Sodium lactate to neutralize lactic acid. Food antioxidant E325 Sodium lactate

02.11.2019 Seafood dishes

Possible names:
Sodium Lactate
Sodium lactate
sodium lactic acid
Sodium lactate

Appearance: transparent syrupy homogeneous liquid without suspended particles and sediment.

Environment reaction - 6.5-7.0 pH.

Solubility: in the water - good.

Description:sodium lactate is a salt of lactic acid. A hygroscopic substance that is often used as a substitute for glycerin in lotions and creams, not only because it is a great moisturizer, but also because it does not add stickiness.

Receiving:when lactic acid interacts with alkali, sodium lactate is formed.

Application of sodium lactate:

  1. In soap making
    It is added as an asset at the end of soap preparation or added to water before adding lye. By adding sodium lactate to the soap, you will get a moisturizing soap that will not dry out even sensitive skin prone to allergies, and the soap itself will be harder and smoother. Sodium lactate soap is easier to cut, crumbles less, and is used for hardening due to its excellent properties.

  2. In skin care products
    in face and body skin care products. By adding sodium lactate to a cream or emulsion for the face and / or body, you will receive a product that creates a breathable "film" on the skin that protects against external influences, wind, cold - a real salvation for damaged skin of any type;

  3. In creaming
    Reduces the stickiness (fat content) of creams and emulsions. Gives creams and lotions a soft and smooth feeling when applied, also used to improve glide in aqueous products (no oils);

  4. PSh regulator
    used as a buffer agent (to regulate the pH level) in the manufacture of detergents

  5. Food supplement
    It is used in the food industry as a food additive E-325 as an acidity regulator, humectant, emulsifying salt, antioxidant synergist. Enhancer of taste and aroma: Substances that have neither taste nor odor, but enhance the taste of any dish. They can mask the poor quality of the original components. Preservative: Preservatives significantly increase the shelf life of products.

Cosmetic effect of sodium lactate:

  • is the most powerful moisturizer

  • restores the damaged lipid layer of the skin and literally brings dehydrated skin back to life

  • has an antibacterial effect, being an antiseptic, improves the safety of cosmetics

  • creates a breathable film on the skin that retains moisture in it and protects against the negative effects of the environment (wind, cold, temperature changes)

  • for soap: 1-3%. When a higher percentage of sodium lactate is added, the soap becomes tiny.
  • whitening, lightening agents 1-5%;
  • cleansers for hair, face and body;
  • creams, lotions with a moisturizing effect of 1-3%.


Possesses photosensitizing properties, may increase the risk of sunburn. In rare cases, it causes reactions of individual intolerance - itching, rash, burning. When sodium lactate is introduced into the formulation of a cosmetic product, it is necessary to carefully select the ingredients, since it enhances the penetration of the assets deep into the skin and can facilitate the absorption of certain substances into the bloodstream.


The main condition for storing sodium lactate is a cool, dark place. It is not advisable to store it next to products with a strong specific smell.

Obtaining sodium lactate from lactic acid and alkali

When making soap from scratch, you can get sodium lactate by adding lactic acid to the recipe. As a result of the reaction between it and alkali, sodium lactate is formed. Lactic acid (80%) is introduced at a concentration of up to 1%; for each gram of milk, 0.3 grams of NaOH or 0.4976 grams (0.5 g can be considered) of KOH is additionally taken.

The food additive under the classification code marking E 325, which has a rather voluminous spectrum of action and performs a number of technological functions, belongs to the category of preservative emulsifiers.

It plays the role of an acidity regulator, acts as an antioxidant, as well as a melting salt. Some products use the water-holding properties of this substance. It is also used as a preservative and emulsifier.


Danger:almost zero level;

Synonymous names:E 325, sodium lactate, E-325, Sodium Lactate, sodium lactic acid.

General information

Physical characteristics indicate that SodiumLactate, another name for the substance, is powder (crystalline) and white in color. It dissolves quite well in water. Most often it is used already dissolved. This form usually contains foreign impurities and has the form of a liquid of viscous consistency.

The color scheme depends on the manufacturer and on the quality. It can be practically colorless or reach different shades of brown. Solutions usually have a soda odor and a salty taste.

In the form of a chemical ratio of substances, sodium lactic acid will look like this: C 3 H 5 NaO 3.

It is lactic acid that acts as a raw material base for the production of the additive. The food additive obtained in the process of synthesis has different properties. Acts as an emulsifier, high-quality preservative, an effective acidity regulator.

SodiumLactate improves certain properties of foods, in particular color, taste, structure. Milcause-Natrium, as the preservative is also called, prevents drying out of food, moreover, it has an antibacterial effect. Thanks to the additive, the storage period is also extended.

Effect on the body


The presence of impurities that E-325 gets during the production process makes the additive to some extent harmful to the body. Undesirable negative characteristics and the possible presence of genetically modified components in the preservative are added.

The harmfulness of E 325 also increases due to its synthetic nature. Although naturally due to sodium lactate can be produced in the body. However, it is not recommended to give products containing SodiumLactate to children. The liver of infants does not have that volume of enzymes that promotes the processing of this form of lactate.


Studies carried out in relation to E-325, at this stage, have not determined the benefits for the body of this type of food additive.


Various branches of the food industry use E 325 in their production. The substance is actively used in bakery products to acidify them. Sodium lactate is also used in the production of sweets such as marshmallows, marmalade, caramel.

Thanks to E 325, the uniformity of brine is achieved when preserving vegetables, the shelf life is extended and the appearance of meat products changes for the better, the taste characteristics of various drinks are improved.

Assumes the use of E 325 and the production of processed cheeses. In this regard, the substance is used as a melting salt. By increasing the thermal stability of milk, SodiumLactate acts as a stabilizing salt.

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries also use E-325 in their production. The substance is added to some medicines, soap (liquid), shampoos, creams.


Legislation does not prohibit the use of E 325 in food in many countries, as indicated by certain regulatory documents. This applies to both Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

Sodium lactate E325 or sodium salt of lactic acid (sodium lactic acid) is a food antioxidant, it is a homogeneous syrupy liquid or powder, in which there are no precipitates and particles. Sodium lactate is obtained by neutralizing lactic acid obtained as a result of fermentation of sugary substances. It is used in the food industry as a food additive E325 as an acidity regulator, water-retaining agent, emulsifying salt, antioxidant synergist. The chemical name is sodium 2-hydroxypropionate, the chemical formula is C3H5O3Na. From the point of view of physicochemical properties, this additive is a sodium salt of lactic acid. Enhances antioxidant action in foods and has the ability to absorb moisture, acting as a moisture scavenger.

In the food industry, sodium lactate is actively using this substance as a moisture absorber, since the antioxidant is able not only to perfectly absorb moisture in food, but also to enhance the antioxidant effect in them. As a rule, the food antioxidant E325 sodium lactate is used in the production of bakery products to acidify the dough, which determines the characteristic taste of the finished product. In addition, it is known to use this additive in the production of frozen meat products that are stored in vacuum packages - sodium lactate E325 significantly extends their shelf life. You can find sodium lactate in dry biscuits and unprocessed ham. In the process of canning vegetables, the addition of a food antioxidant helps to achieve uniformity of the brine, along with improving the taste of finished products, which contain tomatoes, olives, onions and gherkins.

Sodium lactate is effectively used in the production of confectionery creams, liqueurs and cocktails, not only prolongs their shelf life, but also improves the organoleptic properties of the finished product. In the manufacture of caramel, marmalade and marshmallow, the additive helps to reduce the viscosity of the mass during boiling. And when the food antioxidant sodium lactate E325 is added to processed curds, this substance plays the role of a melting salt.

In the human body, sodium lactate is naturally produced by intestinal bacteria. However, products with the E325 supplement should not be given to infants, since their bodies do not yet have enough liver enzymes that help to assimilate the form of lactate. Despite its name, sodium lactate contains no milk protein, i.e. people who are allergic to dairy products may not be afraid of E325 supplements.

Sodium lactate is also used in the manufacture of cosmetics such as shampoos and liquid soaps, as well as in some pharmaceuticals.

Food additive E325 is included in the list of approved food additives in Russia and Europe.

Sodium lactate is called the sodium salt of lactic acid, which has the chemical formula C3H5NaO3. The substance is registered as a food additive-antioxidant and acidity regulator, as well as a moisture-retaining agent (calorizator). In the international classification, sodium lactate has an E325 index.

General characteristics of sodium lactate

Sodium lactate is a white powdery crystal, but is more commonly known as a syrupy, viscous, light brown liquid, readily soluble in water. The process of obtaining E325 is the neutralization of lactic acid formed during the fermentation of sugar-containing products.

The benefits and harms of sodium lactate

Sodium lactate can be produced naturally in the human body by intestinal bacteria. There is no milk protein in E325, so products containing sodium lactate can be consumed by those who suffer from lactose intolerance. The daily intake of E325 has not been established, but the substance is not recommended for baby food, because the child's body does not have a sufficient amount of liver enzymes.

Application of E325

E325 is a strong preservative that prolongs the shelf life of food products and improves their organoleptic properties. In its composition, sodium lactate contains meat products in vacuum packaging, especially frozen, bakery products, liqueurs, creams, pickles. As a humectant, E325 does not allow products to dry out.

In addition to the food industry, sodium lactate is used in the production of shampoos and liquid soaps, medicines.

E325 use in Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of the food additive Sodium Lactate is allowed as a preservative and water-binding additive.

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The product's name

The conditions for using the antioxidant are regulated by GOST 31642–2012.

The same document fixes the name of the product - sodium lactic acid (sodium lactate).

The international name is Sodium lactate. The index in the European codification is E 325 (E-325).

There are synonyms:

  • food grade sodium lactate;
  • Sodium 2-hydroxypropionate, chemical name;
  • Milchsaure-Natrium, Natriumlactat, German term;
  • lactate de sodium, French.

Substance type

The food supplement is an aqueous solution of sodium salt of lactic acid.

The feedstock is lactic acid (E 270), with a concentration of at least 60%. The acid neutralization reaction with sodium carbonate or technical grade B soda ash (premium grade) makes it possible to obtain a white crystalline powder. The substance is highly hygroscopic.

Food supplement E 325 belongs to the group of antioxidants. The properties of sodium lactic acid are similar to the derived raw materials.


Indicator Standard values
Color not darker than light yellow
Composition sodium salt of lactic acid; empirical formula NaC3H5O3, structural formula CH3CH (OH) COONa
Appearance transparent viscous liquid, less often hygroscopic crystals
Smell weak soda
Solubility good in water, alcohols, ethers
Main substance content 55%
Taste brackish
Density 1,28
Others crystals melt easily, PH 6.5-7.5


Sodium lactate is usually supplied to industrial enterprises in liquid form (the concentration of solutions is 40 and 80%).

The packaging containers are:

  • metal barrels for food liquids (standard volume 30 and 50 dm3);
  • plastic cans;
  • polyethylene barrels;
  • glass bottles.

The use of other containers is allowed. For example, the Netherlands supplies food additive E 325 in 1300 kg cubes.

The polymeric material must meet safety requirements and be labeled "For food".

Store antioxidant E 325 in a cool dark place.


Sodium lactate has a potentiated effect against other antioxidants.

The main application of the food additive E 325 is found in food production due to a wide range of technological functions:

  • water-retaining agent in sausages, frozen meat products in vacuum packaging (additionally acts as a color fixer);
  • acidity regulator in canned vegetables and fruits;
  • emulsifying salt for liqueurs, confectionery creams, mayonnaise (prevents delamination);
  • preservative, inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • melting salt in cheeses;
  • flour improver filler, used to acidify dough (flour and bakery products);
  • stabilizer of consistency in the boiling of fruit masses in the manufacture of marmalade, jam, jam, caramel, marshmallow (additionally reduces the viscosity, protects from drying out);
  • stabilizer salt in the production of condensed milk (increases thermal stability).

In baby food products, sodium lactic acid L (+) is permitted only as an acidity regulator.

Codex Alimentarius allows the use of sodium lactate in 5 standards: mayonnaise, jams, fruit preserves, spreads, broths and soups according to GMP standards.

Antioxidant E 325 is approved in all countries. The daily consumption rate is unlimited.

Food additive E 325 is in demand among manufacturers of cosmetic products.

Sodium lactate as an antiseptic and antioxidant prolongs the shelf life of products.

Part of:

  • creams and emulsions for skin care, including whitening (natural moisturizer, keratolytic, improves texture);
  • tonics and lotions for face and hands as a substitute for glycerin (reduces stickiness, promotes better application);
  • liquid detergents (gels, shampoos) as a buffering agent, acidity level regulator;
  • soap (protects against drying out and cracking, improves the quality of foaming).

In medicine, 10% sodium lactic acid solution is used to increase blood pressure, nourish the heart muscle, and stabilize the liver and kidneys.

The substance acts as an antidote for methyl alcohol poisoning. Intravenous administration of sodium lactate brings a person out of shock.

Other areas of application:

  • in animal husbandry for the treatment of ketosis in cows (normalizes metabolism);
  • production of tobacco (water-retaining agent);
  • as part of a solution for chemical tinning of parts made of copper alloys.

Benefit and harm

Sodium lactic acid as a natural component of the intestinal microflora can be considered a safe supplement.

Antioxidant E 325 is allowed for people who are allergic to milk: there is no milk protein in the additive.

In summer, care should be taken to use cosmetics with sodium lactate: the substance increases the risk of sunburn.

Most often, potassium propionate is added to bread with a long shelf life.

In what products is E270 used and can this food additive harm the human body? Find out about it here.

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Chemical name

Sodium 2-hydroxypropanoate

Chemical properties

Sodium Lactate is the sodium salt of lactic acid. According to its physical properties, it is a white fine-crystalline powder with a salty taste. The medicine is obtained by fermenting sugar beets or corn and neutralizing the resulting milk to-you. The molecular weight of a chemical compound \u003d 112.1 grams per mole.

The substance is used in medicine and the food industry. The agent is added to food as an acidity regulator, humectant, emulsifying salt or antioxidant synergist. Food additive E325 is used for the preparation of emulsion liqueurs, cocktails, creams, when storing meat in a vacuum package; for making brine with gherkins, olives, onions and tomatoes; to acidify the dough; found in some shampoos and liquid soaps.

Harm of Sodium Lactate

This chemical compound is approved for use in the food industry in the EU and CIS countries. Moreover, in small quantities, this substance is produced in the human intestine. Due to the fact that E325 does not contain milk protein, it can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance. It is not recommended to add the product to baby food.

pharmachologic effect

Normalizing water and electrolyte balance.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Sodium Lactate compensates for the lack of important cations (potassium, sodium, calcium) in the extracellular fluid. After intravenous administration, the solution is distributed through the tissues within half an hour, metabolized to bicarbonate, and has an alkalizing effect.

Indications for use

Sodium Lactate is used:

  • with hypovolemia and dehydration, accompanied by mild acidosis and normal acid base balance;
  • in patients with severe diarrhea and vomiting;
  • with extensive burns, severe infections, peritonitis;
  • to maintain a normal volume of extracellular fluid before, during and after surgery;
  • as first aid for shock, trauma, blood loss.


The substance should not be used:

  • with severe hepatic and acute renal failure;
  • patients with pulmonary edema, lactic acidosis and alkalosis;
  • with hypertensive dehydration.

Side effects

Adverse reactions from the use of Sodium Lactate are extremely rare. When very large dosages are used, imbalance in water and electrolyte balance, hypernatremia, hypercalcemia, hypervolemia, hyperkalemia and hyperchloremia may develop.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Medicines with Sodium Lactate are administered intravenously, slowly (about 60 drops per minute). The maximum dosage is 2500 ml per day. The treatment regimen depends on the indications and condition of the patient.


Possible electrolyte imbalance, metabolic alkalosis (the solution is administered too quickly). Therapy - according to the manifested symptoms. Most often, the patient gets better after stopping the administration of the drug.


Sodium Lactate solution can be mixed with atracurium besylate solution, from 0.5 to 0.9 mg per ml. It is advisable to use the finished mixture within 4 hours.

Caution is observed while treating patients with corticotropin and corticosteroids.

special instructions

The medicine is used as a temporary measure for emergencies. It is recommended to replace the remedy in case of severe deficiency of potassium, sodium and calcium ions.

In case of overdose in patients with renal failure, hemodialysis is indicated.

During pregnancy and lactation

The substance can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women according to indications, after consultation with a specialist.

Preparations which contain (Analogues)

Matching ATX level 4:

Drug analogues: Pyrasal S / PF 50, Ringer Lactate, Hartman's solution, Lactate-Ringer's solution with magnesium, Bieffe's complex sodium lactate solution, Ringer's Lactate Viaflo.


Medicines based on this substance are well tolerated by patients, rarely cause side reactions. After intravenous administration of solutions, the patient's condition quickly returns to normal.


Food supplement E325 is an antioxidant that is a sodium salt of lactic acid. It is obtained by neutralizing lactic acid released during the fermentation of sugary substances. Salt increases the antioxidant effect in food and helps absorb excess moisture. Therefore, it is often used as a desiccant. The food additive is highly soluble in water. Sodium lactate is commonly used as a light brown liquid. The consistency of the liquid resembles a syrup, in which there is no sediment and suspended particles. But the substance itself is a powder consisting of white crystals.


Food additive E325 is widely used in the food industry as an antioxidant synergist, emulsifier, acidity regulator and moisture retention agent.

Sodium lactate has been successfully used to improve organoleptic properties and extend the shelf life of cocktails, creams and emulsion liqueurs. You can find a food additive in meat and meat products that are vacuum-sealed at very low temperatures. When canning, the sodium salt of lactic acid makes the brine homogeneous and improves the taste of tomatoes, onions, gherkins and olives. The food additive in bakery provides the characteristic taste by acidifying the dough.

Outside of the food industry, sodium lactate is used in the cosmetics industry to make liquid soaps and shampoos. Salt is found in some medicines.

E325 harm

In the human body, sodium lactate is formed independently by intestinal bacteria, so the food additive E325 does not pose any harm to health. But you should not give food containing sodium lactate to infants due to the incomplete readiness of their body to absorb this substance. People with milk allergies can easily add these foods to their diet, as they do not contain milk protein.

General information

Physical characteristics indicate that SodiumLactate, another name for the substance, is powder (crystalline) and white in color. It dissolves quite well in water. Most often it is used already dissolved. This form usually contains foreign impurities and has the form of a liquid of viscous consistency.

The color scheme depends on the manufacturer and on the quality. It can be practically colorless or reach different shades of brown. Solutions usually have a soda odor and a salty taste.

In the form of a chemical ratio of substances, sodium lactic acid will look like this: C3H5NaO3.

It is lactic acid that acts as a raw material base for the production of the additive. The food additive obtained in the process of synthesis has different properties. Acts as an emulsifier, high-quality preservative, an effective acidity regulator.

SodiumLactate improves certain properties of foods, in particular color, taste, structure. Milcause-Natrium, as the preservative is also called, prevents drying out of food, moreover, it has an antibacterial effect. Thanks to the additive, the storage period is also extended.

Effect on the body


The presence of impurities that E-325 gets during the production process makes the additive to some extent harmful to the body. Undesirable negative characteristics and the possible presence of genetically modified components in the preservative are added.

The harmfulness of E 325 also increases due to its synthetic nature. Although naturally due to bacteria (intestinal), sodium lactate can be produced in the body. However, it is not recommended to give products containing SodiumLactate to children. The liver of infants does not have that volume of enzymes that promotes the processing of this form of lactate.


Studies carried out in relation to E-325, at this stage, have not determined the benefits for the body of this type of food additive.


Various branches of the food industry use E 325 in their production. The substance is actively used in bakery products to acidify them. Sodium lactate is also used in the production of sweets such as marshmallows, marmalade, caramel.

Thanks to E 325, the uniformity of brine is achieved when preserving vegetables, the shelf life is extended and the appearance of meat products changes for the better, the taste characteristics of various drinks are improved.

Assumes the use of E 325 and the production of processed cheeses. In this regard, the substance is used as a melting salt. By increasing the thermal stability of milk, SodiumLactate acts as a stabilizing salt.

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries also use E-325 in their production. The substance is added to some medicines, soap (liquid), shampoos, creams.

Sodium lactate - a substance in nature, its production and chemical properties

In its natural form, the element is present in human skin. It can also be produced by intestinal bacteria from lactic acid.

In appearance, the substance is hygroscopic crystals with melting properties, or a viscous liquid with a syrupy consistency, usually with a concentration of 35 to 60 percent. The taste of the additive is salty, and the smell is similar to that of soda. The color of the substance can be whitish, yellow, ocher or light brown. E325 additive has good water solubility. For industrial purposes, the additive has recently been used in the form of a powder with 4 percent silica and 0.4 percent oil to inhibit the formation of lumps.

  • Sodium lactate - a substance in nature, its production and chemical properties
  • Features of the use of the additive in various industries
  • How does sodium lactate work when it gets into food
  • Effects on the human body
  • Features of storage of the substance

Sodium lactate is produced by neutralizing lactic acid with sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide. In this case, the substance may contain impurities of sodium salts of polylactic acid.

Manufacturers of the food, cosmetic and chemical industries value the E325 additive as an emulsifier that improves the consistency of the product and stabilizes its structure; as an enhancer of taste and odor, since the component is able to improve the taste of food; as a preservative that can significantly increase the shelf life of products and protect them from weathering and oxidation, preserve the color and smell of food; as an acidity regulator capable of setting and stabilizing a specific level of an acidic environment.

Features of the use of the additive in various industries

Due to its water-retaining, stabilizing, preserving properties, food manufacturers add it to various products:

  • emulsion liqueurs, cocktails, creams;
  • frozen meat products;
  • pickles for canning vegetables (olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, gherkins);
  • dough, flour and baked goods;
  • marshmallow, marmalade, jelly, hard caramel, condensed milk;
  • processed cheese;
  • preserves, jams;
  • sauces and mayonnaises, broths and dry bouillon cubes;
  • cracker.

In bread and rolls, the component plays the role of a dough improver, makes its structure more porous and helps to reduce voids. In marshmallows, marmalade and caramel, the substance improves the viscosity of the mass and changes the gelling parameters. For processed curds, the additive acts as a melting salt together with citrates and phosphates. In meat products, sodium lactate inhibits the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms and improves their color. To regulate the acidity level, it is added to jams, mayonnaises, sauces, preserves.

The cosmetic industry uses 40-80% sodium lactate solutions due to its following properties:

  • moisturizing the skin;
  • reducing the stickiness and fat content of emulsions, lotions and creams;
  • antiseptic action that prevents goods from spoiling due to bacterial development;
  • giving a feeling of softness and improving sliding when applying creams, lotions;
  • buffer for the regulation of acidity in detergents;
  • increasing the hardness of the soap, making it smooth and preventing drying out.

When cosmetics with sodium lactate are applied to the skin, an invisible film is created on its surface that allows air to pass through. It retains moisture in the skin and protects it from heat.

It is used to make:

  • soap;
  • detergents;
  • creams, lotions;
  • bleaching agents;
  • cleansing cosmetics for hair, face, body.

The constant use of body care products with a sodium lactate content of 5 to 12% helps to smooth expression lines and increase skin elasticity.

In toothpastes, the component has a whitening effect on tooth enamel.

In addition, the additive is found in the composition of some medicines.

How does sodium lactate work when it gets into food

The substance can act on bacterial cells in several ways. First, lactic acid can penetrate the cell membrane and oxidize its interior. Secondly, lactate can reduce the activity coefficient of water, as a result of which cells lose their ability to grow and reproduce.


  • % 82% D1% 80% D0% B8% D1% 8F

The chemical name of the food antioxidant E325 Sodium lactate sounds like sodium 2-hydroxypropionate. Its chemical formula is presented as follows - С3Н5О3Na, while at the molecular level - СН3СН (ОН) СООNa. From the point of view of the physicochemical properties of the food antioxidant E325 Sodium Lactate, this additive is the sodium salt of another acid - lactic acid.

Externally, the food antioxidant is a homogeneous syrupy liquid, which is characterized by the absence of any precipitates or particles. 6.7-7.6 is the acidity of a 1% solution of this substance, and the density of a 50% solution is 1.28. Due to the fact that this isomer is obtained by neutralizing the lactic acid, the properties of the food antioxidant E325 Lactate repeat the characteristics of the feedstock - it dissolves perfectly in water.

In the food industry, this substance is actively used as a moisture absorber, since the antioxidant is able not only to perfectly absorb moisture in food, but also to enhance the antioxidant effect in them. As a rule, the food antioxidant E325 Sodium Lactate is used in the production of bakery products to acidify the dough, which determines the characteristic taste of the finished product.

In addition, it is known to use this additive in the production of frozen meat products that are stored in vacuum packages - E325 significantly extends their shelf life. You can find sodium lactate in dry biscuits and unprocessed ham.

In the process of canning vegetables, the addition of a food antioxidant helps to achieve uniformity of the brine, along with improving the taste of finished products, which contain tomatoes, olives, onions and gherkins.

E325 is effectively used in the production of confectionery creams, liqueurs and cocktails - it not only prolongs their shelf life, but also improves the organoleptic properties of the finished product. In the manufacture of caramel, marmalade and marshmallow, the additive helps to reduce the viscosity of the mass during boiling. And when the food antioxidant E325 Sodium Lactate is added to processed curds, this substance plays the role of a melting salt.

Harm of food antioxidant E325 Sodium lactate

Despite the fact that a person knows the probable harm of the food antioxidant E325 sodium lactate to the body, its use is not prohibited in the EU countries and in Ukraine. And this is even after the tests and studies to identify side effects have not yielded reliable results that would justify its use.

In addition, there are no clear limits on what the dietary supplement should be in. It is only known that the harm of the food antioxidant E325 sodium lactate is especially obvious for children, as well as people with lactose intolerance. In this regard, it is advisable for such a category of people not to consume food products containing this additive.

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