Baking powder food. Basic chemical leavening agents

26.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Baking powder Is a food additive that can be used to make baked goods more fluffy and soft. It is very often used both in home cooking and in manufacturing.

The baking powder contains various chemical elements: soda, potassium carbonate, pyrophosphates, orthophosphates, and much more.

Despite the fact that with the help of a baking powder you can cook delicious delicate pastries, you should not abuse this additive, since in large quantities it can not only ruin the dough, but also harm the body.

  • Since the baking powder helps to flush calcium out of the body, it can lead to brittle bones.
  • Also, this product breaks down collagen, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin is lost.
  • With insufficiently strong immunity, eating food with the addition of baking powder is also not recommended, as this can disrupt the metabolism.
  • Constipation and diarrhea are also a consequence of the overuse of baking powder, as in large quantities it adversely affects the digestive system.

Among other things, some people may experience individual intolerance to the supplement, so the amount of its use should be drastically reduced, and at best, eliminated altogether.

How to replace baking powder?

Replacing baking powder is very easy if you don't have this product on hand. To do this, just take regular baking soda and extinguish it with acid, that is, lemon juice or vinegar. If you use vinegar, then its amount should be calculated based on the proportion: one or two small tablespoons of soda requires up to half a teaspoon of acid.

It is best to mix the ingredients in a sealed container. You can also add soda to flour, and add citric acid or vinegar directly to the finished dough.

This baking powder replacement has a significant drawback: if the proportions are incorrectly calculated and too much baking soda is added, the color of the baking can turn gray and an unpleasant odor will appear. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use a baking powder purchased in a store, or to correctly calculate the proportions.

How to do it yourself at home?

At home, you can make a baking powder with your own hands very quickly. To do this, you will need products that every hostess probably has in the kitchen. The cooking process and proportions are as follows:

  • Take six small spoons of quality flour, sift it well into a clean bowl, and then add two tablespoons of baking soda to it.
  • Stir the free-flowing mixture and then add one spoonful of citric acid to it.
  • It is better to store ready-made homemade baking powder in a spacious closed jar, which must be washed and dried beforehand.

The shelf life of such a product can be from a month to six months, since after the specified period, the baking powder loses its chemical properties and becomes useless.

You can not use flour in the process of cooking additives, replacing it with the same amount of powdered sugar or potato starch.

Be careful not to get moisture into the mixture when preparing your homemade baking powder. It is recommended that you ventilate the area well before starting to cook, and also set aside the work area away from sources of moisture. If even a drop of water gets into the mixture before it is used for its intended purpose, the chemical reaction will occur at the wrong time, which means that the finished additive is completely unusable in the future.

If you are going to add only soda to the dough, ingredients such as honey, milk, citric acid, kefir or fruit juice must be present with it. They will create a favorable acidic environment for the soda to start emitting carbon dioxide, because it is thanks to this process that the dough turns out to be so fluffy and airy.

Using baking powder in cooking

Baking powder is used in cooking to add lightness to baked goods. Thanks to it, your pies or buns will turn out to be incredibly soft and fluffy, which will not only improve their appearance, but also make them tastier.

If you are using a homemade baking powder, keep in mind that a teaspoon holds five grams of the additive. Since baking soda is not much different from a store baking powder, their amount is the same when added to food.

An interesting fact is that the loosening mixture can be added both to unleavened dough, and to yeast dough, as well as to shortbread. Delicious baked goods can be prepared with this product. Most often, baking powder is included in dishes such as pizza, pancakes, brass pies, pancakes, pies, buns, charlottes, Easter cakes, as well as sausages or cutlets in dough.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are cases when you need to add not only baking powder to the dough, but also soda. This happens if the ingredients contain products that contribute to the appearance of an excessive acidic reaction. These products include whey, yogurt, yogurt, sour milk, berry or citrus juices, and vinegar essence or citric acid.

If you knead the dough without baking powder, especially if it is in milk, then the structure of the finished dish will be too heavy and dense. To make your baked goods tasty and airy, it is definitely recommended to use baking soda or a store baking powder. However, do not forget to respect the proportions, otherwise the abuse of these additives can also negatively affect the appearance of the baked goods, its taste, as well as your own health.

For housewives who love a variety of baked goods, baking powder is a very important ingredient. It is not difficult to cook it at home. A hand-made baking powder is no different from a store one. Some people think that there is no need to waste time on something that can be purchased at a low price. Others are sure that it is not worth spending money on something that can be cooked in a couple of minutes.

Homemade baking powder does not have any harmful additives, and it will take several times less money.

What is the function of the baking powder

Baking powder is used in baked goods to add fluffiness to the dough. Thanks to this substance, the dough product is evenly baked, becomes voluminous and light. Soda plays the main role in it. It is used in baked goods to increase the volume of the product. It does not have loosening properties. In order for this to appear loosening properties, you need to extinguish the soda with citric acid or vinegar. A reaction will occur and carbon dioxide is released. It is these bubbles that make baked goods airy. Quick soda does not add volume.


In the factory version, all components are applied very precisely. The correct ratio of ingredients will neutralize the flavor of the baking soda and will not be felt in baked goods. It is clear that at home it will not be possible to accurately measure out tenths of a gram. Nothing wrong with that.

Since it will not come out at home to accurately measure the weight of all components, you can prepare a baking powder not just once, but stock it up for a long time. Moreover, it perfectly retains its properties, store it in the right conditions, in dry and sealed containers.


  • Baking soda
  • Lemon acid
  • Wheat flour or potato starch

Before cooking, you need to prepare a clean and dry jar. It must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry so that not a drop of moisture remains. Water ahead of time will provoke the extinguishing of soda.

Pour 12 tablespoons of flour into the jar. You can use starch instead, it has a longer shelf life. Flour or starch is added to increase the volume of the product.

5 tablespoons of soda and 3 citric acid are added to the flour. It is better to grind the acid before this in order to get a good quality baking powder. Some people think that instead of citric acid, it is better to add chopped cranberries or currants. They are also sour and more natural, but this is not for everybody.

Then all the components are mixed with a dry (always dry) wooden spoon. The jar is closed for a longer time, shaken thoroughly so that everything is well mixed. When everything is well mixed, the cooking process can be considered complete.

It is best to select a larger jar for cooking. In such dishes, the components mix better.

After cooking, it can be poured into a smaller jar. In order to prevent moisture from getting there, you can add a piece of refined sugar, it absorbs moisture well. You can stick a label on the jar so as not to accidentally confuse it with another substance.

There are recipes in which the flour is not added all at once, but the process is divided into several steps. Then the baking powder must be added along with the last serving.

When baking at home, you can replace the baking soda with baking powder. But it will be required several times more. It happens that the recipe contains both soda and baking powder. This is not a typo, it happens. These two components are used if the dough contains acidic products.

The store baking powder contains ammonium carbonate. For home cooking, this component can be omitted. If the recipe says that it is necessary to add ammonium, then this is not so important, it can be replaced with ordinary soda or baking powder. Although this substance has high loosening properties, it has its drawbacks.

If there is no time to cook or buy baking powder, then there are several ways out of the situation:

  1. A spoonful of soda is taken, a little vinegar and water are poured into it. When the soda starts to sizzle, it is quickly stirred into the dough. The product must be baked immediately, otherwise the reaction will not occur and the dough will not be able to rise.
  2. When preparing the dough, vinegar can be added along with the liquid ingredients of the product, and soda with flour. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the components are evenly distributed.

When baking products with milk and water, it is better to add baking powder. It is better to add baking soda to kefir baked goods.

If you need to prepare a baking powder with a margin, then it is better not to mix all the ingredients. You can sprinkle them in layers. Then the reaction will not come sooner than necessary. It is better to store the prepared product in a sealed container and in a dry and dark place.

If you replace the baking powder with soda quenched with vinegar or citric acid, then the desired effect will definitely occur. This option is suitable for biscuit dough. This option is not suitable for shortcrust pastry.

When replacing the baking powder, you need to pay attention to the portions indicated in the recipe. Instead of two tablespoons of baking powder, you can use half a spoonful of baking soda.

For dishes that include chocolate, honey, cocoa, citrus fruits, the baking powder can be replaced with soda without hesitation. For this, the soda does not need to be extinguished.

The health benefits of baking powder

This substance has no health benefits. Another plus, in addition to improving the quality of baked goods, is the pleasure that people experience when eating fluffy baked goods. Such a product is much tastier and gives a lot of positive emotions. Baking powder can be harmful to your health.


If you prepare a baking powder at home, then there will be no harm, but the factory version has some negative qualities. Unhealthy flavors, dyes and other not entirely useful components are added to it. Some manufacturers add modified starch, which makes the product harmful.

When buying a finished product, you must carefully read the composition and choose the one that is least harmful. And in order to surely protect yourself and your loved ones, it's better not to be lazy and cook everything yourself. In such a baking powder, there will definitely not be any harmful components if you do not add them there yourself.

When baking pastries, several methods are used to loosen the dough:

  1. loosening based on yeast activity;
  2. using baking powder (baking powder);
  3. as a result of beating or flaking with fat.

Not all housewives know that you can loosen the dough with these ingredients, and these are quite effective methods.

Many people use baking powder for baking. It is very convenient to use and helps you to prepare a light, lush culinary masterpiece without much difficulty. Using the advice, any housewife can easily surprise and delight her household. By observing some tips for preparing baking powder, you can prepare a product no worse than the one to which the factory version of the baking powder is added.

To be sure that the biscuit is fluffy, so that the shortbread dough does not turn into a hard "bottom", so that the honey cakes are fluffy and soft, and in many other cases, housewives use baking powder. But often, having disassembled packages from the store at home, you find that this little thing has not been bought. In this case, any culinary masterpiece will be saved by a baking powder made with your own hands.

Why do you need baking powder for dough

In cooking, a baking powder for dough is called a substance that gives splendor and lightness to finished baked goods. The leavening agents used in the dough kneading process are conventionally divided into two groups: biological and chemical.

  • The former include baker's yeast, whose metabolic byproduct is carbon dioxide, which makes baked goods fluffy.
  • The second variety is more often found on store shelves in small bags with the inscription: "Baking powder" or "Baking powder".

What is hidden in these small bags and will it be possible to prepare an analogue of this ingredient on your own at home? This will be discussed further.

DIY baking powder without citric acid

Among the chemical "fluffers" of the dough in cooking, the following are most often used:

  1. Ammonium carbonate (or just ammonium), which decomposes with the release of carbon dioxide when heated above 60 degrees. It can be used without precise proportions as it will completely disintegrate in baked goods.
  2. Baking soda, which is essentially a salt of unstable carbonic acid, also releases carbon dioxide when it reacts with more active acids. Its dosage in the dough must be approached very thoroughly, otherwise an unpleasant soda aftertaste in the finished product is guaranteed.

Most commonly, baking soda is combined with citric acid powder to make homemade baking powder.

But there are ways to prepare the desired product without this component:

  1. Tartar is a powdery substance that is a by-product of wine production. To use it as a baking powder, mix ¼ teaspoon baking soda and 2/3 teaspoons of tartar powder into one serving.
  2. Dried cranberries or black currants. The strong enough organic acids contained in these berries will do an excellent job of neutralizing the soda in the dough. For baking powder based on them, it is necessary to grind dry berries in a coffee grinder to a powder state and mix with soda in a 2: 1 ratio.

Standard recipe with soda and lemon

Our mothers and grandmothers coped with the task of loosening the dough without purchased baking powders and baking powder, while the baked goods turned out to be quite lush and tasty. But extinguishing soda with vinegar or lemon juice has one significant drawback - most of the gases in the open air quickly evaporate.

To avoid this, you can spend just a few minutes making homemade baking powder using baking soda and citric acid.

Since both substances are added to the dough in dry form, and the reaction between them occurs directly during baking, the products are more airy.

So, to prepare a small portion of a standard baking powder from soda and citric acid, these ingredients must be taken in a 1: 1 ratio, that is, one teaspoon of soda is mixed with a teaspoon of citric acid.

An important point: citric acid is often sold in the form of large crystals or granules, therefore, in order for it to interact better with soda, it should be ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state or crushed in a mortar.

Such a baking powder should not be cooked in large portions, since even a small amount of moisture trapped in it can provoke the onset of a reaction, and the baking powder will deteriorate.

With corn or potato starch

In order to prevent the components of the baking powder (soda and citric acid) from prematurely reacting, and to extend the shelf life of the powder, a loose base is added to it. One of these bases can be corn starch or potato starch.

This product does not have a pronounced smell or taste, but, meanwhile, it is able to absorb excess moisture, improve the quality of flour and make baked goods looser and more airy. For such purposes, it is possible to use potato, corn or rice starch.

  • Using a potato-based product to make a homemade baking powder or simply add to the dough will be appropriate in combination with dairy and sour milk products. Otherwise, there is a risk that the flour product will be bland.
  • Cornstarch is an ideal product for making desserts, it, like potato, makes baked goods very fluffy and fluffy. This product has a finer structure and lower calorie content.
  • Rice starch imparts thickness and viscosity to flowable mixtures, so it is more often used for making sauces, puddings, syrups and jam, as well as for thickening pie fillings. In the preparation of homemade baking powder, its use is also acceptable.

To make a baking powder for dough with your own hands based on starch, you should take:

  • 12 parts of a starch base (potato or corn);
  • 5 parts of dry, not slaked, soda;
  • 3 parts ground to a fine powder of citric acid.

How to cook it yourself:

  1. Measure out the required amount of ingredients using a small measuring spoon or teaspoon.
  2. Mix everything in one container. In order for the baking powder components to be evenly distributed in the finished powder, it is better to sift the mixture several times through a fine mesh strainer.
  3. Transfer the finished baking powder into a dry and tightly closed container.

When making homemade baking powder, it is important to keep both the measuring spoons and the storage container completely dry.

Baking powder with flour

Not only starch is able to separate soda and citric acid from premature interaction. Flour also copes with this task.

In this case, the proportions of baking powder will be the same as in the recipe with starch, but if you have an electronic scale at hand, you can measure the weight of the components in grams:

  • 24 g of soda;
  • 15 g citric acid;
  • 61 g flour.

Priority of actions:

  1. Weigh out the required amount of dry ingredients in grams.
  2. Pour the mixture into a prepared container (clean dry jar).
  3. Seal the container hermetically and shake it vigorously so that the composition mixes well.

To protect the baking powder from moisture, which is harmful to its properties, you can put a piece of refined sugar in a jar with it.

One-time dough baking powder: proportions

The shelf life of a baking powder prepared with your own hands for a dough is relatively short - only three weeks. To prolong it, it is often recommended not to mix all its ingredients, but to pour it into a storage container in layers. First - a layer of soda, then it should be divided with a layer of flour (starch), and sprinkle with lemon on top.

Only such a layering of homemade baking powder can be preserved until the first use, and then during the intake of the product, all its components are mixed, therefore, if the hostess does not bake often, it will be useful to know the proportions for preparing the baking powder at one time.

  1. If the recipe requires 1 teaspoon of slaked soda, then a serving of the supplement made from ½ teaspoon of baking soda and ½ teaspoon of citric acid powder will completely replace it.
  2. Taking the obtained homemade baking powder with the addition of starch or flour, its amount corresponding to 1 teaspoon of soda should be increased to two teaspoons. Only owners of precise electronic scales can make such an amount of powder by mixing 12 g of flour, 5 g of soda and 3 g of citric acid. Without electronic scales, you will need to take about 1.2 teaspoons of flour, half a teaspoon of soda and about a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

A mixture of fat and granulated sugar

In addition to the usual self-loosening products that can release gases during chemical reactions or metabolism (yeast, soda, ammonium), there is another type of leavening agents - loosening products.

They can become loose on their own or in a mixture with other products, under mechanical stress (beating with a mixer or whisk). These include:

  1. Gelatin, agar-agar and pectin substances that add fluffiness and airiness to mousse desserts.
  2. Eggs, the ability of which to break apart is successfully used in biscuit dough.
  3. A mixture of fat and granulated sugar, which allows, with proper kneading, to obtain a loose shortbread dough even without adding baking powder.

What happens to fat and sugar during active work with a mixer or whisk? They turn into a lush mass, trapping and holding air bubbles in themselves. The second point: any fat (butter, margarine, cooking oil, lard, and others) contains a certain amount of water. Thus, during baking, the high temperature turns the water into steam and the trapped air bubbles expand. All this forms voids in the finished baked goods no worse than baking powder.

Now you can be sure that forgetting to buy a baking powder, you can easily replace it with the means at hand. This means that pies and buns in your house will definitely not run out!


Today I want to tell you about a baking powder for the dough, is it possible to replace the baking powder with soda, which can be used instead of a baking powder, and I will share with you my secret of how to make a baking powder at home.

We add baking powder to the dough to give it airiness and lightness. This effect is due to the release of carbon dioxide, which gives the dough volume. When heated, a reaction occurs and gas is released, thereby voids are formed and the dough rises. For example, yeast dough is so fluffy and airy because of the yeast it contains, it is they that provide the release of CO2. When working with other types of dough, as a rule, we use a baking powder. Or there is a recipe where only baking soda is used. How can this be, and how then will the dough rise? Please note that such recipes contain acidic products (kefir, honey, lemon juice), they just react with soda. And sometimes recipes contain both baking soda and baking powder. This is usually muffin dough.

Most housewives use soda with vinegar as a baking powder, but I do not recommend this method to you, due to the fact that the reaction occurs immediately after adding vinegar to the soda and most of the carbon dioxide escapes into the air, practically not remaining in the mass of the baked product. and the taste of soda is sometimes felt in ready-made dishes, and this is clearly not encouraging. So to the question "can soda be used instead of baking powder?" I will answer you: - there is a better way. I use, and I advise you, in baking, a baking powder made by hand. The advantage of this baking powder is that the reaction occurs directly in the dough, the released carbon dioxide does not evaporate into the air, the dough is very airy, about 2 times more luxuriant than with soda, and the price of the resulting baking powder is several times less than buying in a store (additional saving the family budget).

So how to make baking powder at home? To do this we need: a dry jar (in which we will store our baking powder), flour, soda and citric acid. On the Internet, the following recipe is widespread: 3 teaspoons of citric acid 5 tsp. Soda 12 tsp. FlourI want to draw your attention, if you look at the turnover of your favorite dough powder, you will see the composition in grams, so measure the grams to the parts is not entirely correct. We look at the composition of the baking powder: Flour - 12.2 g Soda - 4.8 g Citric acid - 3 g It is difficult to measure such an amount at home, so we multiply by 10 and turn to the table of measures and weights. It says that in 1 teaspoon of flour - 10 g, soda - 12 g, citric acid - 8 g. What do we get? A different proportion of ingredients in spoons, but according to grams.

So, I came up with a baking powder recipe for myself and have been using it for a long time. Flour - 12 teaspoons or starch (there is not much difference in what to use, except that starch will increase the shelf life of our baking powder) Soda - 5 teaspoons Citric acid - 3.75 teaspoons (but not in granules, but ground in a coffee grinder) And which recipe to choose, decide for yourself.

We put all the ingredients in a jar, mix it all with a dry spoon, or simply close the jar with a lid and shake it a little so that everything is mixed. I draw your attention to the fact that citric acid should be taken with small granules, but this is practically not on sale, so grind it in a coffee grinder or in another way. You can put the right amount of acid on a sheet of paper, cover with a second sheet of paper and roll with a rolling pin with good pressure several times until the graininess suits you.

Here is such an easy-to-prepare and very inexpensive recipe, and most importantly, very effective. Give it a try and see the benefits of using a baking powder instead of baking soda.
http: //www..php? journalid \u003d 3803925 & jpostid \u003d 253914940 & action \u003d draft

Many bakers have a little trick that allows the dough to become fluffy, soft and not stick together into one lump, even if it does not contain yeast - this is a baking powder. It is sold in stores, dry mixes, spices and bakery products. The most common volume of one sachet of baking powder is 10 grams, but this acid and salt mixture can be easily made at home. Baking powder, as it is also called, consists of only three components mixed in certain proportions. Prepare yourself the required amount of baking powder yourself, without much expense and difficulty.

Take a dry small jar and a kitchen scale. Strictly adhere to the amount of ingredients written in the recipe, as too much or too little baking powder may taste unpleasant to the dough and baked goods, or not have the desired effect. Hands and mixing spoons should also be absolutely dry and clean. Take the jar with a lid so that later you can store the remaining product covered and protected from moisture. Depending on the volume of the dough, you need a certain amount of powder. For 500 grams of flour, there are about two teaspoons of baking powder. Pour six teaspoons of flour into a jar, just for a small amount of powder. Do it a little, because it will not be stored for a long time, and if it remains, then close the lid tightly and put the jar in a dark and dry place. The flour in the baking powder can be replaced by potato starch or powdered sugar. Add 2.5 teaspoons of baking soda to the flour. If you use more baking soda, the dough will taste like baking soda and become very porous and ruin it. Using less baking soda may not give the desired reaction and the dough will not rise at all. Therefore, it is very important to observe the proportions of cooking. Pour the third ingredient into the mixture, citric acid, in an amount equal to 1.5 teaspoons. This acidic powder is very important for the baking powder reaction. Stir the contents of the jar with a dry spoon or shake it well and you can use the powder as directed immediately after preparation. You can also use just baking soda, slaked with vinegar, as a baking powder. To do this, put one teaspoon of baking soda in a tablespoon and drip a little vinegar into it. When there is a bubble reaction and a hissing sound is heard, pour the contents of a spoon into the dough and stir. This must be done very quickly, otherwise carbon dioxide, which loosens baked goods, will go into the air.

Add baking powder only to the dry part of the dough, for example, to a mixture of flour, sugar and salt, only then combine everything with the liquid. Citric acid can be replaced with any other product with an acidic medium, kefir, sour cream, vinegar, apple cider vinegar, tartar. It is important that all utensils for making baking powder are dry and clean to avoid premature reactions. One of the additional advantages of a homemade baking powder is its cost, which is about three times lower than a bag of store baking powder.