Expensive blue cheese name. Blue cheeses

20.08.2019 Grill menu

Cheese is the pride of France. They are known all over the world for their unrivaled taste and aroma.

In French, the word "cheese" sounds like "le fromage" (or in the original - le fromage). It is believed that it comes from a distorted "form", that is, "formation" or "molding". And this is no accident. After all, the layout of the curd mass, which is formed as a result of the curdling of milk into molds, is a very important stage in the manufacture of real cheese.

To date, more than 500 types of this dairy product are produced in France. Moreover, each of them is unique in its own way. French cheeses can be soft or hard, young or aged, covered with a hard crust or mold, from goat or cow milk.

However, specialists are surprised not only by the variety of types of this product, but also by the incredible number of its forms. So, French cheeses, photos of which are presented in this article, are produced in the form of circles, discs, rectangles, drums, squares, standing and lying cylinders, ingots, cones, hearts and triangles.

Why isn't this product made in a single form? The fact is that all French cheeses have their own personal history, life and even character. For example, cheeses such as Brie and Camembert are always made in the form of a disc. Indeed, it is in this form that the product ripens evenly and turns out to be very tasty.

Features of names

All French cheeses have not only their own character and individual history, but also a unique name. Moreover, each product carries the AOC label. It means that this variety owns Appellation d'origine contrôlée, that is, the Original Controlled Name, which can only be assigned to those cheeses that meet all the requirements of current legislation.

Thus, any type of French cheese should be made only from quality raw materials, that is, milk. Moreover, the entire manufacturing process of the product must strictly comply with local established recipes and traditions.

The cheese, which has a corresponding French name, can only be produced in the region of France where it was prepared historically.

The first AOC label was given to Roquefort cheese in 1925, and the last to Rigott de Condre cheese in 2009.


Each state has its own classification of cheeses with its own system and terminology. But most of this product can be easily identified into groups based only on its structure, types of crusts and the principle of formation, on which the amount of moisture in the cheese (or the so-called whey) depends.

Based on this system, cheeses from France can be divided into types such as:

  • fresh;
  • fresh aged;
  • soft white;
  • semi-soft;
  • solid;
  • blue;
  • flavored.

It should be said that this or that French cheese recipe can include either cow's, or goat's, or sheep's milk. In addition, this product can be produced on private farms or industrially.

Fresh cheeses

To understand what differences certain types of French cheeses have, you should consider them in detail.

Fresh cheeses are fairly easy to distinguish from other varieties. After all, they have a white and shiny surface. This product has no rind. As a rule, it is ready for use within a few days or even hours after production.

Eighth place - Emmental

This product has a spicy and sweet taste with a characteristic piquancy. Large cavities are visible in the section of this cheese. Their presence is attributed to the manufacturing process, as a result of which the bacteria release carbon dioxide. In some countries it is called Swiss, since it was in this state that it was first produced.

Combined with cheese such as Gruyere, Emmental is used to make fondue.

Ninth place - Reblushon

This is a French soft cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk in the Savoy region, which lies at the foot of the Alps. This product has a so-called washed crust. After all, after pressing, it is thoroughly washed in brine.

Reblochon was originally made in the Arlie and Ton valleys. Its name comes from the verb reblocher, which translated from French means "re-milk a cow." According to legend, in the 16th century, peasants paid a tax that depended on the amount of milk they milked. In order to reduce the tribute, cows were not fed in the presence of officials. But after the tax collectors left, this process was carried out again. It was from this milk that the peasants made the excellent Reblushon cheese.

This product is produced in the shape of a circle, which takes 2-4 weeks to mature. The finished cheese has an orange rind with a thin white bloom and a sweetish pulp.

Tenth place - Roquefort

This is blue French blue cheese. It is ideal for preparing fresh vegetable salads. In addition, this product is served with toast and white wine. It is made from pasteurized sheep milk. After a long aging, the cheese acquires the taste of hazelnuts.

Now you know which ten cheeses are most popular among the French. But in addition to the listed varieties, I would like to present others. If our rating were 11th place, then it, without a doubt, would be taken by the French soft goat cheese Sainte-Mor-de-Touraine, which has a salty-sour taste and nutty aroma. It ripens from 10 days to 6 weeks.

In addition, I would like to highlight the French soft goat cheese called Chabichou du Poitou. It has a specific milk smell and a strong nutty aroma.

Popular French cheese with an unpleasant aroma

Vieux Boulogne is the smelly French cheese produced in Boulogne-sur-Mer in Nord-Pas-de-Calais. It is made from unpasteurized cow's milk and matures in 7-9 weeks. The head of this product is square.

Vieux Boulogne cheese is known all over the world for its strong aroma. In the fall of 2004, specialists from Cranfield University awarded him the status of "the most stinking cheese."

One day, in the middle of the 2000s, I decided to pamper my grandfather (a villager) with a sensational delicacy - blue cheese. And since at that time I did not really understand cheeses myself, I had to strain myself and find out what the blue cheese is called and what it is all about.

Blue cheese: names, types and varieties

At that time, a shop of imported delicacies opened near my house, which positioned itself as a grocery boutique. “There definitely is moldy cheese!” I thought and went in search. It turned out that a whole stand was crammed with this cheese, and the entire lower showcase shone with a lot of names and forms. A consultant immediately approached me and explained that mold in cheeses is different, respectively, and the varieties are different. There are three main types:

  • white mold;
  • red mold;
  • green and blue mold.

I remember that at that moment I was confused, because I did not know at all what to choose. But the guy immediately realized what was what and began to tell.

Brie cheesesand Camembert belong to the variety white-mold, covered with bloom on top and have a special smell. Cheese with red mold was not in the store, but the seller said that they include cheeses such as Munstenand Livaro.As for the last category, these are the most popular cheeses, in which the mold is found inside the cheese itself. Among them Roquefort, Dor blue, Danabloux, Ble du Haut-Jura... I decided to stay at Roquefort, because at that time it was cheaper than the others and, according to the consultant, everyone liked it.

Tastes and differences

Grandfather, like an ardent communist, of course, cheese not appreciated, declaring that these are "bourgeois tricks" and there is nothing special about it. But since then, I fell in love with blue cheeses and have tried almost all of them. From every country my husband brought me a piece of cheese, which I gladly ate with good wine.

So, what can I say about the taste:

Blue and green cheeses, in my opinion, have the most pleasant tastethat everyone will really enjoy. Distantly, he reminds mushroom taste... Blue and green molds practically do not differ in taste, only the hardness, softness and richness of taste of this product differ from different manufacturers.

White cheese has a strange and pungent smell of hydrogen peroxide, but you shouldn't be intimidated. This is normal. This type of cheese (Camembert) my husband brought me from Germany. Inside he soft, the consistency resembles melted and moderately salty.

Red cheese I tried it only once (Brie noir). He had enough spicy, pointed and salty taste.

Caution, fake

Do not buy already sliced \u200b\u200bblue cheeses on the market. They are cheaper, but this is not the cheese you want. One day I was tempted and bought a market blue cheese. The taste upset me from the first piece - it was completely different from what I was used to. Moreover, the product itself did not slide smoothly under the pressure of a sharp knife, but turned into dry crumb.

This type of cheese appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently. Nonetheless, blue cheese has already gained a passionate following and ardent critics. In this article, we will talk about the benefits and possible negative effects of this product.

But before joining gourmets and purchasing a piece of delicacy for tasting, you need to take a responsible approach to the question and figure out what kind of cheeses with mold are, which variety to start acquaintance with, what to use and even. Otherwise, the product can not only cause antipathy, but also provoke health problems.

Let's try to answer these questions, as well as understand the benefits and harms of an overseas delicacy.

A plate of blue cheeses

Perhaps, on one even the largest plate, all varieties of this cheeseand will not fit, so let's go through the most famous varieties.

White mold.This is the smallest group, but it is in it that the famous Bree and Camembert are present. These varieties are covered with a characteristic white bloom, which forms in special cellars, the walls of which are covered with fungi from the genus Penicillum.

Red mold.These varieties, including Livaro and Münster, are covered with a red mold that appears on the product during the ripening process when it is treated with special bacteria.

Greenish-blue mold.Unlike the first two groups of blue cheeses, this third group contains mold inside the product rather than covering the surface. This state of the cheese is achieved through the use of a special cooking technology. Mold is added to the curd mass using special tubes, where it safely brings the cheese to the desired condition. The most famous cheesein this group - Roquefort. Experts say that this cheese can be real only if it has a true French origin, any analogue of domestic production is a shameless fake at a fabulous price.

How to use correctly

The question is actually not an idle one, because starting your acquaintance with a delicacy from the wrong sort, you can easily become disappointed in it. Gourmets recommend starting with Brie, and getting used to its specific taste, start tasting the "blue cheeses" without a harsh taste. And last but not least, eat Roquefort and Camembert.

You should treat these types of cheese with respect and not turn them into an everyday food product, all the more you should not pamper children with moldy cheeses. Such cheeses are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. The product is really specific and abuse can only harm. By the way, the amount of cheese that you can afford to eat at one time should not exceed 50 grams. A glass of wine with a rich taste and fruit harmonize very well with such cheese.

But before using it correctly, you need to choose the right one. Of course, pay attention to the release date and expiration date of the product. When choosing a cheese with white mold, smell it: the right cheese smells like penicillin, and, perhaps, will cause you hospital associations (at the level of smell).

If you are choosing a noble "blue cheese", consider it carefully. The section should show streaks of mold, but the channels through which it was introduced should not be conspicuous. The cheese should be loose and soft without falling apart.


For cheese to retain its usefulness, it must be properly stored. Moreover, the refrigerator is not suitable for this. In the homeland of these cheeses, they even produce special cabinets for storing them. In our case, it is advisable to buy a small amount of cheese "at a time", it is not recommended to purchase this product, as they say, for future use. But if you still have not finished eating, then in no case shift the moldy cheese into plastic. Let it be stored in the "native" shell, and cover the cut with paper.

The benefits of blue cheese

Does it exist ? It is this question that causes a lot of debate among newbies. Of course, such cheeses, like any others, are very healthy due to their high calcium content. Moreover, this important element is absorbed in the best way thanks to the presence of mold. Noble cheeses with mold are rich in protein, even eggs and fish are not competitors in this matter.

In addition, these cheeses are rich in amino acids, which are essential for building and strengthening muscles. An important plus - the delicacy is rich in vitamins and phosphorus salts. And recent studies have shown that regular consumption of moldy cheeses improves the formation of melanin, which protects the skin from the sun's rays.

What can harm

If you adhere to the recommended norm - no more than 50 grams, then such cheese will definitely not harm a healthy person. But do not forget that healthy mold in small doses in large quantities can be harmful, because it will be difficult for the stomach to process it. This means that if abused, even the healthiest person may experience problems associated with disruption of the normal intestinal microflora.

The same people who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be careful and it is better to refuse the delicacy. It is worth knowing that the fungus found in the mold produces an antibiotic that destroys beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The result is, or at the very least, an upset bowel movement.

As you can see, the pros and cons of blue cheese are about as much as there are cons. Therefore, focus not only on the volume of your wallet, but also on your health. "Gourmet" to your health, but wisely!

Today blue cheese is one of the most expensive delicacies. There are many varieties of this type of product, but they all belong to three main groups that differ in the subspecies of the mold itself: white, red or blue. But not all cheeses have a noble mold (for example, like parmesan), which is beneficial to the body; in some cases, its presence indicates that the product is spoiled.

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The benefits and harms of blue cheese

Blue cheese, like any other dairy product, has beneficial properties for the body due to the high concentration of protein in the composition. Moreover, the presence of mold contributes to the complete assimilation of this trace element. Even foods like fish and eggs are inferior to cheeses in the amount of protein.

Blue cheese contains a large amount of amino acids that contribute to the normal formation and strengthening of human muscles. The delicacy has a high level of phosphorus and vitamin salts, contains a lot of vitamin A, which improves vision, vitamin E makes the skin smooth. The presence of vitamin B has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Regular consumption of this product promotes the production of melanin, which serves as protection from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Studies have proven that the product is an excellent prevention of stroke and other cardiovascular ailments, as well as relieves insomnia.

The recommended intake of blue cheese is no more than 50 g per day, in which case the product will not harm your health. If the amount of used cheese with mold significantly exceeds the recommended norms, then the likelihood of problems with the functioning of the digestive tract is not excluded. The intestines will not be able to handle a lot of mold. As a result, dysbiosis or indigestion develops. The cause is a fungus in the mold, which produces an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora.

You should not often eat the delicacy for those who have a tendency to allergic diseases.

Given that the product contains quite a lot of calories, it should not be consumed in large doses by those who are watching their figure or following a diet.

Description and calorie content of blue cheese varieties:

Variety name


Calorie content per 100 g

With white mold
This type of French delicacy is considered one of the most ancient. It is distinguished by its softness, piquant taste, covered with a crust of light mold on top. Usually small in size. One of the famous names of this product is "cheese of the kings"


Camembert belongs to soft cheeses; cow's milk is used in its manufacture. Has a slightly ammonia smell and mushroom flavor. The consistency of the product is soft and firm. The delicacy has a light moldy crust. Real Camembert has a short shelf life, so it is often sold unripe
Boulet d'Aven
The product is cone-shaped, white or red. The delicacy has one of the harshest aromas among French cheeses.


Cambozola refers to Italian soft cheeses with a white or blue mold


The product belongs to the group of soft French cheeses with white mold


Cow's milk is used in the manufacture of Neuchâtel. It belongs to soft French cheeses. The product comes in six different shapes, but the most popular is the heart


Cow's milk is used for production. The product has a square shape and a strong flavor

Soft French cheese is made from cow's milk. The scent of the delicacy is reminiscent of mushrooms or hazelnuts. Has a thick white mold crust
With red mold

This delicacy is from Normandy. This product is wrapped in a ribbon made from sea cane. Finding Livaro is not easy. The cheese has a brown crust and a golden hue
The product has a pungent odor and a pungent taste


For the manufacture of Reblochon, milk of three types of cows is used: abondance, taranthesis and Montbeliard. It belongs to soft cheeses with a "washed crust", since after pressing it undergoes a rinsing procedure in brine. The finished product has an orange crust with a thin coating of white. The delicacy tastes like fruit or nuts. The cheese has a pungent smell
With blue mold

E is the most famous of the blue mold varieties and the only one in the manufacture of which not cow's milk, but sheep's milk is used. The product is produced in the caves of the Rouergue province, so its price is quite high. Blue mold is caused by the action of rye bread, which provokes the growth of mold. The delicacy has a pungent, piquant taste

This type of blue cheese from Germany is the most popular in Russia due to its mild flavor. The recipe was created at the beginning of the last century and is kept secret to this day.
The delicacy is made from cow's milk. The mold looks like small green streaks. It has a creamy, mild taste. In order for a product to truly reveal its taste, it must be removed from the refrigerator 30 minutes before eating. Real cheese has a "g" stamped on the foil330

A cheese from Denmark that tastes very similar to Roquefort. Another name for the product is Mormora. Has a pasty consistency. Matures in about 3 months and is suitable for daily consumption

Furme D'Amber

This cheese of French origin has the most delicate flavor of any blue cheese. Furme D'Amber refers to the analogues of Roquefort. The product ripens for 3 months. Has a pleasant spicy taste
Ble D'Auvergne
This product bears a special quality mark. Refers to the analogues of Roquefort. For its manufacture, milk from cows of a special breed is used. The cheese ripens for 3 months in a wet cellar. The mass of cheese is moist, loose, not crumbly. Has a pungent aroma and a pleasant salty taste


The product is classified as a semi-hard cheese. Has a pungent, spicy taste. The surface is yellowish. Blue-green mold visible on cut

Homemade recipe

Real cheese with healthy mold is quite expensive, so you can learn how to cook it yourself at home.

First of all, the blue blue cheese recipe involves purchasing P. Roqueforti. This is one of the mold cultures that is absolutely safe for humans. It is inexpensive and is enough for a large amount of milk and cheese product.

It is important to prepare the appropriate utensils: a saucepan with a volume of at least 10 liters, a cooking thermometer, a slotted spoon, a colander, a knife, measuring spoons, a mold and a cheese press.

To make blue cheese with mold at home, you will need:

  • 8 liters of fresh milk;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp mesophilic leaven;
  • 1 teaspoon of alimentary enzyme;
  • 1 tsp calcium chloride.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Milk is heated to a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.
  2. 2. Add starter culture and culture using measuring spoons. The rest of these ingredients must be sealed and placed in the refrigerator.
  3. 3. Gently mix all components, add calcium chloride and enzyme.
  4. 4. Leave the saucepan with the mixture for several hours.
  5. 5. After 3 hours, the mass will look like liquid glue. It must be transferred to a colander, previously covered with gauze.
  6. 6. Next, the gauze should be stirred to allow excess liquid to drain. This process takes up to several hours.
  7. 7. The resulting mixture is placed under a press and left for 12 hours.
  8. 8. Break the product, add salt. Put in a mold with drainage holes, pierce the mass with a wooden stick and leave for 3 days, turning regularly.
  9. 9. Further, the cheese should be stored at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees Celsius. The product will be fully ready for use in 3 weeks.

Eating cheese during pregnancy

Blue cheese, especially varieties such as brie, camembert, dor blue, danablou, stilton, chaomez, chevre, taleggio, vasheren friborgua, gorgonzola and roquefort should not be abused by expectant mothers, since these species contain a large amount of water and little acid compared to others. These are excellent conditions for the intensive multiplication of bacteria, in particular, the causative agents of Listeria.

In a healthy person, such an ailment as listeriosis is practically asymptomatic. However, the immune system of a pregnant woman is weakened, so the disease can manifest itself as typical symptoms of ARVI.

Signs of listeriosis appear only a few weeks after the pathogen enters the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is almost impossible to associate the onset of the disease with the consumption of cheese. Therapy of the disease takes place with the use of antibiotics.

If the expectant mother has a desire to eat cheese, then it is worth giving preference to such varieties as Russian, Dutch, gouda, parmesan, maasdam, cantal, feta, mascarpone, mozzarella.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger like his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

When someone has a similar question, I want to answer: "Which one?" The fact is that only in the homeland of blue cheeses - France - more than 500 varieties of blue cheese have been invented. All of them can be divided into three types, and they differ in the color of the mold.

White mold covers the entire surface of the cheese and has a delicate creamy texture with a delicate taste and mushroom sweet-salty notes, the most famous are brie and camembert.
Cheeses with red mold are slightly spicier and more piquant. In fact, this is not a very correct name, since the mold on these cheeses is classified as pink. Of these, we recommend trying the Limburg and Münster.
The most savory and pungent blue mold cheeses are those with blue mold added. The most famous is Roquefort.

One of our previous articles talked about.

If we talk about popular varieties of blue cheese, these are:

Brie is a soft cheese made from cow's milk with a noble white mold.
Camembert is a soft, fatty cheese made from cow's milk, covered with a fluffy white crust.
Muenster is the full name of this French cheese made from Muenster-Jerome cow's milk. This cheese is washed in salted water, and sometimes even in champagne, which leads to the formation of red mold on the crust.
Limburgsky is a German cheese made from cow's milk with a pungent pungent smell and taste, covered with a burgundy crust and has a light yellow flesh.
Epuiss is a French cheese made from cow's milk with an intense strong aroma and taste, its reddish-brown crust almost sinks in the middle.
Gorgonzola is an Italian cheese made from cow's milk and is the most famous blue cheese.
Roquefort, a French cheese made from sheep's milk, is the most famous blue cheese in the world.
Fourme d'Amber is a French cheese made from cow's milk, which is considered one of the most delicate blue cheeses.

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