Freeze celery for the winter. Harvesting celery

09.08.2019 Soups

Celery is a valuable product that contains a lot of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and useful essential oils. This product is good for digestion, vision and weight loss. By including it in the diet, you will remove toxins from the body, lose weight and rejuvenate the body as a whole. If you grow this useful plant in your garden, then it will be useful for you to know how to store it throughout the winter. They have proven themselves very well.

No matter how much celery you have, the use of this greenery can always be found. After adding fresh or frozen leafy celery to soups, sauces or salads, they will acquire a pleasant rich aroma and piquant taste. Unlike parsley, celery does not lose its flavor when frozen, so it will be useful for many to learn how to freeze celery for the winter. Moreover, you can store both leaves and petioles and roots in the freezer, which is extremely convenient.

Freezing leaf celery

We wash the stems with leaves, cut off the defective ones and lay them on a towel. When they are dry, we take only the leaves, cut them into strips, put them in bags. Wrap it tight and put it in the freezer.

Since celery stalks are tough enough, they must be frozen separately and added to the dish at the very beginning of cooking. Grind the stems, dry them on a pallet and freeze them.

In winter, using such blanks, you can make any soup or broth tastier and more aromatic.

Freezing stalked celery

We wash each petiole separately, cut into pieces of the required size. Next, put the pieces of celery in boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, then put in a bowl of ice. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, put celery on top and freeze like this. Then we take out the celery and pack it in bags that are hermetically sealed.

Blanched celery can keep in the freezer for up to a year. If you keep fresh celery in the same way, but its shelf life is reduced to 2 months.

Freezing root celery

It is imperative to choose the right root. It should be smooth and not hollow. It is not recommended to freeze the roots entirely, it must be grated on a coarse grater and only then put in the freezer.

Frozen soup mix


All vegetables and herbs are cut into small strips, laid out in packages. It is more convenient to make such blanks in portions.

Seasoning for soup


  • celery leaves - 50 g
  • dill - 50 g
  • parsley - 50 g

All greens are chopped, frozen, laid out in bags and taken out as needed.

When the celery crop pleases with an abundance of root crops and fragrant, juicy and healthy herbs, you should take care of how to preserve the celery root, as well as celery leaves for the winter. After all, it is quite difficult to find celery on the shelves of vegetable stores in winter, and in order to use healthy roots and celery greens during the period when it does not grow in the beds, you need to know how to prepare celery for the winter.

Root celery should be harvested in a timely manner, and there is no need to rush to harvest, the longer the roots are in the ground, the larger and more mature they will be. In conditions of long-term cultivation, the rhizome peel becomes denser and can serve as protection against damage and preservation of the nutrients of the vegetable during harvesting, transportation and storage. But it is also not worth delaying until the first frost, in which case celery may not tolerate storage well.

On average, the end of September is considered the best time for cleaning, but it is worth considering the weather forecast. As a rule, a month before harvesting, the lower shoots and branches are cut off so that the root crop ripens and takes on a more rounded shape. When digging the root out of the soil, you need to be very careful not to damage the peel. It is advisable not to use any tools for this, but simply to pull with effort on the tops. To make the root easier to get out of the soil, it is worth pouring water over it in a few days beforehand.

To check the quality of the tubers, before harvesting, you need to carefully inspect it, if it is soft, it means that it has begun to rot, and if a ringing sound is heard when tapping, it means that the tuber has grown dry, and inside it is empty. Such parts are not suitable for procurement.

To harvest the roots, the tops are cut off, while leaving hemp a few centimeters high, thin roots are removed and cleaned of adhering pieces of soil.

After harvesting the celery tubers, they should be sorted, and if their number has grown a lot, then a few roots can be left in the garden, so they will give juicy and young greens in the spring.

And if you want greens to grow in your home, plant small roots in a flower pot, and enjoy your own fragrant and healthy greens all winter. Young shoots will look like an indoor flower and will serve as a beautiful interior decoration. This way, you can grow healthy greens at home even in winter.

Video “Storing Leaf Celery”

From the video you will learn how to properly store leaf celery.

Storing root vegetables in a city apartment

How to store celery root in an apartment? This vegetable is not very capricious in storage, it can be stored for a long time until summer, but still under certain conditions. The tubers can be kept in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. Before placing the root vegetables in the refrigerator, they are thoroughly washed, dried and packed in polyethylene.

The root vegetables prepared in this way can be consumed at any time, preparing salads from them, adding to soups and vegetable stews.

This type of storage, of course, is very convenient, but if there are much more root crops than the vegetable compartment can hold in the refrigerator, then you need to resort to other storage methods. Then you need to bring root crops from the cellar in portions. But the rule remains unchanged before immersion in the refrigerator, in order to avoid various unsanitary measures, each root is thoroughly washed and wrapped in polyethylene.

Even if the apartment has a large freezer, it is not suitable for storing celery roots. Root vegetables that will be placed in the freezer will only be suitable for heat treatment, that is, they cannot be used fresh. Thus, in the freezer, you can make a blank of celery tubers, which will be added exclusively for cooking, and subjected to heat treatment.

Wintering in the cellar, garage, in the country

In fact, keeping celery roots in winter is not so difficult, and there are a great many known ways. And there are many answers to the question of how to store celery. Each of them is effective, choose any of them, but remember, the temperature in the room where the vegetable will be stored should be in the range from 0 ° to + 1 °, and the humidity should be 90% or more.

How to store celery for the winter? For a long time, methods have been known of how to prepare celery for storage for wintering in cellars, basements, garages, in the country.

One of them is storage in a sand box. To use this method of harvesting root crops in the winter, you will need a box and wet sand. The root crop deepens into the sand as in a garden bed, and remains in this form for the winter. This method will perfectly keep the tubers in excellent condition.

Another long-standing method of preparing root crops for wintering is the use of clay. To do this, the roots are poured with a mixture of clay and water, after which they are dried and left in this form to winter.

In the southern regions, with a not very severe winter and where the ground freezes shallowly, the tubers are laid in prepared trenches, filling each layer with sand. Vegetables folded and sprinkled with sand are covered with straw, and then a layer of earth of at least 20 cm.

Since celery is a part of many vegetable spices, you can make such a spicy addition yourself if you want. To do this, prepare its leaves and petioles: wash, dry and grind. Then spread them between two layers of natural fabric or paper towel and leave to dry in a dry place. On average, leafy greens will dry for about a month. After a month, dried greens are crushed in a blender, coffee grinder or by hand (dry parts will be easily crushed into dust). It is advisable to store the resulting aromatic mixture in a glass container with a lid.

Celery leaves and stalks are also rolled with salt. For such a preparation, you will need 100 g of salt per 0.5 kg of celery stalks and leaves. The stems with leaves are crushed, tightly packed in jars, each layer is sprinkled with salt, which will act as a preservative, and rolled up with lids. Store such blanks in a dark and cool place.

Using various storage methods, you can prepare tasty and healthy dishes at any time with the addition of various parts of celery (tubers, leaves, petioles). And if the plant is grown independently, then you can be completely sure that the prepared dishes will contain many vitamins and microelements.

Waste-free technologies

When large and beautiful tubers are already ready for storage for the winter period, and parts of the plant that are unsuitable (small, rotten, smallish, half-empty) for this type of storage remain, you should not rush to throw them away. From them, you can prepare very useful vitamin supplements for main dishes in the winter.

To do this, remove the peel from the roots, cut off the spoiled parts, cut them into small cubes or cubes and send them to dry. How to dry celery?

Spread out in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees, on a natural cloth or on paper towels, and leave for several weeks. After the vegetables are dry, they should be folded into a glass container with a sealed lid; vegetables prepared according to this rule will be stored for a long time. They can be added to a variety of soups, broths and vegetable side dishes, as long as they are heat treated.

And if you make a seasoning from dried celery, by grinding it into dust with a blender, then it can be used raw, sprinkling it on ready-made dishes.

Having given a little time to celery roots, you will have the opportunity to eat them fresh until the next harvest. And thus, aromatic and healthy dishes will be on your table all year round.

Root Storage Video

From the video you will learn how to store the root of a plant.

Celery has always been considered a medicinal plant and only in the eighteenth century did culinary experts appreciate its bitter and spicy taste. Today, fresh and dried celery complements soups, casseroles, salads and sauces. At home, it is good to prepare dietary juices and snacks from celery stalks. The leaves are an excellent dressing for salads, and the root is an excellent dressing for any vegetarian and meat dishes. This vegetable crop is incredibly rich in micronutrients that the body needs all year round. Experienced housewives are aware of this and prepare celery for the winter. Leaves, root and stems are pickled, salted, frozen and dried. Celery stocks for future use are an ideal option to enrich the winter menu with vitamins and add a tart aftertaste to familiar dishes.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

kerescan - Aug 25th, 2015

The stuffed sauerkraut prepared according to this recipe is suitable for those who like to tinker with twists and, as a result, surprise their relatives with unusual preparations. Such fast cabbage is very tasty, but it is prepared in such a way that it is saved (alas) not for long.

Petiole celery is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other various useful substances. Unfortunately, the greens and roots of this wonderful plant are not available in every supermarket. That is why many hostesses strive to prepare celery in advance for the winter in order to provide households with truly healthy food and enrich the body with the nutrients it needs, which it needs especially badly during the cold season. Let's take a look at some of the original recipes.

Celery pickled for the winter

To prepare this wonderful snack, we need 0.5 kg of celery. It must be washed under running water, freed from hard fibers, and then cut into small pieces of 5 centimeters. Send the chopped celery into a prepared (clean and dry) jar and close it with a plastic lid.

Peel the garlic, divide into cloves and finely chop three of them. Chop the parsley. In a jar with celery stalks, send table salt (0.25 tsp) and hot pepper (pinch). Send chopped garlic and parsley here, tsp. sesame seeds and half a crushed star anise.

Take a small bowl and combine in it freshly squeezed lemon juice (50 ml), liquid honey (1 tsp), apple cider vinegar (0.5 tsp) and olive oil (1 tsp). Pour the resulting mass of celery, seal the jar with a metal lid. Store in a cool place.

Canned celery

Celery stalks must be washed, dried, and then cut into small cubes. Sterilize glass jars and put peeled garlic cloves (3 pcs.) And bay leaves (1 pc.) On the bottom. Fill the jars with finely chopped celery.

Let's take up the preparation of the brine. To do this, pour 3 liters of purified water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, and then add table salt and granulated sugar (3 tablespoons of each component). Boil for a couple of minutes, turn off the heat and let the brine cool. After the brine reaches room temperature, add 9% table vinegar to it, mix everything well and fill the jars with it up to the shoulders.

The finished cans now need to be sterilized, for which they should be sent to a vessel with warm water, having placed a cloth napkin under them in advance and boiled over low heat for half an hour. At the end of the time, the containers, using a seaming device, seal with lids, turn upside down, put on a towel and allow to cool. Send ready-made canned stalked celery in a cool place.

Celery salad for the winter

This is truly a vitamin dish that is prepared from a lot of healthy vegetables. So, peel the carrots (0.5 kg) and wash them under water, then cut them into cubes. Wash tomatoes and zucchini (1 kg each), remove the stalk from the attachment point and cut into small circles. Coarsely chop the washed celery stalks (1 kg). Combine all prepared components and add table salt (30 g), granulated sugar (40 g) and sunflower oil (100 ml) to the total mass. Stir everything well again and let stand for a couple of hours so that the vegetables can release their juice. Then we send the container with our salad to the stove and, setting a low heat, boil for half an hour. Pour the prepared hot salad into jars, which are sealed with lids and, after cooling, send to a cool place for storage.

These are the wonderful vitamin snacks that can be made from stalked celery! Enjoy your meal!