Expensive cheeses. Cheese Clawson Stilton Gold

19.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

- a dream (sometimes unattainable) for many sophisticated gourmets. Perhaps, after reading this list, many will not understand what is there to pay for? But as they say, the rich have the right to whims ...

Donkey cheese from Serbia is in first place in our TOP of the most expensive cheeses in the world. In order to make 1 kilogram of this cheese, you need 25 liters of donkey milk. A little? But one donkey gives no more than 10 liters of milk per year. At least that's what Serbs say when they justify such a high price.


Moose cheese is produced in Sweden in the amount of 272 kilograms per year. No more, but perhaps less. The cheese is made from the milk of three domesticated elk, so gourmets can buy cheese from Helga, for example, or Juna and Gullan.


Cheese with real inclusions of gold is produced in Britain. It was originally intended only for Christmas sales. But the rich liked the product so much that cheese production is now carried out all year round.


Cheddar is one of the most common cheeses around, so it takes something special to make it unique. Therefore, white truffles are added to the cheese, and this changes a lot, doesn't it?


The very old Bitto is a 1997 purchase when a Hong Kong importer bought a large shipment of Italian cheese and let it age. Only 10 years later, sales to private buyers began - in small pieces.


This Italian cheese is made from the milk of a very rare breed of cows that graze on berry fields. It is believed that it is wild strawberries, blueberries and even cherries that give it unique taste, because of which gourmets love him so much.


Cheese from goat milk Old Ford is very different from its counterparts. Not only is it made by hand, but it is also allowed to age - a luxury unattainable for many. goat cheese who usually sells young. And, it turns out, in vain.


Epuas is the name of a type of soft cheese made from cow's milk, which are distinguished by a strong (someone will say - intolerable) smell. It is not even allowed to be transported in public transport. But the taste contrasts sharply with disgusting smell, and gourmets of all countries are trying to somehow get a coveted piece.


This cheese is made from the milk of Jersey cows with a high fat content. It is the fat content of milk that gives a noticeable creamy taste and compensates for the sharpness of the blue mold in the cheese.


Buffalo milk cheese is in tenth place in our TOP of the most expensive cheeses. Buffalo milk is twice as fat as cow's milk, the cheese is buttery and melts in your mouth.

Favorite dish of real gourmets. It is valued for its rich taste, indescribable aroma and combination with the best wines. It's all about cheese. In many countries, cheese gourmet dessert. It's already served well-fed people along with collection wine. Therefore, a delicacy can cost sky-high money. But the most expensive cheeses worth it.

The most unusual cheeses in the world

Epuas cheese is considered one of the most original cheeses. By the way, this is one of Napoleon's favorite types of cheese. It is so smelly that it is even forbidden to transport it in public transport in France. A product with a disgusting aroma is made from raw cow's milk, the cheese rind is washed with apple cognac. strong-smelling soft cheese should be thrown away if it starts to smell of ammonia. In this case, Epuas simply deteriorated and became inedible.

One more pretty original cheese is called Milbenkase. It is made in the German Würchwitz unusual technology, which makes the product an unusual delicacy.

Milbencase - obtained from cottage cheese, which was left to be torn to pieces by thousands of dust mites. These are small insects and do original product. The mites secrete an enzyme that makes the cheese 'ripe'. A month later, it acquires a yellowish tint, after three - Brown color, after a year the cheese turns into a black lump. Some gourmets adore him. The taste of the delicacy is a bit bitter, but it is believed that the cheese has medicinal properties. Some believe that Milbencase prevents the development of allergies to house dust. By the way, ticks are absorbed along with cheese.

Most unusual cheese with tongs - manufacturing technology

Halloumi cheese is traditional product Cyprus. Cheese has a very high melting point, so it can be fried and grilled. No barbecue on the island is complete without halloumi. Surprisingly, the delicacy is often eaten during the warm season along with watermelon. Juicy slices are refreshing in the heat, and pieces of halloumi give an extraordinary taste.

By the way, halloumi is included in the Cypriot meze snack set. If, for example, you order beer in a Cypriot bar, then most likely they will bring a couple of pieces of halloumi along with it.

Cheese merchants who sell milk product from all over the world, very few cheeses are called "pungent". And the real indicator of causticity is the appearance of a person in a gas mask. So, if you ask a specialist to bring the most caustic cheese in the world, then it will most likely be Vieux-Lille. The pungent smell and salty taste can scare away and put everyone in a gas mask, because this delicacy is not for the faint of heart.

The cheese is called "Puant Macéré" and "Puant de Lille". Translated, it literally means "stinky marinade."

The most expensive cheeses in the world

Very expensive cheese is made on the Swiss farm Moose House. And the process requires moose milk. Moreover, the animal can be milked only at a certain time. The milking itself takes at least three hours. The cost of moose cheese is approximately one thousand euros per kilogram. And they produce a delicacy in limited quantities.

Expensive cheese is also produced in the Serbian reserve Zasavica. The delicacy is called Pule. And it's made from donkey's milk. Moreover, an ordinary animal will not work. Milk is taken from donkeys of an old Balkan breed. For the preparation of Pule cheese, only natural ingredients are taken.

Experts believe that such a product from the Serbian reserve is extremely beneficial for health, because donkey milk has been used since ancient times in medical purposes It takes 25 liters of milk to make a kilogram of the most expensive Pule cheese. Hence the price - a thousand euros per kilogram.

The most expensive cheese with pieces of gold

It can be assumed that modern gourmets will not be surprised by much. It turned out that this was not the case. Anyone's head will spin at the invention of British cheese producers. They invited connoisseurs to try special cheese, which is embellished with flakes of 24 carat gold.

The unusual cheese is called Clawson Stilton Gold. It is made on the basis quality cheese Stilton with edible gold foil and gold liquor.

Golden cheese is produced by Long Clawson Dairy. It is located in the British county of Leicestershire. Representatives of the company say that there is an increased demand for an elite product. Cheese with pieces of gold is ordered for dinner by some pop stars, as well as sheikhs of the rich countries of the Persian Gulf. They are not even afraid of the price of a delicacy - one thousand dollars per kilogram of the product.

The most expensive rotten cheese

Another delicacy from the ranking of the most expensive cheeses in the world. Real gourmets appreciate the Italian cheese "Casu Marzu". This product is produced only in Sardinia. From Italian the most unusual cheese in the world Casu marzu translates as "wormy cheese" or "rotten". And it contains live insect larvae. To get such a delicacy, the usual pecorino cheese is taken as a basis in the cheese factory, brought to a state of decay (it occurs as a result of the vital activity of cheese fly larvae).

Larvae (worms) 8 millimeters in size settle in the delicacy, their number reaches several thousand. The acid of the worms accelerates the process of decay of cheese fat, as a result, the delicacy becomes soft and filled with liquid. If the larvae in the cheese have already died, then such cheese is not safe to eat, so the product is served with live white worms. Some connoisseurs take them out before a meal, some absorb them with larvae. For those who dare to try this cheese, connoisseurs have issued a warning: you need to be more careful while eating, disturbed insects can jump and get into your nose and eyes. They are able to jump to a height of 15 centimeters.

By the way, the most unusual and expensive "rotten" cheese is banned in Italy. But in some cheese dairies in Sardinia, a piece of delicacy is always hidden away.

The most expensive cheese in the world sold of all time

The most expensive cheese in the world, according to appraisers, is made from sheep milk at the famous cheese dairy of Jesus Ansola Huaristi. A half-kilogram head of cheese went under the hammer at an auction in Spain for a record 6.3 thousand euros.

Such a record can be considered significant, given the fact that such cheeses are valued at a maximum of 80 euros per kilogram. The most expensive cheese in the world was bought by the owner Spanish restaurant. He thought it would be great publicity for his restaurant.
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Cheese is a unique product. He has ancient history. Archaeological finds show that people learned how to make cheese long before the advent of a new era.

Nowadays, some types of cheeses cost fabulous money. It is difficult to unequivocally name the most expensive cheese in the world, because the price of a certain variety depends on many factors. In our article, we will consider the types of cheeses, the cost of which ranks them among the circle in the world.


The most expensive cheese in the world doesn't always have to be excellent taste, flavor and quality. It happens that the price tag is due to the rarity of the components and the very modest amount of the product produced per year. Poole cheese has such a history. It is produced in the Balkans from the manufacturer claims that it takes 25 liters of milk to produce one kilogram of cheese, and there are only a hundred donkeys whose milk is suitable for making pule in all of Serbia.

The cost of such cheese can exceed $ 1,250 per kilogram. Those who were lucky enough to taste the pule cheese assure that it has a delicate taste and a very delicate texture.

Outlandish cheese from the Moose House farm

Another kind of cheese, which will certainly appeal to lovers of the exotic, is produced in Switzerland. It is produced quite a bit, about 200 kg per year. This, of course, also affects the price.

You can buy a kilogram of such cheese for at least $ 1,000 per 1 kg, which brings it to the top of the top most gourmet delicacies. The most expensive cheese is made from moose milk. At the same time, the price is also affected by the long milking process - about three hours, and the fact that such cheese can be obtained only at certain times of the year. Animals are kept on a special farm, fed with environmentally friendly food.

golden stilton

The Stilton variety is loved by many connoisseurs, but it is not necessary to call it the most expensive. Another thing is Stilton Gold. He certainly can claim the title of "Most Expensive Cheese".

What kind of milk is it made from, how long does it mature and what palatability has, it doesn't really matter. One has only to look at a piece of such cheese, it becomes clear what determines the price of $ 1,000 per 1 kg. The composition of this cheese includes real and gold liquor.

Cheddar "Vyk Farms"

Is it possible to imagine that the most expensive cheese in the world is ordinary cheddar? But the Vayk Farms variety is special.

It contains a noble white truffle, and this is already a serious bid for success. The cost of 1 kg of such cheese exceeds 440 dollars.

Extra old bitto

This breed is famous for the fact that it gives milk with the highest fat content and pronounced creamy taste. This makes the cheese rich taste, which is emphasized by delicate sourness noble mold. The cost of a kilogram head exceeds $100.

Unbroken record

It is clear that the level of prices for cheeses can fluctuate depending on the season, the distance of the buyer from the cheese factory and many other factors.

But there is also an undoubted leader in this matter. The most expensive cheese in the world has left the auction for 6.3 thousand euros for a half-kilogram head. It is noteworthy that this variety, produced at the Jesus Ansola Huaristi cheese factory, is not among the most expensive, it is usually sold for no more than $ 80 per kg. But one Spanish restaurateur bought a record-breaking cheese for promotional purposes.

Another record is the Frome Cheese Platter, which was sold at the Somerset Cheese Festival for more than $3,000. The lot was a wooden dish, with a collection of exquisite cheeses presented on it.

Some more facts about expensive unusual cheeses

Some varieties are so outlandish that many buyers are stopped not only by the price. Would you like to taste the cheese that dust mites have worked to create? But some gourmets are ready to pay a tidy sum for a piece of milbencase. The manufacturer claims that this product is good for health and is an excellent prevention of dust allergies. True, you will have to use the product along with the bodies of ticks.

No less unusual is the casu marzu variety. Small heads are made from sheep's milk, and then given to cheese flies to be torn to pieces. In the process of fermentation, the larvae of this insect are involved, which secrete enzymes. It is believed that if the served cheese contains dead worms, such a product is not suitable for consumption. Connoisseurs prefer to eat it while all living creatures are active.

Greek halloumi cheese is considered a unique product due to its very high temperature melting. It can be fried and grilled. No other cheese, even the most expensive, has such characteristics. In Greece, halloumi is served with beer, wine, and cider. They definitely take it with them to a picnic to cook it over the coals and eat it with barbecue.

Another unusual variety is Vue Lille. What only epithets this cheese is not awarded! It is called caustic and even stinking, and a man in a gas mask flaunts on the packaging. The name is translated into Russian as "Smelly marinade". However, the pungent odor salty taste do not scare fans of this at all unusual variety they are willing to pay a lot of money for it.

Cheeses of the elite class are high quality product made from raw unpasteurized cow, sheep, goat, even deer milk, as well as buffalo milk

The quality of cheeses all over the world is evaluated by specially trained experts. From a large number varieties they identified the best of the best. These are cheeses highest quality called "elite". Usually these are very tasty and, of course, very expensive cheeses. Elite class cheeses are a high-quality product made from raw, unpasteurized cow, sheep, goat, even deer milk, as well as buffalo milk. Such cheeses are most often produced in small family cheese dairies by hand according to special, strictly classified recipes and technologies. Sometimes cheeses are subjected to additional processing or special ingredients are added during preparation (juices, wines, cognacs, beer, fruits, etc.). Elite cheeses are often provided with special conditions for ripening. Often they have original shape, dimensions, cutting, packaging or surface treatment of heads. Blue cheeses, or blue cheeses are world-famous delicacies. Their most famous representatives are the German Dor Blue cheese and the French Roquefort. The Dor Blue cheese recipe is kept in the strictest confidence.
This moderately spicy spicy cheese Produced in Germany using noble mould. The legendary Roquefort cheese is made in France. It is made from sheep's milk, and Roquefort cheese ripens in limestone grottoes, where it sprouts the famous mold. But Brie is perhaps the most famous French cheese. It is a soft cheese made from pale cow's milk. white color with a grayish tinge under a noble white mold.
Brie cheese has a mild and pleasant taste. V different countries many varieties of this cheese are produced, including regular Brie, herb cheese, double and triple Brie, and varieties not made from cow's milk. Camembert cheese is known to any gourmet. It is a soft, fatty cheese that ranges in color from white to light cream. Outside, it is covered with a fluffy white crust formed by a special cheese mold. Camembert has a pronounced mushroom flavor.
Another delicacy cheese, Cambozola, is covered with noble white mold on the outside, and rare inclusions of noble blue mold on the inside. He is distinguished delicate taste and yellow body. Two types of mold have a gentle oily Montagnolo cheese. One of its features is a greater amount of blue mold. And there is a variety with gray mold on the outside. Another gourmet cheese, Rougette, is a cheese with a white and red rind. The original surface is obtained due to the fact that during the ripening process the cheese is processed with special red cultures and spices, mainly paprika.

Every man to his own taste. Talk about good cheese, like good wine, are subjective. They complement each other and have a long history in the life of mankind. Someone perceives cheese as regular product for a sandwich for breakfast, and someone as a work culinary arts. In the last 30 years, real connoisseurs of expensive and delicious cheeses have appeared. We offer an overview of the most expensive cheeses for real gourmets.

The history of cheese making dates back to 5500 BC in Poland, and earlier finds of remains cheese product in earthenware in Switzerland date back to 6000 BC. During the era of the Roman Empire, cheese appeared in daily diet. Now Italy, France and Britain compete in cheese making. In Britain, for example, there are 700 varieties, in France - 400, and about the same in Italy. But nowhere is cheese more respected than in France. She is known for cheeses such as Camembert or Brie. They say that here for every day of the year there is new variety cheese. The first cheese factories were built in 1815 in Switzerland.

9 Beaufort D'ete Cheese: $35

This cheese is made in the French Alps and fondue lovers appreciate it because it melts well. Cheese is consumed with wine and salmon. It is known for its delicate creamy taste with a spicy note. Beaufort ripens 6-12 months and costs more than a similar traditional Swiss cheese Gruyere. For 450 grams of cheese you need to pay 35 dollars.

8 Gorau Glas Cheese: $40

When blue cheese appeared, it caused a sea of ​​​​emotions. It was first made on the farm of Margaret Davis, who got down to business after overhearing a cheese-making lesson given to her son. For existence amazing product you have to be thankful for the coincidence. Cheese from Welsh Farms sold for £27 a kilo, but today is mostly $40 for 450 grams.

7. Extra Old Bitto Cheese: $150

Italian cheese worth $150 per 450 grams was brought to Hong Kong in the hope of selling the delicacy in China, despite the small Asian cheese market compared to Europe and North America. The 20 kg head of cheese that was brought here was much older than the cheese sold at home. It was made in 1997, while cheese in Italy is sold no older than 10 years.

6. Wyke Farms Vintage Cheddar Cheese: $190

Wyke Farms has a long history. Cheese with the addition of white truffle costs a lot of money: 450 grams - $ 190. The manufacturer has received many awards, and experts note the high class of cheddar.

5 Clawson Stilton Gold Cheese: $450

Not only the class of cheese dictated this price, but gold, as an ingredient from British Silton in the form of golden liquor and inclusions of edible gold. This dairy product a traditional dish for Christmas with celebrities and gourmets.

4 Elk House Cheese: $455

Only a few cheese producers make cheese from moose milk and therefore dictate the price. The Elk House is located in Bjurholm, Sweden. The farmers, Kristen and Ulla Johansson, keep three dairy moose, each of which produces 300 kg of milk per year, and 450 grams of cheese costs $455. This cheese is served at the Algen Hus restaurant in Sweden.

3 Pule Cheese: $600

If the product is very rare, and the demand for it is large, then the price increases. This is what happened with Pule cheese. It is made from the milk of special Balkan donkeys, there are only 100 of them, and the manufacturing procedure is very complicated, 25 liters of milk is used to make 1 kg of cheese, which dictates the high price of Serbian cheese.

2 Caciocavallo Podolico Cheese: $650

Cheese is known not only for its taste, but also for the price of $650 per 450 grams. It is called "horse", but horses have nothing to do with it. The cheese is made from the milk of very rare Podolica dairy cows in the province of Campania, Italy. In the diet of animals strawberries, blueberries and cherries, which gives the cheese an elegant fruity taste.

1. Frome Cheese Platter: $3,300

In an assortment displayed on a tray at the Somerset, England Agri-Industry Show, the cheese cost $3,300, while the silver tray and wooden cutting board cost $1,200. Cheddar ingredients include edible gold and French truffles. And to such cheese plate will definitely need