Pollock cutlets - recipes with photos. How to cook delicious pollock minced fish cakes

19.10.2019 Snacks

Cutlets are a universal dish, they suit all side dishes and cold and hot appetizers, they are hearty and well digested, they are loved by children and adults. It's not just meatballs. Pollock fish cakes are also good! The recipe is very tasty and technologically correctly cooked cutlets, can make an ordinary weekday lunch a belly feast. Don't believe me? In vain!

How to prepare fish

Pollock is a relatively cheap fish, but this does not detract from its nutritional value. Pollock is caught mainly in the Pacific waters. This fish lives up to 15 years, and already at 3-4 years old it begins to multiply in huge quantities. How many calories a fish cutlet contains on average often depends on the age of the fish - the older it is, the fatter and more nutritious it is. 100 grams of fish contains 70 kcal or more.

This is a very valuable fish for the body, since pollock meat contains vitamins PP, A, E, C, useful omega acids, phosphorus, calcium, iodine. Pollock is low-allergenic and easily digestible, and therefore is actively included in the nutrition of children.

Choosing pollock in the store, it is better to give preference to chilled fish, but since it is difficult to get such fish, frozen fish is also suitable. For cutlets, of course, fillet is required, and therefore the larger the carcass, the better.

How to prepare a fish for cooking? First you need to defrost it. The matter will go faster if you place the pollock under running cold water. It is more convenient to butcher when the carcass is not yet completely limp, but a little "in good shape", that is, "has not moved away" completely. Putting the fish on the board, cut off the tail, head (if any) and fins with a sharp knife, and then cut it into fillets, removing the backbone. If the fish is not gutted, all the insides, the black film, must be cleaned. The strong, rough skin must also be removed, but for the pollock, it is not thick, it can be left.

Minced fish for cutlets: the recipe couldn't be simpler

Even before making minced fish for cutlets, the pollock fillet must be defrosted if it was in the refrigerator so that the minced meat in the final is less liquid. Then it must be passed through a meat grinder. Additives can be taken "classic", as for minced meat - bread soaked in milk, natural or dry cream, freshly broken egg, rice or buckwheat, salt and ground pepper, herbs, onion, semolina, bran ... You can add raw potatoes, but a little - it will add juiciness. Someone adds 30% taste-neutral minced chicken, it comes out soft, juicy and tender.

The optimal recipe for pollock cutlet mince:

  • fillet of fish "pollock" - about a kilogram;
  • white bread without a crust - 350 g;
  • fresh milk - 0.5 cups;
  • onion;
  • salt, favorite spices and pepper (dosage - to taste);
  • raw egg - 1 pc.
  1. Pre-soak the bread so that the milk is completely covered. Skip the onion with the fish in a meat grinder. Squeeze the bread thoroughly - there is no need for excess liquid, the minced meat is already thin. Add it to the fish. Season with salt and pepper gently (do not overdo it with pepper), stir in the egg and knead until a uniform, homogeneous consistency.
  2. Sometimes minced fish turns out to be watery, so it is good to put oatmeal, ground in your palms, in it, they will take away excess moisture, and the cutlets will not lose their shape.
  3. It is not necessary to add an egg to the minced meat; it can be replaced with a spoonful of starch.
  4. The minced meat is thoroughly kneaded, and this is necessary, since its consistency is more tender than meat, therefore you need to work well with the handles, knead, then transfer to a cold place in the cold for an hour or more.

How to cook fish cakes at home from pollock is simple and tasty

Choosing your favorite recipe for pollock fish cakes is not difficult - there are quite a few of them. However, as well as options for heat treatment ... I offer the simplest recipes, but without sacrificing taste and budget.

In a frying pan

We form small cutlets from minced pollock, then roll them well in breading. Heat the frying pan on the stove, add odorless vegetable oil and, trying not to overcook, fry the patties evenly on both sides. How much to fry fish cakes in a pan is influenced by how thick and large the cutlet is. A golden crust is a sure indicator that the cutlets are already fried, as a rule, the fish is fried very quickly.

In the oven

Do you want to try pollock fish cakes like in kindergarten - tender, just melting in your mouth? Then you will need an oven, because in kindergarten everything that is prepared for kids from minced meat or fish will not bypass the oven - these are the rules!

With vegetables

These pollock fish cakes in the oven will be many times softer and tastier if you "season" them with vegetables: grated boiled carrots or mashed potatoes boiled in mashed potatoes, but not exceeding more than 30% of the total amount of minced meat!

The preparation is simple: we form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs or flour breading, transfer to a baking sheet. We send the cutlets into a preheated oven and fry for 20-25 minutes at 180-185 degrees.

With cheese

Do you like aromatic fish cakes in the oven? The recipe for delicious cooked cutlets is made with cheese.

For 600-750 g of minced pollock we take:

  • grated cheese - about 100g;
  • sour cream glass.

From any minced pollock (clean, with vegetables or boiled rice) we form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry a little in a pan on both sides. Then put it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour a glass of sour cream, and send it to a hot oven for a short time. How much to fry fish cakes there - the cheese will tell you: it will completely melt under a layer of sour cream.

For a couple

Steam pollock cutlets from minced fish (recipe with photo is attached) - this is a minimum of calories and a maximum of safety benefits. To cook them, you need a steamer or multicooker with a mesh insert on top of the bowl. The slow cooker, by the way, is good in that you can simultaneously cook a side dish in the lower bowl, while cutlets (vegetables, rice) are cooked on top.

How to cook pollock fish cakes? It's easier than it sounds. Any version of minced meat, but better - thicker, should be ennobled with spices. The steam kitchen retains the taste and smell of the original product, so spices will be needed if the fishy smell is not very attractive.

Having formed the cutlets and rolled them in breading from all the barrels (the latter is not necessary, but the shape will be preserved), move them into a container for steaming, pour water into the lower bowl and cook in the "Steam cooking" mode within half an hour.


Lean pollock fish cakes, the recipe from the photo of which does not violate the imposed restrictions on "fish" days in Lent, are prepared very quickly and very simply. However, the minced meat is made with a minimum of additives: we soak the bread in water, we take the greens, garlic and onions into the minced pollock, knead well.

Then we form patties, bread and fry a little in a minimum amount of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan.

With bacon

Pollock minced meat is rather dry, but there is a way how to cook more fish cakes. You will need lard. By the way, in small reasonable amounts, lard is good for the liver!

A set of products:

  • pollock mince - 800 g;
  • butter, better soft butter - 100 g;
  • raw unsalted lard - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • bow - one head;
  • according to taste preferences, salt, pepper;
  • vegetable oil - about 100 ml;
  • oat (herculean) flakes - 1 glass.
  1. We do minced meat like this: fish, chopped lard and onions are passed through a blender or meat grinder.
  2. We drive in an egg, stir in the butter, gently salt, pour in the milk and knead everything.
  3. Flakes are grinded in a blender - this is for breading.
  4. We make cutlets, bread and fry in a pan.
  5. For complete confidence in readiness, cutlets can be held after frying for a couple of minutes in a hot oven.

No lard, but juicy

No bacon, but you want fish cutlets to be juicy? There are recipes for such cooking without lard!

We take raw potatoes, three, squeezes out the starch. Then put the potatoes in the "basic" minced meat. We knead. We form the cutlets higher and simmer in the water - they turn out to be lush, juicy and low-calorie.

With semolina

Fish cakes with semolina cooked in just half an hour are a recipe for a very tasty dish. Such juicy, tender and soft pollock cutlets just melt in your mouth!


  • pollock fillet - 700g;
  • raw egg - 1 pc;
  • raw semolina - 120 g;
  • medium-fat cream - 100 g;
  • onions (fairly medium-sized);
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Grind the fillet and onion in a blender or meat grinder, drive in a fresh egg, add cream and pour semolina into the mass.

Salt and pepper and knead until smooth.

Then we remove the minced meat for half an hour in the refrigerator to thicken (optional!).

We form cutlets, breaded in any breading and cook in absolutely any way until cooked.

With cottage cheese

Pollock and cottage cheese are a great duet if you are looking for how to make fish cakes tastier and healthier at home. Mintai-curd cutlets are rich in calcium, and the taste is simply divine!

What do you need to easily cook pollock fish cakes with cottage cheese? The recipe for delicious cutlets comes out very well if you take the following proportions of products:

  • raw pollock fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • egg - 1 raw;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • semolina - 100g;
  • onion head;
  • bread - 150 g;
  • milk - about 0.5 cups;
  • salt and spices to taste.
  1. First, prepare the bread: fill it with milk, soak it.
  2. We skip onions and fish in a meat grinder, you can chop the greens in the same way, if necessary.
  3. We mix the fish mass with cottage cheese, egg, season with spices, squeeze the bread and add the crumb to the future mince.
  4. We form cutlets and cook in any way of heat treatment.

Diet fish cakes

Fans of diets have consolation: the pollock fish cutlet has a small calorie content, but according to this recipe, 100 g of the dish contains no more than 70 kcal! Moreover, these dietary fish cakes are supposed to be cooked in the oven - no carcinogens and excess fats!

We take the defrosted pollock fillet, add fresh onion to the minced meat (half a kilo - a small head), salt and pepper as you want to taste. For viscosity, drive in the yolk, put a handful of bran and knead the minced meat.

We form cutlets, put in the oven, cook at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour. You can sprinkle ready-made cutlets with any fresh herbs.

It is even easier to make these fish cakes for a couple - they will be dietary anyway, but they will retain more nutrients. We just take a double boiler and cook in it in the same way. And then we eat, enjoy the taste and lose weight!

Sauce for fish cakes

If, for example, it is easy to pick up a side dish for fish cakes, because mashed potatoes, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, and various stewed vegetables, and all kinds of salads from fresh and boiled vegetables are combined with them, then with sauces it is a little more complicated. Meanwhile, the sauce significantly improves the taste of the cutlets!

White plain sauce

  • half a liter of fish broth or prepare a “cube” broth;
  • butter - 60-70g;
  • wheat flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • raw egg yolk - 1 pc;
  • salt;
  • juice from half a ripe lemon.
  1. In butter (half), fry the flour in a pan, pour in the cold fish broth there, knead to eliminate lumps.
  2. Salt and beat in the yolk.
  3. Bring to a boil over medium heat, but do not let it boil - remove it from the stove.
  4. Put the remaining oil into the slightly cooled sauce and pour in the lemon juice, mix.

Creamy pollock cutlet sauce

You will need:

  • fish broth - a glass;
  • medium-fat cream - a glass;
  • raw yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 110 g;
  • any hard cheese -100g;
  • fresh dill greens - 5-7 branches;
  • ground nutmeg - a pinch.

In a water bath in a convenient saucepan, melt the butter completely and add grated cheese, broth and spices to it, pour in the cream. Stir, bring to a boil, let it pause a little. Next, we slowly introduce the yolks, constantly stirring the sauce, and not allowing it to boil. Throw the dill into the thickened sauce, mix. Everything, an excellent addition to pollock cutlets is ready.

Useful tricks for making pollock cutlets

There are several "tricks" to make pollock fish cakes faster and easier:

  • Pollock minced fish cakes will be even tastier if pink salmon, as well as existing milk and caviar, are added to the minced meat.
  • The colder it is, the better: knives, boards, bowls and minced meat - all this, if cooled, makes it possible to get a lighter, softer and more obedient minced meat.
  • Wet hands: Moistening your palms in cool water makes pollock cutlets easier to mold.
  • "Rybomix": if you mix some of the minced meat of some other fish into the pollock mince, your pollock cutlets will be tastier and more aromatic. It is better to take fish of more than one type, combining fatty with low-fat, red with white meat, this makes the cutlets very tasty.
  • It is good to add fresh bacon with layers of meat if pollock cutlets are not cooked lean. Lard should be taken no more than 100 grams per kilogram of minced meat.
  • The bones do not need to be removed, they will disappear when grinding and mixing the minced meat. Moreover, large bones, as a rule, are retained by the grate, and are simply removed from the meat grinder. Pollock minced fish cakes will be tender anyway.
  • It is good to include fried carrots and onions in minced fish. And in order to cope with this matter quickly, I put chopped onions and shabby carrots on a saucer, sprinkle with a little oil, and place them in the microwave. I cool it down, send it to the mince, salt, pepper, add a spoonful of honey. This gives the minced fish a very amazing taste, the cutlets become soft.
  • Good mood: if you cook minced meat yourself from pollock, and you yourself sculpt cutlets, smiling and humming something funny - cook more, because everyone at the table will unanimously agree that they have never eaten more delicious and tender cutlets made from magnificent pollock!

Enjoy your meal!

Any housewife will need the ability to cook minced pollock cutlets in order to quickly, tasty and cheap feed the whole family. Today this dish is not as popular as during the Soviet era, but those who care about their figure love it for its low calorie content and attractive taste. You can experiment with cutlets by adding vegetables or cereals to them.

One of the most popular meaty fish species for making cutlets is pollock. It is distinguished by white meat, low bone content and low calorie content. By mixing its fillet with cheese, herbs or potatoes, you can get new flavors that make pollock fish cutlets an exquisite treat that the whole family will appreciate. It is recommended to take fresh frozen carcasses for production, defrost them until half cooked and make minced meat.

Making pollock fish cakes will be easy if you follow the technology. It is worth starting with the selection of the necessary products and their grinding. The skin is removed from the carcass, it is cleaned of fins and bones. You can add eggs, bread or potatoes to the minced meat - so the products will become lush, and the addition of lard or minced pork will add juiciness. After kneading the base, you need to mold the cutlets - it is more convenient to do this with wet hands so that the moisture from them prevents the minced meat from sticking. For the best taste, roll in flour or breadcrumbs and then fry.

The easiest manufacturing process is frying, for it, heat the oil in a pan, lower the patties and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until you get a fried crust. To form a more dietary dish, the products are laid out on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at 190 degrees for about 15 minutes. A recipe for steaming is suitable for those who are losing weight - in a double boiler or multicooker, they will be ready in half an hour. It is better to turn on the devices in advance so that they warm up.

Minced pollock for cutlets

The most important part of the cooking process is the pollock cutlet mince, which must be cooked properly. To make pollock fillet fish cakes, follow the recommended help and tips:

  • it is better to buy a carcass without a head; before chopping, you need to cut off the head, remove scales, tail, fins;
  • fish fillets are crushed with a large grinder grate to preserve the juice, and the cutlets did not become porridge during frying;
  • remove the bones when grinding, but rather skip the fillet twice;
  • if bread is added to the minced meat, then it must be peeled from the crust, filled with water or milk.

Pollock cutlets - recipe with photo

Each chef has his own recipe for pollock fish cakes, which will help to make a signature dish that is unlike others. Novice cooks need to go through the instructions step by step, which will tell you how to prepare food, get to work and process the ingredients before sending them to the pan or oven. A few healthy recipes will appeal to everyone - from cooking classic cutlets to steaming.

  • Pollock fillet cutlets are a hearty delicacy with a pronounced fish taste. They have a delicate texture, due to the addition of bread soaked in milk, and the eggs are airy and fluffy. An excellent accompaniment for natural fish cutlets in a plate will be mashed potatoes, boiled crumbly rice or buckwheat, vegetable sauté.


  • peeled pollock fillet - half a kilo;
  • wheat bread - 50 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • bread - a slice;
  • bread crumbs - 40 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.


  1. Pour the bread with milk, after soaking, scroll together with the fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting minced meat with an egg, salt and pepper. It is better to knead with your hands until plastic. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, turn on the heat under the pan, lay out the products.
  3. Fry in oil without a lid until crisp.
  4. Chop vegetables for garnish.

Minced pollock cutlets

  • Pollock minced cutlets have a softer consistency, because you can vary the chopping pieces yourself - by setting a fine grid on a meat grinder or using a special attachment on a blender / food processor. The easiest way is to buy ready-made frozen minced pollock to defrost it and make cutlets with the addition of additional products.


  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • pollock - 2 carcasses;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • dry bread - a piece;
  • sunflower oil - 20 ml.


  1. Cut the fish into fillets, cut into slices, squeeze lightly. It is better to pass for chopping through a meat grinder with onions and potatoes. You can grind vegetables in advance with a mixer, mix with fish.
  2. Repeat the linking process, mix with egg, season with salt and pepper. Form patties.
  3. Finely crumble the crumb of bread in a bowl, roll the cutlets in crumbs, send in hot butter.
  4. Toast until golden brown using medium heat.
  5. Serve with rice, sauce, vegetable salad.
  6. You can freeze some of the cutlets for the future.

Pollock cutlets in the oven

  • Low-calorie pollock cutlets will turn out in the oven, because not a drop of oil is used when cooking them. The products will still remain tasty, acquire new notes of aroma and a baked crust. They are good hot or chilled, go well with fresh herbs, pea or mashed potatoes, spicy-sharp aromatic fillings.


  • pollock fillet - half a kilo;
  • dill - 35 g;
  • white bread - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.


  1. Rinse the fillet, dry, scroll through a meat grinder.
  2. Soak the bread with water, squeeze, mix with minced meat, chopped herbs.
  3. Season with spices, mold the cutlets with wet hands.
  4. Put on a baking sheet, bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees in the oven.

Steamed pollock cutlets

  • Steamed pollock cutlets are an excellent dietary dish that is low in calories and healthy. It is rich in essential amino acids, easily digestible protein, phosphorus and calcium. A light dinner of steamed patties and cauliflower is the perfect summer meal or dieting.


  • pollock - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 40 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • water - liter.


  1. Remove the skin from the pollock carcass, remove the bones, pass through a meat grinder along with the peeled other vegetables, repeat twice.
  2. Mix the resulting homogeneous mass with semolina, salt, pepper.
  3. Put the cutlets into a double boiler, pour water into a special part of the appliance, throw bay leaves and other spices into it, if desired.
  4. Cook for 20 minutes, serve with broccoli or green beans, red onion dressing.

Pollock cutlets in a slow cooker

  • Pollock cutlets in a slow cooker turn out to be very tasty, it is useful to eat them twice a week, according to nutritionists. The following recipe will teach culinary specialists the process of preparing a fragrant delicacy, in which traditional bread in milk is replaced with Hercules oatmeal. This gives the finished products lightness and splendor, softness, and juicy consistency.


  • pollock fillet - 1 kg;
  • raw eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 200 g;
  • cream or milk - half a glass;
  • flour - 35 g;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon.


  1. Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with the onion. Grind to medium-sized pieces.
  2. Soak Hercules in half warm milk, let it swell. Send together with the egg into the minced meat, salt and pepper.
  3. Stir with a spoon, knead with your hands, lift the mass and throw it on the table, repeat several times until firm and stickiness disappears. You do not need to whip much, add the rest of the milk.
  4. Turn on the multicooker to warm up, open the lid.
  5. Blind neat cutlets, roll in flour, put on the oily bottom of the multicooker bowl. Cook in Fish or Bake for 10 minutes on one side and 15 minutes on the other.

Pollock fish cutlets - cooking secrets

The following secrets of making pollock fish cutlets from well-known professionals will help facilitate the process of a novice cook:

  • for tenderness, minced meat can be seasoned with a slice of butter, and fried onions are better suited;
  • after defrosting the carcass, you need to squeeze out the meat to remove excess juice;
  • to kill the fishy smell will help garlic and lemon juice;
  • an interesting taste of minced meat is given by spices - thyme, basil, oregano, coriander;
  • do not add flour directly to the mass for sculpting cutlets - this will make the products denser and tougher;
  • an interesting taste is given by sesame breading, a mixture of bread crumbs with spices;
  • pay attention to the serving - it is better to serve ready-made products with hearty side dishes, fresh vegetables and spicy fillings.

Pollock fillet fish cakes recipe very tasty

Those who still prefer to use seafood in their food can cook wonderful pollock cutlets. They are easy to do. You just need to clearly understand how to work and what should be the result.

Standard Option

First you need to say that pollock cutlets can be baked in the oven, steamed or simply fried. In this case, the choice remains with the hostess. The simplest option involves the presence of the following products: for 0.5 kg of pollock, 40 grams of stale bread, 150 grams of milk, a little salt and one egg are needed.

Cooking starts with processing the fish:

  1. Carefully cut the carcass, removing the head, tail and fins. After that, you need to slowly remove the skin and cut off the fillets with a thin knife.
  2. Put the prepared meat in a bowl, pour over milk and add chopped white bread. 15 minutes will be enough for soaking.
  3. After that, the fillet with bread must be squeezed and chopped thoroughly. This may require a meat grinder or blender. Although, as an option, a regular plug will do. True, this will require more time and effort.
  4. Add salt, egg to the resulting mixture and knead the minced meat. If it is watery, then you can add a little semolina and let the mass stand for a while.
  5. Form balls with your hands and place them on the grid of a multicooker or double boiler.
  6. Close the lid and set the desired mode - "Steam cooking".

You will have to wait only 20 minutes - and the most tender pollock cutlets will be ready.

More recently, pollock cutlets have been served in canteens and restaurants across the country. Alternatively, you can try one of the recipes from those times. You will need: for two carcasses of fish (without heads) 100 grams of flour, the same amount of Russian cheese, 2 eggs, 3 cloves of garlic, 50 grams of sour cream, salt, a piece of stale bread and any spices.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Rinse the fish, remove the fins and the black film inside.
  2. Cut the fillets carefully.
  3. Beat the meat with a knife, sprinkle with spices and salt, and then leave directly on the board for a few minutes.
  4. Grind the cheese with garlic with a blender.
  5. Add sour cream and stir well
  6. Grease each piece of fillet with a cheese mass, and then roll it up in the form of a roll.
  7. Grind dry bread, and beat the egg with the addition of water.
  8. First roll each roll in flour, then dip in an egg, and then sprinkle with bread crumbs.
  9. Fry in a hot skillet in a little vegetable oil.

Almost any vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

World cuisines

To cook pollock cutlets, recipes can be borrowed, for example, from the chefs of friendly Ukraine. In this case, the set of products will be slightly different: for 1 kilogram of fish fillet - 200 grams of lard, 4 slices of bread (white), 20 grams of salt, 2 eggs, 6 onions, a little sugar and white pepper.

The process should go as follows:

  1. Squeeze the fillet, removing any remaining moisture.
  2. After that, twist it together with bacon and onion in a meat grinder.
  3. Soak the bread in plain water, then squeeze and add to the prepared fish mixture.
  4. Put the rest of the ingredients there and knead the minced meat.
  5. Form blanks from the resulting mass and fry them in oil without breading.

You will get very tender and juicy pollock cutlets. Recipes can be slightly adjusted to your taste. For example, instead of white bread, use a loaf or replace pepper with other seasonings with the addition of aromatic herbs. In either case, the result will be excellent.

Additional processing

Delicious pollock fish cakes can be cooked in the oven. The list of components differs little from the previous options: per kilogram of fresh fish - 2 onions, 1 raw egg, 100 grams of lard, a teaspoon of sugar, salt, 150 grams of a loaf, ground pepper, 35 grams of butter and breadcrumbs (or flour) ...

  1. Pre-soak the loaf in water or milk.
  2. Cut the fish according to all the rules. Put the meat aside, and put the bones together with the fins in a saucepan, add water, put on the stove and cook a rich broth.
  3. Skip the onion, bacon and fillet through a meat grinder. It is better to use a bait with large holes so that the fish retains its flavor.
  4. Add sugar, pepper, salt, egg and mix. To make it homogeneous, you need to throw the pieces into a plate on a grand scale. This procedure must be done 30 times.
  5. After that, form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and lightly fry in a pan.
  6. Then put the still hot fish balls in a saucepan, pour in the broth and put in the oven for 25 minutes.

After such processing, the minced meat will become much softer, and the cutlets themselves will be lush and aromatic.

Usefully for business

In the case of minced fish, vegetables can come in handy. For example, delicious pollock cutlets are made with the addition of potatoes. In this case, you will need the following components: 2 potatoes, a couple of onions, 1.3 kilograms of fish, 2 eggs, 10 grams of salt, 4 tablespoons of fresh milk, 200 grams of a loaf, any seasoning for fish and ground pepper.

The work is carried out in the usual sequence:

  1. First, clean the fish and cut off the fillets from the bones.
  2. After that, grind the meat together with potatoes and onions in a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Add the loaf soaked in milk and the rest of the ingredients to the mass. Mix everything well and cook the minced meat. For flavor, you can add feather onions or chopped herbs. If the consistency of the mixture is liquid enough, then you can add a little semolina. After that, she must stand for a few minutes so that the croup can swell.
  4. Form cutlets of the required size with habitual movements and fry them well on both sides in vegetable oil until a pronounced crust is formed.

Boiled rice, fresh vegetables are suitable for a side dish with such a dish, or you can eat them just like that.

Unusual composition

There is another very interesting recipe for delicious pollock cutlets. He needs not quite ordinary products: half a glass of oatmeal, ½ kilogram of pollock, 2 onions, a couple of eggs, 2 zucchini, a teaspoon each of salt and Khmeli-suneli seasoning.

  1. To begin with, clean the fish with the usual movements and separate the meat from the bones.
  2. Then pass the fillet along with onions, flakes and zucchini through a meat grinder.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and cook the minced meat. Its consistency should be such that a workpiece can be formed.
  4. Blind round cutlets and fry them in a preheated pan. To get a golden brown, it is better to add vegetable oil.

Before serving, cutlets should be allowed to cool slightly. Then their taste will be more balanced. Such a dish, in principle, does not need a side dish. If desired, you can prepare only a fragrant sauce consisting of: a glass of sour cream, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and a bunch of dill (or cilantro). It will noticeably set off the slightly bland taste of cutlets and at the same time give it the necessary tenderness and spice.

Today's topic is pollock fish cakes and I really hope that, first of all, it will interest lovers of fish dishes, or rather, it will focus on cooking cutlets from such familiar fish as pollock.

Although there is an opinion that pollock is dry and practically tasteless, but I think that with proper preparation it is quite solvable.

Pollock is an ocean fish, in terms of various useful components, it does not differ from any other, and most importantly, it is a completely budget option in terms of cost.

Almost everywhere now ready-made pollock fillets are sold, but if not, then when purchasing frozen fish, be sure to pay attention to the integrity of the carcass, whether it is covered with pieces of ice and whether it has a uniform color.

At home, it is imperative to defrost the fish only gradually, on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, and not under running water or in the microwave, otherwise the fillet of such a fish will be very watery.

Delicious pollock fish cakes with bacon

  • Fillet - 800 gr
  • Pork lard - 200 gr
  • Onions - 200 gr
  • white bread - 3 slices
  • Eggs - 1 piece
  • Salt pepper
  • Breadcrumbs


  1. Cut the fillet into medium pieces

2. Cut lard without streaks of meat into medium pieces

3. Soak bread in water

4. Cut the onion into four parts

5. Scroll everything through a meat grinder, after squeezing the water out of the bread

6. Drive in an egg, salt and pepper to taste

7. Knead everything thoroughly, at the same time beating the cutlet mass on the table so that it turns out to be airy and homogeneous

7. Form cutlets from minced meat

8. Roll the cutlets on all sides in bread crumbs

9. Put cutlets in a frying pan preheated with oil

10. Fry cutlets over medium heat on both sides until golden brown, covering the pan with a lid

Lean pollock cutlets with rice without eggs

We need:

  • 2 - medium onions
  • 2 tablespoons - rice
  • 800 gr. - pollock fillet
  • 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons - vegetable oil
  • 6 tablespoons hot water
  • 2 teaspoons - flaxseed flour
  • Dried or fresh herbs
  • 1 rounded teaspoon - salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper


  1. Scroll the fillet through a meat grinder

2. Having previously cut the onion into four parts, we scroll through the meat grinder

3. Pour flour with hot water

4.In 2.5 cups of salted water 15 minutes until tender

5. Add rice to the fillet

6. Add flour

7. Pour in the bread crumbs

9. Add salt and pepper

10. Mix everything, add oil

11. Form small cutlets, roll in flour on all sides

12. Put them in a preheated frying pan with a little oil.

13. Fry on both sides over medium heat until golden brown, the last 5 minutes can be darkened, covered with a lid

Pollock fish cakes with cottage cheese recipe

  • 500 gr. - pollock fillet
  • 100 g - cottage cheese
  • 1 - egg
  • 1 - onion
  • 100 g - white bread
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • Salt pepper


  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces or pass through a meat grinder
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes, fry in a frying pan preheated with oil until golden brown
  3. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve
  4. Cut off the crust from the bread, soak the crumb in water or milk
  5. Squeeze the pulp from the liquid and add to the fillet
  6. Drive in an egg
  7. Salt and pepper to taste
  8. Thoroughly knead the minced meat with your hands
  9. We form cutlets, roll in flour, which can also be salted and pepper
  10. We put them in a frying pan with heated oil
  11. Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown

How to cook fish cakes with potatoes

It is necessary:

  • 3 - medium potatoes
  • 3 - medium onions
  • 1.3 kg - pollock fillet
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 cloves - garlic
  • Spices for fish dishes or any other


  1. We pass fillets and pre-peeled potatoes through a meat grinder

2. Cut the onion into small cubes

3. Drive in eggs and mix everything

4. Pass the garlic through a press

5. Add spices, if no soy sauce is used when serving, then the minced meat can be salted to taste

6. Mix everything thoroughly, squeezing the minced meat from excess liquid, form small patties

7. Put them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil

8. Fry them until golden brown on both sides

9. 5 minutes before readiness, add a small amount of water and simmer under a closed lid

Delicious and simple pollock cutlets with semolina

  • 500 gr. - pollock fillet
  • 1 - egg
  • 100 g - semolina
  • 100 g - cream
  • 1 - onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Pepper to taste
  • 30 gr. - vegetable oil


  1. Skip the fillets and onions through a meat grinder
  2. Drive in an egg
  3. Salt, pepper
  4. Pour cereal
  5. Pour in the cream
  6. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour to swell the cereal
  7. Form cutlets from minced meat
  8. Place in a skillet with preheated oil
  9. Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown

Diet pollock cutlets in the oven

Calories per 100 g - 76.3 Kcal Proteins - 9.7 Fats - 1.8 Carbohydrates - 5.2

  • 1 kg. - pollock fillet
  • 1 cup - oatmeal
  • 2 - bulbs
  • 1 glass - water
  • 30 gr. - carrots
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt pepper
  • Any seasoning of your choice


  1. Cut the fillet into very small pieces

2. Fill the flakes with water to swell

3. Finely chop the onion

4. Add flakes to the minced meat after squeezing the water

5. Drive eggs into the minced meat

6. Salt, pepper and add spices to taste

7. Rub the carrots on a fine grater

8. Mix everything thoroughly, let stand for 1 hour.

9. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper

10. Using a forming ring, we make cutlets

11. Put a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes

Video recipe for steamed fish cakes in a slow cooker

Pollock cutlets are low in calories, but at the same time contain many useful substances, they can be eaten as a separate dish, as well as with various side dishes, vegetables, sauces

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for someone it is a heavy need, and someone is thinking about whether it is easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you have given up growing vegetables, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers, perennials, conifers and much more. Seedlings remain seedlings, no matter what you sow.

A lover of humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, paphinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its bloom rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of a modest orchid want to be considered endlessly. In room culture, paphinia is rightly included in the ranks of species that are difficult to grow. It only became fashionable with the proliferation of indoor terrariums.

Pumpkin ginger marmalade is a warming sweet that can be made almost all year round. Pumpkin has a long shelf life - sometimes I manage to save a few vegetables until summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available these days. Lemon can be substituted with lime or orange for different flavors - variety in sweets is always a pleasure. Ready marmalade is laid out in dry jars, it can be stored at room temperature, but it is always healthier to cook fresh food.

In 2014, the Japanese company "Takii seed" presented a petunia with an amazing color of petals - salmon orange. By associations with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset. Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the past two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from the shop windows. Where has the orange petunia gone?

Our family loves sweet peppers, so we plant them every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season, I cultivate them constantly. And every year I try to try something new. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. The varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and fruitful sweet pepper, which grows well with me, will be discussed further. I live in central Russia.

Meat cutlets with broccoli in béchamel sauce are a great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by cooking the minced meat, and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. It remains to collect the products in a pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli must be cooked quickly in order to maintain a bright green color, which, if cooked for a long time, either fades or the cabbage turns brown.

Home floriculture is not only an exciting process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. And what about those who have no experience, but want to have houseplants at home - not elongated stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy, not causing a feeling of guilt by their extinction? For beginners and flower growers who are not burdened with long experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush pancakes in a frying pan with banana and apple confiture is another recipe for everyone's favorite dish. So that the cheesecakes do not fall off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder and soda, and thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can mold it from it, it is not tight, but pliable. A good dough with a small amount of flour will only come from good cottage cheese, but here again see the point "first".

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived almost with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic, which is used both in medicine and in veterinary medicine. In plant growing, potassium permanganate solution is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article, we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden and vegetable garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on a festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if there is an opportunity to use wild mushrooms, then be sure to cook this way, it will be even tastier. You don't need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a saucepan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, pickled.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also outdoors. Cucumbers are usually sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to late summer. Cucumbers cannot stand frost. This is why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste juicy handsome men from their garden in early summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Poliscias is a great alternative to the classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant, round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and the elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of the largest plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent him from successfully replacing the ficuses of Benjamin and Co. Moreover, the policeman offers much more variety.

Pumpkin casserole with cinnamon - juicy and incredibly tasty, a bit like pumpkin pie, but, unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is the perfect sweet pastry recipe for a family with children. As a rule, babies do not really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating sweets. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is very simple and quick to prepare. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of the most important elements of landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders on a carriageway, or there is a highway nearby, then a hedge is simply necessary. "Green walls" will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will consider the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the site from dust.