Mashed potatoes for a one-year-old child. Expanding the diet of the crumbs: introducing mashed potatoes

28.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

Mashed potatoes have excellent taste, so babies willingly eat it.

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What you need to know about potatoes

Mothers who decide to give their child complementary foods in the form of mashed potatoes should remember that potatoes are an insidious product. Despite the fact that the dish is well absorbed and easily digested, it must be very carefully introduced into food. An excess of starch can cause constipation, and the high carbohydrate content of a child can put on weight.

The potato peel contains solanine, a toxic substance that has an extremely negative effect on the body. Its concentration is especially high if the potatoes have been stored for a long time or have turned green, such a peel must be peeled off very carefully. For a baby, it is better to choose tubers that are dense, healthy, without sprouts or green spots.

How to make mashed potatoes for a baby

Soak peeled potatoes in water for 24 hours to remove excess starch, and then boil. The water does not need to be salted; do not add salt to the finished puree either - salt can harm your baby. Drain most of the water from the pot with boiled potatoes, mash it in the remaining broth and pour in the milk. If the puree, in your opinion, turned out to be watery, remember it with a crush a little more - and it will become more elastic.

You can make mashed potatoes in a double boiler. Cut the potato into two or four pieces, depending on the size, and place in a double boiler for half an hour. If the potatoes are young and not very large, you can cook them uncut. When cooking is over, peel the potatoes. This method is the most gentle, but it should be borne in mind that mashed potatoes will be difficult to crush to such an extent that there are no lumps in it. Wipe it additionally through a fine sieve - it's quick and easy.

Mashed potatoes intended for babies should be tender and airy. If you are going to feed your baby with mashed potatoes for the first time, the portion should be very small. Give the baby a teaspoon of mashed potatoes and monitor his condition - whether an allergy to the new dish appears. If all goes well, the volume can be gradually increased.

The child will sooner or later fall in love with this tender and favorite mashed potatoes. It is important to serve it according to all the rules, and then this complementary food, and later the side dish, will win his love.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods from potatoes

According to many pediatricians, potatoes should be introduced into the child's diet only after he tastes broccoli and zucchini. It is desirable that this happens no earlier than six months. If you do this earlier, your digestive system will not be ready to accept heavy starch.

Dr. Komarovsky advises starting later, from about 8 months of age, when the child already has at least one tooth. In this case, you need to give not immediately mashed potatoes, but a broth, and only after that, in the composition of vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, introduce potatoes.

For the first time, it is enough to give a taste of half a teaspoon. After that, you need to monitor the reaction of the body for several days. If there is no rash, allergies, changes in stool, etc., the child feels well, then you can increase the portion quite a bit.

Serve mashed potatoes and other potato dishes no more than three times a week. These conditions are dictated by the same starch, which is digested by the stomach for a long time. Each time you need to prepare a new puree, since in just a few hours all the useful components are lost, and when they are reheated, they disappear completely.

There is no need to add anything to the dish during the first feeding. This applies especially to salt. Later, some mums start adding sunflower oil, butter, and breast milk. This increases the nutritional value and slightly improves the taste.

If the child refuses to eat, there is no need to force him. He may not like the taste of the root vegetable. It is enough to try adding it later to another vegetable puree.

If the child eats with pleasure, then the matter is really in the taste. If he refuses again, it may be worth giving up this product altogether for a while. With age, the child himself will make it clear when you can try again.

How to choose potatoes for mashed potatoes for babies

Farm products are of the best quality, although they are sometimes more difficult to obtain and the price is slightly higher than in the store. But homemade root crops will not have any chemical additives, and this is very important for the child.

When buying a root crop, you should pay attention to the standard signs of poor quality: a huge number of "eyes", cracks, putrid smell, softness, wrinkled skin, etc. It is also important to take into account the seasonality: in the spring, young potatoes appear quite quickly. When there is already quite a lot of it on the market, it is worth using just such a vegetable, and not last year's.

The correct recipe (monopure)

Such mashed potatoes can be prepared for children from 5-6 months. For the first time, it is enough to give literally 2 g per sample.

How to make mashed potatoes for babies:

Recipe for mashed potatoes with vegetables

It will take 35 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 78.

How to cook:

  1. This dish can be served to children from 8 months of age. If the child has already tried zucchini, you can also add it here, quite a bit.
  2. Peel both potatoes and carrots. Wash root vegetables thoroughly.
  3. Cut into several pieces and place in a saucepan, add water, put on fire and boil.
  4. Place the cooked food in a blender, add quite a bit of olive oil here, beat until smooth. This can also be done with a hand blender.
  5. Cool slightly, then you can start feeding.

Mashed potatoes with meat for baby

It will take 45 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 104.

How to cook:

  1. The dish can be given to a child from 8 months.
  2. Meat (veal, turkey, rabbit) must be killed in a blender or scrolled twice through a meat grinder. Roll two or three balls from the resulting mass, that is, make meatballs, and then boil them or steam them.
  3. Peeled root vegetables should be washed, then cut into cubes and steamed. To do this, you do not need to have a double boiler; you can use an ordinary basket over boiling water.
  4. Kill the vegetables in a blender into gruel. If the child still does not know how to chew, then the meatballs must be killed along with the vegetables.
  5. Salt the resulting mass a little, add a drop of ghee to it, mix, let it cool a little, and then you can start feeding.

How to cook with fish

It will take 50 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 82.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the leek, remove all its hard fibers. To do this, it is enough to break the stem in half with your hands. Those fibers that do not break, but remain hanging, must be removed. Cut the rest into rings.
  2. Cut the peeled potatoes into several slices.
  3. Cut the fish steak or its tail into small pieces.
  4. All of these ingredients should be placed on the steaming basket or in the steamer itself. There is no need to cook separately from each other.
  5. Steam until cooked, and then transfer to a blender. Add a couple of drops of sunflower oil here and beat together.
  6. The resulting, slightly cooled puree can be fed.

Breast milk option

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 86.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes, then boil in a little water or steam. To speed up the process, you can cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Place in a blender and beat into a gruel.
  3. Heat breast milk in a saucepan, transfer to a blender and beat again.
  4. Place the resulting mixture in a bowl, add a little butter, mix.
  5. When the dish has cooled slightly, serve.

Also, some mothers prefer not to cook, but to bake food. This is easiest to do in foil in the oven. In this case, the peel also does not come off immediately. The fruit needs to cool down, only after that the peel can be easily removed. Such potatoes have their own special taste, so often no additives are needed. You only need a little breastmilk or other liquid to make the puree to keep it from getting too dry.

If you don't have a blender, don't worry. It will take a little more time to prepare the dish with a pusher. This must be done with high quality, otherwise the child will not be able to chew the lumps, they can get stuck in the digestive tract or cause constipation.

To avoid this, you can grind the potatoes through a sieve with a spoon, and then add any additives here.

Not only butter and breast milk can be added. To dilute the puree and add flavor, you can use a little milk mixture, as well as permitted fruit juices or vegetable decoctions.

It is worth remembering that such experiments can only be started from 8 months of age, and they should also be given in very small portions. This will save the child from allergies.

To get excess starch out of the root crop, it is soaked. Small fruits take a few minutes. The water becomes cloudy, turns white. Larger fruits need to be soaked for two to three hours.

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Children are very fond of mashed potatoes. However, before you start making mashed potatoes for babies, you should consult your child's doctor. After all, potatoes for an infant are rough food, because of which he may have problems with digestion. But this does not mean that potatoes cannot be introduced into complementary foods at all. You can, but little by little. Below we will suggest a suitable recipe for mashed potatoes for an infant, also with the addition of other vegetables.

Unlike other vegetables, potatoes are high in carbohydrates and starch. That is why babies may have stomach problems. Especially when the digestive system of a small child is just beginning to get used to new food. If mom very often makes mashed potatoes for the baby, then it can happen to him. And some children start gaining after eating mashed potatoes. The vitamins and nutrients contained in potatoes are essential for the development of the baby. But you should not feed your child with potatoes every day, despite the fact that children are happy to eat soft mashed potatoes. But for babies who have diarrhea and who do not gain weight well, on the contrary, it is recommended to give mashed potatoes more often.

When choosing potatoes for cooking babies, it is better to choose domestic potatoes. Medium-sized potatoes have more health benefits than large or small ones. You cannot make mashed potatoes for an infant from potatoes that are even slightly green, have a white coating or are rotten. The potatoes should be smooth and firm. Homemade mashed potatoes for babies can be prepared by boiling and kneading potatoes. But first you need to make sure that there are less nitrates and starch in the potatoes. Therefore, first process the potatoes correctly before cooking. Remove the peel from the root vegetable with a thick layer with a knife. And it's better if you cut off more of the rind. Then it is advisable to leave the potatoes in water for a day. This is how you remove unnecessary starch and nitrates.

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Let's start cooking. Baby Mashed Potato Recipe

For a 5-6 month old baby, you can make mashed potatoes, which will require one or two potatoes. If possible, steam them in a slow cooker. Do not add salt to the puree. When the potatoes are boiled, add the broth in which the potatoes were boiled, and beat all this to form a homogeneous mass without lumps. You can use it instead of a decoction. First, give your child half a teaspoon. Then increase the portion. Watch your child carefully so that after eating potatoes the baby does not have. After a while, you can add boiled yolk, meat, vegetable puree, olive oil to mashed potatoes.

For a child of 7-8 months, prepare mashed potatoes as follows:

- potatoes (1 root vegetable);

- carrots (half a vegetable);

- (half a teaspoon);

- white cabbage, turnips or rutabagas (optional).

Chop vegetables and place in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them. When the vegetables are ready, grind them into a smooth paste. Add salt, butter, a little milk. Mix the whole mass, and then bring to a boil.

For a baby 8-9 months old, you can make mashed potatoes with parsley and meat. Ingredients:

- two potatoes;

- minced meat;

- parsley;

- vegetable or butter oil.

Minced meat is needed to make several meatballs out of it. Make minced meat from rabbit, calf, or turkey. There is no need to add salt to it. Boil the meatballs on the stove or in a slow cooker. Cut the potatoes into cubes and place in a double boiler with the parsley. And after cooking, grind them. Add oil and salt to the vegetable mass. You can also grind the meatballs if the child is not yet very good at chewing solid food.

website 2017-06-18

The introduction of new foods into the child's diet must be consistent. For each vegetable, there is a specific time when the digestive system will be ready to accept it. Mashed potatoes for babies are one of the first to be added to the menu. Its preparation does not take much time. But in order for the dish to be as useful and safe as possible, you need to know a few simple recommendations. It is important to choose and process the root vegetable correctly, as well as determine the cooking method.

The benefits and harms of potatoes

Potatoes contain a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. As a result, dishes made from it are high in calories and are difficult to digest. That is why it is not recommended to give your child mashed potatoes too early.

The benefits of this product are due to the content of organic acids, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B6. All these elements are necessary for the baby to grow and develop. The root vegetable contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Weighing the pros and cons, it should be borne in mind that properly prepared mashed potatoes for babies will not only be useful, but will also like them in taste and consistency.

When to introduce a dish into the diet

First of all, it should be noted that mashed potatoes can be given to a child only if he has already "tried" more easily digestible vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin.

At what age you can give a dish to a baby depends on the main type of feeding:

  1. You can introduce mashed potatoes into the diet of an artificial child no earlier than 5 months.
  2. For babies who are breastfed, the minimum age is increased to 6 months.

You don't have to rush. You can wait up to 7-8 months, especially if the baby has frequent constipation and digestive problems.

You need to start with one or two teaspoons a day, observing the reaction. If the baby has an allergy or stool delay, it is worth giving up potatoes for a while. This is not a very valuable product in terms of the content of nutrients, so its absence will not have any effect on the health of the baby. The child will be able to get the necessary vitamins from other vegetables, which must be present in his diet after 6 months.

If, after the first feeding with mashed potatoes, no problems arose, you can continue to give it to your baby. But it is advisable to cook such a high-calorie dish for a child no more than 1-2 times a week.

A root vegetable can contribute to weight gain if it is underweight. In this case, you can cook mashed potatoes for babies a little more often. However, it is important not to overdo it so as not to provoke problems in the digestive system.

How to choose potatoes

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right vegetables. Smooth, medium-sized young potatoes are best. Tubers should not have the following characteristics:

  • putrid areas;
  • green peel;
  • cuts and other damage;
  • A large number of "eyes";
  • too large.

It is advisable to use potatoes from your garden: the purchased one can contain a lot of nitrates and other harmful substances. The vegetable will bring less harm and more benefit in the autumn and winter periods.

In the spring, it is recommended to use potatoes for babies as rarely as possible - at this time, the concentration of the poisonous substance solanine increases in the peel due to long storage.

First feeding

How to make mashed potatoes for your baby? A familiar dish, which many prepare for every day, will not work. There are some features that you need to know in order not to harm the not yet fully formed growing body.

It is necessary to prepare food for infants just before feeding. During storage, the beneficial properties of products are lost and harmful microorganisms develop. The baby's body is not yet able to fight bacteria, unlike adults.

To make mashed potatoes, potatoes can be boiled in their skins or peeled. The peel contains many nutrients. Therefore, you need to cut off a thin layer, as close to the surface as possible. The peeled vegetable is cut into cubes and poured with cold water for a day. This will get rid of excess starch and nitrates. Then the water is drained and the potatoes are washed.

The rest of the cooking recipe is quite simple. The prepared product is placed in a saucepan and poured with clean water so that the potatoes remain a few millimeters above its surface. It is not recommended to use salt in dishes for babies. As a last resort, you can add a little salt, but the less the better.

You need to cook over low heat for a maximum of half an hour. Potatoes should not be boiled longer in order to prevent the breakdown of vitamins and other nutrients. If after this time the root crop has not been cooked, then this is a variety not intended for human consumption. Moreover, you cannot give it to a baby for complementary foods.

At the end of cooking, the potato broth is poured into another container and the vegetable is chopped, rubbing it through a sieve or kneading it with a crush.

You can also make mashed potatoes by steaming the vegetable or baking it in the oven. Such methods are considered more gentle for the first feeding, as they retain most of the vitamins and other important elements.

Potato or other vegetable broth is added to the puree and brought to the required consistency. It is better to make it thinner to make it easier for the baby to eat. You can add breast milk or formula to soften. It is important to knead the potatoes well so that there are no hard lumps left. Otherwise, the child may choke. Add some butter for flavor if desired.

Puree for older babies

After 8 months, the baby can be fed with multi-component meals. Potatoes are mixed with cauliflower, carrots or zucchini, and chicken or veal is also added. This is especially true if the child refuses pure root crops.

  • Mashed potatoes and cauliflower

Vegetables are well washed and peeled. You can take them in any proportions. If the child does not like potatoes, you can take quite a bit, each time increasing the amount.

The products are placed in a saucepan and filled with water. You can add dill greens. Everything is boiled until tender, then chopped. To do this, use a blender, crush or sieve. Puree is made on the basis of vegetable broth, milk can be added if desired. Olive oil is added to the finished dish if desired - 1 teaspoon per serving is enough for a baby.

  • Other multicomponent mashed potatoes

The recipe for mashed potatoes with other vegetables will be similar to the previous one. Any foods that have already been introduced into the child's diet are used. The proportions also have no frames. With the help of such dishes, you can accustom your child to vegetables that he does not like, gradually increasing their amount in the puree. Potatoes in multi-ingredient dishes will add nutritional value and improve taste.

Mashed potatoes are nutritious and delicious. When to introduce it into the baby's diet, it is up to the parents to decide. It is advisable to coordinate this decision with the pediatrician. He will be able to tell you how many months it is better to give a root crop, and assess the readiness of the digestive system for a new product. Compliance with all recommendations will avoid possible problems or reduce their manifestation.

Andrey Pavlov

Sooner or later, the baby's diet has to be expanded by introducing a new product into it, the first complementary foods. Of course, it is better to consult a pediatrician about the advisability of introducing unfamiliar food into the menu of the crumbs.

But not all mothers do this, believing that they can make a decision on their own. This is a personal matter for every woman and I really don't want to discuss this approach.

Today we bring up a slightly different topic: when can you give your baby mashed potatoes?

I would like to talk about a root vegetable for one simple reason, in our country this product is very common, an airy puree is prepared not only for every day, but also on holidays.

And most mothers have a stereotype in their heads that such a tender, lovingly prepared dish simply cannot harm a small body. Whether this is really so, will be clarified.

Mashed potatoes: benefit or harm?

Potatoes are exactly the product that is one of the first to be introduced into the baby's diet. True, unlike zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, starch and carbohydrates are present in the beloved root crop in large quantities. These components are very difficult for the infant's digestive system, which is far from perfect.

Because of this, problems often arise: the crumbs have constipation and gaining excess weight. Among other things, potatoes contain a minimum amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a little man.

After reading the above paragraph, some parents may decide that it is not worth giving mashed potatoes to babies at all. Don't be so critical. Due to their neutral taste, the potatoes are liked by babies and are suitable for the first feeding. Many toddlers are happy to start eating mashed potatoes. By the way, it is recommended to cook potatoes for infants who are poorly gaining weight, as well as for those who have problems with stool - diarrhea.

When can you start serving mashed potatoes?

As mentioned above, potatoes are introduced into the diet of the toddler in the forefront. If you determine the time frame, then breastfed babies can be given puree in "pure" form from six months.

Toddlers eating a mixture can be given a taste of the dish as early as 5 months.

Remember that potatoes are given to babies 5-6 months old without additives, but older babies, at 8-9 months, can be combined with mashed potatoes with meat or other vegetables.

Before making mashed potatoes, it is important to choose the right root vegetable, remove nitrates and excess starch from it.

Learning to choose a root crop

Every parent wants his baby to get all the best, and this applies not only to beautiful clothes, toys and other things, but also food. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right potatoes for making mashed potatoes.

  • Give preference to vegetables grown in your region of residence. The best option is potatoes from your own garden or the plot of relatives;
  • It is wiser to buy potatoes in season. This reduces the risk of purchasing a vegetable treated with chemicals and other nasty things;
  • When choosing, give preference to medium-sized tubers;
  • You cannot cook mashed potatoes for babies from a greenish tuber. Also, do not boil a vegetable for a crumb, the peel of which has already wrinkled, it has a white coating or a rotten side. For a child, you need to choose a beautiful smooth tuber that does not have any signs of damage.

If you are happy with the look of the selected vegetable, then you can start cooking. Of course, at first glance, it is not difficult to make a dish for a baby to start feeding: you need to wash and peel the potatoes, boil, knead. But this is not entirely true. The tuber must be prepared for heat treatment.

To do this, remove the skin from the potatoes and soak the root vegetable for 24 hours in cold water. Such manipulation will allow you to remove excess starch and nitrates from the root crop.

Before cooking, cut the vegetable into small squares.

How to properly prepare mashed potatoes for babies?

There are a lot of recipes for making mashed potatoes for babies. For children 5-6 months old, the dish should be one-component. For crumbs over 8 months old, you can cook vegetable mixes or add meat to the puree.

Consider a simple recipe for making mashed potatoes for 5-6 months. For a dish, take 1 medium-sized root vegetable, pre-soak it in water, and then boil or steam it. There is no need to add salt during cooking.

Place the finished vegetable in a blender, add a little potato broth, if available, and beat everything thoroughly. It is important that there are no lumps in the dish. Of course, you can knead the potatoes by hand - it's up to you. Some mothers add some breast milk to the puree.

When the puree is ready, you need to cool it slightly and give it lukewarm to the crumbs. If mashed potatoes are given to a baby for the first time as a complementary food, then the optimal portion will be ½ tsp.

Do not rush to increase the portion and do not forget to monitor the baby's reaction to the new product. If the child develops allergies, stool problems or any other anxiety, then it is better to postpone the new product.

Some mothers note that their babies do not eat "pure" mashed potatoes and are very worried about this. Although you shouldn't worry too much. If the child does not eat, it means that he does not like something, he will grow up a little and everything will change. By the way, many toddlers eat multicomponent dishes with great pleasure, which after 8 months can be prepared according to the following recipe.