What is red meat? Which meat is red and which is white? What is the healthiest meat.

21.08.2019 Soups

Almost every average housewife knows that there are two so-called conventional types of meat: red and white, and knows what kind of meat belongs to this or that category.

Usually, to red varieties include darker and more saturated with a special substance - myoglobin - meat of beef, pork, goat, ram, horse. Respectively, to the white grade include, as a rule, rabbit and poultry meat.

However, the last statement is not very correct, since, in turn, it is also conditionally divided into the same categories: red and white. And in this case, too, every hostess knows that to white meat mainly include the breasts of bird carcasses, in some species and wings, and everything else is. But, for example, in the pectoral muscles of a goose or duck there are both white and red fibers, which, in turn, allows the meat of this bird to be distinguished into a separate category. If we talk about the usefulness of these types of meat, then both of them are valuable and healthy. But due to the fact that white meat contains much less fat and fat-soluble vitamins, it is considered somewhat dry compared to red, which is quite simple to prepare and, regardless of the cooking method, for the most part is always juicy.

Despite the fact that the most common opinion is that white meat is the most useful, you should not underestimate the available useful properties and red appearance. No matter how they talk about the harmfulness of fats for the body, it is pointless to deny their necessity. Therefore, red meat is a valuable food product not only due to the fact that it includes most of such complete and vital substances as proteins, amino acids, various elements, but also the same fat. Poultry fat, of course, in comparison with other types of meat, contains more of those acids that are poorly synthesized, but this does not make it less useful for the human body.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the fatty component also depends on the type of bird, which should be taken into account when drawing up a diet. So, everyone knows that goose and duck are more fatty varieties of poultry, respectively, the red meat of these birds is more saturated with fat-containing acids, compared to more dietary varieties of poultry such as quail or turkey. Nevertheless, the mandatory presence of any poultry meat in the diet is an indisputable fact; the use of poultry meat, and not only white, but also red, along with its other types, will allow to receive in a balanced way all the substances and elements necessary for the normal development of the body and keeping it in good shape.

Red and white meat.

Red meat includes: pork, beef, lamb, horse meat, goat meat and partially rabbit meat (the ratio of red to white rabbit meat is about 40:60, and changes upward for white meat with increasing age of the animal).
The most popular red meat is, of course, beef.
Although, this statement can be argued. It all depends on the age of the animal. The younger the animal, the lighter the meat, and the older the darker the meat. For example, veal (the age of the animal is no more than a year) may well be considered white meat.
Myoglobin gives the color to the meat. Myoglobin is an oxygen-binding protein in skeletal muscle and heart muscle. All normal muscles contain myoglobin, but the amount is different. Myoglobin, depending on its oxygen saturation, gives the meat a different color. The color of the meat also depends on the age of the animal, on its sex, as well as on its activity (degree of movement, load), and in young animals - on the type of food. Some males have redder meat than females. Animals with more developed muscles have the most red meat. There is little myoglobin in the meat of young animals.

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There is an opinion that red meat is harmful, because it is fatty, and contains a large amount of cholesterol, and during the cooking process it releases carcinogens that provoke cancer, and white meat is useful. American nutritionists have conducted studies and experiments in which irrefutable evidence has been published about the dangers of red meat. Only later were they debunked. Because the research was done mainly in America, where people often ate fried beef steaks with a brown crust. Indeed, such a "crust" may contain harmful carcinogens, but this is not a reason to give up beef. If we talk about the dangers of red meat, then all the harm is precisely in the method of its preparation, and not in itself. In fried meat (it is white or red), carcinogens can accumulate in any.

An overabundance of vitamins and minerals, which is so little talked about in contrast to vitamin deficiency, deserves a few words. For example, iron.
Many foods supply iron to the body, including red meat. Does an adult body always need a lot of iron? It happens that the body is overflowing with iron, and a person has a pronounced anemia. What happens if iron, which is not excreted from the body, has accumulated in large quantities. Iron and cancer.

Knowing in the early stages whether iron will pose a health threat is quite difficult. And the consequences of an excessively accumulated useful macronutrient can be very dangerous.
There are indirect signs by which one can understand that it is worth "to tie up" with iron -.
Excessive pigmentation is just such a sign.

For example, poultry contains both white and red meat.

The well-known chicken breasts and wings are classified as white meat, and the legs are classified as red. And this also applies to turkey. Lean young pork (for example, pork tenderloin) can also be classified as white meat. Although, basically, pork is red meat, as it contains more protein myoglobin than chicken or fish.

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In any case, you need to remember that if a person is prescribed a special diet, for example, with a low cholesterol content, then it is better for him to avoid beef, lamb and pork, but give preference to lean meats - veal, pork tenderloin, poultry and fish.
There are diets, for example, for multiple sclerosis, where red meat and fatty foods are completely excluded from the diet. With this diet, you can eat white chicken or turkey meat, fish and lean pork tenderloin, and preferably boiled.

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White meat is a real delicacy

Do you consider yourself a meat eater? Or maybe you are an inveterate who just hearing the word "meat" falls into a state of shock? Whoever you are, it will be interesting for you to read about the benefits and dangers of white meat. And, also about how such meat differs from red meat, and who will benefit from eating it, and why ...

To all these questions, if you wish, you can find the answer in our publication. And, there - there is white meat, or to stay true to your vegetarian principles - decide for yourself….

What is White Meat

We are used to the fact that meat is called red. But, there is also white meat. This definition includes poultry meat (chicken - the area of \u200b\u200bbrisket, turkey meat), rabbit meat, certain types of fish ... Such meat is distinguished by its dietary characteristics, is easier and faster digested by the human body, and it contains less myoglobin than red meat. It is useful to eat it for people who are more demanding on their diet due to their state of health, for children, for pregnant women ... But if someone else eats a piece of such white meat, there will definitely be no harm from this ...

It is noteworthy that such white meat not only differs in appearance from red, but it has a completely different taste, which cannot be confused with anything ...

The benefits of white meat chicken

The benefits of chicken

In a chicken carcass, you can find 2 types of meat - white and red. So, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brisket, there is just the tidbit that interests us. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. And, scientists say that such white meat has much less cholesterol and fat than other parts of chicken. Such meat is really low in calories and can be eaten by those who are on a diet and take care of their weight.

Despite the rich content of carbohydrates and proteins, such white meat does not contain fats. But, although white meat is a low-calorie product, if you, on the contrary, want to get better, then more often include this type of poultry in your diet.

Those who are going through a rehabilitation period after injuries, operations, blood loss should definitely include a piece of such boiled white meat in their daily menu.

Not convinced by these arguments yet? Then, what can you say about the fact that the composition of white chicken meat contains complex B vitamins, which are so necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins B9 and B12 are especially important - and they are necessary, first of all, for expectant mothers, and those women who breastfeed their baby.

White chicken meat will also be useful for those who care about their beauty. Thanks to such a composition as vitamins A, H, PP, a whole complex of microelements, useful enzymes - the condition of your skin and hair will definitely improve, as well as strengthen the skeletal and nervous system ...

How to cook white chicken meat

White chicken meat is actually quick and easy to cook. Even if you do not differ in special knowledge in the field of gastronomy and cooking - this lesson - "cooking white meat" - you can easily master. The main thing is to adhere to our advice and recommendations.

So, a lot of dishes can be prepared from chicken breast, the basis of which will be boiled, fried, stewed, baked, breaded, stuffed fillets. The main thing is to remember one simple rule.

Whichever way you cook white chicken meat, it will inevitably become dry during the cooking process. And, in order to prevent this from happening, you need to cover it on top with fatty bacon, or put a slice of lemon or half a medium-sized onion inside the fillet. This will prevent the meat from losing its natural juiciness.

As for the spices, herbs and seasonings that go well with such white meat, it all depends on the region of your residence and your personal preferences. So, for example, in the East, white meat is flavored, but in India, they prefer to stew with. Well, if you want to cook the well-known chicken curry, then you cannot do without red turmeric.

Another good advice is to cut the meat across its fibers, then the strips will retain their shape even after heat treatment, and the meat will taste more tender ... In addition, this way you heat a large area - thereby significantly reducing the time for cooking chicken fillets ...

All kinds of sauces, both in-store and prepared by you yourself, will not interfere with the taste of such meat. For example, you can make your own Indian sauce called murkarma, which is made with cream, garlic, onions, ginger and almond paste. If you don't have such exotic products at hand, you can simply fry the mushrooms or other mushrooms in olive oil until golden brown, add garlic and onions to them, pour in a little white dry wine, evaporate the liquid from this sauce, and then add to it cream (preferably with a fat content of 33%). Simmer the resulting mass until thickened ...

As for the appetizing side dish for such white chicken meat, it can be rice, vegetables, mushrooms and ... you will not believe it, but even fruits. In short, you can't spoil the taste of white chicken meat, because it is perfect ...

The harm of white meat chicken

Despite the benefits of white chicken meat and its pleasant taste, it still contains small amounts of iron and magnesium. These trace elements are known to be responsible for the processes of normal blood formation. Therefore, constantly "sitting" only on white meat is not worth it. Better to alternate its use with red ...

The same plus as the absence of fat in such meat can be turned into a minus. If your work is connected with physical activity in difficult conditions, then you will simply not get enough energy from such a dietary diet. However, all this, rather, is not even harm, but the disadvantages of this type of meat ...

And, if we talk about harm - then, here you need to pay attention to the chicken skin - it accumulates a lot of harmful substances in itself, therefore, before cooking - cooking, frying, stewing, it is better to remove it from the brisket. Well, and, of course, do not forget about measure in everything. Therefore, alternate eating white meat with red ...

Red meat is a recognized leader in gastronomic sympathies around the world. However, the properties of this product and its effect on our body cause heated debates. So we decided to figure out what the benefits and harms of red meat are.

Food for health

But first, let's find out what refers to red meat. These are primarily beef, pork, lamb and horse meat. Rabbit meat, which turns red with age, can also be added to this list. The characteristic color to all of them is given by myoglobin - a special protein contained in muscle tissues. By the way, red poultry meat - chickens, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls - also belongs to this type. Only the dietary breast is considered white, while the rest of the carcass is red meat.

Many gourmets are ready to spend hours talking about what is useful. First, it is rich in iron and the aforementioned myoglobin, which are essential for the synthesis of red blood cells. Secondly, animal proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue and nerve fibers. Thirdly, red meat is a source of vital substances for the body. So, the potassium contained in it is good for the heart and blood vessels. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Zinc fuels the strength of the immune system. Vitamin PP supports redox reactions. Calcium and fluoride strengthen bones and tooth enamel. B vitamins are actively involved in metabolic processes.

Scientists warn

Meanwhile, strict adherents of healthy eating claim that red meat is harmful to our body. Their judgments are based on scientific studies, many of which support the health risks of this product. It's no secret that red meat contains a lot of saturated fat, which increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. This can cause the development of serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and with prolonged abuse, provoke a heart attack or stroke.

Practical research has also shown that red meats, consumed too often and uncontrollably, increase the risk of developing cancer by 12%. At the same time, the average life expectancy of lovers of red meat is reduced by an average of 8-10 years. Another unpleasant consequence of excessive addiction to this product is excess weight gain, associated increased loads on various body systems and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A reasonable alternative

However, such depressing conclusions are not yet a reason for a complete rejection of red meat. In many ways, the harm of this product is determined not so much by its properties as by the methods of its preparation. Indeed, we often give preference to red meat in the form of fried dishes with an appetizing golden crust and a high content of carcinogens in addition.

Often a product becomes harmful due to ignorance of the elementary rules of its use. Therefore, choose only fresh meat with an even, healthy flesh color. Remember the golden rule: the older the animal, the richer the color of the meat. Try not to eat red meat dishes every day. Doctors recommend limiting the weekly intake of 500 g, and then the risk of various diseases will be minimal. If possible, prepare meals from a whole piece of meat or minced meat, the composition of which you know for certain. Store-bought delicacies like sausages and sausages are not the best choice. If you are tempted by fried chops, remove excess body fat. Better yet, stew the meat or bake it in the oven.

Recipes to remember

Lean red meat is the best choice for various dishes. contains very little fat. First, you need to cut 1 kg of raw beef into pieces no more than 1.5 cm thick and beat them carefully. Next, marinate the meat in a mixture of salt and spices for 40 minutes, then fry each piece for 3-4 minutes on each side. It is better to do this on a wire rack, but in the oven the chops will turn out to be no less juicy and appetizing.

Red meat of chicken or turkey, whose recipes delight with variety, is also suitable for a delicious and healthy menu. First, clean the films and tendons from the turkey's thighs. Then we prepare a marinade from 500 ml of natural yogurt, lemon juice and zest with the addition of salt, white and black pepper, dried garlic. Marinate the turkey in this mixture for 4-5 hours and bake it in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 180 ° C. Meanwhile, we are preparing a side dish. Fry the chopped onion in a saucepan in olive oil and add 250 g of lentils. Fill the mixture with water for about two fingers and simmer for 30 minutes, adding water if necessary. Finally, add salt and seasonings to taste. Now it remains to connect the thighs with the garnish, and you can serve them to the table.

To love red meat and get not only pleasure, but also benefits from it, you need to cook it correctly. If you own this art to the fullest and you have favorite recipes, share them with all readers.

American nutritionists, in particular researchers of the Harvard School of Public Health, as a result of long-term observation, came to the conclusion that consumption of red meat can increase the risk of early death, and that red meat is a sin with all deadly sins: cancer provokes, and causes allergies, and a huge amount contains unhealthy fats. In a word: "heme iron", "myoglobin", "high density lipoproteins" ... And salvation is in white meat.

Of course, purines, saturated fats and so-called "bad" cholesterol contained in red meat can actually harm health and increase the risk of coronary heart disease. But! If you consume a lot of meat. And anyone. After all, all the aforementioned villains are not only contained in red.

In addition, preservatives used in the preparation of meat products can cause damage, since they can turn into carcinogenic substances in the human body. And other chemical components can affect the development of heart disease, damaging, in particular, blood vessels, increase blood pressure (for example, sodium).

So, give up barbecue and grilled steaks, spit on the high amount of iron contained in red meat, on vitamin B12, which helps in building DNA and maintains normal nerve and blood cells, on zinc, which protects the immune system, on protein, contributing to the building of bones and muscles, and go in slender rows to vegetarians?

If you want - leave. After all, European scientists found one of the reasons for such excitement of American colleagues in meat fried to a hard crust. It turned out that this crust, obtained during the preparation of the barbecue adored by the Americans, contains a large amount of carcinogenic substances. Regardless of whether the meat was white or red.

And if your legs don't go in the direction of vegetarianism, take it easy with the recommendations of nutritionists. The same American experts, for example, leading nutritionist and professor at Georgia State University Christine A. Rosenbloom, believe that "you don't need to give up red meat, you just need to carefully select varieties and portions." As for the portions - eat meat no more than 500 g per week, avoid sausages, rolls, ham, bacon, hot dogs, sausages. As for the varieties, choose the leanest, trim fat and skin, and periodically replace meat with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Well, during barbecue and steak festivities, experts recommend using medium heat or indirect fire, not overcooking the meat, pickling (marinades reduce the formation of harmful heterocyclic amines), but without adding sugar, often turn it over. You can also use the oven or microwave to pre-cook meat or fish and then grill them.

And now, finally, the answer to the main question.

White meat is chicken, turkey and other poultry (but only breasts and wings!), Rabbit, veal and young beef (from animals no older than two years), lean pork tenderloin. Red meat is the legs of chickens, geese and ducks, beef (from adult cattle), lamb, fatty pork. White meat contains less cholesterol and myoglobin than red meat. (For reference and conclusions: myoglobin is an iron-containing protein in muscle cells that is responsible for the transport of oxygen to skeletal muscles and heart muscle. Its elevated level is the very first marker of myocardial infarction.)

In red meat, lean parts are the most useful: for beef - sirloin, shoulder part of the shoulder blade, filet mignon, flank pulp, for pork - middle parts for chops and cutlets, meat with rib bones.