Cottage cheese soufflé with fruit recipe. How to make curd soufflé without baking

31.10.2019 Seafood dishes

The soufflé cake turns out to be very tasty and is ideal for breakfast.

And for mothers whose children flatly refuse to eat cottage cheese, it will be a godsend.

Recipe for a delicious curd soufflé cake with fruits

Making a soufflé cake is very simple and does not take a lot of time.

According to the habit acquired in Soviet times - to pass delicious recipes from mouth to mouth, this recipe was shared with me by a work employee, and a friend shared with her. Now I am sharing the recipe with you.

You can interpret with the recipe how your imagination works.

To make a souffle cake you will need:

One glass of milk

30 grams of gelatin

One glass of granulated sugar

700 grams of cottage cheese

250 grams of sour cream

Any fruit.

We start to cook.

(unfortunately, my photos are not of very high quality, so I apologize that I only brought in the resulting ones for the stage-by-stage preparation)

Stage 1:

Take 30 grams of gelatin and place it in a small bowl. Pour gelatin with a glass of milk at room temperature. Stir and set aside for 1 hour.

Stage 2:

In the meantime, while the gelatin is dissolving, we prepare the curd mass.

We put in a separate container 700 grams of cottage cheese, 250 grams of sour cream and 1 glass of sugar. Mix all ingredients very thoroughly with a mixer or blender.

We put it in the refrigerator.

Stage 3:

Cut the fruit into small pieces. We cut any one fruit into slices. In my case, nectarine turned into slices,

And the pineapple was cut into pieces

Stage 4:

An hour has passed since the dissolution of gelatin in milk.

We put a ladle with gelatin and milk on a small fire, and stirring continuously, heat it to 50 ° C.

In this case, you do not need a thermometer. The index finger will serve as an indicator. Dip your fingertip into the mixture, it should be hot, but not scalding.




Stage 5:

We take out the curd-sour cream-sugar mixture from the refrigerator and mix with the gelatin-milk mixture. Mix very thoroughly.

Stage 6:

Place the cut pieces of fruit in a mold. You can choose any shape. If you have a lot of children, you can use silicone muffin cups. It turns out the same soufflé cakes. Or buy ready-made biscuits for cakes and pour into them.

Stage 7:

Pour the resulting mass into a mold and mix with pieces of fruit.

Decorate the top with slices of another fruit.

Stage 8:

We put the form with the future cake in the refrigerator for at least three hours before hardening.

The cake is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Interpretations with cake:

Optionally, you can dilute 10 grams of gelatin with half a liter of any clear juice. Proceed with it in the same way as described in stages 1 and 4.

Pour the soufflé cake very neatly decorated with fruits and berries on top.

You can put a thin layer of baked cake on the bottom of the mold, and then pour the resulting ingredients.

You can (see the section "bake") and pour the thickened soufflé cake with liquid chocolate. You will get a cake ""

And that's not all!

Interpret how your fantasy will play out.

That's it - there is one recipe, but there are a lot of sweets!)) Back to

Any cottage cheese dessert is a very tender and delicate product. What can we say about the curd soufflé, which literally just melts in your mouth.

This velvety treat can be prepared in oven, multicooker, double boiler, but many people like the curd dessert that has not been heat-treated. Maintain and fix its shape, as well as give the dish a pleasant taste gelatin will help.

The process of creating a soufflé is simple, but it takes patience. Initially, it is necessary to whisk the curd base for a long time so that it becomes airy, porous, light. Then you will need to beat the whites just as hard. In this painstaking business, a mixer, a blender will help.

Delicate curd mass is delicious goes well with fruit and berry fillings... Mashed potatoes can be purchased at the store, but it is tastier, of course, to prepare yourself from fresh berries.

Desserts, where the curd is saturated with rich aromas of chocolate and cocoa, are in no way inferior to the curd-fruit soufflé.

Traditional way of making soufflé with gelatin

Let's prepare:

  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 150 g sour cream
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 g sugar
  • some vanillin

How to cook:

Advice... When choosing cottage cheese, give preference to a soft, pasty product that does not contain curd grains. If your budget allows, buy it on the market.

Curd, like cream, should be bold or bold... Milk can be of any fat content. Gelatin is diluted in both cold and hot milk. See the instructions on the product packaging for the exact information.

Gelatin diluted in a cold liquid should be heated before combining with other products, but the prepared substance should not boil, otherwise the soufflé will not solidify. Whisk the curd base at least 5-7 minutes... Whipped cream and whites the same amount. Both of these components must be refrigerated.

Video recipe for a tender soufflé at home

Delicious and tender curd soufflé with fruit

Let's prepare:

  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • a glass of strawberries, strawberries, raspberries
  • 2 yolks
  • 4 squirrels
  • 150 g icing sugar
  • stick of butter
  • 100 ml milk

How to cook:

How to make banana gelatin dessert?

Let's prepare:

  • a pound of cottage cheese
  • 4 large ripe bananas
  • half a glass of dried apricots
  • kiwi fruit
  • 4 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 100 ml milk

How to cook:

Before offering a treat, garnish each portion with a green kiwi ring and crunch it a little with sliced \u200b\u200bquince slices.

Blancmange curd soufflé recipe without baking

Cooking a simple soufflé with the addition of cocoa

Let's prepare:

  • 200 g milk
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa spoons
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g cream
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chocolate chips

How to cook:

How to properly serve a dish to the table?

The jellied curd soufflé is served as independent dessert treatdecorating it with berries, fruits, chocolate, caramel. This delicacy is wonderfully suitable for become a layerin homemade biscuits, cakes, muffins.

Serve your dessert table with beautiful dessert plates (they are slightly larger than a tea saucer), spoons or special forks (they look like slotted spoons).

From drinks, offer tea with milk and honey, cocoa to the soufflé. Its sweetness will be well emphasized by sour fruit drinks and compotes. It goes well with this dish any dessert alcohol.

Good in a company with soufflé egg, mint, coffee liqueurs. Try the Irish creamy miracle Baileys, the bitter Italian Amaretto with an almond aftertaste. You can also serve a thick, sweet wine like Cahors or Malaga.

It seems that there is no need to explain how curd soufflé differs from jelly with curd? Or is it still necessary? Unlike a rather dense and elastic jelly, soufflé always turns out to be more delicate, airy and porous. Today we will prepare a healthy delicacy at home - you will certainly appreciate the taste, aroma and velvety of the curd soufflé.

In general, soufflé can be prepared not only baked - in the oven, slow cooker or in a double boiler. Most often, curd soufflé is made without baking, that is, the air mass is gelled using agar-agar or gelatin. At the request of Olesya, who ordered this dessert dish, I am sharing with you a recipe for a gelatin-based curd soufflé that does not need to be baked.

The main task in preparing a curd soufflé (at least for me personally) is to create a porous and airy texture of the finished dessert. To do this, you can use a number of techniques that are not at all difficult. First of all, create the required volume with the help of whipped egg whites or whipped cream, which are added last to the already prepared curd base. Or beat the curd mass with gelatin that has already cooled down well with a mixer for quite a long time.

I prepare a soufflé with cottage cheese in the last way, since it is not always possible to get heavy cream, and my powerful kitchen assistant is always at hand. If your mixer is weak, it may not stand up to long beating, so use the above method with whites or cream.

Ready-made curd soufflé can be served as an independent dessert, garnished with fresh fruit slices, berries, mint or lemon balm. In addition, it is great for making homemade cakes, where it acts as a delicate and velvety layer. From the specified number of products, two very decent servings of dessert or a layer for a cake with a diameter of 16-18 centimeters are obtained.


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

The recipe for a gentle curd soufflé includes the following ingredients: cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, sugar, gelatin and vanillin (optional). I advise you to choose cottage cheese not dry, not grains, preferably bold or fat, you can pasty. Sour cream, like milk, take absolutely any fat content. Adjust the amount of sugar to your liking (I got a moderately sweet soufflé), and vanillin literally needs a pinch for flavor. It can be replaced with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar or a few drops of vanilla extract.

Option 1. You can beat all the ingredients with a mixer at high speed, but then there will be grains of cottage cheese in the resulting mass. Of course, you can first wipe it through a sieve 1-2 times, then the curd will be much softer.

Option 2. Punch everything with a hand blender. I like this method most of all, since the result is an absolutely homogeneous curd mixture without a single grain of curd. And besides, granulated sugar crystals instantly dissolve.

Now let's get down to gelatin. There may also be options for its preparation. In any case, you should always read the instructions on the packaging. Some types of gelatin need to be soaked in liquid for 30-40 minutes, while others (my version) will dissolve immediately in hot liquid. We need to dissolve 15 grams (one and a half tablespoons) of gelatin in 200 milliliters of milk. Instant gelatin is poured into hot (85-90 degrees) milk and dissolves almost completely with vigorous stirring. Simple gelatin is soaked in cold milk for 30-40 minutes, after which it is heated over medium heat with constant stirring until it dissolves, and in no case is it brought to a boil. This can lead to the fact that the future soufflé does not freeze.

Then in a thin stream we introduce gelatin dissolved in milk into the curd mass, which has already cooled down to a warm state. Just be sure to strain it through a sieve so that grains of gelatin do not get caught in the finished curd souffle, which did not have time to dissolve. We mix everything well with a mixer or a whisk and put it in the refrigerator for 5-7 minutes, so that the mixture begins to set, that is, to gel, but only slightly. It is due to the cooling when whipping gelatin that the air bubbles we need will appear.

Then beat everything together at high speed for at least another 10 minutes to form an airy mass. If you neglect this step, there will be no necessary airiness in the soufflé, but you will just get a delicious curd jelly. After whipping the mass at this stage, if you wish, you can add whipped cream to the curd base, which will make the finished dessert even more airy, porous and tender. To do this, pre-whisk 150-200 milliliters of fat (at least 30%) cream until soft peaks, and then gently stir in them with a spatula or whisk. Just do not drive in with a mixer, otherwise there is an option to interrupt the mixture and then the whey from the cream will begin to move away from it. For lack of heavy cream, use 2-3 fresh egg whites, beat until firm peaks, and then stir in with the curd base.

We offer you a delicate and delicious dessert - curd soufflé with gelatin. Such a delicacy can be prepared in different ways: baked in the oven, slow cooker or steamed. But there is also a fairly easy recipe that will delight you with the simplicity of preparation, and your family with the most delicate chocolate taste. The prepared delicacy can be served to a sweet table, garnished with slices of fresh fruit, berries or mint leaves. If you're on a diet, you can use low-fat dairy products for cooking.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Instant gelatin - 25 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml.;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • Honey - 3-4 tablespoons

How to make curd soufflé with gelatin and cocoa

First you need to prepare the gelatin. First of all, look at the packaging so that the product is not expired. Desserts with gelatin do not need to be frozen, just put them in a cool place. Do not boil it under any circumstances, otherwise the product will lose its gelling properties. So, pour the instant gelatin into a deep container and fill it with cold boiled water. Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes to swell.

Pour milk of any fat content into the swollen gelatin and add cocoa powder. Put it on a small fire. Stir with a whisk or wooden spatula, heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved and remove from the stove ..

Place cottage cheese (any fat content) in a convenient deep container and add honey to it. Adjust the sweetness, focusing on your taste.

Add the gelatin mixture to the curd.

Take a hand blender and whisk until smooth. If you do not have this device, then first wipe the cottage cheese through a fine sieve several times to remove graininess. Taste and adjust the sweetness if necessary by adding honey.

Pick up portioned molds, you can use porcelain or silicone, and pour the curd mass into them. Send to refrigerator until completely solidified. The time depends on the size of the molds and the power of your technique, on average 2 to 4 hours.

Cottage cheese soufflé with gelatin is ready.

Let this recipe please your family and become one of your favorite homemade desserts. It can be served directly in tins, garnished with berries, grated chocolate or powdered sugar. Enjoy your tea!

Note to the hostess:

  • The higher the fat content of the dairy products used to make soufflés, the tastier and more satisfying the dessert will be. If you are on a diet, then take skim milk and cottage cheese.
  • You can add raisins, dried apricots, chocolate chips or vanilla to the curd soufflé - at your discretion.
  • If you want to get the dessert out of the molds, dip them in hot water for 5-10 seconds and quickly flip them onto a dish.
  • Such a delicacy can be prepared both in portions and in one large form - in the form of a pie, only additional time will be needed to solidify.

- 1 pack of cottage cheese (250g)
- 1 egg +1 protein
- 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
- 1 pear and 1 banana (you can add any fruit to your taste)

Beat eggs with cottage cheese, add sugar and diced fruits and for 3 minutes. in the microwave (I have 750 watts). For those who have a more powerful stove, shorten the cooking time.
Choose a form with high sides, the soufflé rises during the cooking process, when the top cap has become dense - it's done!
This is delicious!

Cottage cheese-fruit soufflé (100 gr 135.45 kcal)

This is a very light and tasty dish (there is no semolina and starch in it), it is prepared instantly, which is important for breakfast.

So, we need:
1 pack of cottage cheese (250g)
1 egg +1 protein
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 pear and 1 banana (you can add any fruit to your taste)

Beat eggs with cottage cheese, add sugar and diced fruits and for 3 minutes. in the microwave (I have 750 watts). For those who have a more powerful stove, shorten the cooking time. Choose a form with high sides, the soufflé rises during the cooking process, when the top cap has become dense - it's done!
This is delicious!

Curd soufflé with fruit

4 tablespoons decoys

1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp baking powder
any fruit for decoration + jelly optional

Enjoy your meal!

Cottage cheese-apple soufflé in the microwave


Cottage cheese (not granular) - 180-200 g
Apple (large, sweet) - 1 pc (the apple can be replaced with any other fruit of your choice)
Egg - 1 piece
Raisins can be added if desired


1. Grate the apple. Add cottage cheese and egg.
2. Mix everything with a fork.
3. Arrange in microwave-safe tins. The soufflé does not rise during baking, you can fill the molds to the very top.
4. Put in the microwave for 5 minutes. Check the readiness by touching the top of the dessert - if a trace of cottage cheese remains on your finger, bake for another couple of minutes.
5. When serving, sprinkle with cinnamon.

You can also bake soufflé in the oven. The apple can be replaced with any other fruit of your choice.

Curd soufflé with fruit


500 g of cottage cheese (no more than 5% fat)
3 eggs (separate yolks and whites)
4 tablespoons decoys
2-3 tbsp sugar or stevioside sweetener
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp baking powder
any fruit to decorate the jelly if desired


Mix all the ingredients, except for the egg whites.
Beat the whites in a separate bowl until peaks. Remember that the whites whisk up perfectly if they are cold.
Stir gently with a spoon into the curd mass.

Pour the prepared mass into a greased refractory dish and bake for 45 minutes in an oven heated to 180C until the top turns golden.

After cooling down, decorate with fruits to your taste and pour jelly, as already mentioned, as you wish.
Place in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens.

Curd soufflé

Delicious, tender and healthy soufflé that will please both adults and children.

Ingredients for about 3-4 servings:
- 1 large sweet apple
- 1 medium carrot
- 200 g of cottage cheese of any fat content (not wet)
- 3 small or 2 large eggs
- 1 tablespoon
- vanillin
- butter for greasing the mold, bread crumbs or oatmeal

Peel the carrots and apple, cut into slices and steam, or bake in a micro or oven. You can put it out. But drain the broth completely.

Puree the finished carrots and apple with a hand blender with sugar until puree. Cool slightly.

Beat eggs with a fork, mix with cottage cheese and puree with a blender, preferably so that there are no grains.

Combine the curd-egg mixture with apple-carrot puree, add vanillin, mix. "Dough" comes out like liquid sour cream - do not be alarmed, it should be so.

Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breading *.
Pour the dough into a mold and bake at 170 degrees for about 40-45 minutes. Willingness to check with a stick - it must be dry, and the top of the soufflé may also slightly crack and swell.

Take out the finished soufflé, cool at room temperature and put in the cold for several hours - this so that you can turn the soufflé on a dish. If you plan to eat the soufflé warm, then be prepared for the soufflé not to harden and fall apart, although this will not affect the taste.
Enjoy your meal!

Curd soufflé with bitter chocolate flavor

Diet super yummy!

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

Fat-free curd mass (cottage cheese) - 500 g
Skim milk - 100 ml
Fructose (or honey) - 50-70 g (2 tablespoons or more)
Cocoa powder - 25-30 g (2 tbsp. L.)
Gelatin - 15-20 g

You can add more honey or fructose to make a non-bitter chocolate. The recipe for curd soufflé will appeal not only to those who are losing weight, but also to everyone else! :)


1. Pour gelatin with a glass of cold water and wait 30 minutes (it should swell).

2. Add milk, cocoa, fructose or honey. We put on low heat and heat until the cocoa is completely dissolved. Do not boil!

3. Add cottage cheese, stir. Send everything to a blender and turn into a homogeneous mass.

4. Pour the future soufflé into molds and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. In the morning, the curd soufflé is ready. Enjoy a delicious diet dessert (or breakfast)

Chocolate soufflé in a cup

Ingredients (for 7-8 servings):

egg 8 pcs
sugar 180g
black chocolate 250g
cognac 20g
flour 75g


1. Beat the eggs well, gradually adding sugar, the mass should turn white and the sugar should completely dissolve.
2. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath and add to the beaten eggs. Pour in brandy and add sifted flour.
3. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk and pour into cups (7-8 pcs). Bake for 8 minutes. at a temperature of 180 C.

The note:
Liquid chocolate sauce should remain in the middle. Here you need to adjust to your oven, for someone it may take less or more time. Cream is served with this dessert, goes well with ice cream