Life hacks how to remove tea stains from clothes and other surfaces. How to remove tea stains in a washing machine

21.10.2019 Healthy eating

Reading time: 3 minutes

Coffee or tea stains are very difficult to remove. After all, tea contains tannin - a tannin substance, due to which the stain quickly eats into the fabric, if you do not immediately begin to remove it. From coffee and tea, streaks appear with clear contours on clothes of light yellow, brown or brown colors. These spots plunge housewives into complete despair, as they require special efforts to remove them. You can save things with cleaning products that are specially designed to remove stains, or use improvised products that are very effective in the fight against tea and coffee stains.

Removing stains from clothing

There are several ways to deal with blemish problems:

  • a fresh stain will help to remove the gruel made from salt and glycerin, which is applied to the stain and left on for a while. Tea and coffee stains will gradually dissolve and fade. After that, the clothes must be washed at the temperature indicated on the label;
  • you can remove coffee or tea stains with a mixture of glycerin and 10% ammonia in a 2: 1 ratio. In the resulting mixture, moisten a swab and wipe off the dirt, then wash clothes;
  • if the soiled thing is made of white fabric, then a solution of citric and oxalic acid is used. Take a teaspoon of lemon and two teaspoons of oxalic acid and dissolve in a glass of water. Moisten the fabric and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the stain has disappeared, you need to wash your clothes. To make the effect great, add a small amount of ammonia (1 teaspoon) to the water;
  • from light-colored items that need delicate care, an old tea stain is removed using hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is applied to the contaminated fabric with a swab and, after 10 minutes, washed in cold water;
  • to remove contamination from colored clothing, you must use a borax solution. Wipe a dirty area of \u200b\u200bclothing with a 10% solution. If it is not completely cleansed, you need to wet it with a citric acid solution. At the end of the procedure, the product must be rinsed first in cold water, and then in warm water;
  • to remove stains from wool and silk products, it is enough to wipe the stained area with warm glycerin. The fabric, soaked in heated glycerin, is left to lie down for 10-15 minutes. To remove the greasy stains from glycerin, the fabric is soaked with a napkin and washed in warm water, adding detergent;
  • a mixture of distilled water and lactic acid will clean silk products well. Acid and water are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, moisten the dirty place, then rinse the thing in cold water.

Removing stains from the tablecloth

From a linen (cotton) white tablecloth, you can remove tea stains by wiping them with a solution of ammonia. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of alcohol in a liter of water and moisten a dirty place with a sponge. It is advisable to put a napkin under the contaminated material so that the stain “passes” onto it. If it is not completely removed, then moisten the cloth with a solution of citric acid. The acid-treated tablecloth should be rinsed well and washed in warm water.

If old tea or coffee stains "flaunt" on a snow-white tablecloth, then they can be removed by applying a solution of bleach. After using this harsh cleanser, rinse the item thoroughly to remove all traces of chlorine. If this is not done, the bleach will corrode the fibers of the fabric.

Removing carpet stains

To remove coffee or tea stains from the carpet, wipe the stained area with a sponge soaked in a solution of glycerin. The stain remover is prepared from one tablespoon of glycerin and a liter of cold water. When the stain disappears, be sure to wipe the area with soapy water.

If the stains from these drinks cannot be removed at home, then you can use the services of dry cleaning.

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So that tea spilled on my clothes does not become a reason to give up my favorite thing, I decided to find ways to get rid of such contamination. Through trial and error, I figured out how to do my own tea stain removal. I will share with you the most effective methods.

Rules for successful stain removal

Removing tea stains is quite problematic. It is not for nothing that they are classified as difficult to remove contaminants. Before you start cleaning, you need to remember a few simple but very important rules:

Picture rules

Rule 1. Stock up on a substrate

Always place several layers of a white, clean cloth under the stain before cleaning to help absorb the stain and prevent it from spreading.

You can use blotting paper - it perfectly absorbs any liquid.

Rule 2. Take a test

Apply a dab of your chosen stain remover to a subtle area and watch the fabric react. This is especially true of colored fabric with a pattern that can change the shade.

Rule 3. Correct application

To remove stains efficiently and not leave streaks, always apply the product first around, and only then directly on the dirt itself. That is, move from the edge of the pollution to the center.

Rule 4. Small concentration

To successfully remove tea stains, first prepare a weak solution and, if it does not work, make a concentrate. This will protect the damaged item from the stains left by the product.

Removing tea stains

Method 1. Manual cleaning

How to wash tea from clothes? I have tried many options and tools. I put into the table only those that gave the best result:

Picture Instructions

Method 1. Glycerin and salt
  • Mix 1 tsp. glycerin and salt, you should get a consistency as in the photo;
  • Use a cotton swab to apply the mixture to the dirty area;
  • After 5 minutes, rinse the item in cold water.
Method 2. Glycerin and ammonia
  • Mix a teaspoon of ammonia with two tablespoons of glycerin;
  • Apply the mixture gently to the dirt;
  • After processing, wash the item in the usual way.

Method 3. Citric and oxalic acid
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid and 2 teaspoons of citric acid in a glass of water;
  • The mixture must be applied to the stain and rubbed over this area in a circular motion;
  • Next, be sure to rinse your clothes in warm water.

Method 4. Ammonium
  • Measure out 1 teaspoon of ammonia and dilute it in a liter of clean water;
  • Use a sponge to wipe off the dirt;
  • After 15 minutes, rinse under running water.

This method is excellent for removing tea stains from white fabrics.

Method 5. Hydrogen peroxide
  • Moisten a sponge with peroxide and rub the dirty area;
  • Soak the product in cold water for half an hour;
  • Wash as usual if necessary.

Method 6. Bleach
  • Make a solution: 20 g. lime 2 liters of water;
  • Wipe the dirt with a swab moistened with the solution;
  • Rinse a couple of times under warm running water and be sure to wash.

This method is only suitable for natural white cotton fabrics.

Method 7. Lemon juice
  • In the juice of half a lemon, moisten a cotton pad;
  • Apply the product on the spot and leave it on for 5 minutes;
  • Rinse under running water.

Method 8. A solution of borax in glycerin
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of borax in glycerin with 1 tablespoon of water;
  • Blot the swab with liquid and treat the dirty area;
  • At the end, be sure to rinse the item.

Method 9. Lactic acid
  • Prepare a mixture of distilled water and lactic acid, in a 1 to 1 ratio;
  • Blot the stain with the mixture and let it sit for 10 minutes;
  • Rinse the product thoroughly after this time.

This method works great on stains on white and colored silk.

Method 2. Machine wash

I told how to remove traces of tea using available means. But there is still an emergency solution to the issue - washing in a typewriter is an automatic machine.

Things to consider:

  1. Choose the temperature and washing mode appropriate to the type of fabric.

  1. It is preferable to use liquid detergents - they act more delicately on fabrics and rinse out better.
  2. If the pollution is oldand managed to firmly eat into the fibers, first wash it with soap (cosmetic or household).

Method 3. Dry cleaning

Wouldn't it be fair not to mention a guaranteed method of how to wash tea off white items or delicate fabrics? If you do not want to risk any of the proposed recipes or you do not have time to deal with stain removal with your own hands, you can always contact a specialist.

Let's summarize

I tested all the described methods on my own experience, and I was satisfied with the result. If you have questions or know other solutions to the problem, I will be glad to read them in the comments. The video in this article will demonstrate clearly how to remove tea stains - look!

Do not despair if you spill tea on your clothes.

Pleasant gatherings with a girlfriend on a winter evening over a cup of aromatic hot tea can be spoiled by a banal nuisance - a brown stain on your favorite clothes. Do not let this "tragedy" darken your mood. There are many ways to remove tea stains.

The subtleties of washing colored fabric

Clothes of bright colors are popular among girls, but self-care requires delicate care, as it is capable of shedding. Therefore, you can immediately forget about deep cleaning products. But do not panic, there are folk recipes. So, for example, to remove stubborn stains from black tea, the following are suitable:

  • lemon acid;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon juice.

They are 100% resistant to tea stains, and on top of that, they are also safe for color.

Glycerin is used both independently and as part of solutions. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. In general, it is better to keep this drug at hand, because its help to the hostess in household chores is priceless.

Ways to clean tea stains with glycerin:

    Heat the liquid to room temperature... Apply to the contaminated area with a sponge. Wash off after 15 minutes. Wash the product.

    Prepare a mixture of glycerin and table salt. Apply the resulting gruel to a tea stain. After 25 minutes, remove residue from clothing and wash.

    Mix glycerin with ammonia (2 tablespoons + 1 drop). Apply cleaner to dirt. The stain will completely dissolve under its influence. All that remains is to rinse the fabric.

Do not forget about the proportions, measure them accurately and accurately. Large amounts of ammonia will ruin colored clothing.

Make a citric acid solution and apply it to the stains.

Citric acid is also suitable for removing brown tea stains. True, the effect is not so fast, but you should be patient. Pour a tablespoon of citric acid into a liter of water and soak the soiled product in the resulting solution. Hold the thing like this for at least 12 hours. And then machine wash as usual with the addition of the powder.

The acid can be replaced with lemon juice, its cleansing properties are no worse.

When removing stains from colored products, a borax solution will come to the rescue. It is applicable to various types of fabric:

  • jeans;
  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • wool;
  • flax.

Even if the sweater is stained, the borax will cope with the stain on knitted items.

You will need a cotton pad for the cleaning procedure. Soak it in a 100% borax solution and rub the stain until it dissolves. After that, clean the area with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water. Finally, rinse the item.

Saving white from tea stains

Try to clean the stain with a sponge dipped in ammonia.

On light-colored fabrics, the tea stain is especially noticeable. But on the other hand, potent drugs are used to cleanse these materials:

  • Chlorox,
  • Domestos,
  • Clarifiers.

The name "Chlorox" speaks for itself: it contains chlorine, which can easily remove even an old tea stain. You do not need to soak the product, the substance is added to the powder when washing the product in the machine.

But the next Domestos liquid consistency, it is applied directly to the place of pollution. The stain will disappear without a trace. Only the smell of bleach will remain, which goes away after washing.

Tea stains are removed from the white material with hair clarifiers.

Do not forget about folk remedies that will return a dazzling white color to fabrics:

  • Oxalic and citric acid;
  • Ammonia;
  • Peroxide.

Acids only work when they are together.

Connect them correctly: 2: 1, where the first figure is for oxalic acid.

Treat the stain with a mixture, the dirt will easily come off.

To cope with tea stains, ammonia will help. Pour a teaspoon into a liter of water and leave the laundry in this solution for 4 hours. You do not have to completely soak the thing, but apply ammonia only on the stain.

The principle of using hydrogen peroxide is similar to that described above.

Removing stains from clothes:

Do not rub the stain, or it will penetrate deeper into the fibers.

    Apply the cleaner from the edges of the stain to the middle. This will protect against unnecessary smudging and spreading.

    After removing the stain, streaks may remain on the product; a lemon slice will help to cope with them.

    Before proceeding with the procedure for removing tea stains, you need to make sure that the cleaning agent does not harm the fabric. It is easy to do: apply a little of the preparation on the wrong side of the product.

    Respect the proportions. It is better to start getting rid of pollution with a mixture of low concentration. And if you need a second procedure, make it stronger.

Feel free to remove stains at home, use special cleaners or folk remedies, and let annoying misunderstandings not cool your love for a noble and tart drink.

How do I remove tea stains with Vanish? Video tips:

Almost no day passes without a cup of tea. This invigorating drink, with all its advantages, has one significant drawback - it is not easy to remove tea stains, especially from white clothes.

Despite these difficulties, there are many household and folk remedies that will cope with these dark traces at home. Some of these cleaning methods even deal with stubborn stains.

The coloring properties of tea are due to the tannin content in this drink. Moreover, green tea contains much more of this substance than black. Therefore, ugly stains remain from any of these drinks. The peculiarity of tannin is that these properties do not appear immediately; it is much more difficult to remove old stains than fresh ones.

If there is a trace of tea leaves on your clothes, you should immediately wash the thing in the washing machine. The temperature regime is selected depending on the type of material; it is advisable to add a gentle bleach, for example, Vanish. For white cotton items, use chlorine bleach.

If it is not possible to wash your favorite clothes in a typewriter, you can do it manually, but you should adhere to certain principles:

  • To avoid streaks, process the stain from the edge to the middle.
  • Before using a cleanser, you must first try its effect on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  • For delicate fabrics, dilute the bleach slightly with water.
  • The tea stain should not be rubbed strongly to avoid damaging the fabric.

Important! Use only gentle bleach and other household products for children's clothing.

To clean tea stains from clothes, try one of the popular remedies:

Means Mode of application
Acid (citric or oxalic) The acid can wipe away tea stains from white items, towels, bedding, or tablecloths.

For clothes made of cotton or linen, both citric and oxalic acid are suitable. Lemon is good for new stains.

In a solution of citric acid, moisten a cloth and blot the problem area, after 15 minutes you can wash it off with water.

If the first time it was not possible to get rid of the dark trace, you need to moisten it with ammonia, then again with acid.

Oxalic acid will cope better with old stains (dilute a teaspoon in 200 grams of water).

It can quickly remove a stain from tea on white, this solution is destructive for colored things.

Glycerol Tannin stains will help to clean the alcohol glycerin heated to 60 degrees.

They need to treat the contaminated area, wash after 20 minutes. For pile fabric or carpet, glycerin paste is suitable.

It is prepared as follows: mix four tablespoons of glycerin with two teaspoons of salt.

We treat the problem area with this composition and wash it off after 20 minutes.

Bleach solution The product is contraindicated for items made of silk, wool and synthetics. But tea is perfectly washed from cotton fabrics.

Soak the thing in a solution of bleach for five minutes, then wash it.

Vinegar The vinegar must be stirred in water to form a weakly concentrated solution.

They need to fill in a dark spot, then rinse.

Bura This substance will remove tea stains from your favorite sweater, jacket, coat or jeans.

You will need a 10% tetraborate solution and a cotton pad.

We treat the dirty stain with a solution using a disc, then erase in the usual way.

Chlorine bleach Bleach containing chlorine, such as the already familiar "Whiteness", will help remove the traces of tannin from natural fabrics.

This remedy is not applicable for thin fabrics.

Hyposulfate This substance is sold in any pharmacy.

We dilute a teaspoon of hyposulfate in a glass of water, treat the contaminated area, then rinse with a solution of two spoons of ammonia and a liter of water.

Ammonia Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water, use a cotton pad to treat the stain with a solution to perfect cleanliness.
Chlorox Chlorox is a modern cleaning agent for white clothes. It must be added along with the detergent to the compartment of the machine and washed.
Domestos A couple of drops of liquid Domestos should be applied to the fabric and washed, the trace will disappear literally before our eyes.
Soda ash The problem area must be moistened with water, then covered with a layer of soda ash.

How do I remove tea stains from other surfaces?

Oftentimes, drinking tea can stain your sofa or carpet. A fresh stain should be instantly blotted with a small napkin or towel.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise it will spread over the surface of the carpet or furniture.

Now we prepare a simple solution: we dilute a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid in half a liter of cold water. We treat the tea trail with this solution, after that we blot it with table vinegar and leave it for a short period.

Another effective method is to treat the stain with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin. After processing, it is necessary to keep this mixture on the surface for 15 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth.

A soapy solution will help clean the leather sofa from tea residues. Rub with laundry soap and stir in hot water and gently process the tea trail.

No less frustration is caused by a tea trace on important papers or an expensive book. Removing the leftover tea from the paper is also quite realistic. To do this, you need 3% hydrogen peroxide and slaked lime (one teaspoon per 200 grams of water). Soak a cotton swab in peroxide and process the tea trail. If a dark trace remains, moisten it with a sponge with lime. Then you need to dry the sheet of paper well.

The second method of surface treatment is based on the use of chlorine bleach mixed with water. We treat the stain with a solution and iron the sheet with an iron.

Useful video

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If you inadvertently spilled tea on your favorite blouse, do not despair. You can remove fresh specks by washing the garment with laundry soap and hot water. It is much more difficult to deal with brown markings when they have dried and the dye is absorbed firmly into the fabric. Unfortunately, such a nuisance is not uncommon. Let's figure out how to remove old tea stains and give your clothes a flawless look.

Control methods

Tea is quite difficult to wash off because it is a powerful natural coloring agent. It contains the substance tannin, which is firmly eaten into the fibers of the fabric and gives them a bright brown color.

The easiest way to deal with the problem is to purchase a high-quality stain remover from the household chemicals department and treat the contamination, strictly following the instructions. How to remove old tea stains? You can use:

  • the universal stain remover from Faberlic EXTRA OXY;
  • bleach Amwey SA8 ™;
  • liquid Vanish for colored or white fabrics.

Modern household chemicals are capable of cleaning the most stubborn stains, but they have a high cost. You can also restore the perfect look to the clothes with the help of improvised means that can be found in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing old tea stains, prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • citric and oxalic acid;
  • glycerin and borax;
  • table salt and peroxide.

If you do not have the opportunity to wash the item right away, wipe the brown marks with alcohol diluted with water 1: 3. This will make it easier to remove stains once they have dried.

How to wash white fabric

A simple way to remove an old stain from tea on white material is "Whiteness". It is only suitable for thick natural fabrics such as linen or cotton.

  1. Dilute a couple of caps of the product in a liter of heated water and soak the soiled item for several hours.
  2. After that, you just have to rinse it thoroughly by adding conditioner to the water. It will get rid of a specific smell.
  3. Remember to wear rubber gloves when working with bleach to protect the delicate skin of your hands.

If there is no "Whiteness" in the house, do not worry, you can wash the old stain from the tea and using improvised means. Use a 4: 1 mixture of glycerin and ammonia. This solution is a powerful cleaning agent and easily removes tea leaves.

  1. Moisten the contaminated area, apply the prepared solution to it and leave for half an hour.
  2. Then wash the item with regular powder, rinse and dry.

Removing welding stains from a white blouse is easy with hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly dampen the dirty surface of the garment with the product, wait a quarter of an hour and wash as usual.

We use acid

Old tea stains are effectively destroyed by oxalic acid. It can be used for white natural materials. Colored and synthetic fabrics are easily damaged by acid.

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. oxalic acid, saturate the stains with liquid and wait half an hour.
  2. After that, rinse the product with water, in which dissolve 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. Once you try this method, you will stop thinking about how to remove an old tea stain.

To enhance the whitening effect, it is recommended to mix oxalic and citric acids in a 1: 2 ratio. Measure out one and a half teaspoon of the mixture and dissolve it in 250 ml. water. Before use, it is advisable to add 3 drops of ammonia to the liquid and treat the contaminated area on the fabric with it. The spots will quickly lighten and disappear.

For natural silk, lactic acid is the salvation from stubborn stains. It is required to mix it in equal amounts with purified water and soak the blots. After 20 minutes, the product should be thoroughly rinsed with water and washed with powder.

We wash colored laundry

An effective remedy for removing old tea stains on brightly colored fabrics is a 10% borax solution. It will not negatively affect the color of the product, but only qualitatively get rid of stains.

  1. Get a bottle of borax from the pharmacy, moisten a piece of cotton with it and wipe the dirt with it.
  2. Remove any stains remaining after cleaning by sprinkling equal amounts of citric acid and coarse salt on a damp cloth.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the item first in cold and then hot water and hang to dry.

Tea marks on wool or silk can be simply removed with glycerin. Heat it lightly in a water bath and dampen the stains. After a quarter of an hour, blot the fabric with a dry cloth and start washing with powder.

  1. You can restore the purity of colored fabrics by mixing salt and glycerin into a homogeneous gruel.
  2. Apply the mixture to the dirty material and wait for the stain to dissolve.
  3. When it is discolored, you just have to do your regular wash.

On well-colored material, faint traces of green tea can be easily wiped off with vinegar. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of water. l. and soak the stained area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric in the liquid. After an hour, take out the item, unscrew it and wash with high-quality powder.

Note to the hostess

  • Tea stains often appear not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture, carpet and other household items. Glycerin will help to cope with them. It is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. l. glycerin in a liter of cool water and thoroughly rinse the dirt on the sofa or carpet.
  • Simply remove a fresh tea stain from the upholstery of upholstered furniture with dishwashing detergent or household shavings dissolved in hot water. soap. Wipe the stains with a damp, soft sponge, and then remove the foam with a clean cloth.
  • Do not forget to test the product on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe thing before removing old tea stains. This will help avoid possible discoloration of the fabric.
  • When preparing cleaning solutions, strictly adhere to the recommended dosage, as incorrect proportions can reduce the effectiveness of the mixture or damage the material.

If you cannot get rid of the brewing stains the first time, work on the pollution again and it will disappear completely.