. If flour is not available, you can use potato starch. Then put on hot pan and fry on both sides until the fish becomes a pleasant golden color.

After that, put the fish on a clean plate, pour on top onion and, if the season permits, you can finely chop the green onion and also sprinkle it on the fish. Fried herring turns out to be a very cheap dish, but at the same time very tasty. Therefore, it is highly recommended to try it.

Swedish fried herring

This recipe is very popular in Sweden, it cannot be said that in this case there are many differences from our herring with onions.

Swedish Herring Ingredients:

  • herring - 1 piece;
  • butter;
  • dill and parsley;
  • coarse (coarse) flour;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method

Just like in the previous recipe, you first need to mill the herring. What needs to be done and why is already known, so we will skip this process. When the fillet is completely ready for use, it should be salted, peppered and sprinkled with herbs. Then it is advisable to leave the fish for twenty minutes so that it is saturated with the smell. fresh dill and parsley.

After this time, the whole fish fillet should be rolled in coarse flour. It is important to use just such flour, this is the point this recipe. After the fish is breaded, it should be fried. Melt the butter in a frying pan, heat it well and put the fish skin side up. It is also worth noting that fried herring Swedish recipe prepared only for butter and on no other.

When on both sides the fish acquires a pleasant golden crust- she's ready. In Sweden, this dish is most often consumed with mashed potatoes and ground lingonberry pulp. Beer or wine must also be present on the table, but in this case, this is already at will and according to mood.


So, many have now learned that there is such a dish as fried herring. Cooking recipes can be very different and incredible. In this case, very standard recipes, which do not require great culinary skills, but all dishes prepared according to them are very tasty and attractive in appearance.

And who said that fried herring is the height of culinary bad taste? Fried herring is no worse than other fried fish, and maybe even better! The smell has absolutely any fish, but maybe a little less pronounced.

Herring is not bony, fatty and tender fish, so it makes sense to learn how to cook it deliciously, namely, fry it.

Herring, just fried, of course, is very tasty on its own, but if you add some seasonings to it, it will turn out completely incomparable dish! You should definitely expand your list of herring dishes with this new Vietnamese Herring recipe.

Ingredients for fried herring:

  • Fresh or frozen herring - 4 pieces,
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons,
  • Salt - to taste
  • flour for breading,
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking fried herring.

We wash the herring, cut off the head, fins, tail and gut.

We try to clean off the black film inside the abdomen as thoroughly as possible. Wash the fish well, cut the fillets from the bones.

Squeeze the garlic through a press. We put the herring fillet in the dishes, we also send garlic, salt and soy sauce there.

We coat the herring fillet well with this mixture. Leave in this form for impregnation for half an hour.

Then we put the pan on the stove, pour in quite a bit of oil for frying. The fact is that fried herring is a dish that does not require a lot of oil to cook. She herself gives it (oil) to the pan, as it is very greasy.

Dip the herring in flour and place in a pan.

The herring is fried very quickly, the garlic does not have time to burn, as one might think. We fry on both sides. Serve with light side dishes boiled vegetables, for example, just do not cook from potatoes)))