Useful properties and contraindications to the use of canned corn. Canned corn: benefits and harms for health and weight loss

17.08.2019 Snacks

Corn is a popular and demanded crop, no less valuable than wheat and rice. It was used by the ancient Aztecs, and after the discovery of America it became available to Europeans as well. Corn is grown on all continents except Antarctica. Boiled corn is very useful - despite the heat treatment and the loss of some of its beneficial qualities, the culture is enriched with sodium during the cooking process.

The product is low-calorie, which will allow you to use it for weight loss. 100 g of canned corn contains only 60-100 kcal. However, during the development of a weight loss menu, it should be remembered that corn must be consumed on its own, replacing it with one meal of more nutritious foods. When you combine corn with other foods, their calorie content increases, which calls into question the result of such a diet.

Nutritional value of canned corn

Canned corn is an excellent source of proteins and amino acids. It is recommended for use by athletes during a period of weakened immunity and after illnesses. The culture contains valuable vitamins and minerals that support the work of all vital systems and humans.

Canned Corn Ingredients:

  • Polyunsaturated acids
  • Vitamins PP, B5, B9, B6, C, B2, B1
  • Starchy substances
  • Mono and disaccharides
  • Choline
  • Protein
  • Saturated fat
  • Potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Carbohydrates, protein

What are the benefits of canned corn? Only 150 g of the product meets the daily human need for vitamin B1, and the valuable vitamin E contained in the culture prolongs youth and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.


Canned corn: harm

This cereal does not fall into the category of fast-digesting and light food, and canned corn can be damaged by diseases of the digestive organs. Its use requires the correct combination with other products.

The cereal is perfectly combined with all types of vegetables, herbs, vegetable and butter. The simultaneous intake of corn with dairy and fermented milk products, proteins, fruit juices is excluded.

The harm of canned corn can occur when a person is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Exhaustion
  • Acute stages of diseases of the digestive organs (ulcer, colitis)
  • Thrombosis
  • Tendency to increased blood clotting


The benefits of canned corn

The benefits of corn for humans are great, since the culture contains more than 26 elements of the periodic table, which are preserved in large volumes even after boiling.

What is the use of canned corn for humans? By consuming several tablespoons of this product per week, the body is saturated with useful trace elements, the effect of which is as follows:

  • Normalization of the nervous system, maintenance of human cognitive abilities
  • Removal of puffiness, improvement of the urinary system
  • Relief of pain during menstruation
  • Removal of unpleasant symptoms during menopause
  • Reducing cholesterol levels
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Regulation of blood glucose
  • Improving heart function
  • Removal of intestinal flatulence
  • Normalization of metabolism
  • Benefits for allergy sufferers, with anemia
  • Weight loss aid
  • Prevention of sclerosis

How to choose canned corn

To exclude the harm of canned corn, you need to carefully approach the choice of product.

Remember that corn ripens in the middle of summer, and if the can indicates the summer canning period or it is early autumn, you can safely put it in the basket. If the rolling process fell on the winter period, this means that the corn got into the jars after freezing, and has already lost a lot of vitamins.

And it is best to look for the date of manufacture of canned corn on the can itself, and not on the label, which unscrupulous firms can replace.

Also, if the canned corn contains citric acid, most likely the raw materials were of poor quality, and to give the corn a pleasant taste and good appearance, the manufacturer can use this additive.

It is best to choose this product, which contains only corn, salt and water. Sugar in its composition can also indicate poor quality. And if the “carbohydrates” column contains a figure of more than 12 grams, this also indicates that the raw materials were used of poor quality and thus the manufacturer simply disguised it by adding sugar.

Corn goes through a lower degree of overheating in a tin can than in a glass one. This allows her to retain the maximum useful qualities. However, immediately after opening the can, transfer the corn to a glass container and close. When a can of metal components interacts with oxygen, an oxidation process occurs, which leads to the release of toxic substances and their absorption into products.

If you shake a can of canned corn, there should be no splashes. If the manufacturer did not report the filling in corn, the jar will have voids and the corn will oxidize and deteriorate. Such a product has many toxins and becomes dangerous.

A can of corn should not have visible damage, deflections, dents. The inside of a tin container is treated with a special composition so that the product does not come into contact with iron and does not absorb harmful substances. If the can is damaged, the inner protective material may break. It is dangerous to consume such canned food, as it is fraught with poisoning, because copper or tin ions have already penetrated into the corn.

How to cook canned corn at home

Making corn at home is easy. The main plus is that you will be confident in the safety and environmental friendliness of the product, especially if sweet corn is grown in your summer cottage.

For cooking you will need:

  • Corn cobs (10 pcs.)
  • Granulated sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • 1 liter of water
  • Salt (1 spoon)

To easily separate the grains, you need to dip the cobs in boiling water for a few minutes, and then immerse them in ice water. After this procedure, cleaning the ear will be simple and quick. Peeled grains must be re-immersed in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then you need:

  1. Prepare jars with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters, sterilize them, fill them by a third with grains.
  2. Prepare the marinade in a separate container: boil water, add salt and sugar.
  3. Pour boiling water over the prepared jars with grains, cover them with lids and sterilize in a large container with water for 3-4 hours.
  4. Roll up the lids, turn upside down.

Corn has gained popularity in the vastness of our homeland relatively recently. In Russia, the cereal began to be cultivated in the middle of the last century. The product has become popular due to its unique taste and rich composition. Let's talk about everything in order.

Composition and calorie content

  1. It's no secret that during heat treatment and conservation, most products lose some of the beneficial enzymes.
  2. Unfortunately, corn is no exception, but the amount of vitamins remains practically unchanged. Also, the presence of sodium in the composition after canning increases by an order of magnitude.
  3. The product retains a large section of chemical elements even after heat treatment. The presence of ascorbic acid helps the body to strengthen its immune system.
  4. B-group vitamins are involved in the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. As a result, a person's working capacity is getting better.
  5. The presence of tocopherol in corn helps to strengthen the nail plate, improve the condition of the skin and prevent the formation of sclerosis. Hair gains a strong structure.
  6. In addition, canned corn has disaccharides, trace elements and monosaccharides in its arsenal. The product contains 75% carbohydrates, 8% proteins and 1% fats. The calorie content of the canned composition varies within 120-122 Kcal.

The benefits of canned corn

  1. It has been scientifically proven that the product, when consumed, has a beneficial effect on the health of people who suffer from diabetes. Corn stabilizes blood glucose levels.
  2. Before using the product with such an ailment, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist. The doctor will give precise recommendations on the amount of corn intake.
  3. The product has established itself well as an effective diuretic and choleretic agent. As a result, corn is considered an excellent composition for hypertension, helps with swelling.
  4. A high percentage of magnesium in corn stabilizes the cardiovascular system. Also, the cereal product is bad cholesterol and resists the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  5. Canned corn normalizes metabolic processes. Grain has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The result is achieved thanks to thiamine, niacin and B-group vitamins.
  6. The product showed itself well in case of nervous exhaustion and mental fatigue. In addition, corn helps with anemia and pyelonephritis. Also, the cereal is effective for nausea and alcohol poisoning.

Benefits of Canned Corn for Children

  1. Experts strongly recommend introducing corn into the baby's diet no earlier than 3 years old. Consult your pediatrician beforehand.
  2. When introducing corn into a child's menu, monitor the reaction of the body. If there are any deviations, stop giving corn immediately. See a doctor if necessary.
  3. The benefits of the product are manifested in full after its complete assimilation. Corn energizes the child, strengthens the immune system and enriches the body with essential trace elements.

  1. If you do not have any prohibitions on consumption, then the canned drug should be added to your daily diet.
  2. Grain is effective for edema and toxicosis. In addition, corn copes with increased body fatigue, regardless of the period of bearing the baby.
  3. If you are lactating, the product should be introduced into the diet gradually. As a result, corn improves milk quality.

The benefits of canned corn for women and men

  1. It has long been known that corn is of particular benefit to the female body. The canned product is effective for menstruation and pain during this period.
  2. The general value of corn for the female and male body is that it is rich in magnesium. As a result of regular consumption of cereals, the heart and the protective shell are strengthened.

Benefits of Canned Corn for Older People

  1. Tocopherol is considered an essential enzyme. It is called a natural antioxidant that resists the formation of sclerosis and removes toxic substances from the body.
  2. Due to the high phosphorus content in corn, the body can resist the development of rheumatism and osteoporosis. In addition, the canned food prevents bloating and improves natural metabolism.

  1. Canned corn has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to use cereal for stomach ulcers, a tendency to thrombosis, obesity, increased blood clotting, individual intolerance.
  2. It is also worth considering the fact that the use of corn is not recommended for individuals who suffer from dystrophy. The reason is that canned food suppresses appetite, which often leads to a number of complications.
  3. It is forbidden to include cereals in the diet for children under three years of age. Also, do not forget that corn contains a high percentage of carbohydrates. Therefore, excessive consumption of the product can lead to poor health.

Choosing Canned Corn

  1. Pay attention to the quality of the packaging and the date of preservation. It is recommended to give preference to corn, which has undergone conservation in summer or autumn.
  2. When choosing a quality product, it is worth choosing those packages that have been rolled up according to GOST standards. In this case, the quality of the corn is guaranteed.
  3. If you buy a product in a glass container, pay attention to the quality of the beans (no stains). At the same time, the liquid in the jar should be cloudy.

Feel free to include canned corn in your usual diet, if you have no contraindications to consumption. Otherwise, you will cause significant damage to the body. Choose a quality product, pay attention to the integrity of the container and the expiration date.

Video: how to preserve corn

Sweetish canned corn is ready to eat and serves as a semi-finished product for a variety of dishes. It is tasty and healthy, maintains the body in normal condition and helps to get rid of many diseases.

How composition and nutritional value explain the benefits of canned corn

Surprisingly, until now, no obvious wild-growing predecessors of corn have been discovered, and if a person stops caring for this plant, corn will never survive, not bear fruit without its support.

Corn is the leader among cereals along with wheat and rice, all of its parts are used - if not for food, then for livestock feed, for fertilizers, for the needs of the paper and pharmaceutical industries.

Corn played a decisive role in the development of America, with high yields and unpretentiousness supporting the settlers.

It is used to make flour and bake bread, pies and cookies. Alcoholic drinks are prepared. Porridge is made from cereals. The grains are used to prepare first, second courses, snacks and desserts (for example, popcorn).

And a huge amount of it is allowed for canned food. In this form, it seems to many to be tastier than boiled, and in terms of nutritional value, although it is inferior to steamed, it is not critical.

Moderate energy value, coupled with excellent digestible proteins, an abundance of amino acids and so-called "slow" carbohydrates that provide the body with energy, and not an increase in centimeters in problem areas - all this makes canned corn an excellent product for a healthy diet.

And it completely compensates for such a lack of it as a low protein content.

Speaking of corn, it is worth dwelling on two of its complex carbohydrates:

· Fiber stimulates the intestines, cleanses it of decay products and serves as food for probiotics, whose functions include maintaining microflora and producing substances that prevent food allergic reactions. Since maize dietary fiber belongs to the partially fermentable group, it helps to lower blood cholesterol levels;

· Starch is one of the best types of "fuel" for the body, converted into glucose. Part of it immediately enters the bloodstream, part - in the form of glycogen is stored in reserve, mainly in the liver, from where it is released when the blood sugar level drops below normal. Corn starch is also involved in the formation of organic acids.

Corn contains B vitamins (B2, B5, B9 and B6 are the most important), which are necessary for a healthy nervous system - from resistance to stress, to good sleep and memorizing, assimilating and analyzing new information.

Vitamin E is known as an antioxidant that can prolong youth and improve the skin of the face, and serve as protection against the negative manifestations of modern ecology. But it is also in demand for the respiration of cells and the process of their reproduction (on which the regenerative abilities of the body depend), for the processing of proteins and is required for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

In addition, corn contains vitamins C, K and PP.

Of a number of trace minerals, which include potassium, manganese, phosphorus and selenium, corn has the highest magnesium content, widely known for its beneficial properties for the cardiovascular system. But it is also useful for the following:

· Blood supply to the kidneys and excretion of uric acid;

· Building bones and tooth enamel;

· Prevention of osteoporosis;

Better assimilation of vitamin D.

When are the benefits of canned corn shown?

To improve metabolism, it is enough to eat only a few tablespoons of canned corn a week and do so regularly.

Corn helps not to feel heaviness in the stomach and nausea after a fatty meal, and also does not suffer from a hangover after a glass of wine at dinner.

By itself, it does not effectively increase hemoglobin, but, being a side dish to the same red meat, liver, it promotes the absorption of iron, so it can be recommended both for anemia itself and for the prevention of anemia.

In addition, regular consumption of canned corn contributes to:

· Prevention of sclerosis;

· Strengthening of immunity;

• a surge of vitality and a feeling of tone throughout the body;

· Cleansing the liver;

· Improvement of twilight vision and reduction of eye fatigue under specific loads on them (for example, being behind a bright monitor in the dark, reading while lying down).

It is worth noting the benefits of canned corn for the respiratory system. Not only does it strengthen them, corn also helps them adapt to adverse conditions.

These include, for example, a hike in the mountains, where, with a difference in altitude, there is less and less oxygen. Or being in a city, the air of which is saturated with substances that interfere with their work. Or intense physical activity, at least jogging, in which breathing is easily confused, which is unacceptable to benefit from this activity.

In the field of women's health, corn is able to strengthen the body for stress during pregnancy and relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications during menopause.

How to choose in store to eat canned corn healthily

Canned grains, parts of the ears of common plants and whole ears of a dwarf corn variety. Usually, yellow corn gets into the container, less often - its exotic varieties with black or red grains. Their useful properties are equivalent.

According to GOST and the unwritten rules of good producers, for the procurement of canned corn, in addition to itself, a rather very modest composition - water, salt and sugar. That's all there should be on the label.

The best quality is the product produced in summer or autumn. If the winter month is indicated on the package, it means that these were dried corn grains, which were soaked in water, boiled and then canned.

Unused corn should be transferred to glass, ceramic or plastic containers and stored in the refrigerator, no more than 48 hours.

The harm of canned corn

The delayed harm of canned corn with its excess consumption is manifested in the fact that it is possible to slow down the gastrointestinal tract.

If there are too many grains of low quality, for example, made from dry raw materials, this can provoke harm from canned corn through fluid retention in the body, and as a result, the occurrence or increase of puffiness.

Unlike boiled ears, canned corn is not capable of causing bloating, but with a tendency to flatulence, it is not recommended to use it in a mixture with foods that provoke this disorder, for example, with legumes.

• ulcer, colitis and other inflammatory painful processes in the stomach or intestines;

Thrombophlebitis or thrombosis (corn can increase blood clotting);

Severe wasting and underweight, especially as a result of psychosomatic disorders (eg, anorexia). The fact is that in some people, corn in the process of an individual reaction can cause a decrease in appetite.


What is canned corn, the benefits and harms to the human body of this product, what medicinal properties it has, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment, including with using vegetables.

So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Many of us love it, but they know less about its beneficial properties and contraindications.


Scientists have found quite a lot of biologically active substances in bright yellow grains with a sweet, rich taste. First, these are B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic, folic acid). Secondly, vitamins K and C. Thirdly, tocopherol and beta-carotene. Of the mineral compounds of this type of corn, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and, of course, sodium should be especially distinguished. In smaller quantities, the vegetable delicacy contains iodine, zinc, silicon, boron, potassium.

Like regular corn, canned corn contains starch. It is also rich in mono- and disaccharides, protein. In insignificant amounts, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fats.

Canned corn is used in diets for professional athletes. Here it is valuable as a source of amino acids and plant proteins needed to maintain physical fitness.

The most valuable product is corn kernels for the nutrition of people with diabetes mellitus, because they have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. In turn, the saturated acids contained in these grains reduce cholesterol levels, the excess of which negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.

Experts have noticed the beneficial effect of this product on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's say a small amount of a product can relieve symptoms of bloating. Plant fibers improve liver function and metabolic process. Corn is also useful for allergy sufferers, with anemia and anorexia.

Corn can help you lose weight. The calorie content of canned corn is low. The fact is that if any food product is added to the ready-made diet, then it will add calories, and if you use it as a substitute for other foods, then on the contrary, it will help you lose weight. Just do not try to eat corn alone - the diet should be balanced.

Corn does not lose all of its vitamins and minerals during the canning process. True, the content of individual nutrients is reduced by 5-6 times. But on the other hand, when canning, the sodium content in corn increases significantly.

You can just drink the filling from a can of corn. True, it will not bring any benefit (although it will not do harm either).

By the way, corn from a can, does not provoke bloating. Moreover, if a person is puffy, on the contrary, it will be useful for him to use it to remove unpleasant symptoms.

If the tin can is already open, the corn should be placed from the tin into the glass container. Moreover, it is desirable - in a closing lid - so that there are no oxidation processes. Do not store corn in the refrigerator in an open container - it will "absorb" all the unpleasant odors.

Calorie content:

Many of us (especially those who are overweight) are concerned about how the energy value of fresh corn cobs differs from canned corn.

The calorie content of the former is approximately 123 kcal, while the latter is approximately 119 kcal. This difference is due to the fact that during processing the corn is saturated with water, due to which the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it is somewhat "diluted". For example, fresh corn has about 4.1 grams of protein and 2.3 grams of fat. Canned corn, which has a lower calorie content, has 3.9 and 1.3 grams, respectively. True, it contains a little more carbohydrates, but very insignificantly.

Cooking at home:

What do you need:

  • corn - 8-10 ears
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Cooking method:

Peel and wash the corn. Dip each ear in boiling water for 2 minutes and then immediately cover with cold water. Separate the grains and wash them in cold boiled water. Dip them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Sterilize half-liter jars and lids for 15 minutes. Then fill them 2/3 full with blanched corn kernels. Pour salt and sugar into the water. Put a saucepan of water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour the marinade over the corn and cover. Sterilize the corn jars in boiling water for about 3.5 hours. After that, the cans are immediately rolled up. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Also, if desired, corn can be preserved with whole cobs without separating the kernels.


Corn can harm those who are prone to thrombosis; it is also contraindicated in case of excessive blood clotting. Corn reduces appetite, therefore it is not recommended for low body weight. Abuse of this product may exacerbate gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Canned vegetables retain their original taste and quality. It is true that when sterilized vegetables are deprived of some valuable substances, however, those that are stored remain stable. It also improves the texture of the fruit and increases their digestibility.

It is useful to have canned or frozen vegetables at home, because if you are attacked by hunger in the evening and the refrigerator is empty, you will definitely not harm yourself with such a dinner.

Canned corn has a different ratio of corn kernels to brine, which contains salt and in most cases also sugar.

Useful properties of canned corn

Corn supports the oxidation and growth of cells, strengthens the heart, maintains the correct level of hormones, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on reproductive activity in women, increases potency, and supports metabolism. It contains the so-called beauty vitamins that have a positive effect on the skin, nails and hair. Yellow grains also improve brain performance, strengthen the nervous system and muscles, and improve the condition of fibrous tissues.

Canned corn

For children, both preschool and school and adolescent, corn is a source of energy, as well as a supply of substances necessary for healthy physical and mental development. For adults and the elderly, corn helps to maintain physical fitness and general vitality.

Canned corn even has a number of advantages over freshly cooked corn. For example, there is absolutely no bloating from it. Moreover, it is useful to eat it when these symptoms bother you or constipation occurs. It acts as a mild laxative, improving intestinal motility, while also cleansing the liver.

Useful substances of canned corn

  • Vitamin B;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Selenium;
  • Cellulose;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron.

Useful corn from a jar and for weight loss. Unlike fresh, it contains few calories, helps to calm the pent-up appetite and cravings for sweets and starchy foods. When dieting, corn can be added to vegetable salads, rice, or steamed vegetables.

Who is canned corn harmful for?

  1. Harmful with high blood clotting, as well as thrombosis.
  2. Not recommended for exacerbation of stomach ulcers.
  3. Do not abuse for dystrophy or lack of muscle mass.

How much corn can you eat from a can

In the absence of contraindications and restrictions, you can eat up to 400 grams of canned corn per day.

How to choose and store canned corn

When choosing a jar, be sure to check not only the expiration date, but also the date of manufacture. If the corn was produced at the end of the summer, it means that it got into the jar fresh, straight from the field. But the one that was made in the winter has already lain somewhere in a warehouse or was frozen. This affects the taste and preservation of useful properties.

Corn in a tin can not be left in it for more than a day after opening. It is better to transfer it to a glass container and store it for up to 3 days.

Healthy Canned Corn Recipes

Corn goes well with many vegetables, chicken, rice and vinegar. This gives a lot of room for culinary fantasies.

Canned Corn Vinegar

In a frying pan, fry 1 grated carrot and a half of diced bell pepper until tender. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of corn, half a glass of vinegar. Season with salt, add spices to taste, mix quickly and immediately pour in a glass of boiling water. Reduce heat to low and turn off after 2 minutes. Leave covered for 5-7 minutes.

Canned Corn Vegetable Stew

Prepare fresh vegetables: squash, cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers, cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Finely chop the onion, crush a couple of garlic cloves.

Canned Corn Vegetable Stew

Save the onions first, then add the carrots and tomatoes to the skillet. Then add the rest, salt and pepper. Add a few spoons of corn at the very end. This stew can also be cooked with chicken cut like pilaf.