Homemade beef sausages in the gut recipe. Homemade sausages: the secrets of making the perfect snack

26.07.2019 Buffet table

The older generation understands well how industrial sausage differs from homemade pork and beef sausage or other meat products, because they remember the taste of Doktorskaya, at 2.20 rubles / kg, made without soy and other not quite meat and not quite food additives.

In those "soviet", for many nostalgic times, sometimes very long queues were lined up for sausage in the gastronomic departments. Yes, its quantity and relatively small assortment often became a topic of dissatisfaction expressed in every Soviet cuisine, but no one was ever indignant about the quality.

Making sausage at home is very simple. This is the surest way to build confidence that a product meets its own evaluation criteria.

Any product on the counter is made by the hands of the same people, but on an industrial scale, on an assembly line. The habit of buying ready-made food in the store among people appeared relatively recently, in the era of universal urbanization, when grocery supermarkets began to grow in residential areas like mushrooms after a rain. Our very short-term ancestors themselves grew raw materials, and they themselves processed them into fresh natural products, in the most primitive, by our standards, living conditions.

The answer to the age-old question of what to do is obvious: if you don't trust the manufacturer, choose another one, or start making sausages at home. Now let's talk about how to do this.

Homemade pork and beef sausage - basic technological principles

Any sausage consists of minced meat and shell. Making minced meat using a household meat grinder, blender or combine is not a problem at all. As for the casing, you can buy it at any specialized online store, along with some ingredients for the production of homemade sausages, or on the market, along with fresh meat.

The preparation of natural animal casings is an extremely tedious task, although, of course, only the highest quality sausages are obtained in them. If you do not want to independently cleanse and prepare the intestines of animals for filling with minced meat, buy collagen or polyamide ones. For boiled sausages and sausages, they are quite suitable. But for dry-cured and uncooked smoked, it is still better to go through this very time-consuming and not very pleasant process of producing homemade sausage from pork and beef - that's why it is a premium sausage.

Briefly about the essence of the process of preparing pork or beef casings

Guts - a natural casings for sausages. They are cleaned until completely transparent and a specific unpleasant odor is removed so as not to spoil the taste of the sausage. First, rinse under a strong stream of cold running water. Then, with the help of soda and vinegar solution, the remnants of mucus on the inner walls are removed. To do this, after washing, the intestines are turned inside out, soaked in a strong soda solution so that the mucus begins to peel off easily. Then it is scraped off with the back, blunt side of the knife blade. After the intestines are washed again and soaked in vinegar solution, to remove odors and residues of impurities. As a result, you should get a transparent film, absolutely odorless, and preferably without tears. Salt for colon cleansing is not desirable, as it dries (dehydrates) the protein tissue, making it inelastic. Baking soda disinfects the film well without compressing it.

After this procedure, you can start cooking any minced meat and filling the prepared shell with it. Places of ruptures in the intestines, when filled with minced meat, are tied with twine so that during further heat treatment the minced meat does not come out.

An artificial casing is more durable than natural and does not require long-term preparation for use.

It is important to take into account one more detail: the natural casing is not filled very tightly, and the artificial films are stuffed to the required density. During cooking, drying and any heat treatment, the intestines shrink, like any protein of animal origin, which can cause a loaf or sausage stick to burst. Artificial casings retain their shape and size at high temperatures.

It is undesirable to use artificial casings for smoking and damp-curing. This sausage variety reaches readiness during the drying process, and the artificial casing will not shrink and dry out together with the sausage mince, which will result in a “non-marketable” appearance of the sausage, violation of sanitary standards during ripening and storage.

Minced meat

The consistency of the minced meat, the taste of the sausage and the variety of assortments depend on the degree of grinding of the meat. In everyday life, meat grinders with meshes of various diameters are used for minced meat sausage. The minced meat is initially ground using a medium grinding mesh. After that, the minced meat is salted, sodium nitrite is added (for dry-cured sausages, additionally sodium phosphate) to activate fermentation, regulate the taste, and the acidity level of the future sausage. After the sausage meat is left in a closed container for ripening at a temperature from 0C to + 4C. The ripening time of minced meat depends on the use of additives, the type of sausage.

Sodium nitrite helps to obtain the required density and texture of sausage meat, increases the shelf life of sausage products, retains the original color of the minced meat after heat treatment. It can also be purchased, along with sausage casings, at specialized points of sale. The design rates of use are indicated on the packages.

You can, of course, do without fermentation in homemade sausage production, limiting yourself to salting and adding spices, but in order for the taste of the sausage to match your favorite variety and become recognizable, you need to strictly adhere to the recipe of your favorite Cervelat, Moscow, Salami and other types of sausages. You can use dry white wine or cognac as a preservative for dry-cured sausages, but keep in mind that these ingredients give the sausages a different taste.

It is clear that meat must meet the highest sanitary standards for the preparation of any dish. But for the production of sausages, only fresh chilled meat should be used. In addition to the fact that this requirement also affects the taste of the product, it must be taken into account: defrosted meat does not lend itself to any fermentation, since when frozen, and even more so when re-frozen, it absolutely loses the necessary biological properties.

To obtain a smaller sausage mince, it is allowed to freeze the meat to a temperature of -1-2 C. With this cooling, the meat is better crushed to a pasty consistency.

Further processing of minced meat takes place in accordance with a specific recipe and method of heat treatment. For sausages with bacon, chopped bacon is added to the main mince. The sizes of pieces of lard in sausage meat, their proportions, the ratio of pork and beef, offal are also regulated by the recipe.

After filling the sausage casing with minced meat, the semi-finished products are kept for up to six hours, for full ripening, checked for casing ruptures, the formation of unwanted air bubbles. The bubbles are removed by piercing the sheath with a needle. The places of the shell breaks are tied up so that the shape is preserved during the heat treatment. The sausage is suspended in refrigeration equipment by twine so that the minced meat is compacted to the required consistency under its own weight. Excerpt of semi-finished products, like minced meat, is carried out in refrigerated chambers. At home, sausage can be hung in a regular refrigerator, on the top shelf.

It is not allowed to heat minced meat above 12 C during the preparation of sausages, with the exception of the technology for preparing dry-cured sausages, where semi-finished products are kept at a higher temperature (18-20 C) for the first day to improve fermentation.

After that, you can proceed to heat treatment, according to the recipe.

According to the method of heat treatment, sausages are:

  • Boiled;
  • Smoked-boiled;
  • Semi-smoked;
  • Uncooked smoked and dry-cured;
  • Sausages of their offal (brawn, blood, liver, liver).

At home, you can cook any of these types of sausages, but for smoking it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment, consumables (sawdust) and conditions (a city apartment will not work for the production of homemade sausages). A household smoke machine can be easily purchased or assembled from scrap materials in the country. The costs and hassles associated with the purchase of equipment quickly pay off, given the cost of raw smoked sausages, meat products, fish and even prunes, or other fruits and vegetables.

Advice: if you want to cook raw smoked sausage or other products with a smoky aroma, use ready-made smoked lard as an additive in minced meat - the desired aroma will definitely be transferred to the finished product.

1. Homemade pork and beef sausage - "Beer" boiled

Raw materials:

Minced pork, finely ground (semi-fat pork, shoulder) 2/3 part

Pork ham, chopped 1/3 part

Ground nutmeg 2g / 1 kg minced meat

Black pepper 2.5 g / 1 kg

Sugar, refined 3 g / 1 kg

Collagen casing (80 mm)

Cooking technology:

For "Beer" sausage, prepare two types of pork: semi-fat - for fine minced meat, chopped to a pasty state, and a ham, which must be chopped with a knife (cubes 1x1 cm).

Combine minced meat with minced meat, beat off, add spices and stir until smooth. Soak the casing in warm water, cutting it into strips of 20-25 cm. Soak in the water for half an hour to make it elastic.

If there is no sausage syringe, then fill the casing with a meat grinder. Try to fill tightly. Tie the filled casings with twine on both sides.

Hold the formed meat loaves for half an hour on the table so that the minced meat is better saturated with spices at room temperature, then put it in the cold for two hours: the minced meat should thicken, at which time air bubbles will come to the surface. Then they can be noticed and removed. Then proceed to heat treatment: steam or in the oven with a combi steamer, at 80 C, until a temperature of 70 C inside the loaves is reached.

It is convenient to cook boiled sausages in a slow cooker, setting the required mode, or in an oven equipped with a combi steamer.

2. Homemade pork and beef sausage - Munich sausages

Raw materials:

Pork, semi-fat (shoulder) and veal - one piece each

Water - 100 ml / 1kg minced meat (t 25C)

Spice composition for Munich sausages 6 g / 1 kg minced meat

Salt 20 g / 1 kg

Optionally, for a homemade recipe, you can include:

Dry mustard, honey

Lemon juice

Natural casing (pork casings) - 2 m per 1 kg of minced meat

Cooking technology:

Chop the meat by passing it through a wire rack with a hole diameter of 3-4 mm. Cool the minced meat to 0 C. Add seasoning to it: use a ready-made sausage mixture bought in a specialized store, or prepare a composition of ground spices yourself, including in equal proportions ground nutmeg, black pepper, dried parsley, and a small a pinch of cardamom, lemon zest. Also add the rest of the spices to taste. Transfer the minced meat to a blender bowl, pour in warm water and beat until a homogeneous pasty consistency. The temperature of the minced meat should not exceed 12 C. Transfer the prepared minced meat into a sausage syringe or use a meat grinder with a nozzle (ᴓ15 mm). Pre-soak the casing in warm water, put it on the syringe tube and fill with minced meat. Divide the filled convenience foods into 8cm pieces to form sausages like wieners. Roll finished products into rings. In a saucepan, heat the water to 90 ° C. Immerse the sausages and cook them until the temperature reaches 70 ° C inside the sausages.

3. Homemade pork and beef sausage "Cognac" dry-cured

Raw materials:

Veal 700 g

Chilled pork, lean (ham, shoulder, neck) 2.1 kg

Fat, unsalted (hard) 1.4 kg

Cognac 100 ml

For seasoning:

Cooking salt 75 g

Ground cardamom 10 g

Pepper, black 25 g

Cloves 10 g

Hot red peppers to taste

Paprika, sweet 40 g

Nitrite salt 1 g

Sage - to taste

Granulated garlic 20 g

Muscat, ground 15 g

Collagen casing (40 mm) 3.5-4 m

Cooking technology:

The meat must be cleaned from the film and internal, soft fat. Chop veal and bacon with a knife: meat - 0.5-0.8 cm pieces, bacon - 1x1 cm. Chop the pork in a food processor or meat grinder with the finest grill. Combine the meat pieces and mix until smooth. After kneading, beat the minced meat thoroughly so that collagen is released and the minced meat particles become sticky. Pour cognac into the minced meat, mix well again. Wrap the container with foil and put it in the cold for 10 - 12 hours.

Spices must be mixed, chopped in a blender or coffee grinder to a powdery state.

Add the seasoning to the minced meat and stir very thoroughly. Soak the prepared minced meat in a closed container in the cold so that the meat is saturated with seasonings. 10 hours after the minced meat ripens, cut the collagen casing into 35-40 cm pieces, soak in warm water to give elasticity: remove excess water, since the sausage will dry out in a cold way, without heat treatment, and it does not need moisture. Fill the casing tightly with minced meat, being careful not to allow air bubbles to form. Tie the edges in knots or pull with twine. Pierce the sausage casing with a needle so that it comes out freely from the inside during the drying process.

Hang the meat loaves by twine on the crossbar so that they do not come into contact with each other. Dry at a temperature of 0 + 4 C in a dry, ventilated area. In a city apartment, sausage can be dried in the refrigerator, providing the desired temperature regime, without harm to other products: just do not forget that for 3-4 weeks, while the sausage ripens, you need to especially carefully monitor compliance with sanitary standards - all products must be hermetically sealed. It is good if the refrigerator is equipped with a fan - it must be turned on every day, in the morning and in the evening, for a couple of hours.

The readiness of dry-cured sausage is determined by the final mass of the product, which should be halved due to the loss of moisture.

4. Homemade pork and beef sausage - "Dairy" sausages

Raw materials for cooking:

Semi-fat pork (shoulder, neck) 700 g

Veal 300 g

Milk 50 ml

Garlic 9 g

Ground coriander and black pepper - 1 g each

Sodium nitrite 0.5 g

Casing, collagen (15 mm) 3 m

Cooking method:

Grind the meat until very finely minced. You can pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid, along with garlic, and then additionally interrupt with a blender. Add spices, milk and stir. Be sure to beat the sausage meat as it will help achieve a dense and cohesive texture, without air bubbles inside. Cover the container with minced meat with foil and put it in the cold for an hour to ripen.

Prepare the shell by keeping it in warm water until elastic, and start filling with minced meat. As the shell is densely filled with minced meat, divide it into equal segments of 5-6 cm, scrolling the tape around its own axis. Pierce the filled semi-finished products with a needle, hang them on the crossbar and keep them at 0 C in the refrigerator to compact the minced meat.

It is necessary to cook sausages at t 90-95 C, in a saucepan, not allowing the water to boil. Cooking time is 30-40 minutes. But it is better to use a metal temperature probe to comply with the temperature regime.

Sausages can be cooked without nitrite salt, but in this case their color will change after boiling.

5. Homemade pork and beef sausage "Doktorskaya"


Lean beef 250 g

Pork, semi-fat 750 g

Sodium phosphate 3 g

Purified water 200 ml

A mixture of spices for Doktorskaya sausage:

Muscat (2 g), sodium nitrite (10 g), black pepper (1 g), sugar (2 g), salt, table 10 g, cardamom (0.5 g) - calculation for 1 kg of minced meat

Collagen casing (ᴓ 80 mm) 2x40 cm


The spice mixture can be used ready-made, or you can compose it yourself from the listed ingredients.

Pass the pork and beef through a meat grinder, freeze the minced meat in the freezer at t -2 C, then pass through the meat grinder again, setting a finer grate, until a pasty consistency. When freezing minced meat, be sure to seal it in airtight bags so that moisture from the freezer does not get into the meat and so that the meat juice remains in the minced meat.

Grind the minced meat separately. In less fatty beef, when chopping, add a little water, sodium phosphate to form a protein binder. Then fatty pork is added to the lean mince. The taste and consistency of the sausage depends on the sequence of chopping and mixing the minced meat.

Stuff the prepared casing, check the quality of the stuffing. Tie the ends of the casing in a knot, hang the sausage by twine in the cold. Cook in the same way as Dairy sausages.

6. Homemade pork and beef sausage - egg liver

Ingredients for making 1 kg of sausage:

Spice mix:

Coriander, cumin, pepper, glucose (sugar) - in equal parts; for 1 kg of minced meat - 8 g of seasoning

Cooking salt 20 g

Egg 1 pc.

Onions, onions 15 g

Whole milk pasteurized 100 ml

Pork shoulder 300 g

Brisket 350 g (pork)

Liver, beef 350 g (net)

Beef casing (or polyamide) ᴓ 60 mm - 1.2 m

Cooking technology:

Cut the meat ingredients into cubes and cook in boiling unsalted water for 15 minutes.

Transfer them to a blender, add peeled onions, milk and spices. Interrupt the mass. Add eggs to minced meat when it has cooled to room temperature.

Fill the prepared casing, tie it, dividing it into three equal lengths, twisting the casing. Pierce the entire length of the film with a needle to release air. Hang the semi-finished products for compaction. The cooking method is classic: in the oven with steam at t 80 C, until reaching 70 C inside the sausages.

Homemade Pork and Beef Sausage - Useful Tips and Tricks

  • Fill the casing with minced sausage, in the absence of special devices for a meat grinder, you can use the old "old-fashioned" method: take any tube made of plastic, rubber or metal (stainless), of a suitable diameter, pull the end of the casing through it, and turn it inside out, putting it on the tube. As the shell is filled with minced meat, push it in the opposite direction with your free hand, distributing the minced meat evenly along its entire length.
  • When filling the casing with minced meat, it is important to prevent the formation of air bubbles in the semi-finished product. In order to remove them from the sausage, after filling, in places where bubbles form, pierce the casing with a needle. Do not rush to cook or dry the sausage. Hang it up by twine and hold it suspended for several hours. It is advisable to hold the exposure in a refrigerator. In 5-6 hours, semi-finished sausage products will be compacted to the desired consistency, fermentation will be completed and the meat will be saturated with spices added during the preparation of minced meat.
  • It is also necessary to cook the sausage in a suspended state. It is convenient to do this in a tall saucepan by hanging the loaves on the bar so that they retain their shape. Another convenient way of cooking is an oven with a combi steamer. If the oven is not equipped with the latest technology, try to hang the sausage anyway, and put a tray of water below. Add water as needed until the end of cooking.
  • The readiness of the sausage can be determined by taste, but if you do not want to cut the loaf during the cooking process, then get a special temperature probe. The temperature of 70C inside the cooked sausage means that it can be eaten. For smoked sausages, this figure is 26-28C.

Delicious and aromatic dry-cured beef sausage is a real delicacy that we are used to purchasing in stores or supermarkets. However, at present, everyone will agree that the purchased sausage contains much more various additives than real meat, so it is best to cook such a meat product at home according to our recipe! The only thing that you should stock up on is patience, because the sausage should be dried in a cool, ventilated room for at least 15 days! Those who will cook you that such a product can be ready even after 5 days of drying - they are blatantly lying! The casing of the sausage will be dry, but inside it will remain moist and will not wilt properly.


  • 0.6 kg beef pulp
  • 200 g fresh lard
  • 1 tbsp. l. vodka or brandy
  • 20 g nitrite salt
  • 0.5 tsp table salt
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 meter washed pork intestines


1. Clean the beef pulp from blue films and veins. Rinse thoroughly in water, cut into small cubes and place in a deep container.

2. Let's do the same with pork fat, cutting off the skin from it. You can use salted lard, but then it is best to exclude table salt from the list of ingredients.

3. Clean the garlic cloves, rinse them and press them into a container. Pour in nitrite and table salt, ground black pepper, pour in Alcoholic brandy, it is best not to add a lot - 1-2 tbsp is enough. The rest can be finished while cooking the sausage.

4. Thoroughly mix the contents of the container with each other, turning it into minced meat, and leave it in the refrigerator for a day, covering it with cling film or a bag so that the minced meat does not wind up. Do not immediately fill the sausage with it, as the meat should absorb the aromas of the spices.

5. A day later, rinse the salted pork intestines in water, pull them on a special attachment for a meat grinder or cut off the neck of a plastic bottle and pull the intestines over it. Pass the minced meat with your hands, having previously tied the end of the intestine with a thread or twine and punctured it to release the air. Fill the intestines with minced meat. This is where the differences between dry-cured sausage and ordinary boiled or baked sausages begin. It is necessary to stuff the intestines with minced meat as tightly as possible, because the sausage will dry out by about 30-40%. As soon as we finish stuffing, we will immediately tie the end of the intestine and release the air from the workpiece, piercing the intestine with a needle.

6. We tie both ends of the workpiece with twine, for which we hang the sausage for drying in a cool, ventilated room with a temperature of no more than 16 C for 15 days. At night we will roll the sausage with a rolling pin and put it in the refrigerator, wrapping it in cotton cloth or in a double layer of gauze.

Homemade beef sausage turns out to be tender, juicy and real!

It is best to cook it from the pulp from the beef neck, then you will not have to add pork.

It is best to add a kilogram of pork meat to the thigh tenderloin - for juiciness.

It is not necessary to eat the beef sausage all at once, freeze the finished sausages, and then send them to the pan, to the boiling broth with spices, or to a baking sheet.


  • 5 kg of beef
  • 300 ml ice water
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, pepper and garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of red ground pepper
  • 2-3 tablespoons dried paprika
  • cleaned intestines - 30-40 meters

Cooking homemade beef sausage

1. Check for small bones left after chopping on the piece of beef. If so, remove them and also cut the veins.

2. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces so that they go into the meat grinder.

3. Grind the sliced \u200b\u200bmeat through a coarse grinder.

4. Add all the sausage spices to the minced meat bowl, salt to taste, cold filtered water and knead everything well until smooth.

5. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours. It is convenient to make such a preparation from evening to night.

6. Place the intestines in a bowl and soak in cold running water for 30 minutes to release the salt.

7. Then rinse thoroughly inside and out, inside can be rinsed by putting on a tap or using a funnel.

This is necessary not only in order to wash out the remaining salt, but also to see if there are any holes in the intestines.

8. Fold in a colander to make a glass of water. It is necessary to keep in this form no more than 5 minutes, because the intestines should remain slightly moist, this will reduce the ingress of air into them when stuffing sausages with minced meat.

9. Install the attachment on the meat grinder, fully pull the intestine over the neck, the end of which is tied with twine.

10. Fill the intestines with minced meat, and then make several punctures with a thin needle along the entire length to release the air.

Decide on the length of your sausages and after each serving of minced meat, tie the sausage with a tight thread.

11. Place in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 12 hours.

12. Place a saucepan half full of water on the stove. Add bay leaves, black peppercorns, peeled onions, parsley and dill to taste.

13. Heat water to 70-80 degrees, without pressing to boil and dip the beef sausages into it. Cook for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the gas and hold the sausage for another 10-15 minutes in water for juiciness. Take out and cool.

14. Then you can wrap a part of the sausage in plastic wrap, then in foil and freeze. You can store it for up to a month and use it however you like.

It is most delicious to bake in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 35-40 minutes, periodically turning the barrel for better baking.

Freshly boiled sausage can also be baked in the oven, but no more than 25 minutes, because it is still very tender.

Fresh raw sausage can also be wrapped and refrigerated for 3-4 days.

Today, you can see many different sausages on the shelves of shops in the meat departments, but really high-quality and tasty ones are not so often found among them. After all, a good meat sausage is not cheap and does not have a long shelf life. But if you wish, you can make your own, homemade sausage, in the quality of which you can be absolutely sure, and you, knowing your taste preferences, can give it the desired taste and aroma. How you can make beef sausage at home - you will learn from this article.

In order for your homemade sausage to turn out delicious, and your work on creating it is not too difficult, you can use the following tips:

  • the choice of meat for sausages should be approached thoroughly - it must be of high quality and fresh;
  • beef - the meat is not fatty, if you want your sausage to be tender and juicy, you should add a little beef fat or fatty pork to it;
  • the best beef sausage is obtained from the neck pulp, in this case you can even do without adding any fat;
  • casings for molding sausages are sold in stores and markets, they must be stored in the refrigerator, and before working with them, they should be soaked in warm water for 20-30 minutes;
  • seasonings for sausages are best taken freshly ground - this will provide an excellent taste and aroma to your homemade sausages;
  • when cooking sausages should be pierced - this way they will turn out to be more juicy and tasty.

Beef sausage recipe

To make beef sausage, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beef pulp - 2 ½ kilograms;
  • lard or fatty pork - ½ kilogram;
  • garlic - 4 - 5 cloves;
  • ground black pepper - 3 - 5 grams;
  • red pepper - 5 grams;
  • ground coriander - 5 grams;
  • nutmeg - 5 grams;
  • dry ground ginger - 2 grams;
  • salt - 50 grams:
  • any womb.

Prepare beef sausage as follows:

rinse the meat well with cold water, carefully examine it for the presence of bone fragments and remove them. If the beef is very fresh, soak it in salt water (1.5 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of table salt) for 15 to 30 minutes. After processing, drain off excess water and blot the meat with a paper towel.

Cut the meat into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder with a grid with a hole diameter of 4 mm. Pass lard or fatty pork through a wire rack with a diameter of 8 millimeters. Combine minced meat and mix well.

In a dry bowl, combine the seasonings. You can use any suggested in the recipe, or take any others that you like more. Many chefs use nothing but pepper and salt. Add salt and garlic passed through a garlic press to the seasonings in a bowl. Mix everything and add to the minced meat. Knead it very well to distribute the seasoning, salt and garlic evenly. If the minced meat is too dry and dense, you can add a little water or cream to it.

Rinse the intestines (belly) under running cold water and soak in warm water for 20 - 30 minutes so that they acquire elasticity and can be worked with. After that, fill the shells with minced meat prepared in advance, forming sausages of the required length and bandage their ends.

How to properly stuff sausages

For stuffing the intestines with minced meat, you can use special nozzles for a meat grinder sold in hardware stores, or use improvised means. These include an ordinary plastic bottle. From it it is necessary to cut off a part with a neck and a wide edge to put on a meat grinder and fix (tie or glue with tape).

To create a sausage, prepared (washed and soaked) intestines should be cut into pieces. Convenient length - about a meter, if you wish, you can make a little less or more.

Remove the knife and grate from the meat grinder. Pull the shell of the future sausage onto the nozzle or neck of a well-fixed plastic bottle and tie the tip with a strong thread to a knot. Use a needle to pierce the membrane near the edge so that air can escape through it. Turn the meat grinder and push the minced meat, directing the filling with your hands. When the bowel is full, remove the bowel and tie the other end. If air has entered somewhere, then the sausage casing in this place must be pierced with a needle or a toothpick.

When stuffing the intestine with minced meat, try to distribute it tightly and evenly, but not excessively stretch the shell. Remember that the intestine will shrink during any heat treatment and will surely tear if you stuff the sausage too tightly. After the sausages are cooked, they should be left in the refrigerator to soak for 8 to 12 hours. After that, the sausages can either be placed in the freezer for longer storage, or cooked - baked in the oven, boiled, or fried in a skillet. It can also be smoked or wilted.

How to cook gutless beef sausage

If you do not have stomachs (intestines) for stuffing them with minced meat and getting sausages, then you can do without them, but for this you need a different shell. As such, you can use cling film or foil.

To prepare sausages, in this case, you need to cook minced meat, use foil or film to give it an oblong shape and press the edges tightly. Minced meat can have the same composition as above, only it is recommended to add an egg to it for better adhesion. You can store such sausages directly in this package in the freezer, and it is best to boil or bake directly in it. If desired, frozen sausages can be removed from the packaging and fried in a skillet. Also, such sausages can be prepared by stringing them on skewers in the oven or over an open fire; in terms of quality and taste, they will significantly surpass store-bought ones.

Homemade sausages are a great option for lunch or dinner. They are usually served with bread, fresh or baked vegetables.

As one of the country's leading channels said on the screen: "Sausage is a strategically important product!" It seems to me that everyone in our country loves sausage. Me and my family are no exception.

My grandmother taught me how to cook sausage. I can cook it from different minced meat, from pieces of meat, with the addition of various ingredients. I represent the classic way of making homemade sausage from minced meat.

If you are going to cook sausage, you need to understand that almost everything depends on the quality of the meat. I draw your attention to the fact that you can combine any meat at your discretion. I like beef and chicken sausages the most, but my homemade pork-free sausages categorically refuse to eat. Therefore, I will talk about cooking beef and pork sausage.

To make the sausage, you need a shell. I know that many people fill artificial casings. I did not try. To be honest, it is not entirely clear to me why cook sausage in "plastic" guts, if you can bake sausage bread ?!

I buy intestines (they are also casings) in the Metro Hypermarket or in the city of Armavir. If you live in Armavir, I recommend buying them in the meat pavilion, which is opposite the entrance from Lenin Square. If you do not have a Metro hypermarket in your city and you do not live in the city of Armavir)), you will have to search the Internet, sometimes people unite and order casings in the Rostov region on a specialized website.

So, let's begin...
Rinse the intestines thoroughly before starting work, just do not tear, after rinsing, liberally lubricate the sausage attachment with vegetable oil and put about five to seven meters of the shell on the attachment.

It is desirable that these were the guts with one "string", otherwise during filling you will be tortured to tie them at the very beginning and end of the sausage, and when your hands are in the minced meat, it is extremely inconvenient to do this. It is generally better to cook sausage together. Put the threads under your arm, suddenly the shell will break, you will have the opportunity to tie the shell and prevent it from breaking through further.

Cooking minced meat.

and lard

with streaks of meat we pass through a meat grinder.

Add the bow.

Do not feel sorry for onion and be sure to pass it through a meat grinder. You can put garlic, but remember that you cannot take such a sausage to work, otherwise it will give out your gastronomic addictions with its aroma))).

Add starch.

Ground coriander.

Ground black pepper.


As for the salt, the minced meat should taste a little salty. Otherwise, the sausage will turn out bland.
We drive in two eggs.

Pour in three tablespoons of vodka and mix thoroughly. You can replace vodka with cognac.

We put the minced meat in a meat grinder in small portions and slowly fill the shells.

During filling, do not try to fill too long "sausage", more often do "clipping" by twisting the intestines.

This will allow you to bandage the resulting circle as comfortably as possible.
Do not try to fill the casing too much, it may burst. I am an experienced sausage maker))) and sometimes "punctures" happen. If suddenly the shell breaks through, immediately stop the meat grinder and intercept the sausage in a place that is one or two centimeters above the breakout point and squeeze it, removing all the minced meat. Tie up immediately to avoid further rupture of the sheath.

After all the intestines are filled, it usually takes about five to seven meters for the specified portion of minced meat, it all depends on the diameter of the resulting sausage, it is necessary to lay it in the form of a circle on a plate.

The most difficult thing in making sausage, in my opinion, is fixing the circle. It is necessary to fix the sausage so that it takes the shape of a circle. This is necessary for cooking and further frying in a pan. If you fix it badly, it will be difficult to get it out of the water and turn it over during frying.

I fix the sausage, as a rule, with ordinary threads. If you have cotton or linen, that's even better!

Fixation of the sausage "snail" begins from the most extreme tail of the sausage. I tie a thread on the tail and, moving towards the center, I fix all the sausages, tying them into a single circle. I move like a spider, as if I create "rays" from constrictions, so that when I pick it up, it would look like a sausage cake.

Please note that the diameter of the sausage must be equal to the diameter of the pan in which the sausage will be cooked and the diameter of the pan in which you will fry it.

When the sausage mugs are all tied up, we begin to pierce the sausage. Any needle will work, if there is no new sewing needle, use a disposable syringe. You need to pierce with sharp movements so as not to tear the shell, namely to pierce. Approximately twenty to thirty punctures per circle. If you do not pierce the shell, then it may burst during the cooking process, and all the work will be lost ...

After all the circles are tied, we lower the sausage into the water. If you get several circles, it's okay, lower them in turn into the water, one on top of the other in turn.

Add bay leaves and salt.

The water must be salty, slightly salty, otherwise the broth will begin to take salt from the sausage itself, which is not permissible: the sausage will be fresh on the outside, but normally salty inside.

After boiling (this is very important, do not skip the boiling process !!!), reduce the heat to a minimum and close the pan with a lid. Cook over low heat with a barely noticeable boiling process for thirty to forty minutes.

After that, we take out all the sausage circles from the pan, put them on plates and refrigerate. It is very important!!! It is not permissible to fry hot sausage, this can lead to the fact that the juice from the sausage will flow out and during frying it will turn into minced meat crackers.

After the sausage has completely cooled down (it will take several hours ... or take it out in the cold, but it is better not to rush the process so as not to break the rules, this affects the taste of the sausage, it should "ripen"), fry it over medium heat for preheated pan with the addition of vegetable (odorless) oil. While frying, I put a few sprigs of rosemary in the pan. Can be baked on a baking sheet in the oven.

Fry on both sides until golden brown.

You can serve the sausage hot. Can be refrigerated.

It tastes very meaty, if this does not suit you very much, you can add more starch or cereals to choose from: ground buckwheat in a coffee grinder or oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder. I like it more with oatmeal, and children like it more with buckwheat.

Enjoy your meal!
Later I will tell you how to make chicken sausages.

Time for preparing: PT02H30M 2 h. 30 min.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 50