Buckwheat biscuits for children. Buckwheat baked goods - delicious and healthy desserts without extra calories

04.03.2020 Soups

There are many different recipes for sweet baked goods such as cookies. It can be made with all sorts of ingredients, but the main ingredient in any baked product is regular flour. As a rule, premium flour is used for good baking, and quite high-calorie sweets are obtained from it. But what to do when you want something tasty during a diet, or when you cannot eat baked goods due to allergies or other diseases. Then buckwheat cookies will come to the rescue.

Product benefits

Buckwheat cookies are ideal for those who are on a diet. Such a delicacy can be eaten with a cup of tea and thus deceive the body. The desire to eat something baked is satisfied, and the calories are minimal.

A very important plus of such baking is that it is gluten free, which is found in products made from wheat or rye flour. Some people have an intolerance to this component. Therefore, ordinary flour has to be replaced with any other, for example, buckwheat, rice or oatmeal.

Buckwheat flour is sold in any supermarket. But if suddenly you could not find it, you can cook it yourself. You can use a coffee grinder for this. You can easily make buckwheat flour from buckwheat grains, which is ideal for baking.

How to cook?

Simple options

These recipes are easy to prepare, they are suitable for both children with allergies and those who are on a diet.

Dairy & Gluten Free

This recipe is not only gluten free, but also dairy free. To prepare it, you will need one hundred grams of buckwheat flour, a couple of eggs, two tablespoons of honey and vegetable oil, a whisper of soda and vanillin. Beat the eggs first. The flour is sieved, soda is added, after extinguishing it in a bite, then beaten eggs are added. Then add vegetable oil and start kneading the dough. It should come off your hands.

But if the dough turns out to be slightly viscous, when forming cookies, you need to moisten your hands so that they are wet. Then it will be easier to mold any figures. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out the cookies. The temperature in the oven should be about 180 degrees, the cookies are baked for about twenty minutes.

Without eggs on kefir

You can bake cookies without eggs on kefir, which is perfect for those who are on a diet. Such a dessert will not cause any harm to the figure. To prepare it, you will need one glass of buckwheat flour, a glass of kefir, one tablespoon of rye bran, one large apple, a spoonful of vegetable oil, and a tablespoon of honey. You need to mix a glass of buckwheat flour, butter, honey, bran, kefir. Peel the apple and rub on a coarse grater, add to the resulting mass. The dough must be mixed thoroughly, and then put in a cool place for half an hour. After that, it will be easier to shape the liver.

From the resulting dough, round cakes are formed, which can be sprinkled with sesame seeds on top, and are sent to the oven for forty minutes to bake at a temperature of 150 to 170 degrees.

With the addition of various ingredients

Buckwheat cookies can be varied by adding different ingredients. They can be made with banana, orange, dried apricots, cottage cheese, nuts - in a word, add whatever your imagination tells you. The main thing is that these components are not high in calories and cannot cause allergies if cookies are baked for people suffering from such a disease.

  • For example, ginger cookies are useful. To prepare it, beat eggs with honey using a mixer until an airy foam is formed. Flour, ginger and cinnamon are added. After the dough is well kneaded, it must be kept in a cool place, as in the previous recipe. You can roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut out cookies using special molds, or you can cut geometric figures with a knife, grease a baking sheet with butter, bake for about thirty minutes.
  • It is very easy to give buckwheat liver any flavor, making it varied and always tasty every time.This is how the treat will turn out when using the following recipe. A couple of tablespoons of cocoa, a tablespoon of sugar, half a glass of low-fat sour cream, ground peanuts are added to buckwheat flour. All the ingredients are mixed and a cookie is formed, which is then baked for about forty minutes in the oven at 160 degrees.

  • If you want cookies to have a fruity flavor, you can make them, for example, with a banana. The dough is made in the same way as in one of the previous recipes. If sugar is not needed, honey is added. In the absence of eggs, great cookies will come out with kefir. One component can be easily changed to another, but the cookie doesn't get any worse. Add bananas, cut into pieces or gruel, ground in a blender, to the mixture of the selected ingredients. The baking time and temperature varies from 30 to 50 minutes and from 150 to 180 degrees. Cookies need to be checked and monitored periodically so that they do not burn.
  • Another dietary product that is well suited for this baking component is cottage cheese.Children will be happy to eat such a product. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve so that there are no lumps, sift the flour. Add two eggs to this mixture, mix well. Sugar can be replaced with honey by adding three teaspoons. After the dough has cooled, you can cut or sculpt the figurines. Children can also help with this exciting activity. In half an hour, delicious tea cookies are ready.

  • Another very healthy baking option with an original taste is cookies with walnuts. The dough is prepared in the same way, eggs are added to the buckwheat flour, pre-beaten with sugar or honey. Then add about fifty grams of softened butter or margarine. Pre-grind the nuts in a blender or coffee grinder. Knead the dough well by pouring prepared nuts into it. The cooled dough is rolled into balls, which are used to make round cookies. A baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil, cookies are placed and baked for about fifty minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

All recipes are very easy to prepare and do not require large expenses and a lot of time, and you can add any ingredients from those available at home to the dough. The main component is the flour itself, but it is not a problem either, since every home always has a bag of buckwheat, which is very easy to turn into flour using a coffee grinder.

Each time, you can add different ingredients and experiment. Any of the recipes will surely become your favorite, and maybe all at once.

For the recipe for making buckwheat flour cookies, see below.

Beauty for many is a thin waist, smooth skin and no excess weight. We agree, but it's also a healthy body, energy and sparkle in the eyes. But so often everyone who controls their weight deny themselves many products, including their favorite pastries. These people have a slender figure, but there is not much mood and energy. We will dispel the myth that flour provokes weight gain, because baked goods need to be cooked correctly. So, today you will learn how to make cookies from buckwheat flour. An excellent treat for the whole family, which will keep the figure and will delight children and diversify the table.

For information! Buckwheat has been grown for over three thousand years. The culture has not lost its relevance due to its taste and very healthy composition. Buckwheat dishes are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids. And if your children do not want to eat cereals, then let them try desserts.

Offer the best of the best buckwheat cookie recipes


We need:

  • buckwheat flour - 300 grams;
  • wheat flour - 250 grams;
  • one egg;
  • a pack of butter;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • granulated sugar - it is better to take cane sugar, it is more useful - 2 tablespoons of tablespoons;
  • baking powder bag - 5 grams.

We bake cookies

Grind the egg with sugar, then beat well with a whisk. We mix two flours into one mass, after which we combine with a beaten egg, we do everything gradually, stirring. Pour honey into the dough, if it is candied, then steam it in a water bath. Stir the mass, pour a bag of baking powder into it.

And now the time has come for the oil, which is better to get out of the refrigerator in advance so that it reaches room temperature. It is also better to cut the product into pieces so that it is easier for you to connect all the components. Put the pieces in turn to the dough, stirring them with a fork. When you run out of oil, start kneading with your hands. The dough should have a structure like soft plasticine, and if you have it more liquid, then add more flour, if on the contrary, use milk to dilute the consistency.

We form buckwheat cookies from the dough, which can have the shape of a rectangle, heart, circle, you can use culinary tins to make interesting pastries for children. Grease a baking sheet with butter, heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes. The ready-made delicacy can be served with syrup, jam, honey and just for sweet tea.

Advice! You can diversify the recipe with nuts. You grind them and add them to the dough. Healthy, tasty and nutritious. And if you don't have baking powder at home, then put out the baking soda on the tip of the knife with vinegar.

Buckwheat cottage cheese biscuits

We need:

  • buckwheat flour and wheat - 80 grams each;
  • baking powder bag - 5 grams;
  • cottage cheese - 150 grams;
  • one egg;
  • cane sugar - 2 tablespoons.

We bake cookies

Grind granulated sugar with an egg. Pour the mass into the cottage cheese and knead, then combine the two types of flour and gradually fall asleep to the egg with the cottage cheese, knead our dough. Add baking powder to this and mix it thoroughly with a fork. When the mass has become homogeneous, we begin to knead with our hands until the dough becomes plastic.

Now we form round balls from it, which are rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 2 cm or whatever you like, figures are cut out and can be baked. For this, a baking sheet will be used, which is covered with parchment for baking, cookies are placed on it. The oven should warm up to 200 degrees at this time, after which the dessert is cooked for 20 minutes.

For information! Before turning off the oven, check whether your buckwheat cookies are baked well, since everyone has different household appliances, the thickness of the baking sheet, and each rolls the dough of a different thickness.


We need:

  • two eggs;
  • granulated sugar - again, it is better and more useful to take cane - 4 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - olive or sunflower - 2 tablespoons;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • flour - of course, we take buckwheat - 150 grams;
  • dried apricots or other dried fruits - 50 grams,

We bake cookies

Beat the eggs with a whisk until foamy, pour sugar over them and beat everything well again. The baking soda is quenched with vinegar, which takes a few drops to form a foam. When the soda is completely extinguished, it is added to the mixture with the egg. To make the cookies more airy, buckwheat flour is sifted through a sieve, so it is saturated with oxygen. Gradually combine flour and egg with sugar and soda. At the end, pour out two tablespoons of vegetable, refined odorless oil, and chop the dried fruits or put them whole. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, line the baking sheet with parchment, form cookies and bake them for literally 15 minutes.

Advice! You are not sure how to make beautiful pastries, you are new to this business, but you want to surprise your guests? Transfer the dough to a bag, punch a hole in the corner, only it should be small, and squeeze the dough onto a baking sheet. The result will be no worse if you had a whole arsenal of pastry tools.

Gingerbread and buckwheat for the holiday

This dessert is perfect for the New Year and Christmas, because we put spicy ginger and cinnamon in it, which, in turn, are very healthy, have an incredible aroma and taste. You can get the shape of a gingerbread man and please the children, the cookies will be like in the movies. You can decorate it as you like with the whole family.

We need:

  • buckwheat flour - a glass;
  • two eggs;
  • ginger root - a pinch of powder or a piece of raw vegetable
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • honey - 100 grams;
  • dried apricots, raisins and prunes - a handful.

We bake cookies

It should be said right away that you can take any dried fruit, you can buy a mixture with nuts, you can use only one type. Not everyone loves this or that product, so you can always adjust the recipe for buckwheat flour cookies for yourself and your family. Also, for the taste to be perfect, it is better to take not only buckwheat flour, but also buckwheat honey. It has a darker shade, rich aroma and taste.

We break the eggs into a bowl, after which we pour honey here, if it has already thickened, then it can be heated in a water bath or placed in boiling water, but not the product itself, but the container in which it is located. Otherwise, honey will lose all its beneficial properties. So, beat the components, and then we begin to pour flour gradually, stirring. Sprinkle spices to taste, dried fruits can be put into the dough itself or sprinkled on the formed biscuit in the form of a sprinkle.

Now you preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease the baking sheet with butter, lay out the cookies, giving them the shape you like best, and bake for half an hour. Cookies will delight you with their taste, they are very useful, because buckwheat flour contains buckwheat components, there is no gluten in it, and dried fruits will replace sugar, spices will help not to gain extra pounds, complementing the recipe.

Buckwheat potato cookies with cocoa

Another recipe that will be delicious and contains no sugar. It is suitable for everyone who is on a diet, who eats right, cookies and children will like it.

We need:

  • cocoa powder - three tablespoons of tablespoons;
  • a glass of buckwheat flour;
  • refined oil - you can take olive oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • milk - we take a low-fat product - 350 ml;
  • dried fruits according to your taste - 100 grams.

We bake cookies

Pour soda, flour and cocoa into one cup, then mix. Put dried fruits of your choice in milk, pour one and a half tablespoons of butter, all this is whipped in a blender until smooth. Now we combine the components of the two cups, kneading the dough first with a spoon, and then with our hands.

Next, you make a shape out of brown dough, as a cookie-potato usually looks like. It can be balls or briquettes, whichever you prefer. Heat the oven to 180-190 degrees, after which you bake the cookies on parchment for only 10 minutes. Garnish with coconut flakes on top.

Banana cookies

Another recipe that will delight your kids. Delicious cookies that can also be baked like muffins in special tins.

We need:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • one egg;
  • sugar - 80 grams;
  • baking powder - a pack of 5 grams;
  • one banana;
  • buckwheat flour - 150 grams;
  • a glass of buckwheat flakes;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

We bake cookies

Grind the egg with sugar and then beat, add a banana here, which we knead with a fork. Pour the flakes with kefir and let them swell. We combine all the components, mix well, then pour flour, stirring and making the dough, pour two tablespoons of butter here and pour in baking powder. We knead the dough with our hands, form balls, which we roll out to the thickness of a cookie or place in a muffin baking dish. Put in a preheated oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

These are such interesting recipes, the main thing is that not every hostess knows them, which means that you can surprise guests at the same time by talking about the benefits of the dish. Children will be delighted too, because they will participate in the process, thinking that they will get a typical dessert, but it will be extremely healthy pastries.

Who doesn't love fresh, delicious homemade cookies? How pleasant it is to take out of the oven and serve still warm and aromatic pastries to the table. But, unfortunately, tea drinking with cookies is detrimental to our weight. But we will try to help this grief. Everyone knows about the benefits of buckwheat, so we suggest you make cookies from buckwheat flour, which will be very tasty and healthy.

If there is no buckwheat flour in the house, do not be sad, it is easy to cook it yourself. Sort out the buckwheat, rinse it with cold water and spread it in a thin layer on a napkin to remove moisture. Then you need to dry it a little: put it on a baking sheet and place it in a slightly warm oven for 20 minutes. Now the cereal is ready for chopping, a coffee grinder will help you with this. Buckwheat flour will turn out brown and slightly larger than usual, do not worry, and feel free to add it to the dough. The cookies will turn out to be very tasty, and most importantly, they will not harm our figure.

Taste Info Cookies


  • Wheat flour 130 g;
  • Sugar 100 g;
  • Butter 90 g;
  • Buckwheat flour 80 g;
  • Water 3-3.5 tbsp;
  • Vanilla sugar 1 tsp;
  • Cinnamon 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt 0.25 tsp

How to make homemade buckwheat cookies

Remove butter or good quality margarine from the refrigerator beforehand. We need a well-softened product. You can use a food processor or bread maker to knead the dough. If the amount of dough is small, as in our case, it is best to knead the dough with your hands. Place a soft slice of butter in a deep bowl. Add sugar, ground cinnamon, vanilla sugar. Stir well with a fork or wooden spatula. A mixer can be used.

Add buckwheat flour, salt. Pour in very cold water. Continue stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Buckwheat flour can be made at home using a regular coffee grinder.

Sprinkle in sifted wheat flour mixed with baking soda. Knead a soft, pliable dough, just a little sticky to your hands.

Cover the finished dough ball with foil and refrigerate for 5-10 minutes.

Take out the finished dough, form a long sausage. Cut into portions, depending on the desired size. Roll each piece into an apricot-sized ball.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the workpieces at a short distance from each other. Press down with your hands to make it flatter. It is very convenient, for this purpose, to use an ordinary round-shaped potato grinder. The cookie will have an unusual pattern. If desired, the blanks can be greased with whipped egg white and sprinkled with chopped nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds or flax seeds. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Send the baking sheet to the oven. Bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on the power of your oven. You may need to turn the cookies over after 15 minutes if the oven bakes poorly.

The buckwheat cookies are ready. Place on a cooking rack and cool.

Serve with a cup of aromatic tea, coffee or a mug of fresh milk. Enjoy your tea!

Recipe buckwheat biscuits(in the original it was called honey-buckwheat) I found on the package with buckwheat flour. I decided to try it. The buckwheat cookies turned out to be crumbly, almost not sweet. The taste is not familiar. But I just love trying new tastes. Try it too.

To prepare crumbly buckwheat cookies, we need:

  • 150 grams of buckwheat flour,
  • 3 tablespoons of potato starch (about 30 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (in my opinion, this is an extra ingredient, but it was according to the recipe, and I put it in),
  • juice of half a lemon (about 50 grams),
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs,
  • 50 grams of honey (I took buckwheat),
  • walnut halves or quarters (the number is equal to the number of cookies), can be replaced with sesame seeds or cinnamon, or nothing at all.

Buckwheat Cookies Recipe.

In a cup, mix buckwheat flour, starch, soda, lemon juice (it is better to immediately extinguish the soda with lemon), vegetable oil.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Add the yolks to the flour mixture and stir everything well.

Beat the whites with honey into a foam. Add the proteins to the rest of the ingredients and carefully knead the dough. My dough turned out to be a little loose.

Divide the dough into small parts, form a ball from each such particle, which we then flatten. I got 19 cookies. The amount depends on the desired cookie size.

Press a half or quarter of a walnut into the center of each cookie.

Put the resulting buckwheat cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the cookies in it for about 15 minutes.

Remove the finished cookies from the paper, cool. You can drink tea.

Enjoy your meal.

Today is Sunday, which means I managed to bake something, although I didn't plan. My husband went to his parents for the weekend, I don't want to cook for myself alone. But at work I had to do a terrible translation of a scientific article on an environmental topic, from which my head was already buzzing, and I decided to distract myself and bake cookies. I have long wanted to try buckwheat flour not only in bread, and today I tried as many as 2 recipes, and I liked both very, very much!

The first recipe from Irina's magazine irina_ctc ... I have already sang praises to Irina and her magazine about macarons, and I'm ready to do it again. The cookies, despite the minimum of ingredients, turned out great!

And on Thursday, one wonderful event happened - I managed to get to know Irina in real life! She was in Minsk, and we met and tasted Minsk pasta. It's so great that thanks to LJ I meet wonderful people not only online, but also in life !!!

And to make these cookies you need:

100 g butter at room temperature
60 g brown sugar
150 g buckwheat flour
some honey and walnuts for decoration

Mix butter, sugar and flour. Form a ball from the dough, give it a cylindrical shape and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Cut the dough into circles (you can roll and cut), add a drop of honey or maple syrup and walnuts to the center. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Cookies burn very easily, so it is better to carefully monitor the temperature and time. Leave to cool in an open, switched off oven on a baking sheet.

My dough didn't really want to form a ball, so I added 2 tbsp. l. milk when kneading.

Excellent biscuits, very aromatic, tender and crumbly!

English version

1 stick butter, room temperature
1 1/8 cup buckwheat flour
1/3 cup light brown sugar
some honey and walnuts for decoration

1. Mix butter, flour and sugar until you form a ball. If the butter crumbles too much you may add 1-2 tbsp milk or water.
2. Put the dough on a working surface and form a log.
3. Wrap it with plastic wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes.
4. Preheat the oven to 350 F and line a baking sheet with a parchment.
5. Slice the chilled dough into pieces, put them on the baking sheet.
6. Put a drop of honey on each slice of dough and put a walnut on the honey to stick it.
7. Bake for 10-12 minutes, let cool before serving.

I noticed the second cookie for a long time from Marina manyakotic , she marked it with the tag "favorite", and considering how many delicious Marina bakes, this is a very serious recommendation for the recipe. I confirm, very tasty cookies!

For the convenience of those who don't like cups, I have weighed flour and sugar.

113g butter, melt
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp buckwheat flour (80 g)
1/4 cup wheat flour (30 g)
1/4 cup whole grain flour (30g)
1/2 tsp soda
1/2 tsp sea \u200b\u200bsalt
1/4 cup brown sugar (approx. 40 g)
1/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup chopped chocolate bar or chocolate drops (I added 100g dark chocolate)

Mix all kinds of flour, salt and soda. Mix sugar with melted butter, beat in egg and vanilla, stir. Pour dry mixture (flour, salt, soda) into butter, stir, stir in chocolate.

The dough can be left for 2 hours at room temperature, it can be left overnight in the refrigerator or baked right away. I left it in the refrigerator, in which case it is necessary to take out the dough ahead of time so that it becomes room temperature before shaping the cookie and baking it.
Line the baking sheet with baking paper, put a spoonful in portions on a baking sheet at a distance from each other, bake the cookies for about 10 minutes, take the edges, and in the middle it should remain soft (but not soggy)

You can find the English version of these cookies