Calorie low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream. Fat-free cottage cheese: calories, nutritional value and recipes.

20.03.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Currently, diet programs, as well as low-calorie and low-fat foods, are very popular with the female half of the population, because women who are passionate about fashion trends in the field of beauty and sports are trying to maintain their health and body shape and take care of their appearance. To one of the most useful and delicious foods  Food refers cottage cheese.

Since ancient times, it has been a favorite product of many European nations. Cottage cheese has not only excellent taste, but also beneficial properties because it contains all the vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. There are many recipes with the addition of this product, as well as cottage cheese diets, because many people know that for those people who are struggling with excess weight, cottage cheese is an ideal component.

Cottage cheese belongs to fermented milk products, has a low calorie content and is obtained by the oxidation of milk followed by decanting whey. The content of calories cottage cheese is divided into the following positions:

  • nonfat cottage cheese (caloric value per 100 grams - 70 Kcal, fat content up to 1.8%);
  • fat cottage cheese (232 Kcal, 19 - 23% of fat);
  • bold (159 Kcal and 4 - 18% fat).

The composition of cottage cheese

The fat-free cottage cheese contains many important for the human body vitamins (PP, H, D, C and B vitamins) and trace elements - fluorine, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. The balanced content of nutrients contributes to their excellent absorption in the body.

The chemical composition of cottage cheese in numbers:

  • Phosphorus 27.5%;
  • PP - 16.0%;
  • B1 - 2.7%;
  • B2 - 16.7%;
  • Magnesium - 6%;
  • Potassium - 4.5%;
  • Iron - 2.5%;
  • Sodium - 3.2%.

In spite of the fact that the composition of this product is saturated with useful substances, it is considered to be that completely fat-free cottage cheese is not as healthy as its fatter and more nutritious comrades. Various additives affect the usefulness and calorie content of this dish. Many manufacturers like to sweeten and season the curd product, so for a healthy diet it is undesirable to buy curds with fillers, preservatives, dyes, fruits, berries, chocolate, which can harm the body more than low fat content of the curd and lack of vitamins.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

Fat-free cottage cheese, the caloric content per 100 grams of which is 70 Kcal, and the protein content - 18-25 g, is an excellent tool in the fight against obesity and a suitable lunch for those who enjoy fitness.

Cottage cheese contains potassium and calcium, which strengthen blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on cartilage and bone tissue, help prevent atherosclerosis, arthritis and osteoporosis, prevent dental caries, breakage of hair, nails, improve the appearance of the skin.

Cottage cheese must be included in the diet, because it contains substances - amino acids methionine and tryptophan - which are able to stabilize the nervous system and participate in blood formation.

Suitable for patients with gastritis and ulcers, it is neutral to sour taste, so it does not irritate the mucous.

Cottage cheese can be combined with any other products.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Despite its usefulness, it is necessary to take into account that the daily rate of cottage cheese consumption is 400 g per day, weekly - no more than 4 times a week, especially as fat cottage cheese, with a caloric content per 100 grams of 230 Kcal, raises cholesterol, and this threatens with obesity and atherosclerosis.

An excess of this product in the body's protein adversely affects the kidneys.

Special attention should be paid to since harmful bacteria and E. coli are quickly accumulated in it.

It is best to learn how to cook cottage cheese at home (calories per 100 grams - 180-260 Kcal), since buying it in a store or on the market, one cannot be sure of its quality and freshness.

Cottage cheese: cooking methods

  1. The first way is the fastest. To cook cottage cheese at home and spend a minimum of time, it will take 1 liter of milk, 3 tbsp. l lemon juice and 0.5 tsp. salt. First you need to dissolve the salt in milk. Then bring the milk to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from the stove, while adding lemon juice and mix gently. The milk will immediately begin to thicken and curl. If you need a creamy taste, you can add 1 tbsp. l heavy cream. Pour in a bowl towel or cheesecloth, put the cottage cheese mixture there. Gently tie the bag with the mixture and hang over the pan or bowl, thereby allowing the liquid to drain. The longer the whey flows, the harder and denser is the cheese. To get crumbly and need to endure from 45 minutes to an hour.
  2. A longer way - cooking homemade curd cheese on yogurt. To begin with, you should cook yogurt, putting milk in a warm place of the day at 3-4, and for faster souring you need to put a piece of rye bread. After this, a water bath is made, where a saucepan with kefir is placed, and heated until the curd mass is obtained. Then the mixture should be transferred to a sieve or cheesecloth and hang over the dishes for draining whey.
  3. The cold method of preparation is different in that kefir is placed for several days (3-4) in the freezer, and then they are transferred to gauze and the serum is decanted.

Cottage cheese with sour cream and dumplings with cottage cheese

Serum can be used for baking, okroshka.

Cottage cheese is suitable for various dishes, it can be used with honey, with sour cream, fruits and berries, jam, nuts and greens. It is ideal for filling in dumplings, cakes, muffins, buns, as an ingredient for pancakes, sandwiches, toast.

Cottage cheese with sour cream (caloric value per 100 grams is about 110-140 Kcal) is one of the most acceptable combinations.

One of the most popular ways to use cottage cheese is a mixture of cottage cheese and sour cream. To get the calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, you need to know: sour cream 10-15% per 100 g is 100 Kcal, therefore, if the fat content is 20-30%, then the caloric content increases to 200-300 kilocalories.

It must be remembered that fat sour cream is best combined with low-fat cottage cheese and vice versa. And if someone likes to use cottage cheese with additives in the form of dry or fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, honey, then it is necessary to take into account their caloric content separately.

Dumplings with cottage cheese (calorie per 100 grams - about 203 Kcal) - also quite popular dish. It is done like this:

  1. In the egg whites (3 pcs.) Add a pinch of salt, mix, add 100 g of water and milk, combine with 5-6 tbsp. l flour, if necessary, increase its quantity, since the dough must be dense. Knead the dough, put it in a refrigerator for half an hour, covered with a film or a lid.
  2. At this time, prepare the filling. In cottage cheese (1 tbsp.) Add 1 yolk, 1-2 tbsp. l sugar and 1 tbsp. l melted butter, mix everything until sugar dissolves.
  3. Divide the dough into 3-4 pieces, roll up a thick harness, cut it into several smaller pieces. Roll in a piece of flour, roll out, put the stuffing and blind around the edges.
  4. Formed dumplings throw in boiling water, cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

For the very lazy, you can cook with curd.

To do this, you need to mix 250 g of cottage cheese with 1 egg, add a pinch of salt, sugar, 2 tsp, mix, add 3 tbsp. l flour and mix well again until smooth. Roll out sausage rope with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm from the resulting dough, cut the flagellum into cubes. In a boiling water, add a small pinch of salt, 0.5 tsp. sugars and shaped cubes. Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes.

Add before serving butter  and sour cream.

It should be noted that for cooking this dish, you can take low-fat cottage cheese, the caloric content per 100 grams is 70-80 Kcal.

Dietary dishes with cottage cheese

  1. Smoothies - quite a popular dietary dish. In order to cook it you will need: cottage cheese - 70 g, frozen banana and berries (strawberries, cherries or raspberries) - 150 g, orange juice - 0.5 tbsp. All ingredients grind in a blender. It is better to use low-fat cottage cheese, calories per 100 grams - 70 Kcal. The caloric content of a dish per 100 g is 280 Kcal.
  2. Vegetable Bulgarian pepper - 100 g, leeks, low-fat cottage cheese (calories per 100 g - 70 Kcal) - 200 g, 2 tbsp. l sour cream with a hill, black pepper (to taste). Pepper and onion cut, mix with cottage cheese, season with black pepper and sour cream. Calorie dishes - 102 Kcal.
  3. Ethiopian curd is an original dish that can be cooked for a change. To do this, mix the cottage cheese (calorie per 100 grams - 70 Kcal) - 450 g with 1 clove of garlic and ground cloves (0.5 tsp.) And send to the refrigerator. Fry the onion (40 g), ginger (1 tbsp. L.), 2 cloves of garlic and small chili pepper. When the onion becomes golden, add 900 g of spinach, fry until soft. Drain butter and mix with cottage cheese. Calorie dishes - 210 Kcal.

Enjoy your meal!

Greetings to you, dear friends! Through the efforts of the ubiquitous advertising, we learn about the appearance in the trading network of new products such as non-alcoholic beer and coca-cola without sugar. Fat-free cottage cheese benefits and harm which will be discussed in this article also belongs to this group of products. Manufacturers claim that in appearance and taste it is the same as traditional fat. However, at the same time, its use does not affect the waist circumference. Therefore, cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat is positioned as an indispensable product in many diets that contains protein and calcium. It is necessary to figure out whether this is in fact.

Now many are striving and often-densely exclude from their diet what is necessary and not necessary. Do I need to give up high fat cottage cheese? Read the article and draw conclusions.

Milk products, the fat content of which varies from fractions of a percent (0.1%) to two (1.8%), are considered to be free of fat. To achieve a complete lack of fat in the cottage cheese is almost impossible, so the "zero" percent on the packaging is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

The production technology of low-fat cottage cheese is such that it reduces the amount of saturated fat (it is impossible to remove them completely). Otherwise, according to the manufacturers, this is a traditional dairy product containing protein, vitamins of group B, A, C, PP, phosphorus and calcium.

Advertising claims that the nutritional value (or calorie content) of this product is quite low, making it indispensable for active weight loss (as there are not enough carbohydrates in it).

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese

  • To reduce body weight, you can eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day in four doses, with a glass of milk.
  • With intense sports activities, in six steps, “destroy” 600 grams of cottage cheese, diluting it with a portion of sour cream. Naturally, after training, but not before it.

By the way, by the way about diets and healthy lifestyles. Here is these organic products I really liked it myself, so with a clear conscience I recommend them to you. Try it. Perhaps this is what you need for you.

For people leading a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Cottage cheese is good as a last meal before bedtime, around 7:30 pm (mix it with honey). Non-greasy product is digested in 1-2 hours. That is, at about 21:30 you can go to bed. Watch out for food in the evening. Eat on time.
  2. It is believed that "easy" cottage cheese plus fruit is an excellent breakfast before a morning jog in the park.

Low fat cottage cheese harm

During pregnancy, a low-fat product should not be consumed. Although many continue to adhere to all sorts of diets. For the future mother's body, a lack of digestible calcium (responsible for bone strength, blood clotting, muscle contraction) and phosphorus (essential for the health of nails, teeth, nervous system) can damage both her and her unborn child.

What is silent advertising?

Great power is this ad, right? What is the cost of Nestle to the production of innovative "super-products" for weight loss.

Fat-free cottage cheese products also automatically lose most of the vitamins A, D, and E. contained in milk. The fact is that these essential components are fat-soluble, and therefore they disappear from the raw material even during its technological preparation (bringing the milk to the minimum fat content).

Also, along with milk fat, the lecithin and kefalin phospholipids disappear from the lean product. These valuable nutrients are necessary for the body to fully transmit nerve impulses.

Disruption of the balance of the composition of milk is not the best way affects the digestibility of the final product. Nutritionists believe that the largest proportion of calcium and phosphorus in milk is absorbed by the body if its fat content is at least nine percent.

But if the fat is less than the amount pledged by nature, the healthy minerals simply “slip through” the digestive system, not digesting along the way. Transit, so to speak. Although, if you get phosphorus and calcium not only with cottage cheese, then there is no particular problem.

Nutritionists advise taking quality dietary supplements with calcium  and other beneficial substances. For fans of low-fat products, this is what you need. And the body is good, and from the usual product does not have to give up. I myself accept such

What should you know about the cottage cheese?

For products of animal origin (except meat) the simple rule is: the fatter - the tastier. Fat-free cheese to taste seems "bland". Therefore, manufacturers often correct the situation at the expense of food additives and preservatives.

You can find them like this:

  • By shelf life on the label. The product without preservatives is stored no more than 2-3 days. If the package is guaranteed freshness for a week or longer, there are almost certainly preservatives. And they do not always work, so it is quite possible to detect an increased dose of E. coli or mold fungi in such a box.
  • According to the list of additives printed on the package.

All this will never add value to our diet product. Therefore, we include attentiveness and read all the inscriptions on the packages. And in general - choose, or every time hope for success in the supermarket. Well, or look for a farm cottage cheese with a quality certificate.

After some thought, I decided to say goodbye to low-fat cottage cheese and eat a product with an average percentage of fat. So tastier and healthier. What do you think?

With you was Denis Statsenko. See you later

Cottage cheese is the most useful fermented milk product. No wonder it is recommended for babies from the first months of life. Due to the peculiarities of cooking using rennet, it retains all the beneficial properties of milk. A few centuries ago, the technology of making cheese and practically did not differ, which is why to this day many curd dishes  called "cheese." Read more about this in a separate issue.

How many calories in cottage cheese different fat

Different production technologies using acid, acid-rennet or a combined method make it possible to obtain cottage cheese of various fat content and taste characteristics: fat (18.5 - 23.5%), classical (4.5 - 18.5%), table (2 - 4.5%), dietary (up to 2%) and with fillers.

The table indicates how many calories (kcal per 100 grams of the product) are contained in cottage cheese of different fat content (low-fat, 5%, 9%, homemade and others).

Cottage cheese (fat percentage) Calories, kcal per 100 grams
Dietary Fat Free (0%) 71
Dietary fat free (0.1%) 76
Soft diet (1.0%) 79
Dietary Fat Free (0.2%) 81
Dietary Fat Free (0.3%) 88
Dietary fat free (0.6%) 90
Classic Lithuanian (3%) 97
Dietary (1.8%) 101
Dining Room (2.0%) 104
Soft diet cottage cheese (4.0%) 106
Soft diet cottage cheese (5.0%) 122
Table with fruit fillings (2.0%) 138
Table with fruit fillings (5.0%) 164
Low-fat cottage cheese (8.0%) 138
Low-fat cottage cheese (9.0%) 159
Soft bold (11.0%) 178
Bold (home) (18.0%) 236

Of course, cottage cheese is most useful without additives and fillers. In this form, it is included in the menu of diets and fasting days:

Calorie curd products (cheese, mass)

But children and lovers of sweets, despite the high calorie content, still prefer cottage cheese products (masses and cheese).

Recipes and calorie curd dishes

From cottage cheese cooked breakfasts, afternoon snacks and desserts. This is an ideal component for creating the softest soufflé and mousses.

Curd balls

To prepare a light and refined dish you will need the following products:
  • cottage cheese bold 9% (600 g);
  •   (2 pieces);
  • sugar (9 dessert spoons);
  • premium wheat flour (100 g);
  • sour cream 15% (450 ml);
  • poppy seed (75 g);
  •   (1 tablespoon).

Curd mash with eggs, add half the sugar, pour the flour sifted through a sieve and mix. Dampen fingers with water and roll small balls out of dough. Cottage cheese blanks placed in boiling water and pull out as they float. In bowl, beat sour cream, poppy seeds and the second part of granulated sugar. Boiled balls put on a greased sheet for baking and pour sour cream mixture. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for half an hour. The energy value of balls of cottage cheese is 198 kcal / 100 g.


The consistency of this drink is something between a protein drink and a smoothie. Its preparation will require the available ingredients:
  • cottage cheese (50 g);
  •   (100 ml);
  • orange juice packaged (100 ml).

Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and beat. Ready cocktail poured into a tall glass, you can sprinkle with the top of the ground. Caloric content of the drink is 58 kcal / 100 g.

Cottage cheese chips

Nutritionists are allowed to use cottage cheese chips instead, even adhering to the diet of many diets. For their preparation will require:
  • low fat or low fat cottage cheese (200 g);
  •   (1 piece);
  • fresh dill (4 stalks);
  •   classical without fillers (2 dessert spoons);
  • salt (1/3 tsp);
  • ground black pepper (1/3 tsp).

Cottage cheese should be kneaded with a fork, mix in an egg, salt and pepper and mix the whole mass. Add yogurt and stir again. Grease the baking sheet with cooking oil. Spread dough in small portions, slightly smearing on paper. Put the chips in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 ° C. Calorie dishes is 79 kcal / 100 g.

Chocolate Cheesecakes

Classical cottage cheese makers are familiar to every hostess, but cheesecakes with chocolate can be a pleasant discovery. You will need the following products for cooking:
  • cottage cheese (3 packs of 200 g each);
  • chicken egg (1 piece);
  •   (half a glass);
  • milk chocolate (1 tile);
  •   (50 g);
  •   (50 ml).

Mash cottage cheese in a bowl, add an egg, semolina, oatmeal and mix. Grate the chocolate and add to the bowl with the dough. From the kneaded dough, roll the sausage and cut it into equal parts, each of which should be rolled in flour and fry in a pan until golden brown. Calorie cheesecakes is about 270 kcal / 100 g.

It is an "extract" of skim milk, which contains all the beneficial substances that are in it. Fat-free cottage cheese is fine-grained (see photo) and has a fresh taste with a slight sourness.

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese

The benefits of nonfat cottage cheese is the rich composition of substances that favorably affect the body as a whole. The composition of this product includes a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, which has a positive effect on the state of the skeletal system. With regular consumption of this fermented milk product improves the activity of the gastric tract, kidneys and heart. In addition, low-fat cottage cheese favorably affects the process of blood formation. Thanks to the beneficial amino acid, this dairy product can replace meat to people with product intolerance.

Given the low calorie content and the fact that low-fat cottage cheese is fairly well absorbed by the body, it is recommended to use it not only during the period of weight loss, but also for cleansing the body.  Also, with regular consumption of this product increases blood hemoglobin, as well as the regenerative function of the nervous system.

Use in cooking

Fat-free cottage cheese recipes are most often used by people who watch their figure. .   It can be given the same culinary processing, and other types of this fermented milk product.

Cooking homemade low fat cottage cheese

To make this delicious dairy product at home, you need to take skimmed milk, which must be boiled and put a solution of calcium, which can be bought at the pharmacy.  If the milk is hotter, the process will accelerate significantly. After that, with the help of gauze you need to squeeze the curd from the whey. To get a delicate product, the milk must be boiled and, without adding anything else, put it in a warm place for arbitrary fermentation.

Harm of nonfat cottage cheese and contraindications

Harmless low-fat cottage cheese can cause people with individual intolerance to the product.  Do not abuse the product, as the daily rate is only 250 g, and its excess can cause blockage of the liver.

Cottage cheese is a demanded dairy product. It is a concentrate of sour milk. All the elements that a person needs for health are contained in it even more. What can we say, if a maximum of 200 grams of concentrated fermented milk mass is obtained from 0.5 liters of milk. The product is useful for the body and nutritious. It is widely used in culinary purposes for the preparation of second courses, desserts. We invite you to find out how many calories are in different cottage cheese in fat, what is the energy value of popular cottage cheese products and what effect it has on the body.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The product is a rich source of proteins. Let us highlight the high capacity of vitamins A (100 g of medium-fat cottage cheese contains 9% of the daily requirement for this substance), B1 (2.7%), B2 (16.7%), PR (16%). Phosphorus (27.5% of the daily value), calcium (16.5%), magnesium (6%), potassium (4.5%), sodium (3.2%), iron ( 2.5%). All nutrients are perfectly balanced, so the product is perfectly absorbed by the body.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrate in the curd depends primarily on the fat content. In a product with 4% fat, the ratio of BJU components is 11 grams, 4 grams and 3 grams per 100 grams of product, respectively. In the home (18% fat) contains more protein (15 g) and fat (18 g), the amount of carbohydrates remains almost unchanged: 2.9 g

Caloric content of cottage cheese per 100 grams

Different types of product are officially classified by the percentage of fat capacity. In fat - 18%, in bold - 9%, in skim - no more than 3% (according to GOST - up to 1.8%). The latter category also includes the granulated variety, whose popularity among Russian consumers is growing steadily. It is understandable: a delicious, tender, diet cottage cheese can not help but like. And what is the caloric content of cottage cheese 5%? To make it easier for you to navigate, we will provide information about the energy value of 100 grams of a product of varying degrees of fat:

  • Low fat cottage cheese: 71 kcal;
  • 1% fat: 79 kcal;
  • 2% fat: 86 kcal;
  • 4% fat: 104 kcal;
  • 5% fat: 121 kcal;
  • 8% fat: 138 kcal;
  • 9% fat (bold): 159 kcal;
  • 18% fat: 236 kcal.

In fat free

Today a slim and slim figure is considered beautiful. Therefore, millions of women are exhaustingly fighting overweight, make up a menu of low-calorie food and try to follow it. Great demand in our time are non-fat foods. Everything is logical: the lower the nutritional value of food, the better for the diet and for the figure. Therefore, choosing fermented milk products, representatives of the fair half often prefer their low-fat varieties. For the manufacture of low-fat product uses low-fat varieties of milk. It is well absorbed by the body, as part of a wide range of useful elements.

Calorie fat-free cottage cheese - 71 kcal per 100 grams.
   In 1% of the product, the energy value is 79 kcal.
   In the “Brest-Litovsk 3% Classic” cottage cheese - 97 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Fat-free cottage cheese is widely used in cooking, it is part of dozens of low-calorie dishes, which are the basis of the diet. Non-calorie low-fat cheese cakes, cheesecakes, dumplings, tasty casseroles using low-fat product have a minimum of differences from dishes prepared from more fat types of fermented milk mass.

By including this product in your daily menu, you will not get better, even if you mix a lot with fruit. Low-fat cottage cheese with banana is a tasty and healthy dish for those who want to lose weight. Adding a spoonful of honey does not affect the amount of calories too much, at the same time seriously increasing the capacity of valuable substances.

In fat (home)

Among the products made on the basis of milk, cottage cheese plays an important role. He has a lot of useful features and unique qualities. Regular intake of the product is a guarantee of health. The final fat content of the concentrated fermented milk mass depends on the method of preparation and the chemical content of the feedstock.

Fat cottage cheese (homemade) has the highest nutritional value. The fat content in it reaches 18%. It has a delicate creamy texture and a pronounced taste. Used for cooking dumplings, cheesecakes, casseroles, desserts and other dishes. How many calories in home cheese? 3 times more than skimmed.

Excessive consumption of this product is undesirable for people who are prone to corpulence and suffering from excess weight. However, the beneficial properties in this case are more pronounced than that of the low-fat curd mass. The product strengthens the teeth, hair and bones, stimulates the protective properties of the body, normalizes the state of the nervous system. It must be present in the diet of children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those recovering from serious illnesses.

Calorie cottage cheese - 236 kcal.

In cottage cheese with sour cream

Cottage cheese with sour cream is one of the most common ways to consume this fermented milk product:

  • Mixing 200 grams of cottage cheese from home-made milk (18% fat) with 50 grams of sour cream and 15% fat, you will consume 551 kcal, and the caloric content of 100 grams of the product will be 220 kcal.
  • If the supplement contains 20% fat, the energy value of the portion will be 576 kilocalories, 100 g - 288 kilocalories.
  • The most dietary option - a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream 10% fat. The caloric content of 250 g dishes will be 278 kcal, 100 g - 111 kcal.
  • We mention the bold curd (9%) with cream 35% fat. The energy value of a serving of 250 g (200 + 50) reaches 487 kcal, 100 g - 195 kcal.

Each tablespoon of sugar will increase energy value  dishes at 80-90 calories.

Table calorie curd products per 100 grams

Cottage cheese is a useful product, but do not forget that it contains too much protein. Therefore, consume the product in small portions. The daily consumption rate of cottage cheese for adults is 200 grams, for children - 120 grams. It is important to follow product storage rules. It should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, no more than 2-3 days. In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the calorie content of popular curd products.

Title Calories per 100 grams
Goat cheese 156 kcal
Quark 46 kcal
Grainy 155 kcal
Curd cream 167 kcal
Children's cottage cheese 103 kcal
Curd Whey 18 kcal
Cottage cheese 317 kcal
Curd jelly 165 kcal
Curd 232 kcal
Milkana curd cheese 269 ​​kcal
Tofu curd 73 kcal
Cheese cake 239 kcal
Cheesecakes 183 kcal
Curd "Miracle" 131 kcal
Glazed curd cheese 407 kcal
Bean curd with fruit (ingredients: cottage cheese, raspberries, apples, honey, almonds, sugar, milk) 192 kcal

What is useful cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in protein responsible for the formation of muscle tissue. That's why he is so appreciated by bodybuilders. Interestingly, the protein content depends on the capacity of the fat in the product. This indicator can vary from 15% (in fat household) to 9% (in nonfat). Note that the cottage cheese protein is completely absorbed by the human body.

All dairy products contain calcium, but far from all can consume whole milk: some adults do not have enough lactase enzyme that breaks milk sugar. As a result, milk intake can lead to disorders. Calcined cottage cheese is a great alternative. Consumption cannot lead to such problems, and its calcium content is even higher than in milk. This element is essential for healthy teeth and bone strength.

Deficiency of vitamins B, A, E, PP, leads to a decrease in immunity, disorders of the nervous and digestive systems. Consuming sour milk products, you protect yourself from these troubles. The composition of cottage cheese protein is essential for the human body amino acid methionine, which protects the liver from fatty rebirth. It is important to consume a concentrated fermented milk mass in the event that you have impaired metabolic processes (a clear sign of this are diseases such as gout, obesity, thyroid disease).

The complex protein, kosein, is rich in all valuable amino acids. In addition, this protein has a lipotropic effect, accelerating the process of splitting fats and reducing the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the circulatory system. Therefore, the product should be consumed by older people, children suffering from anemia, tuberculosis, diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.

Also, cottage cheese should certainly be present in the diet of pregnant women. Protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins are the main plastic materials necessary for the normal development of the embryo. If the embryo lacks calcium, it replenishes the deficit by absorbing this trace element from the mother's body. As a result, a pregnant woman suffers from general weakness of the muscular system, increased fragility of bones and teeth. Iron - an element that plays an important role in the development of the circulatory system of the embryo. The lack of this substance leads to the development of anemia in the mother and increases the likelihood of miscarriage.